Administrator Guide

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This book describes how to perform initial tasks required to prepare your portal for use and how to perform ongoing portal management tasks.

When you first deploy your portal, you can use this book to perform the following set-up tasks:

  1. Configure display, navigation, and branding for the default experience definition and any additional experience definitions.
  2. Change the default Administrator password and delegate administrator roles.
  3. Populate the portal with administrative users and browsing users. Configure groups, users, user profiles, and Access Control Lists (ACLs) to enable managed access.
  4. Populate the portal with documents. Configure ACLs to manage access.
  5. Set up automated system maintenance, such as user synchronization, search updates, document refresh, and housekeeping jobs.

When you have completed your initial portal deployment, you can use this guide as a reference for tasks you repeat or tasks that do not apply during initial deployment but might apply later when you extend your base portal deployment to include users from new authentication sources, new content types, documents from new content sources, or search among federated portals.

The appendixes in this guide provide reference information on topics that might apply to your portal but do not apply to all portal deployments. These topics describe localization, single sign-on (SSO), and advanced configuration file settings.


How to Use This Book


This book is written for portal administrators who are responsible for managing portal users and documents, as well as for system administrators who are responsible for maintaining the portal hardware, integrating the portal with back-end systems (for example, single sign-on), and other advanced configuration.

Typographical Conventions

This book uses the following typographical conventions.

Table 1-1 Typographical Conventions
  • File names
  • Folder names
  • Screen elements
  • Upload Procedures.doc to the portal.
  • The log files are stored in the logs folder.
  • To save your changes, click Apply Changes.
  • Text you enter
Type Marketing as the name of your community.
  • Variables you enter
computer with angle brackets (<>)
Enter the base URL for the Remote Server.
For example, http://<my_computer>/.
  • New terms
  • Emphasis
  • Object example names
  • Portlets are Web tools embedded in your portal.
  • The URI must be a unique number.
  • The example Knowledge Directory displayed in Figure 5 shows the Human Resources folder.

BEA Documentation and Resources

The tables in this section list other documentation and resources provided by BEA.

Table 1-2 Documentation
Installation and Upgrade Guide
This book is written for system administrators responsible for installing or upgrading AquaLogic Interaction.
It is available on
Release Notes
These files are written for AquaLogic Interaction administrators. They include information about new features and known issues in the release.
They are available on and on any physical media provided for delivering the application.
Online Help
The online help is written for all levels of AquaLogic Interaction users. It describes the user interface for AquaLogic Interaction and gives detailed instructions for completing tasks in AquaLogic Interaction.
To access online help, click the help icon.
Deployment Guide
This document is written for business analysts and system administrators. It describes how to plan your AquaLogic User Interaction deployment.

Table 1-3 Other BEA Resources
Developer Guides, Articles, API Documentation, Blogs, Newsgroups, and Sample Code
These resources are provided for developers on the BEA dev2dev site ( They describe how to build custom applications using AquaLogic User Interaction and how to customize AquaLogic User Interaction products and features.
AquaLogic User Interaction Support Center
The AquaLogic User Interaction Support Center is a comprehensive repository for technical information on AquaLogic User Interaction products. From the Support Center, you can access products and documentation, search knowledge base articles, read the latest news and information, participate in a support community, get training, and find tools to meet most of your AquaLogic User Interaction-related needs. The Support Center encompasses the following communities:
Technical Support Center
Submit and track support incidents and feature requests, search the knowledge base, access documentation, and download service packs and hotfixes.
User Group
Visit the User Group section to collaborate with peers and view upcoming meetings.
Product Center
Download products, read Release Notes, access recent product documentation, and view interoperability information.
Developer Center
Download developer tools and documentation, get help with your development project, and interact with other developers via BEA's dev2dev Newsgroups.
Education Services
Find information about available training courses, purchase training credits, and register for upcoming classes.
If you do not see the Support Center when you log in to, contact for the appropriate access privileges.
Technical Support
If you cannot resolve an issue using the above resources, BEA Technical Support is happy to assist. Our staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to handle all your technical support needs.
Phone Numbers:
U.S.A. +1 866.262.7586 or +1 415.263.1696
Europe +44 1494 559127
Australia/NZ +61 2.9923.4030
Asia Pacific +61 2.9931.7822
Singapore +1 800.1811.202

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