Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide > Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler > Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration Overview for Analytics Scheduler >

Configuring Siebel Analytics Scheduler

In Windows you set Scheduler configuration options in the Job Manager Configuration dialog box, a feature of Siebel Analytics Administration Tool. This dialog box has three tabs: Scheduler, Siebel Mail, and Siebel iBots.

In UNIX you set Scheduler configuration options in schconfig.exe, a console-based application. The configuration options in schconfig.exe are identical to those available in the Job Manager Configuration dialog box.

This section provides detailed information about the Scheduler configuration options.

To access the Job Manager Configuration dialog box in Windows

  1. Open the Siebel Analytics Administration Tool.
  2. Choose Manage > Jobs from the toolbar.

    The Job Manager window appears.

  3. Choose File > Configuration Options.

    The Machine Name dialog box appears.

  4. Enter the machine name where the Scheduler is located, and then click OK.

    The Job Manager Configuration dialog box appears.

Job Manager Configuration—Scheduler Tab

The fields in the Scheduler tab describe Siebel Analytics Scheduler access to its back-end database and its general behavior. To restore the default values distributed with Scheduler, click Defaults. To revert to the most recently used settings, click Revert.

Table 3 provides a description of each field in the Scheduler tab.

Table 3. Scheduler Tab Fields
Bulk Fetch Buffer Size (bytes)
This parameter is for use in the database gateways. It specifies the maximum size in bytes of a bulk fetch page for retrieving data from a data source. The default value is 33,792 bytes.
Call Interface
The type of call the connection to the database makes. The call you choose from the pull-down list determines the application programmer interface (API) used to access the data source. The types of call interfaces in the list varies depending on the database type selected.
Data Source Name
Identifies the data source name (DSN) of the data source to use for the connection. For example, if the DSN of the Scheduler back-end database is ORCL8_Scheduler, you would enter ORCL8_Scheduler in this field. The DSN must contain valid logon information for a data source. If the information is invalid, the database logon fails.
Database Type
The database type of the Scheduler back-end database. Choose a type from the drop-down list.
Default Script Path
This field refers to a path where user-created job scripts (not iBots) should be stored. In the Job Manager, if a filename is entered in the Script field when adding or modifying a job, Siebel Analytics Scheduler examines the contents of this directory for the specified file. However, if a full path is given in the Script field, this directory is not examined. By default, this field is set to $(SiebelAnalytics)\Scripts\Common where $(SiebelAnalytics) is the location in which the Siebel Analytics software is installed.
Maximum Connections
The maximum number of database connections the Scheduler can open concurrently. When this limit is reached, the connection request waits until a connection becomes available. The default value is 5. Specify a value of 1 or greater.
Maximum Execution Threads
This field specifies the maximum number of threads that are used in Siebel Analytics Scheduler's thread pool.
Minimum Execution Threads
Siebel Analytics Scheduler is a multithreaded application. It uses a thread pool. This field specifies the minimum number of threads in this pool.
nQS (Siebel) Administrator Name
Because Siebel Analytics Scheduler runs jobs on Siebel Analytics Server and Siebel Analytics Web on behalf of a user without storing that user's password, the server allows the Scheduler and the Web to impersonate users. To allow these applications to impersonate users, specify a user with administrator's privileges in this field.
The user specified must be a Repository Administrator with the ability to impersonate other users, and have basic access to the Web catalog (to access the shared folder).
nQS (Siebel) Administrator Password/Confirm Password
These fields contain the password for the Siebel administrator with impersonation privileges. The password is encrypted in the registry. You can change it by using the Job Manager (Windows) or schconfig.exe (UNIX).
Password/Confirm Password
These fields contain the password to use to log on to the data source. For security, the password is encrypted in the registry.
Pause When Service Starts
This is a flag that specifies that no jobs should execute when Siebel Analytics Scheduler starts. While it is paused, users can add, modify, and remove jobs. However, no jobs execute. The Siebel administrator can use this field for maintenance purposes, such as shutting down the Scheduler, then setting this value, and then restarting the Scheduler to conduct maintenance. Choose Service Management > Continue Scheduling in the Job Manager to continue with regular execution.
Purge DB every X minutes
Depending on the back-end database, deleting rows from a table may be expensive, while updates are almost always streamlined. Siebel Analytics Scheduler does not actually issue SQL DELETE statements when jobs or instances are removed. Instead, it updates the tables and flags the affected rows as deleted. After every X minutes (where X is defined as the value of this field), the actual SQL DELETE statements are issued. The default value is every 60 minutes.
Purge Old instances after X days
Specifies the number of days after which old job instances are deleted from the back-end database automatically. The default value is to delete after seven days. To prevent old job instances from being deleted automatically, set the value to 0 (zero).
Scheduler Script Path
The Scheduler's back-end database does not actually store the job scripts. This field refers to the path where Scheduler-created job scripts are stored. In the Job Manager, when adding or modifying a job, if a script is manually entered in the Script field, the Scheduler creates a file in the path defined by this field. The file has an SCS extension. In general, you should not add or remove scripts from this directory. By default, this field is set to $(SiebelAnalytics)\Scripts\Scheduler where $(SiebelAnalytics) is the location in which the Siebel Analytics software is installed.
Temporary File Path
This is a path that specifies where temporary files are stored during the execution of Siebel Analytics Scheduler.
Timeout (Minutes)
The timeout specifies the amount of time, in minutes, that a connection to the data source remains open after an operation completes. During this time, new operations use this connection rather than open a new one, up to the number specified for Maximum Connections. The time is reset after each completed connection request. The default value is 60. Specify a value of 1 or greater.
User name
The user name the Scheduler uses to log on to the data source. The user name must have read and write permissions to the back-end database.

To properly set up Scheduler, the user name must be the same as the table owner for databases like DB2 that require fully qualified table names (for example, SIEBEL.S_NQ_JOB).

Job Manager Configuration—Siebel Mail Tab

The fields in the Siebel Mail tab are used to configure the COM object used by Siebel Delivers to deliver SMTP mail. To restore the default values distributed with Siebel Analytics Scheduler, click Defaults. To revert to the most recently used settings, click Revert.

Table 4 provides a description of each field in the Siebel Mail tab.

Table 4. Siebel Mail Tab Fields
Authenticate against SMTP Server
This specifies that the SMTP Server requires authentication to send email to an address outside of its domain. When checked, fill in the Username and Password fields for an email user on the SMTP server. When not checked, the Username and Password fields are not used.
From Display Name
This field is used in the SMTP From field as a meaningful substitution for the sender's address. The default is Siebel Delivers <>.
Maximum Recipients
Some mail servers limit the number of SMTP recipients for a single email. Usually this limit is close to 1000 recipients. Use the Maximum Recipients field to prevent sending to more recipients than your mail server's limit. If the mailing list has more subscribers than the Maximum Recipient value, Siebel Delivers splits the list into smaller lists and sends an email for each list.
Number of Retries Upon Failure
If Siebel Delivers fails to deliver an email, it tries to resend it. The number specified in this field sets the number of retry attempts. The default is 1.
Password/Confirm Password
When the option Authenticate against SMTP Server is checked, these fields specify the user's password for the specified user name.
Sender Address
This is the email address on the SMTP Server used as the sender's reply-to address for all mail sent from Siebel Analytics Scheduler. The initial value is, which must be changed to reflect a valid email address.
This is the port number for SMTP on the given server. The default is port 25. Most mail servers use port 25 as the mail port.
SMTP Server
This is the name of the SMTP server that delivers the mail. The initial value is, which must be changed to a valid server name in order to deliver mail.
Use Bcc Instead of To
Use this option to put the subscribers list on the BCC line instead of the To line. This prevents subscribers from seeing the names of the others on the list, and it prevents subscribers from accidently (or maliciously) replying to the entire list.
When the option Authenticate against SMTP Server is checked, this field specifies the user name for an email user on the specified SMTP server. If left blank, the email server does not authenticate any email from Siebel Delivers.

Job Manager Configuration—Siebel iBots Tab

Siebel iBots are functionally a combination of data stored in Siebel Analytics Web and on Siebel Analytics Scheduler. The fields in the iBots tab describe the behavior of all Siebel iBots that run on a specific Siebel Analytics Scheduler. To restore the default values distributed with the Scheduler, click Defaults. To revert to the most recently used settings, click Revert.

Table 5 provides a description of each field in the iBots tab.

Table 5. iBots Tab, Configuration Fields
Debug Enabled
Check this to have the Scheduler generate a log file for each iBot. This log file has useful logging messages when trying to diagnose a problem.
iBot Log Directory
Siebel iBots have the ability to create log files if exceptional error conditions occur. This setting specifies the directory where these files are saved. The directory must be accessible to the Scheduler application. In Windows, the default installation runs the service as a system account, which prevents Siebel Analytics Scheduler from writing to or reading from network directories.
Max Concurrent Subscribers
Specifies how many concurrent actions or unique requests can be executed in parallel. This number represents the number of dedicated threads from the thread pool an iBot uses. You can override this setting for individual iBots in the Modify Job dialog box.
Minimum/Maximum Delivery Sleep Seconds
The minimum and maximum number of seconds during which the iBot randomly sleeps before it attempts to reconnect to the server (if its connection was refused) to deliver results.
Minimum/Maximum Global Sleep Seconds
The minimum and maximum number of seconds during which the iBot randomly sleeps before it attempts to reconnect to the server (if its connection was refused) to get global information.
Minimum/Maximum Request Sleep Seconds
The minimum and maximum number of seconds during which the iBot randomly sleeps before it attempts to reconnect to the server (if its connection was refused) to issue requests.
Number of Delivery Tries
After a unique request has executed, the iBot tries to deliver the results to specified devices.
This field specifies the number of times the Scheduler attempts to connect to the server to deliver the results.
Number of Global Tries
When a Web or mail server has too many people logged on, the server may reject new connections, including connections from Siebel Analytics Scheduler. To cope with this, An iBot retries the connection. This field sets the maximum number of tries to get global information (what to deliver and to whom) before the iBot gives up.
Number of Request Tries
After an iBot has received the global information, it issues a series of unique requests to the server for each user.
This field specifies the number of times the Scheduler attempts to connect to the server to issue these requests.
SAW Machine Name
The machine name and port where SAWServer is running. The server name must be specified and can optionally be followed by a colon and port number. If you do not specify a port number, Scheduler uses the default SAW server port number, which is 9710. For example, if the SAWServer runs on machine1 and port 8900, the value for this field is machine1:8900.

Job Manager Configuration—Workflow Tab

Siebel Delivers can trigger Siebel eBusiness Applications V7.5 workflows. For information on how to set this up, see Integrating Workflows with Siebel Delivers. Part of the process of requires using the controls on the Workflow tab.

Table 6 provides a description of each field in the Workflow tab.

Table 6.  Workflow Tab, Configuration Fields
The name of your Siebel enterpriser server. Siebel Analytics Scheduler uses the http connector of the server to trigger the workflow. Example:
The name of the Siebel EAI system in your environment. Example:
The name of the http service as defined in the eai.cfg file. Example:
The user name the Scheduler uses to log on to the Siebel Enterprise Server.
Password for the user account.

 Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide
 Published: 11 March 2004