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About the DAC Subject Areas Tab

The Subject Areas tab lists all the subject areas associated with the selected source system container. It allows you to view and edit existing subjects areas and to create new ones. Table 14 provides a description of the properties in the top pane of the tab.

Table 14. DAC Subject Areas Tab Top Pane Properties

Configuration Tag tasks only

Indicates whether configuration tag tasks are the only tasks associated with this subject area that will participate in the ETL process. If this check box is selected, only the tasks associated with the configuration tag will be chosen by the DAC when the subject area is assembled.

For more information about Configuration Tag tasks, see About the DAC Configuration Tags Tab.

Last Designed

Date and time the subject area was last assembled.

Table 15 provides a description of the child tabs in the bottom pane of the Subject Areas tab.

Table 15. DAC Subject Areas Child Tabs
Child Tab


Displays the tasks associated with the selected subject area, and allows you to add tasks to a subject area, inactivate tasks, and remove tasks from a subject area.

NOTE:  When you inactivate a task, it remains inactive even if you reassemble the subject area. When you remove a task from a subject area, it will be added back to the subject area upon reassembly.

It includes the following properties:

  • Parent Group. If the task belongs to a task group, this column displays the task group name.
  • Phase. Task phase of the ETL process.
  • Autogenerated. Indicates whether the task was automatically generated by the DAC's task generation process.
  • Is Group. Indicates whether the task is a task group.


Displays the tables that are associated with the selected subject area. It allows you to add tables to subject areas or to remove them.

Configuration Tags

Displays the configuration tags that are associated with this subject area.

It includes the following properties:

  • Include Tasks. This field is read-only. It indicates whether the configuration tag tasks will be executed with the selected subject area.
  • Context Disabled. If this check box is selected, the configuration tag is globally disabled (set as Inactive in the Configuration Tags parent tab).
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