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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

Package oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model

Provides the classes and interfaces for the underlying model.


Interface Summary
EntityOperationMapping A mapping between an operation on an entity and a regular business operation.
ObjectType A definition of an object type that is defined by the server.
ServerAttributeDefinition A definition of an attribute, provided by the server's data model.
ServerAuditSummary Interface for read-only audit summary information returned from the server.
ServerChangeSummary Interface for read-only change summary information returned from the server.
ServerRelationshipPathDefinition A definition of a relationship path.


Class Summary
CompositeValidator A validator that can contain other validators.
EnumeratedValueValidator A validator that constrains the possible values to a defined set.
EnumeratedValueValidator.NameValuePair A key/value pair representing the values supported by the validator.
NonNullValidator A validator that validates against an object's existence.
NumericValidator A validator that validates against a number's value range.
StringLengthValidator A validator that validates against a string's length.
StringPatternValidator A validator that validates against a string pattern.
Type A representation of a general type supporting both primitive types and object types.
Validator A generic validator for arguments and attributes.
WhitespaceValidator A validator that validates against a string's whitespace.


Exception Summary
ValidationException An exception that indicates a validation fault with the passed arguments.


Package oracle.iam.rm.server_api.model Description

Provides the classes and interfaces for the underlying model.

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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

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