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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)



addAggregateColumn(String, String, String, ColumnDef.AggregateFunction) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef
Requests an attribute value to be included in the result set rows, the vaue of which is determined by an aggregate function.
addColumn(String, String) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef
Requests an attribute value to be included in the result set rows.
addColumn(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef
Requests an attribute value to be included in the result set rows.
addCriterion(FilterCriterion) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AggregateFilterCriterion
Adds another FilterCriterion to the AggregateFilterCriterion.
addDataChangeListener(DataChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.InteractiveSession
Registers a listener with this session to recieve all data change events.
addDataChangeListener(DataChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.TemporalEngine
Attaches a DataChangeListener to this temporal engine, allowing events to be detected in all business transactions.
addFilterCriterion(Filter) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.AggregateFilter
Adds a filter criterion to the list to include when testing the filter.
addFilterCriterion(String, Filter) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.NamedAggregateFilter
Adds a filter criterion that should be associated to a particular object key.
addFilterCriterion(Filter) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.QuerySubject
Adds a filter criterion relative to this subject.
addJoin(String, QuerySubject, boolean) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.QuerySubject
Adds a reference object join to add a related subject during the search.
addMixinType(SnapshotObject, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.InteractiveSnapshotSession
Adds the provided mix-in type to the object.
addRelationshipPathChange(RelationshipPathChange) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectChangeEvent
Adds a RelationshipPathChange to the event.
addSort(String, String, ColumnSetDef.SortOrder) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef
Requests the results be sorted by a particular attribute's value.
AggregateFilter - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
A Filter that is a logical aggregate.
AggregateFilter(int) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.AggregateFilter
Creates an empty filter.
AggregateFilterCriterion - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A filter criteria that supports grouping other filters together in logical sets.
AggregateFilterCriterion(String) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AggregateFilterCriterion
Creates an AggregateFilterCriterion with the provided condition.
ALL - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Resource
Static variable representing all.
ALL_PERMISSIONS - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Permission
Static variable representing any, for all permissions.
Approver - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role
The representation of an approverRole object.
Argument - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
A definition and placeholder interface for values used in invoking operations.
ArgumentDefinition - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
The interface definition of an argument for an operation.
ArgumentSet - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
Interface for a collection of arguments.
assignRoleOwner(Role, Person) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.InteractiveRoleManager
Set the role's owner.
AttributeChange - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Interface for a particular attribute change.
AttributeChangeSet - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Interface for a set of attribute changes relating to a particular point in value time.
AttributeDefinition - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model
Definition of an attribute within the data model.
AttributeFilter - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
Filter to support filtering by attribute value.
AttributeFilter(String, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.AttributeFilter
Creates an AttributeFilter instance with the provided key and value with the Operator.EQUALS operator.
AttributeFilter(String, Operator, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.AttributeFilter
Creates an AttributeFilter instance with the provided key, operator and value.
AttributeFilterCriterion - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A filter that uses an object's attributes to determine if it should be included.
AttributeFilterCriterion(String, String, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
Creates a FilterCriterion with an implicit AttributeFilterCriterion.OPERATION_EQUALS operation.
AttributeFilterCriterion(String, String, Object, String) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
Creates a FilterCriterion.
AttributeSet - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Interface for a snapshot of a set of attributes/relative objects.
AuditEvent - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit
Interface for audit events in business transactions.
AuditEventDetail - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit
Interface for details of audit events.
AuditSummary - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
AuditSummary interface returned from an Entity.
authenticatePerson(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.AuthenticationManager
Authenticates person in non-SSO mode, for example, in demo installations without a third-party access manager to do the authentication.
authenticatePerson(String) - Static method in class oracle.iam.rm.client.ClientFactory
Authenticates as a person identified by the provided userId.
authenticatePerson(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Authenticates as a person with the provided the user ID.
authenticatePersonFromCredentials(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.iam.rm.client.ClientFactory
Authenticates as a person identified by the provided userId) and password.
authenticatePersonFromCredentials(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Authenticates as a person with the provided username and password.
authenticateSystemIdentity(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.AuthenticationManager
Authenticates a system identity.
authenticateSystemIdentity(String, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.AuthenticationManager
Authenticates a system identity.
authenticateSystemUser(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.iam.rm.client.ClientFactory
Authenticates as a system identity with the provided userId and password.
authenticateSystemUser(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Authenticates as a system user with the provided the user ID and password.
AuthenticationManager - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.authentication
Interface to authenticate a system identity or person.


begin(ArgumentSet) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.BusinessTransactionOperation
Begins the business transaction using this operation.
begin(IdentityToken, String, String, Map) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Begins a new business transaction.
BEGINNING_OF_TIME - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.Constants
Static variable representing beginning of time (1)
BlockingFilter - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
Filter to support blocking of all results, irrespective of value.
BlockingFilter() - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.BlockingFilter
Creates a BlockingFilter instance.
BusinessRole - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role
The representation of a business role.
BusinessTransaction - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
A handle interface that can be used to inspect and operate on running business transactions.
BusinessTransactionOperation - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
Interface for an operation specific to starting a business transaction.


cancel() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.BusinessTransaction
Cancels the business transaction.
cancelBusinessTransaction(IdentityToken, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Cancels an existing business transaction.
cancelBusinessTransaction(long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.TemporalEngine
Cancels the session that represents the business transaction.
cancelBusinessTransaction(long, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.TemporalEngine
Cancels the session that represents the business transaction.
canEdit(ObjectKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotSession
Determines whether a particular object can be edited by its object key.
ChangeSummary - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
AuditSummary interface returned from an Entity.
checkOperation(OperationVerificationRequest[], boolean, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Client
Requests verification for some number of operation requests.
checkOperation(IdentityToken, OperationVerificationRequest[], boolean, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Requests verification for the specified number of operation verification requests.
Client - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
A handle interface to the server, bound to a particular user.
ClientFactory - Class in oracle.iam.rm.client
The source for clients for the Web Client API.
ClientFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.client.ClientFactory
ColumnDef - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
Class that represents a resultset column used by ColumnSetDefs to describe columns returned within search results.
ColumnDef(String) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnDef
Creates a ColumnDef instance with the provided attribute key and no aggregate function.
ColumnDef(String, ColumnDef.AggregateFunction) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnDef
Creates a ColumnDef instance with the provided attribute key with a specified aggregate function.
ColumnDef.AggregateFunction - Enum in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
Enumeration of types of supported aggregate functions.
ColumnMapping - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
Describes how search subject attributes are to be included in a search result.
ColumnMapping(String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ColumnMapping
Creates a new ColumnMapping instance with the provide column name, entity key, and attribute name.
ColumnOrdering - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
Column ordering definition.
ColumnOrdering(String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ColumnOrdering
Creates a ColumnOrdering instance.
ColumnSet - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
Column information used for the search operation.
ColumnSet(ColumnMapping[], ColumnOrdering[], int) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ColumnSet
Creates a ColumnSet instance with the provided mappings, ordering, and page size.
ColumnSetDef - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
A structure to allow definition of how search result columns should be provided and how it should be sorted.
ColumnSetDef() - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef
Creates a ColumnSetDef instance.
ColumnSetDef(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef
Creates a ColumnSetDef instance where the results will be guaranteed unique by the database.
ColumnSetDef.SortEntry - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
A structure to allow description of how the results should be sorted.
ColumnSetDef.SortOrder - Enum in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
Static variables for sort order, asc or desc for ascending or descending sort order.
CompositeValidator - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A validator that can contain other validators.
CompositeValidator(Validator[]) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.CompositeValidator
Creates a CompositeValidator.
CONDITION_AND - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AggregateFilterCriterion
The logical AND condition.
CONDITION_OR - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AggregateFilterCriterion
The logical OR condition.
Constants - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Utility interface containing constants.
ConstraintViolation - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
Interface for a violation of a (typically asynchronously determined) constraint.
create() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerHome
Creates an instance of the Server EJB for use by the calling consumer.
createApprover(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.InteractiveRoleManager
Creates an ApproverRole.
createBusinessRole(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.InteractiveRoleManager
Creates a new business role.
createITRole(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.InteractiveRoleManager
Creates a new IT role.
createObject(String, Map<String, ObjectKey>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.InteractiveSnapshotSession
Creates a new snapshot object.
createPerson() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel.InteractivePersonnelManager
Creates a person with the system defaults.
createRole(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.InteractiveRoleManager
Creates a new role of the type specified.
createRoleMapping(BusinessRole, ITRole) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.InteractiveRoleManager
Maps the specified BusinessRole to the specified ITRole.
createRolePrivilegeMapping(SystemRole, Privilege) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.InteractiveResourceManager
Creates a SysRolePrivilegeMapping object with the provided system role and privilege.
createSystemIdentity(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel.InteractivePersonnelManager
Creates a system identity with the provided identifier.
createSystemRole(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.InteractiveRoleManager
Creates a SystemRole.
CriterionSet - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
Filters information used for search operations.
CriterionSet() - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.CriterionSet
Creates a CriterionSet instance.


DataChangeListener - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Abstract listener that is used to listen for object creation and modification events of the business data.
DataChangeListener() - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.DataChangeListener
Creates a DataChangeListener instance.
DateTime - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A representation of a point in time.
DateTime(long) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.DateTime
Creates a DateTime representing a specific point in time.
DateTime() - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.DateTime
Creates a DateTime representing "transaction time" or "now".
delete() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Makes the object ineffective.
delete(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Makes the object ineffective.


EligibilityRuleException - Exception in oracle.iam.rm.resolution
Thrown by the resolution engine when there is an eligibility rule violation.
EligibilityRuleException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.iam.rm.resolution.EligibilityRuleException
Constructs an EligibilityRuleException with the provided message.
EligibilityRuleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.iam.rm.resolution.EligibilityRuleException
Constructs an EligibilityRuleException with the provided message and cause.
encryptAndMarkValue(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.AuthenticationManager
Encrypts the identifier and password to produce a hashed value to store and reference during authentication.
encryptValue(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.AuthenticationManager
Encrypts the identifier and password to produce a hashed value to store and reference during authentication.
END_OF_TIME - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.Constants
Static variable representing end of time (Long.MAX_VALUE)
Entity - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
Interface for a generified object.
EntityAttribute - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
Interface for an attribute of an entity.
EntityKey - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A Serializable identifier for objects from the server.
EntityKey(String, long) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.EntityKey
Creates a new EntityKey from its constituent data.
EntityKey(String) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.EntityKey
Creates a new EntityKey from its string encoded form from EntityKey.toString().
EntityOperationMapping - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A mapping between an operation on an entity and a regular business operation.
EnumeratedValueValidator - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A validator that constrains the possible values to a defined set.
EnumeratedValueValidator(String, EnumeratedValueValidator.NameValuePair[]) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.EnumeratedValueValidator
Creates an EnumeratedValueValidator.
EnumeratedValueValidator.NameValuePair - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A key/value pair representing the values supported by the validator.
EnumeratedValueValidator.NameValuePair(Object, String) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.EnumeratedValueValidator.NameValuePair
Creates a NameValuePair.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.EntityKey
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectKey
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.AggregateFilter
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.AttributeFilter
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.Filter
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyAncestorJoinFilter
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyChildJoinFilter
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyParentJoinFilter
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.JoinFilter


Filter - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
An abstract construct that allows boolean results to be calculated.
Filter() - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.Filter
Creates a Filter.
FilterCriterion - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A generic superclass for all filters to use for searches through the server API.
FilterCriterion() - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.FilterCriterion
Creates a FilterCriterion instance.
findBusinessRoles(Filter, ColumnSetDef) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleManager
Returns a set of Business roles that meets the specified filter criteria.
findITRoles(Filter, ColumnSetDef) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleManager
Returns a set of IT roles that meets the specified filter criteria.
findMappedITRoles(BusinessRole) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleManager
Returns a list of ITRoles that are mapped to the provided BusinessRole.
findObjectKeys(Query) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotSession
Gets a paginated result set of object object keys based on a query.
findPeople(Filter, ColumnSetDef) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel.PersonnelManager
Finds objects of type Person based on the filter provided, returning the values defined in the columnSetDef.
findRoleOwner(Role) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleManager
Gets the owner of the provided role.
findSnapshotObjects(Query) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotSession
Gets a paginated result set of snapshot objects based on a query.
findSystemIdentities(Filter, ColumnSetDef) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel.PersonnelManager
Finds system identities based on the filter provided, returning the values defined in the columnSetDef.
forward() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.BusinessTransaction
Forwards or finishes this business transaction.
forwardBusinessTransaction(IdentityToken, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Forwards an existing business transaction.


getAbsoluteRowAttributes(int) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerPaginatedResultSet
Gets the column values for this resultset for a particular row.
getAbsoluteRowEntityKeys(int) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerPaginatedResultSet
Gets the EntityKeys for this resultset for a particular row.
getActiveRoleMembers(Role, Set<String>) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns the set of users who are granted or assigned the role.
getActorDisplayName() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit.AuditEvent
Gets the display name of the systemIdentity whose action caused the audit event from the time of the event.
getActorId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit.AuditEvent
Gets the unique ID of the systemIdentity whose action caused the audit event.
getActorName() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.ChangeSummary
Gets the display name representing the identity of the identity that made the change.
getActorName() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerChangeSummary
Gets the display name of the identity that made thae change that this ServerChangeSummary represents.
getAggregateFunction() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnDef
Gets the aggregate function to apply when returning this column's value or null if none should be applied.
getAllAttributes() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Gets all of the attributes for this object.
getAllHierarchyNodes() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Gets all of the HierarchyNode objects that are associated with this Entity.
getAllHierarchyNodes(IdentityToken, EntityKey, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Gets all ServerHierarchyNode objects relating to a particular object.
getAllRolesForUser(SnapshotSession, User) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns a Set of ObjectKeys of all the Roles a User has.
getAlternateResourceType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.PermissionFilter
Gets the String identifier of the resource type (aka object type) to be associated with the permission.
getArgument(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.ArgumentSet
Gets the Argument contained in this ArgumentSet by its identifier or null if it does not exist.
getArgumentDefinitions() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.EntityOperationMapping
Gets the argument definitions for this operation.
getArgumentDefinitions() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerOperation
Gets the argument definitions for this operation.
getArgumentId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Argument
Gets the identifier for the argument.
getArgumentId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ArgumentDefinition
Gets the ID of the argument.
getArguments() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.ArgumentSet
Gets the arguments contained in this ArgumentSet.
getArguments() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.OperationVerificationRequest
Gets any arguments to include to determine validity.
getArgumentSet() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.BusinessTransactionOperation
Gets the set of arguments for this operation.
getArgumentSet() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.SupplementalOperation
Gets the arguments for this operation.
getAssignee() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.UserRoleAssignment
Gets object key representing the assignee or user.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Gets an EntityAttribute for the provided attribute name.
getAttributeChange(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.AttributeChangeSet
Gets the attribute change for a particular attribute that was changed as part of this change set.
getAttributeChanges() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.AttributeChangeSet
Gets all of the attribute changes for this change set.
getAttributeChanges() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectChangeEvent
Gets the attribute changes that occurred as part of the event.
getAttributeDefinition() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.EntityAttribute
Gets the defintion for this attribute.
getAttributeDefinition(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ObjectType
Gets the definition of attribute that this object has by ID.
getAttributeDefinition(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Gets an AttributeDefinition for this object type by attribute key.
getAttributeDefinitions() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Gets all of the AttributeDefinitions for this object type.
getAttributeId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
Gets the ID of the attribute to filter.
getAttributeKey() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.AttributeChange
Gets the key for the attribute being changed.
getAttributeKey() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.AttributeFilter
Gets the key (identifier) of the attribute to use to filter the query results.
getAttributeKey() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnDef
Gets the attribute that should be returned as a populated column in the results.
getAttributeName() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ColumnMapping
Gets the attribute on the subject to present in this column.
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerEntity
Gets the SecuredValue that represents the provided attribute.
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.AttributeSet
Gets the value of the specified attribute by key.
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Gets the value of an attribute.
getAuditSummary() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Gets the AuditSummary for this Entity.
getBackingOperationId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.EntityOperationMapping
Gets the ID of the backing operation.
getBusinessRole(ObjectKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleManager
Gets the BusinessRole identified by the provided object key.
getBusinessRole() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleMapping
Gets the object key representing the business role in this mapping.
getBusinessTransaction(long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Client
Gets an ongoing business transaction.
getBusinessTransaction(IdentityToken, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Gets an existing business transaction by the provided identity and transaction identifiers.
getBusinessTransactionID() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.InteractiveSession
Gets the ID of the business transaction that this session represents.
getChangedAttributeKeys() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.AttributeChangeSet
Gets all of the keys of changed attributes for this change set.
getChangedAttributeValue(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.AttributeChangeSet
Gets the new value for a particular attribute that was changed as part of this change set.
getChangeInformation() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit.AuditEventDetail
Gets the change information for this audit event in XML as a String.
getChangeSummary(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Gets the ChangeSummary for this Entity's attribute.
getChildren() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.HierarchyNode
Gets all of the Entity objects that are child nodes of the entity to which this HierarchyNode is attached, following down the hierarchy.
getChildren(Set<String>) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.HierarchyNode
Gets a filtered List of Entity objects that are children of the entity to which this HierarchyNode is attached, following down the hierarchy.
getColumnMappings() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ColumnSet
Gets the columns to be included in the search result, defined by subject attributes.
getColumnMappings(String) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef
Gets column definitions, keyed by the names of the returned columns for the result object specified.
getColumnName() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ColumnMapping
Gets the name of the column to use in the search results.
getColumnName() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ColumnOrdering
Getw the column name.
getColumnOrderings() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ColumnSet
Gets the ordering of the columns for the search result, ordered by importance.
getColumnSet() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerPaginatedResultSet
Gets the ColumnSet used for this resultset, allowing the user interface to express the contents of the results.
getColumnSetDef() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.Query
Gets the description of which columns from the subjects should be returned
getColumnValue(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.PageRow
Gets the value from the specified column.
getCondition() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AggregateFilterCriterion
Gets the logical condition to apply to this AggregateFilterCriterion's contained criteria.
getConstraintViolations() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.BusinessTransaction
Gets any outstanding constraint violations from a business transaction.
getConstraintViolations(IdentityToken, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Gets any outstanding constraint violations from a business transaction.
getContainedFilter() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.InverseFilterCriterion
Gets the filter on which to apply the "not."
getCreated() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.AuditSummary
Gets the creation date of the Entity that returned this AuditSummary.
getCreated() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerAuditSummary
Gets the creation date of the Entity that returned this ServerAuditSummary.
getCreatedBy() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.AuditSummary
Gets the display name representing the identity of the creator.
getCreatedBy() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerAuditSummary
Gets the display name of the identity representing the creator of the Entity that returned this ServerAuditSummary.
getCreatedTargetObjectKeys() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.RelationshipPathChange
Gets the ObjectKeys of objects that created relationship paths now join to.
getCriteria() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AggregateFilterCriterion
Gets all FilterCriterions added to this AggregateFilterCriterion.
getCriteria() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.AggregateFilter
Gets all of the contained filters that will be used by this Filter.
getCriteria() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.QuerySubject
Gets all filter criteria applied to this subject.
getCurrentPage() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.PaginatedResultSet
Gets the current page index of this result set.
getCurrentPageRowCount() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.PaginatedResultSet
Gets the number of rows in the current page.
getDate() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.ChangeSummary
Gets the date of the change.
getDate() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerChangeSummary
Gets the date of the change this ServerChangeSummary represents.
getDefaultTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Gets the value that should be used for the default title of this object.
getDefinitionId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Operation
Gets the identifier of the definifion that this operation is from.
getDefinitionId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.EntityOperationMapping
Gets the ID of the definition in which this operation is defined.
getDefinitionId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.OperationVerificationRequest
Gets the definition ID for the operation whose validity will be checked.
getDefinitionId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.OperationVerificationResponse
Gets the ID of the definition for the operation whose authorization was checked.
getDefinitionId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerOperation
Gets the ID of the definition in which this operation is defined.
getDeletedTargetObjectKeys() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.RelationshipPathChange
Gets the ObjectKeys of objects that removed relationship paths used to join to.
getDescription() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.ConstraintViolation
Gets the description of the constraint violation.
getDescription() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Operation
Gets the description of the operation.
getDescription() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.EntityOperationMapping
Gets the description of this operation on this entity.
getDescription() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerConstraintViolation
Gets the description for the violation.
getDescription() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerOperation
Gets the description of this operation.
getDirection() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef.SortEntry
Gets the direction of sort.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ITPrivilege
Gets the display name of the ITPrivilege.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Permission
Gets the display name of the Permission.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Privilege
Gets the display name of the Privilege.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Resource
Gets the display name of the System Resource.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ResourceType
Gets the display name of the ResourceType.
getEditablePerson(ObjectKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel.InteractivePersonnelManager
Gets the person identified by the provided object key if the person is editable.
getEditableRole(ObjectKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.InteractiveRoleManager
Gets the editable version of a Role based on its object key.
getEditableSnapshotObject(ObjectKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.InteractiveSnapshotSession
Gets an editable version of a particular snapshot object by its object key.
getEditableSystemIdentity(ObjectKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel.InteractivePersonnelManager
Gets the system identity idenditifed by the provided object key if it is editable.
getEligibilityRule() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.Role
Returns the eligibility rule as an XML string for the role.
getEmailAddress() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.RoleManagerPrincipal
Gets the email address of this RoleManagerPrincipal.
getEntity() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.HierarchyNode
Gets the Entity to which this HierarchyNode is attached.
getEntityKey() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Gets the EntityKey identifier for this Entity.
getEntityKey(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.PageRow
Gets the entity identifier of the specified key.
getEntityKey() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ColumnMapping
Gets the ID of the subject entity defined by the search defintion.
getEntityKey() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerAuditSummary
Gets the key for the Entity related to this ServerAuditSummary.
getEntityKey() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerEntity
Gets the EntityKey that is used to identify this object on the server.
getEventTime() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit.AuditEvent
Gets the timestamp as a long representing the time the audit event occurred.
getExtendedObjectType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Gets the ObjectType from which this ObjectType extends.
getFailureReason() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.OperationVerificationResponse
Gets the reson for why the request would not have been valid.
getFilter() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.InverseFilter
Gets the nested Filter to "invert".
getFilterCriteria() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.Query
Gets the filter criteria to constrain which objects will be returned
getForeignObjectFilter() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.HierarchyParentFilterCriterion
Gets the filter criterion applied to the parent object in the hierarchy.
getForeignObjectFilter() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ObjectTypeFilterCriterion
Gets the filter to apply to any object at the other end of the relationship path.
getForeignObjectFilter() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.RelationshipFilterCriterion
Gets the filter to apply to any object at the other end of the relationship path.
getForeignObjectType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerRelationshipPathDefinition
Gets the object type of the object at the other end of the relationship path.
getForeignObjectType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.RelationshipPathDefinition
Gets the foreign object type for this relationship path.
getForeignObjectType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyAncestorJoinFilter
Gets the type of object that is being joined to.
getForeignObjectType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyChildJoinFilter
Gets the type of object that is being joined to.
getForeignObjectType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyParentJoinFilter
Gets the type of object that is being joined to.
getForeignObjectTypeId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.HierarchyParentFilterCriterion
Gets the object type of the parent object in the hierarchy.
getGrantCount(Role) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleManager
Returns the number of role grants associated with the provided role.
getGrantee() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleGrant
Gets the object key of the identity who was granted the role.
getGrantSOCBindings(RoleGrant) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleManager
Returns a list of SnapshotObjects that represent the sphere of control for the role.
getHashedPassword() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.User
Gets the hashed password of the user.
getHierarchy() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyAncestorJoinFilter
Gets the hierarchy to use to join between the objects.
getHierarchy() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyChildJoinFilter
Gets the hierarchy to use to join between the objects.
getHierarchy() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyParentJoinFilter
Gets the hierarchy to use to join between the objects.
getHierarchyChildren(IdentityToken, EntityKey, String, Set, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Gets the child nodes of the specified entity in a specified hierarchy.
getHierarchyId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.HierarchyParentFilterCriterion
Gets the ID of the hierarchy.
getHierarchyMixinType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyType
Gets the type name of the mix-in, the hierarchy indexing descriptor, for this hierarchy.
getHierarchyNode(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Gets the HierarchyNode for this Entity if it is in a hierarchy, otherwise returns null.
getHierarchyNode(IdentityToken, EntityKey, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Gets a ServerHierarchyNode relating to a particular object in a particular hierarchy.
getHierarchyNodeRelationships() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyNodeType
Gets the object relationships that connect objects of the same or different types into this hierarchy.
getHierarchyNodeTypes() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyType
Gets the (non-mixin) node types that can appear in this hierarchy.
getHierarchyParents(IdentityToken, EntityKey, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Gets the parent nodes (recursive) of the specified entity in the particular hierarchy.
getHierarchyRoot(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Client
Gets the Entity that represents the root object of the hierarchy type.
getHierarchyRoot(IdentityToken, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Gets the ServerEntity that represents the root object of the hierarchy type.
getHierarchyType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.HierarchyNode
Gets the identifier of the hierarchy in which this node is a member.
getHierarchyTypes() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.TemporalEngine
Gets all of the current hierarchy types in the system.
getId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ObjectType
Gets the identifier of the object type.
getId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerAttributeDefinition
Gets the identifier of the attribute.
getId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerRelationshipPathDefinition
Gets the ID of the relationship path.
getIdentityTokenData(byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Gets updated identity token data.
getIndex() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.HierarchyNode
Gets the index of this HierarchyNode.
getInherentManager(Class<T>) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.InherentManagerSource
Gets a manager that implements for a particular inherent manager interface with a specified value time.
getInherentManager(Class<T>, SnapshotSession) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.InherentManagerSource
Gets a manager that implements for a particular inherent manager interface with a specified session.
getInteractiveInherentManager(Class<T>, InteractiveSnapshotSession) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.InherentManagerSource
Gets an interactive manager that implements for a particular interactive inherent manager interface with a specified interactive session.
getInteractiveSnapshotSession(long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.TemporalEngine
Gets a snapshot session based on the provided live business transaction.
getInvolvedObjects() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.ConstraintViolation
Gets a Collection of "involved" objects.
getInvolvedObjects() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerConstraintViolation
Gets a colleciton of objects that we involved with the violation.
getITPrivilege() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ITRolePrivilegeMapping
Gets the object key of the IT Privilege in this ITRolePrivilegeMapping.
getITPrivilegeDetails() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ITPrivilege
Gets the privilege details value if it exists, otherwise returns null.
getITRole() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ITRolePrivilegeMapping
Gets the object key of the ITRole in this ITRolePrivilegeMapping.
getITRole(ObjectKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleManager
Gets the ITRole identified by the provided object key.
getITRole() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleMapping
Gets the object key representing the IT role in this mapping.
getJoinedObjectFilter() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyAncestorJoinFilter
Gets the nested Filter to apply to the foreign objects in the result.
getJoinedObjectFilter() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyChildJoinFilter
Gets the nested Filter to apply to the foreign objects in the result.
getJoinedObjectFilter() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyParentJoinFilter
Gets the nested Filter to apply to the foreign objects in the result.
getJoinedObjectFilter() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.JoinFilter
Gets the nested Filter to apply to the foreign objects in the result.
getJoinedObjectFilter() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.MixinJoinFilter
Gets the nested Filter to apply to the mixin objects in the result.
getJoinedObjectFilter() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ObjectTypeFilter
Gets the nested Filter to apply to the subtype in the result.
getJoinedSubject() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.QuerySubject.Join
Gets the QuerySubject of the related object.
getJoins() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.QuerySubject
Gets all joins from this subject.
getKey() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.IdentityToken
Gets the opaque key to use for state refresh purposes.
getKey() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.EnumeratedValueValidator.NameValuePair
Gets the key that determines the constrained value.
getKey() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyType
Gets the identifier (name) for this hierarchy type.
getKey() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Gets the key or ID of this ObjectType.
getKeyAttributes(Role) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns a List of key attributes for a role.
getLabel() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.EnumeratedValueValidator.NameValuePair
Gets the human-readable label that can be used by a presentation layer.
getLastUpdated() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.AuditSummary
Gets the last update time of this entity.
getLastUpdated() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerAuditSummary
Gets the last update time of this entity.
getLastUpdatedBy() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.AuditSummary
Gets the display name representing the identity that updated this entity.
getLastUpdatedBy() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerAuditSummary
Gets the display name of the identity that updated this entity.
getLocale() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.RoleManagerPrincipal
Gets the locale of this RoleManagerPrincipal.
getLocale() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.IdentityToken
Gets the Locale that the user wants to use.
getLocalObjectType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ObjectTypeFilter
Gets the object type to join from.
getLocalObjectTypeId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ObjectTypeFilterCriterion
Gets the object type to be filtered.
getLocalOperationId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerOperation
Gets the local ID of this operation if used for a supplemental operation.
getMappedRolesForPrivilege(Privilege) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ResourceManager
Returns the list of system roles that are mapped to the specified privilege.
getMaxIndex() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.HierarchyNode
Gets the upper range of this node's childrens' indexes.
getMaxLength() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.StringLengthValidator
Gets the maximum length of the string.
getMaxValue() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.NumericValidator
Gets the maximum value for the number.
getMembershipRule() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.Role
Returns the membership rule as an XML string for the role.
getMinLength() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.StringLengthValidator
Gets the minimum length of the string.
getMinValue() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.NumericValidator
Gets the minimum value for the number.
getMixin(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Gets an Entity that represents a mix-in attached to this Entity.
getMixin(IdentityToken, EntityKey, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Gets the mix-in entity of the specified entity.
getMixin(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Gets the SnapshotObject that represents the mix-in type.
getMixinType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.MixinJoinFilter
Gets the mixin type to join to.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Permission
Gets the unique name of the Permission.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Privilege
Gets the unique name of the SystemPrivilege.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Resource
Gets the unique name of the Resource.
getName() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ResourceType
Gets the unique name of the ResourceType.
getNamedCriteria() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.CriterionSet
Gets the filters that should be applied to the specified subjects.
getNewState() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.StateChange
Gets the new state for the entity.
getNewSubjectState() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit.AuditEventDetail
Gets the new state of the changed subject, either effective or non-effective.
getNewValue() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.AttributeChange
Gets the new value for the attribute being changed.
getNumChildren() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.HierarchyNode
Gets the number of children that this node currently has.
getObjectAttributeKey() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.AttributeDefinition
Gets the identifier for the attribute.
getObjectFilter(String) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.NamedAggregateFilter
Gets the filter that should be applied to the object based on its key.
getObjectKey() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.RoleManagerPrincipal
Gets the ObjectKey of this RoleManagerPrincipal.
getObjectKey() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Gets the pantemporal object identifier for this object.
getObjectKeyArgumentMapping() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.EntityOperationMapping
Gets the ID of the argument that this object's key is mapped to.
getObjectType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Gets the ObjectType of this Entity.
getObjectType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
Gets the object type that this Type represents.
getObjectType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerEntity
Gets the ObjectType of this object.
getObjectType(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerMetaData
Gets the definition for the specified object type that the server has available.
getObjectType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyNodeType
Gets the object type (for member objects) for this hierarchy node type.
getObjectType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyAncestorJoinFilter
Gets the object type to join from.
getObjectType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyChildJoinFilter
Gets the object type to join from.
getObjectType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyParentJoinFilter
Gets the object type to join from.
getObjectType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.JoinFilter
Gets the object type to join from.
getObjectType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.MixinJoinFilter
Gets the object type to join from.
getObjectType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Gets the ObjectType that defines this object.
getObjectType(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotSession
Gets the object type for the provided type name.
getObjectType(ObjectKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotSession
Gets the object type for the provided object key.
getObjectType(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.TemporalEngine
Gets the current ObjectType definition for a particular object type.
getObjectTypeId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
Gets the object type on which the attribute is defined.
getObjectTypeId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.HierarchyParentFilterCriterion
Gets the type of the filtered object.
getObjectTypeId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.RelationshipFilterCriterion
Gets the object type on which the relationship path is defined.
getObjectTypes() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Client
Gets the object types that the server has published.
getObjectTypes() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerMetaData
Gets the definitions for all object types that the server has available.
getObjectTypes() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.TemporalEngine
Gets all of the current object types in the system.
getOldState() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.StateChange
Gets the old state for the entity.
getOldSubjectState() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit.AuditEventDetail
Gets the previous state of the changed subject, either effective or non-effective.
getOldValue() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.AttributeChange
Gets the old value for the attribute being changed.
getOperation(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.BusinessTransaction
Gets an operation by identifier.
getOperation(BusinessTransaction, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Client
Gets the Operation represented by the provided identifiers.
getOperation(String, String, String, EntityKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Client
Gets the Operation represented by the provided identifiers, binding a particular object to one of the arguments of the operation.
getOperation(BusinessTransaction, String, String, String, EntityKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Client
Gets the Operation represented by the provided identifiers, binding a particular object to one of the arguments of the operation.
getOperation(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Gets the business operation that is "bound" to this object type by its name.
getOperation(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Interactable
Gets an operation by identifier and name.
getOperation() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
Gets the operation of the filter, either AND or OR.
getOperation(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ObjectType
Gets an operation that this object has by ID.
getOperation(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerBusinessTransaction
Gets the operation by name.
getOperation(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerBusinessTransaction
Gets the operation by name and definition.
getOperationId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Operation
Gets the identifier of the operation.
getOperationId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.EntityOperationMapping
Gets the ID of this operation on this entity.
getOperationId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.OperationVerificationRequest
Gets the operation ID for the operation whose validity will be checked.
getOperationId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.OperationVerificationResponse
Gets the ID of the operation whose authorization was checked.
getOperationId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerOperation
Gets the ID of this operation.
getOperations() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Interactable
Gets an array of all available operations.
getOperations() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerBusinessTransaction
Gets the definitions for all operations that this business transaction has available (which will be a subset of all operaitons provided by the server).
getOperations() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerMetaData
Gets the definitions for all operations that the server has available.
getOperator() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.AttributeFilter
Gets the Operator to use to filter the query results.
getOriginalGrantee() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleGrant
Gets the object key of the identity who was originally granted the role (if this is a delegated role grant).
getPageRow(int) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.PaginatedResultSet
Gets the PageRow for the index specified within the current page.
getPageSize() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.PaginatedResultSet
Gets the "normal" number of rows in a page.
getPageSize() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ColumnSet
Gets the page size to use for the results.
getPageSize() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerPaginatedResultSet
Gets the expected page size of the results.
getPageSize() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.Query
Gets the page size to use for the returned results
getParentEntity() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.HierarchyNode
Gets the parent Entity of the entity to which this HierarchyNode is attached, following the hierarchy.
getParentEntity() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerHierarchyNode
Gets this node's direct parent.
getParentId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.HierarchyNode
Gets the object key of the parent object of this HierarchyNode.
getParents() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.HierarchyNode
Gets a List of all Entity objects that are parents of the entity to which this HierarchyNode is attached, following up the hierarchy (recursively).
getPattern() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.StringPatternValidator
Gets the pattern to validate against.
getPermission() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.PermissionAssociation
Returns the ObjectKey of a permission that can be applied to the associated resource type.
getPermission() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Privilege
Returns the ObjectKey of the permission that may be applied to the associated resource.
getPermission(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ResourceManager
Returns a Permission object identified by the specified name.
getPermission() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.PermissionFilter
Gets the String identifier of the permision that should be used for result filtering.
getPermissionAssociation(Permission, ResourceType) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ResourceManager
Returns a PermissionAssociation object for the specified Permission and ResourceType.
getPermissionFilter() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Argument
Gets the PermissionFilter for the argument.
getPermissionFilter() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ArgumentDefinition
Gets the required permission filter if this is an object type argument.
getPermissions() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Gets the permission identifiers that this object has declared.
getPermissionsByResourceType(ResourceType) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ResourceManager
Returns the list of permissions that can be applied to the specified resource type.
getPermissionSocPolicy(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Gets the Sphere of Control policy to be used when determining whether instances of this object are within the Sphere of Control of a user's privileges for the specified permission.
getPerson(ObjectKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel.PersonnelManager
Gets the person identified by the provided key.
getPersonPrincipal(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.AuthenticationManager
Returns user principal based on mapping between SSO logon token and some user attribute in the database.
getPresentationName() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.IdentityToken
Gets the local copy of the presentation name (displayName) for this identity.
getPrivilege(Permission, Resource) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ResourceManager
Returns a privilege identified by the specified permission and resource.
getPrivilege(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ResourceManager
Returns a privilege identified by the permission's name, resource type's name and the resource's qualifier.
getPrivilege() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.SysRolePrivilegeMapping
Gets the object key of the SystemPrivilege in this mapping.
getQualifiedResource(ResourceType, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ResourceManager
Returns a Resource object identified by the specified resource type and qualifier.
getQualifier() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Resource
Returns a string used to distinguish this resource from other resources of the same resource type.
getQuerySubject() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.Query
Gets the QuerySubject that represents the object type(s) to be returned by the query
getReadableAttributeNames() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Gets a Set of Strings representing attribute names that the current user has permission to read.
getReadableAttributeNames() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerEntity
Gets a set of attribute names that are "readable" by the caller.
getReadAuditDetailsPermission() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Gets the identifier of the permission necessary to read audit details for object instances of this type.
getReadPermission() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Gets the identifier of the permission necessary to read object instances of this type.
getReason() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit.AuditEvent
Gets the reason for the event, if a reason was provided at the audit event time.
getRelatedAuditObjects() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Gets the RelatedAuditObjects for objects of this type.
getRelatedObjectAttributeId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Argument
Gets the attribute identifier that this argument is associated with or null if it is not associated with an object's attribute.
getRelatedObjectAttributeId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ArgumentDefinition
Gets the related object type attribute ID.
getRelatedObjects(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Gets all of the related objects based on the specified relationship path.
getRelatedObjects(IdentityToken, EntityKey, String, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Gets all of the related objects based on the specified relationship path.
getRelatedObjectType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Argument
Gets the object type that this argument is associated with or returns null if this argument is not associated with an object.
getRelatedObjectType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ArgumentDefinition
Gets the related object type.
getRelatedObjectTypes() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.MixinObjectType
Gets the StructuralObjectTypes that this MixinObjectType is related to.
getRelatedTypeAttribute(ObjectType) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.MixinObjectType
Gets the attribute name that is used as a foreign key for this mix-in for the provided object type.
getRelationshipPath() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyNodeRelationship
Gets the name of this relationship path.
getRelationshipPath() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.JoinFilter
Gets the relationship path to use to join from the object type to the foreign object type.
getRelationshipPath() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.QuerySubject.Join
Gets the name of the relationship path on this subject referring to the joined subject.
getRelationshipPathChanges() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectChangeEvent
Gets a List of the RelationshipPathChanges that occurred during this event.
getRelationshipPathDefinition(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ObjectType
Gets a relationship path that this object has by ID.
getRelationshipPathDefinition(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Gets a RelationshipPathDefinition for this object type by relationship path key.
getRelationshipPathDefinitions() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ObjectType
Gets all relationship paths that this object has.
getRelationshipPathDefinitions() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Gets all of the RelationshipPathDefinitions for this object type.
getRelationshipPathId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.RelationshipFilterCriterion
Gets the ID of the relationship path.
getRelationshipPathId(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyType
Looks in this hierarchy's allowed node types for the relationship path ID for the source and target types.
getRelationshipPathId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.RelationshipPathChange
Gets the relationship path identifier.
getRelationshipPathKey() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.RelationshipPathDefinition
Gets the identifier for this relationship path.
getRelativeObjects(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Gets the snapshot version of a relative object.
getRelativeObjects(String, Filter) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Gets the snapshot version of a relative object.
getRelativeRoleFilter(Role, SnapshotObject, SnapshotSession) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns a Filter that represents all persons who are role holders of a relative dynamic role, (Relative roles are also known as Approver roles.
getResource() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Privilege
Returns the ObjectKey of the resource to which the associated permission may be applied.
getResource(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ResourceManager
Returns a Resource object identified by the specified name.
getResourceType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.PermissionAssociation
Returns the ObjectKey of the resource type to which the associated permission can be applied.
getResourceType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Resource
Gets the object key of the related ResourceType.
getResourceType(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ResourceManager
Returns a ResourceType object identified by the specified name.
getResultObjectAttributeKey() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef.SortEntry
Gets the identifier of the column to sort in the results.
getResultObjectKey() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef.SortEntry
Gets the identifier of the subject that has the column to sort in the results.
getReturnArguments() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.BusinessTransaction
Returns any outputs produced as past of the invocation of the operation.
getReturnArguments() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerBusinessTransaction
Returns any outputs produced as past of the invocation of the operation.
getRole() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.SysRolePrivilegeMapping
Gets the object key of the SystemRole in this mapping.
getRole() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleGrant
Gets the object key of the granted role.
getRole() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.UserRoleAssignment
Gets the object key representing the role.
getRoleGrant(Role, User) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleManager
Returns the RoleGrant instance for the specified role granted to the specified user or null if no such grant exists.
getRoleGrants(SnapshotSession, Role) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns a List of grants of the given role.
getRoleMemberFilter(Role) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns a Filter that represents all identities included in the members list of the specified role.
getRowIndex() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.PageRow
Gets the absolute row index of this row.
getServerAttributeDefinitions() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ObjectType
Gets all attributes that this object has.
getServerAuditSummary(IdentityToken, EntityKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Gets the ServerAuditSummary that represents the audit summary data for a particular entity.
getServerChangeSummary(IdentityToken, EntityKey, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Gets the ServerChangeSummary that represents the change summary data for a particular entity's attribute.
getServerMetaData(Locale) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Gets localized ServerMetaData.
getSession() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectChangeEvent
Gets the session that the change occurred in.
getSnapshotObject(ObjectKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotSession
Gets a particular snapshot object from its object key at a particular time.
getSnapshotSession() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.TemporalEngine
Gets a snapshot session based on the current state outside of a business transaction.
getSocHierarchy() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.Role
Gets the hierarchy to which this role relates.
getSocHierarchyType(Role) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleManager
Returns a String that is the SOC hierarchy type associated with the role, or null if the role does not have an SOC hierarchy.
getSortEntries() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef
Gets the sort orderings specified for this ColumnSetDef.
getSource() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyNodeRelationship
Gets the object type of nodes that refer to other nodes of this hierarchy in this relationship.
getSourceObjectKey() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.RelationshipPathChange
Gets the ObjectKey that the relationship path is from.
getStateChange() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectChangeEvent
Gets the state change that occurred as part of the event.
getStructuralEntity(long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Either gets the Entity that this object is "attached to" if this object is a mix-in, otherwise it returns itself.
getStructuralObject() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Gets the structural SnapshotObject that a mix-in is bound to
getStructuralObjectEntityKey() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerEntity
Either gets the EntityKey of the object that this object is "attached to" if this object is a mix-in, otherwise returns null.
getStructuralObjectType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Gets the object type of the structural SnapshotObject that a mix-in is bound to.
getSubjectKey() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectChangeEvent
Gets the identifier for the object that the event occurred to.
getSubjectKey() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.QuerySubject
Gets the identifier for the this subject's object within this query.
getSubjectPermissionFilter() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.CriterionSet
Gets the permission that the user requires on the primary subject of the search.
getSubjectType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectChangeEvent
Gets the object type identifier of the object that the event occurred to.
getSubjectType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.QuerySubject
Gets the system object type of this subject.
getSubtype() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ObjectTypeFilter
Gets the object subtype to join to.
getSubtypeId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ObjectTypeFilterCriterion
Gets the object type on which to filter.
getSystemIdentity(ObjectKey) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel.PersonnelManager
Gets the systemIdentity identified by the provided key.
getSystemUserPrincipal() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.AuthenticationManager
Returns user principal for well-known system identity.
getTarget() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyNodeRelationship
Gets the object type of nodes referred to by other nodes of this hierarchy in this relationship.
getTemporalEngine() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotSession
Gets the temporal engine
getTime() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.DateTime
Gets the time in millis that this DateTime represents.
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Argument
Gets the title of this argument.
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Gets the human-readable title for this Entity.
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Operation
Gets the title of the operation.
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ArgumentDefinition
Gets the argument title.
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.EntityOperationMapping
Gets the title of this operation on this entity.
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ObjectType
Gets the title of the object type.
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerAttributeDefinition
Gets the title of the attribute.
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerRelationshipPathDefinition
Gets the title of the relationship path.
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerOperation
Gets the title of this operation.
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.AttributeDefinition
Gets the localizable title of the attribute.
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyType
Gets the localized title of this hierarchy, for display purposes.
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Gets the localized title for the object type.
getTitle() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.RelationshipPathDefinition
Gets the localized title for this relationship path.
getTitleAttribute() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ObjectType
Gets the attribute that should be used for the title of objects of this type.
getTitleAttribute() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Gets the attribute to use for the "title" of an object instance of this type.
getTotalPageCount() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.PaginatedResultSet
Gets the total number of pages in this result set.
getTotalPageCount() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerPaginatedResultSet
Gets the total number of pages in this resultset.
getTotalRowCount() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.PaginatedResultSet
Gets the total number of rows in this result set.
getTotalRowCount() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerPaginatedResultSet
Gets the total number of rows in this resultset.
getTransactionId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.BusinessTransaction
Gets the transaction ID as a long.
getTransactionId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit.AuditEvent
Gets the transaction ID of the transaction in which this audit event took place.
getTransactionId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerBusinessTransaction
Gets the ID of the transaction that this object represents.
getTransactionId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerEntity
Gets the ID of the transaction that this object is bound to or Server.NO_TRANSACTION if it is not bound to a transaction.
getTransactionId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectChangeEvent
Gets the business transaction ID of this change event.
getType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Argument
Gets the type of this argument.
getType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Operation
Gets the Type of operation.
getType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ArgumentDefinition
Gets the argument type.
getType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.EntityKey
Gets the root type of object for this key.
getType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerAttributeDefinition
Gets the Type of the value of this attribute.
getType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
Gets the type that this Type represents.
getType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerHierarchyNode
Gets the hierarchy type that this ServerHierarchyNode is part of.
getType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerOperation
Gets the type of operation that this represents, either 1 for LOOKUP, 2 for SEARCH, 3 for BUSINESS TASK, or 4 for SUPPLEMENTAL.
getType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.AttributeDefinition
Gets the type of the attribute (including any attribute-level constraints).
getType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectKey
Gets the root type of the object that the key identifies.
getType() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.AggregateFilter
Gets the logical type for this filter.
getUniqueId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.EntityKey
Gets the unique identifier for this object.
getUniqueId() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectKey
Gets the numeric identifier of the object that the key identifies.
getUser(RoleManagerPrincipal) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.AuthenticationManager
Returns user object that the principal represents.
getUserId() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.User
Gets the ID of the user.
getUserRoleAssignment(SnapshotSession, ObjectKey, Role) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns the UserRoleAssignment for a given Role and User's ObjectKey, or null if none is found.
getUserRoleAssignments(SnapshotSession, User) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns a Set of all the user role assignments for a given User, or an empty set if none are found.
getUserRoleAssignments(SnapshotSession, Role) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns a Set of all the user role assignments for a given Role, or an empty set if none are found.
getUserRoleFilter(SnapshotSession, User) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns a Filter that represents all roles held by a person.
getUsersAssignedRoles(SnapshotSession, User) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns a Set of the ObjectKeys of the Roles assigned to a given user via the UserRoleAssignment cache (all complex roles).
getUsersBusinessAndITRoles(SnapshotSession, User) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns a list of the specified user's business and IT roles
getUsersBusinessRoles(SnapshotSession, User) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns a list of the specified user's business roles
getUsersGrantedRoles(SnapshotSession, User) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns a Set of the ObjectKeys of the Roles assigned to a given user via RoleGrants.
getValidator() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Argument
Gets the validator for the argument, allowing validation and "intelegent" UI rendering.
getValidator() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ArgumentDefinition
Gets the validator for this argument.
getValidator() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerAttributeDefinition
Gets the Validator for the value of this attribute.
getValidators() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.CompositeValidator
Gets the validators that constitute this composite validator.
getValue() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Argument
Gets the curently stored value for this argument.
getValue() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.EntityAttribute
Gets the value of this attribute (can be null and can be a collection).
getValue() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
Gets the value to filter with.
getValue() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.SecuredValue
Gets the value from this SecuredValue container.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.AttributeFilter
Gets the value of the attribute to use to filter the query results.
getValues() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.ArgumentSet
Gets all set values from the arguments in this ArgumentSet.
getValues() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.EnumeratedValueValidator
Gets the values that are supported by this validator.
getVersion() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Gets the current version of the object.
getViolationMessage() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Validator
Gets the violation message to use if the validation fails.
getViolations() - Method in exception oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ValidationException
Gets the violation messages keyed by the ID of the argument whose value violated the constraint.
getViolations() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.OperationVerificationResponse
Gets the violation messages keyed by the ID of the argument whose value would have made the request invalid.
getXmlMappingInfo() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectKey
Gets the XMLMappingInfo for this object (class), supporting the system's Object to XML mapping technology.
gotoPage(int) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.PaginatedResultSet
Moves this result set to the specified page.
grantRole(Role, User, ResolutionEngine) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.InteractiveRoleManager
Creates a static role grant.


hasBusinessRole(User, BusinessRole, SnapshotSession) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Indicates whether the specified person has the specified business role.
hasGrantSOCBinding(RoleGrant, SnapshotObject) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleManager
Returns a flag indicating whether a particular SOC has been associated to a role grant.
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.EntityKey
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectKey
hasITRole(User, ITRole, SnapshotSession) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Indicates whether the specififed user has the specified IT role, either through a direct role grant or through business role mapping.
hasITRole(User, ITRole, boolean, SnapshotSession) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Indicates whether the specifed user has the specified IT role.
hasParent() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.HierarchyNode
Determines if this HierarchyNode has a parent.
hasRelationshipPath(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyType
Looks in this hierarchy's allowed node types to see if any has the given relationship path.
hasRelationshipTarget(HierarchyNodeType) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyNodeType
Indicates whether objects can relate to objects of targetType in this hierarchy.
hasRelativeRole(User, SnapshotObject, Role, SnapshotSession) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Indicates whether the specified user has a relative role with respect to some relative object.
hasRole(User, Role) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Indicates whether the specififed user is in the member list of the specified role.
hasRole(User, Role, SnapshotSession) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Indicates whether the specified person has the specified role.
hasRole(SnapshotSession, User, Set<Role>) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
returns true if the user has at least one of the roles in the set.
hasSystemRole(User, SystemRole, SnapshotSession) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Indicates whether the specified user has the specified system role.
HierarchyAncestorJoinFilter - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
This filter joins from an object to its parent's direct children (ancestors) in a hierarchy.
HierarchyAncestorJoinFilter(String, String, String, Filter) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyAncestorJoinFilter
Creates a HierarchyChildJoinFilter with the provided parameters.
HierarchyChildJoinFilter - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
The reverse of the HierarchyParentJoinFilter, this filter joins from an object to its children in a hierarchy.
HierarchyChildJoinFilter(String, String, String, Filter) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyChildJoinFilter
Creates a HierarchyChildJoinFilter with the provided parameters.
HierarchyNode - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
Interface for representatioon of a node in a hierarchy.
HierarchyNode - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent
Interface representing hierarchy index node (mix-in).
HierarchyNodeRelationship - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model
Describes a relationship between node types in a hierarchy.
HierarchyNodeType - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model
Describes a node type configured for a hierarchy type.
HierarchyParentFilterCriterion - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A filter that walks up a hierarchy, effectively allowing joins to parent hierarchy members in result filtering.
HierarchyParentFilterCriterion(String, String, String, boolean, FilterCriterion) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.HierarchyParentFilterCriterion
Creates a new HierarchyParentFilterCriterion instance with the provided filter criteria.
HierarchyParentFilterCriterion(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.HierarchyParentFilterCriterion
Creates a new HierarchyParentFilterCriterion instance that includes all objects in the "active" part of the hierarchy.
HierarchyParentJoinFilter - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
A query filter that joins from an object to its parent(s) in a hierarchy, applying further filters to the joined parent(s).
HierarchyParentJoinFilter(String, String, String, boolean, Filter) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyParentJoinFilter
Creates a HierarchyParentJoinFilter instance with the provided parameters.
HierarchyParentJoinFilter(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyParentJoinFilter
Creates a HierarchyParentJoinFilter instance with the provided parameters that is joining to the active part of the hierarchy.
HierarchyType - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model
Describes a hierarchy type.


IdentityToken - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A token that represents an authenticated user.
InherentManagerSource - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent
A manager that acts as a factory for the various managers of inherent objects.
instanceOf(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Determines whether this object type is an instance (either directly or as a subtype) of the object type provided.
Interactable - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
Interface for an object that allows interaction.
InteractivePersonnelManager - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel
A read-write interface to manage system identities and persons in the system.
InteractiveResourceManager - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource
An interface used to create secutiry objects such as resources, permissions, and privileges.
InteractiveRoleManager - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role
A read/write interface to do management of roles from the database.
InteractiveSession - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Session that supports object creation and modification.
InteractiveSnapshotSession - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
SnapshotSession that supports object creation and modification.
InvalidEntityKeyException - Exception in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
An exception thrown by the server API to express that the entity-key used for the operation is not valid.
InvalidEntityKeyException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.iam.rm.server_api.InvalidEntityKeyException
Constructs an InvalidEntityException instance.
InvalidUserException - Exception in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
An exception thrown by the server API to express a that the user used for the operation is not valid.
InvalidUserException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.iam.rm.server_api.InvalidUserException
Constructs an InvalidUserException instance.
InverseFilter - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
Filter to support the logical NOT operation.
InverseFilter(Filter) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.InverseFilter
Creates an InverseFilter instance the provided filter.
InverseFilterCriterion - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A filter that acts as a "not" for the contained filter.
InverseFilterCriterion(FilterCriterion) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.InverseFilterCriterion
Creates a new InverseFilterCriterion with the provided contained filter criterion.
invoke(ArgumentSet) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.SupplementalOperation
Invokes the supplemental operation.
isAbstractType() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Determines whether this is an abstract type.
isActiveMember() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.HierarchyNode
Determines whether this HierarchyNode is in the "active" space of the hierarchy.
isActiveMember() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerHierarchyNode
Determines whether this ServerHierarchyNode is in the "active" space of the hierarchy.
isAllowLeadingSpaces() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.WhitespaceValidator
Gets whether leading spaces are valid.
isAllowTrailingSpaces() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.WhitespaceValidator
Gets whether trailing spaces are valid.
isClearChange() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.AttributeChange
Determines whether the change is setting a "null" value.
isColumnValueReadable(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.PageRow
Determines if a particular column can be read by the current user.
isComplexDynamicRole(Role) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Indicates whether the specified role is a complex dynamic role.
isDerivedChange() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.AttributeChange
Determines whether the attribue is derived (cannot be explicitly edited).
isDynamicRole(Role) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Indicates whether the specified role is a dynamic role.
isEditable() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Determines if the object is editable.
isEligible(User, Role) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Indicates whether the specified user is eligible to be granted the specified system role.
isEligible(User, Role, SnapshotSession) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Indicates whether the specified person is eligible to be a grantee of a role.
isIdentifying() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.AttributeDefinition
Determines whether this attribute is "identifying".
isImplicitAnchor() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyNodeType
Indicates whether a hierarchy node of this type can implicitly appear below the root of the hierarchy, without its member object having an explicit reference to the root member object of the hierarchy.
isIncludeDeleted() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.Query
Gets whether deleted (ineffective) objects should be returned.
isMandatory() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyNodeType
Indicates whether nodes of this type must appear in this hierarchy.
isMixin() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Entity
Determines whether this Entity is a mix-in.
isMixin() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerEntity
Determines whether this ServerEntity is a mixin.
isOrderAscending() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ColumnOrdering
Determines whether the column should be sorted in ascending order.
isPasswordField(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.AuthenticationManager
Returns whether the field in question is a password field.
isReadable() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.EntityAttribute
Determines if this attribute is readable by the calling user.
isReadable() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.SecuredValue
Determines the readability of this value.
isRecursive() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.HierarchyParentFilterCriterion
Indicates whether the filter is recursive.
isRecursive() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyParentJoinFilter
Determines whether the filter should join recursively.
isRequired() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.CompositeValidator
isRequired() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.NonNullValidator
isRequired() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Validator
Determines whether this value is required.
isRequired() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.QuerySubject.Join
Indicates whether to filter this subject if it does not have an object of the provided reference.
isRootArtifact() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.HierarchyNode
Determines whether this HierarchyNode is a hierarchy root artifact (absolute root, negative anchor or positive anchor).
isRootMode() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.HierarchyParentFilterCriterion
Indicates whether the filter is starting from the hierarchy root.
isRootMode() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyParentJoinFilter
Determines whether the filter is acting from the active root down.
isSearchable() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ServerAttributeDefinition
Determines whether the attribute can be searched.
isSearchable() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.AttributeDefinition
Determines whether this attribute is searchable.
isSingleAnchor() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.HierarchyType
Indicates whether this hierarchy is a single-anchor type, that is, has at most one child mix-in of the root.
isTransactionTime() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.DateTime
Determines whether this DateTime represents "transaction time".
isUnique() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef
Determines whether the results returned should be "unique".
isValid(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.CompositeValidator
isValid(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.EnumeratedValueValidator
isValid(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.NonNullValidator
isValid(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.NumericValidator
isValid(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.StringLengthValidator
isValid(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.StringPatternValidator
isValid(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Validator
Determines whether the provided value is valid according to this validator.
isValid(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.WhitespaceValidator
isValid() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.OperationVerificationResponse
Indicates whether the operation would have been valid.
ITPrivilege - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource
This interface represents a privilege that resides in an external system.
ITRole - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role
An IT role.
ITRolePrivilegeMapping - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource
A mapping between an ITRole and an ITPrivilege, indicating that having the ITRole gives you the ITPrivilege.


JoinFilter - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
Filter to support joins between related objects.
JoinFilter(String, String, Filter) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.JoinFilter
Create a JoinFilter that enables an object to be filtered based on related objects.


lookup(Object) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.LookupOperation
Looks up an Entity using a single identifier.
lookup(List) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.LookupOperation
Looks up an Entity using a complex identifier.
lookup(IdentityToken, String, String, List, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Invokes a lookup operation on the server.
LookupOperation - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
Interface for an operation used to look up an object.


makeReadConsistent() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Marks this object to act in a "read consistent" fashion so that if it is changed in another transaction an appropriate constraint violation is thrown.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.HierarchyNode
Determines whether this HierarchyNode may have children; if this returns true, it does not mean that there are children, just that there is a possibility.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerHierarchyNode
Determines whether this ServerHierarchyNode could potentially have child nodes.
MixinJoinFilter - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
Filter to support joins to an object's mixin.
MixinJoinFilter(String, String, Filter) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.MixinJoinFilter
Create a MixinJoinFilter that enables an object to be filtered based on its mixins.
MixinObjectType - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model
Describes a MixinObjectType.


NamedAggregateFilter - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
This is a filter container that allows filters to be associated with particular objects as defined in a QuerySubject and used when creating a Query.
NamedAggregateFilter() - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.NamedAggregateFilter
Creates and empty filter.
newClient(IdentityToken) - Static method in class oracle.iam.rm.client.ClientFactory
Creates a new Client bound to the provided IdentityToken (and hence the authentication details).
NO_TRANSACTION - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
A transaction ID indicating the lack of a business transaction (-1).
NODE_ATTRIBUTE_END_OF_OCCUPIED_SPACE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.HierarchyNode
Static variable representing hierarchyEndOfOccupiedSpace attribute.
NODE_ATTRIBUTE_INDEX - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.HierarchyNode
Static variable representing hierarchyIndex attribute.
NODE_ATTRIBUTE_LEVEL - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.HierarchyNode
Static variable representing hierarchyLevel attribute.
NODE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_INDEX - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.HierarchyNode
Static variable representing hierarchyMaxIndex attribute.
NODE_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_CHILDREN - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.HierarchyNode
Static variable representing hierarchyNumChildren attribute.
NODE_ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.HierarchyNode
Static variable representing hierarchyParent_id reference attribute.
NonNullValidator - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A validator that validates against an object's existence.
NonNullValidator(String) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.NonNullValidator
Creates a NonNullValidator.
NULL_FILTER - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.Filter
A special filter that automatically accepts all objects.
NumericValidator - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A validator that validates against a number's value range.
NumericValidator(String, double, double) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.NumericValidator
Creates a NumericValidator.


ObjectChangeEvent - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Event that generically describes some type of object change.
ObjectChangeEvent(InteractiveSnapshotSession, ObjectKey, String, AttributeChangeSet, StateChange) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectChangeEvent
Creates an ObjectChangeEvent instance.
objectCreated(ObjectCreationEvent) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.DataChangeListener
Notifies this listener of object creation.
ObjectCreationEvent - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Event recording the creation of an object.
ObjectCreationEvent(InteractiveSnapshotSession, ObjectKey, String, AttributeChangeSet, StateChange) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectCreationEvent
Creates an ObjectCreationEvent instance with the provided parameters.
ObjectKey - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Class that must be used for an object that can identify a temporal object.
ObjectKey() - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectKey
Method used for unmarshalling by XMLMapped package.
ObjectKey(String, long) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectKey
Creates an ObjectKey instance with the provided type and identifier.
ObjectType - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A definition of an object type that is defined by the server.
ObjectType - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model
Definition of an object type within the data model.
ObjectTypeFilter - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
Filter to support joins from a superclass to a subclass.
ObjectTypeFilter(String, String, Filter) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ObjectTypeFilter
Create a ObjectTypeFilter that enables an object to be filtered by its subclass.
ObjectTypeFilterCriterion - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A filter that narrows to a particular subtype to allow subtype attributes/joins to be filtered upon.
ObjectTypeFilterCriterion(String, String, FilterCriterion) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ObjectTypeFilterCriterion
Creates a new ObjectTypeFilterCriterion with the provided object type and object filter criterion.
objectUpdated(ObjectUpdateEvent) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.DataChangeListener
Notifies this listener of object modification.
ObjectUpdateEvent - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Event recording the update of an object.
ObjectUpdateEvent(InteractiveSnapshotSession, ObjectKey, String, AttributeChangeSet, StateChange) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectUpdateEvent
Creates an ObjectChangeEvent instance with the provided parameters.
Operation - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
A general mechanism interface to interact with the server.
Operation.Type - Enum in oracle.iam.rm.client
Gets an enumeration of possible operation types.
OPERATION_AFTER - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "after" date operator (>).
OPERATION_BEFORE - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "before" date operator (<).
OPERATION_BEGINS_WITH - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "begins with" string operator (BEGIN).
OPERATION_ENDS_WITH - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "ends with" string operator (END).
OPERATION_EQUALS - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "equals" operator (=).
OPERATION_GREATER_THAN - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "greater than" operator (>).
OPERATION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "greater than or equals" operator.
OPERATION_IS_NOT_NULL - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "is not null" operator (is not null).
OPERATION_IS_NULL - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "is null" operator (is null).
OPERATION_LIKE - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "like" string operator (LIKE).
OPERATION_NOT_EQUALS - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "not equals" operator (!=).
OPERATION_ON_OR_AFTER - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "on or after" date operator (>=).
OPERATION_ON_OR_BEFORE - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "on or before" date operator (<=)r
OPERATION_SMALLER_THAN - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "smaller than" operator (<).
OPERATION_SMALLER_THAN_OR_EQUALS - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.AttributeFilterCriterion
The "smaller than or equals" operator (<=).
OperationVerificationRequest - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
An object that represents a request to determine whether an operation is valid to invoke or not.
OperationVerificationRequest(String, String, Map) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.OperationVerificationRequest
Creates an object that represents an operation request for the provided operation, definition and Map of arguments.
OperationVerificationResponse - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
An object that provides the response to a request to determine whether an operation is valid to invoke.
oracle.iam.rm.authentication - package oracle.iam.rm.authentication
Provides the interfaces for authentication with Oracle Role Manager.
oracle.iam.rm.client - package oracle.iam.rm.client
Provides the classes and interfaces for the Oracle Role Manager client.
oracle.iam.rm.inherent - package oracle.iam.rm.inherent
Provides the classes and interfaces for Oracle Role Manager entities, their mappings, and audit handling.
oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit - package oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit
Provides the interfaces for the Oracle Role Manager audit events and their details.
oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel - package oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel
Provides the interfaces for the users and identities in Oracle Role Manager.
oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource - package oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource
Provides the interfaces for the privileges, permissions, resources, and their mappings to roles.
oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role - package oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role
Provides the interfaces for business roles, approver roles, system roles, and their grants and mappings.
oracle.iam.rm.resolution - package oracle.iam.rm.resolution
Provides the classes and interfaces for role resolution.
oracle.iam.rm.server_api - package oracle.iam.rm.server_api
Provides the interfaces and classes used for remotely interacting with Oracle Role Manager.
oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model - package oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
Provides the classes and interfaces for the underlying model.
oracle.iam.rm.temporal - package oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Provides the interfaces and classes used for interacting with the business data of Oracle Role Manager.
oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model - package oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model
Provides the interfaces used for describing the deployed business data model of Oracle Role Manager.
oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query - package oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
Provides the classes for the Oracle Role Manager query engine.


PageRow - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
Interface for a row from a page in a PaginatedResultSet.
PaginatedResultSet - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
Interface for a set of results that is handled in a paginated form.
Permission - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource
A system permission.
PermissionAssociation - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource
This interface represents an association between a permission and a resource type, for example between resources of type person and permission manage.
PermissionFilter - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A filter used to describe filtering the results by the user's current permissions.
Person - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel
The representation of a person object.
PersonnelManager - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel
A read-only interface for searching or looking up persons or system identities in the system.
Privilege - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource
This interface represents a system privilege, which is an association between a resource (for example, person) and a permission representing operations that might be performed on that resource (for example, manage), In order for the privilege to be exercised by a user, the privilege must be mapped to at least one role of which the useris either a member or elibible to be granted the role.


Query - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
An object that represents a query object for searching purposes.
Query(QuerySubject, NamedAggregateFilter, ColumnSetDef) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.Query
Creates a Query with a default page size.
Query(QuerySubject, NamedAggregateFilter, ColumnSetDef, int) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.Query
Creates a Query with a specified page size.
Query(QuerySubject, NamedAggregateFilter, ColumnSetDef, int, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.Query
Creates a Query with a specified page size, optionally including deleted (ineffective) objects.
QuerySubject - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
Mechanism to identify a subject as part of a query.
QuerySubject(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.QuerySubject
Creates a new QuerySubject.
QuerySubject.Join - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query
The structure representing an inter-subject join
quickValidate() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.BusinessTransaction
Runs lightweight validation tests.
quickValidate(IdentityToken, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Runs lightweight validation tests.


RelationshipFilterCriterion - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A filter that follows a relationship path, effectively allowing joins in result filtering.
RelationshipFilterCriterion(String, String, FilterCriterion) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.RelationshipFilterCriterion
Creates a new RelationshipFilterCriterion with the provided relationship path object type, relationship path, and object filter criterion.
RelationshipPathChange - Class in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Prepresentation of a relationship path change.
RelationshipPathChange(String, ObjectKey, Collection<ObjectKey>, Collection<ObjectKey>) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.RelationshipPathChange
Creates a RelationshipPathChange instance with the provided parameters.
RelationshipPathDefinition - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model
Definition of a relationship path within the data model.
removeDataChangeListener(DataChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.InteractiveSession
Unregisters a listener from this session that was recieving all data change events.
removeDataChangeListener(DataChangeListener) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.TemporalEngine
Removes the provided DataChangeListener from this temporal engine.
resetFailureCount(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.AuthenticationManager
Resets the user's authentication failure count to zero.
resetSort() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef
Resets the sort orders, if secondary and additional sort orders were added.
ResolutionEngine - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.resolution
A manager-type interface that answers questions about roles.
resolve(Role) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Returns a Set of ObjectKey instances that refer to the holders of a specified role.
resolvePersonApprovers(FilterCriterion, FilterCriterion, Set<String>) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Client
Finds those persons that are approvers for the person identified using the approver role identified.
resolvePersonApprovers(IdentityToken, FilterCriterion, FilterCriterion, Set, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Finds those persons that are approvers for the person identified using the specified approver role ID.
resolveRoleMembers(Role, SnapshotSession) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Resolves a Role producing a PaginatedResultSet that contains the role members.
Resource - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource
This interface represents a system resource, such as a business operation within Oracle Role Manager.
ResourceManager - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource
A read-only interface to search for security objects in the database.
ResourceType - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource
Interface representing a type of entity access to which needs to be restricted by the authorization subsystem.
Role - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role
The representation of a Role object.
RoleGrant - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role
Represents an explicit role grant.
RoleManager - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role
A read-only interface to retrieve roles from the database.
RoleManagerPrincipal - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.authentication
This interface represents the abstract notion of a principal, which can be used to represent an entity such as a person or system identity.
RoleMapping - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role
Interface representing role mapping objects.


search(CriterionSet, ColumnSet) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.SearchOperation
Searches for the results based on provided criteria.
search(IdentityToken, String, String, CriterionSet, ColumnSet, long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Invokes a search operation on the server.
SearchOperation - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
Interface for an operation used for searching.
SecuredValue - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A container for a value that has been secured by way of RBAC (role-based access control).
Server - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
The interface by way of which all clients interact with the server.
ServerAttributeDefinition - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A definition of an attribute, provided by the server's data model.
ServerAuditSummary - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
Interface for read-only audit summary information returned from the server.
ServerBusinessTransaction - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A server representation of a business transaction.
ServerChangeSummary - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
Interface for read-only change summary information returned from the server.
ServerCommunicationException - Exception in oracle.iam.rm.client
A general runtime exception indicating that server communication failed.
ServerCommunicationException(RemoteException) - Constructor for exception oracle.iam.rm.client.ServerCommunicationException
ServerConstraintViolation - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
A piece of information representing when a constraint has been violated.
ServerEntity - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
The server representation of an Entity.
ServerException - Exception in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
An exception thrown by the server API to express a problem from the server.
ServerException() - Constructor for exception oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerException
Constructs a ServerException instance.
ServerException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerException
Constructs a ServerException instance with the provide message.
ServerHierarchyNode - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
The server representation of a HierarchyNode.
ServerHome - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
The remote EJB home used to look up the Server EJB.
ServerMetaData - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
The metadata for the server.
ServerOperation - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
The generic operation interface exposed by the server.
ServerPaginatedResultSet - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api
Server API equivalent of the PaginatedResultSet.
ServerRelationshipPathDefinition - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A definition of a relationship path.
setAlternateJndiPath(String) - Static method in class oracle.iam.rm.client.ClientFactory
Sets the Server EJB's JNDI path to something other than the default, typically only used for integration reasons.
setAttributeValue(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Sets an attribute value to be effective as of the snapshot time.
setAttributeValues(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Sets a collection of attribute values to be effective as of the snapshot time.
setCriteria(String, FilterCriterion) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.CriterionSet
Sets the filter that should be applied to the specified subject.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ITPrivilege
Sets the display name of the ITPrivilege.
setEligibilityRule(Role, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.InteractiveRoleManager
Sets the eligibility rule.
setEligibilityRule(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.Role
Sets the eligibility rule as an XML string.
setGrantSOCBinding(RoleGrant, SnapshotObject) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.InteractiveRoleManager
Creates a grant-SOC binding.
setHashedPassword(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.User
Sets the password of the user.
setIndex(long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.HierarchyNode
Sets the index of this HierarchyNode.
setITPrivilegeDetails(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ITPrivilege
Sets the privilege details for the ITPrivilege.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.IdentityToken
Sets the Locale that the user wants to use.
setMaxIndex(long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.HierarchyNode
Sets the upper range of this node's childrens' indexes.
setMembershipRule(Role, String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.InteractiveRoleManager
Sets the membership rule.
setMembershipRule(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.Role
Sets the membership rule as an XML string.
setNumChildren(long) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.HierarchyNode
Sets the number of children that this node currently has.
setRoleSOCHierarchy(Role, String, TemporalEngine) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.InteractiveRoleManager
Sets the role's SOC hierarchy to the specified hierarchy.
setSubjectPermissionFilter(PermissionFilter) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.CriterionSet
Sets the permission that the user requires on the primary subject of the search.
setType(String) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectKey
Sets the root type of the object that the key identifies.
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef
Sets whether the results returned should be "unique".
setUniqueId(long) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectKey
Sets the numeric identifier of the object that the key identifies.
setUserId(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.User
Sets the ID of the user.
setValue(Serializable) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Argument
Updates the value stored in the argument.
size() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.AttributeChangeSet
Gets the number of attributes in this change set.
SnapshotObject - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
An object representing the vales of a TemporalObject at a particular point in value and transaction time.
SnapshotSession - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Session that supports object interaction (search and lookup) at a particular point in time.
SOCPolicy - Enum in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model
Policy enumeration representing the available SOC policies for privileges.
StateChange - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
An entity state change relating to a particular point in value time.
stateEquals(SnapshotObject) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Determines if another SnapshotObject's state is equal.
StringLengthValidator - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A validator that validates against a string's length.
StringLengthValidator(String, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.StringLengthValidator
Creates a StringLengthValidator.
StringPatternValidator - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A validator that validates against a string pattern.
StringPatternValidator(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.StringPatternValidator
Creates a StringPatternValidator.
StructuralObjectType - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model
Definition of a structural object type within the data model.
supplement(IdentityToken, long, String, String, String, Map) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.Server
Supplements a business transaction.
SupplementalOperation - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.client
Interface for an operation that is invoked on a business transaction to do further work.
synchronizeIdentityTokenWithServer(IdentityToken) - Static method in class oracle.iam.rm.client.ClientFactory
Resynchronizes the local copy of cached state with the server.
SysRolePrivilegeMapping - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource
A mapping between a SystemRole and a SystemPrivilege, indicating that having the SystemRole gives you the SystemPrivilege.
SystemIdentity - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel
The representation of a system identity object (abstractIdentity).
SystemRole - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role
Interface representign system roles.


TemporalEngine - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
The interface with the temporal storage layer.
TemporalException - Exception in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
Exception that occurs during interaction with the TemporalEngine and associated classes.
TemporalException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.iam.rm.temporal.TemporalException
Creates a TemporalEngine instance with a simple string message.
TemporalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.iam.rm.temporal.TemporalException
Creates a TemporalEngine instance with a string message and causing Throwable.
toString() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ColumnMapping
toString() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.EntityKey
toString() - Method in enum oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.SOCPolicy
toString() - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.ObjectKey
toString() - Method in enum oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef.SortOrder
transformPasswordAttribute(String, Map<String, ? extends Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.AuthenticationManager
Modifies the attribute values as necessary to secure a password value if one is being set.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit.AuditEvent
Static variable representing auditEvent object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.audit.AuditEventDetail
Static variable representing auditEventDetail object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel.Person
Static variable representing person object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel.SystemIdentity
Static variable representing systemIdentity object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ITPrivilege
Static variable representing itPrivilege object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ITRolePrivilegeMapping
Static variable representing itRolePrivilegeMapping object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Permission
Static variable representing systemPermission object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.PermissionAssociation
Static variable representing sysPermissionAssociation object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Privilege
Static variable representing systemPrivilege object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.Resource
Static variable representing systemResource object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.ResourceType
Static variable representing systemResourceType object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource.SysRolePrivilegeMapping
Static variable representing sysRolePrivilegeMapping object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.Approver
Static variable representing approverRole object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.BusinessRole
Static variable representing businessRole object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.ITRole
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.Role
Static variable representing abstractRole object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleGrant
Static variable representing roleGrant object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.RoleMapping
Static variable representing roleMapping object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.SystemRole
Static variable representing systemRole object.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role.UserRoleAssignment
Static variable, userRoleAssignment.
TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.inherent.User
Static variable representing abstractIdentity object.
Type - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A representation of a general type supporting both primitive types and object types.
Type(int) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
Creates a primitive type.
Type(String) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
Creates an object type.
TYPE_AND - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.AggregateFilter
Static variable representing "and" (1).
TYPE_BINARY - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
Static variable representing binary (7).
TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
Static variable representing boolean (2).
TYPE_BUSINESS_TASK - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerOperation
The constant representing the BUSINESS TASK operation type (3).
TYPE_DATETIME - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
Static variable representing datetime (4).
TYPE_DECIMAL - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
Static variable representing decimal (3).
TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
Static variable representing integer (1).
TYPE_LOOKUP - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerOperation
The constant representing the LOOKUP operation type (1).
TYPE_OBJECT - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
Static variable representing object (6).
TYPE_OR - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.AggregateFilter
Static variable representing "or" (2).
TYPE_SEARCH - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerOperation
The constant representing the SEARCH operation type (2).
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
Static variable representing string (5).
TYPE_SUPPLEMENTAL - Static variable in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.ServerOperation
The constant representing the SUPPLMENTAL operation type (4).


update(Object) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.server_api.IdentityToken
Updates the internal state of the IdentityToken based on the data returned from the server using the key from IdentityToken.getKey().
updateVersion(SnapshotObject) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.SnapshotObject
Updates the version of this object based on its equivalent from the system (read-only) session.
User - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent
The representation of a user object (abstractIdentity).
UserRoleAssignment - Interface in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role
Interface representing UserRoleAssignment objects.


validate() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Argument
Validates the current value of this argument against the attached validator.
validate() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.ArgumentSet
Validates all arguments in this ArgumentSet and returns error messages.
validate(ArgumentSet) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.BusinessTransactionOperation
Validates the operation without invoking it.
validate(ArgumentSet) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.SupplementalOperation
Validates the supplemental operation without invoking it.
validate(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.CompositeValidator
validate(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Validator
Validates the value based on the constraint represented by this validator.
validateCreate(SnapshotSession, Map<String, ObjectKey>, Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Runs object-scope validation for creating an object of this type with particular attributes.
validateEligibilityRule(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Validates a provided role eligibility rule.
validateMembershipRule(String) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.resolution.ResolutionEngine
Validates a provided role membership rule.
validatePrincipal(RoleManagerPrincipal) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.authentication.AuthenticationManager
Returns whether the principal provided is still valid.
validateType(Object) - Method in class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Type
Validates the value based on this type.
validateUpdate(SnapshotSession, SnapshotObject, Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.ObjectType
Runs object-scope validation for updating a specific object of this type with particular attributes.
ValidationException - Exception in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
An exception that indicates a validation fault with the passed arguments.
ValidationException(String, Map) - Constructor for exception oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ValidationException
Creates a ValidationException with a detail message.
ValidationException(Map) - Constructor for exception oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.ValidationException
Creates a ValidationException.
Validator - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A generic validator for arguments and attributes.
Validator() - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Validator
Creates a "blanket" validator.
Validator(String) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.Validator
Creates a validator with the provided violation message.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.iam.rm.client.Operation.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.SOCPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnDef.AggregateFunction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef.SortOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.iam.rm.client.Operation.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model.SOCPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnDef.AggregateFunction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef.SortOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.


wasSet() - Method in interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Argument
Determines whether the value in the argument was updated.
WhitespaceValidator - Class in oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model
A validator that validates against a string's whitespace.
WhitespaceValidator(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model.WhitespaceValidator
Creates a WhitespaceValidator.


Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

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