Oracle® Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide > Customizing the Oracle BI Presentation Services User Interface > Configuring the Oracle Business Intelligence ReportUI Portlet >

Editing the portlet.xml file to configure Oracle BI ReportUI Portlet

Before you deploy the Oracle BI ReportUI Portlet, you need to edit the portlet.xml file to specify the URL for Oracle BI Presentation Services as well as some administrator credentials.

The portlet.xml file is delivered as part of the sawjsr168portlets.war file, a Web Archive (WAR) file located in the SAROOTDIR/web/skd folder (where SAROOTDIR is the installation directory).

To edit the portlet.xml file

  1. Create an empty folder named {portletconfig} (where portletconfig is any name you choose for the folder) in which to expand the sawjsr168portlets.war file.
  2. Locate the sawjsr168portlets.war file in the SAROOTDIR/web/skd folder (where SAROOTDIR is the installation directory) and copy it to the {portletconfig} folder.
  3. Make the {portletconfig} folder the current folder and expand sawjsr168portlets.war using the jar utility included with the JDK installation:

    jar -xf sawjsr168portlets.war

  4. Use a text editor to open the portlet.xml file in {portletconfig}/WEB-INF.
  5. Set the value element for each of the following preference/name elements:

    The access URL of Oracle BI Presentation Services. It includes the part of the URL before the question mark. It usually ends with saw.dll.

    Default value is:

    The user name of the Oracle Business Intelligence administrator.

    Required when authentication is done by administrative credentials. For more information see Configuring Authentication in the Oracle BI ReportUI Portlet.

    The password for the Oracle Business Intelligence administrator.

    Required when authentication is done by administrative credentials. For more information see Configuring Authentication in the Oracle BI ReportUI Portlet.

    (For WebSphere Portal only) The name of WebSphere Shared Credential Vault Slot, which holds the administrative user name and password for Oracle BI Presentation Services identified by the URL above.

    Used when authentication is done by administrative credentials. For more information see Configuring Authentication in the Oracle BI ReportUI Portlet.

    For more information about WebSphere Shared Credential Vault Slot, see the WebSphere Portal documentation.

  6. Make the {portletconfig} folder the current folder and update sawjsr168portlets.war using the jar utility included with the JDK installation:

    jar -uf sawjsr168portlets.war WEB-INF/portlet.xml

Example of portlet.xml

The following XML file is an example of the portlet.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<portlet-app xmlns=""    xmlns:xsi=""
   xsi:schemaLocation=" http://" version="1.0"
   id="Oracle Business Intelligence Report View Portlet Application">
      <portlet-name>Oracle Business Intelligence Report View Portlet</portlet-name>
         <title>Oracle Business Intelligence Report View Portlet</title>
            <value />
      <description xml:lang="en">This mode signifies that the portlet should render a screen to set the default values for the read-only preferences that are typically changed in the EDIT screen. Calling this mode requires that the user must have administrator rights.</description>

Oracle® Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.