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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

Class QuerySubject

  extended by oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.QuerySubject

public class QuerySubject
extends java.lang.Object

Mechanism to identify a subject as part of a query. <p/> This is either a start point or an object added to another QuerySubject to join between objects.

Nested Class Summary
 class QuerySubject.Join
          The structure representing an inter-subject join


Constructor Summary
QuerySubject(java.lang.String subjectKey, java.lang.String subjectType)
          Creates a new QuerySubject.


Method Summary
 void addFilterCriterion(Filter filter)
          Adds a filter criterion relative to this subject.
 void addJoin(java.lang.String relationshipPath, QuerySubject joinedSubject, boolean required)
          Adds a reference object join to add a related subject during the search.
 Filter[] getCriteria()
          Gets all filter criteria applied to this subject.
 QuerySubject.Join[] getJoins()
          Gets all joins from this subject.
 java.lang.String getSubjectKey()
          Gets the identifier for the this subject's object within this query.
 java.lang.String getSubjectType()
          Gets the system object type of this subject.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public QuerySubject(java.lang.String subjectKey,
                    java.lang.String subjectType)
Creates a new QuerySubject.
subjectKey - identifier for the this subject's object within this query
subjectType - system object type of this subject

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getSubjectKey()
Gets the identifier for the this subject's object within this query.


public java.lang.String getSubjectType()
Gets the system object type of this subject.


public void addFilterCriterion(Filter filter)
Adds a filter criterion relative to this subject.


public Filter[] getCriteria()
Gets all filter criteria applied to this subject.
Array of filters applied to this subject


public void addJoin(java.lang.String relationshipPath,
                    QuerySubject joinedSubject,
                    boolean required)
Adds a reference object join to add a related subject during the search.
relationshipPath - name of the relationship path referring to the joined subject
joinedSubject - QuerySubject of the related object
required - Boolean true subject is filtered if it does not have an object of the provided reference or false to support null joins


public QuerySubject.Join[] getJoins()
Gets all joins from this subject.
Array of joins.

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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

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