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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

Package oracle.iam.rm.server_api

Provides the interfaces and classes used for remotely interacting with Oracle Role Manager.


Interface Summary
ArgumentDefinition The interface definition of an argument for an operation.
IdentityToken A token that represents an authenticated user.
OperationVerificationResponse An object that provides the response to a request to determine whether an operation is valid to invoke.
PermissionFilter A filter used to describe filtering the results by the user's current permissions.
SecuredValue A container for a value that has been secured by way of RBAC (role-based access control).
Server The interface by way of which all clients interact with the server.
ServerBusinessTransaction A server representation of a business transaction.
ServerConstraintViolation A piece of information representing when a constraint has been violated.
ServerEntity The server representation of an Entity.
ServerHierarchyNode The server representation of a HierarchyNode.
ServerHome The remote EJB home used to look up the Server EJB.
ServerMetaData The metadata for the server.
ServerOperation The generic operation interface exposed by the server.
ServerPaginatedResultSet Server API equivalent of the PaginatedResultSet.


Class Summary
AggregateFilterCriterion A filter criteria that supports grouping other filters together in logical sets.
AttributeFilterCriterion A filter that uses an object's attributes to determine if it should be included.
ColumnMapping Describes how search subject attributes are to be included in a search result.
ColumnOrdering Column ordering definition.
ColumnSet Column information used for the search operation.
CriterionSet Filters information used for search operations.
DateTime A representation of a point in time.
EntityKey A Serializable identifier for objects from the server.
FilterCriterion A generic superclass for all filters to use for searches through the server API.
HierarchyParentFilterCriterion A filter that walks up a hierarchy, effectively allowing joins to parent hierarchy members in result filtering.
InverseFilterCriterion A filter that acts as a "not" for the contained filter.
ObjectTypeFilterCriterion A filter that narrows to a particular subtype to allow subtype attributes/joins to be filtered upon.
OperationVerificationRequest An object that represents a request to determine whether an operation is valid to invoke or not.
RelationshipFilterCriterion A filter that follows a relationship path, effectively allowing joins in result filtering.


Exception Summary
InvalidEntityKeyException An exception thrown by the server API to express that the entity-key used for the operation is not valid.
InvalidUserException An exception thrown by the server API to express a that the user used for the operation is not valid.
ServerException An exception thrown by the server API to express a problem from the server.


Package oracle.iam.rm.server_api Description

Provides the interfaces and classes used for remotely interacting with Oracle Role Manager.

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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

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