Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide > Administering Siebel Intelligence Dashboards > Controlling Access to Saved Selection Options in Siebel Intelligence Dashboards >

Administering Saved Selections

This section describes the privileges and permissions required to administer saved selections. It also describes the relevant portions of the Web Catalog related to storing and administering saved selections.

Privileges for Saved Selections

In Siebel Analytics Web Administration, the following privileges in the Siebel Intelligence Dashboards area, together with permission settings for key dashboard elements, control whether users or groups can save or assign selections:

  • Save Selections
  • Assign Default Selections

You can set neither privilege, one privilege, or both privileges for a user or group, depending on the level of access desired. For example, a user who has neither privilege can view only the saved selection assigned as his or her default selection.

Permissions for Saved Selections

This section describes the permissions required for dashboard pages to administer saved selections, and the relevant portions of the Web Catalog structure for setting permissions on shared and personal saved selections.

Assigning Permissions to Dashboards

Permissions for dashboards, such as Read or Change/Delete, are set at the Manage Dashboards screen, available by clicking the link Manage Intelligence Dashboards at the Siebel Analytics Web Administration screen. The pages on the dashboard inherit the permissions set for a user or group.

Assigning Permissions for Saved Selections on a Dashboard Page

Permissions for assigning saved selections on a particular dashboard page are set at the Dashboard Properties screen, available by clicking the Dashboard Properties button in the Dashboard Editor.

When selection security is enabled at the Dashboard Properties screen by clicking the Enabled link, two buttons appear in the Selection Security column:

  • The left button controls who can save shared selections for that dashboard page.
  • The right button controls who can assign default selections for that dashboard page.

Clicking each button navigates to the appropriate location in the Web Catalog for that object. Web Catalog objects and permissions scenarios are described in more detail in the sections that follow.

Web Catalog Folder Structure for Saved Selections

In addition to the privileges set in Siebel Analytics Web Administration, the level of control that users and groups have over saved selections depends on their access rights to key elements. For example, users and groups that can create and edit underlying dashboards, save dashboard view preferences as selections, and assign selections to other users as default selections require Full Control permission to the key elements in shared storage, while users and groups that can view only their assigned default saved selections need only Read access to the key elements in shared storage.

Key elements in the Web Catalog include the following folders:

  • Shared Storage Folders.

    Shared storage folders for dashboards are located within the _portal folder. Dashboards are identified by their assigned names.

    Permission settings control access to a specific dashboard for editing. Typically, if permissions are inherited down to the _selections and _defaults folders, users who can edit dashboards are also able to save selections and set defaults. Access to a specific dashboard folder controls whether a user or group can edit the dashboard.

    The _selections folder within a dashboard folder contains a page identifier folder for each dashboard page. Shared saved selections are located within this folder. Access to the page identifier folder controls whether a user or group can display, save or edit selections for that page.

    The _defaults folder within a _selections folder contains assigned default selections. Each group that has an assigned default appears here. Access to this folder controls whether a user or group can assign defaults.

  • Personal Storage Folders.

    Within a user's personal folder, the _selections folder contains an individual user's saved selections. Like the shared _selections folder, a personal _selections folder contains a page identifier folder for each dashboard page. The page identifier folder contains personal saved selections and a _defaultlink file that specifies a user's preference for the personal defaulted selection.

    A personal saved selection default overrides an assigned shared selection default.

NOTE:  If a dashboard page with saved selections is removed from the system, the saved selections are also removed from the Web Catalog. If the underlying dashboard structure changes such that a saved selection is no longer valid when a user accesses it, the default content appears on the dashboard and a message alerts the user.

Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide