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Oracle® Retail Store Inventory Management Store User Guide
Release 16.0
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10 RTV and RTV Shipment

This chapter covers RTV and RTV Shipment. The following topics are covered:

Overview: Introduction to RTV and RTV Shipment.

Functionality: Description of RTV Admin, Shipment Reason Maintenance, RTV, and RTV Shipment.

Technical: Integration with Oracle Retail Integration Bus (RIB), web services, batch, and the database structure.


The return's process in SIM supports the retailer with the reverse logistics flow. A reverse logistic flow means that inventory is shipped out of the store to a supplier or warehouse for redistribution or disposal. This particular workflow only supports shipping inventory back to the supplier.

Some examples around reverse logistics:

  • Regulatory when product has to be destroyed because of recalls.

  • Return of inventory to the vendor of items that are nearing their expiration date.

  • Return inventory back to the supplier because of malfunctions or poor quality.


  • RTV document and RTV shipment support shipping to the supplier.

  • A single RTV shipment supports multiple containers.

  • An RTV shipment can be tracked at the Container and Shipment levels.

  • Container hierarchy limitations.

  • Container label printing.

  • BOL includes container details.

  • Support for multiple users working on different containers within the same shipment.

  • Each item has one or more reason codes explaining the reason it is shipped back.

  • BOL captures shipment purpose, tracking ID, shipment method, destination information, and container information.

  • RTVs can be initiated in SIM or externally.

  • Approval or rejection of externally-generated RTV requests.

  • Authorization Return ID.

  • Not after date facilitates the user to ship the shipment before the shipment is expired.

  • Supplier-level RTV restrictions when creating an RTV.

Figure 10-1 Supported Return Flows

Business Cases

  • Damaged item process:

    • Two customers return DVD players that are not working. The POS transaction identifies them as damaged. This automatically associates the items to an unavailable bucket in SIM.

    • The retailer creates a return to vendor for two DVD players which were damaged. They will be sent back to the vendor with a reason of Damaged using unavailable inventory.

  • Recall process:

    • SIM receives communication from the vendor requesting 100 units of chicken to be returned back to the supplier.

    • The store user will create the return on the PC and enters the quantity to be returned; in this case, the store returns 99 units and approves the RTV. Subsequently, the user creates a shipment for this RTV, packs the goods in a container, prints the container label, and confirms the container. The RTV is then ready for shipment.

Figure 10-2 RTV and RTV Shipment PC Screen Flow

The RTV and RTV shipment flows exist under the Shipping/Receiving menu. From the RTV List and RTV Shipment screens, the user can filter the records as needed.

Figure 10-3 RTV and RTV Shipment Status Flow


This section describes system parameters, store parameters, notifications, and security.

System Parameters

Add Item to Return Requests

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: Yes

  • Topic: RTV

  • Editable: Yes

  • Determines if the SIM user is allowed to add items to a return request that was sent from RMS (or an external system).

Days to Send Email Alert Before Not After Date for RTV Requests

  • Values: 0 - 999

  • Default: 2

  • Topic: RTV

  • Editable: Yes

  • Return requests generated in an external system sometimes require the return to be dispatched before a certain date. This option prompts the recipient of the email X days before the not after date is reached if the return was not dispatched.

DSD Delivery Supplier for RTV

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: Yes

  • Topic: RTV

  • Editable: Yes

  • Yes: The system needs to check both the DSD Allowed indicator (Indicator on Supplier table which determines whether or not a supplier can create a new Purchase Order) and the return allowed indicator (also an indicator on the supplier table).

  • No: Only the returns allowed indicator needs to be validated for supplier returns.


    Regardless of the indicator, SIM should always be able to dispatch the RTV if it was created in an external system.

Add Item to Return Requests

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: Yes

  • Topic: RTV

  • Editable: Yes

  • Determines if the SIM user is allowed to add items to a return request that was sent from RMS (or an external system).

System Parameter

RTV Unavailable Request Qty Email Alert

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: Yes

  • Topic: RTV

  • Editable: No

  • A notification is generated when an RTV request is not auto-accepted if the "Auto Approve RTV request" parameter is set to Yes and the request has unavailable quantity greater than SIM stock.

Store Parameters

Enable Sub Buckets

See Chapter 8, "Inventory Adjustments."

Pre-Shipment Notification

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: No

  • Topic: RTV Shipment

  • Editable: Yes

  • Yes: SIM will publish a pre-shipment message.

  • No: SIM will not publish a pre-shipment message.


    This store parameter exists for each of the functional areas: RTV Shipment/Transfer Shipment/Customer Order Delivery.

RTV Shipment Carrier Default

  • Values: Sender/Receiver/Third Party

  • Default: Sender

  • Topic: RTV Shipment

  • Editable: Yes

  • When creating a return, the Carrier Type on the BOL defaults initially based upon this parameter (PC and handheld). The user can still change this value (on the PC) and if so, that will be the value used on the return. This allows for a Carrier type when creating returns on the handheld as the BOL is not accessible from the handheld:

    • Sender: Sender will be selected for Carrier Type on BOL.

    • Receiver: Receiver will be selected for the Carrier type on BOL.

    • Third Party: Third Party will be selected for the Carrier type on the BOL. The type (drop down) will be defaulted to "Other."

Dispatch Validate

  • Values: Ship Direct/Ship Submit

  • Default: Ship Direct

  • Topic: RTV Shipment

  • Editable: Yes

  • Ship Direct: SIM will control all processes. The user will be able to go from create/edit directly to dispatch.

  • Ship Submit: This option requires the user to press the Submit button, and a specific press of the dispatch button. An additional feature is that an external system will generate a dispatch message through a standard web service.

Auto Accept External Generated RTV Request

  • Values: Yes/No

  • Default: No

  • Topic: RTV

  • Editable: Yes

  • Yes: The moment the RTV request gets into the system SIM approves it with requested quantity.

  • No: The user has to manually accept and approve request


    When auto-approve is Yes, the checks for return allowed or DSD return allowed restrictions do not matter since the RTV in this scenario is always coming from the external system.

Not After Date Default Days

  • Values: 0 - 999

  • Default: 30

  • Topic: RTV

  • Editable: Yes

  • This parameter sets the number of days after which an RTV document can be closed after the not after date is passed.

  • All status documents will be marked cancelled once this criteria is met.

SSCC Shipping Label ID Generation

  • Values: Automatic / Manual

  • Default: Automatic

  • Topic: Admin

  • Editable: Yes

  • Automatic: The system will generate an identifier for printing on the shipping label.

  • Manual: The user will need to enter an identifier for printing on the shipping label.

  • This store parameter is used for RTV Shipment and Transfer Shipment.


The RTV Not After Date Alert batch process warns users a number of days in advance that the RTV is about to reach the Not After date and must be dispatched. The value for the number of days of advance warning is configurable using the system's administration screens.

The Resolve Unavailable quantity Discrepancy in RTV request notification warns users when the Auto approve parameter is set to yes and the RTV request has more quantity in unavailable than SIM. Notification asks the user to resolve the discrepancy and accept manually.


Security exists for:

  • Accessing, creating, editing, and deleting an RTV.

  • Accessing, creating, editing, deleting, submitting, cancelling submit, and dispatching an RTV Shipment.

  • Adding and deleting items to an RTV and RTV Shipment.

  • Data permissions for the shipment reason codes.

  • Accessing the Shipment Reason Maintenance screen.

  • Security for the notifications.


This section describes the available screens.

RTV list

Figure 10-4 RTV List Screen

The RTV List screen displays a list of previously created RTV documents for a specific user's store. The RTV List screen is accessible by clicking the RTV button from within the Shipping and Receiving menu. The system defaults to all records which are in "Active" status meaning if RTV is in any of the following statuses: "RTV In Progress," "Request In Progress," "In Shipping," "Approved," and "Requested." A Filter option is available to further filter on the return records.

The RTV List screen allosw the user to potentially perform numerous tasks. The user can create, view, edit, and print, an RTV. Deleting an RTV can occur, but is only allowed on those returns which are in "RTV In Progress" status. If a deletion occurs, the return will have a status of "Canceled RTV."

RTV List Filter

Figure 10-5 RTV List Filter Screen

The RTV List filter is used to narrow down the list of RTVs on the RTV List screen. The user can access this dialog by clicking filter on the RTV list screen. The following fields are available:

  • RTV ID: This field displays the unique return ID assigned by the system when the return was created.

  • RTV External Id: The return can be filtered on the basis of the External Id generated from the external system.

  • Auth number: The Authorization Number is entered by the user at the time of the creation of the return. The return can be searched for with that Authorization number.

  • Supplier: By clicking the ellipse button on the dialog, the user can search supplier for which the return would be created.

  • Item: By clicking the ellipse button on the dialog, the user can search the item ID for which the return was created.

  • Status: The return can be filtered on the basis of statuses. There are four valid statuses for a return/request:

    • Open: includes "RTV In Progress," "Request In Progress," "In Shipping," "Approved" and "Requested."

    • Closed: includes "Rejected," "Completed," "Canceled RTV," and "Canceled Request."

    • RTV In Progress: Someone is working on a RTV, but it is not yet approved and has been saved once.

    • Request In Progress: Someone is working on a RTV request, but it is not yet approved and has been saved once.

    • Requested: RTV request was received from RMS, but has not yet been processed by a SIM user.

    • Rejected: RTV request was rejected and information sent back to RMS.

    • Approved: When the RTV / RTV Request is ready to be shipped.

    • Cancelled RTV: When an RTV is cancelled, if it was generated from a shipment or was cancelled after approval.

    • Cancelled Request: When an RTV request is cancelled, if it was generated from a shipment or was cancelled after approval.

    • In Shipping: When the RTV has a shipment against it with at least a single container saved or approved.

    • Completed: when an RTV is shipped.

  • Reason: The return can be filtered on the basis of the reason code. The user is able to select a reason code from the drop-down.

RTV Create

Figure 10-6 RTV Create Screen

The user will be directed to the RTV Create popup by clicking create on the RTV list screen. The user can select the supplier through the ellipsis button or by typing in the supplier ID if known. Suppliers that are configured to allow returns can only be selected here. The Not After Date gets defaulted from a parameter. The user can enter the Auth number if required for the supplier or optional if so desired. This can also be changed later if necessary. Select a Return Type, that is, the motive of the return. This can be configured to the business needs; some examples are damaged goods, Invalid delivery, and Seasonal. After filling in all information, the user can click Apply to create the RTV for the supplier.

RTV Detail

Figure 10-7 RTV Detail Screen

The RTV Detail screen displays the logical document of the RTV and several functions such as Add/remove item, save RTV, approve RTV, and delete RTV. Once the RTV document is approved, the inventory in SIM is reserved. The RTV Detail screen is accessed upon creating a new RTV document as well as selecting an existing one. The user can add an item and quantity to be returned and approve the document which makes it ready for shipment through the RTV Shipment dialog. A user can add notes to the document for reference. The user can create or go to a shipment for the document directly from RTV document dialog once the RTV is in approved status.

RTV Shipment List

Figure 10-8 RTV Shipment List Screen

The RTV Shipment List screen can be accessed by clicking the RTV Shipment button on the Shipping/Receiving menu. This screen provides a list of RTV shipments for the user's store.

This screen allows a user to create a shipment for an RTV and lists the RTV Shipments associated to the user's location. The list by default displays all RTV Shipments in "In Progress" status and sorted by oldest date to newest date. If the shipment is deleted, SIM will mark the shipment and its corresponding document to cancel. A shipment can be deleted by double clicking it and clicking delete. Lastly, a shipment can be edited or viewed by selecting an RTV shipment and navigating to the details for the RTV shipment.

RTV Shipment List Filter

Figure 10-9 RTV Shipment List Filter Screen

The RTV Shipment List filter is used to narrow down the list on the RTV Shipment List screen. The user can access this dialog by clicking Filter on the RTV Shipment list screen. The following fields are available:

  • ID: This field displays the unique shipment ID assigned by the system when the return was created.

  • Supplier: By clicking the ellipse button on the dialog, the user can search for RTV shipments for that supplier.

  • Item: By clicking the ellipse button on the dialog, the user can search by item ID.

  • Auth number: The Authorization Number is entered by the user at the time of creation of return.

  • Not After Date: This field holds the not after date. This date reflects the time span before which the return should be accepted.

  • Status: The return can be filtered on the basis of these statuses:

    • New: When the shipment is created, it is in new status.

    • In Progress: When an RTV shipment is saved, it goes into in progress.

    • Submitted: When all containers and items are defined for the shipment, the shipment is ready for shipping.

    • Shipped: When the RTV is shipped.

    • Canceled: When the RTV shipment is in canceled state.

  • Reason: RTV shipments can be filtered based on the reason code. The user can select a reason code from the drop-down list.

RTV Shipment Create

Figure 10-10 RTV Shipment Create Popup

The user can access the RTV Shipment Create popup by clicking create on the RTV Shipment list screen. The user needs to select the supplier through the ellipsis button. The not after date gets defaulted from a parameter. If an Auth number is required for the supplier, that needs to be entered. Next, the user selects a Return Type, that is, the motive of the return. This can be configured to the business needs; some examples could be damaged goods, Invalid delivery, Seasonal. After filling in all information, the user can click Apply to create the RTV shipment for the supplier.

RTV Shipment Detail

Figure 10-11 RTV Shipment Detail

The RTV Shipment Detail screen can be reached when the user clicks apply on the RTV shipment create dialog. It is also accessed by selecting an RTV Shipment from the RTV Shipment List. From this screen, the user can create multiple containers in which to put items. The user can submit / dispatch the shipment as per the system configuration. If the user has access to the BOL Detail screen, the user can access the carrier details for the shipment. Additionally, the user can add notes at the shipment level as well as print reports for the shipment.

Shipping Info

Figure 10-12 Shipping Info Popup

The Shipment Info popup can be reached once the user clicks the Info button in the RTV shipment screen. This screen lists details about the return shipment. The user can change the auth number if required. The not after date can be altered until the current day is less than the not after date.

BOL Detail

Figure 10-13 BOL Detail Screen

The BOL Detail screen is used to display the shipping details for an outgoing RTV shipment. The BOL Detail screen contains the appropriate information for the entire shipment to identify the sender, receiver, and carrier of the goods. Some information is defaulted from the shipment or container table and some is manually captured on this screen.

For additional details on BOL, Manifesting, and pre-shipment, see Chapter 12, "Shipping and Receiving Common Components."

RTV Shipment Container Detail

Figure 10-14 RTV Shipment Container Detail Screen

The RTV Shipment Container Detail screen can be reached once the user clicks create container on the RTV Shipment Detail screen. Many functions can be performed through this screen:

  • Manifesting container. See Chapter 12, "Shipping and Receiving Common Components."

  • Add items to a container with reason codes for each item.

  • Items and quantities can be defaulted from an approved RTV document.

  • Item can be added to the container manually which are not on the document.

  • A shipment can be created on the fly without a document. Once a container is saved, an adhoc document is automatically created for this shipment. Subsequent items added to the same or additional containers are added to the same document.

  • If an item is a UIN item, the UINs need to be added to be returned to increase the quantity.

  • UOM is selected at the header level of the shipment container and hence applies to all the items on the container. Toggling the UOM at the header will change the UOM and convert the quantity at the line item level.

  • The user may choose to add notes to the container.

  • The user can print a container report from this screen.

  • The user can add extended attributes to items (if the system and item are configured to do so).

  • The user can save, confirm, and delete a container from this screen.

  • Hierarchy limitation for the container can be defined from this screen.

Item Selection

Figure 10-15 Item Selection Popup

The Item Selection screen defaults items into the RTV container screen through the "Apply Item" and "Apply Quantity" buttons. Apply item will default selected items to the container, while Apply Quantity will default the selected items and quantities. The remaining quantity column informs the user about the quantity on the document that is not shipped yet, and can be used. The remaining quantity is not reduced until a container is confirmed for shipping.

Unlike the transfer dialog, this dialog defaults to the RTV document assigned to the shipment since only a single RTV doc can be assigned to a single RTV shipment. The Item selection will allow for one or more rows to be selected.

This popup can also be used to limit merchandise to a container, for example if a retailer wants only shoes to be packed into one container it can be controlled through this dialog. This can be done through the "Limit Items To dropdown" feature. When it is selected, the system will limit the items in the container to only those items within the same hierarchy level. This can be by Department, Class, Sub-class, or None. The Department, Class, or Sub-class used for the container will be set based upon the first item added or scanned into the container. It is a permission-controlled feature and the user will need permissions to set the limit for the container. The default value will be set to none, meaning the items added to the container may belong to any hierarchy.

Container Info

Figure 10-16 Container Info Popup

The Container Info pop-up appears when a user clicks the container info button on the RTV Container Detail screen. When done filling the container, the user will select the Info button to set up the Container Label, Package Type, Weight, and Apply changes. If the system is configured to use manifesting, the carrier may require weight and package size to be entered on this screen before confirming the container. The system will check if the weight is required and if so, will alert the user when they have not filled in this information.

The Container ID label can be generated by SIM, or can be manually entered. SIM follows the SSCC-18 standard when generating labels. Various container labeling formats may be created and printed as needed. If not printing internal labels, it is possible to get a tracking ID from a manifesting system or manually enter one.

When the manifesting system is called, the tracking ID will be returned and can be viewed on this screen. It is also possible to manually enter it.

The user will use this screen to print the container label.

Various label formats for the container label may be created. Container labels can differ across countries or regions. The Transfer Shipping Label can specify a default format. This can be managed by accessing the Print Format screen from Admin/Print Setup.

The SSCC-18 Barcode is used for printing the label that is placed on the shipping container once all the data is available to print on the label, such as the container ID and tracking ID. The carton label follows standard GS1/EAN/SSCC-18 common label formats and all the barcodes on this label are GS1-128 symbologies. The SSCC barcode will be the largest barcode on the label and will contain the destination for the container as well as the unique label container ID. This will allow the system to find the contents of the container within the system.

If there are issues with the carrier for some reason and a different carrier must be used, the user will need to return to the BOL Detail screen and adjust the carrier. This process will move all the containers back to In Progress and the user will need to reconfirm each container to get a new tracking ID.

RTV and RTV Request

Return to Vendor (Supplier)

To create a an RTV, a supplier must be identified for the return; this can be done by entering in the Supplier ID or using the widget to look up a supplier.

The Supplier must allow for returns. This is an indicator that is defined at the supplier level. The next validation will be to check the system setting "DSD Delivery Supplier for RTV." This configuration (if set to Yes) requires that the supplier must also be a DSD Supplier (indicator on the supplier) in order to create the RTV. Lastly, if the system is configured to use Multiple Sets of Books, then the supplier is limited to the same operating unit as that of the store.

Once a supplier has successfully been added, the next step would be to enter in an Authorization code, which is required for certain suppliers. Items along with reasons can be added to the return. For Return to Vendors, the system allows a mix of available and unavailable inventory status items on the return; therefore, all reasons for the Return to Vendor type will be listed. All items on the return must be sourced by the supplier designated on the RTV.

Return Requests

A Return Request is a return to vendor that comes into SIM from an external system. A Return Request is a request for items to be returned. In SIM, the user accesses the return request on the PC application. The items, quantities and reasons (for RTV) will be listed. The user can enter in the actual return quantity and modify the reason code. Once a return request is saved into a "Request In Progress" status it appears in SIM as a regular return and it can be edited and/or dispatched on the PC or handheld. The system can be configured to allow the user to add additional items to the return request. The system allows for items to be removed on a return request that were not initially added during the session. After the session has been saved, the quantity for the item will be set to zero, similar to original requested items.


When a return document is saved or updated from the RTV shipment, the system will move the items from either available or unavailable (non-sellable) inventory, based on the inventory status, and move it to the reserved bucket within unavailable inventory. The Return to Vendors uses the RTV Reserved bucket. Upon dispatching of the return, the reserved buckets will be relieved and the stock on hand will be decremented. If sub-buckets are turned on, the appropriate sub-bucket associated with the return reason will be updated when returning from unavailable inventory.

Example 1: Return to Vendor using Available Inventory

Item Lookup before:

Store A:

  • Total SOH = 706

  • Available SOH = 706

  • Total Unavailable SOH = 0

  • RTV Reserved = 0

  1. The user creates an RTV to move inventory from Store A to the Vendor using available inventory.

  2. The user enters a return quantity of 6 and clicks Approve.

  3. A quantity of 6 is placed into the reserved bucket in both SIM and RMS. RMS is updated through sending a mod message.

  4. The retail ordering system takes into account the saved (reserved) quantity when replenishing the item through its regular ordering (auto-replenishment) process.

  5. Total SOH - Non sellable (Adjustment Unavailable Qty) - Transfer reserved quantity - RTV reserved quantity - Customer Reserved Qty = Available Quantity

    Store A:

    • Total SOH = 706

    • Available SOH = 700

    • Total Unavailable = 6

    • RTV Reserved = 6


    Unavailable is a total of all sub-buckets.

  6. Modify Return Qty to 8 and click Dispatch.

    Item Lookup:

    • Total SOH = 698

    • Available = 698

    • Unavailable = 0

    • Reserved Qty = 0

Example 2: Return to Vendor using Unavailable Inventory

Item Lookup before:

Item Lookup Database
Total SOH = 800 RTV_Quantity =0
Available = 700 Nonsellable (Adjust Unavail) = 100
Unavailable = 100
Nonsellable = 100; Sub-bucket: Trouble 75, Admin 25
RTV Qty = 0

  1. The user enters a return quantity of 10 (unavailable) and clicks Approve.

    Item Lookup Database
    Total SOH = 800 RTV_Quantity =10
    Available = 700 Nonsellable (Adjust Unavail) = 90
    Unavailable = 100
    Nonsellable = 90; Sub-bucket: Trouble 65, Admin 25
    RTV Qty = 10


    The available quantity will still display as 700 on the UI and reports.

  2. Modify Return Qty to 12 and click Dispatch.

    Item Lookup:

    • Total SOH = 788

    • Available =700

    • Unavailable = 88

    • Nonsellable = 88; Sub-bucket: Trouble 63, Admin 25

    • RTV Qty = 0

User Interface Guidelines

The RTV dialog allows for creating, editing, and deleting of RTVs on the PC only.

The RTV shipment dialog allows for creating, editing, and deleting of RTV shipments on the PC and handheld. Creation of an RTV shipment without an RTV document, will automatically create an RTV in the backend.

RTV documents can be initiated from the store or from an external system such as RMS.


RTV Creation

RTVs can be created in two ways:

  • Based on a request from RMS

  • A SIM-initiated RTV

Each vendor return will have one or more items.

RTV Shipment

Each RTV shipment will tie back to a single vendor return document.

RTV shipment can be created in two ways:

  • From an approved vendor return document. This can be done only from the PC client.

  • Without any vendor return document. This can be done from both the handheld and PC client. Creation of vendor return shipment will create an approved vendor return on the fly.

Each vendor return shipment will have one or more containers; each container in turn will have one or more items.

SIM may publish messages when the following happens:

  • RTV shipment container is updated, and saved (Return To Vendor Publish)

  • RTV shipment is cancelled or rejected (Return To Vendor Publish)

  • RTV shipment is dispatched (Return to Vendor Publish and Ship Info Desc Publish, if dispatched without submitting)

  • RTV shipment is submitted (Ship Info Desc Publish)

  • RTV shipment container is confirmed (RTV manifesting, if configured)

  • RTV shipment is submitted (Pre-shipment notification, if configured)

Figure 10-17 RTV Creation Flow

Figure 10-18 RTV Shipment Flow

Figure 10-19 RTV Shipment Submit and Dispatch Flow

Figure 10-20 RTV Shipment Dispatch Flow

Business Objects

Business objects are used within the application code for all business processing.

Business Object Description
VendorReturn This object defines a vendor return within SIM. It contains VendoReturnLineItems.
VendorReturnLineItem Single business object that contains nearly all the information about an item.
VendorReturnOrigin This object defines the origin of a vendor return: External, Internal, through a Shipment.
VendorShipment This object defines a vendor shipment within SIM. It contains VendorShipmentCartons.
VendorShipmentCarton This object defines a vendor shipment container within SIM. It contains VendorShipmentLineItems.
VendorShipmnetLineItem The object defines a single line item of detailed item information for a VendorShipment within a container.


This section covers integration through RIB and web services.


The following payloads are used in RTV operations.

RIB Payload Description
RTVReqDesc This payload is sent from an external system to indicate a request for a vendor return. It creates or updates a vendor return document within SIM. It contains a series of RTVReqDtl.
RTVReqDtl This payload contains the detailed information about the items on the vendor return.
RTVReqRef This payload contains reference information about a vendor return when an external system wishes to attempt to cancel the return.
RTVDesc This payload is sent from SIM to external systems when an RTV shipment is dispatched.

Web Services

Web services are available for vendor return documents and vendor return shipments.

The following service operations are supported for the VendorReturn web service.

Service Operation Description
lookupVendorReturnHeader Retrieves vendor return header information with no item details.
readVendorReturnDetail Retrieves detailed information about an entire vendor return.
saveVendorReturn Creates or updates information about a vendor return.
approveVendorReturn Processes a vendor return moving it from in-progress status to approved status.
cancelVendorReturn Processes a vendor return moving it from in-progress status to canceled status.
closeVendorReturn Processes a vendor return moving it from in progress status to canceled, rejected, or completed status.

The following service operations are supported for the VendorShipment web service.

Service Operation Description
lookupVendorShipmentHeader Retrieves vendor shipment header summary information.
readVendorShipmentDetail Retrieves vendor shipment header detailed information (no item information, only header).
saveVendorShipment Creates or updates information about a vendor shipment header but no detailed item information.
submitVendorShipment Submits a vendor shipment prior to dispatch moving the shipment to submitted status.
cancelVendorShipmentSubmission Cancels the submission of a vendor shipment. This moves the shipment back to in-progress status.
cancelVendorShipment Cancels a vendor shipment moving it to canceled status.
dispatchVendorShipment Dispatches a vendor shipment moving it to dispatched status.
lookupVendorShipmentContainerHeaders Retrieves vendor shipment container summary information.
readVendorShipmentContainerDetail Retrieves detailed information about a container including detailed information about the items in the container.
saveVendorShipmentContainer Creates or updates a vendor shipment container including detailed information about the items in the container.
confirmVendorShipmentContainer Confirms a vendor shipment container is ready to ship. This moves the container to completed status.
cancelVendorShipmentContainer Cancels a vendor shipment container moving it to canceled status.
openVendorShipmentContainer Reopens a previously confirmed container moving it back to in-progress status.


The following batch is available:

Batch Name Description
Vendor Return Closure Batch When the not after date is reached, the vendor return document needs to be auto closed. The vendor return shipment associated with it will be auto cancelled.
Purge Vendor Return Batch This batch purges the closed and cancelled vendor return documents. This is dependent upon a parameter to check the number of days after which it is allowed to be purged.

Data Structure

The following database tables are used:

Table Name Description
RTV Contains header level information of a vendor return.
RTV_LINE_ITEM Contains item level information of a vendor return.
RTV_SHIP Holds the header information for a vendor shipment.
RTV_SHIP_CARTON Holds the container information for a vendor shipment.
RTV_SHIP_LINE_ITEM Holds the detailed line item information for a line items within a container for a vendor shipment.
RTV_SHIP_LINE_ITEM_ATT Holds extended attributes associated to the line items of a vendor shipment.
RTV_SHIP_LINE_ITEM_UIN Holds UINs associated to the line items of a vendor shipment.


The following sequences are available for the RTV feature: