Siebel Analytics Platform Upgrade Guide

What's New in This Release

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Upgrading the Siebel Analytics Platform

Description of the Siebel Analytics Software Platform

Deciding to Upgrade the Siebel Analytics Platform

Is it Necessary to Uninstall Earlier Versions of Siebel Analytics?

Should an Incremental Platform Upgrade be Performed?

Checking the Analytics Component Version Number

Which Analytics Folders and Files Should be Backed Up?

Do Other Deployment Components Need Upgrading?

Uninstalling Previous Versions of Siebel Analytics

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Performing a Siebel Analytics Platform Upgrade

Upgrading Siebel Analytics Platform Components

Adding Licensed Functionality or Components to an Existing Siebel Business Analytics Deployment

Reconfiguring Siebel Analytics After an Upgrade

Reapplying Customized Style Sheets

Using an Upgraded Siebel Analytics Platform and an Older Repository

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Siebel Analytics Platform Upgrade Topic Areas

Siebel Analytics Platform File Path and Command Conventions

Accessing Siebel Analytics Documentation and Related Resources

Accessing Siebel Analytics Documentation

Accessing Siebel Analytics System Requirements Documentation

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Siebel Analytics Platform Upgrade Guide, Version 7.8.2, Rev. A