Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide > Administering Siebel Intelligence Dashboards > Controlling Access to Saved Selection Options in Siebel Intelligence Dashboards >

Overview of Saved Selections in Dashboards

In Siebel Intelligence Dashboards, saved selections allow users to view dashboard pages with their most frequently used or favorite choices for filters and prompts, without the need to make choices manually for all of the prompts and filters that appear on the dashboard page.

Users and groups with the appropriate permissions and dashboard access rights can perform the following activities:

  • Save various combinations of choices for filters and prompts as saved selections, for their personal use or use by others.
  • Specify a saved selection as the default selection for a dashboard page, for their personal use or use by others.
  • Switch between their saved selections.

You can restrict this behavior in the following ways:

  • Users can view only the saved selections assigned to them.
  • Users can save selections for personal use only.
  • Users can save selections for personal use and for use by others.

NOTE:  For information about end user use of saved selections, read the section about creating and assigning personal and shared saved selections for a dashboard page in Siebel Analytics User Guide.

Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide