Oracle® Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console Guide > DAC Functional Reference > About the DAC Design View >

About the DAC Tables Tab

The Tables tab lists all the tables associated with the selected source system container. It allows you to view and edit existing tables and to create new ones. Table 16 provides a description of the table properties in the top pane of the tab.

Table 16. DAC Tables Tab Top Pane Properties

Table Type

Indicates the type of table.


Indicates whether the table is a warehouse table.

NOTE:  If the warehouse flag is not selected, the schema creation process will not include this table.

Image Suffix

Suffix for image tables. Applicable to Siebel source tables only. For more information about image tables, see Generate Image and Trigger Scripts Command.

Is MultiSet

Indicates whether the table is a MultiSet table. Applicable only to Teradata databases.

Has Unique Primary Index

Indicates whether the table has a Unique Primary Index. Applicable only to Teradata databases.

Table 17 provides a description of the child tabs in the bottom pane of the Tables tab.

Table 17. DAC Tables Child Tabs

Related Tables

Lists tables that are related to the selected table. Related tables participate in the ETL process in addition to the tables that are associated with this table.


Lists the columns associated with the selected table and allows you to add columns to the selected table. Also allows you to enter foreign key table and foreign key column relationships.

Multi-column Statistics

Applicable to Teradata databases only.

Indices (RO)

Displays a read-only list of indices that belong to the selected table.

Source for Tasks (RO)

Displays a read-only list of tasks that use the selected table as a source.

Target for Tasks (RO)

Displays a read-only list of tasks that use the selected table as a target.

Conditional for Tasks (RO)

Displays a read-only list of tasks that are optional tasks for the selected table.

Actions Available

The following actions are available in the top pane toolbar and in the right-click menu when the Tables tab is active.

Generate Index Scripts Command

This command generates drop index, create index, and analyze table scripts for all the tables that participate in the ETL process. You can query for one or more tables, and the command will generate all the scripts for all the tables. The results are stored in the log\scripts directory. Files are generated that provide the following information: drop indices of type ETL, create indices of type ETL, drop indices of type Query, create indices of type Query, and analyze tables.

Generate Image and Trigger Scripts Command

This command generates change capture scripts for tables with defined image suffixes (Siebel sources only). The scripts include creation of the image tables to assist in the change capture process and their indices. You can also create the triggers for deletes. Triggers for deletes should be used only for new source tables for which you want to use change capture. The scripts will be generated for the selected table or all the tables shown in the list applet. You can narrow down the tables of interest by querying. The results are shown in a text box, which can be supplied to the DBA for executing.

Generate View Scripts

This command generates change capture view scripts for full or incremental loads for any table that participates in the change capture process. This command can be useful when the change capture fails and you want to run a task manually. It can also be used for unit testing.

Generate Change Capture SQL

This command generates change capture SQL scripts for full or incremental mode for tables that participate in the change capture process. This command can be useful when the change capture fails and you want to run a task manually. It can also be used for unit testing.

Import Database Tables Command

This command allows you to import table definitions from a selected database. This command does not allow you to import table column definitions. You need to use the Import Database Columns command to do so.

Import Database Columns Command

This command allows you to import table column definitions.

Import Indices Command

This command allows you to import index definitions from the database for one or more tables as listed in the result of the query.

NOTE:  In MSSQL Server databases, when you import indices with columns whose sort order type is "Desc," the sort order type appears in the DAC as "Asc." You have to set the sort order manually to "Desc."

Oracle® Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.