Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


m_addButton - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons
m_callBacks - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
m_chosen - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
m_clearBtn - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_dblink - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.DatabaseLinkPanel
m_dbRenderer - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectPicker
m_dbs - Variable in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseFactory.ConnectionCreator
m_dc - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel
m_defaultRes - Variable in class oracle.javatools.util.ResourcePicker
The default resource bundles expanded parent hierarchy.
m_defaultSchema - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel
m_defaultSchema - Variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
m_descArea - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_description - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.PickerEvent
m_descriptionPnl - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_downButton - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons
m_errorPane - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_expressionPnl - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_fac - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel
m_formatter - Variable in class oracle.javatools.util.ResourcePicker
m_forSchema - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.DatabaseLinkPanel
m_forSchema - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SynonymPanel
m_helper - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons
m_id - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.PickerEvent
m_Initialized - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_initialName - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.NameEditor
m_keyList - Variable in class oracle.javatools.util.ResourcePicker
Combined list of keys used by the resource bundles for use in enumerating keys.
m_list - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons
m_ListenerList - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.AbstractExpressionBuilderPicker
m_listeners - Variable in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractSystemObject
m_listening - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.NameEditor
m_listModel - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons
m_middle - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.TabbedEditorPanel
m_namespace - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel
m_nodeMaker - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectPicker
m_parseMessage - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel
m_pickers - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_preview - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.PickerEvent
m_previewArea - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_pro - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel
m_prov - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.DatabaseLinkPanel
m_prov - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SynonymPanel
m_provider - Variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
m_prv - Variable in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlDeclarator
m_query - Variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
m_redoBtn - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_remove - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectPicker
m_removeButton - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons
m_resource - Variable in class oracle.javatools.util.ResourcePicker
The main resource bundles expanded parent hierarchy.
m_root - Variable in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlDeclarator
m_savedName - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.DatabaseLinkPanel
m_savedName - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SynonymPanel
m_shuttle - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
m_shuttleBtn - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_sObj - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel
m_SourceNode - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.ContextualBrowseablePathSupport
m_splitter1 - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_splitter2 - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_startOffset - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlOpndef
Start offset
m_startPage - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.TabbedEditorPanel
m_synonym - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SynonymPanel
m_textPane - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_top - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectPicker
m_tree - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectPicker
m_treeModel - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectPicker
m_undoBtn - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_undoManager - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_upButton - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons
m_validateBtn - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_validator - Variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
m_wc - Variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel
MacroConverter - Interface in oracle.ide.util.macro
MacroExpander - Class in oracle.ide.externaltools.macro
Macro expanders are registered with the MacroRegistry and can be used to expand macros prior to running external tools.
MacroExpander() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.externaltools.macro.MacroExpander
MacroExpander - Class in oracle.javatools.util
Parses and substitites macros with literal values or other macros.
MacroExpander() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.MacroExpander
Initiate a parser for parsing macros of the form "${xxx}".
MacroExpander(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.MacroExpander
MacroPicker - Interface in oracle.ide.externaltools.macro
Interface to the macro picker UI.
MacroRegistry - Class in oracle.ide.externaltools.macro
Macros use information from the current JDeveloper context to pass into or influence the behavior of external tools.
MacroRegistry() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.externaltools.macro.MacroRegistry
MacroTextField - Class in oracle.ide.externaltools.macro
A text field that will display a completion insight popup when the user starts typing a macro.
MacroTextField() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.externaltools.macro.MacroTextField
MacroTextField(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.externaltools.macro.MacroTextField
Constructs a MacroTextField that can validate whether the text content of the field is a file or directory.
madeDeclarative - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "madeDeclarative" property.
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteUtil
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.StringTokenizerEx
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.OTNAuthPanel
Deprecated. this is sample code.. it will be moved into the ESDK when the pending changes there have been merged to MAIN.
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.BasicProgressMonitor
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.wizard.UpdateCenterPanel
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.controls.ProgressPanel
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TruncatingTreeCellRenderer
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.util.EnumerationStack
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.util.JdkIntrospector
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.DependencyProvider
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.GenRspFile
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.AbstractOracleConnCreator
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryAddinUtil
main(String[]) - Static method in class
MAIN_WINDOW_ID - Static variable in class javax.ide.IDEConstants
Identifies the main window.
MAIN_WINDOW_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.util.SwingUtils
MAIN_WINDOW_MENUBAR_ID - Static variable in class javax.ide.IDEConstants
Identifies the main window's menubar.
MAIN_WINDOW_TOOLBAR_ID - Static variable in class javax.ide.IDEConstants
Identifies the main window's toolbar.
mainLayout - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.ClassBuilderPanel
mainPanel - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.AssistantExplorer
MainWindow - Class in oracle.javatools.controls
WARNING: This API is still in flux.
MainWindow() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.controls.MainWindow
mainWindowClosing(IdeEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeAdapter
mainWindowClosing(IdeEvent) - Method in interface oracle.ide.IdeListener
Called during the IDE shutdown sequence just before the main window is closed.
mainWindowClosing(IdeEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrariesHandler
Called in the Ide shutdown sequence just before the UI is dismissed
mainWindowOpened(IdeEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeAdapter
mainWindowOpened(IdeEvent) - Method in interface oracle.ide.IdeListener
Called during the IDE startup sequence after the main window has been shown.
mainWindowOpened(IdeEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrariesHandler
Called in the Ide startup sequence after the UI is shown.
MAJOR_SECTION_VGAP - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.LayoutConstants
The vertical gap in pixels between major control sections.
MAKE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
MAKE_CONVERTER - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.util.macro.MacroConverter
Constant: Use $( and ) as start/end macro tags
MAKE_DEFAULT_CHANGE_SET_COMMAND - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
MAKE_DEFAULT_CHANGE_SET_COMMAND_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
MAKE_FOLDER_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
MAKE_FOLDER_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
MAKE_PROJECT_AND_DEPENDENCIES_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
MAKE_PROJECT_AND_DEPENDENCIES_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
MAKE_PROJECT_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
MAKE_PROJECT_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
MAKE_SELECTED_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
MAKE_SELECTED_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
MAKE_WORKINGSET_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
MAKE_WORKINGSET_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
MAKE_WORKSPACE_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
MAKE_WORKSPACE_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
makeDateVisible(Date) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
Will adjust the calendar so that the given date is visible
MakeDefaultChangeSetCommand - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.cmd
MakeDefaultChangeSetCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.cmd.MakeDefaultChangeSetCommand
makeEditable() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Attempts to makes the document editable through consumers registered as VetoableChangeListeners.
makeFoundComponentVisible(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.find.ContainerSearch
Override if necessary to provide custom logic to make the found component visible.
makeLiteral(String) - Static method in class
Escapes all non-alphanumeric characters in the specified string and returns the resulting regular expression literal.
makeLogPage(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Creates the RunLogPage for this process.
makeLogPage(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
makeNameUnique(DBObject, Schema, DBObjectProvider, DBObject) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.PanelLibrary
makeNameValidAndUnique(DBObject, DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseDescriptor
Attempts to set a valid unique name for the given object.
makePathQualified(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.FilePath
makePathRelative(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.FilePath
makePathRelative(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.FilePath
makeQualified(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.FilePath
makeRelative(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.FilePath
Get the path relative to the specified root directory.
makeRelative(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.FilePath
Get the path relative to the specified root directory.
makeroom(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
makeStep(DeployAppServersToolkit) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.DeployToAppServerWizardState
makeTemporaryCopy(D) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBUtil
Makes a copy of the original object, with temporary reference ids.
makeTransformable(TransformContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TransformAdapter
Makes a transform location transformable if not already so.
makeUniqueName(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolOptionsEnvironment
Makes the specified tool name unique.
makeVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
makeWritable(Node, Project, Workspace) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TransformAdapter
makeWritable(URL[], String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.refactoring.util.MakeWritableHelper
makeWritable(URL[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.refactoring.util.MakeWritableHelper
MakeWritableHelper - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.refactoring.util
This class helps to make files writable.
MakeWritableHelper() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.refactoring.util.MakeWritableHelper
managedBeanChanged() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces.FacesMethodBindingPanel
MANAGER_MAP - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtComponentManager
ManageTemplatesPanel - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard
ManageTemplatesPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.ManageTemplatesPanel
ManageTemplatesPanel.EditSupport - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard
MANIFEST_XMLNS - Static variable in class javax.ide.extension.ExtensionHook
The XML namespace for a JSR-198 extension manifest.
MAP - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ResultSet
mapChanged() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractHashMap
Invoked when the map has changed.
mapChanged() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap
Invoked when the map has changed.
mapChanged() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheMap
mapChanged(Maps.CacheMap<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheStrategy
Invoked when the map has changed, when entries are added, removed, or accessed.
mapConstructed() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractHashMap
Invoked after the map has been constructed but before initial mappings, if any, are added.
mapConstructed(Maps.CacheMap<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheStrategy
Invoked when the map has constructed.
mapConstructed(Maps.CacheMap<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy
Invoked when the map has constructed.
mapDoctypeToClass(String, String, Class) - Static method in class oracle.ide.xml.XMLRecognizer
Maps the specified public ID and system ID (from the XML doctype) to the specified data class.
mapExtensionToClass(String, Class) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
Maps the given extension, which is a file extension, to the given Class which must be a Node class.
mapExtensionToContentType(String, ContentType) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
Maps the given extension, which is a file extension, to the given ContentType.
mapExtensionToXML(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
Registers the specified extension to be handled by the IDE's built-in XML recognizer.
mapFilenamesByParent(URL[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSFileSystemUtils
Organizes the given URLs by their parent directories.
mapInfoToMigrator(NodeMigrator, MigrationInfo, Map) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.NodeMigrator
Associate the NodeMigrator specified with the given MigrationInfo by storing these in the specified map.
mapInitialized() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractHashMap
Invoked after the map has been constructed and initial mappings have been added.
mapNamespaceElemToClass(String, String, Class) - Static method in class oracle.ide.xml.XMLRecognizer
Maps the specified namespace element (a combination of the XML namespace URI with local element name) to the specified data class.
mapped - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "mapped" property.
mapRootElementToClass(String, Class) - Static method in class oracle.ide.xml.XMLRecognizer
Maps the specified file extension to the specified data class.
Maps - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An aggregation of abstract and concrete implementations of the Maps.AbstractHashMap interface which address various usage scenarios.
Maps() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps
Maps.AbstractHashMap<K,V,E extends Maps.BaseEntry<K,V>> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An abstract, but nearly complete, implementation of the Map interface that is functionally equivalent to HashMap but that allows subclasses to do any or all of the following: control the concrete class of Map.Entry instances used so long as they extend Maps.BaseEntry (see Maps.AbstractHashMap.createEntry(int, K, V, E)); override the calculation of hashCode and equals for all keys (see Maps.AbstractHashMap.keyHashCode(java.lang.Object) and Maps.AbstractHashMap.keyEquals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)); override the calculation of hashCode and equals for all values (see Maps.AbstractHashMap.valueHashCode(java.lang.Object) and Maps.AbstractHashMap.valueEquals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)); track when the map is constructed, initialized, and changed (see Maps.AbstractHashMap.mapConstructed(), Maps.AbstractHashMap.mapInitialized(), and Maps.AbstractHashMap.mapChanged()).
Maps.AbstractHashMap(int, float, Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractHashMap
Constructs a map.
Maps.AbstractHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractHashMap
Constructs a map with specified initial mappings, initial capacity based on the number of initial mappings, and default load factor.
Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap<K,V,E extends Maps.LinkedEntry<K,V>> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An abstract, but nearly complete, implementation of the Map interface that is functionally equivalent to LinkedHashMap but is based on Maps.AbstractHashMap and allows subclasses the same customization options.
Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap(int, float, boolean, Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap
Constructs a map.
Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap
Constructs an insertion-ordered map with specified initial mappings, initial capacity based on the number of initial mappings, and default load factor.
Maps.BaseEntry<K,V> - Interface in oracle.javatools.util
The extended Map.Entry interface required by Maps.AbstractHashMap for its entries.
Maps.BoundedLruCacheStrategy<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
A bounded size LRU (least recently used) cache strategy.
Maps.BoundedLruCacheStrategy(int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.BoundedLruCacheStrategy
Constructs a bounded LRU (least recently used), canonical, cache strategy of strongly-referenced values.
Maps.BoundedLruCacheStrategy(int, Maps.CacheMap.Strength) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.BoundedLruCacheStrategy
Constructs a bounded LRU (least recently used), canonical cache strategy.
Maps.BoundedLruCacheStrategy(int, Maps.CacheMap.Canonicity, Maps.CacheMap.Strength) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.BoundedLruCacheStrategy
Constructs a bounded LRU (least recently used) cache strategy.
Maps.BoundedLruCacheStrategy(int, int, float, Maps.CacheMap.Canonicity, Maps.CacheMap.Strength) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.BoundedLruCacheStrategy
Constructs a bounded LRU (least recently used) cache strategy.
Maps.CacheMap<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
Maps.CacheMap() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheMap
Constructs an unbounded, non-canonical cache map with strongly- referenced values.
Maps.CacheMap(Maps.CacheMap.Strength) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheMap
Constructs an unbounded, non-canonical cache map.
Maps.CacheMap(int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheMap
Constructs a bounded LRU (least recently used), canonical cache map with strongly-referenced values.
Maps.CacheMap(int, Maps.CacheMap.Strength) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheMap
Constructs a bounded LRU (least recently used), canonical cache map.
Maps.CacheMap(int, Maps.CacheMap.Canonicity) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheMap
Constructs a bounded LRU (least recently used) cache map with strongly-referenced values.
Maps.CacheMap(Maps.CacheStrategy<K, V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheMap
Constructs a cache map with specified Maps.CacheStrategy.
Maps.CacheMap.Canonicity - Enum in oracle.javatools.util
The canonicity of a mapping.
Maps.CacheMap.Strength - Enum in oracle.javatools.util
The types of references to values supported.
Maps.CacheStrategy<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An abstract caching strategy for a cache map.
Maps.CacheStrategy(int, float, Maps.CacheMap.Canonicity, Maps.CacheMap.Strength) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheStrategy
Constructs a cache strategy.
Maps.EvictedLinkedEntry<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
Maps.EvictedLinkedEntry(int, K, V, Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>, ReferenceQueue<V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.EvictedLinkedEntry
Maps.LinkedEntry<K,V> - Interface in oracle.javatools.util
The Map.Entry (and Maps.BaseEntry) extended interface required by Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap for its entries.
Maps.ManagedCacheMap<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
A cache map which is an MBean and can be monitored by a JMX client (e.g., JConsole).
Maps.ManagedCacheMap(String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.ManagedCacheMap
Constructs an unbounded, non-canonical cache map of strongly-referenced values.
Maps.ManagedCacheMap(Maps.CacheMap.Strength, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.ManagedCacheMap
Constructs an unbounded, non-canonical cache map.
Maps.ManagedCacheMap(int, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.ManagedCacheMap
Constructs a bounded LRU (least recently used), canonical, cache map of strongly-referenced values.
Maps.ManagedCacheMap(int, Maps.CacheMap.Strength, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.ManagedCacheMap
Constructs a bounded LRU (least recently used) cache map.
Maps.ManagedCacheMap(Maps.CacheStrategy<K, V>, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.ManagedCacheMap
Constructs a cache map.
Maps.ManagedCacheMapMBean - Interface in oracle.javatools.util
Maps.SoftEntry<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An Maps.BaseEntry implementation which holds its value with a SoftReference.
Maps.SoftEntry(int, K, V, Maps.SoftEntry<K, V>, ReferenceQueue<V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftEntry
Maps.SoftHashMap<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An implementation of Maps.AbstractHashMap, based on Maps.SoftEntry, which holds its values with SoftReferences.
Maps.SoftHashMap() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftHashMap
Constructs an empty soft-referencing map with default capacity and load factor.
Maps.SoftHashMap(int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftHashMap
Constructs an empty soft-referencing map with specified initial capacity and default load factor.
Maps.SoftHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftHashMap
Constructs an empty soft-referencing map with specified initial capacity and load factor.
Maps.SoftHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftHashMap
Constructs a soft-referencing map with specified initial mappings, initial capacity based on the number of initial mappings, and default load factor.
Maps.SoftLinkedEntry<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An Maps.LinkedEntry implementation which holds its value with a SoftReference.
Maps.SoftLinkedEntry(int, K, V, Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>, ReferenceQueue<V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftLinkedEntry
Maps.SoftLinkedHashMap<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An implementation of Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap, based on Maps.SoftLinkedEntry, which holds its values with SoftReferences.
Maps.SoftLinkedHashMap() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty soft-referencing, insertion-ordered map with default capacity and load factor.
Maps.SoftLinkedHashMap(int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty soft-referencing, insertion-ordered map with specified initial capacity and default load factor.
Maps.SoftLinkedHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty soft-referencing, insertion-ordered map with specified initial capacity and load factor.
Maps.SoftLinkedHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftLinkedHashMap
Constructs a soft-referencing, insertion-ordered map with specified initial mappings, initial capacity based on the number of initial mappings, and default load factor.
Maps.SoftLinkedHashMap(int, float, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty soft-referencing map with specified initial capacity, load factor, and iteration order.
Maps.StrongEntry<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
The default Maps.BaseEntry implementation.
Maps.StrongEntry(int, K, V, Maps.BaseEntry<K, V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongEntry
Maps.StrongHashMap<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
The default implementation of Maps.AbstractHashMap, based on Maps.StrongEntry.
Maps.StrongHashMap() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongHashMap
Constructs an empty map with default capacity and load factor.
Maps.StrongHashMap(int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongHashMap
Constructs an empty map with specified initial capacity and default load factor.
Maps.StrongHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongHashMap
Constructs an empty map with specified initial capacity and load factor.
Maps.StrongHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongHashMap
Constructs a map with specified initial mappings, initial capacity based on the number of initial mappings, and default load factor.
Maps.StrongLinkedEntry<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
The default Maps.LinkedEntry implementation.
Maps.StrongLinkedEntry(int, K, V, Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongLinkedEntry
Maps.StrongLinkedHashMap<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
The default implementation of Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap, based on Maps.StrongLinkedEntry.
Maps.StrongLinkedHashMap() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty insertion-ordered map with default capacity and load factor.
Maps.StrongLinkedHashMap(int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty insertion-ordered map with specified initial capacity and default load factor.
Maps.StrongLinkedHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty insertion-ordered map with specified initial capacity and load factor.
Maps.StrongLinkedHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongLinkedHashMap
Constructs an insertion-ordered map with specified initial mappings, initial capacity based on the number of initial mappings, and default load factor.
Maps.StrongLinkedHashMap(int, float, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty map with specified initial capacity, load factor, and iteration order.
Maps.TimedEntry<K,V> - Interface in oracle.javatools.util
Maps.TimedEvictedLinkedEntry<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
Maps.TimedEvictedLinkedEntry(long, int, K, V, Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>, ReferenceQueue<V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedEvictedLinkedEntry
Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
A timed, bounded size LRU cache strategy.
Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy(int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy
Constructs a timed, synchronous, unbounded, canonical cache strategy of strongly-referenced values.
Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy(int, int, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy
Constructs a timed, asynchronous, unbounded, canonical cache strategy of strongly-referenced values.
Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy(int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy
Constructs a timed, synchronous, bounded LRU (least recently used), canonical cache strategy of strongly-referenced values.
Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy(int, int, Object, int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy
Constructs a timed, asynchronous, bounded LRU (least recently used), canonical cache strategy of strongly-referenced values.
Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy(int, int, int, float, Maps.CacheMap.Canonicity, Maps.CacheMap.Strength) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy
Constructs a timed, synchronous, bounded LRU (least recently used) cache strategy.
Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy(int, int, Object, int, int, float, Maps.CacheMap.Canonicity, Maps.CacheMap.Strength) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedLruCacheStrategy
Constructs a timed, bounded LRU (least recently used) cache strategy.
Maps.TimedSoftLinkedEntry<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
Maps.TimedSoftLinkedEntry(long, int, K, V, Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>, ReferenceQueue<V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedSoftLinkedEntry
Maps.TimedStrongLinkedEntry<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
Maps.TimedStrongLinkedEntry(long, int, K, V, Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedStrongLinkedEntry
Maps.TimedWeakLinkedEntry<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
Maps.TimedWeakLinkedEntry(long, int, K, V, Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>, ReferenceQueue<V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedWeakLinkedEntry
Maps.UnboundedCacheStrategy<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An unbounded cache strategy.
Maps.UnboundedCacheStrategy() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.UnboundedCacheStrategy
Constructs an unbounded, non-canonical cache strategy of strongly- referenced values.
Maps.UnboundedCacheStrategy(Maps.CacheMap.Strength) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.UnboundedCacheStrategy
Constructs an unbounded, non-canonical cache strategy.
Maps.UnboundedCacheStrategy(Maps.CacheMap.Canonicity, Maps.CacheMap.Strength) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.UnboundedCacheStrategy
Constructs an unbounded cache strategy.
Maps.UnboundedCacheStrategy(int, float, Maps.CacheMap.Canonicity, Maps.CacheMap.Strength) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.UnboundedCacheStrategy
Constructs an unbounded cache strategy.
Maps.WeakEntry<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An Maps.BaseEntry implementation which holds its value with a WeakReference.
Maps.WeakEntry(int, K, V, Maps.WeakEntry<K, V>, ReferenceQueue<V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakEntry
Maps.WeakHashMap<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An implementation of Maps.AbstractHashMap, based on Maps.WeakEntry, which holds its values with WeakReferences.
Maps.WeakHashMap() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakHashMap
Constructs an empty weak-referencing map with default capacity and load factor.
Maps.WeakHashMap(int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakHashMap
Constructs an empty weak-referencing map with specified initial capacity and default load factor.
Maps.WeakHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakHashMap
Constructs an empty weak-referencing map with specified initial capacity and load factor.
Maps.WeakHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakHashMap
Constructs a weak-referencing map with specified initial mappings, initial capacity based on the number of initial mappings, and default load factor.
Maps.WeakLinkedEntry<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An Maps.LinkedEntry implementation which holds its value with a WeakReference.
Maps.WeakLinkedEntry(int, K, V, Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>, ReferenceQueue<V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakLinkedEntry
Maps.WeakLinkedHashMap<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An implementation of Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap, based on Maps.WeakLinkedEntry, which holds its values with WeakReferences.
Maps.WeakLinkedHashMap() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty weak-referencing, insertion-ordered map with default capacity and load factor.
Maps.WeakLinkedHashMap(int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty weak-referencing, insertion-ordered map with specified initial capacity and default load factor.
Maps.WeakLinkedHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty weak-referencing, insertion-ordered map with specified initial capacity and load factor.
Maps.WeakLinkedHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakLinkedHashMap
Constructs a weak-referencing, insertion-ordered map with specified initial mappings, initial capacity based on the number of initial mappings, and default load factor.
Maps.WeakLinkedHashMap(int, float, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakLinkedHashMap
Constructs an empty weak-referencing map with specified initial capacity, load factor, and iteration order.
mapSchemaInstanceToClass(String, String, Class) - Static method in class oracle.ide.xml.XMLRecognizer
Maps the specified schema location URI and root element's local name to the specified data class.
mapToAnsiType(DataType, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry
Maps a DataType for a Database to an ANSI type.
mapToAnsiType(DataType, DataType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeRegistry
Maps a DataType for a Database to an ANSI type.
mapTokenToStyleName(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.LexerBlockRenderer
Fetches the style to use for the token fetched from the Lexer.
mapURLsByParent(URL[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSFileSystemUtils
Organizes the given URLs by their parent directories.
mapURLsToCategory(Collection<URL>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListCategorizer
mapURLsToCategory(Collection<URL>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationCategorizer
MARGIN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.LayoutConstants
The top, left, bottom and right margin in pixels between dialog content and the edge of the dialog.
MARK_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Singleton comparator for marks.
MARK_OPTION_CLICK_DROPS_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
Constant for a mark option indicating that the created GutterMark will drop down a ContextMenu menu if the user left-clicks on the icon.
MARK_OPTION_NONE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterMark
Constant indicating no mark options.
MARK_OPTION_SHOW_IN_FILE_OVERVIEW_MARGIN - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterMark
Constant for a mark option indicating that a corresponding mark should be placed in the file overview margin.
MARK_OPTION_STATIONARY - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterMark
Constant for a mark option indicating that the created GutterMark should be stationary (non-tracking).
MARK_OPTION_SUPPORTS_CLICKS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterMark
Constant for a mark option indicating that the created GutterMark supports left-clicking to perform some client-defined action.
MARK_ORDER_BOOKMARK - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
The mark order for a bookmark mark.
MARK_ORDER_BREAKPOINT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
The mark order for a breakpoint mark.
MARK_ORDER_EXECUTION - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
The mark order for an execution point (debugging) mark.
MARK_ORDER_IMPLEMENTS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
The mark order for an implements mark.
MARK_ORDER_LIGHTBULB - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
The mark order for a light bulb mark.
MARK_ORDER_OVERRIDES - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
The mark order for an overrides mark.
MARK_ORDER_PROFILER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
The mark order for a todo mark.
MARK_ORDER_TODO - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
The mark order for a todo mark.
MARK_ORDER_WATCHPOINT_ZERO - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
The mark order for a watchpoint mark.
markAllResolved(CompareModel) - Method in class
Mark all differences in the given model as resolved.
markAsBuilt(T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectBuilder
markClicked(GutterMark, int, MouseEvent) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterColumnListener
Notification that the user clicked on the mark.
markCompiled(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.UnifiedBuildSystem
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class javax.ide.model.Document
Marks the data with the specified dirty state.
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Connections
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultDirtyable
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultSubDirtyable
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ObservableFolder
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Preferences
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextNode
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Workspaces
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.XMLDataNode
Dirtyable interface method.
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteManager
Mark the palette dirty or not!
markDirty(boolean) - Method in interface
Marks the data with the specified dirty state.
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class
Marks the entire object graph containing this Structure instance as dirty.
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultLinkedDirtyable
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.AbstractHashDependable
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployElement
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployFolder
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AbstractDerivedLibrary
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AbstractLibrary
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinLibrary
markDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryElement
markDirtyImpl(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Subclasses should override this method to customize the markDirty() behavior.
markDirtyImpl(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextNode
Subclasses should override this method to customize the markDirty() behavior.
markForLazyInit(AbstractBuildableObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
markForLazyInit(AbstractBuildableObject, DBObjectBuilder) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
markMoved(GutterMark, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterColumnListener
Notification that the user modified the document in such a way as to cause the line to move.
markRemoved(GutterMark, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterColumnListener
Notification that the user modified the document in such a way that a line for which a GutterMark was set was removed.
markResolved(CompareDifference) - Method in class
Mark the given difference block as resolved.
markSessionParametersDirty() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleDatabase
Allows the Session Paramters cache to be marked as dirty so that the next time a value is requested, the cache will be requeried from the database.
markSupported() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.InflaterInputStreamPatch
markTracking(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.Assert
Call this object just before a potentional object is about to perform a lengthy operation.
markTranslated(Translator, Storage) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.UnifiedBuildSystem
Marks a source as actually translated.
markupStyle - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.BuiltInStyles
The base markup symbol style.
markWidth(GutterMark) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Gets the width required by a gutter mark (excluding margins).
marshalAttributes(Element, Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
Sets the attributes on the specified Element to correspond to the attribute properties from the specified object.
MasterListEntry - Class in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate
An entry in the master list of update centers.
MasterListEntry() - Constructor for class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.MasterListEntry
MasterListParser - Class in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.parser
Parses the master update center list.
MasterListParser() - Constructor for class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.parser.MasterListParser
masters - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "masters" property.
masterTableID - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "masterTableID" property.
match(String) - Method in class
MATCH_PREFIX - Static variable in class
Constant indicating that the name should be used for a prefix match.
MATCH_SUBSTRING - Static variable in class
Constant indicating that the name should be used for a substring match.
MATCH_SUFFIX - Static variable in class
Constant indicating that the name should be used for a suffix match.
MATCH_WHOLE - Static variable in class
Constant indicating that the whole name should be matched
matchConnectionToCriteria(Collection<Map<String, String>>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav.BaseConnectionProvider
matchConnectionToCriteria(Collection<Map<String, String>>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav.ConnectionProvider
matches(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.PatternFilter
matches(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
matches(String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataType
Returns true if the usageString is valid syntax for the DataType, false otherwise.
matches(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeSynonym
matches(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.PredefinedDataType
matches(String, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.extension.DatabaseMatcher
matches(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlSearch
matches(PlSqlToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlSearch
matches(PlSqlToken, PlSqlToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlSearch
matches(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlToken
matches(CharSequence) - Method in class
Returns true if the specified searchString was successfully matched with the textToSearch.
matches(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.CamelCaseFilter
matches(T) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.util.Filter
Returns whether the given object meets the requirements of this filter or not.
matches(URL, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.Bookmark
Utility method which compares the specified url and line number to see if it matches our bookmark values.
matches(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.Bookmark
Utility method which compares the specified url to see if it matches our bookmark url.
matchesDomain(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.MasterListEntry
matchesEditor(BasicEditorPane, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EmacsAction.Tracker
Returns whether the passed in editor and offset matches the editor and offset we are tracking
matchesType(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.extension.DatabaseMatcher
matchesVersion(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.extension.DatabaseMatcher
matchMenu(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controller.MenuAwareLabelUpdater
matchMethod(JavaMethod, JavaType[]) - Static method in class
matchModel(PatchModel, PatchMatchOptions) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchEngine
Matches the given PatchModel against the engine's to-file contributor, according to options.
MATERIALIZED_VIEW - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
MATERIALIZED_VIEW_LOG - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
MaterializedView - Class in oracle.javatools.db.ora
A MaterializedView represents a Materialized View in the database.
MaterializedView() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
MaterializedView(String, Schema) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
MaterializedView.BuildType - Enum in oracle.javatools.db.ora
MaterializedView.FastRefreshable - Enum in oracle.javatools.db.ora
MaterializedView.PrebuiltType - Enum in oracle.javatools.db.ora
Indicates whether the materialized view is prebuilt including whether it is specified with or without precision.
MaterializedView.RefreshMethod - Enum in oracle.javatools.db.ora
Method used to refresh the Materialized View.
MaterializedView.RefreshMode - Enum in oracle.javatools.db.ora
Different modes that can be selected for how the Materialized View will be refreshed.
MaterializedView.RefreshWith - Enum in oracle.javatools.db.ora
MaterializedView.RewriteCapability - Enum in oracle.javatools.db.ora
Valid values for the rewrite capability
MaterializedView.RollbackSegmentType - Enum in oracle.javatools.db.ora
MaterializedView.Staleness - Enum in oracle.javatools.db.ora
Relationship between the contents of the materialized view and the contents of the materialized view's masters
MaterializedView.UsingConstraints - Enum in oracle.javatools.db.ora
Wether this view can using trusted constraints as well as those that are enforced.
MaterializedViewLog - Class in oracle.javatools.db.ora
MaterializedViewLog() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedViewLog
MaterializedViewLog(String, Schema) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedViewLog
MATHML1_0_1_SYSTEM_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils.NamespaceConstants
MATHML2_0_PUBLIC_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils.NamespaceConstants
MATHML2_0_SYSTEM_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils.NamespaceConstants
MATVIEW - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.DBIcons
MatViewIndexStorageProperties - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "MatViewIndexStorageProperties" property.
MATVIEWLOG - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.DBIcons
max(AutoExpandPreferredSize, AutoExpandPreferredSize) - Static method in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.AutoExpandPreferredSize
MAX_PRECEDENCE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.util.ExpressionObject
No ExpressionObject should return a precedence worse than this value.
MAX_SIZE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleUtils
MAX_THICKNESS - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.SimpleLinePainter
The maximum thickness that can be specified to the line painter.
MAX_TOOLTIP_LENGTH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultCodeFoldingModel
MAX_TRANSFORM_COUNT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Rule
The maximum number of transforms allowed by a rule.
MAX_WIDTH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.DottedLinePainter
The maximum width of either the visible dotted line (dottedWidth) or the dotted gap.
maxAttr() - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultAttributes
The caller must not make any assumptions about the format of the returned int and how the Attributes class uses it.
maxExtent - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "maxExtent" property.
MAXIMIZE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
MAXIMIZE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerWindow
MAXIMUM_CAPACITY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractHashMap
The maximum capacity, used if a higher value is explicitly specified by either of the constructors with arguments.
MAXIMUM_EXPIRATION - Static variable in class oracle.ide.util.TimedCache
Deprecated. The maximum expiration (in minutes) that can be set on any object or as the default.
MAXIMUM_LENGTH - Static variable in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.Spring
MAXIMUM_PRIORITY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightStyle
The maximum priority level a highlight can use.
MAXIMUM_SIZE - Static variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CommandButtonLayout
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ButtonsLayoutManager
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.PentaLayout
Returns the maximum dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target container.
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ColumnLayout
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CenterLayout
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CommandButtonLayout
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DelegatingLayout
maxSize - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "maxSize" property.
maxTrans - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "maxTrans" property.
maxtrans - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "maxtrans" property.
maxValue - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "maxValue" property.
mayBeADirectory(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.FilePath
Return true if the specified name could be a directory.
maybeSetManifestClassPath(DeploymentModule, ArchiveProfile, DeployShell) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveDeployer
maybeSetReload(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.AbstractHashDependable
maybeShowLogPage() - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.Deployment
Brings the focus to the Deployment Log Window.
maybeShowPopup(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.TextMenuPopupHandler
Checks to see if the user requested the popup menu, and displays it if so.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in interface oracle.ide.inspector.layout.Element
Find out whether this element contains other elements as children.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.ExtensibleElement
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.ExtensibleGroup
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.PropertyFormLayout
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.Row
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.SimpleElement
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.IdeLayout
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layouts
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DataContainer
Part of the Element interface.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultContainer
Part of the Element interface.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultElement
Part of the Element interface.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultFolder
Part of the Element interface.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in interface oracle.ide.model.Element
This method is part of the Element interface to provide a convenient way of determining whether an object may have children without having to test the object's type with the instanceof operator or having to downcast to a more specific type.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
mayHaveChildren(NavigableContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.panels.ProjectContentNavigable
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.XMLDataContainer
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.XMLDataNode
mayHaveChildren() - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
mayHaveChildren(NavigableContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.Navigable
Overridable method to determine whether a Navigable may have children such that a + may be shown next to it in the tree.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggeeData
Find out if this object may have display children, which doesn't imply it actually has children, just that it may.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Tests if this RunProcess element may contain children.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.AbstractToDoItem
Whether or not the item can have children.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ContentDirectory
This method is part of the Element interface to provide a convenient way of determining whether an object may have children without having to test the object's type with the instanceof operator or having to downcast to a more specific type.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtFolder
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployCommand
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployElement
Part of the Element interface.
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentProfiles
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibraryList
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser.ProviderNode
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
mayHaveChildren() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.DefaultContentDirectory
MDDAdapter - Class in oracle.ide.panels
Default implementation of the MDDListener interface.
MDDAdapter() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.panels.MDDAdapter
MDDEditorPanel - Class in oracle.ide.db.panels
MDDEditorPanel(Traversable, Navigable[], String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.panels.MDDEditorPanel
MDDEditorPanel(Traversable, Navigable[], String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.panels.MDDEditorPanel
MDDEvent - Class in oracle.ide.panels
MDDPanel - Class in oracle.ide.panels
This implementation of NavigableUIContainer is a "master-detail-detail" panel, hence the name MDDPanel.
MDDPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
This constructor should only be used by subclasses that will build the Navigable list from within the onEntry method.
MDDPanel(Navigable) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Constructs a new MDDPanel with a single root node in the master tree.
MDDPanel(Navigable[]) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Constructs a new MDDPanel with the specified nodes as root nodes in the master tree.
MDDPanel(Navigable[], boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Constructs a new MDDPanel with the specified nodes as root nodes in the master tree.
MEDIA_SYMBOL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents the '@media' lexical unit.
MEDIUM - Static variable in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.AutoExpandPreferredSize
MEDIUM - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Priority
MEDIUM_PRIORITY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.todo.ToDoManager
Constant for medium priority that can be assigned to the ToDoItem
MEMBER_CLASS - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_CLASS - Static variable in interface
Constant used to get the member order for an inner class.
MEMBER_CONSTRUCTOR - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_CONSTRUCTOR - Static variable in interface
Constant used to get the member order for a constructor.
MEMBER_default - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_FIELD_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_FIELD_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface
Constant used to get the member order for a package private field.
MEMBER_FIELD_PACKAGE_STATIC - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_FIELD_PACKAGE_STATIC - Static variable in interface
Constant used to get the member order for a package private static field.
MEMBER_FIELD_PRIVATE - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_FIELD_PRIVATE - Static variable in interface
Constant used to get the member order for a private field.
MEMBER_FIELD_PRIVATE_STATIC - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_FIELD_PRIVATE_STATIC - Static variable in interface
Constant used to get the member order for a private static field.
MEMBER_FIELD_PROTECTED - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_FIELD_PROTECTED - Static variable in interface
Constant used to get the member order for a protected field.
MEMBER_FIELD_PROTECTED_STATIC - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_FIELD_PROTECTED_STATIC - Static variable in interface
Constant used to get the member order for a protected static field.
MEMBER_FIELD_PUBLIC - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_FIELD_PUBLIC - Static variable in interface
Constant used to get the member order for a public field.
MEMBER_FIELD_PUBLIC_STATIC - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_FIELD_PUBLIC_STATIC - Static variable in interface
Constant used to get the member order for a public static field.
MEMBER_keys - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_max - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_METHOD - Static variable in interface
MEMBER_METHOD - Static variable in interface
Constant used to get the member order for a method.
MEMBER_ORDER - Static variable in interface
HashStructure property.
memberComparator() - Static method in class
MemberD - Interface in
Represents a member declaration, part of a type declaration.
MemberT - Interface in
Common supertype for elements that may be a member of a type declaration.
MemberVariableT - Interface in
A field (or enum constant) variable.
Memory - Class in
Memory utilities, some HotSpot dependent.
Memory() - Constructor for class
MEMORY_MONITOR - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdePropertyConstants
MEMORYPROFILEAPP - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
MEMORYPROFILESERVER - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
MEMORYPROFILEWORKINGSET - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
MENU_ADDIN_SECTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The key for the menu addin section Id property.
MENU_ADDIN_SECTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
The key for the menu section id client property.
MENU_BUILD - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
MENU_EDIT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Constant used with MenuManager.getJMenu(java.lang.String) to locate the Edit menu.
MENU_FILE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Constant used with MenuManager.getJMenu(java.lang.String) to locate the File menu.
MENU_FILE_REOPEN - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Constant used with MenuManager.getJMenu(java.lang.String) to locate the File | Reopen submenu.
MENU_FIRST_DECLARATIVE_ELEMENT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The value used to specify the first element in a declaratively-defined menu: 1000.0f.
MENU_FIRST_ELEMENT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The value used to specify the top-most element in a menu.
MENU_HELP - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Constant used with MenuManager.getJMenu(java.lang.String) to locate the Help menu.
MENU_HISTORY_SECTION - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployMenuManager
MENU_ID_COMPARE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSProfile
MENU_ID_CONTEXT_MAIN - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSProfile
MENU_ID_CONTEXT_VERSIONING - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSProfile
MENU_ID_OPERATIONS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSProfile
MENU_ID_REPLACE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSProfile
MENU_ID_VERSIONING - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSProfile
MENU_NAVIGATE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Constant used with MenuManager.getJMenu(java.lang.String) to locate the Navigate menu.
MENU_PROFILE_SECTION - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployMenuManager
MENU_RUN - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Constant used with MenuManager.getJMenu(java.lang.String) to locate the Run menu.
MENU_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Constant used with MenuManager.getJMenu(java.lang.String) to locate the Search menu.
MENU_SECTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The key for the menu section Id property.
MENU_SECTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
The key for the menu section id client property.
MENU_TOOLS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Constant used with MenuManager.getJMenu(java.lang.String) to locate the Tools menu.
MENU_VERSIONING - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSMenuConstants
A constant identifying the version control menu in the environment.
MENU_VIEW - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Constant used with MenuManager.getJMenu(java.lang.String) to locate the View menu.
MENU_VIEW_OPTIONS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
MENU_VIEW_TOOLBARS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Constant used with MenuManager.getJMenu(java.lang.String) to locate the View | Toolbars submenu.
MENU_WEIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The key for the menu weight property.
MENU_WEIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleAction
MENU_WEIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
The key for the menu weight client property.
MENU_WEIGHT_SECTION_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
The default weight, this is used when no weight or section Id is defined.
MENU_WEIGHT_UNASSIGNED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleAction
MENU_WINDOW - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Constant used with MenuManager.getJMenu(java.lang.String) to locate the Window menu.
MenuAwareLabelUpdater - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.controller
A LabelUpdater that allows a an action's label to be updated based on the menu where the action resides.
MenuAwareLabelUpdater(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.controller.MenuAwareLabelUpdater
Creates a new MenuAwareLabelUpdater instance.
Menubar - Class in oracle.ide.controller
Menubar class represents a JFrame menu bar.
Menubar(View) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controller.Menubar
MenuCJKUtil - Class in oracle.ide.util
Utility class to handle issues with menu labels and mnemonics in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean languages.
MenuCJKUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MenuCJKUtil
MenuConstants - Class in oracle.ide.controller
This class defines the constants for adding commands to the main menubar and to context menus.
MenuConstants() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
MenuFilter - Interface in oracle.ide.controller
A MenuFilter can accept or reject menu components.
MENUID_APPLICATION_DEPLOY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployMenuManager
MENUID_BUILD_DEPLOY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployMenuManager
MENUID_CONTEXT_DEPLOY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployMenuManager
MenuItem - Class in oracle.ide.controls
The MenuItem class is a subclass of javax.swing.JMenuItem that has been tuned for improved performance.
MenuItem(ToggleAction) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.MenuItem
menuItem - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployMenuItem
MenuManager - Class in
The menu manager is responsible for installing menu bars and toolbars into Views.
MenuManager() - Constructor for class
MenuManager - Class in oracle.ide.controller
Manages the IDE's menus.
MenuSpec - Class in oracle.ide.util
MenuSpec(String, Icon) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MenuSpec
MenuSpec(String, Integer, Icon) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MenuSpec
MenuSpec(String, Integer, ArrayResourceBundle, int) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MenuSpec
Deprecated. since 11.1.1. Use MenuSpec.MenuSpec(String,Integer,Icon)
MenuSpec(String, Integer, ResourceBundle, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MenuSpec
Deprecated. since 11.1.1. Use MenuSpec.MenuSpec(String,Integer,Icon)
MenuToolButton - Class in oracle.ide.controls
An implementation of a toolbar toggle button that displays a drop-down menu of choices when the button is selected.
MenuToolButton(ToggleAction[]) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton
Creates a menu button where the menu is a drop down menu with radio buttons and the button displays the icon of the currently selected button.
MenuToolButton(ToggleAction) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton
Creates a menu button where the menu is a drop down menu with ordinary menu items.
MenuToolButton(ToggleAction[], ToggleAction) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton
Creates a menu button where the menu is a drop down menu with radio buttons and the button displays the icon of the currently selected button.
MenuToolButton.ButtonItemListener - Class in oracle.ide.controls
MenuToolButton.ButtonItemListener(MenuToolButton) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton.ButtonItemListener
MenuToolButton.ButtonKeyListener - Class in oracle.ide.controls
MenuToolButton.ButtonKeyListener(MenuToolButton) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton.ButtonKeyListener
MenuToolButton.ButtonPopupMenuListener - Class in oracle.ide.controls
MenuToolButton.ButtonPopupMenuListener() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton.ButtonPopupMenuListener
MenuToolButton.MenuToolButtonModel - Class in oracle.ide.controls
MenuToolButton.MenuToolButtonModel() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton.MenuToolButtonModel
MenuWeightComparator - Class in oracle.ide.controller
Comparator for sorting weighted menu items.
MenuWeightComparator() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controller.MenuWeightComparator
Default constructor.
MenuWeightComparator(List) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controller.MenuWeightComparator
menuWillHide(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorController
menuWillHide(ContextMenu) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controller.ContextMenuListener
This method is called just before a showing context menu is dismissed.
menuWillHide(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployDesignTime
menuWillHide(JMenu, MenuManager, Context) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployMenuManager.MenuListener
menuWillHide(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.AbstractCanvas
Respond to the UIEditor ContextMenu popping down.
menuWillHide(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListContextMenuListener
This method is called just before a showing context menu is dismissed.
menuWillHide(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSContextMenuListener
menuWillHide(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPanel
menuWillHide(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkAddin
Called just before the context menu is popping down.
menuWillHide(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkDockable
menuWillHide(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkPanel
menuWillHide(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.esdk.migration.MigrationContextMenuListener
menuWillShow(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorController
Called just before the context menu is popping up.
menuWillShow(ContextMenu) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controller.ContextMenuListener
Called just before the context menu is shown.
menuWillShow(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployDesignTime
menuWillShow(JMenu, MenuManager, Context) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployMenuManager.MenuListener
menuWillShow(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.AbstractCanvas
Respond to the UIEditor ContextMenu popping up.
menuWillShow(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListContextMenuListener
Called just before the context menu is shown.
menuWillShow(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSContextMenuListener
menuWillShow(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPanel
menuWillShow(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkAddin
Called just before the context menu is popping up.
menuWillShow(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkDockable
menuWillShow(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkPanel
menuWillShow(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.esdk.migration.MigrationContextMenuListener
menuWillShowImpl(ContextMenu) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListContextMenuListener
merge(CompareContributor, CompareContributor, CompareContributor) - Method in interface
Merge two contributors based on a third, returning a model of the conflicting differences between the two.
MERGE_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.MergeURLFileSystemHelper
mergeBundles(ResourceBundleWrapper, ResourceBundleWrapper) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManager
Merges the contents of oldBundle into newBundle
mergeBundles(ResourceBundleWrapper, ResourceBundleWrapper) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManagerRT
MergeContext - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.merge
MergeController - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.merge
Controller class for merge editor commands.
MergeController() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.MergeController
MergeEngine - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.merge
Facade/utility class for performing a merge operation and contructing a CompareModel instance from the result.
MergeEngine() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.MergeEngine
mergeManifest(Manifest) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.Archive
Merges the given Manifest with the manifest currently held by Archive.
mergeManifest(URL) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.Archive
Merge the manifest at the specified URL.
mergeManifest(Manifest) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultArchive
Merges the given Manifest with the manifest currently held by DefaultArchive.
mergeManifest(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultArchive
Merge the manifest at the specified URL.
MERGENODE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
mergeRelationUsages(RelationUsage, RelationUsage) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
mergeRelationUsages(RelationUsage, RelationUsage) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Merges two RelationUsages into one.
mergeReplaceSelection(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Like replaceSelection(String content), except it mergres this edit to the previous edit.
MergeURLFileSystemHelper - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.merge
Filesystem helper class for the "ide.merge" protocol used by merge node URLs.
MergeURLFileSystemHelper() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.MergeURLFileSystemHelper
MergeUtil - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.merge
Utilities class for merge editor consumers / providers.
MESG_URI_STRING - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
MESG_URI_STRING - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
MESG_URI_STRING - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
MESG_URI_STRING - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
MESG_URI_STRING - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
MESG_URI_STRING - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
MESG_URI_STRING - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
MESG_URI_STRING - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
MESG_URI_STRING - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
MESG_URI_STRING - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
MESG_URI_STRING - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
message - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.PtnodError
message(Violation) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Rule
Gets the localized violation message for a violation of this rule from its localizer using this key for a default (null) variation:
MESSAGE_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Rule
The key for the message text of a rule.
MESSAGE_PAGE_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
MESSAGEASYNC - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
MESSAGECREATE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
MessageDialog - Class in oracle.ide.dialogs
Deprecated. since 11.0
MessageDialog() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dialogs.MessageDialog
MessageDialog - Class in oracle.javatools.dialogs
A utility class for displaying alerts.
MessageDialog - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing
A modal message dialog based on JOptionPane but with a simpler interface.
MessageDialog() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.MessageDialog
Creates an option dialog.
MessageDialog(MessageDialog.Type) - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.MessageDialog
Creates an option dialog of a specific type.
MessageDialog.OptionPane - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing
MessageDialog.OptionPane(Object, MessageDialog.Type, Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.MessageDialog.OptionPane
MessageDialog.Type - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing
MessageDialogPersistence - Class in oracle.javatools.dialogs
Persists information used for optional alerts in MessageDialog.
MessageDialogPersistence() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.dialogs.MessageDialogPersistence
MessageFeedback - Class in
MessageFeedback() - Constructor for class
MessageFeedback(String) - Constructor for class
MessagePage - Class in oracle.ide.log
The MessagePage class provides a log page based on a text area.
MessagePage() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
Default constructor.
MessagePage(ViewId) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
Creates a MessagePage using thle specified ViewId.
MessagePage(ViewId, Icon) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
Creates a MessagePage using the specified ViewId and Icon.
MessagePage(ViewId, Icon, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
Creates a MessagePage using the specified ViewId and Icon.
MessagePage(ViewId, Icon, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
Deprecated. use #MessagePage(ViewId,Icon,boolean). The showStyledText parameter has been deprecated, since all message pages are now capable of showing styled text by default.
MessagePage.CustomTextPane - Class in oracle.ide.log
MessagePage.CustomTextPane() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage.CustomTextPane
MessagePanel - Class in oracle.javatools.dialogs
Message panel is a simple panel consisting of an icon and a block of multi line text.
MessagePanel() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.dialogs.MessagePanel
MessagePanel.AccessibleMessagePane - Class in oracle.javatools.dialogs
MessagePanel.AccessibleMessagePane() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.dialogs.MessagePanel.AccessibleMessagePane
MessageReporter - Interface in oracle.javatools.xml.esax
Interface for an object responsible for reporting errors or warnings during the parse of an XML file.
MESSAGERETURN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
MESSAGESTOP - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
MessageUtil - Class in oracle.javatools.dialogs
Class of utility methods supporting the use of standardized alerts, as encouraged by MessageDialog.
metaClass(ElementContext, MetaClass) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.MetaClassVisitor
Called when a meta class is created.
MetaClass<T> - Class in javax.ide.util
A MetaClass describes a real Class with the purpose of providing to an IDE class level information, and delaying the loading of that class to the last possible moment: when an instance of the class is required.
MetaClass(ClassLoader, String) - Constructor for class javax.ide.util.MetaClass
Construct a meta class for the specified class name.
MetaClassVisitor - Class in javax.ide.extension
An abstract implementation of a visitor for manifest elements which represent meta classes.
MetaClassVisitor() - Constructor for class javax.ide.extension.MetaClassVisitor
Metadata - Class in
The database API contains a number of bean classes that represent the objects that can exist in a database (e.g.
metadata - Variable in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleEvent
metaData - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.engine.db.DBTable
METADATA_ADD_URL_TO_PROJECT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.datatransfer.URLToNodeTransformer
A well-defined key for metadata that marks that tranformed URL should be added to the project.
METADATA_ASSEMBLER - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.JeeDeploymentConstants
An assembler for an Application's metadata.
METADATA_ASSEMBLY_SEQUENCE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.JeeDeploymentConstants
Metadata Assembly Sequence runs a metadata assembler before an assembly sequence.
METADATA_MODULE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eePackaging
metadataChanged(ResourceBundleEvent) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleListener
This method gets called when metadata is renamed, added, or removed.
MetadataResolverDatabindingMitigator - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.html
MetaTraversable - Class in oracle.ide.panels
The MetaTraversable class is responsible for specifying metadata for a Traversable that has not yet been instantiated.
MetaTraversable(Class) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.panels.MetaTraversable
Creates a MetaTraversable that instantiates the specified Traversable class using its default constructor.
MetaTraversable(Class, Class[], Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.panels.MetaTraversable
Creates a MetaTraversable that instantiates the specified Traversable class using the constructor whose parameter types exactly match the types indicated by constructorArgTypes.
MetaTraversable() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.panels.MetaTraversable
Should only be used by MetaTraversable.copyTo(Object).
MetaTraversable(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.panels.MetaTraversable
METHOD - Static variable in class
A method, constructor, or annotation element.
METHOD - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
method - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Profile.Setter
METHOD_RETURN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
METHOD_SCOPE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtSubcomponent
Declared as local variable within a method of outer CmtComponent.
methodAccess - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerEventSource.StackFrame
The method access and modifier flags for the method for this stack frame.
MethodBindingReferenceFactory - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.xdf
MethodBindingReferenceFactory(XmlKey, JspMetadataResolver, MethodBinding, ReferenceFactory) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.xdf.MethodBindingReferenceFactory
MethodCallExpressionT - Interface in
An expression performing a method invocation or an explicit constructor invocation.
MethodD - Interface in
Represents a method or annotation element.
MethodDeclaration - Class in
The declaration of a Java method.
MethodDeclaration(String, Workspace, Project, SourceElement, String, String, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class
MethodHierarchy - Class in
Calculates a collection of overriden methods.
MethodHierarchy(JavaMethod) - Constructor for class
MethodInvokator<T> - Class in oracle.javatools.util.reflect
MethodInvokator(T) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.reflect.MethodInvokator
methodMatches(JavaMethod, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces.FacesMethodBindingPanel
methodName - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerEventSource.StackFrame
The name of the method for this stack frame.
METHODS - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlDeclarator
methods - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "methods" property.
methodSignature - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerEventSource.StackFrame
The signature of the method for this stack frame.
MethodSignature - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp
This data structure represents a Java method and its associated PL/SQL signature, including the names, types, and modes for parameters.
MethodSignature() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.MethodSignature
Default constructor.
MethodSignature(MethodSignature) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.MethodSignature
Copy constructor.
MethodSignature(Method) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.MethodSignature
Creates and initializes a MethodSignature instance with defaults that are appropriate for publishing the given Java Method.
MethodT - Interface in
A method or constructor declaration.
methodType - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "methodType" property.
Metric - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer
A metric of constructs of the Audit object model.
Metric() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Metric
Creates a metric.
Metric(String, String, Category, Class<?>, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Metric
Creates a metric.
Metric(String, Category, Class<?>, Object, Localizer) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Metric
Creates a metric.
Metric(String, Category, Class<?>, Localizer) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Metric
Creates a metric with no thresholds.
MetricCustomizer - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core
MetricCustomizer() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.MetricCustomizer
MIDDLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.VerticalFlowLayout
MIDDLE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.layout.VerticalFlowLayout
migrate(File, File) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.ExtensionMigrator
migrate(boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationManager
Migrate user settings from a previous install, optionally deleting the given location.
migrate() - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationManager
Deprecated. as of use @link #migrate(boolean, boolean) instead.
migrate(File, File) - Method in interface oracle.ide.migration.Migrator
Migrate all flagged categories, from a given source directory, to a given destination directory.
migrate(MigrationInfo[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.NodeMigrator
Method called to migrate the nodes recorded in the specified MigrationInfo.
migrate(MigrationInfo) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.NodeMigrator
Migrate the node whose migration information is given.
migrate(MigrationInfo[], TraversableContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.NodeMigratorHelper
Method called to migrate the nodes recorded in the specified MigrationInfo.
migrate(File, File) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.XMLMigrator
Migrate the settings from a given source directory to a given destination directory.
migrate(File, File) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.IdeSystemMigrator
migrate(MigrationInfo[], TraversableContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ResourcePathsMigrator
migrate(File, File) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.UserPropertiesMigrator
migrate(MigrationInfo[], TraversableContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.WorkingSetsMigratorHelper
migrate(String) - Static method in enum oracle.javatools.db.Index.IndexType
migrate(TraversableContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.Profile
migrate(File, File) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryMigrator
Migrate the settings from a given source directory to a given destination directory.
migrate(MigrationInfo[], TraversableContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ProjectLibraryMigrator
migrate(MigrationInfo[], TraversableContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.OutputDirectoryMigrator
migrate(File, File) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.ProfileMigrator
MIGRATE_USERS_AND_GROUPS_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.SecurityDeploymentSettings
migrateLegacyLibrariesToFileGroup(Project) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.war.WarProfile
This method migrates all LibraryFileGroup instances contained within the profile whose internal name is "legacy-libraries" to a LibraryFileGroup.
MIGRATION_CANCELED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo
Migration status indicating the migration of the node was canceled by the user.
MIGRATION_DONE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo
Migration status indicating the node associated with this migration information was carried out successfully.
MIGRATION_DONE_BUT_NOT_SAVED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo
Migration status indicating the node was migrated successfully but the migration changes were not saved.
MIGRATION_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo
Migration status indicating the migration of the node was not carried out properly.
MIGRATION_IO_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo
Migration status indicating that the node associated with this migration information could not be written to.
MIGRATION_NOT_NEEDED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo
Migration status indicating the migration of the node was not needed.
MIGRATION_NOT_POSSIBLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo
Migration status indicating the migration of the node was not carried out.
MIGRATION_PENDING - Static variable in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo
Migration status indicating the node is ready for migration.
MigrationContextMenuListener - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.esdk.migration
Context menu listener for migration tools.
MigrationContextMenuListener() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.esdk.migration.MigrationContextMenuListener
MigrationController - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.esdk.migration
MigrationController() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.esdk.migration.MigrationController
MigrationInfo - Class in oracle.ide.migration
Version of information about a node requiring migration.
MigrationInfo(Node) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo
MigrationInfo.ErrorInformation - Class in oracle.ide.migration
MigrationInfo.ErrorInformation(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo.ErrorInformation
MigrationInfo.ErrorInformation(String, Level) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo.ErrorInformation
MigrationInfo.ErrorInformation(String, MigrationInfo.ErrorInformation.ActionType) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo.ErrorInformation
MigrationInfo.ErrorInformation(String, Level, MigrationInfo.ErrorInformation.ActionType) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo.ErrorInformation
MigrationInfo.ErrorInformation.ActionType - Enum in oracle.ide.migration
MigrationInfo.MigrationStatus - Class in oracle.ide.migration
Status class used to define the outer class migration status enums.
MigrationInfo.Status - Class in oracle.ide.migration
Base status class.
MigrationInfo.VersionStatus - Class in oracle.ide.migration
Status class used to define the outer class version status enums.
MigrationManager - Class in oracle.ide.migration
The MigrationManager class provides access to the registered Migrator implementations available.
MigrationManager() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationManager
MigrationPanel - Class in oracle.ide.migration
An abstract class that extends DefaultTraversablePanel.
MigrationPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationPanel
MigrationPanel.ResultData - Class in oracle.ide.migration
Inner class used by NodeMigratorHelper to return migration results from the getPages method.
MigrationPanel.ResultData(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationPanel.ResultData
MigrationWizard - Class in oracle.ide.migration
The class that runs the Migration Wizard where users can migration workspaces, projects, or IDE settings from an older version of JDeveloper to a newer version.
MigrationWizard() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationWizard
Migrator - Interface in oracle.ide.migration
The Migrator interface is used for migrating user customizable settings from previous installations of JDeveloper to the user home of a new installation.
MIGRATOR_MAP_DATA - Static variable in class oracle.ide.migration.NodeMigrator
Constant identifying the migration data stored in the TraversableContext.
MIGRATOR_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.ProjectMigrator
String identifier used to lookup a specific node migrator.
MIGRATOR_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.WorkspaceMigrator
String identifier used to lookup a specific node migrator.
MIGRATOR_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectMigrator
MIN_MAX_BIGINT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.NumericDataType
Standard definitions of integer MinMaxValues.
MIN_MAX_BIT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.NumericDataType
MIN_MAX_INT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.NumericDataType
MIN_MAX_MEDIUMINT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.NumericDataType
MIN_MAX_MONEY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.NumericDataType
MIN_MAX_SIGNED_TINYINT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.NumericDataType
MIN_MAX_SMALLINT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.NumericDataType
MIN_MAX_SMALLMONEY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.NumericDataType
MIN_MAX_UNSIGNED_TINYINT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.NumericDataType
MIN_THICKNESS - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.ZigZagLinePainter
The minimum thickness that can be specified to the zigzag painter
MIN_WIDTH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.DottedLinePainter
The minimum width of either the visible dotted line (dottedWidth) or the dotted gap.
minAttr() - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultAttributes
The caller must not make any assumptions about the format of the returned int and how the Attributes class uses it.
minColumns - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.WholeNumberField
The number of columns to display (size-wise) for this control - this is necessary as the columns field in JTextField is private.
minExtent - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "minExtent" property.
minimize(DockableWindow) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
minimize(DrawerElement, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerPanel
minimize(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerWindow
MINIMIZE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
MINIMIZE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerWindow
MINIMUM_EXPIRATION - Static variable in class
The smallest expiration time (milliseconds) this cache will used.
MINIMUM_LENGTH - Static variable in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.Spring
MINIMUM_PRIORITY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightStyle
The minimum priority level a highlight can use.
minimumKeyMaximumLength - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.CustomizableResourceBundleKeyGenerator
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CEScrollPaneLayout
The minimum size of a ScrollPane is the size of the insets plus minimum size of the viewport, plus the scrollpane's viewportBorder insets, plus the minimum size of the visible headers, plus the minimum size of the scrollbars whose displayPolicy isn't NEVER.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ButtonsLayoutManager
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.PentaLayout
Determines the minimum size of the target container using this layout manager.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.VerticalFlowLayout
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ColumnLayout
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.layout.CenterLayout
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.layout.VerticalFlowLayout
Returns the minimum size needed to layout the target container
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CenterLayout
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CommandButtonLayout
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DelegatingLayout
MiniSearchDialog - Class in
A floating search dialog.
MiniSearchDialog() - Constructor for class
MiniSearchDialog.Location - Enum in
minTrans - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "minTrans" property.
MINUS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents the '-' lexical unit.
minValue - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "minValue" property.
mirror(List) - Method in class
Sets this ListStructure to mirror the contents of the specified List.
MISMATCH - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.editor.language.BraceProvider
Constant indicating that the findMatchingBrace() operation could not find a matching brace.
MISSING_DISCARD - Static variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkOptions
The constant for indicating that bookmarks for missing lines should be discarded.
MISSING_MOVE - Static variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkOptions
The constant for indicating that bookmarks for missing lines should be moved to the closest existing line.
MissingDBConnValueException - Exception in oracle.jdeveloper.db
MissingIconException - Exception in javax.ide.util
Exception thrown when IconDescription fails to find an icon.
MissingIconException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.ide.util.MissingIconException
MissingIconException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ide.util.MissingIconException
missingOptionValue(String, Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.CommandParser
MissingPropertyException - Exception in
Exception class thrown by the property support when a given property is not known for the given object.
MissingPropertyException(Object, String) - Constructor for exception
MissingProviderException - Exception in oracle.javatools.db
Thrown if you attempt to resolve the ID when the provider has not been set.
MissingProviderException() - Constructor for exception oracle.javatools.db.MissingProviderException
MissingValidatorException - Exception in oracle.javatools.db
Indicates that the validation of the database object failed because no DBObjectValidator was registered to handle the validation.
MissingValidatorException(DBObject) - Constructor for exception oracle.javatools.db.MissingValidatorException
Constructs a new ValidationException.
MissingValidatorException(DBObject, String) - Constructor for exception oracle.javatools.db.MissingValidatorException
Constructs a new ValidationException.
MIXED_CASE_NAME_POLICY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Unquoted Names are case insensitive and stored in mixed case
mkdir(URI) - Method in class
Creates the directory indicated by the URI.
mkdir(URI) - Method in class
Creates the directory indicated by the URI.
mkdir(URL) - Method in class
mkdir(URL) - Method in class
mkdir(URL) - Method in class
mkdir(URL) - Static method in class
Creates the directory indicated by the URL.
mkdir(URL) - Method in class
Creates the directory indicated by the URL.
mkdir(URL) - Method in class
mkdir(URL) - Method in class
mkdirs(URI) - Method in class
Creates the directory indicated by the specified URI including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories.
mkdirs(URI) - Method in class
Creates the directory indicated by the specified URI including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories.
mkdirs(URL) - Method in class
mkdirs(URL) - Method in class
mkdirs(URL) - Method in class
mkdirs(URL) - Static method in class
Creates the directory indicated by the specified URL including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories.
mkdirs(URL) - Method in class
Creates the directory indicated by the specified URL including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories.
mkdirs(URL) - Method in class
mkdirs(URL) - Method in class
MM - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents a mm lexical unit.
MNEMONIC - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleAction
Deprecated. use Action.MNEMONIC_KEY.
mnemonic - Variable in class oracle.ide.util.MenuSpec
mnemonicChanged(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.PropertyChangeAdapter
MnemonicSolver - Class in oracle.ide.util
This class can be used to resolve mnemonic conflicts in menus.
MnemonicSolver() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver
Default Constructor.
MnemonicSolver(String[]) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver
MnemonicSolver(String[], int[]) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver
MnemonicSolver(String[], int[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver
MnemonicSolver(JMenu) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver
MnemonicSolver(JPopupMenu) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver
MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel - Class in oracle.ide.util
MenuLabel class.
MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel
MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel(String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel
MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel
MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel(AbstractButton, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel
MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel(AbstractButton, String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel
mnm_dmqcMo - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlOdmModel
MOBILE_CLIENT_PAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
MOBILE_CLIENT_TASK_FLOW - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
modalDialogOwner() - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil
Finds the window in the container hierarchy which is visible, modal and active.
modDate() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.IdeStorage
modDate() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JarStorage
modDate() - Method in interface oracle.ojc.interfaces.Storage
Returns date of last modification of this Storage.
mode - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "mode" property.
model - Variable in class oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyInspector
model - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "model" property.
model - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.CodeFoldingMargin
MODEL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.ClassBuilderModel
model - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.AbstractCanvas
Current model being rendered by this canvas.
ModelAdapter - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model
An abstract adapter between the Audit framework and the object model associated with a particular IDE Element (usually, an IDE Node).
ModelAdapter(ModelFactory, ModelType) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
Creates a model adapter that adapts a root Workspaces element.
ModelAdapter(ModelFactory, ModelType, Workspace) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
Creates a model adapter that adapts a @link oracle.ide.model.Workspace Workspace} node.
ModelAdapter(ModelFactory, ModelType, ContainerModelAdapter, Project) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
Creates a model adapter that adapts a @link oracle.ide.model.Project Project} node.
ModelAdapter(ModelFactory, ModelType, ContainerModelAdapter, ContainerModelAdapter, ContainerModelAdapter, ContentDirectory, URL) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
Creates a model adapter that adapts a package directory node.
ModelAdapter(ModelFactory, ModelType, ContainerModelAdapter, ContainerModelAdapter, ContainerModelAdapter, Node, URL) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
Creates a model adapter that adapts a file Node.
ModelAdapter(ModelFactory, ModelType, ContainerModelAdapter, ContainerModelAdapter, ContainerModelAdapter, Node, URL, String) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
Creates a model adapter that adapts a file Node.
modelChanged() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RowHeader
Called when the model of the table changes.
modelCurrent(Map) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.AuditEditorListener
The model has become current.
modelEntered(Auditor, ModelAdapter) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditListener
Reports an Auditor model entered event.
modelEntered(Auditor, ModelAdapter) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditModel
modelExited(Auditor, ModelAdapter) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditListener
Reports an Auditor model exited event.
modelExited(Auditor, ModelAdapter) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditModel
ModelFactory - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model
A factory for model adapters.
ModelFactory - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor
ModelFactory describes the API by which an integrator may extend the UIEditor to provide custom design surfaces, known as UIEditorCanvas, which may be used by the user to manipulate an associated custom CmtModel implementation.
ModelInteropUtils - Class in oracle.ide.javaxide
Utilities for extensions which have to interoperate between the JSR-198 (javax.ide) API and the Orace IDE extension API.
ModelInteropUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.javaxide.ModelInteropUtils
modelResorted(AuditModel) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModelListener
Reports that the model has been resorted.
modelResorted(AuditModel) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.CountColumn
modelResorted(AuditModel) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.SeverityColumn
modelResorted(AuditModel) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPage
modelResorted(AuditModel) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTableModel
modelSaved(ModelAdapter) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.TransformerListener
Reports that a model was saved.
modelSaved(ModelAdapter) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPanel
modelStale() - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.AuditEditorListener
The model has become stale.
modelToView(JTextComponent, int, Position.Bias) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorUI
Converts the given location in the model to a place in the view coordinate system.
modelToView(int, Shape, Position.Bias) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicView
Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space to the coordinate space of the view mapped to it.
modelToView(int, Position.Bias, int, Position.Bias, Shape) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicView
Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space to the coordinate space of the view mapped to it.
ModelType - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model
An abstract model type which mediates between the Audit framework and an object model associated with an IDE Element (usually, in fact, with an IDE Node).
ModelType() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelType
ModelTypeFactory - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model
ModelTypeFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelTypeFactory
ModelUtil - Class in oracle.ide.util
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 - Use ModelUtil.
ModelUtil - Class in oracle.javatools.util
Common utility methods.
ModelUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.ModelUtil
modelWritable(ModelAdapter) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.TransformerListener
Reports that a model was made writable.
modelWritable(ModelAdapter) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPanel
modifiable(Object, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.BeanCustomizer
Gets whether a property or property group of the bean should be modifiable, or null to defer to a superclass customizer.
modified(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface javax.ide.model.DocumentListener
Notify listeners that the document has been modified.
MODIFIED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.EditorStatusBar
String for modified label.
MODIFIED - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin
String for modified label.
MODIFIED_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferListener
Public constant for the attribute for the modified state.
MODIFIED_CELL_STRINGS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.EditorStatusBar
The array of strings for the Modified cell for sizing.
MODIFIED_CELL_STRINGS - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin
The array of strings for the Modified cell for sizing.
MODIFY_PRIVILEDGE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Permission to modify an object.
modifyBookmark(Bookmark, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkList
Utility method which will modify the line of the specified bookmark for the purposes of keeping the list in sorted order by bookmark.
modifyStyle(String, boolean, int, boolean, Color, boolean, Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
modifyStyle(String, boolean, int, Color, Color, int, int, Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
Modifies this style's attributes.
modifyStyle(String, boolean, Color, boolean, Color, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.StyleRegistry
Modifies this style's attributes.
modifyStyleBackground(String, Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
Modifies the style's background attributes.
modifyStyleBackground(String, boolean, Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.StyleRegistry
Modifies the style's background attributes.
modifyStyleEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
Modifies the style's enabled status.
modifyStyleFont(String, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
Modifies the style's font attributes.
modifyStyleFontStyle(String, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.StyleRegistry
Modifies the style's font attributes.
modifyStyleForeground(String, Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
Modifies the style's foreground attributes.
modifyStyleForeground(String, boolean, Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.StyleRegistry
Modifies the style's foreground attributes.
modifyStylePriority(String, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
Modifies the style's priority attribute.
modifyStyleUnderline(String, int, Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
Modifies the style's underline attributes.
modifyStyleUnderline(String, UnderlinePainter, Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
Modifies the style's underline attributes.
modifyValue() - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggeeData
Show the dialog where details of this object can be modified.
MODULE_COMMITTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModuleEvent
A DeploymentModule has been commited successfully
MODULE_CREATED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModuleEvent
A new DeploymentModule has been created.
MODULE_ID_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModule
MODULE_PACKAGER - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentConstants
The Packaging deployer creates an archive.
MODULE_ROLLEDBACK - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModuleEvent
Rollback completed successfully.
MODULE_WILL_COMMIT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModuleEvent
A DeploymentModule will commit.
MODULE_WILL_ROLLBACK - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModuleEvent
Changes to DeploymentModule (since last commit) will be undone.
moduleChanged(DeploymentModuleEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModuleListener
Called everytime an entry is added or removed from a DeploymentModule or when its state is changed from uncommitted to committed.
moduleChanged(DeploymentModuleEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.PatternFilter
Fires event on decorated if any of the patterns match
ModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile> - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy
Listener interface for receiving cross-cutting Deployment events that cover Profile Definition, Packaging and Distribution of an Archive module.
moduleDistributed(T, DeployShell) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultModuleDeploymentListener
moduleDistributed(T, DeployShell) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ModuleDeploymentListener
Called after the packaged module has finished distributing successfully to a remote target.
MODULEIO_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModule
MODULEIO_FILE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModule
MODULEIO_PACKINGLIST_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModule
MODULEIO_PACKINGLIST_FILE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModule
modulePackaged(T, DeployShell) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultModuleDeploymentListener
modulePackaged(T, DeployShell) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ModuleDeploymentListener
Called after the Packaging Deployer for the Profile has executed.
moduleWillDistribute(T, DeployShell) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultModuleDeploymentListener
moduleWillDistribute(T, DeployShell) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ModuleDeploymentListener
Called before the packaged module has been sent to an external target.
moduleWillPackage(T, DeployShell) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultModuleDeploymentListener
moduleWillPackage(T, DeployShell) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ModuleDeploymentListener
Called before the Packaging Deployer for the Profile executes.
MOUSE_HOVERED - Variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.MouseHoverSupport
A arbitrary mouse event ID to indicate mouse hovered events.
mouseAdapter - Variable in class oracle.ide.log.DefaultLogPage
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.FocusableLabel
Internal use only
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.KeyNavigationManager
Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on a component.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton.ButtonItemListener
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.EventHandler
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.AbstractTreePicker
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.ExpressionPanel
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.WhereEditor
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeField
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.PresetsPanel
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.clipboard.ClipboardStackDialog
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicCaret
Called when the mouse is clicked.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on a component.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractClickPlugin
Invoked when the mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on a component.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.DragDropPlugin.DragCaret
Called when the mouse is clicked.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.ArrayField
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTable
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.ComboBoxLabel
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.NullablePanel
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
Override mouseDragged() to disable click-dragging for right-mouse button.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.EventHandler
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicCaret
Invoked when the mouse button has been pressed and dragged.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on a component and then dragged.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractClickPlugin
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.DragDropPlugin.DragCaret
Invoked when the mouse button has been pressed and dragged.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.FocusableLabel
Internal use only
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.KeyNavigationManager
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton.ButtonItemListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.EventHandler
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.AbstractTreePicker
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.ExpressionPanel
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.WhereEditor
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeField
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.PresetsPanel
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.clipboard.ClipboardStackDialog
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Invoked when the mouse enters a component.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractClickPlugin
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.RolloverAnimator
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.ArrayField
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTable
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.ComboBoxLabel
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.NullablePanel
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.FocusableLabel
Internal use only
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.KeyNavigationManager
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton.ButtonItemListener
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.EventHandler
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.AbstractTreePicker
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.ExpressionPanel
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.WhereEditor
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeField
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.PresetsPanel
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.clipboard.ClipboardStackDialog
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Invoked when the mouse exits a component.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractClickPlugin
Invoked when the mouse exits a component.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.RolloverAnimator
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.ArrayField
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTable
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.ComboBoxLabel
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.NullablePanel
mouseHovered(MouseEvent) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.ui.MouseHoverListener
MouseHoverListener - Interface in oracle.javatools.ui
Implementors of this interface will recieve notification of mouse hovered events generated by MouseHoverSupport
MouseHoverSupport - Class in oracle.javatools.ui
Support to fire events if the mouse pointer hovers over a Component for a certain duration.
MouseHoverSupport(Component, int, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.MouseHoverSupport
Add hover support to a component.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.EventHandler
mouseMoved(Point, int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.docking.DockableDragContext
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Invoked when the mouse button has been moved on a component (with no buttons no down).
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractClickPlugin
Invoked when the mouse cursor has been moved onto a component but no buttons have been pushed.
mouseOverIndex - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.FocusableLabel
Internal use only.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.KeyNavigationManager
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton.ButtonItemListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.EventHandler
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.AbstractTreePicker
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.ExpressionPanel
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.WhereEditor
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeField
implements MouseListener.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.PresetsPanel
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.clipboard.ClipboardStackDialog
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.TextMenuPopupHandler
Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicCaret
Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractClickPlugin
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.DragDropPlugin.DragCaret
Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.tree.TreeMouseAdapter
Overrides MouseAdapter definition.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.ArrayField
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTable
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.ComboBoxLabel
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.NullablePanel
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.FocusableLabel
Internal use only
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.KeyNavigationManager
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton.ButtonItemListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.EventHandler
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.AbstractTreePicker
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.ExpressionPanel
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.WhereEditor
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeField
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.PresetsPanel
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.clipboard.ClipboardStackDialog
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.TextMenuPopupHandler
Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicCaret
Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractClickPlugin
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.DragDropPlugin.DragCaret
Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.tree.TreeMouseAdapter
Overrides MouseAdapter definition.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.ArrayField
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTable
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.ComboBoxLabel
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.NullablePanel
move(DragComponentEvent) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controls.DragComponentListener
The user is dragging the component to a new location
move(CmtModelNode, CmtModelNode, CmtModelNode) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtModel
move(CmtModelNode, Point, CmtModelNode, Point) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtModel
MOVE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
MOVE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerWindow
MOVE_DOWN - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_DOWN_CMD_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_DOWN_ICON - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_DOWN_MNEMONIC - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_LEFT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_LEFT_CMD_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_LEFT_ICON - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_LEFT_MNEMONIC - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_RIGHT - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_RIGHT_CMD_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_RIGHT_ICON - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_RIGHT_MNEMONIC - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_TO_FIRST - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_TO_FIRST_ACTION - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.AbstractAssistant
MOVE_TO_FIRST_CMD_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_TO_FIRST_ICON - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_TO_FIRST_ITEM - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.AbstractAssistant
MOVE_TO_FIRST_MNEMONIC - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_TO_LAST - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_TO_LAST_ACTION - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.AbstractAssistant
MOVE_TO_LAST_CMD_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_TO_LAST_ICON - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_TO_LAST_ITEM - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.AbstractAssistant
MOVE_TO_LAST_MNEMONIC - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_UP - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_UP_CMD_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_UP_ICON - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
MOVE_UP_MNEMONIC - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
moveCaret(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicCaret
Tries to move the position of the caret from the coordinates of a mouse event, using viewToModel().
moveCaretPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Moves the caret to a new position, leaving behind a mark defined by the last time setCaretPosition was called.
moveCaretPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Moves the caret to a new position, leaving behind a mark defined by the last time setCaretPosition was called.
moveCaretPositionCenter(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Moves the caret to a new position, leaving behind a mark defined by the last time setCaretPosition was called.
moveCaretPositionCenter(JTextComponent, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Components
Moves the caret to a new position, leaving behind a mark defined by the last time setCaretPosition was called.
moveChild(Object, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject.ChildSupport
moveDot(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicCaret
Moves the caret position to some other position.
moveDown(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.SimpleListModel
Move the element at the specified index down one position, firing the necessary intervalRemoved and intervalAdded events.
moveExpression(SQLFragment, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.GroupByObject
moveFocusAway() - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil
Since the JDK sends inconsistent focus messages when a focused component is removed from the screen, it is often necessary to move that focus away before to move a component to another container or to remove the component.
moveFragment(SQLFragment, int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.ExpressionPanel.FragmentProvider
Moves the fragment within it's section of the query.
moveFragment(SQLFragment, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.OrderByPanel
moveFragment(SQLFragment, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.SelectObjectsPanel
moveFromObject(FromObject, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
moveFromObject(FromObject, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.DeclarativeSQLQuery
Moves the given FromObject within the query's FROM clause.
moveLeadSelectionIndex(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RowHeaderSelectionModel
moveMethodCall(CmtMethodCall, boolean, boolean, CmtMethodCall) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtMethodSource
moveNib(SelectNib, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.SelectionEffects
Move the given SelectNib to the given coordinates relative to the surface of the associated UICanvas.
moveOrderByObject(OrderByObject, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
moveOrderByObject(OrderByObject, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.DeclarativeSQLQuery
Moves the given OrderByObject within the query's ORDER BY clause.
moveRow(int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListTableModel
Moves one or more rows starting at startIndex to endIndex in the model to the toIndex.
moveRow(int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTableModel
Moves one or more rows from the inclusive range start to end to the to position in the model.
moveSelectionBottom() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QueryTargetPicker
moveSelectionBottom() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTable
Request to move the current selection to Bottom
moveSelectionDown() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QueryTargetPicker
moveSelectionDown() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTable
Request to move the current selection down.
moveSelectionTop() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QueryTargetPicker
moveSelectionTop() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTable
Request to move the current selection to top
moveSelectionUp() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QueryTargetPicker
moveSelectionUp() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTable
Request to move the current selection up.
moveSelectObject(SelectObject, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
moveSelectObject(SelectObject, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.DeclarativeSQLQuery
Moves the given SelectObject within the query's SELECT clause.
moveSplitter(Component, int, boolean) - Method in class
moveSplitter(Component, int, boolean, Component) - Method in class
moveTab(int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPane
moveToCompleteState() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.AbstractMergeEditor
Move the editor into a 'complete state' from which no more merge activity can be performed.
moveUp(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.SimpleListModel
Move the element at the specified index up one position, firing the necessary intervalRemoved and intervalAdded events.
MS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents a ms lexical unit.
MSG_PAGE_CLASS - Static variable in class javax.ide.log.LogManager
Pseudo-class identifying the message page.
MULTI_NODE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.Command
Indicates a command that affects multiple Nodes and can be undone.
MultiChangeList - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic
This class exists purely to workaround the fact that ChangeList.addToolbarActions(oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow, oracle.ide.controls.Toolbar) is protected in the frozen 10.1.3.x API.
MultiChangeList(Object, String) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.MultiChangeList
MultiInputMap - Class in oracle.ide.keyboard
An InputMap that can handle multiple keys like Ctrl+K, S
MultiInputMap() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.keyboard.MultiInputMap
MultiInputMap(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.keyboard.MultiInputMap
MultiInspectable - Class in oracle.ide.inspector
A MultiInspectable amalgamates one or more Inspectable instances into a single model for use by the InspectorWindow.
MultiManager - Class in oracle.ide.view
The MultiManager class is a base class for other managers that can support support either a singleton view or multiple views based on a configurable setting.
MultiManager() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.view.MultiManager
MultiMap<K,V> - Class in oracle.ide.util
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 Use MultiMap instead.
MultiMap() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MultiMap
MultiMap(MultiMap<K, V>) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MultiMap
Deprecated. Creates a clone of [other] with a distinct list of values associated with the key.
MultiMap(int) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.MultiMap
MultiMap<K,V> - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An object that maps keys to collections of values.
MultiMap() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.MultiMap
Creates a new MultiMap based on a map of type LinkedHashMap and collections of type ArrayList.
MultiMap(Class<? extends Collection>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.MultiMap
Creates a new MultiMap based on a map of type LinkedHashMap and collections of a specified type.
MultiMap(Class<? extends Map>, Class<? extends Collection>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.MultiMap
Creates a new MultiMap based on a map of a specified type and collections of a specified type.
MultiMap(MultiMap<K, V>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.MultiMap
MultiMapAdapter - Class in oracle.ide.keyboard
This class contains some utilities for the keyboard mapping.
MultiMapAdapter() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.keyboard.MultiMapAdapter
MULTIPLE_BUNDLE_HELPTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
MULTIPLE_BUNDLE_HELPTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
MULTIPLE_BUNDLE_HELPTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
MULTIPLE_BUNDLES_DIALOG_POPLIST_ENTRY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
MULTIPLE_BUNDLES_DIALOG_POPLIST_ENTRY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
MULTIPLE_BUNDLES_DIALOG_POPLIST_ENTRY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
MULTIPLE_BUNDLES_SELECTION_POPLIST_ENTRY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
MULTIPLE_BUNDLES_SELECTION_POPLIST_ENTRY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
MULTIPLE_BUNDLES_SELECTION_POPLIST_ENTRY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
MULTIPLE_BUNDLES_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
MULTIPLE_BUNDLES_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
MULTIPLE_BUNDLES_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION - Static variable in class
A value for URLChooser.setSelectionMode(int) meaning that one or more continuous ranges of files can be selected at a time.
MULTIPLE_SELECTION_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.controller.NodeActionController
Action property key for the text of the context-dependent action name for a context containing multiple selected elements.
MULTIPLE_SHARED_BUNDLES - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleConstants
MULTIPLE_SHARED_BUNDLES_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
MULTIPLE_SHARED_BUNDLES_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
MULTIPLE_SHARED_BUNDLES_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
MULTIPLY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.ArithmeticOperation
mustCommitWizardChanges(TraversableContext) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.WizardTraversable
Indicates whether or not WizardTraversable.commitWizardChanges(oracle.ide.model.Project, oracle.ide.model.Workspace, oracle.ide.panels.TraversableContext) should be called even if the wizard page has not been visited, and thus the UI not changed.
mustFinish() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.TemplateWizardPage
mustPrepareToStart() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Calls the Starter.mustPrepareToStart() method.
mustPrepareToStart() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Starter
If the starter needs to do some work before starting and that work should not be done on the event thread, then the starter should override this method.
mutableCopy(Collection) - Static method in class
MutableLibraryList - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.library
Mutables - Class in oracle.ide.util
Mutable wrapper types for the primitive types and for objects.
Mutables.Boolean - Class in oracle.ide.util
Mutables.Boolean(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Boolean
Mutables.Byte - Class in oracle.ide.util
Mutables.Byte(byte) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Byte
Mutables.Character - Class in oracle.ide.util
Mutables.Character(char) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Character
Mutables.Double - Class in oracle.ide.util
Mutables.Double(double) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Double
Mutables.Float - Class in oracle.ide.util
Mutables.Float(float) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Float
Mutables.Integer - Class in oracle.ide.util
Mutables.Integer(int) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Integer
Mutables.Long - Class in oracle.ide.util
Mutables.Long(long) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Long
Mutables.Object - Class in oracle.ide.util
Mutables.Object(Object) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Object
Mutables.Short - Class in oracle.ide.util
Mutables.Short(short) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Short
MutableVersionOperationModel - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop
A mutable version of the VersionOperationModel interface.
MV_INDEX_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
MVL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
DDL type create materialized view logs
MVW - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
DDL type create materialized views
MYSQL_DRIVER_CLASS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.MySQLConnectionCreator
MySQLConnectionCreator - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter
MySQLConnectionCreator() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.MySQLConnectionCreator
MySQLPanel - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels
MySQLPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.MySQLPanel

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (

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