Oracle® Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide > Customizing the Oracle BI Presentation Services User Interface >

Adding a Language Selection to Oracle BI Presentation Services Screens

The Oracle BI Presentation Services login screen and the My Account screen in Answers each include a language selection drop-down list, where users select the language in which they want to work. If a language that you want users to be able to select does not appear in the language selection drop-down list, you can add it.

To add a language to the language selection drop-down list on the login and My Account screens

  1. Add the l_xx directory to the SADATADIR\web\msgdb directory, where xx is the language extension for the language that you want to add (for example, en for english-usa) and SADATADIR is the data directory.
  2. Copy the languagenames.xml file in the SAROOTDIR\web\msgdb\messages directory to the SADATADIR\web\msgdb\messages directory, where SAROOTDIR is the installation directory and SADATADIR is the data directory. (The languagenames.xml file contains the list of languages that are acceptable for the language selection drop-down lists.)
  3. Use a text editor to open the languagenames.xml file in the SADATADIR\web\msgdb\messages directory.
  4. Check to make sure that the language that you want to add is not already listed in the file. If it is not listed, make the following entry to add the language:

    <WebMessage name="kmsgLanguageName_xx">

    where xx is the language extension (for example, ar) and LanguageName is the name of the language (for example, Arabic).

Oracle® Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.