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Oracle® Retail Store Inventory Management Store User Guide
Release 16.0
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20 Customer Order Management

This chapter covers customer order management. The following topics are covered:


In SIM, Customer Order Management is the opportunity for the retailer to engage in an end to end process of allowing retailers to execute orders placed in different channels and fulfilled through the supply chain, either from the store, warehouse, vendor, or third-party delivery mechanism.

Customer Order Management is a dialog that allows for the managing of all the inventory execution transactions associated to a customer order for a user's store. It is available on the PC, handheld, and MAF applications.

Business Case

Figure 20-1 Pickup in POS Flow

In this flow, the orders are created in ATG/POS and then sent to SIM from an Order Management System (OMS) system. When the order arrives in the store, a manager can be notified, who will then execute a pick that will let the OMS know the items are ready for pickup.

Figure 20-2 Direct Ship from SIM Flow

Similar to the previous flow, the order is created in ATG/POS. Next, the OMS sends this order to SIM. However after the picking process, SIM will allow the user to create a shipment. Optionally, a manifesting system can be contacted to print a carrier label for the package.

Figure 20-3 Multi-Site Shipment from SIM Flow

This workflow shows the need for a merchandising system, such as RMS, to handle the need for multi-site customer orders. These are orders where the store does not have the inventory to fulfill the customer order, but rather needs to have inventory shipped in from a warehouse, supplier, or other store.

Figure 20-4 PC Screen Flow

This flow depicts the screen flow for the Customer Order Management dialog on the PC application.

Customer Order Management is a dialog that is available in the Main Menu. From the Customer Order Management List (task screen), the user has access to the Customer Orders dialog which includes: Customer Order Picking, Customer Order Reverse Picking, and Customer Order Deliveries. Lastly, Transfers, and Direct Store Receiving which are for customer orders are also accessible.

Figure 20-5 Handheld Screen Flow

Similar to the PC application, the handheld also has a customer order management dialog.

Customer Order Management on the handheld consists of looking up orders as well as creating picks and deliveries for the customer orders.

Customer Order Management

This section covers the customer order management functionality.


This section covers system parameters and security.

System Parameters

Search Limit for Customer Order Management

  • Values: 1-999

  • Default: 500

  • Topic: UI

  • Editable: Yes

  • Defines how many records will be returned in the Customer Order Management List screen. This parameter is only used for the default search limit; the user can still choose to override this value.


Security permissions exist for accessing the Customer Order Management dialog on the PC and handheld.

Customer Order Management List

Figure 20-6 Customer Order Management List Screen

The Customer Order Management List screen is a task oriented screen. The purpose is to give the user access to all transactions which are associated to a customer order within SIM for the user's store.

The Customer Order Management List screen is a view only list screen and defaults to all customer order transaction records which are in an "Open" status. "Open" status does not correlate to the actual status of the transaction, but rather the order is open and an action still needs to take place. For example, new or in progress customer orders would be considered "Open."

The filter button allows the user to filter on additional criteria for the transactions if necessary. The user can choose to double click a transaction and the system will navigate to the details for that transaction. Upon leaving that transaction, the user will return back to the Customer Order Management List. Lastly, the user can navigate to the Customer Order dialog or the Picking dialog using the buttons at the top.

Transactions available within the Customer Order Management dialog include: customer orders, picks, deliveries, reverse picks, DSD receiving, and transfers. DSD receiving and transfers will be restricted to only those transactions that are affiliated with a customer order fulfillment order. Selecting one of these transactions will take the user to the details of that transaction within the existing corresponding dialog (that is, the Transfer Detail screen).

Customer Order Management Filter

Figure 20-7 Customer Order Management Filter

The Customer Order Management Filter screen is accessed through the filter button on the Customer Order Management List screen. The user can enter in various search criteria to return records which are associated to a customer order. The results will be displayed on the Customer Order Management List screen.

Customer Orders

Customer Orders may be used for POS pickups and layaways. These transactions can be viewed within the Customer Order dialog, however they are not editable in SIM. The orders are fully fulfilled by the external system.

The customer order dialog also allows for consumer direct ordering. Consumer direct ordering would be when the customer orders in the store, over the phone, or online. The customer order is then picked up in the store or it is shipped to the customer directly. These types of customer orders will be referred to as Web Orders within SIM. Note that they do not need to be placed through the web.

Web Order Customer Orders will come into SIM from an external system, the Order Management System (OMS). All customer orders from the web can have one or more fulfillment orders. A Fulfillment order is a subset of the customer order. Every Customer Order Fulfillment Order will have a unique system-generated SIM Customer Order ID associated to it.

For example, Customer Order 123 might have two fulfillment orders. One fulfillment order 333, might be for a DVD which is being shipped to the customer's brother, SIM customer order ID 1. The second fulfillment order 444 could be for a camera which will be picked up in the store by the customer, SIM customer order ID 2.

Note that all references to customer order in this document will be assumed to be Web Orders at the fulfillment order level.


This section covers system parameters, store parameters, notifications, and security.

System Parameters

New Customer Order Email Alert

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: No

  • Topic: Customer Order

  • Editable: Yes

  • This parameter generates a notification for a new cross channel (web order) customer order.

Minutes to Hold New Customer Order Before Sending an Email Alert

  • Values: 0-999

  • Default: 5

  • Topic: Customer Order

  • Editable: Yes

  • This system parameter dictates the time interval in minutes to send a follow-up message to a store associated after a customer order (web order) has arrived, but no user has accessed the customer order.

Search Limit Default for Customer Orders - Mobile

  • Values: 1-999

  • Default: 50

  • Topic: UI

  • Editable: Yes

  • This system parameter indicates the default search limit for the Customer Order List screen.

Display Item Image Customer Orders - Mobile

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: No

  • Topic: Customer Order

  • Editable: Yes

  • Yes: Indicates if the item image will be displayed in Customer Orders. It is on Cust Order Items (item list) and Item Detail of Customer Orders.

  • No: Image will not be displayed in Customer Orders.

Store Parameters

Reserve Customer Order Inventory upon Receiving

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: No

  • Topic: Customer Order

  • Editable: Yes

  • This parameter is used to determine if inventory will be reserved when the customer order comes into SIM from the external system or if inventory will be reserved when receiving a delivery of goods that is for a customer order. Retailers will set this parameter based upon their business practice:

    If the retailer chooses to mainly fulfill customer orders from within the stock in the store, this parameter would be set to No, thus reserving inventory right away when the customer order is received.

    However, if the retailer wishes to fulfill the customer orders from deliveries, for example getting the goods from the warehouse, then this option would be set to Yes to reserve upon receiving.


Notifications require proper security setup to be able to receive a notification. Only those users with the proper permission will get the notification.

New Customer Order Reminder Alert is triggered and controlled through a batch module. Every time the batch is run, it will look to see which web order customer order exists with a "New" status and has available inventory. Any orders with a status of "New" which have exceeded the "Minutes to Hold" system parameter will trigger an alert.


Security permissions exist for accessing the Customer and Customer Order Details. Security also exists for the notifications.

Customer Order List

The Customer Order List Screen is accessed by clicking the customer order button from the Customer Order Management List Screen. It defaults to display those customer orders that are "Active," meaning they are "New" or "In Progress" status. If needed, a filter button is available to narrow the search criteria.

Figure 20-8 Customer Order List Screen

The Customer Orders List is used for the POS orders (on hold, layaway, and so on) as well as Web Orders to handle the consumer direct customer orders.

From this list screen, the user can navigate to the Delivery and the Reverse Pick dialogues for a specific customer order by selecting that order and then clicking the delivery or reverse pick button.

Customer Order Filter

Figure 20-9 Customer Order Filter Screen

The Customer Order Filter screen is accessed through the filter button on the Customer Order List screen. The user can enter in various search criteria to return Customer Orders. The results will be displayed on the Customer Order List screen.

Customer Order Detail

Figure 20-10 Customer Order Detail Screen

This screen is accessed by double clicking a customer order from the Customer Order Management List, Customer Order List, or Item Customer Order (within Item Lookup) screens.

A few key fields include the following:

Delivery Type indicates how the goods are going to get to the customer, either Pick-Up or Shipment. This information comes in on the customer order. For the POS orders (layaway, on hold), this will always be set to pick up.

The Order Delivery Date is the date the order is to be delivered or picked up.

The Release Date is equal to the Delivery Date for Pickups. The release date for Shipments is calculated using the Delivery Date and subtracting the Average Delivery Days (defined in Database) which are defined for the carrier service. An example would be Delivery Date of August 15th, 2013. The service is 2 day delivery; therefore the release date would be August 13th, 2013.

Carrier displays how the order is being shipped (such as, FedEx and UPS). Service shows the carrier's duration of delivery such as 2 day or overnight, and so on, for those orders being shipped.

The Allow Partial Delivery field indicates whether all of the items on the customer order must be there on the delivery in order to ship or pickup. A value of Yes, means that all items must be present to create the delivery.Picked Quantity is a field that represents how much has been picked for the item.

The Substitute column shows the current line item where the item ID was substituted. So when a substitute gets added to the customer order during the picking process it will be added to the customer order. The original item will appear in the substitute column for the substituted item. Substitutes are only possible for Web Order types that are picked.

For those customer orders that are "New" or "In Progress," it is possible to reject the customer order. All items that have not yet been picked will be canceled/rejected. A system generated reverse pick will be created for the rejected items. For more information, see "Customer Order Reverse Picks."

Customer Detail

The Customer Order Detail Screen is a view-only screen that displays the details for a customer associated with a customer order. This information will only be available for those customer orders which are Web Orders.

Figure 20-11 Customer Detail Screen

The Customer Detail screen will contain view-only information pertaining to the delivery and billing address for the customer. Security is a feature of the Customer Detail screen.

Customer Order Notes

The Customer Notes popup screen allows the user to enter in notes or comments which pertain to the customer order fulfillment order.

Figure 20-12 Customer Notes Popup

This popup allows for notes to be added and viewed within Customer Orders, Customer Order Deliveries, and Customer Order Reverse Picks. Anytime a note is added for one of these transactions it will be added to the customer order fulfillment order. This allows the user to add notes to the customer order along with the customer order process and have the information all organized together.

The user adds a note in the bottom block. As the note is added, it will appear in the middle table along with the date and user that entered the note. This gives the user visibility to the history of all notes that have been added for the customer order.

A note can be highlighted in the table and the details for that note will be displayed in the block at the top of the popup.


Customer Orders allows for the viewing of customer orders at the user's store. Customer orders may be web orders as well as non web orders such as layaway, pick up, and so on. All validations and rules for Customer Orders on MAF is the same functionality as the PC application. Customer Orders exists in a small form factor on MAF.


  • Search for customer orders

  • View an existing customer order

  • Reject a customer order

  • View customer information

  • Print a customer order

  • Create a customer order pick for a specific customer order

  • Access the delivery dialog for a specific customer order

Figure 20-13 MAF Customer Order Screen Flow (Small)

Customer Orders covers the functionality of viewing, accepting, and rejecting a customer order as well as viewing the info and customer details. Deliveries and single order picks can be created from within a customer order, however, Deliveries and Picking will be covered part of their own functionality.

Cust Order List

Figure 20-14 Cust Order List Screen

The Cust Order List screen is accessed by selecting the Customer Order menu option from within the Customer Order Mgmt menu in the drawer/menu. The screen will display the "Active" status customer orders by default which is all customer orders which are in "New" or "In Progress" status. The user can click the eye glasses to direct to the Search Criteria screen. Selecting a customer order will navigate to the details for the customer order.

Search Criteria (Customer Orders)

Figure 20-15 Search Criteria Screen (Customer Orders)

The Customer Order Search Criteria screen is accessed by the eye glasses on the Cust Order List screen. After applying the search criteria, the results will be listed on the Cust Orders List screen and the criteria applied will show. Search criteria include: from/to release date, SIM customer order ID, customer order ID, fulfillment order ID, bin ID, item, reservation type, status, customer name, tracking ID, and search limit.

Cust Order Items

Figure 20-16 Cust Order Items Screen

The Cust Order Items screen is the screen the user goes to when selecting a customer order from the Cust Order List screen. The items are on listed for the customer order. The item image for the line items is displayed per configuration.

Line items appear in a list and selecting a line item will navigate to the item details of that item. Scrolling in the list of items on the left will display a filter. The filter can be used to narrow down the list of items. Filtering can occur by item ID or item description.

Scanning or entering an item in the scan bar will navigate to the Item Detail screen for that item. The ellipsis in the lower right hand corner will access the footer menu which will contain all of the functions that can be performed on a customer order.

Footer Menu

The footer menu is accessed from the ellipsis footer menu on the Cust Order Items screen. The menu functions will include the following.

Info: Info will access the Info popup.

Notes: The Notes option accesses the notes common dialog to capture notes. Notes can only be added when Customer Order is in "New" or "In Progress" status.

Customer: The customer information popup for the customer order will display, view only.

Pick: Pick will generate a pick for the customer order and navigate the user to the Pick Items screen for the new pick. All picking rules apply. See "Customer Order Picking."

Delivery: Delivery will navigate the user to the Delivery dialog (Delivery List screen) for the current customer order. See "Customer Order Deliveries."

  • All status of customer orders as well as all types (web order, pick up, layaway, and so on)

  • The user must have Access customer order delivery permission.

Accept: Accept will be only for "New" web order types of customer orders and will set the customer order to "In Progress" status.

Reject: Reject will be only for 'New' and 'In Progress' web order types of customer orders. All items that have not yet been picked will be canceled/rejected. A system generated reverse pick will be created for the rejected items. For more information, see "Customer Order Reverse Picks."

Back: Back will return to the Cust Orders List, no changes made to status.

Print: Print will display the common print dialog to print the customer order report.

Info (Customer Orders

Figure 20-17 Info Popup (Customer Orders)

The Info popup contains read-only information about the header level of the customer order. It is accessed through the Info menu option in the footer menu on the Cust Order Items screen. Details include: customer order ID, fulfillment order ID, status, reservation type, delivery type, carrier, service, allow partial delivery, create date, release date, delivery date, and comments.


Figure 20-18 Customer Popup

The Customer popup that read-only information about the customer for web order types of customer orders. It is accessed through the Customer menu option in the footer menu on the Cust Order Items screen. The user must have access customer details security permission.

Item Detail (Customer Orders)

Figure 20-19 Item Detail Screen

The Item Detail screen is the screen the user goes to when selecting or scanning an item from the Cust Order Items screen. Scanning or entering an item on this screen in the scan bar will refresh the item detail screen for the item on the customer order. The user can page through the items on the customer order. This screen is view only.

The item information including the image (which is system configured) display in the header. The bottom portion of the screen contains fields of UOM, remaining, order, picked, delivered, and canceled quantities as well as last update, and comments. Lastly, if the item is a substitute for another item, the Substitute For field will display with the original item listed.

Customer Order Picking

Now that the Customer Order exists within SIM, it is necessary to validate that the inventory for the order is truly available. Picking is only applicable for those customer orders that are Web Orders.

In a retail environment, merchandise is not always available. There could be several reasons merchandise is not available such as the inventory is being held in a customer's shopping cart or the inventory level noted in the system was incorrect because of incorrect receiving or perhaps a theft of inventory.

The Picking process is a formal process of the system telling the user what items need to be picked and the user going out, physically picking the items, and setting them aside. Once the items are set aside, they will then be used during the fulfillment process for shipping or pick up by the customer.

Picking will be available only for web order type customer orders on the PC or handheld applications.

Not all retailers that do customer orders will need a picking process. This process is optional depending on configurations.


This section covers system parameters, store parameters, notifications, and security.

System Parameters

Minutes to Hold Customer Order Pick Before Sending Email Alert

  • Values: 0-999

  • Default: 15

  • Topic: Customer Order

  • Editable: Yes

  • This system parameter dictates the time interval in minutes to send a follow-up message to a store associate after a pick list has been created but no one has started the pick list.

Display Item Image Customer Order Picking - Mobile

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: No

  • Topic: Customer Order

  • Editable: Yes

  • Yes: This parameter indicates if the item image will be displayed in Customer Order Picking. It is on Pick Items (item list), Item Detail, Confirm Item, Confirm Bin, and Substitute Items screens of Customer Order Picking.

  • No: Image will not be displayed in Customer Order Picking.

Search Limit Default for Customer Order Picking - Mobile

  • Values: 1-999

  • Default: 50

  • Topic: UI

  • Editable: Yes

  • This system parameter indicates the default search limit for the Customer Order Pick List screen.

Customer Order Fulfillment Restriction

  • Values: Transaction Controlled/Restricted

  • Default: Transaction Controlled

  • Topic: Customer Order

  • Editable: No

  • Transaction Controlled: The Allow Partial Delivery indicator that comes in on the customer order will be used as it was sent. Picking is not impacted.

  • Restricted: The Allow Partial Delivery Indicator will be updated to No on the Customer Order or Transfer Request:

    • Customer Order Deliveries and Transfer Request/Shipment will continue to validate the Allow Partial Delivery indicator as usual, however, it will be set to No and force the user to have a full delivery (with the exception of a user override in deliveries).

    • Picking will check the following:

      • Create: The user will not be able to create the pick if there is not enough available to pick.

      • Confirm: Everything must be picked on the customer order.

Store Parameters

Default Customer Order Picking Method

  • Values: Bin/SIM Customer Order

  • Default: SIM Customer Order

  • Topic: Customer Order

  • Editable: Yes

  • This parameter is used to define the default picking method when creating a customer order pick. Note this is just a default and the user can still switch the picking method.

Default Number of Bins

  • Values: 1-999

  • Default: 1

  • Topic: Customer Order

  • Editable: Yes

  • This store parameter is used to define the default picking method when creating a customer order pick. Note this is just a default and the user can still switch the picking method.

Override Bin Quantity

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: No

  • Topic: Customer Order

  • Editable: Yes

  • This store parameter determines whether the user is allowed to override the default bin quantity when creating a pick by bin. The Bin Quantity is defaulted based upon the store parameter for Default Number of Bins.

Generate Bins

  • Values: System/Manual

  • Default: System

  • Topic: Customer Order

  • Editable: Yes

  • System: SIM will automatically generate the bin IDs when the pick is created.

  • Manual: The system will require the user to enter the bin IDs upon taking action on the created pick. This option removes the need for printing out labels since the labels already exist on the bin.

  • For both System and Manual, the user will still have the option to print labels for the bins.

Handheld Picking Mode

  • Values: Enter Pick Quantity/Scan Every Item

  • Default: Enter Pick Quantity

  • Topic: Customer Order

  • Editable: Yes

  • This configuration is only applicable to picking on the handheld application.

  • Scan Every Item: The user will need to scan each instance of the item followed by the scan of the bin, if bins are used. This method validates each item scanned is the correct item.

  • Enter Pick Quantity The user will manually enter the pick quantity and then scan the item to validate it is the correct item.

Item Substitution - Store Discretion

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: No

  • Topic: Customer Order

  • Editable: Yes

  • This store parameter is used to determine if the user can use their own discretion when doing substitute items in the picking process.

  • Yes: The user can choose any item to be used as a substitute item.

  • No: Only those items that are defined as substitutes within SIM can be substituted.


The Customer Order Pick List Reminder alert is triggered through a batch module. Every time the batch is run, it will see what customer order pick lists are sitting open that are "In Progress" status and exceeding the "minutes to hold" system parameter, and will send a reminder.


Security permissions exist for:

  • Access, create, edit, delete, and confirm for the Customer Order Pick.

  • Adding items within in Item Substitution as well as accessing Tolerances.

  • Editing the quantity on MAF.

  • Notifications.


The Tolerances screen is accessed from the tolerance button on the setup menu, only on the PC application.

Figure 20-20 Tolerances Screen

Tolerances can be set up for Ad Hoc Stock Counts as well as customer order picking. This is defined by the Topic at the top of the screen. Tolerances will be set up at the class hierarchy level and can be defined for Variance percentages as well as standard unit of measures. At least one of the tolerances must be set up for each class, both cannot be left blank.

When performing a pick, the tolerances will be validated to determine if the pick quantity is allowed to exceed the suggested picked quantity. The user must be within the lowest defined tolerance. This is applicable only to items that are not Each items, for example pounds. A tolerance of zero means that the suggested pick quantity cannot be exceeded.

Customer Order Pick List

The Customer Order Pick List screen is part of the customer order picking dialog. The screen lists all of the Active customer order pick lists which are those in "New" or "In Progress" status for the user's store. It is a view-only screen. A filter button is available to further filter the criteria.

Figure 20-21 Customer Order Pick List Screen

The Customer Order Pick List screen is accessed by clicking on the Pick button from the Customer Order Management List or Customer Order List screens.

Important fields on this screen include:

  • ID: System-generated Pick ID.

  • Type: Type of pick which will be either Bin or SIM Customer Order.

  • Pick Quantity: Signifies the total quantity to be picked across all line items.

  • Actual Quantity: Total quantity that has been picked across all line items on the pick.

Pick list functions include:

  • Navigating to details of a pick by double clicking a pick record.

  • Deleting a new or in progress pick list.

  • Creating a new pick list.

Customer Order Pick Filter

Figure 20-22 Customer Order Pick Filter Screen

The Customer Order Pick Filter screen is accessed through the filter button on the Customer Order Pick List screen. The user can enter in various search criteria to find Customer Order Picks. The results will be displayed on the Customer Order Pick List screen.

Customer Order Pick Create

The user can create a Customer Order Pick List by clicking the Create button from the Customer Order Pick List screen. A pick can be created by a pick type of Bin or SIM Customer Order ID.

The store must be configured for "Reserve Customer Order Inventory Upon Receiving" set to No in order to create or generate a pick by bin or SIM Customer Order. This means that inventory is reserved when the customer order arrives into the store and therefore it should be picked from inventory. When set to Yes, inventory is reserved based upon receipts and therefore should be picked from the receipt. The user would not want the store to pick from inventory when it should be picked based upon what was received on the delivery.

Picking by SIM Customer Order ID

Figure 20-23 Customer Order Pick Create Screen

When creating a pick by SIM Customer Order ID, there will only be one Customer Order Fulfillment Order per pick transaction.

Customer Orders that will be available for picking will follow these rules:

  • Customer order must be a web order type.

  • Customer order must still be open.

  • There cannot be an existing open pick for the customer order.

  • Customer order must have at least one item on the order with items remaining to be picked.

  • If the system admin Customer Order Fulfillment Restriction equals Transaction Controlled, the system will also need to check that there is stock available to be picked for at least one item.

  • If Customer Order Fulfillment Restriction equals Restricted, there must be enough available stock for all items on the pick to be fully picked in their entirety.

  • Items that have substitute equal to Yes on the customer order (meaning they allow for substitutes) will have their stock ignored. This is because they can have items substituted for them.

Picking by Bin

Figure 20-24 Customer Order Pick Create Screen

When creating a pick by bin, the user will define the number of bins to be put on the pick. Initially, the bin quantity will be defaulted based upon the store admin setting "default number of bins". The user has the potential to override this quantity if the store admin setting "Override Bin Quantity" is set to Yes.

Picks created by Bin allows for multiple customer orders to be put on the pick; one SIM customer order per bin. It will first look to all SIM Customer Orders that are the oldest based upon release date. All other rules for creating the pick will be the same as those above for picking by SIM customer order ID.

Pick Detail

The Customer Order Pick Detail screen shows the details on the customer order pick list. It is accessed by double clicking a pick record from the Customer Order Management List or Customer Order Pick List screens.

Figure 20-25 Customer Order Pick Detail Screen

If the store is configured to manually capture bins, the user will first be prompted with the Bin Detail screen to record the bins before directing to the Customer Order Pick Detail screen. The Bin Detail screen is accessed through the Bin button and can be viewed for system-generated bins and edited for manually-created bins.

Some screen features to note:

  • The pick will display all items that are to be picked for the customer orders on the pick.

  • The items will be ordered by primary sequence location if the system is configured to display sequencing fields, otherwise they will be in item order.

  • If the pick type is by bin, the Bin ID will be associated to the item.

  • Those items that have a substitute will have the substitute column marked as Yes and these can be viewed through the Item Substitution button.

  • The Pick Qty represents the suggested pick qty from the system.

  • The Adjusted Pick quantity will be populated if cancellations and or deliveries have occurred based on those order updates. This field will remain blank if there is no discrepancy.

  • The quantity is an entry field for the user to enter how much is actually being picked. The quantity cannot exceed the suggested pick quantity for items that have a Unit of Measure as Eaches.

  • When the item has a variable unit of measure, it can be difficult to pick the exact amount suggested. For example: picking 2 pounds of bananas might end up truly being 2.2 lbs. The quantity picked may exceed the suggested if the defined tolerances are setup to allow for such.

  • Each pick list can be saved as "In Progress" or confirmed which will move it to "completed" status.

Confirm Processing

Confirm will update the pick quantity on the customer order. User must have the Confirm Customer Order Pick permissions in order for confirm option to be available.

If any of the SIM customer order quantities on the pick transaction have been canceled or delivered since the pick was created, and the total pick quantity for the item is now greater than the remaining pick quantity:

  • An error will be presented to the user to fix the pick quantity as it is no longer valid.

  • The Adjusted Pick Qty field will be updated to indicate to the user how much is needed to pick based upon the changes (delivery and cancels) that were made on the customer order.

The system will check the system admin, Customer Order Fulfillment Restriction:

  • If it is set to Restricted, the entire customer order pick must be picked in its entirety.

  • If it is set to Transaction Controlled, processing is continued.

Actual pick quantity will be published back to the external system through an SO status message. If more was picked than what was suggested (due to tolerances, that is, picking items where SUOM != Eaches):

  • The reserved quantity on the Customer Order is updated by the delta (overage).

  • The reserved delta SO Status is published to RMS.

Substitute Items

  • Substitute Items are considered in the Total Pick Qty when doing all quantity validations.

  • The reserved quantity for the original item is decreased by the rolled up pick quantities.

  • The substituted items that have an actual pick quantity greater than zero will have their reserved quantity increased for the amount being substituted.

Item Substitution

Figure 20-26 Item Substitution Popup

The Item Substitution popup is used to add substitute items to the customer order. Item Substitution allows for more than one item to serve as a substitution. In some cases, especially with fresh food, the retailer wants to allow for items to be substituted for items that have been ordered. A good example is a specific brand of milk is out of stock while the house brand is in stock.

This screen is accessed by selecting an item on the Customer Order Pick Detail screen and then clicking on the Item Substitution button. Only items which are defined to allow for substitutes on the customer order fulfillment order will allow for substitute items to be added.

If the Item Substitution - Store Discretion configuration is set to No, only those items that have been defined as substitutes in the merchandising system will be allowed for substituting. Those items will be listed on this screen. The user will be able to enter in the Actual Pick Quantity for these items.

If the Item Substitution - Store Discretion configuration is set to Yes, then the items that are defined as substitutes will be listed just as described above. But, in addition to that, the user will have the Item Lookup Field to add additional items at their own discretion which are not predefined.

Once a substitute item is added, meaning picked, it will get added to the customer order fulfillment order as a new line item. On the Customer Order Pick Detail screen, the original item will have the substitute column set to Yes.


Customer Order Picking currently exists on the PC and the Handheld and allows the picking of a Commerce Anywhere/Web Order customer order. MAF also contains customer order picking functionality. A customer order pick can be created by a single customer order or by bin from within the picking dialog. A single customer order pick can be created from within the customer order dialog. See Customer Orders.


  • Search for customer order pick

  • View/edit an existing customer order pick

  • Delete a customer order pick

  • Print a customer order pick

  • Create a customer order pick

Figure 20-27 MAF Customer Order Picking Screen Flow (Small)

The user will access the Customer Order Picking Dialog from the Customer Order Mgmt menu in the drawer. The Pick List screen will display the list of Active picks. The user can go to the Search Criteria screen to search for picks using alternate criteria. From the Pick List screen, the user can select a pick to go to the Pick Items (detail of pick) for viewing or editing purposes. Also from the Pick List screen, the user can Create a pick. The pick may be created by bin or customer order. When creating by customer order, the user will need to specify which order is being picked and, once that is done, the system will generate a pick and navigate to the details of that Pick on the Pick Items screen. When creating by bin if the system is configured to automatically generate the bins, the user will go to the details of the Pick (Pick Items). Otherwise, if manual bin capture, the user must first capture the bins before going to the Pick Details. Once in a pick, the user can pick items, add substitutes, print, add notes, view info, modify bins, save, or complete the pick.

Pick List

Figure 20-28 Pick List Screen

The Pick List screen is accessed by selecting the Customer Order Picking menu option from within the Customer Order Mgmt menu in the drawer/menu. The screen will display the "Active" status customer orders picks by default which is all picks which are in "New" or "In Progress" status. The user can click the eye glasses to direct to the Search Criteria screen. Selecting a pick will navigate to the details for the customer order pick. Selecting Create will display the Create Pick popup.

Search Criteria (Pick List)

Figure 20-29 Search Criteria Screen (Pick List)

This is the Customer Order Pick Search Criteria Screen. It is accessed by the eye glasses on the Pick List screen. After applying the search criteria, the results will be listed on the Pick List screen and the criteria applied will show. Search criteria include: from/to date, pick ID, SIM customer order ID, customer order ID, fulfillment order ID, bin ID, item, type, status reservation type, status, user, and search limit.

Create Pick

Figure 20-30 Create Pick Popup

The Create Pick popup is accessed by selecting the Create button from the Pick List screen. The create pick allows for the creation of a customer order pick by either SIM customer order ID or by bin. The type will default per the store setting Default Customer Order Picking Method.When selecting SIM Customer Order, the user must enter in the SIM customer order ID to be picked or use the search function to select one from the list. Picking by bin will generate a pick with multiple customer orders, one per bin (assuming there are enough customer orders to meet the picking requirements). The bin quantity will defaulted per the store setting and the user can override the bin quantity per the store setting.

Upon selecting Create, the user will navigate to the Pick Items screen for the generated pick. All rules and validations for the creation of picks is the same as that of the PC.

Figure 20-31 Bin List Screen

The Bin List screen applies to those picks which are by bin. Picks by bin will have bins manually or system generated per the store admin setting. For manually-captured bins, the user will be directed to the Bin List screen immediately upon creating the pick prior to going to the Pick Items screen. Bins are only editable for manually-captured bins. System and manually captured bins can be viewed from the Bin option within the footer menu of the Pick Items screen. The bins can be printed through the Print button.

Pick Items

Figure 20-32 Pick Items Screen

The Pick Items screen is accessed by selecting an existing pick from the Pick List screen, or by creating a new pick. The Pick Items displays all of the items on the pick including the suggested pick quantity and bin if the pick was created by bin.

Selecting an item will navigate to the Item Detail screen for that item. Scanning an item will also navigate to the Item Detail screen for that item and the quantity may be updated per the quantity scanned. If the pick is by bin, the user will go to the Confirm Bin screen to scan the bin prior to going to the Item Detail screen.

The items are listed in order with those items with stock on hand in the backroom being displayed first, followed by items with shopfloor stock on hand, and lastly those that do not have stock on hand in either the backroom or the shopfloor. All items are ordered by macro sequence location.

Items will have an icon displayed denoting the pick status of the item. If the item's pick quantity has quantity left to be picked there will be a blue circle with an 'i'. If the item's pick quantity is fully picked, it will be a green circle with a check mark. If the item's pick quantity has exceeded the amount to be picked (because changes to the customer order have been made such as a delivery or cancelation), there will be a red circle with a '!'.

Refresh will refresh the customer order pick and pull in any delivered or canceled quantities that have happened for the delivery. The Adjusted Pick Quantity will reflect the new suggested pick quantity.

Footer Menu

The footer menu is accessed from the ellipsis footer menu on the Pick Items screen. The menu functions will include the following:Info: Info will access the Info popup.

Notes: The Notes option accesses the notes common dialog to capture notes. Notes can only be added for picks by SIM Customer Order ID. The note will be saved on the customer order and not the pick.

Bins: Bins will access the Bin List screen.

Refresh: Refresh will perform the same function as the refresh on the Pick Items screen.

Confirm: Confirm will confirm the pick and move it to "Completed" status, user returns to the Pick List screen. See "Customer Order Pick List.".

Save: Save will save the pick as "In Progress" status and return to the Pick List screen.

Delete: Delete will allow for deleting of a "New" or "In Progress" status pick and move it to 'Canceled' status. The user will return to the Pick List screen.

Cancel: Cancel will exit to the Pick List screen and no changes will be saved.

Back: Back is only applicable to view only picks and will exit to the Pick List screen.

Print: Print will display the common print dialog to print the customer order pick report.

Item Detail

Figure 20-33 Item Detail Screen

The Item Detail screen contains the details for the specific item on the customer order pick. Entering/scanning an item on this screen will refresh the screen and update item and the pick quantity for the item. If the pick is by bin, first the user will have to Confirm the bin before refreshing the details for the item. Once an item has been fully picked, the system will automatically navigate to the next item on the pick.

The Pick Quantity, represented by the field on the top of the screen with the UOM label is editable by the user and represents how many of this item is being picked. Editing the quantity is controlled by security. If the quantity is edited, the user will be prompted with the Confirm Items popup to confirm the proper item and also the confirm bin (if pick is by bin).

The suggested pick quantity displays the quantity the system suggests to be picked. The adjust pick qty is the suggested pick quantity that is updated by the system upon refresh or trying to confirm the pick. It reflects any deliveries or cancellations that have occurred on the customer order since the time the pick was generated. Total Picked is the total amount picked for the item along with all of its substitute items. Lastly, if the pick is by SIM Customer Order ID, that ID will be displayed. Otherwise, if the pick is by bin, then the bin for the pick will be displayed.

If the item allows for substitute items, there will be a "Substituted" field that will state Yes if there is one or more items substituted, and No if there are no substitutes. Tapping on this field will navigate to the Substitute Items screen. If the item is being substituted for another item, there will be a "Substituted For" field and it will display the original item ID that the item is being substituted for.

If Display Sequence Fields equals Yes, the macro location and area for the item will be displayed. If it set to No, this field is not displayed.

If there is stock on hand in the backroom:

  • It will display the first available backroom location.

  • If no backroom location, it will display Backroom.

If there is no stock in the backroom and stock exists in the shopfloor:

  • It will display the first shopfloor location.

  • If there is no shopfloor location, it will display Shopfloor.

If there is no stock on hand in the backroom or the shopfloor:

  • It will display the first backroom location.

  • If no backroom location, the first shopfloor location is displayed.

  • If no shopfloor location, it displays no location.

The screen has arrows on the bottom that will prompt the user to the next item on the pick.

Confirm Item/Confirm Bin

Figure 20-34 Confirm Item/Confirm Bin Popup

After editing the pick quantity the user will be required to confirm the item in the Confirm Item popup. This is to validate the proper item is being picked.

For picks that are by bin, the user also needs to validate that the items are being placed into the proper bin. When entering or scanning an item or editing the pick quantity, the user will be directed to the Confirm Bin popup to scan the bin for the item. Note that the confirm bin will occur after the Confirm Item (if applicable).

Substitute Items

Figure 20-35 Substitute Items Screen

The Substitute Items screen is accessed by selecting the Substituted field on the Item Detail screen. This screen will list all of the available substitute items for the item being picked (if there are any). If the Item Substitution - Store Discretion equals Yes, the user does not have to use one of the items in the list, and can also enter/scan an item for substitution. It will be added to the pick as well as to the Substitute Items list. If the user does not have store discretion, only items from the list can be selected.


Figure 20-36 Info Screen

The info screen is an informational popup that contains read-only information about the header level of the customer order pick. It is accessed through the Info menu option in the footer menu on the Pick Items screen. Details include: pick ID, status, create date, create user, complete date, and complete user.

Customer Order Deliveries

Delivering of a customer order in SIM consists of collecting the items that have been picked and then getting them to the customer. This might be for a customer pickup or shipping them to the customer. Deliveries can be created on both the PC and handheld applications.

In SIM, there are three different methods to fulfill a customer order:

  • A third-party system, such as a POS system, can be used for in store pickup. This will create a completed delivery record within SIM. This is true for web order and POS (layaway, on hold, and so on) customer orders.

  • The web order customer order can be shipped directly from the store to the customer within SIM.

  • The web order customer order can be picked up by the customer in SIM.


This section covers system parameters, store parameters, and security.

System Parameters

Display Item Image Customer Order Deliveries - Mobile

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: No

  • Topic: Customer Orders

  • Editable: Yes

  • Yes: This parameter indicates if the item image will be displayed in Customer Order Deliveries. It is on Delivery Items (item list) and Item Detail screens.

  • No: Image will not be displayed in Customer Order Deliveries.

Store Parameters

Picking Required for Customer Orders

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: Yes

  • Topic: Customer Orders

  • Editable: Yes

  • Yes: Requires that manual picking be performed on the customer order prior to being able to create a delivery for it.

  • No: Picking is not necessary in order to create a delivery.

OMS Customer Order Delivery Validation

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: No

  • Topic: Web Service Enablement

  • Editable: Yes

  • Yes: When confirming the delivery, SIM will make a call out to the OMS to validate the delivery status and delivery quantities before completing the dispatch.

  • No: OMS will not be called.

Dispatch Validate

See Chapter 12, "Shipping and Receiving Common Components."


Security permissions exist for Customer Order Deliveries for the following:

  • Accessing, dispatching and deleting Customer Order Deliveries.

  • Creating and editing a Customer Order Delivery for a shipment versus a pickup.

  • Submitting and Cancel Submit for a Customer Order Delivery.

  • Editing and Viewing Customer Order BOL.

  • Dispatching an Incomplete Customer Order Delivery.

    With this permission the user can dispatch a delivery that is incomplete, meaning that the Allow Partial Delivery indicator is set to No and not all of the items are present on the delivery. Without this permission, the user must have all items to complete the delivery.

Customer Order Delivery List

The Customer Order Delivery List screen is a view-only screen.

Figure 20-37 Customer Order Delivery List Screen

The screen lists all of the Customer Order Delivery records for all statuses for the selected customer order. This list screen does not have a filter as there normally would not be that many deliveries for a customer order fulfillment order to filter on.

The Customer Order Delivery List screen is accessed by clicking the Delivery button for a selected Customer Order from the Customer Order List screen. The user can also click the Delivery button from the Customer Order Detail screen.

The header fields on the Delivery List are the same as those of the Customer Order Detail. The table will list all deliveries for the customer order.

The deliveries displayed may be for web orders that were created in SIM, a third-party system such as POS, or they may be for POS on holds and layaways.

The fields include the Delivery ID, status of the delivery, and the user that created the delivery along with the create date and time.

Delivery functions include:

  • Navigating to the details of a delivery by double clicking the delivery record in the table.

  • Deleting an in-progress delivery by selecting the delivery and clicking the delete button.

  • Creating a new delivery. This can be done only for those customer orders that are web orders.

Customer Order Delivery Detail

The Customer Order Delivery Detail screen displays the details associated to the customer order delivery. This is also the screen used to create a new delivery.

Figure 20-38 Customer Order Delivery Detail Screen

The screen is accessed by clicking a delivery record from the Customer Order Delivery List screen, creating a delivery from the Customer Order Delivery List, or clicking a delivery record from the Customer Order Management List screen.

New Deliveries can only be created for web order customer orders that are still in an "In Progress" status, which means there is remaining quantity yet to be fulfilled.

The system needs to perform some validations before a new delivery is created.

First, if system is configured for picking required, it will validate there are item quantities on the customer order that have been picked which have not yet been delivered prior to creating the delivery. Next, the system will check the Allow Partial Delivery indicator which is on the customer order fulfillment order. If this is set to No, it means that the entire order must be delivered together. The system would not allow the creation of the delivery unless the entire order has been picked. If picking is not required, the delivery will be created. The Allow Partial Delivery indicator will then be validated upon dispatch of the delivery.

Once the system creates the delivery, the delivery will consist of all of the items that were auto populated from the customer order fulfillment order including substitutes.

Header fields are the same as on the Customer Order. Additional Header fields are those pertaining to this specific delivery: Delivery ID, Delivery Status, Delivery Create Date and Delivery User.

Table fields are the same as that of the customer order detail screen with the exception of the quantity and UIN quantity.

Users will enter in the quantity to be delivered. If picking is required, the quantity will not be allowed to exceed the pick quantity. If picking is not required, the quantity cannot exceed the remaining quantity. Those items that are UIN items will require the user to capture the UIN.

The user has the option to save the delivery which will move it to "In Progress" status to be completed at a later time.

Submitting is possible when the store setting Dispatch Validate is configured for Ship Submit. Submitting will set the delivery to a "Submitted" status and not allow for edits, since there are no updates to inventory at this point. The only step possible will be to Cancel Submit or Dispatch. When the system is configured for Ship Direct, submitting is not possible.

Dispatching the Delivery will check if the Allow Partial Indicator is set to No, it will validate that the entire order is being delivered together. If not, the system will restrict the user from dispatching. Those users with certain privileges will be able to override this and it will be a warning.

Upon dispatch, the delivery will be set to "Completed"' status. The stock on hand and customer order reserved quantities will be decremented by the delivered quantities. The customer order fulfillment order will have the delivered and remaining quantity updated.

If the entire customer order has been fulfilled, meaning there is no remaining quantity, the customer order will be set to "Completed" status.

BOL Detail

The BOL Detail Screen below is available for Customer Order Deliveries. The Ship From Section is populated with the information of the sending store. The Ship To Section contains the information of the customer. The Motive will default to Customer Order Delivery and contain additional motives if they exist.

Figure 20-39 BOL Detail Screen

If the carrier is on the customer order, the carrier type will be defaulted to third party and the carrier will be populated from the customer order. If there is no carrier on the customer order, the type will default to sender for shipments and receiver for pick-ups.

The Service, example 2 day, next day, and so on, are defaulted from the customer order. They are not required.

For additional details on BOL, Manifesting, and pre-shipment, see Chapter 12, "Shipping and Receiving Common Components."


Customer Order Deliveries exists on the PC and handheld. It allows the delivery (shipment or pickup) of a Commerce Anywhere/Web Order customer order. MAF also contains customer order delivery functionality.


  • View customer order delivery (web order and non-web orders)

  • Edit an existing customer order delivery (web order)

  • Delete a customer order delivery web order)

  • Print a customer order delivery

  • Create a customer order delivery (web order)

Figure 20-40 MAF Customer Order Delivery Screen Flow (Small)

Customer order deliveries will be accessed from the Customer Order dialog on the Cust Order Items footer menu. Customer order deliveries can be created and edited for web order types, not web orders can only be viewed. Customer order deliveries will allow for viewing, creating, saving, submitting, dispatching, printing, BOL, and deleting customer order deliveries.

Delivery List

Figure 20-41 Delivery List Screen

The Delivery List screen is accessed by selecting the Delivery menu option within the footer menu of a specific customer order. The screen will display all of the customer orders delivery for the specific customer order delivery. Since there will never be a large number of deliveries for a specific customer order, there is no search criteria screen. There is however a filter bar, which allows for filtering by: delivery ID, status, date, and user. Selecting a delivery will navigate to the details for the customer order delivery. The create button will attempt to create the delivery and navigate to the Delivery Items screen. All rules and validations for creating a delivery are the same as that of the PC application.

Delivery Items

Figure 20-42 Delivery Items List

The Delivery Items screen is accessed by selecting an existing Delivery from the Delivery List screen, or by creating a new delivery. The Delivery Items displays all of the items on the delivery including the order and remaining quantities.

Selecting an item will navigate to the Item Detail screen for that item. Scanning an item will also navigate to the Item Detail screen for that item and the quantity may be updated per the quantity scanned.

The items are listed in ascending order by item ID. A Default Qty button will be displayed in the footer which will default in the delivery quantities on the delivery (non UIN items) to what is remaining to be delivered.

Footer Menu

The footer menu is accessed from the ellipsis footer menu on the Pick Items screen. The menu functions will include the following:

Info: Info will access the Info popup.

BOL Info: BOL Info will access the BOL Info popup.

Notes: The Notes option accesses the notes common dialog to capture notes. The note will be saved on the customer order and not the pick.

Default Qty: Default Qty will default in the delivery quantity to what is remaining.

Edit Delivery: Edit Delivery will display the Edit Delivery popup to edit header level information on the delivery.

Refresh: Refresh will refresh the delivery by getting the most current customer order/fulfillment order information. There may be other picks or deliveries that have occurred in the time the delivery was originally created.

Cancel Submit: Cancel Submit will set a submitted status delivery back to "In Progress."

Dispatch: Dispatch will dispatch the delivery and move it to 'Completed' status, user returns to the Delivery List screen. See "Customer Order Delivery List.". Submit: Submit will submit the delivery and set it to "Submitted" status. Submit is only available when store configured for Dispatch Validate to Ship Submit.

Save: Save will save the delivery as "In Progress" status and return to the Delivery List screen.

Delete: Delete will allow for deleting of an "In Progress" status delivery and move it to "Canceled" status. User will return to the Delivery List screen.

Back: Back is only applicable to view only deliveries and will exit to the Delivery List screen.

Cancel: Cancel will exit to the Delivery List screen and no changes will be saved.

Print: Print will display the common print dialog to print the customer order delivery report.

Item Detail

Figure 20-43 Item Detail Screen

The Item Detail screen contains the details for the specific item on the customer order delivery. Entering/scanning an item on this screen will refresh the screen and update item and the delivery quantity for the item.

The delivery quantity, represented by the field on the top of the screen with the UOM label is editable by the user and represents how many of this item is being delivered. Editing the quantity is controlled by security. The pack size will be displayed if the UOM is set to cases. The remaining, order, picked, delivered and canceled quantities for the customer order will be displayed. Lastly, if the item is a substitute for another item, the Substitute For field will display with the original item listed.

The Item Detail has an extended attributes tab to add and remove extended attributes if the item is configured as such. There is also a UIN tab to take user to the UIN screen to add/remove UINs for UIN items.


Figure 20-44 Info Popup

The Info popup contains read-only information about the header level of the customer order delivery. It is accessed through the Info menu option in the footer menu on the Delivery Items screen. Delivery details include: ID, status, create date, and create user. Order details include: customer order ID, fulfillment order ID, SIM customer order ID, status, reservation type, create date, release date, delivery date, and comments.

BOL Info

Figure 20-45 BOL Info Screen

The BOL Info screen contains read-only information about the Bill of Lading (BOL) for the customer order delivery. It is accessed through the BOL Info menu option in the footer menu on the Delivery Items screen. Fields include: bill of lading, dispatch date, motive, pickup date, tracking ID, ship to address, alternate address (if one exists), carrier type, carrier, service, and carrier name and address.

Edit Delivery

Figure 20-46 Edit Delivery Screen

This is the Edit Delivery screen for Customer Order Deliveries. It allows the user to edit details on the Customer Order Delivery or BOL. It is accessed when selecting the Edit Delivery menu option from the footer menu on Delivery Items. The Edit Delivery option is only editable when the delivery is in an editable status. The user must have proper permission to access this screen. Fields for edit include: motive, pickup date, tracking ID, alternate address, carrier type, carrier, service, carrier name and carrier address.

Customer Order Reverse Picks

Canceling of customer orders can come into SIM from an external system, such as an Order Management System. When this happens, a reverse pick list will be generated. If there are items that physically need to be un-picked, the user will action the reverse pick list which will then take the items that were canceled and remove their picked quantity.

If the items that are being canceled are not picked, then the system generated reverse pick will just be created in a "Completed" status with no action required through the SIM application.

A manual reverse pick might also be necessary. This happens when the user discovers that something which was picked has been damaged. A manual reverse pick may be created in SIM which would also reduce the pick quantities.

A system-generated reverse pick may get created if the user attempts to reject an open customer order.

Note that reverse picking and canceling is more of an exception process and it is only available on the PC application.


This section covers security.


Security permissions exist for accessing, creating, editing, deleting, and completing a customer order reverse pick.

Reverse Pick List

Figure 20-47 Customer Order Reverse Pick List Screen

The screen lists all of the Customer Order reverse pick records for all statuses. This list screen does not have a filter as there normally would not be that many reverse picks for a customer order fulfillment order to filter on.

The Customer Order Reverse Pick List screen is accessed by clicking the Reverse Pick button for a selected Customer Order from the Customer Order List screen or the user can click on the Reverse Pick button from the Customer Order Detail screen.

As in other areas, notice that the header fields on the Customer Order Reverse Pick List are the same as those of the Customer Order Detail.

The table will list all of the Reverse Picks for the Customer Order. The screen will list both externally created system- generated reverse picks as well as manually created within in SIM reverse picks. Reverse Picks are only for web orders.The fields will include the SIM-generated ID for the reverse pick, status of the reverse pick, the user that created the reverse pick along with the create date and time. For externally system created reverse picks, the user will be External System.Functions will include navigating to details of a reverse pick by double clicking on a reverse pick record in the table and deleting an in-progress reverse pick by selecting the reverse pick and clicking on the delete button. Finally, the user can create a new manually created reverse pick.

Reverse List Detail

The Customer Order Reverse Pick Detail screen displays the details associated to the customer order reverse pick. This is also the screen where the user can create a new manual reverse pick. The screen is accessed by clicking a reverse pick record from the Customer Order Reverse Pick List screen, creating a reverse pick from the Customer Order Reverse Pick List, or clicking a reverse pick record from the Customer Order Management List screen.

Figure 20-48 Customer Order Reverse Pick List Screen

Header fields are the same as on the Customer Order screen. Additional Header fields are those pertaining to this specific reverse pick: Reverse Pick ID, Reverse Pick Status, Reverse Pick Create Date, and Reverse Pick User. Table fields are the same as that of the customer order detail screen with the exception of the Suggested Reverse Pick Quantity. The next field is the quantity which will be an entry field for the user to enter in how much is being un-picked. The user has the option to Save the reverse pick which will move it to "In Progress" status to completed at a later time. Confirming the Reverse Pick will set the reverse pick to "Completed" status.

Manual Reverse Pick

New Reverse Picks can only be created for Web Order customer orders that are still in an "In Progress" status. The user might want to create a manual reverse pick because something that was picked might have become damaged and therefore it must be un-picked.

Before creating a new manual reverse pick, the system needs to perform some validations. The system must be configured for manual or auto picking and if so, then reverse picks can be created. This means that if Reserve on Receiving is set to Yes and Auto Picking is not turned on, then a reverse pick would not be allowed to be created. There must be at least one item on the customer order with a physical picked quantity. By physical picked quantity it means a quantity that is still physically sitting there as picked, and it has not been delivered (which means shipped or picked up by the customer). Once the reverse pick is created, it will consist of all the items auto populated from the customer order fulfillment order including the substitute items. The Suggested Reverse Pick Quantity will be set to zero for manual picks. For manual reverse picks, the quantity cannot exceed the physical picked quantity.

External System-Generated Reverse Pick

When a system generated reverse pick is created, it will put all items on the reverse pick, including the substitute items. However, only those items that have a suggested quantity will be allowed to be reverse picked. The Suggested Reverse Pick Quantity will be populated with what should be reverse picked based upon the cancellation from the external system. For externally system generated reverse picks, the Quantity cannot exceed the remaining quantity or the suggested reverse pick quantity.

If a cancelation comes into SIM that is for more than what is remaining on the order, the cancelation will be rejected and a system-generated reverse pick will not be created.

When creating the system generated reverse pick, the system will first try and cancel those items that have not been picked. If this quantity is exceeded, it will cancel those items already picked. When all items that are canceled have not been picked, there will not be anything to un-pick and therefore the reverse pick will be auto completed and put into a "Completed" status and updates will happen to the customer order and inventory as stated below. When some or all items that are canceled are picked, this creates a system-generated reverse pick in "New" status. This occurs so the user can action it and un-pick the items. Updates will occur upon confirmation of the reverse pick as described below.

Reverse Pick Processing

Upon confirmation of the reverse pick, a few updates will take place. For manual reverse picks, the pick quantity on the customer order will be decremented by what was a Reverse picked. The Reserved quantity and the canceled quantity will not get updated as the items are not being canceled on the order, so they need to remain as reserved. They are simply being un-picked.

For the system generated reverse picks the pick quantity will be decremented on the customer order. The reserved quantity (if it had been reserved) will be decremented by what was reverse picked and put back to the backroom. The Canceled quantity on the customer order will be incremented by the reverse picked quantity. If all items have been canceled and there have been no deliveries, the status of the customer order will move to "Cancelled." If there is no remaining order quantity on the order, and some of the items have been delivered, the customer order will move to "Completed" status.

Multi-Leg Orders

Figure 20-49 Multi-Leg Orders Flow

Not every retailer wants to use store stock for Customer Order fulfillment. In some cases, inventory has to be requested from another location such as a supplier, warehouse, or store to fulfill the customer order.

To support these processes better, all shipping and receiving dialogs recognize if the transaction is meant for a customer order or rather is purely dedicated to store fulfillment. This is applicable to only web order customer orders. This functionality exists on the PC as well as the handheld application.

Multi-leg customer orders consist of the following:

  • A Store to Store Transfer Request. This is when the store gets a store to store transfer request from another store. The store then accepts or rejects the request. If accepted, it gets updated to an approved transfer to the requesting store which is used to fulfill the customer order.

  • Transfer Receiving. The user receives a store to store transfer of goods from another store for a customer order to be fulfilled at their store or the user receives goods from a warehouse for a customer order to be fulfilled at their store.

  • DSD Receiving. The user receives goods from suppliers for a customer order to be fulfilled at their store.

For more details on shipping and receiving, see Chapter 11, "Transfers" and Chapter 9, "Direct Store Delivery."

POS Web Service/ReSA

In addition to sending sales information to SIM, the POS web service is also responsible to send create, cancel, and pickup information to SIM for non-web orders (on hold, layaways, and so on). For web orders, it communicates pickup information. See Chapter 7, "Sales Integration."

Customer Order Management Business Deployments

Because of the configurability and the need for different retailers to have different processes, much consideration needs to be put into how the Cross Channel features will be deployed at a retailer. The following diagrams show some scenarios of the most common deployment by size and vertical. By no means is this the only possible configuration, but it illustrates the idea that different retailers will execute different processes.

SIM Process - Boutiques

Figure 20-50 SIM Process - Boutiques

SIM Process - Mid Size

Figure 20-51 SIM Process - Mid Process

SIM Process - Large Volume

Figure 20-52 SIM Process - Large Volume

User Interface Guidelines

Customer Orders: Viewing on PC, handheld, and MAF Small.

Customer Order Picking: creating, editing, viewing, and deleting on PC, handheld, and MAF Small.

Customer Order Deliveries: creating, editing, viewing, and deleting on PC, handheld, and MAF Small.

Reverse Picking: creating, editing, viewing, and deleting on PC.

Customer Order Management task screen is on PC.


SIM processes and stores various types of fulfillment orders. For the purposes of the Commerce Anywhere functionality in SIM, special processing is given to the Web Order type of fulfillment orders. Fulfillment order picks, reverse picks, and deliveries can only be created by the end-user for this type of fulfillment order.

From a technical approach, fulfillment orders, and all related transactions are with a single header record and one or more detail records. All transactions related to fulfillment orders have an identifier that points to the order being processed.

Business objects are used within the application code for all business processing.

Business Object Description
Fulfillment Order Contains header-level information on a fulfillment order.
FulfillmentOrderPick Contains detailed information about a single line item on a fulfillment order.
FulfillmentOrderLineItem Contains header-level information on a pick for one or more fulfillment orders.
FulfillmentOrderPickLineItem Contains detailed information about a single line item on a pick for one or more fulfillment orders.
FulfillmentOrderBin Contains information about a fulfillment order bin, a representation of a single fulfillment order during a single fulfillment order pick.
FulfillmentOrderReversePick Contains header-level information on a reverse pick for a fulfillment order.
FulfillmentOrderReversePickLineItem Contains detailed information about a single line item for a reverse pick for a fulfillment order.
FulfillmentOrderDelivery Contains header-level information on a delivery for a fulfillment order.
FulfillmentOrderDeliveryLineItem Contains detail information about a single line item for a delivery of a fulfillment order.


This section covers integration through RIB and web services.


Customer Orders

  • Customer Order Create is used for Customer Orders that are a type of Web Order integrated to SIM through a message (FulfilOrdDesc). These integrations are used for the customer order from the Order Management System (OMS) into SIM.

  • The Customer Order Create failure message (FulfilOrdCfmDesc) is a message that will be sent out to external system when SIM gets a Customer Order that comes into the system through the RIB and fails due to validation issues such as an invalid item. The purpose of the create failure is so other systems will know it has failed when it came into SIM and that it is not being processed.

  • The Stock Order Status message (SOStatusDesc) will be sent out with an SI upon reserving inventory for the customer order.


  • A Stock Order Status message (SOStatusDesc) is sent out with a type of SI upon reserving inventory. This happens when more is picked than what was on the order due to tolerances. This could also occur when a substitute item is added during the picking process.

  • The Stock Order Status message (SOStatusDesc) with a type of SD will be published to un-reserve the original items inventory when a substitute item has been added during picking.

  • A Stock Order status message (SOStatusDesc) is sent out with a type of PP when picking is completed.

  • Item Substitutes are sent to SIM from the merchandising system through the item message (ItemDesc).


  • An ASN Out message (ASNOutDesc) is sent out upon dispatching of the Delivery. This will be done for pick-ups and for shipments.

  • The Stock Order Status message (SOStatusDesc) with a type of PP will be published for the pick quantity in the scenario that more was delivered than what was picked.

  • The Stock Order Status message (SOStatusDesc) with a type of SI will be published for the reserved quantity. This will occur when more was delivered than what was reserved. This can happen when picking was not required, the reservation occurs upon receipt of a delivery, and the full amount had not been received, therefore not reserved.

  • For pre-shipment technical information, see Chapter 12, "Shipping and Receiving Common Components."

Reverse Picking

  • Customer Order Cancellations (FulfilOrdRef) will come into SIM from external system such as an OMS through the RIB. This service will perform all the validations to determine if it should create a reverse pick and whether or not that reverse pick should be auto completed.

  • Customer Order Cancellation Confirmation (FulfilOrdRef) is a message to send to OMS upon completing of the system-generated reverse pick.

  • Stock Order Status message (SOStatusDesc) with a type of SD will be published for the reserved quantity to un-reserve the inventory for the reverse pick for system-generated picks.

  • Stock Order Status message (SOStatusDesc) with a type of PU will be published for the reverse picked quantity to un-pick the inventory for system-generated picks.

Multi Leg

The following integrations are in addition to the standard integrations that already exist such as receipt message, and so on:

  • The Stock Order Status message (SOStatusDesc) with a type of SI will be published for the reserved quantity.

  • The Stock Order Status message (SOStatusDesc) with type of PP will be published for the picked quantity.

RIB Payloads

RIB payloads are used to communicate information to external systems through RIB Integration.

RIB Payload Description
FulfilOrdDesc RIB payload that contains information about a new web order type of fulfillment order to be created in SIM.
FulfilOrdCfmDesc RIB payload sent from SIM that contains fulfillment order information when that order creating in SIM failed.
FulfilOrdRef RIB payload that contains information about a fulfillment order cancelation. It is sent to SIM to convey a cancelation request and sent from SIM to convey actual cancellations.
SOStatusDesc Sent from SIM to convey changes in item status for a specific fulfillment order. Such changes of status include (un)reservation and (un)picking.
ASNOutDesc Sent from SIM to convey a delivery for specified fulfillment order.

Web Services

SIM supplies a number of SOAP web services for the processing of fulfillment orders and their related transactions. Each area is its own service containing relevant operations.

The following service operations are supported for the StoreFulfillmentOrder web service.

Service Operation Description
lookupFulfillmentOrderHeaders Retrieves header information for fulfillment orders based on input search criteria.
readFulfillmentOrderDetail Reads a single fulfillment order with full details.
createFulfillmentOrderDetail Creates a new fulfillment order in SIM.
cancelFulfillmentOrderDetail Requests a cancellation of a fulfillment order in SIM.
rejectFulfillmentOrder Rejects a fulfillment order in SIM.

The following service operations are supported for the FulfillmentOrderPick web service.

Service Operation Description
lookupFulfillmentOrderPickHeaders Retrieves header information for fulfillment order picks based on input search criteria.
readFulfillmentOrderPick Reads a single fulfillment order pick with full details.
confirmFulfillmentOrderPick Confirms an existing fulfillment order pick.
deleteFulfillmentOrderPick Cancels an existing fulfillment order pick in SIM.
createFulfillmentOrderPickByFulfillmentOrder Creates a new Order type fulfillment order pick for the input fulfillment order identifier.
createFulfillmentOrderPickByBin Creates a new Bin type fulfillment order pick for the input number of bins.
updateFulfillmentOrderPick Updates an existing fulfillment order pick.

The following service operations are supported for the FulfillmentOrderReversePick web service.

Service Operation Description
lookupReversePickHeaders Retrieves header information for fulfillment order reverse picks based on the input fulfillment order identifier.
readReversePickDetail Reads a single fulfillment order reverse pick with full details.
createReversePick Creates a new fulfillment order reverse pick for the specified fulfillment order.
deleteReversePick Cancels an existing fulfillment order reverse pick.
updateFulfillmentOrderReversePick Updates an existing fulfillment order reverse pick.
confirmReversePick Confirms an existing fulfillment order reverse pick.

The following service operations are supported for the FulfillmentOrderDelivery web service.

Service Operation Description
lookupFulfillmentOrderDeliveryHeaders Retrieves header information for fulfillment order deliveries based on an input fulfillment order identifier.
readFulfillmentOrderDeliveryDetail Reads a single fulfillment order delivery with full details.
createFulfillmentOrderDelivery Creates a new fulfillment order delivery in SIM.
cancelFulfillmentOrderDeliverySubmission Cancels the submission of a fulfillment order delivery.
dispatchFulfillmentOrderDelivery Dispatches an existing fulfillment order delivery.
submitFulfillmentOrderDelivery Submits an existing fulfillment order delivery.
updateFulfillmentOrderDelivery Updates changes to an existing fulfillment order delivery.


The following batch is available:

Batch Name Description
Problem Line Stock Count Batch A set of criteria on the Product Group exists called Actual Pick Amount is less than Suggested Pick Amount. The Problem Line batch which will take into account these criteria when generating a problem line stock count. It will put the items on the stock count if what was picked for the customer order is less than what the system had suggested to be picked.

Data Structure

The following database tables are used:

Table Name Description
FUL_ORD_RV_PICK Stores reverse picks for fulfillment orders.
FUL_ORD_RV_PICK_LINE_ITEM Holds line items for fulfillment order reverse picks.
FUL_ORD Holds store fulfillment orders.
FUL_ORD_BIN Holds bins for picks of store fulfillment orders.
FUL_ORD_DLV Holds deliveries for store fulfillment orders.
FUL_ORD_DLV_LINE_ITEM Holds fulfillment order delivery line items.
FUL_ORD_DLV_LINE_ITEM_ATT Holds extended attributes associated to line items of deliveries for store fulfillment orders.
FUL_ORD_DLV_LINE_ITEM_UIN Holds UINs of line items for deliveries of store fulfillment orders.
FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM Holds store fulfillment order line items.
FUL_ORD_PICK Holds picks for store fulfillment orders.
FUL_ORD_PICK_LINE_ITEM Holds line items of picks for store fulfillment orders.