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Oracle® Retail Predictive Application Server User Guide for the Fusion Client
Release 14.1
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5 Formatting

You can configure formatting settings of workbooks and save those settings for future use in RPAS. You can configure some formatting within the Fusion Client as well as through the RPAS Configuration Tools. For more information about configuring formatting with the Configuration Tools, see the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Configuration Tools User Guide.

Formatting settings are created in the Format dialog box. In the Format dialog box, you can set and clear formats that apply to measures or dimensions. You can make changes to single or multiple measures and dimensions and apply those changes across one, many, or all views in the workbook.


The following formatting choices do not apply in the Fusion Client: Text Font, Text Size, Border Style, and Border Color.

Default Cell Formats

Some formatting cannot be altered in the Fusion Client. Read-only and protected cells as well as edited cells have default formats that are configured in a property file for the entire solution. The default formats are shown in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Default Formats

Cell State Configurable Style Default Style

Read-only cells

Cell Style

Light grey background color

Protected cells

Cell Style

Light grey background color

Invalid cells

Cell Style

Dark grey background color

Editable Cells

Cell Style

None (white background color)

Edited Cells

Text Style

Italic font, white background color


These default styles can be changed by editing the file. For instructions on editing this file, see the ” File” section in the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Administration Guide for the Fusion Client.

Read-only cells are those that cannot be edited for any reason. In Figure 5-1, the cells of the Ly Sales R measure are read-only since the data is from last year and cannot be changed because it occurred in the past.

Protected cells are read-only in order to protect them from editing. In Figure 5-1, the cells of the Wp Sales AUR measure are protected because that measure is based on the data from Wp Sales U, which has been edited. For more information, see Protection Processing.

Invalid cells are at a level in the view below the base intersection of the measure. In Figure 5-1, the Wp BOS R measure has a base time level of Half, and so it is invalid at the week level. Therefore, the cell in the Sprg Fy2010 is editable, but the cells in the week columns are invalid.

Editable cells can be edited. In Figure 5-1, the cells of the Wp Sales R and Wp Sales U measures are editable and therefore have white cell backgrounds.

After a cell has been edited, it retains its white cell background, but its font becomes italic. In Figure 5-1, the 2/13/2010 cell in the Wp Sales U measure has been edited.

Figure 5-1 Default Cell Formats

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-1 .

Modify Formatting

To access the Format dialog box, select an option in the Format menu.

Figure 5-2 Format Menu

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-2 .

Or, right-click a dimension position in the page edge, column axis, or row axis.

Figure 5-3 Format Option in the Right-Click Context Menu

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-3 .

The Format dialog box appears. From the Format dialog box, you can modify measure styles, number formatting, exceptions, and dimension styles.

Figure 5-4 Format Dialog Box

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-4 .

Using the Filter to Find Measures

You can use the filter to find measures that share a common name, type, or location. To use the filter, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter data in at least one of the following fields:

    • Name contains: Enter the word or phrase you want to find. The word or phrase is searched for in the entire label string, including any displayed attributes. This field is not case sensitive.

    • Type: Select the type of measure you are searching for. The options are integer, real, date, text, Boolean, or all types.

    • Visible in: Select the view that you want to search in. You can select one, several, or all.

    In Figure 5-5, the string "Ly" is searched for in all types of measures within the Alert Sheet 1 view.

    Figure 5-5 Filtering Measures

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-5 .
  2. After you have entered the search criteria, click the blue arrow to the right of the Filter measures area. The measures that fit your search criteria are shown in the Measure field within the Apply measure format area.

    Figure 5-6 Filter Results

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-6 .

Extended Measures

Extended measures also appear in the Measure field. Some extended measures have the same label as the measure from which they were created. As a result, when displaying measure labels in the Measure field, use a series of attributes to describe the measure. The attributes are separated by a delimiter character.

The order of attributes is usually displayed as [Label] | [%] | [Aggregation]

For example:

  • Wp Gross Margin | | TOTAL

  • Wp Sales contrb Prod R% | % Product | TOTAL

  • Wp Sales contrb Time R% | % Calendar | TOTAL

Modifying Measure Styles

From the Measure Styles tab of the Format dialog box, you can locate measures with the filter feature and then modify the measure style for those measures. Measures can be modified by altering the appearance of the headers cells.

When the filter feature is not in use, the measures that appear in the Measure field within the Apply measure format section shows the measures that are contained in the current view.

Figure 5-7 Measure Styles Tab of the Format Dialog Box

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-7 .

Applying Measure Formats

After you have found the measures you want to change, you can edit or clear the existing formats for those measures and add new ones. To alter the measure format, complete the following steps:

  1. Use the filter to find the measures you want to alter. See Using the Filter to Find Measures.

  2. Select the measures from the Measure field. You can select one, several, or all.

    Figure 5-8 Select Measures

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-8 .
  3. In the View field, select the views in which the measures you want to change appear.

  4. In the Applies to field, select the part of the measure formatting that you would like to alter.

  5. In the Text color, Background color, Cell alignment, and Font style fields, choose the settings you want to apply.


    The cell background for read-only measures cannot be altered.

  6. When finished, click Apply and Close.

The Format dialog box closes. In the view, the new formatting is visible.


Mixed appears as a formatting option when two positions have different formatting settings. For instance, if a user has selected bold as the font style for one measure and italics for another, when the user selects both measures at once, the font style drop-down displays mixed. The mixed option occurs only when there are multiple selections on the left side and the properties on the right side contain a drop-down list.

Figure 5-9 Formatted Measures

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-9 .

Modifying Number Formatting

From the Number tab of the Format dialog box, you can locate measures with the filter feature and then modify the number formatting for those measures. When the filter feature is not in use, the measures that appear in the Measure field within the Apply measure format section shows the measures that are contained in the current view.

Figure 5-10 Number Tab of the Format Dialog Box

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-10 .

Applying Number Formats

After you have found the measures you want to change, you can edit or clear the existing number formats for those measures and add new ones. To alter the number format, complete the following steps:

  1. Use the filter to find the measures you want to alter. See Using the Filter to Find Measures.

  2. Select the measures you want to alter from the Measure field. You can select one, several, or all.

    Figure 5-11 Select Measures

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-11 .
  3. In the View field, select the views in which the measures that you want to alter appear.

    The Quick format field contains four preconfigured number formats: currency, percentage, thousands, and millions. If one of these formats suits your needs, select it. The values in the Prefix, Suffix, and Scale fields adjust accordingly. If the quick formats do not suit your needs, continue to the next steps to adjust the remaining fields.

    Table 5-2 Quick Format Options

    Quick Format Description


    The currency format as a scale factor of 1 and a prefix of $. It has a precision of 2. For example, $1223.45.


    The percentage format has a scale factor of 0.01 and a suffix of %. It has a precision of 0. For example, 16%.


    The thousands format has a scale factor of 1000 and a suffix of k. It has a precision of 0. For example, 1,235k.


    The millions format has a scale factor of 1000000 and a suffix of M. It has a precision of 0. For example, 1,235M.

    In the Prefix field, enter a string up to seven characters that you want to appear before number. Prefixes are often used for a currency symbol.

    In the Suffix field, enter a string up to seven characters that you want to appear after the number. Suffixes are often used to denote scaling factors (k, m) or percentages (%).

    In the Scale field, enter the factor to be applied to displayed values to produce an internal value. For instance, you can use this to display a fractional value as a percentage with a scale factor of 0.01.

    Select the Show separator option to use the thousands separator in the view. The thousands separator depends upon the regional setting. Often though, it is a comma.

    In the Precision field, enter the number of places to the right of the decimal to be displayed. The precision value for integers is 0.


    Below the Precision field is an example of how the formatted number appears.

    When finished, click Apply and Close. The number formatting is applied to the selected measures in the view.

Modifying Date/Time

From the Date/Time tab of the Format dialog box, you can locate date measures with the filter feature and then modify the date/time formatting for those measures. When the filter feature is not in use, the measures that appear in the Measure field within the Apply DateTime format section shows only date measures that are visible in the current view.

Figure 5-12 Date/Time Tab of the Format Dialog Box

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-12 .

Applying Date/Time Formatting

  1. Use the filter to find the measures you want to alter. See Using the Filter to Find Measures.

  2. Select the measures you want to alter from the Measure field. Only date/time measures are displayed in this list. You can select one, several, or all.

    Figure 5-13 Select Date Measures

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-13 .
  3. In the View field, select the views in which the measures appear that you want to alter appear.

  4. Use the Time field to configure how the time is displayed.

    • Choose No Time if you do not want the time data to be displayed with the date.

    • Choose 12 Hour Format to display the time in 12-hour format. Example: 10:58PM.

    • Choose 24 Hour Format to display the time in 24-hour format. Example: 22:58PM.

    An example of the time format you have chosen appears below the time field.

  5. When finished, click Apply and Close. The date/time formatting is applied to the selected measures in the selected views.

Modifying Exceptions

Exception formatting is used for numeric measure types. Exception formatting defines the styles to be applied to a cell's value when it falls outside a defined range.

From the Exceptions tab of the Format dialog box, you can locate measures with the filter feature and then modify the exception formatting for those measures. When the filter feature is not in use, the measures that appear in the Measure field within the Apply measure format section shows the numeric measures that are contained in the current view.

Figure 5-14 Exceptions Tab of the Format Dialog Box

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-14 .

Applying Exception Formatting

  1. Use the filter to find the measures you want to alter. See Using the Filter to Find Measures.

  2. Select the measures you want to alter from the Measure field. You can select one, several, or all.

    Figure 5-15 Select Measures

    Surrounding text describes Figure 5-15 .
  3. In the View field, select the views in which the measures that you want to alter appear.

  4. Use the Condition and Value fields to set the parameters of the exception.

    • In the Condition field, select one of three options:

      • < =: Use this to select values that are less than or equal to Value 1.

      • > =: Use this to select values that are greater than or equal to Value 1.

      • Not between: Use this option to select values that do not fall between Value 1 and Value 2. This is a way to set both the <= and >= conditions to have the same formatting styles.

    • In the Value fields, enter the following:

      • If you chose <= or >= as the Condition, enter the value in Value 1 that the exception needs to be greater or less than.

      • If you chose Not between as the Condition, enter the values that the exception should not fall between in Value 1 and Value 2.


    • If entering a value that has a scale factor, such as a percentage, enter the raw value. For example, if you want to enter 10%, you should enter .1.

    • Exceptions applied to integer measures must have integer values for Value 1 and Value 2. Otherwise an error occurs.

  5. In the Text color, Background color, and Font style fields, choose the settings you want to apply.


    An example of a formatted exception is displayed below the Font Style field.

  6. When finished, click Apply and Close. The exception formatting is applied to the selected measures in the view.

Modifying Alert Styles

The alert styles can be modified for Real Time Alerts. This enables users to customize their visual appearance. This option will only be available if Real Time Alerts are present in the workbook. The changes apply to the specific workbook the alert is in.

Figure 5-16 Alert Styles Tab of the Format Dialog Box

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-16 .

Applying Alert Formatting

  1. Select the alerts you want to alter from the Real Time Alert field. You can select one, several or all.

  2. In the Condition field, select the alert conditions you want to modify.

  3. Use the Text color, Background color, and Font style options to configure the appearance of the alert. The visual appearance is then updated in the provided example.

  4. When you are finished, click Apply and Close. The modified formatting is applied to the selected Real Time Alerts in the selected views.

Modifying Dimension Styles

From the Dimension Styles tab of the Format dialog box, you can specify header styles for one, a few, or all dimensions. The filter measure feature is not available on this tab because dimension formatting applies only to dimensions, not measures.

Figure 5-17 Dimension Styles Tab of the Format Dialog Box

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-17 .

Applying Dimension Styles

  1. In the Dimension field, select the dimension that you want to alter. You can select one, a few, or all.


    Measure appears as an option in the Dimension field. If you choose Measure as the dimension, you can set a default header style for measures, but not a default cell style.

  2. In the View field, select the views in which these dimension styles should be used.

  3. In the Text color, Background color, and Font style fields, choose the settings you want to apply.


    An example of a formatted dimension header is displayed below the Font Style field.

  4. When you are finished, click Apply and Close.

The Format dialog box closes. In the view, the new dimension styles are visible.

Saving Formats

RPAS lets you to configure the formatting settings of workbooks and views and save those settings for future use. You can configure the appearance of measures, grids, axes, and exceptions; set the type-specific parameters of measures; and enable synchronized page scrolling.

The following settings are saved in the formatting database:

  • Dimension and measure tile locations

  • Visible dimension levels (aggregate roll-ups)

  • Measure order and format

  • Format menu settings

  • Slice selection

  • Block view vs. outline view


Split level/dimension settings and the sort order without attributes setting are not saved in the formatting database.

Format Levels

The formatting settings you create are stored along with the workbook in the domain. Because workbook formats are saved just as workbooks are, they can be made available to other users. Saved formats are used when being new workbooks.

A workbook format can be saved at three availability levels:

  • For Just Me: The workbook format is available only to the user who created it.

  • For My Group: The workbook format is available to all members of the user's group. Users who belong to more than one group can choose which group to make the workbook available to.

  • For Everyone: The workbook format is available to all users in the organization.

Figure 5-18 Save Format

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-18 .

When a new workbook is created, the most specific set of workbook formats that apply are taken as the new workbook format. When a workbook formatting set exists for an availability level (user, group, world), the entire set is taken from that level and applied to the new workbook. For example, if there are user settings for the current user, all workbook formatting from those user settings are applied.


When a new workbook is created, the user's default group is used for the group availability level check.

Saving Options

When saving formatting settings, you can save all formatting, using Save All, or just save the changes you have made, using Save Changes Only.

Figure 5-19 Save Format Options

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-19 .

Save Changes Only

The Save Changes Only option allows you to save only what you have changed so that a subset of the workbook's formatting is merged into the existing saved format. This subset consists of changes made since the workbook was first constructed. You can also include changes inherited from any of the saved styles. During the merge, any conflicting settings in the existing saved format are overwritten, and non-conflicting settings are left alone. This allows multiple users to manage group and template styles. Users can write to the same files without necessarily writing over the changes of others.

Since formatting is saved incrementally, non-conflicting changes to formatting can be propagated throughout different levels. When a workbook is created, a superset of all changes in the applicable user, group, and template level styles is made, with all conflicting changes resolved by the lowest level, user. Therefore, if a change is made to the group formatting, each group member sees it in every new workbook, as long as a conflicting formatting setting does not exist at the user level.


The saved formats you inherit may have changed since you built your workbook. You should have a strategy in place for managing multiple users who save to the group and template formats.

Save All

The Save All option can be used if you do not want to inherit any changes made to a higher level. Selecting Save All writes an entry for each formatting setting, whether or not you changed it from the group or template format. Essentially, this blocks any changes that were made at a higher level from the level at which you are saving.

After Save All is applied to the user format, that user is not able to see changes made to the group or template level formatting again. Accordingly, if Save All is applied to a group format, then no member of the group can see the changes made to the template level. However, each group member maintains access to any user level overrides that he or she saved. Since Save All overrides all formatting, the only way to revert to Save Changes Only is to delete the formatting at that level.

Inheritance Formatting

You can select the check boxes on the Save Format dialog box to inherit the formatting information from other levels.

For example, for any setting at the group level that needs to be propagated to the template level, select View and then Save Format for All. The Save Format dialog box appears. Click Save Changes Only and then select Include Inherited Group Formatting.

For any setting at the template level that needs to be propagated to the user level, select View and then Save Format for User. The Save Format dialog box appears. Click Save Changes Only and then select Include Inherited Template Formatting.


Chart format data is not merged into the existing saved format as other data is. It is saved as Save All (overwriting existing formatting), even if Save Changes Only is selected.

Deleting Formats

You can delete formats that you created. To delete a format, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the workbook that has the formatting you want to delete.

  2. From the View menu, click Delete Format.

  3. Choose the level you want to delete it from.

    • For Just Me: The workbook format is deleted only for the user who created it.

    • For My Group: The workbook format is deleted for all members of the user's group.

    • For Everyone: The workbook format is deleted for all users in the organization. Only administrators can save for everyone.