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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

Class ColumnSetDef

  extended by oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef

public class ColumnSetDef
extends java.lang.Object

A structure to allow definition of how search result columns should be provided and how it should be sorted.

Nested Class Summary
 class ColumnSetDef.SortEntry
          A structure to allow description of how the results should be sorted.
static class ColumnSetDef.SortOrder
          Static variables for sort order, asc or desc for ascending or descending sort order.


Constructor Summary
          Creates a ColumnSetDef instance.
ColumnSetDef(boolean unique)
          Creates a ColumnSetDef instance where the results will be guaranteed unique by the database.


Method Summary
 void addAggregateColumn(java.lang.String resultObjectKey, java.lang.String resultObjectAttributeKey, java.lang.String columnKey, ColumnDef.AggregateFunction aggregateFunction)
          Requests an attribute value to be included in the result set rows, the vaue of which is determined by an aggregate function.
 void addColumn(java.lang.String resultObjectKey, java.lang.String resultObjectAttributeKey)
          Requests an attribute value to be included in the result set rows.
 void addColumn(java.lang.String resultObjectKey, java.lang.String resultObjectAttributeKey, java.lang.String columnKey)
          Requests an attribute value to be included in the result set rows.
 void addSort(java.lang.String resultObjectKey, java.lang.String resultObjectAttributeKey, ColumnSetDef.SortOrder direction)
          Requests the results be sorted by a particular attribute's value.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ColumnDef> getColumnMappings(java.lang.String resultObjectKey)
          Gets column definitions, keyed by the names of the returned columns for the result object specified.
 java.util.List<ColumnSetDef.SortEntry> getSortEntries()
          Gets the sort orderings specified for this ColumnSetDef.
 boolean isUnique()
          Determines whether the results returned should be "unique".
 void resetSort()
          Resets the sort orders, if secondary and additional sort orders were added.
 void setUnique(boolean unique)
          Sets whether the results returned should be "unique".


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public ColumnSetDef()
Creates a ColumnSetDef instance.


public ColumnSetDef(boolean unique)
Creates a ColumnSetDef instance where the results will be guaranteed unique by the database. Warning: This has performance impacts with large sets of results.
unique - either true for the results to be guaraneed unique or false.

Method Detail


public void addColumn(java.lang.String resultObjectKey,
                      java.lang.String resultObjectAttributeKey)
Requests an attribute value to be included in the result set rows.
resultObjectKey - identifying key of the object from the query definition from which to extract the attribute
resultObjectAttributeKey - attribute key from the specified object to include


public void addColumn(java.lang.String resultObjectKey,
                      java.lang.String resultObjectAttributeKey,
                      java.lang.String columnKey)
Requests an attribute value to be included in the result set rows.
resultObjectKey - identifying key of the object from the query definition from which to extract the attribute
resultObjectAttributeKey - attribute key from the specified object to include
columnKey - identifying key that the attribute value will be referred to in each result set row


public void addAggregateColumn(java.lang.String resultObjectKey,
                               java.lang.String resultObjectAttributeKey,
                               java.lang.String columnKey,
                               ColumnDef.AggregateFunction aggregateFunction)
Requests an attribute value to be included in the result set rows, the vaue of which is determined by an aggregate function.
resultObjectKey - identifying key of the object from the query definition form which to extract the attribute
resultObjectAttributeKey - attribute key from the specified object to include
columnKey - identifying key that the attribute value will be referred to in each result set row
aggregateFunction - the aggregate function whose result will be in the column specified


public void resetSort()
Resets the sort orders, if secondary and additional sort orders were added.
See Also:
addSort(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, oracle.iam.rm.temporal.query.ColumnSetDef.SortOrder)


public void addSort(java.lang.String resultObjectKey,
                    java.lang.String resultObjectAttributeKey,
                    ColumnSetDef.SortOrder direction)
Requests the results be sorted by a particular attribute's value. This can be called multiple times in order to add secondary sort orders, and so forth. To start from scratch use the resetSort() method.
resultObjectKey - identifying key of the object from the query definition from which to sort the attribute
resultObjectAttributeKey - attribute key from the specified object to sort on
direction - sort order, either asc or desc
See Also:


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ColumnDef> getColumnMappings(java.lang.String resultObjectKey)
Gets column definitions, keyed by the names of the returned columns for the result object specified.
resultObjectKey - the subject identifier in the result set
the ColumnDefs of a result subject, keyed by result column


public java.util.List<ColumnSetDef.SortEntry> getSortEntries()
Gets the sort orderings specified for this ColumnSetDef.
the sort orderings specified for this ColumnSetDef


public boolean isUnique()
Determines whether the results returned should be "unique".
true to return unique results, false to allow repeats


public void setUnique(boolean unique)
Sets whether the results returned should be "unique".
unique - true to return unique results, false to allow repeats

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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

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