Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > Installing and Configuring Siebel Data Warehouse > Deploying Informatica and Siebel Data Warehouse in Unicode and Non-English Environments >

Unicode to Unicode Parameter Settings for Siebel Data Warehouse

Unicode requires the code page configuration described in this section.

NOTE:  Run the Informatica Server in Unicode mode when the source data supports multibyte or ISO 8859-1 (8 bit ASCII) code pages or when the source and target database is Unicode. If not using a Unicode database, select the ASCII option.

Table 7 shows the DBMS settings for Unicode to Unicode environments.

Table 7.  Unicode to Unicode Settings
Source DB code page.
UTF8 or AL32UTF8.
Source DB connection.
In Workflow Manager > Connections > Relational, set to UTF-8.
In Workflow Manager > Connections > Relational, set to UTF-8.
Target DB (Informatica repository and DAC repository code page.
UTF8 or AL32UTF8.
Target DB Connection code page.
In Workflow Manager > Connections > Relational, set to UTF-8.
In Workflow Manager > Connections > Relational, set to UTF-8.
Informatica Server, Informatica Repository Server, Informatica client, DAC server, and DAC client code page.
Any OS.
Set the NLS_LANG to x_x.AL32UTF8. (For information about determining the NLS_LANG, see Siebel Data Warehouse Unicode and Code Page Procedures.)
If the Informatica Server is on UNIX, set PM_CODEPAGENAME appropriately (for example, MS932 if server code page is Japanese) and set the Informatica Server code page in Workflow Manager appropriately (for example, MS Windows Japanese, superset of Shift- JIS).
Any OS.
Set DBCODEPAGE to 1208.
If the Informatica Server is on UNIX, set PM_CODEPAGENAME appropriately (for example, MS932 if server code page is Japanese) and set the Informatica Server code page in Workflow Manager appropriately (for example, MS Windows Japanese, superset of Shift- JIS).
Informatica Server (Unicode settings).
Set SIEBELUNICODEDB appropriately. (For more information, see Siebel Data Warehouse Unicode and Code Page Procedures.)
Set the Data Movement mode to Unicode.
Set SIEBELUNICODEDB appropriately. (For more information, see Siebel Data Warehouse Unicode and Code Page Procedures.)
Set the Data Movement mode to Unicode.

 Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide
 Published: 11 March 2004