AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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Defining Snapshot Query Conditions

A snapshot query is a combination of a basic fields search and statements. The basic fields search operates on the name, description, and content of documents and objects. Statements can operate on the basic fields or any other additional document or object properties. Statements define what must or must not be true to return the document or object in the results. The statements are collected together in groupings. The grouping defines whether the statements are evaluated with an AND operator (all statements are true) or an OR operator (any statement is true). If some statements should be evaluated with an AND operator and some should be evaluated with an OR operator, you can create separate groupings for the statements. You can also create subgroupings or nested groupings, where one grouping is contained within another grouping. The statements in the lowest-level grouping are evaluated first to define a set of results. Then the statements in the next highest grouping are applied to that set of results to further filter the results. The filtering continues up the levels of groupings until all the groupings of statements are evaluated.

A snapshot query needs at least a basic fields search or a statement.
  1. If the Snapshot Query Editor is not already open, open it now and display the Construct Snapshot Query page.
  2. To search the name, description, and content values, type the text you want to search for in the Basic fields search text box. You can use the text search rules described in Using Text Search Rules.
  3. Select the operator for the grouping of statements you are about to create:
    • If a document or object should be returned only when all statements in the grouping are true, select AND.
    • If a document or object should be returned when any statement in grouping is true, select OR.
    Note: The operator you select for a grouping applies to all its statements and subgroupings directly under it.
  4. Define each statement in the grouping:
    1. Click Add Statement.
    2. In the first drop-down list, select the searchable property for which you want to filter the values.
    3. In the second drop-down list, select the operator to apply to this condition. This list will vary depending on the property selected:
      • For any text property, you can search for a value that contains your search string, or you can search for properties that have never had a value (Contains No Value).
        Note: If the property contained a value at some point, but the value has been deleted, the property will not match the Contains No Value condition.
      • For any date property, you can search for a value that comes after, comes before, is, or is not the date and time you enter in the boxes. You can also search for a value within the last number of minutes, hours, days, or weeks that you enter in the box.
      • For any number property, you can search for a value that is greater than, is less than, is, is not, is greater than or equal to, or is less than or equal to the number you enter in the text box.
    4. In the box (or boxes), specify the value the property must meet.
      Note: If you are searching for a text property, you can use the text search rules described in Using Text Search Rules.
    To remove the last statement in a grouping, select the grouping, and click Remove Statement.
  5. If necessary, add more statements by repeating Step 4.
  6. If necessary, add more groupings:
    • To add another grouping, select the grouping to which you want to add a subgrouping, click Add Grouping, then define the statements for that grouping (as described in Step 4).
      Note: You cannot add a grouping at the same level as Grouping 1.
    • To remove a grouping, select the grouping, and click Remove Grouping.
      • Any groupings and statements in that grouping will also be removed.
      • You cannot remove Grouping 1.
You might also want to limit your search by language, object types, or folders.

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