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Oracle® Retail Predictive Application Server Installation Guide
Release 14.1.2
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11 RPAS Fusion Client Patch Installation

The Fusion Client patch process follows the same process as the full installation. For detailed instructions, refer to the section, "Installation Tasks" in Chapter 5, "Installing the RPAS Fusion Client". Before applying the patch, ensure that you backup the Fusion Client installation as a precaution.

When applying a Fusion Client patch, the existing configuration files are backed up and applied to the new installation. Ensure that the configuration files are restored correctly and that the Foundation.xml file is correct. For more information on the configuration files, refer to the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Administration Guide for the Fusion Client.


After applying any Fusion Client patch, ensure that all users clear their browser cache.

The patch installation will create a Foundation.xml file based on the information provided in the installation properties file (ant.install.properties).

If the Solution ID is the same as the one already in the Foundation.xml, the patch installation will update the Solution ID parameters with the ones specified in the ant.install.properties file.