Administrator Guide

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Overview of Portal Administration

This chapter provides an overview of the portal and the administrative tasks you perform to manage portal users and documents. It includes the following topics:


Overview of Portal Components

The following table describes the portal components you must install and configure before you can use the procedures provided in this guide to manage portal users and documents.

Table 2-1 Summary of Portal Components
Portal Database
Stores portal objects, such as user and group configurations, document records, and administrative objects. The portal database does not store the documents available through your portal. Source documents are left in their original locations.
For information on setting up the portal database, refer to the Installation and Upgrade Guide for AquaLogic Interaction.
Administrative Portal
Handles portal setup, configuration, and content.
The Administrative Portal enables administrative functions, such as creating and managing portlets and other Web services.
For information on installing the Administrative Portal, refer to the Installation and Upgrade Guide for AquaLogic Interaction.
Serves end user portal pages and content.
The portal enables end users to access portal content via My Pages, community pages, the Knowledge Directory, and search. The portal also enables some administrative actions, such as setting preferences on portlets or managing communities.
For information on installing the portal, refer to the Installation and Upgrade Guide for AquaLogic Interaction. For information on advanced portal configuration, see Configuring Advanced Properties and Logging.
Image Service
Serves static content used or created by portal components.
The Image Service serves images and other static content for use by the AquaLogic User Interaction system.
For information on installing the Image Service, refer to the Installation and Upgrade Guide for AquaLogic Interaction.
Whenever you extend the base portal deployment to include additional components, such as portal servers or integration products, you may have to install additional Image Service files. For information on installing the Image Service files for those components, refer to the documentation included with the component software.
Search Service
Returns indexed content stored in the portal.
The Search Service returns content that is indexed in the AquaLogic User Interaction system from the portal, Collaboration, and Publisher. Content that is indexed in the AquaLogic User Interaction system includes documents, portlets, communities, and users as well as many other AquaLogic User Interaction objects.
For information on installing the Search Service, refer to the Installation and Upgrade Guide for AquaLogic Interaction. For information on advanced Search Service configuration, see Configuring Advanced Properties and Logging.
Automation Service
Runs jobs and other automated portal tasks.
The Automation Service runs jobs that perform tasks such as crawling documents into the Knowledge Directory, synchronizing groups and users with external authentication sources, and maintaining the search collection.
For information on installing the Automation Service, refer to the Installation and Upgrade Guide for AquaLogic Interaction. For information on configuring Automation Service jobs, see Automating Administrative Tasks.
Document Repository Service
Stores documents uploaded by portal components.
The Document Repository Service stores content uploaded into the portal, such as images or documents uploaded into Collaboration or Publisher.
For information on installing the Document Repository Service, refer to the Installation and Upgrade Guide for AquaLogic Interaction. For information on managing the portal Knowledge Directory that resides on the Document Repository Service, see Configuring Content Sources
API Service
Provides access to the SOAP API.
For information on installing the API Service, refer to the Installation and Upgrade Guide for AquaLogic Interaction.
Web Services
  • World Wide Web (WWW) Content Service
  • The WWW Content Service enables the manual upload (or automatic crawling) of document records into the Knowledge Directory from WWW locations.

  • Content Upload Service
  • The Content Upload Service enables the manual upload (or automatic crawling) of document records from an internal network. It may be particularly useful if some users do not typically have access to the internal network (for example, if you are running an extranet).

AquaLogic Interaction
Integration Services
AquaLogic Interaction Integration Services enable integration with third-party applications/repositories. AquaLogic Interaction Integration Services include a set of Identity Services and Content Services:
  • AquaLogic Interaction Identity Services
    • Active Directory - Enables the authentication and synchronization of users between Microsoft's Active Directory (AD) and the portal.
    • LDAP - Enables the authentication and synchronization of users between LDAP (Lightweight Directory Protocol) and the portal.
  • AquaLogic Interaction Content Services
  • Content Services scan third-party systems/applications for new content, categorizing links to third-party content in the organized, searchable structure of the portal's Knowledge Directory. This allows customers to streamline costs by publishing and leveraging third-party content within the portal. The following sources can be scanned with AquaLogic Interaction Content Services:

    • Windows File Systems
    • Documentum
    • Lotus Notes
    • Microsoft Exchange
  • IDK and AquaLogic Interaction Service Station
  • Use these to develop and test custom integration services.

Portlets provide portal users customized tools and services as well as information. Portlets allow you to integrate applications, tools, and services into your portal, while taking advantage of portal security, caching, and customization.
For information on portlets, see Extending Portal Services with Portlets.
AquaLogic Interaction provides portlet software packages that integrate back-end content sources with the portal. For information on these portlets, visit the AquaLogic User Interaction Support Center.
Remote Servers
Remote servers host Web services that enable portal access to back-end, or remote, content sources. Remote servers do not need to be visible from beyond your firewall. The portal can function as a gateway to the content on the remote servers.
For information on remote servers included with AquaLogic Interaction Integration Products, visit the AquaLogic User Interaction Support Center.
AquaLogic Interaction Activity Servers
AquaLogic Interaction Collaboration, Publisher, and Studio extend portal functionality to enable collaboration and branding.
For information on these products, visit the AquaLogic User Interaction Support Center.

Figure 2-1 provides a high-level summary of the portal components and content sources that portal administrators manage to enable the portal user experience. All components except for the back-end sources are summarized in the preceding table and described in detail in this guide. For information on installing and using the back-end sources, refer to documentation included with the component software.

Figure 2-1 Summary of Portal Components

Summary of Portal Components


Overview of Web Services Architecture

Many of the objects in the portal utilize Web services, which are components that run on a logically separate computer from the one that runs the portal and communicate with the portal via HTTP. We refer to this separate computer as a remote server. The Web services architecture allows multiple types of remote services (identity services, content services, portlets) to share a logical remote server, making it easier to manage the computers that make up the portal.

Figure 2-2 shows how multiple portal objects can be set up with the same Web service.

Figure 2-2 Web Service Architecture

Web Service Architecture

In the example:

  1. The back-end repository contains documents stored in a remote location—in this example, a Documentum Docbase.
  2. The remote server computer hosts the Web service software—in this example, AquaLogic Interaction software.
  3. In the portal, you register the remote server and Web service by importing a migration package (.pte file) that defines the base URL and credentials for the remote server and configuration settings for the Web service, such as connection information for the back-end repository. In this case, you register the Web service by configuring connection information for the Documentum Docbase.
  4. In addition, you create the specific objects that use the Web service by configuring additional administrative preferences and user preferences. In this case, you create multiple portlet and content crawler objects by configuring portlet-specific and content crawler-specific settings.

As you see in Figure 2-2, Web services allow you to share settings (sometimes rather complex settings) among the objects created from those services. In the case of portlets and content crawlers, Web services allow you to create templates that business users can customize to implement specific functionality based on specific preferences.

In addition, Web services enable you to create composite applications that utilize functionality from multiple Web services. For example, you might have several Web services accessing an application that requires user credentials. Rather than creating a separate configuration page for each Web service and requiring users to specify the same information multiple times, you can create a link to these shared settings, allowing users to specify the information only once for all of these Web services.

For more information on configuring administrative and user preferences for the objects that use Web services, refer to the BEA AquaLogic User Interaction Development Center (

For information on settings specific to a particular kind of Web service described in this guide, refer to the documentation for the particular Web service.


Overview of Portal Security

AquaLogic Interaction provides many ways to secure your portal and its content:

In addition to the security available through the portal, you must also secure your hardware and back-end systems (for example, your portal and user databases) to fully protect your portal. You should follow all security guidance provided in your hardware and software documentation.

You must also create strong passwords not only for administrators, but for all portal users and you must advise everyone to keep their passwords safe.


Overview of the Portal Browsing User Interface

This section describes the user interface for portal browsing users.

The following topics provide an overview of basic portal user interface features and options:

You define your user interface by configuring the default experience definition and any additional experience definitions. An experience definition is a portal object that contains a collection of settings that determine what users see when they use the portal. Users can be associated with many experience definitions. For information on configuring experience definitions, see Configuring Experience Definitions.

Portal Areas

Figure 2-3 shows the main portal areas, which are summarized in this section.

Figure 2-3 Main Portal Areas

Main Portal Areas

The following table summarizes the purpose of the main portal areas.

Table 2-2 Main Portal Areas
Main Area
My Pages
My Pages display a personalized view of the portal. Users can customize their My Pages by changing their My Account preferences and adding portlets. Users can create up to six My Pages to organize their content and services.
My Communities
While My Pages offer users a personalized view of the portal, communities offer a view of the portal that is shared by many users with a common interest. Any user with the Create Community activity right can create a community and populate it with portlets that display content relevant to the community or that allow members of the community to work together.
Your portal Knowledge Directory displays links to documents. These documents can be external or internal Web pages, Microsoft Office documents, or any files of interest. The Knowledge Directory gives structure for these links with folders and subfolders, much like a file system. This structure makes it easy for people to browse your portal when they are not looking for a particular document, but want to see what is available on a given subject.
The Administration area provides access to the Administrative Object Directory, which stores portal objects (such as content crawlers, portlets, and users), and access to portal utilities (such as server configuration utilities). Depending on the permissions granted to portal administrators, they see different menu items in the Administration area.
Information on the different objects and utilities available through Administration is provided throughout this guide.

Display Options

The following table summarizes portal display options.

Table 2-3 Display Options
Standard Portal
The fully-featured user interface for the AquaLogic Interaction software. Use it to provide the richest user interface experience for internal and external users. This version does not support assistive technologies.
Assistive Technology Portal
Designed for people with disabilities. It supports only portlets that meet requirements for use with assistive technologies.
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act is a federal statute requiring federal agencies' electronic and information technology to be accessible to people with disabilities, including employees and members of the public. The federal criteria for Web-based technology are based on access guidelines developed by the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
Designed to adhere to the federal criteria for Web-based technology, the Assistive Technology Portal allows end users with visual disabilities to access the portal through assistive browsing technologies, such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, voice recognition and Braille devices. The interface is text-based with a linear presentation of information, and with no embedded client-side JavaScript or Java applets.
Low Bandwidth Portal
Accommodates users with slower Internet connections. This version supports all AquaLogic User Interaction portlets, but does not support assistive technologies. Remote users have two options for viewing portal pages—the standard version and the Low Bandwidth version. Users can switch from one version to the other during a portal session and the change occurs immediately.
The Low Bandwidth Portal provides better performance for end users accessing the portal remotely when network performance is slow due to low bandwidth or heavy traffic. This version presents a user interface with far fewer graphics and no embedded JavaScript or Java applets.

Navigation Options

The portal includes navigation schemes that allow you to select the menu layout and core navigation structure most appropriate for your bandwidth constraints, browser requirements, design needs, deployment size, and end-user expectations. You can also create your own navigation schemes, using the existing code as a starting point. For information on customizing navigation and other user interface elements, see the BEA AquaLogic User Interaction Development Center (

The navigation schemes included with the portal can be divided into horizontal and vertical groups, based on the alignment of the navigational elements. In horizontal navigation, links to My Pages, communities, the Knowledge Directory, Administration, and any mandatory links you specify appear at the top of the page in drop-down menus, maximizing the space available for portlets. In vertical navigation, links appear on the left side of the screen.

Any navigation scheme (except the No Navigation scheme) can include mandatory links to Web sites, user profiles of portal experts, documents from the portal Knowledge Directory, and pages in communities. These links display in the navigation scheme under a category (like My Pages, My Communities, or Directory) with the name of your choosing. You might want to use these links to promote new portlets, communities, or important documents.

The following navigation options are specified in experience definitions.

Horizontal Combo Box Drop-Down Navigation

This navigation scheme uses standard HTML controls to place navigational elements in drop-down menus. Because it does not use JavaScript for rendering menus, this option is bandwidth-efficient.

Figure 2-4 Horizontal Combo Box Drop-Down Navigation

Horizontal Combo Box Drop-Down Navigation

Tabbed Section Left Vertical Navigation

This navigation scheme uses horizontal tabs at the top for the main portal areas, which, when clicked, display links on the left to the options available within that portal area. This scheme is similar to the navigation for sites such as and MSN.

Figure 2-5 Tabbed Section Left Vertical Navigation

Tabbed Section Left Vertical Navigation

Left Vertical Navigation

This navigation scheme lists all available links unless the user minimizes particular elements. It is very easy to use, because users see all links without additional clicks. Because it does not use JavaScript for rendering menus, this option is bandwidth-efficient. However, if users join a large number of communities, they have to scroll to see some of the links.

Figure 2-6 Left Vertical Navigation

Left Vertical Navigation

Mandatory Links Only

This navigation scheme displays only the mandatory links (which you specify in the experience definition) using the same menu style used in Horizontal Drop-Down Navigation. Users can see only their home page (the page that displays when they log in) and any areas for which you have created mandatory links. However, they can still access documents through search and might be able to access other areas if those areas are available through portlets. You might use this scheme if you want to severely limit portal access to users. For example, you might want a group of customers to access only a particular community to learn about a new product.

Figure 2-7 Mandatory Links Only

Mandatory Links Only

No Navigation

This navigation scheme displays no navigation, but includes the top bar. However, there is a link to Administration if the user has access. As with the Mandatory Links Only navigation scheme, users can access portal content and areas through search and portlets.

Figure 2-8 No Navigation

No Navigation

Horizontal Drop-Down Navigation

This navigation scheme uses horizontal tabs and JavaScript-based drop-down menus to access navigation elements. Clicks, not mouse-overs, display the menus. The drop-down menus expand both vertically and horizontally, but cover only the portal's banner to avoid covering the portlets. If a user belongs to more communities than can fit in the allotted space, a vertical scroll bar appears in the drop-down. You can configure the extent of the vertical and horizontal tiling of the drop-down menus.

Figure 2-9 Horizontal Drop-Down Navigation

Horizontal Drop-Down Navigation

Low Bandwidth and Accessibility Navigation

Low Bandwidth and Accessibility Navigation is used by low bandwidth and accessibility modes of the portal. This navigation is used by those modes no matter which navigation is selected by the experience definition for standard mode.

Portlet-Ready Navigation

Portlet-Ready Navigation disables all navigation areas except the header and footer. The top bar, which includes the search box, is also disabled. This navigation scheme is only used when navigation is controlled by portlets (usually header or footer portlets) using navigation tags. Navigation tags provide developers a faster, easier way to customize navigation than modifying the other available navigation schemes.

For more information on navigation tags, see the BEA AquaLogic User Interaction Development Center (


Branding customizes the look of your portal, experience definitions, and communities, through the use of headers and footers. For example, you probably want to add your company logo and tagline to the header and you might want to add contact information or copyrights to the footer.

When you create or edit a branding portlet, you set up the properties, HTML, and default values for the portlet. Experience definition and community administrators can then add these branding portlets to their experience definitions or communities. Community administrators can additionally customize the portlets to fit their needs if they have the proper permissions.

Note: You cannot change the property values for branding portlets in experience definitions. Therefore, branding portlets in experience definitions always display the default property values.

The security set in the Portlet Editor allows users to view the portlet or add it to their community pages. With the proper permissions, users can go into the Community Editor, on the Header and Footer page, click the name of the branding header or footer portlet, and edit the default property values to change portlet content (for example: text, images, or color) without changing the portlet's overall design.

Creating and Editing Branding Portlets

If you have administrative rights to the Publisher administrative folder, you can create or edit a branding portlet:

  1. Click Administration.
  2. Open an administrative folder.
  3. Open the Portlet Editor. To edit an existing branding portlet, click the branding portlet name. To create a new branding portlet:
    1. In the Create Object drop-down list, click Portlet.
    2. In the Choose Template or Web Service dialog box, expand the Publisher | Published Content Portlets | <language> folders choose Header or Footer and click OK.
  4. Under Web Service, to the right of Configure this Portlet, click Edit.
  5. In the Configure Portlet Wizard, define your portlet as described in the online help.
Note: For more information on branding, refer to the AquaLogic Interaction Publisher documentation.

Locale Settings

Users can choose a locale to determine:

For example, if you choose British English, the portal language is English and dates appear in the DD/MM/YYYY format; in American English, the portal language is English and dates appear in the MM/DD/YYYY format.

For information on localizing objects, refer to Localizing Your Portal..

Configuring Experience Definitions

Experience definitions provide multiple user experiences within a single portal. Experience definitions do not pre-configure the portal experience with portlets. Multiple guest users, with unique My Pages, can be created and associated with different experience definitions. Each guest user can experience a different experience definition depending on rules you create.

Experience definitions and experience rules allow you to configure the following:

Creating Experience Definitions

Note: To create an experience definition, a user must have Admin access to the folder that will contain the experience definition.

To create an experience definition:

  1. Click Administration.
  2. Open an administrative folder.
  3. In the Create Object drop-down list, click Experience Definition.
  4. Configure the experience definition features, navigation, and branding for the experience definition as described in the online help.
  5. Click Finish.

Directing Users to Experience Definitions

Users can be directed to experience definitions in three ways:

Experience rules are applied first, followed by folder association. If users are not matched with any experience rule or folder association, they see the default experience definition, which is created during installation.

To create an experience definition rule:

  1. Click Administration.
  2. In the Select Utility drop-down menu, select Experience Rules Manager.
  3. Click Create New Rule, define the rule as described in the online help, then click Finish.
  4. Order the rule within the existing rules as described in the online help, then click Finish.

To associate an experience definition to users created in a specific folder:

  1. Create an experience definition and associate it with an administrative folder as described in the online help.
  2. Add users to the folder associated with the experience definition:
    • For manually created users, create them in, or move them to, the folder associated with the experience definition.
    • For authentication sources, in the Authentication Source Editor, on the Main Settings page, under Default Profiles, choose the folder to which you applied the experience definition as the Target Folder for new users.
    • For invitations, in the Invitation Editor, on the Main Settings page, choose the folder to which you applied the experience definition as the Folder for Invitees.
    • New users are created in the experience definition folder using one of the methods above, and therefore they see the experience definition interface when they log in.

For information on the procedures for adding users to the portal, see Managing Portal Users and Groups.


Overview of the Portal Administrative User Interface and Tools

This section describes the user interface for portal administrative users and summarizes the tools administrators use to manage the portal. It includes the following topics:

Administration Section of the Portal

The Administration section of the portal displays administrative objects and utilities you use to perform portal administration tasks. All procedures in this guide begin with "Click Administration" to display the Administration section of the portal.

When you click Administration, the portal displays the Administrative Objects Directory. Figure 2-10 shows an administrative folder (Portal Resources), the Create Object drop-down list, and the Select-Utility drop-down list (expanded).

Figure 2-10 Administration Section of the Portal

Administration Section of the Portal

The folders displayed in the Administrative Objects Directory and the utilities available through the Create Object drop-down list and the Select Utility drop-down list depend on activity rights associated with the user name you used to log in to the portal. For information on configuring activity rights for administrator groups and users, see Managing Portal Users and Groups.

The following table describes the objects you can create with the Create Object drop-down list.

Table 2-4 Create Object Drop-Down List
Administrative Folder
Create a folder in the Administrative Objects Directory.
Authentication Source - Remote
Configure a portal authentication source object that references an authentication source on a remote server.
Configure a portal community.
Community Template
Configure a template on which to base a community object.
Content Crawler - Remote
Configure a content crawler instance for targets located on remote hosts.
Content Crawler - WWW
Configure a content crawler instance for targets that are WWW locations.
Content Source - Remote
Configure a portal content source object that references a remote repository.
Content Source - WWW
Configure a portal content source object that references a WWW location.
Content Type
Configure content type identifiers.
Experience Definition
Configure a user experience including such things as branding and navigation
External Operation
Configure a job that calls an external script.
Federated Search - Incoming
Configure an incoming search relationship with a federated portal.
Federated Search - Outgoing
Configure an outgoing search relationship with a federated portal.
Configure document filters.
Configure group ACL and membership.
Configure an invitation to become a portal user or view portal objects.
Configure a job to automate administrative tasks.
(Only displays when in a community folder) Configure a page to add to a community.
Page Template
Configure a page template on which to base community pages.
Configure an instance of a portlet.
Portlet Bundle
Configure a bundle of portlets that must be selected together.
Portlet Template
Configure a template on which to base portlets.
Profile Source - Remote
Configure a portal profile source object that references a profile repository on a remote host.
Configure a portal property.
Remote Server
Configure a remote server host for Web services located on a remote host.
Snapshot Query
Configure a query and publishing location to broadcast availability of portal content.
Configure a portal user.
Web Service - Authentication
Configure a Web service portal object that references authentication services on a remote host.
Web Service - Content
Configure a Web service portal object that references content services on a remote host.
Web Service - Intrinsic Portlet
Configure a Web service portal object that references portlet services hosted on the computer hosting the portal.
Web Service - Profile
Configure a Web service portal object that references profile services on a remote host.
Web Service - Remote Portlet
Configure a Web service portal object that references portlet services on a remote host.
Web Service - Search
Configure a Web service portal object that references a search service on a remote host.

The following table describes the administrative utilities provided in the Select Utility drop-down list.

Table 2-5 Select Utility Drop-Down List
Activity Right or Group Required
Access Unclassified Documents
Access documents imported by a content crawler and placed in the Unclassified Documents folder in the Knowledge Directory.
Access Unclassified Documents
Activity Manager
Create, modify, or delete activities.
Create Activities
Approve Directory Content
Approve directory content submitted to the Knowledge Directory.
Access Utilities
Approve Objects for Migration
Approve migration packages.
Administrators Group Only
Audit Manager
Audit user activity or object activity.
Administrators Group Only
Automation Service
Configure and run jobs.
Administrators Group Only
Credential Vault Manager
Manage lockboxes corresponding to external systems that users can access through the portal.
Administrators Group Only
Default Profiles
Configure default user profiles.
Create User
Experience Rules Manager
Define and prioritize Experience Rules.
Access Experience Rules Manager
Global ACL Sync Map
Configure the global access control list (ACL) synchronization map.
Administrators Group Only
Global Content Type Map
Configure the Global Content Type Map.
Administrators Group Only
Global Document Property Map
Configure the global document property map.
Administrators Group Only
Global Object Property Map
Configure the global object properties map.
Administrators Group Only
Knowledge Directory Preferences
Configure Knowledge Directory preferences.
Administrators Group Only
Localization Manager
Localize the portal.
Administrators Group Only
Migration - Export
Create a portal export package.
Administrators Group Only
Migration - Import
Import a portal export package.
Administrators Group Only
Object Migration Status
View the status of portal objects that have been requested for migration.
Access Utilities
Portal Settings
Modify Portal settings.
Administrators Group Only
Release Disabled Logins
Manage user locks.
Administrators Group Only
Release Item Locks
Manage object locks.
Administrators Group Only
Search Cluster Manager
Check status and manage search topology and checkpoints.
Administrators Group Only
Search Results Manager
Manage search results preferences.
Access Search Results Manager
Search Service Manager
Manage Search Service settings.
Administrators Group Only
Smart Sort
Run the Smart Sort utility.
Access Smart Sort
System Health Monitor
View diagnostic information.
Administrators Group Only
Tag Library Manager
Displays the tag libraries loaded on the computer that hosts the portal.
Administrators Group Only
User Profile Manager
Modify the user profiles map.
Access User Profile Manager

Administration Utilities in the Portal Installation

The following table summarizes administration utilities provided in the <PT_HOME>/ptportal/6.1/bin directory of the host computer for the portal, and in the portal administrative interface.

Table 2-6 Administration Utilities in the Portal Installation
The Cryptographic Password utility generates the passwords you might set during installation.
To display the man pages for the Cryptographic Password utility, enter the following command:
<PT_HOME>/ptportal/6.1/bin/ -h
<PT_HOME> specifies the installation root for the installation of the portal, for example C:\bea\alui or /opt/bea/alui.
The Portal Environment utility sets the portal environment for tools in the <PT_HOME>/ptportal/6.1/bin directory.
To display the man pages for the Portal Environment utility, enter the following command:
<PT_HOME>/ptportal/6.1/bin/ -h
<PT_HOME> specifies the installation root for the installation of the portal, for example C:\bea\alui or /opt/bea/alui. or
The Migration Wizard manages import packages that enable you to migrate portal objects to new host portals, such as migration from a development environment to a QA environment or production environment, or from a remote server host computer to the portal host computer.
The command-line interface (CLI) of the Migration Wizard enables you to import migration packages from the command line.
To display the man pages for the Migration Wizard CLI, enter the following command:
<PT_HOME>/ptportal/6.1/bin/ -h
<PT_HOME> specifies the installation root for the installation of the portal, for example C:\bea\alui or /opt/bea/alui.
For information on object migration, see Migrating, Backing Up, and Restoring Portal Objects.
The graphical user interface (GUI) version of the AquaLogic Interaction Logging Utilities provides an X-windows GUI that enables you to troubleshoot any system errors that might occur when you deploy your portal.
To launch AquaLogic Interaction Logging Utilities, enter the following command:
<PT_HOME> specifies the installation root for the installation of the portal, for example C:\bea\alui or /opt/bea/alui.
Alternatively, in Windows, go to
Start | Programs | BEA | ALI Logging Utilities | Logging Spy
For information on modifying the servers to which AquaLogic Interaction Logging Spy listens, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide for AquaLogic Interaction.
The Installation Verification utility allows you to verify connectivity for installation components and the portal database.
To display the man pages for the Installation Verification utility, enter the following command:
<PT_HOME>/ptportal/6.1/bin/ -h
<PT_HOME> specifies the installation root for the installation of the portal, for example C:\bea\alui or /opt/bea/alui.
For details, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide for AquaLogic Interaction.
automation service daemon
The Automation Service daemon ensures the Automation Service is running.
For details, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide for AquaLogic Interaction.
For information modifying Automation Service defaults, see Configuring the Automation Service.
The Upgrade Database utility upgrades the portal database from 4.5 versions to the current version.
For details, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide for AquaLogic Interaction.
Tag Library Manager
This utility allows you to view the tag libraries for this portal machine. To access the Tag Library Manager, in the portal go to:
Administration | Select Utility | Tag Library Manger

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