Oracle® Business Intelligence Web Services Guide > Description of Services in Oracle BI Web Services > HtmlViewService Service >

getHTMLForReport() Method

Use this method to retrieve an HTML excerpt to display the results for a particular report. Before invoking this method, use the addReportToPage method to add the results to an HTML page.


String getHTMLForReport(String pageID, String pageReportID, String sessionID);


String pageID

Specifies the ID of the page object, which is returned by the startPage() method (for more information, read startPage() Method).

String pageReportID

Specifies the report ID returned by the addReportToPage() method.

For information about the addReportToPage method, read addReportToPage() Method.

String sessionID

Specifies the session ID, which is usually returned by the logon method. If the SOAP client engine can handle HTTP cookies, you can omit the session ID or set it to null.


Returns a string containing the HTML excerpt that displays the specified report.

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