Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > Upgrading Siebel Data Warehouse >

Siebel Data Warehouse Upgrade Customizations

This section describes how to upgrade your customizations. Customization upgrade consists of upgrading Informatica mappings customizations and registering them in DAC.

Upgrading Informatica Repository Customizations

To upgrade Informatica repository customizations, use the following procedure.

To copy your custom folder from your existing Informatica repository to the newly restored 7.7 Informatica repository

  1. Launch Informatica Repository Manager and connect to both your current and newly restored 7.7 Informatica Repositories (restored in the Informatica repository upgrade, see Siebel Data Warehouse Environment Upgrade).
  2. Select the custom folder in your current repository and copy it (Edit >Copy).
  3. Select the newly restored 7.7 Informatica Repository and paste it (Edit >Paste). (Rename the folder if necessary to paste it in this location.)

    This action will create the custom folder and all its contents (mappings, workflows and so on).

  4. Create an individual workflow for each of the mappings in the custom folder.

    These mappings, once registered, would be used by the DAC, and the workflow previously batched would not be used by the DAC.

Modifying Data Extracts

In Analytics version 7.7, the changed data is loaded into image table for incremental loads but not for full loads. Therefore, the source qualifier for extracts (that is, all mappings whose name starts with SDE_), uses views that are built differently for incremental and full load by DAC. Use the procedures in this section to access the views.

If your mapping is using a new source table (that is, if this source table does not exist in the DAC repository) see Registering Customization in the DAC for the procedure to register a new source table and create the corresponding new image tables. (In Analytics version 7.7, every source table which is incrementally loaded will have a corresponding three image tables.)

To upgrade customization in the Custom Folder

  1. Replace the source primary table (primary table is the one which joins with the image table) to use the corresponding view.

    You can get the view name by replacing the prefix of the source table name S_ with V_.

  2. Remove the old image table (S_ETL_I_IAMGE) and S_ETL_SRC_TABLE from the "from" list.
  3. Remove the join between the source table, old image table (S_ETL_I_IMG) and S_ETL_SRC_TABLE.
Example of a 7.5.3 Override

The following example shows the previous and current version of the SQL override of the Source Qualifier for the Wave Dimension. The changes are highlighted.















7.7 SQL Override

SELECT $$Hint1






If you have customized W_ORDERITEM_F or W_QUOTEITEM_F you need to redo them according to the new way (Both these facts are now split For Example: W_ORDERITEM_F is split into W_ORDER_F containing only header rows and W_ORDERITEM_F containing only line item rows). See the new Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide for more details on these facts.

If your customized mappings are using W_MAP_DIM tables modify them to get value from the base tables as map tables are no longer used. See the modifications in the new mappings for W_PERSON_D and W_REVN_F to compare the changes due to the removal of W_MAP_DIM

If you have customized mappings in the Main Folder, use the following procedure.

To upgrade customization in the Main Folder

Registering Customization in the DAC

New Source Table: If your mapping is using a new source table (that is, if this source table does not exist in the DAC repository), then you need to do the following.

To register customization in the DAC for a new source table

  1. Register the tables in the DAC Repository (Design - Tables - Create New Record for the corresponding table), and assign new suffix to it if this is a Siebel source table for which you want to do incremental ETL.(Use a suffix >500 and <999).
  2. Create the image tables for those tables by right-clicking on the entry and choosing 'Generate Change Capture Scripts' and then manually creating the tables by applying the scripts generated on the OLTP database.

If your mapping is using a new target table (that is, if this target table does not exist in the DAC repository) use the following procedure.

To register customization in DAC for a new target table

  1. Register the tables in the DAC Repository (Design - Tables - Create New Record for the corresponding table).
  2. Register the indices in the DAC Repository (Design - Index - Create New Record for the corresponding index).
  3. Add the table under the group (Design - Table Groups - Create New Record for the corresponding table group).

    Typically there is one table group per star. Also, when multiple tables need to be built together, you can create an independent group as well. If there is no group that you can associate with the table, then create one.

  4. Under the desired Subject Area (Design - Subject Area), add the table group, if any were created.

    If none of the subject areas satisfies your needs, then create a new one.

  5. Under the desired Execution Plan (Design - Execution Plan), add any newly created Subject areas, if any.

    You can run Execution Plans either manually or create schedules to run them periodically.

To register customization in the DAC for the Custom Folder

  1. Import the Informatica Sessions by choosing DAC Repository Management > Import Informatica Sessions.

    This imports all the workflow names and folders into DAC repository.

  2. If your Informatica Repository is on a database other than the Siebel Data Warehouse database, define the database connection on your DAC repository by choosing Edit Setup > DAC System Properties and then editing Preferences Main Informatica Repository to reflect the name of the connection that you created.

If you have created a new mapping in the Custom Folder use the following procedure.

NOTE:  If you are using a new source or target table, complete the procedures for registering a new source or target table, before proceeding further.

To register customization in the DAC for a new mapping in the Custom Folder

  1. Create separate workflows to populate each table.
  2. Go to Tools > Import Informatica Workflows in DAC to bring in the newly created workflows in DAC's temporary table.
  3. Register those as Tasks in DAC Repository (Design - Task Definitions).
    1. Choose the appropriate workflow name for full and incremental command names.
    2. Choose Execution Type to be Informatica.
  4. Define the execution order by specifying the dependencies.

    For example, if the task needs to be run after certain other tasks, then add these tasks to Depends On (Design > Task Definition > Depends On Tasks).

  5. Specify the source and target tables.

    For the procedures using source tables that require change capture, check the Build Image property of the Task Definition, and choose those tables as Primary or Auxilliary.

    NOTE:  Use the change capture procedure only for Primary or Auxilliary tables.

If you have copied over an existing mapping to the Custom Folder and modified it use the following procedure.

To register a customized mapping inside the Custom Folder

  1. Modify the existing task to point to the Custom Folder.
  2. Modify the execution order if necessary.

 Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide
 Published: 11 March 2004