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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

Class HierarchyParentJoinFilter

  extended by oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.Filter
      extended by oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.HierarchyParentJoinFilter

public class HierarchyParentJoinFilter
extends Filter

A query filter that joins from an object to its parent(s) in a hierarchy, applying further filters to the joined parent(s). <p/> For example:

            Org (title=engineering)
          |                         |
 Org (title=server team)   Org (title=web team)
          |                         |
 Person (name=Theodore)       Person (name=Max)

If you search for people and then use this join filter with the joined object filter for orgs of title "server team," then it would return Theodore, but not Max.

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.Filter


Constructor Summary
HierarchyParentJoinFilter(java.lang.String objectType, java.lang.String hierarchy, boolean recursive)
          Creates a HierarchyParentJoinFilter instance with the provided parameters that is joining to the active part of the hierarchy.
HierarchyParentJoinFilter(java.lang.String objectType, java.lang.String hierarchy, java.lang.String foreignObjectType, boolean recursive, Filter joinedObjectFilter)
          Creates a HierarchyParentJoinFilter instance with the provided parameters.


Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
 java.lang.String getForeignObjectType()
          Gets the type of object that is being joined to.
 java.lang.String getHierarchy()
          Gets the hierarchy to use to join between the objects.
 Filter getJoinedObjectFilter()
          Gets the nested Filter to apply to the foreign objects in the result.
 java.lang.String getObjectType()
          Gets the object type to join from.
 boolean isRecursive()
          Determines whether the filter should join recursively.
 boolean isRootMode()
          Determines whether the filter is acting from the active root down.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public HierarchyParentJoinFilter(java.lang.String objectType,
                                 java.lang.String hierarchy,
                                 java.lang.String foreignObjectType,
                                 boolean recursive,
                                 Filter joinedObjectFilter)
Creates a HierarchyParentJoinFilter instance with the provided parameters.
objectType - the object type to join from
hierarchy - the hierarchy to use to join between the objects
foreignObjectType - the type of object that is being joined to
recursive - a flag to determine whether the join is recursive
joinedObjectFilter - the nested Filter to apply to the foreign objects in the result


public HierarchyParentJoinFilter(java.lang.String objectType,
                                 java.lang.String hierarchy,
                                 boolean recursive)
Creates a HierarchyParentJoinFilter instance with the provided parameters that is joining to the active part of the hierarchy.
objectType - the object type to join from
hierarchy - the hierarchy to use to join between the objects
recursive - a flag to determine whether the join is recursive

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getObjectType()
Gets the object type to join from.
the object type to join from


public java.lang.String getForeignObjectType()
Gets the type of object that is being joined to.
the type of object that is being joined to


public java.lang.String getHierarchy()
Gets the hierarchy to use to join between the objects.
the hierarchy to use to join between the objects


public Filter getJoinedObjectFilter()
Gets the nested Filter to apply to the foreign objects in the result.
the nested Filter to apply to the foreign objects in the result


public boolean isRecursive()
Determines whether the filter should join recursively.
true to join recursively, false to only join to direct children


public boolean isRootMode()
Determines whether the filter is acting from the active root down.
true to join from the root, false to use the foreign obejct type specified


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
equals in class Filter

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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

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