Oracle® Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide > Administering Oracle BI Answers > Specifying View Defaults for Answers and Dashboards Users >

Examples of Customizing Answers and Dashboards Default Values

The following sections provide examples of customizing default values:

NOTE:  For information about the core tasks required to customize XML message files, read Customizing the Oracle BI Presentation Services User Interface Using XML Message Files. The examples in this section assume you have read this information.

Adding a Default Header or Footer to New Reports

You can specify to the system that default headers and footers appear on all new reports. Footers, for example, can contain messages such as a confidentiality notice, the company's name, and so on. You can specify a default header or footer by creating an XML message that specifies the text and formatting that should be applied, and then deploying it to Oracle BI Presentation Services.

The following XML code example creates a footer that contains the text "Acme Confidential" in bold, red letters.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="">
   <WebMessageTable system="Answers" table="ViewDefaults">

<WebMessage name="kuiCriteriaDefaultViewElements" translate="no"><HTML>
   <view signature="compoundView" >
      <pageProps pageSize="a4">
         <pageFooter showOnDashboard="true" show="true">
            <zone type="top"><caption>[b]Acme Confidential[/b]</caption>
            <displayFormat fontColor="#FF0000"/></zone>


Allowing Sorting in Tables in Dashboards

By default, Oracle Business Intelligence table views are not sortable within dashboards and result views. To make tables sortable, create an XML message that specifies the text and formatting that should be applied, and deploy it to Oracle BI Presentation Services. Then, when a new table view is created in Answers, the option to allow sorting in dashboards will be selected by default.

The following XML code example turns on the option to allow sorting.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="">
   <WebMessageTable system="Answers" table="ViewDefaults">

<WebMessage name="kuiCriteriaDefaultViewElements" translate="no"><HTML>
   <view signature="tableView" sortable="true" />


Preventing Auto-Previewing of Results in Answers

Oracle Business Intelligence displays the results of the request when editing most views within Answers. If you prefer that the user explicitly ask to view the results, you can create an XML message that specifies that auto-preview should be disabled when new views are created. The user can still click the display results link to view the results when editing a view.

The following XML code example disallows the auto-previewing of results when working with a view in Answers.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="">
   <WebMessageTable system="Answers" table="ViewDefaults">

<WebMessage name="kuiCriteriaDefaultViewElements" translate="no"><HTML>
   <view signature="tableView" showToolBar="true" showHeading="true />
   <view signature="pivotTableView" autoPreview="false" />
   <view signature="titleView" autoPreview="false" />
   <view signature="viewSelector" autoPreview="false" />
   <view signature="htmlviewnarrativeView" autoPreview="false" />
   <view signature="tickerview" autoPreview="false" />
   <view signature="htmlview" autoPreview="false" />


Setting Defaults for the Compound Layout View in Answers

Answers displays the results of a newly formed request as a title view followed by a table view. You can create an XML message that specifies that the compound view should default to a different collection of views, such as a table view followed by a filters view. The user can still add and rearrange views within the compound layout view.

The following XML code example sets the default compound layout view to a table view followed by a filters view.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="">
   <WebMessageTable system="Answers" table="ViewDefaults">

<WebMessage name="kuiCriteriaDefaultViewElements" translate="no"><HTML>
   <view signature="compoundView" >
      <cv signature="tableView" />
      <cv signature="filtersView" />


Changing Dashboards Section Defaults

By default, Oracle Business Intelligence displays the results of drilling in the dashboard on a new page, does not show section names in the dashboard, and does allow users to expand and collapse sections. You can change these default values by creating an XML message that specifies that new default values for the dashboard section.

The following XML code example makes section heads visible, enables drilling, and does not allow users to collapse the sections.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="">
   <WebMessageTable system="Answers" table="ViewDefaults">

<WebMessage name="kuiDashboardDefaultElements" translate="no"><HTML>
   <element signature="dashboardSection" drillInline="true" showHeading="true" collapsible="false" />


Including Refresh and Modify Links with Reports on Dashboards

By default, Oracle Business Intelligence displays the results of embedded reports within the dashboard without including any links. If you prefer that newly added reports default to having Modify and Refresh links, for example, you can create an XML message that specifies that the report elements should behave this way. A user editing the dashboard can still modify this behavior using the menus within the dashboard editor.

In the XML message file, the links attribute can contain any combination of the letters d, f, g, m, and r to add the indicated link, as shown in Table 10.

Table 10. Attribute Values for Adding Links to Embedded Reports
Link Added to Report on the Dashboard






Add to Briefing Book





The following XML code example adds Modify and Refresh links to new reports embedded in dashboards.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="">
   <WebMessageTable system="Answers" table="ViewDefaults">

<WebMessage name="kuiDashboardDefaultElements" translate="no"><HTML>
   <element signature="reportView" display="embed" links="mr" />


Specifying Dashboard Page Defaults Including Headers and Footers

By default, Oracle Business Intelligence prints dashboards without headers or footers, and in a portrait orientation. If you prefer that newly added dashboard pages default to having a custom header and footer and print in landscape orientation, you can create an XML message that specifies these items. A user editing the dashboard can still modify this behavior using the menus within the dashboard editor.

The following XML code example adds a custom header and footer to a dashboard page and specifies landscape orientation.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="">
   <WebMessageTable system="Answers" table="ViewDefaults">

<WebMessage name="kuiDashboardDefaultElements" translate="no"><HTML>

<element signature="dashboardPage" personalSelections="false">
     <pageProps orientation="portrait" printRows="all" pageSize="a4">
         <pageHeader showOnDashboard="true" show="true">
            <zone type="top"><caption>[b]Acme is Cool[/b]</caption>
            <displayFormat fontSize="9pt" hAlign="center"
fontColor="#FFFFFF" backgroundColor="#000000"/></zone>
         <pageFooter showOnDashboard="true" show="true">
            <zone type="top"><caption>[b]CONFIDENTIAL
            <displayFormat fontSize="7.5pt" hAlign="center"
fontColor="#999999" borderColor="#CC99CC" fontStyle="italic"
borderPosition="all" borderStyle="single"/></zone>



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