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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

Interface ObjectType

All Known Subinterfaces:
MixinObjectType, StructuralObjectType

public interface ObjectType

Definition of an object type within the data model.

Method Summary
 AttributeDefinition getAttributeDefinition(java.lang.String attributeKey)
          Gets an AttributeDefinition for this object type by attribute key.
 AttributeDefinition[] getAttributeDefinitions()
          Gets all of the AttributeDefinitions for this object type.
 ObjectType getExtendedObjectType()
          Gets the ObjectType from which this ObjectType extends.
 java.lang.String getKey()
          Gets the key or ID of this ObjectType.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getPermissions()
          Gets the permission identifiers that this object has declared.
 SOCPolicy getPermissionSocPolicy(java.lang.String permission)
          Gets the Sphere of Control policy to be used when determining whether instances of this object are within the Sphere of Control of a user's privileges for the specified permission.
 java.lang.String getReadAuditDetailsPermission()
          Gets the identifier of the permission necessary to read audit details for object instances of this type.
 java.lang.String getReadPermission()
          Gets the identifier of the permission necessary to read object instances of this type.
 oracle.iam.rm.temporal.impl.RelatedAuditObject[] getRelatedAuditObjects()
          Gets the RelatedAuditObjects for objects of this type.
 RelationshipPathDefinition getRelationshipPathDefinition(java.lang.String relationshipPathKey)
          Gets a RelationshipPathDefinition for this object type by relationship path key.
 RelationshipPathDefinition[] getRelationshipPathDefinitions()
          Gets all of the RelationshipPathDefinitions for this object type.
 oracle.iam.rm.i18n.Formattable getTitle()
          Gets the localized title for the object type.
 java.lang.String getTitleAttribute()
          Gets the attribute to use for the "title" of an object instance of this type.
 boolean instanceOf(java.lang.String objectTypeId)
          Determines whether this object type is an instance (either directly or as a subtype) of the object type provided.
 boolean isAbstractType()
          Determines whether this is an abstract type.
 oracle.iam.rm.i18n.Formattable validateCreate(SnapshotSession snapshotSession, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ObjectKey> primaryKeys, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends java.lang.Object> attributes)
          Runs object-scope validation for creating an object of this type with particular attributes.
 oracle.iam.rm.i18n.Formattable validateUpdate(SnapshotSession snapshotSession, SnapshotObject object, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends java.lang.Object> attributeValues)
          Runs object-scope validation for updating a specific object of this type with particular attributes.


Method Detail


java.lang.String getKey()
Gets the key or ID of this ObjectType.
String representing the identifier of this object type.


boolean isAbstractType()
Determines whether this is an abstract type. If an object type is abstract, then an instance of this object type cannot be created without creating a non-abstract subtype.
true if the object type is abstract, false otherwise


AttributeDefinition[] getAttributeDefinitions()
Gets all of the AttributeDefinitions for this object type.
all of the AttributeDefinitions for this object type.


AttributeDefinition getAttributeDefinition(java.lang.String attributeKey)
Gets an AttributeDefinition for this object type by attribute key.
attributeKey - the identifer of the attribute to retrieve
an AttributeDefinition for this object type by attribute key or null if that attribute does not exist on this object type.


RelationshipPathDefinition[] getRelationshipPathDefinitions()
Gets all of the RelationshipPathDefinitions for this object type.
all of the RelationshipPathDefinitions for this object type.


RelationshipPathDefinition getRelationshipPathDefinition(java.lang.String relationshipPathKey)
Gets a RelationshipPathDefinition for this object type by relationship path key.
relationshipPathKey - the identifer of the relationship path to retrieve
a RelationshipPathDefinition for this object type by relationship path key or null if that relationship path does not exist on this object type.


oracle.iam.rm.i18n.Formattable getTitle()
Gets the localized title for the object type.
the localized title for the object type.


boolean instanceOf(java.lang.String objectTypeId)
Determines whether this object type is an instance (either directly or as a subtype) of the object type provided.
objectTypeId - the identifier of the object type to compare to
true if this object type or one of its supertypes is the object type specified, false otehrwise


ObjectType getExtendedObjectType()
Gets the ObjectType from which this ObjectType extends.
The extended ObjectType for this object type or null if it does this object type is not a subtype.


java.lang.String getTitleAttribute()
Gets the attribute to use for the "title" of an object instance of this type.
the attribute to use for the "title" of an object instance of this type or null if one is not specified.


java.lang.String getReadPermission()
Gets the identifier of the permission necessary to read object instances of this type.
the identifier of the permission necessary to read object instances of this type or null if instances of this object type are readable by all users.


java.lang.String getReadAuditDetailsPermission()
Gets the identifier of the permission necessary to read audit details for object instances of this type.
the identifier of the permission necessary to read audit details for object instances of this type or null if audit details for instances of this object type are readable by all users.


java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getPermissions()
Gets the permission identifiers that this object has declared.
the permission identifiers that this object has declared.


SOCPolicy getPermissionSocPolicy(java.lang.String permission)
Gets the Sphere of Control policy to be used when determining whether instances of this object are within the Sphere of Control of a user's privileges for the specified permission.
permission - the identifier of the permission to get the Sphere of Control policy for
the Sphere of Control policy for the specified permission or null is one is not configured


oracle.iam.rm.temporal.impl.RelatedAuditObject[] getRelatedAuditObjects()
Gets the RelatedAuditObjects for objects of this type.
the RelatedAuditObjects for objects of this type.


oracle.iam.rm.i18n.Formattable validateUpdate(SnapshotSession snapshotSession,
                                              SnapshotObject object,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends java.lang.Object> attributeValues)
Runs object-scope validation for updating a specific object of this type with particular attributes.
snapshotSession - the session associated with this proposed change
object - the object to be changed
attributeValues - the attributes to set on the object being updated
a Formattable of the error message if the validation fails or null if the validation succeeds


oracle.iam.rm.i18n.Formattable validateCreate(SnapshotSession snapshotSession,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ObjectKey> primaryKeys,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends java.lang.Object> attributes)
Runs object-scope validation for creating an object of this type with particular attributes.
snapshotSession - the session associated with this proposed change
primaryKeys - the primary keys to set on the object being created
attributes - the attributes to set on the object being created
a Formattable of the error message if the validation fails or null if the validation succeeds

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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

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