Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


S - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents a s lexical unit.
s_ddlOrder - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
array of DDL type strings in a reasonable generation order.
s_ddlTerminatorRequired - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
s_INDIRECTION - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.util.ResourcePicker
This prefix is used for resource indirection, this can be usefull in some cases where we need to reuse strings, but want to save on translation costs.
SafeArrayList - Class in oracle.javatools.buffer
The SafeArrayList is an array List implementation that provides basic thread-safety by implementing a copy-on-write scheme.
SafeArrayList() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList
Construct an empty list.
SafeArrayList(Collection) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList
Construct a list containing the elements of the specified collection in the order that they are returned by the collections iterator.
SafeArrayList.SafeListIterator - Class in oracle.javatools.buffer
A list iterator implementation based on a static array.
SafeArrayList.SafeListIterator(int, Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList.SafeListIterator
same - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "same" property.
SAME_SIZE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SAME_SIZE_BOTH - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SAME_SIZE_BOTH_CMD_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SAME_SIZE_BOTH_ICON - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SAME_SIZE_BOTH_MNEMONIC - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SAME_SIZE_HORIZ_CMD_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SAME_SIZE_HORIZ_ICON - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SAME_SIZE_HORIZ_MNEMONIC - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SAME_SIZE_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SAME_SIZE_MNEMONIC - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SAME_SIZE_VERT_CMD_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SAME_SIZE_VERT_ICON - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SAME_SIZE_VERT_MNEMONIC - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SAME_SIZE_VERTICAL - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
sanitizeExtension(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
Makes sure that the extension begins with a '.'.
sanitizeExtensionAsString(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.config.DocumentExtensions.DocRecord
sanitizeFileName(String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.ProfileRepository
sApplicationObjectKey - Variable in class javax.ide.extension.DynamicHook
sApplicationObjectKey - Variable in class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.DynamicElementHandler
SAR_MODULE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eePackaging
saturateColor(Color, double) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ColorUtils2
save(Preferences) - Method in class javax.ide.editor.Editor
Save the current state of the editor so that it can be restored when the editor is re-opened on the same document.
save() - Method in class javax.ide.model.Document
Saves the contents of the document.
save(Layout) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Save this editor's layout information to the given Layout instance.
save() - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.FileOpenHistory
Save the opened file history.
save() - Method in class oracle.ide.config.ClientSetting
Saves the client data.
save() - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DTCache
Saves the registered data to the XML file.
save() - Method in class oracle.ide.config.IdeSettings
Saves the registered data to the XML file.
save() - Method in class oracle.ide.config.Preferences
Saves the product-level Preferences object to its fixed location in the system directory.
save(Layout) - Method in interface oracle.ide.layout.BaseLayoutListener
Save layout information in the specified layout.
save(URL, Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.HashStructureIO
save(URL, Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.ListStructureIO
save(URL, Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
save() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Saves the contents of the Node.
save() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.HistoryList
Saves the history list to the underlying properties mechanism which were used when this history list was loaded.
save(OutputStream, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.OrderedProperties
save(URL) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task.TaskList
Save the task list to the specified url.
save(UpdateWizardModel) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.wizard.UpdatesPanel
save() - Method in class
save(URL, Object) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.marshal.ObjectStore
Marshals the persistent properties of the specified object and saves the persistent form at the specified URL.
save(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.DefaultProfile
save(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Profile
Saves this profile.
save(Profile) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.ProfileRepository
Saves a profile to a profile file.
save(OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.DependencyProvider
save(DefaultTemplateData, URL) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.DefaultTemplateData
save(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.TemplateManager
Save contents of TemplateManager to a URL.
save(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.TemplateManagerImpl
SAVE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class javax.ide.IDEConstants
Identifies the Save menu action.
SAVE_ALL_BEFORE_RUN - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
SAVE_ALL_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Save all command.
SAVE_ALL_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Save all command id.
SAVE_AND_SELECT_BUTTON - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SAVE_AND_SELECT_BUTTON - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SAVE_AND_SELECT_BUTTON - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SAVE_AND_SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SAVE_AND_SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SAVE_AND_SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SAVE_AS_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Save as document command.
SAVE_AS_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Save as document command id.
SAVE_CHANGES_BUTTON - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SAVE_CHANGES_BUTTON - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SAVE_CHANGES_BUTTON - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SAVE_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Save document command.
SAVE_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Save document command id.
SAVE_DIALOG - Static variable in class
Dialog type constant indicating that the URL chooser invoked through this field should be a save dialog.
SAVE_MERGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SAVE_MERGE_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.SaveMergeCommand
SAVE_MERGE_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.SaveMergeCommand
SAVE_PASSWORD_CLASS_REFTYPE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProvider
Whether to persist the password with the connection details.
SAVE_PROMPT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
SAVE_SECTION_ID - Static variable in class javax.ide.IDEConstants
Identifies the Save menu section.
SAVEABLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.ElementAttributes
SAVEABLE is an immutable attribute that controls the File | Save, File | Save As, and File | Rename menu items.
SAVEABLE_AS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.ElementAttributes
SAVEABLE_AS controls the File | Save As menu item.
saveAll() - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.SaveAllCommand
saveAll(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.SaveAllCommand
saveAll() - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layouts
SAVEALL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
saveAll() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.test.JDevFixture
Save all the dirty nodes.
SaveAllCommand - Class in oracle.ide.cmd
The SaveAllCommand class implements the SaveAll command.
SaveAllCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.cmd.SaveAllCommand
saveAllObjects(OfflineDBObjectProvider) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard.SaveAllObjectsDialog
If there are dirty objects in the given provider the user is prompted to save them.
saveAllObjects(Component, OfflineDBObjectProvider) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard.SaveAllObjectsDialog
SaveAllObjectsDialog - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard
This utility checks a provider to see if it contains dirty objects.
SaveAllObjectsDialog.SaveResult - Enum in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard
saveAs(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.HistoryList
Saves the history list to an underlying properties mechanism.
saveAs(String, Profile) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.ProfileModel
Saves the selected profile, including changes, under a new name.
SaveAsCommand - Class in oracle.ide.cmd
The SaveAsCommand class implements the SaveAs command.
SaveAsCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.cmd.SaveAsCommand
SaveAsCommand(int) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.cmd.SaveAsCommand
saveAsDupNode(Node) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.EditorSaveAsCommand
saveAsDupNode(Node) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RenameCommand
There is already a node in the cache with the new url.
saveAsDupNode(Node) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.SaveAsCommand
There is already a node in the cache with the new url.
saveAsNewNode(Node) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.EditorSaveAsCommand
saveAsNewNode(Node) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RenameCommand
The specified doc is being renamed.
saveAsNewNode(Node) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.SaveAsCommand
The specified doc is being saved as a different name in addition to the name it already has.
SaveCommand - Class in oracle.ide.cmd
The SaveCommand class implements the Save command.
SaveCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.cmd.SaveCommand
saveConnections() - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.Connections
Saves this connection store.
saveConnections() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnections
Saves the database connection store.
saveContentSet() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ContentSetPanel
Persists the changes reflected in the list to the active ContentSet.
saved(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface javax.ide.model.DocumentListener
Notify listeners that the document has been saved.
SAVED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSNodeUpdate
saveDatabaseContext() - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseContextManager.ContextWrapper
saveDirtyNodes(Locatable[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.ActionCommand
Saves dirty nodes present among the Locatables from the current context.
saveDirtyNodes(Locatable[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSCommandUtils
Saves all of the given locatables which are dirty.
saveDirtyNodes(Locatable[], boolean, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSCommandUtils
Deprecated. replaced with #saveDirtyNodes(Locatable[]), which handles a 'Skip this Message Next Time' preference.
saveDirtyNodesSilently(Locatable[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSCommandUtils
Saves all of the given locatables which are dirty, without displaying a dialog.
SavedTreeState - Class in oracle.ide.panels
Saves and restores the state of a tree.
SavedTreeState(JTree) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.panels.SavedTreeState
saveFailed(Throwable, ModelAdapter, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.TransformerListener
Reports that saving a model failed.
saveFailed(Throwable, ModelAdapter, String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPanel
saveFileDlgOK(Context, Node, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RestoreHistoryRenameCommand
saveFileDlgOK(Context, Node, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.SaveAsCommand
SaveFilesEvent - Class in oracle.ide.editor
Event raised when one or more dirty nodes need to be saved.
SaveFilesEvent(List<Node>) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.editor.SaveFilesEvent
Creates a new FileClosingEvent.
SaveFilesResponse - Class in oracle.ide.editor
Response returned by implementations of FileSaveListener that indicates if there are any extra nodes to be saved before closing the ones selected by the user.
SaveFilesResponse() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.editor.SaveFilesResponse
Creates a new unhandled response, without any nodes to save.
SaveFilesResponse(FilesToSaveGroup) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.editor.SaveFilesResponse
Creates a new response.
saveFilters(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.TreeExplorer
Save the filters for the view identified by the viewId in the specified layout.
saveImpl() - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.IdeLayout
Force the node to be re-loaded from file.
saveImpl() - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.SimpleLayout
Force the node to be re-loaded from file.
saveImpl() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DataContainer
saveImpl() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DataNode
Document interface method.
saveImpl() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.HashStructureNode
saveImpl() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Subclasses should override this method to customize the save() behavior.
saveImpl() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextNode
saveImpl() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Workspace
saveImpl() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.XMLDataNode
saveImpl() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryDataNode
Document interface method.
saveImpl() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.TextMergeNode
Overriden to prevent I/O from an attempted save.
saveImpl() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JavaClassNode
saveLayout(PropertyAccess) - Method in interface oracle.ide.docking.Dockable
Saves the layout information of this dockable.
saveLayout(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
Saves all of the docking layout.
saveLayout(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
#loadLayout and #saveLayout are used by this class to load and save the content of the window.
saveLayout(StructuredPropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerPanel
saveLayout(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerWindow
saveLayout(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.ProjectNavigatorWindow
saveLayout(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.View
saveLayout(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.ViewDecorator
saveLayoutImpl(StructuredPropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
saveMerge() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.AbstractMergeEditor
Saves the merge results, subject to user confirmation.
SaveMergeCommand - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.merge
Command class for saving editor merge results.
SaveMergeCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.SaveMergeCommand
saveMergeImpl() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.AbstractMergeEditor
Saves the merge results, without user confirmation.
saveMergeImpl(Context, CompareModel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.AbstractMergeEditor
Saves the merge results, without user confirmation (implementor).
saveMergeImpl(Context, CompareModel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.TextMergeEditor
Saves the merge results, without user confirmation (implementor).
saveMergeModel(URL) - Method in class
saveMergeModel(URL) - Method in interface
Saves the current state of the merge model to the filesystem.
saveNode(Node) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RenameCommand
saveNode(Node) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.SaveAsCommand
saveOptions(ExternalTool, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolOptionsPage
The options page should save the contents of the UI into the specified ExternalTool object.
savePalette(TwoDModel) - Static method in class oracle.ide.controls.CustomColorChoice
Utility routine to save the colors from the specified palette back to the DTCache area.
savePatchToClipboard(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.patch.AbstractPatchCommand
savePatchToURL(String, String, URL, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.patch.AbstractPatchCommand
savePendingEntityNameChanges() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
savepoint() - Method in interface
savePreferences(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.ContentSetSupport
savePreferences(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorInit
saveSettings(StructuredPropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
saveSettings() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
Save the IDE settings from a (dialog/wizard)-specific key.
saveSettings(StructuredPropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.Editor
Saves the editor settings.
saveSettings(Map) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.MessageDialogPersistence
Save settings from the specified map to disk.
saveSettings() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.ConnectionPanelUI
Saves the current selection to the PropertyStorage returned by ConnectionPanelUI.getPropertyStorage() under the key returned by ConnectionPanelUI.getSettingsKey().
saveSettings() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
Save the default IDE settings for this panel.
saveSettings(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
Save the IDE settings from a (dialog/wizard)-specific key.
saveState(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTableModel
saveStringAsURL(String, String, URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.patch.AbstractPatchCommand
saveSystemFiles() - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.SaveAllCommand
Saves all system files
saveTextBuffer() - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchIndexFile
Saves the internal text buffer to the filesystem.
saveTextMerge(Context, SequenceCompareModel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.TextMergeEditor
Deprecated. override AbstractMergeEditor.saveMergeImpl() instead.
saveTo(PropertyAccess) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.UserSelectedCategories
saveTo(HashStructure) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployCommandState
saveToFile(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.DefaultLogPage
saveToFile(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.ProblemsPage
saveToXML(StructuredPropertyAccess, File) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.DefaultStructuredPropertyAccess
saveUserProperties() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.HashStructureNode
SAVING - Static variable in class oracle.ide.util.FilePath
SAXParserDoneException - Exception in oracle.ide.xml
This exception actually signals a normal condition, namely that the SAX handler used to parse the XML file has completed its work, and the XML parsing can stop.
SAXParserDoneException() - Constructor for exception oracle.ide.xml.SAXParserDoneException
SAXParserDoneException(Exception) - Constructor for exception oracle.ide.xml.SAXParserDoneException
SAXParserDoneException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.ide.xml.SAXParserDoneException
SAXParserDoneException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception oracle.ide.xml.SAXParserDoneException
scale - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "scale" property.
scan(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.DefaultProfile.NameScanner
scanAtRule() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
Scans a @rule value.
scanConstant(FastLexer) - Static method in class
Provide one that accepts a JavaLexer because the LexerToken invocations will be optimized.
scanConstant(LexerToken, ReadTextBuffer) - Static method in class
scanForXMLNamespaceURI(TextBuffer, String) - Method in class
Scans the given buffer for an XML root element's namespace URI.
scannerTags(Collection<ExternalTool>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolManager
Returns the set of scannerTags used by a collection of tools.
scanText(ReadTextBuffer, int, char[], int, int, int, DataCollector, Segment) - Method in class
Scans the plain text (comments, strings, SQLJ blocks) to locate keywords.
scatter(DeployShell) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
scatter(TraversableContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.panels.AppServerSelectionPanel
scatter(TraversableContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.AbstractDeployWizardPanel
schedule(Task, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.SwingExecutor
Schedules a task to run immediately.
schedule(Task, Object, long) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.SwingExecutor
Schedules a task to run after a delay.
ScheduleHookTask - Class in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task
Atomic task that schedules a hook.
ScheduleHookTask() - Constructor for class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task.ScheduleHookTask
ScheduleHookTask(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.task.ScheduleHookTask
scheduleTask(AsyncTask) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncScheduler
Schedule a new task.
scheduleUpdateSelection() - Method in class oracle.ide.view.View
A variation of View.updateSelection() that delays the firing of the ViewSelectionEvent using a timer delay.
SCHEMA - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.DBIcons
SCHEMA - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
DDL type create a schema
schema - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "schema" property.
Schema - Class in oracle.javatools.db
Model of a database schema.
Schema() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.Schema
Schema(String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.Schema
schema - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.engine.db.DBTable
SCHEMA_COMBO_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
SCHEMA_FOLDER - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SCHEMA_KEY - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.db.UIConstants
Key for the initial schema.
SCHEMA_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.OfflineDBProjectSettings
SCHEMA_LIST_KEY - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.db.UIConstants
Key for the list of schemas.
SCHEMA_PACKAGE_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser.SchemaNode
SCHEMA_URI - Static variable in class
schemaAdded(DBObjectProvider, Schema) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderAdapter
Notifies the listener that a Schema has been added to the provider.
schemaAdded(DBObjectProvider, Schema) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderListener
Notifies the listener that a Schema has been added to the provider.
SchemaChooser - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard
Utility for prompting the user to choose a Schema given a DBObjectProvider and Context.
SchemaChooser() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard.SchemaChooser
SchemaChooserWizard - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard
Simple dialog for choosing an existing offline schema from a given context.
SchemaChooserWizard() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard.SchemaChooserWizard
SchemaChooserWizard.Result - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard
Public interface for the result of displaying the UI.
schemaCombo - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
schemaDotTable - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.engine.db.DBTable
schemaName - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "schemaName" property.
schemaName - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlFrodef
Schema name
SchemaNode - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser
Node for the schema/package object in the system navigator.
SchemaNode() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser.SchemaNode
SchemaObject - Interface in oracle.javatools.db
A SchemaObject represents a database object that can exist within the context of a schema.
SchemaObjectBuilder - Class in oracle.ide.db.util
A UI utility to ensure that SystemObject definitions are fully loaded off the UI thread.
SchemaObjectBuilder(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.util.SchemaObjectBuilder
Creates a new builder with the option for the user to cancel, or not if the operation must proceed.
SchemaObjectComboBox - Class in oracle.ide.db.controls
SchemaObjectComboBox() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaObjectComboBox
SchemaObjectDescriptor - Class in oracle.ide.db
An object to encapsulate information about a given schema object without actually retrieving the object from its given provider (e.g.
SchemaObjectDescriptor(String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.SchemaObjectDescriptor
Create a new descriptor for a given schema object.
SchemaObjectDescriptor(SystemObject) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.SchemaObjectDescriptor
Create a descriptor for the given schema object.
SchemaObjectExpander - Interface in oracle.javatools.db
A SchemaObjectExpander can be registered against a DBObjectProvider, and will then be called to "expand" any object created or updated in that provider.
SchemaObjectIterator - Class in oracle.javatools.db
An Iterator over all the SchemaObjects in a provider, or set of providers.
SchemaObjectIterator(List<? extends DBObjectProvider>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectIterator
Creates a new Iterator over the SchemaObjects in the given providers.
SchemaObjectIterator(DBObjectProvider...) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectIterator
Creates a new Iterator over the SchemaObjects in the given providers.
SchemaObjectIterator(DBObjectProvider) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectIterator
Creates a new Iterator over the SchemaObjects in the given provider.
SchemaObjectListener - Interface in oracle.javatools.db
Deprecated. replaced by DBObjectListener
SchemaObjectManager - Class in oracle.javatools.db
This class is for internal use only.
SchemaObjectManager(DBObjectProvider) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectManager
SchemaObjectNode - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser
Interface for all offline database nodes containing SchemaObjects to implement.
schemaObjectsAdded(DBObjectProvider, Schema, SchemaObject[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderAdapter
Notifies the listener that SchemaObjects have been added to the provider.
schemaObjectsAdded(DBObjectProvider, Schema, SchemaObject[]) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderListener
Notifies the listener that SchemaObjects have been added to the provider.
schemaObjectsRemoved(DBObjectProvider, Schema, SchemaObject[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderAdapter
Notifies the listener that the given SchemaObjects have been removed from the provider.
schemaObjectsRemoved(DBObjectProvider, Schema, SchemaObject[]) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderListener
Notifies the listener that the given SchemaObjects have been removed from the provider.
SchemaObjectTargetPicker - Class in oracle.ide.db.controls
ItemPicker designed to be used as the target (right or to) picker in the shuttle on a SelectDBObjectsPanel.
SchemaObjectTargetPicker() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaObjectTargetPicker
SchemaObjectTargetPicker(NameController) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaObjectTargetPicker
SchemaObjectTargetPicker(JList) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaObjectTargetPicker
schemaObjectUpdated(DBObjectChange) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.DDLPanel
schemaObjectUpdated(DBObjectProvider, DBObjectChange) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderAdapter
Notifies the listener that the given SchemaObjects have been updated in the provider.
schemaObjectUpdated(DBObjectChange) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectListener
Deprecated. Notifies the listener when a SchemaObject is updated.
SchemaObjectWizard - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard
Wizard launcher for creating and editing any type of schema object in the offline database.
SchemaPanel - Class in oracle.ide.db.panels
SchemaPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.panels.SchemaPanel
SchemaPicker - Class in oracle.ide.db.controls
Specialised JComboBox for picking a schema.
SchemaPicker() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaPicker
Creates a new picker that will not allow the user to pick null in the list if the provider has schemas in it.
SchemaPicker(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaPicker
Creates a new picker specifiying whether the user can select null from the list when schemas exist.
schemaRemoved(DBObjectProvider, Schema) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderAdapter
Notifies the listener that a Schema has been removed from the provider.
schemaRemoved(DBObjectProvider, Schema) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderListener
Notifies the listener that a Schema has been removed from the provider.
schemaText - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "schemaText" property.
schemaUpdated(DBObjectChange) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Override to implement any functionality that needs to be fired when a schema has been updated in the provider.
schemaUpdated(DBObjectProvider, DBObjectChange) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderAdapter
Notifies the listener that a Schema has been updated.
schemaUpdated(DBObjectProvider, DBObjectChange) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderListener
Notifies the listener that a Schema has been updated.
SchemaWizard - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard
Wizard for creating an empty offline schema definition.
SchemaWizard() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard.SchemaWizard
Scope - Class in oracle.ide.dependency
The scope of a dependency search.
Scope(Workspace) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dependency.Scope
Scope(Workspace, WorkingSet) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dependency.Scope
Scope(Project) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dependency.Scope
Scope(Project, URL) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dependency.Scope
SCROLL_LINE_DOWN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SCROLL_LINE_UP - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SCROLL_MENU_SHOW_VISIBLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPane
SCROLL_MENU_SORT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPane
SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SCROLL_PAGE_UP - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
ScrollableSectionView - Class in oracle.javatools.ui
An extension of SectionView that implements the Scrollable interface and delegates all Scrollable calls to that delegate
ScrollableSectionView() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.ScrollableSectionView
Create a ScrollableSectionView that contains the component to view restrict.
ScrollableSectionView(JComponent) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.ScrollableSectionView
Create a ScrollableSectionView that contains the component to view restrict.
ScrollableTabBar - Class in oracle.ide.controls
A component that provides support for a row of tabs (implemented using CustomTab) with buttons that can be used to scroll between the tabs and access a drop down menu containing a list of all tabs.
ScrollableTabBar() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.ScrollableTabBar
Constructs a ScrollableTabBar.
ScrollableTabBar.ScrollMode - Enum in oracle.ide.controls
The behavior of the scroll left / right buttons.
SCROLLBAR_BUTTON - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.UIConstants
SCROLLBAR_MIN_THUMB_SIZE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.UIConstants
SCROLLBAR_THUMB - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.UIConstants
SCROLLBAR_THUMB_SHADOW - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.UIConstants
SCROLLBAR_TRACK - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.UIConstants
SCROLLBAR_TRACK_HIGHLIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.UIConstants
scrollBothIcon - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
scrollButtonHeight - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
scrollButtonWidth - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
scrollLeftIcon - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
scrollMenu - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
scrollMenuBoldFont - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
scrollMenuItemComparator - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
scrollMenuShowVisibleAction - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
scrollMenuSortAction - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage.CustomTextPane
scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ExtendedTextField
scrollRightIcon - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
ScrollTipPlugin - Class in oracle.ide.ceditor
ScrollTipPlugin() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.ceditor.ScrollTipPlugin
ScrollTipRenderer - Interface in oracle.ide.ceditor
scrollToSelection() - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
Deprecated. Scrolls the table's viewport to the currently selected row and column.
scrollToVisible(int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JFastTreeTable
scrollToVisible(int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JTreeTable
search(int) - Method in class
search(SearchEvent.Direction, String) - Method in class
Search for the given text in the given direction
search(URLFilter) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListStatusCache
Searches the change list status cache for URLs accepted by the given filter.
search(URLFilter) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSStatusCache
Searches the version status cache for URLs accepted by the given filter.
SEARCH_ACCELERATORS_IN_MENUS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.util.JDK
SEARCH_AGAIN_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Search again command.
SEARCH_AGAIN_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Search again command id.
SEARCH_ALL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SEARCH_ALL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SEARCH_ALL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SEARCH_ALL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SEARCH_ALL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SEARCH_ALL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SEARCH_BACKWARD_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Search backward command.
SEARCH_BACKWARD_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Search backward command id.
SEARCH_ICON - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SEARCH_ICON - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SEARCH_ICON - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ar
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_cs
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_da
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_de
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_el
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_es
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_fi
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_fr
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_hu
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_it
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_iw
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ja
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ko
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_nl
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_no
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pl
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pt
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pt_BR
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ro
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ru
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_sk
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_sv
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_th
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_tr
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_zh_CN
SEARCH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_zh_TW
SEARCH_METADATA - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SEARCH_METADATA - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SEARCH_METADATA - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SEARCH_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SEARCH_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SEARCH_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SEARCH_SOURCE_PATH_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Search source path command.
SEARCH_SOURCE_PATH_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Search source path command id.
SEARCH_SOURCEPATH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SEARCH_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SEARCH_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SEARCH_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ar
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_cs
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_da
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_de
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_el
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_es
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_fi
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_fr
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_hu
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_it
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_iw
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ja
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ko
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_nl
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_no
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pl
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pt
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pt_BR
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ro
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ru
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_sk
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_sv
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_th
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_tr
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_zh_CN
SEARCH_WRAPPED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_zh_TW
SearchableContainer - Interface in oracle.ide.inspector.find
SearchableContainer is an interface to be implemented by components that will participate in the property label text searching initiated by the user from the PropertyInspector's toolbar.
SearchableLabel - Interface in oracle.ide.inspector.find
Interface to identify a control that can be queried for its SearchableText.
SearchableText - Interface in oracle.ide.inspector.find
Interface to support searching text in various types of UI controls (labels, radio buttons, checkboxes...).
SearchableTextArea - Class in oracle.ide.db.controls
SearchableTextArea() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.SearchableTextArea
SearchableTextArea(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.controls.SearchableTextArea
SearchCategory - Class in
A search category.
SearchCategory(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a search category with the specified label.
searchCategoryChanged(SearchEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokePanel
searchCategoryChanged(SearchEvent) - Method in interface
Indicates that the search category changed.
searchEditor(Node) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorManager
SearchEvent - Class in
An event fired by the SearchField.
SearchEvent.Direction - Enum in
SearchField - Class in
A custom text component that can be used as an immediate search control.
SearchField() - Constructor for class
SearchField(SearchField.Style) - Constructor for class
SearchField(PromptedTextField) - Constructor for class
SearchField(PromptedTextField, SearchField.Style) - Constructor for class
SearchField.Style - Enum in
The style of search supported by an instance of SearchField.
SearchField.TypingDelay - Enum in
When the style of a SearchField is SearchField.Style.FILTER, searching is triggered on a delay after the user stops typing.
SearchFieldBorder - Class in
A custom border used for a search field.
SearchFieldBorder() - Constructor for class
searchItemContainsText(PaletteItem, String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette2.PaletteSearch
SearchIterator - Class in oracle.ide.inspector.find
Default component iterator to be used for findText.
SearchIterator(Container, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.inspector.find.SearchIterator
Construct a post-order containment hierarchy SearchIterator.
SearchListener - Interface in
A listener for events on the SearchField.
searchMap(Map<Class, T>, Class) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.DiffEngine
Iteratively searchs a map of classes to for the given class.
SearchMatcher - Class in
Provides standard implementations of basic search and filter matching.
SearchMatcher() - Constructor for class
searchPage(CustomTabPage) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
searchPerformed(SearchEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokePanel
searchPerformed(SearchEvent) - Method in interface
Indicates that a search should be performed.
SearchProgress - Class in
Callback mechanism used by a SearchListener to notify the SearchField of search progress.
SearchProgress() - Constructor for class
searchString() - Method in class
Returns the search string this matcher will match.
searchSystemPath(String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSFileSystemUtils
Searches the system environment path for a named executable URL.
searchSystemPathFully(String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSFileSystemUtils
Searches the full system environment path for all named executable URLs.
searchTags() - Method in interface oracle.ide.panels.ProvidesSearchTags
Returns the search tags for this navigable.
searchTags() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences.AuditPreferencesNode
searchTags() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences.AuditPreferencesPanel
searchTNode(Element, TNode) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.TreeExplorer
Search for the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
searchTNode(Element, TNode, Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.TreeExplorer
Search for the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
searchTNodeBreadthFirst(Element, TNode) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.TreeExplorer
Search for the TNode encapsulating the specified element.
searchValues(URLFilter) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSURLBasedCache
SECOND - Static variable in class
The SECOND contributor.
second - Variable in class oracle.javatools.util.Pair
SecondaryKeyProvider - Interface in oracle.ide.persistence
Provides secondary keys for a NameSpace.
secondOperand - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol.ExpressionSymbol
SECTION_ADDITIONAL_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where Addin menu items appear when they appear in a context menu.
SECTION_ADDITIONAL_REFERENCES - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.QuickDiffMenuConstants
The section ID that indicates where miscellaneous references appear when they appear in a Quick Diff reference context menu.
SECTION_BOTTOM - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
Section for simple two or three section menus.
SECTION_BUILD_CONTROL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
SECTION_BUILD_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where Build menu menu items appear when they appear in a context menu.
SECTION_BUILD_MAKE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
SECTION_BUILD_OTHER - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
SECTION_BUILD_REBUILD - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
SECTION_BUILD_TOOLS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
SECTION_COMP_PALETTE_COMPONENT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_COMP_PALETTE_PAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_COMP_PALETTE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_COMP_PALETTE_VIEW - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_CONNECTION_WINDOW_CNXN_CTXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The Connection view context menu section for Refresh and Filter commands.
SECTION_CONNECTION_WINDOW_FILTER_CTXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The Connection view context menu section for Refresh and Filter commands.
SECTION_CONNECTION_WINDOW_SQL_CTXT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Connection view context menu section for SQL-related commands.
SECTION_DEBUG_ADDINS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID used to identify the section of the Debug menu where commands with no specified section ID are added.
SECTION_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Debug menu commands that includes the "New Breakpoint" command.
SECTION_DEBUG_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where Debug menu menu items appear when they appear in a context menu.
SECTION_DEBUG_DEBUG_RUN - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Debug menu commands that includes the "Debug Project" and "Debug File" commands.
SECTION_DEBUG_DEBUG_TRACE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Debug menu commands that includes the "Debug Trace" command.
SECTION_DEBUG_DEBUGGER_VIEW_COMMANDS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Debug menu commands that includes the submenu of all Debugger view commands.
SECTION_DEBUG_GARBAGE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Debug menu commands that includes the "Garbage Collect" command.
SECTION_DEBUG_PAUSE_RESUME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Debug menu commands that includes the "Pause", "Resume" and "Detach" commands.
SECTION_DEBUG_PRECISION - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Debug menu commands that includes the "Run to Cursor", "Set Next Statement" and "Find Execution Point" commands.
SECTION_DEBUG_STEP - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Debug menu commands that includes the "Step" commands.
SECTION_DEBUG_UI_DEBUG - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Debug menu commands that includes the "UI Debug" command.
SECTION_DEBUGBER_VIEW_COMMON_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for Debugger view context menu commands which act on the all the elements in the window at once, like "Disable All Breakpoints".
SECTION_DEBUGBER_VIEW_ITEM_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for context menu commands which act on an individual line item in a Debugger view.
SECTION_DEBUGBER_VIEW_NEW_ITEM_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for any "New" commands that appear in the context menu for a Debugger views.
SECTION_DEBUGBER_VIEW_SPECIFIC_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for Debugger view context menu commands which act on the single selected element, like "Disable Breakpoint".
SECTION_DEBUGBER_VIEW_TREE_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for Debugger view context menu commands which act on the view itself, like Expand, Collapse.
SECTION_DESIGN_GRID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Design menu commands that includes the "Show Grid" command.
SECTION_DESIGN_LAYOUT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Design menu commands that includes all available commands when there is an active LayoutManager.
SECTION_DESIGN_MENU_CHECKED_ENABLED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Design menu commands that includes the "Serialize" command.
SECTION_DESIGN_MENU_NEW - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Design menu commands that includes the "Serialize" command.
SECTION_DESIGN_NO_LAYOUT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Design menu commands that includes all available commands when there is no active LayoutManager.
SECTION_DESIGN_SERIALIZE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
The Section ID for the group of Design menu commands that includes the "Serialize" command.
SECTION_DYNAMIC_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where dynamic menu commands should appear when they are in a context menu.
SECTION_EDIT_ADDINS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_EDIT_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where Edit menu menu items appear when they appear in a context menu.
SECTION_EDIT_CUT_COPY_PASTE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_EDIT_FIND - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_EDIT_INCREMENTAL_FIND - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_EDIT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_EDIT_PROPERTIES_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where Edit > Properties command should appear when in a context menu.
SECTION_EDIT_SELECT_ALL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_EDIT_UNDO - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_EDIT_UNDO_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
Section for Undo and Redo commands as they appear in context menus: in their own group, just before the Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All commands.
SECTION_FILE_ADDINS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_FILE_CLOSE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_FILE_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where File menu menu items appear when they appear in a context menu.
SECTION_FILE_ERASE_REMOVE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_FILE_EXIT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_FILE_IMPORT_EXPORT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_FILE_NEW_OPEN - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_FILE_PRINT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_FILE_SAVE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_GENERAL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSMenuConstants
Float value for the menu section of general commands.
SECTION_HELP_ABOUT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_HELP_ADDINS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_HELP_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where Help menu menu items appear when they appear in a context menu.
SECTION_HELP_GENERAL_HELP - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_HELP_JDEV_HELP - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_HELP_TOP_HELP - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_HELP_UPDATES - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_IDE_REFERENCES - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.QuickDiffMenuConstants
The section ID that indicates where core IDE references (such as 'File on Disk') appear when they appear in a Quick Diff reference context menu.
SECTION_LOCAL_HISTORY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.replace.ReplaceMenuManager
Section identifier for local history related items.
SECTION_LOG_WINDOW_CLOSE_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
Section constant for the Log window's Close command.
SECTION_LOG_WINDOW_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
Section constant for Log window commands as they appear on the context menu in that view.
SECTION_MIDDLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
Section for simple three section menus.
SECTION_NAV_ANT_NODE_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
Section for ANT commands on the Navigator context menu.
SECTION_NAV_DEPLOY_SQL_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
Section for SQL-relted deploy commands on the Navigator context menus.
SECTION_NAV_DEPLOYMENT_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
Section for deploy commands on the Navigator context menus.
SECTION_NAV_TAGLIB_NODE_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
Section for TagLib commands that appear on the Navigator context menu.
SECTION_NAVIGATE_ADDINS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_NAVIGATE_BACK - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_NAVIGATE_BOOKMARK - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_NAVIGATE_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where Navigate menu menu items appear when they appear in a context menu.
SECTION_NAVIGATE_GOTO_BOOKMARK - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_NAVIGATE_GOTO_ELEMENT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_NAVIGATE_GOTO_MEMBER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_NAVIGATE_GOTO_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_NAVIGATE_SELECT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_OTHER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.replace.ReplaceMenuManager
Section identifier for other items.
SECTION_RUN_ADDINS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_RUN_CHOOSE_RUN_CONFIG - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_RUN_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where Run menu menu items appear when they appear in a context menu.
SECTION_RUN_MAKE_REBUILD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_RUN_PROFILE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_RUN_PROJECT_TOOLS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_RUN_RUN - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_RUN_SERVER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_RUN_TERMINATE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_SEARCH_ADDINS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_SEARCH_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where Search menu menu items appear when they appear in a context menu.
SECTION_SEARCH_FIND - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_SEARCH_INCREMENTAL_FIND - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_SEARCH_MULTI_FILE_FIND - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_SEARCH_WITH_FILE_LIST - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_SECTIONID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteSection
HashMap pageData keys
SECTION_SOURCE_CODING - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The menu section Id for the menu section that comprises commands from "Completion Insight" to "Quick Javadoc".
SECTION_SOURCE_COMMENTS - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The menu section Id for the menu section that comprises commands from "Surround With" to "Unindent Block".
SECTION_SOURCE_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The section Id for commands that live in the dynamic Source menu.
SECTION_SOURCE_CTXT_MENU_NON_EDITOR - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The section Id for commands that live in the dynamic Source menu.
SECTION_SOURCE_GOTO - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The menu section Id for the menu section that comprises the goto commands.
SECTION_SOURCE_GUTTER_BOOKMARK - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The menu section Id for the menu section that comprises the bookmark commands available from the gutter context menu.
SECTION_SOURCE_GUTTER_BREAKPOINT - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The menu section Id for the menu section that comprises the breakpoint commands available from the gutter context menu.
SECTION_SOURCE_GUTTER_GOTO - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The menu section Id for the menu section that comprises the "Go to implemented method" and "Go to overrided method" commands available from the gutter context menu.
SECTION_SOURCE_GUTTER_LINE_NUMBER - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The menu section Id for the menu section that comprises the line number commands available from the gutter context menu.
SECTION_SOURCE_GUTTER_PROFILER - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The menu section Id for the menu sec tion that comprises the profiler commands available from the gutter context menu.
SECTION_SOURCE_GUTTER_TODO - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The menu section Id for the menu sec tion that comprises the task commands available from the gutter context menu.
SECTION_SOURCE_IMPORT - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The menu section Id for the menu section that comprises the import commands.
SECTION_SOURCE_INSIGHT - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The menu section Id for the menu section that comprises commands from "Completion Insight" to "Quick Javadoc".
SECTION_SOURCE_REFACTOR - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The menu section Id for the menu section that comprises commands from "Rename" to "Extract Method".
SECTION_SOURCE_REFORMAT - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeMenuConstants
The menu section Id for the menu section that comprises the reformat command.
SECTION_TOOLS_ADDINS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_TOOLS_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where Tools menu menu items appear when they appear in a context menu.
SECTION_TOOLS_EXTERNAL_TOOLS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_TOOLS_INTERNAL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_TOOLS_PREFERENCES - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_TOOLS_PROJECT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_TOOLS_SERVER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_TOP - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
Section for simple two or three section menus.
SECTION_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The undefined, or default section Id.
SECTION_VCS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.replace.ReplaceMenuManager
Section identifier for version control systems' items.
SECTION_VCS_REFERENCES - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.QuickDiffMenuConstants
The section ID that indicates where VCS references (such as 'Base Revision in CVS') appear when they appear in a Quick Diff reference context menu.
SECTION_VIEW_ADDINS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
Section where an extension can put a command to access their view window.
SECTION_VIEW_ALPHABETIZED_VIEWS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
Alphabetized section for all view commands.
SECTION_VIEW_CORE_TOOLS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_VIEW_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where View menu menu items appear when they appear in a context menu.
SECTION_VIEW_DEBUG_RUN - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_VIEW_JAVA_HIERARCHY_CONSTRAINTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
SECTION_VIEW_JAVA_UI_DEBUGGER - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.JDeveloperMenuConstants
SECTION_VIEW_NAVIGATOR - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_VIEW_OPTIONS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_VIEW_OPTIONS_MANAGE_WORKING_SETS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
Deprecated. Commands moved to Application menu
SECTION_VIEW_OPTIONS_NEW_FREEZE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
Deprecated. Commands moved to Window menu
SECTION_VIEW_OPTIONS_SHOW - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
Deprecated. Commands moved to Window menu
SECTION_VIEW_OPTIONS_SHOW_AS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
Deprecated. Commands moved to Window menu
SECTION_VIEW_PALETTE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_VIEW_REFRESH - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
Section for Refresh command only.
SECTION_VIEW_SUPPORTING - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
SECTION_VIEW_TOOLBAR - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
Section for commands that display the toolbar and status bars.
SECTION_WINDOW_CTXT_MENU - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuConstants
The section Id that indicates where Window menu menu items appear when they appear in a context menu.
SectionView - Class in oracle.javatools.ui
A component that can contain another component (the wrappedComponent) and limit what area of the wrappedComponent is visible to a specific vertical section.
SectionView() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.SectionView
Create a SectionView that contains the component to wrappedComponent restrict.
SectionView(JComponent) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.SectionView
Create a SectionView that contains the component to wrappedComponent restrict.
SecurityDeploymentSettings - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy
segmentAttributes - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "segmentAttributes" property.
segmentManagement - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "segmentManagement" property.
SELECT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLFragment
select(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Selects the text found between the specified start and end locations.
select(HistoryModel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.HistoryEntrySelector
Selects a contextual entry from the history model.
SELECT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.BoxEffects
Style ID indicating selection region.
SELECT_ALL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECT_ALL_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Select all command.
SELECT_ALL_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Select all command id.
SELECT_BUNDLES_DIALOG_HELPTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SELECT_BUNDLES_DIALOG_HELPTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SELECT_BUNDLES_DIALOG_HELPTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SELECT_BUNDLES_DIALOG_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SELECT_BUNDLES_DIALOG_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SELECT_BUNDLES_DIALOG_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SELECT_DB_OBJECTS_SETTINGS_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
SELECT_IN_STRUCTURE_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Select in Structure command.
SELECT_IN_STRUCTURE_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Select in Structure command ID.
SELECT_LINE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECT_PARAGRAPH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECT_WORD - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECT_WRAP_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Select Columns command.
SELECT_WRAP_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Edit select wrap command id
selectable - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.SelectNib
Flag field for use by client to indicate whether nib is selectable.
selectAll() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListModel
Sets the state of the checkbox to checked for all rows in the model.
selectAll() - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
selectAll() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Selects all the text in the TextComponent.
selectAll() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.EditorSelection
Selects all characters in the document
selectAll() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EditorSelectionColumns
selectAll() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EditorSelectionWrap
selectAll() - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryComponent
selectAll() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Stop cell editing when the user select all cells.
selectAll() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Select All items.
selectAll() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
selectAll() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
selectAll() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationTablePanel
selectAll() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationTreePanel
selectAllSelectables() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListModel
Sets the state of the checkbox to checked for all rows in the model (only for checkboxes that are actually selectable.)
selectColor - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.panels
Base panel for selecting database objects using a shuttle control, typically for conversion into a Java object such as an EJB, an ordinary Java class, or a BC4J Entity object.
SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
Constructs a new instance.
SelectDBObjectsPanel - Class in oracle.ide.db.panels
Base panel for picking DBObjects from a DBObjectProvider.
SelectDBObjectsPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
selectDefault() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.insight.InsightView
Instructs the InsightView to select the default insight data item, and to make sure that it is visible.
selectDefault() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ListInsightView
Instructs the InsightView to select the default insight data item, and to make sure that it is visible.
selectDefault() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.TooltipInsightView
Instructs the InsightView to select the default insight data item, and to make sure that it is visible.
selectDescendants(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JMutableTreeNode
Starting with this tree node, select it and all of its descendants according to the flag b.
SELECTED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.CategoryLayout
SELECTED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.navigator.ApplicationChangeEvent
State change value returned from ApplicationChangeEvent.getStateChange() when the ApplicationChangeEvent was triggered by selecting an application.
selected() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
This method is called when this process is selected in the run manager navigator.
selected - Variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Is the value currently selected.
SELECTED_BLOCK_SEPARATOR_STYLE - Static variable in class
SELECTED_DIRECTORIES - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.FileFilter
SELECTED_OBJECTS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
SELECTED_RESOURCE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleKeyChooser
SELECTED_STYLE_CENTER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
The icon and text are centered
SELECTED_STYLE_FIXED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
The icon and text do not move when selected
SELECTED_STYLE_MOVE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
The icon and text move by the specified offsetSelected.
SELECTED_TECH_SCOPES - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.TechnologiesPanel
SELECTED_URL_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SELECTED_URL_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SELECTED_URL_DOES_NOT_EXIST_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SELECTED_URL_NOT_IN_PROJECT_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SELECTED_URL_NOT_IN_PROJECT_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SELECTED_URL_NOT_IN_PROJECT_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SELECTED_URL_NOT_IN_PROJECT_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SELECTED_URL_NOT_IN_PROJECT_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SELECTED_URL_NOT_IN_PROJECT_TITLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
selectedItemChanged() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.FunctionComboBox
selectedOption(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.DeleteActionHandler
selectedOptionChanged(DeleteActionHandler.DeleteOption) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.DeleteActionHandler
Invoked every time the user changes selected option.
SelectFilesConfiguration - Class in oracle.ide.dialogs
Configuration class for dialog invocations using a SelectFilesPanel.
SelectFilesConfiguration() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesConfiguration
SelectFilesConfiguration(Component, String, String, String, CheckBoxListModel, boolean, int, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesConfiguration
SelectFilesPanel - Class in oracle.ide.dialogs
A Swing-based JPanel subclass for displaying a list of files for selection.
SelectFilesPanel(CheckBoxListModel, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
Constructs a new instance.
SelectFilesPanel(CheckBoxListModel, boolean, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
SelectFilesPanel(CheckBoxListModel, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
selectFirst() - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryComponent
SELECTION - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SELECTION_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.UIConstants
SELECTION_BACKWARD - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_BEGIN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_BEGIN_LINE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_BEGIN_PARAGRAPH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_BEGIN_WORD - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_CHANGED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.palette2.PaletteEvent
SELECTION_CHANGED_COMMAND - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
The command for the action fired when the selection of dates in the calendar changes
SELECTION_CONTAINER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.ElementAttributes
SELECTION_CONTAINER indicates that the Element is a container node which supports the unconstrained selection of children.
SELECTION_DOWN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_END - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_END_LINE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_END_PARAGRAPH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_END_WORD - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_FOREGROUND - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.UIConstants
SELECTION_FORWARD - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_MATCHING_BRACE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_NEXT_WORD_BREAK - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_NEXT_WORD_END - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_NEXT_WORD_START - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_OCCURRED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.PickerEvent
SELECTION_PAGE_DOWN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_PAGE_LEFT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_PAGE_RIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_PAGE_UP - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_PREVIOUS_WORD_BREAK - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_PREVIOUS_WORD_END - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_PREVIOUS_WORD_START - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SELECTION_UP - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
selectionChanged(PaletteEvent) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteListener
Notify listener that about selection changes in the Component Palette.
selectionChanged(PaletteEvent) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette2.PaletteListener
Notify listener that a selection change has occurred in the Component Palette.
selectionChanged(ActionDescriptionPanel.OptionSelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.ActionDescriptionPanel.OptionSelectionChangedListener
selectionChanged(CmtSelectionEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtSelectionListener
Respond to a change in selection.
selectionChanged(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.panels.AppServerSelectionPanel
selectionClicked - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.DragDropPlugin
Whether the current mouse press occurred in a selection.
SelectionEffects - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas
SelectionEffects encapsulates the handling of SelectNib instances upon an associated UICanvas.
selectionModelChanged() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RowHeader
Called when the selection model of the table changes.
selectLibraryForDeployment(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveProfile
Selects the specified library for deployment by searching for a LibraryFileGroup with the default internal id and adding the specified library to its list.
SelectNib - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas
SelectNib encapsulates the facilities for manipulating selection handles of an associated target displayed upon a UICanvas instance.
SelectNib() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.SelectNib
selectObject - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "selectObject" property.
SelectObject - Class in oracle.javatools.db.sql
Object that represents a clause in the SELECT statement of a SQL query.
SelectObject() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SelectObject
Create an empty select object.
SelectObject(SQLFragment, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SelectObject
Create a select object with the given expression and alias.
SelectObject(SQLFragment, String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SelectObject
Create a select object with the given expression and alias.
selectObjectID - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "selectObjectID" property.
selectObjects - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "selectObjects" property.
SelectObjectsPanel - Class in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql
Panel for creating and editing SELECT objects as part of a SQL Query.
SelectObjectsPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.SelectObjectsPanel
SelectObjectUsage - Class in oracle.javatools.db.sql
Class that represents the usage of a SelectObject.
SelectObjectUsage() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SelectObjectUsage
SelectObjectUsage(SelectObject, FromObject) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SelectObjectUsage
SelectObjectUsage(DBObjectID, FromObject) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SelectObjectUsage
SelectObjectUsage(DBObjectID, DBObjectID) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SelectObjectUsage
selectOnRightClick(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
selectOnRightClick(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationTablePanel
selectOnRightClick(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationTreePanel
selectPage(LogPage) - Method in interface oracle.ide.log.LogOwner
Select the specified page and make it visible to the user
selectPage(WizardPage, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard
selectProcess(RunProcess) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Runner
Selects the given process in the Run Manager window.
SelectSchemaPanel - Class in oracle.ide.db.panels
Simple panel containing single Schema Picker
SelectSchemaPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectSchemaPanel
SelectTextPanel - Class in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
Provides a panel that can be used to select an existing resource from a resource bundle or create a new entry in a resource bundle (if the bundle allows creation of new resources).
SelectTextPanel(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.SelectTextPanel
SelectTextPanel.SearchType - Enum in oracle.ide.resourcebundle
selLength - Variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeNavigationPoint
Length of selection hilight beginning at #start
selnam - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlSeldef
selopn - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlSeldef
SEMI_COLON - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents the ';' lexical unit.
send(VCSEBMessage) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSEventBus
Sends a message to all components on the bus in turn.
sendEditorChanges() - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.NodeResourceBundle
sendInputData(Process, String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSProcessUtils
Sends the given data as input to the process.
sendInputData(Process, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSProcessUtils
Sends the given data as input to the process.
sendUpdates() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.PropertySetCommand
Send relevant object change notifications.
SEP - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.BaseObjectID
The separator used when reading and writing the ID in string form.
separateSelf() - Method in interface
Extracts sibling variables so that this is the only variable on its variable declaration.
separator - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "separator" property.
separator - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchIndexFile
separatorChar - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchIndexFile
separatorClicked(Breadcrumb, Rectangle) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.ui.breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbsListener
Indicates a click on a breadcrumb separator.
separatorClicked(Breadcrumb, Rectangle) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.breadcrumbs.PopupHandler
SeparatorListCellRenderer - Class in oracle.javatools.ui
A Decorating ListCellRenderer that will wrap a ListCellRenderer and add the ability to render separator lines between items in a JList or JComboBox.
SeparatorListCellRenderer(SeparatorListCellRenderer.SeparatorModel) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.SeparatorListCellRenderer
Create a DefaultListCellRenderer and add separators at locations described by the SeparatorModel
SeparatorListCellRenderer(ListCellRenderer, SeparatorListCellRenderer.SeparatorModel) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.SeparatorListCellRenderer
Add separators at locations described by the separatorModel to a ListCellRenderer
SeparatorListCellRenderer.SeparatorModel - Interface in oracle.javatools.ui
Tells the renderer after which items to place separators
SEQ - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
DDL type Create Sequence
SEQ_DEPLOY_TO_APPSERVER - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployToAppServer
SEQ_DEPLOY_TO_FILE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployToFile
SEQUENCE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.DBIcons
Sequence - Class in oracle.javatools.db
Model of a database sequence.
Sequence() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.Sequence
Constructs a new sequence.
Sequence(String, Schema) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.Sequence
Constructs a new sequence in the specified schema with the specified name.
SEQUENCE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SequenceCompareView - Class in
SequenceCompareView() - Constructor for class
SequenceCompareView(CompareMode) - Constructor for class
SequenceCompareView(CompareMode, CompareViewBias) - Constructor for class
SequenceCompareView.OverviewComponent - Class in
The overview component provides a guide to the entire diff, indicating all changes in the document using colored blocks.
SequenceCompareView.OverviewComponent(SequenceCompareView, ContributorKind, ContributorKind) - Constructor for class
SequenceCompareView.OverviewComponentMouseHandler - Class in
SequenceCompareView.OverviewComponentMouseHandler() - Constructor for class
SEQUENCEDIAGRAM - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
sequenceLogged - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "sequenceLogged" property.
SequencePanel - Class in oracle.ide.db.panels
SequencePanel() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.panels.SequencePanel
serialize() - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtSubcomponent
SERIALIZE_ACTION - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.AbstractCanvas
IdeAction for serializing a selected GUI control.
SERIALIZE_ITEM - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.AbstractCanvas
Item to appear in main menu for serializing a selected GUI control.
ServerConnector - Class in javax.ide.debug
ServerConnectors allow clients to start the debugger listening by calling the method ServerConnector.startListening() waiting for a debuggee process to start.
ServerConnector() - Constructor for class javax.ide.debug.ServerConnector
SERVERERROR_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Service - Class in javax.ide
Services provide access to distinct areas of functionality in the IDE for an extension developer.
Service() - Constructor for class javax.ide.Service
SERVICENAME_CLASS_REFTYPE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProvider
The service name of the database (Oracle).
set(Component, Point, int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DragComponentEvent
Sets new value on the object.
set(ModelInteropUtils) - Static method in class oracle.ide.javaxide.ModelInteropUtils
set(int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.model.Attributes
This method sets the specified attribute.
set(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultAttributes
This method sets the specified attribute.
set(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.BitField
Sets the bit specified by the index to 1.
set(int, int) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.BitField
Sets one or more bits in an external field of bits to 1.
set(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Boolean
set(byte) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Byte
set(char) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Character
set(double) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Double
set(float) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Float
set(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Integer
set(long) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Long
set(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Object
set(short) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Mutables.Short
set(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList.SafeListIterator
set(int, Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList
Replace the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element
set(int, Object) - Method in class
Replaces the object at the specified index with the specified new value.
set(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.BooleanBitmap
Sets the boolean value in the bitmap at the given index, which is 0-based.
set(T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Holder
set(int, Object) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.xml.bind.ElementList
Replaces the object at the specified index with the specified object.
set(Object, ELContext) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.DeferredSetter
SET_COMMENTS_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow
Command ID for the set comments command.
SET_COMPARE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb
SET_COMPARE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_de
SET_COMPARE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_en
SET_COMPARE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_es
SET_COMPARE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_fr
SET_COMPARE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_it
SET_COMPARE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_ja
SET_COMPARE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_ko
SET_COMPARE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_pt_BR
SET_COMPARE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_zh_CN
SET_COMPARE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.quickdiff.res.QuickDiffArb_zh_TW
SET_LOCAL_TABSIZE2 - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SET_LOCAL_TABSIZE4 - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SET_LOCAL_TABSIZE8 - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SET_READ_ONLY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SET_SCOPE_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow
Command ID for the set scope command.
SET_WRITABLE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
setA(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ResultSet
setAboutBoxFactory(AboutBoxFactory) - Static method in class
Set the about box factory.
setAcceptTypes(String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectListPicker
Sets the DBObject types that this picker will accept.
setAccessDriverType(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleExternalTableProperties
Set the access driver type.
setAccessibleName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.AbstractInsight
setAccessibleName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.popup.PopupWindow
Sets the supplied name as the accessible name on the popup window so it can be read
setAccessInternalOC4JClasses(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setAccessLogEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.J2eeSettings
setAccessParameters(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleExternalTableProperties
Set the access driver's parameters.
setAccessUsingClob(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleExternalTableProperties
setAction(Action) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton
Calls the super and sets all of the internal menu item's actions to null if the action is set to null.
setAction(Action) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.HyperlinkButton
setActionGroups(List<ActionGroup>) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.CustomEditorButton
setActive(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
setActive(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.TabbedWindow
setActive(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layout
Mark this layout as the currently active layout.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.TextTabber
Start or stop the tabbing effect.
setActiveButton(AbstractButton) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ButtonKeyController
Activates the button
setActiveButton(AbstractButton) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.RadioKeyController
setActiveItem(PaletteItem) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.Palette
Sets PaletteItem as active PaletteItem
setActiveLayout(Layout) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.IdeLayout
setActivePage(PalettePage) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.Palette
Sets Active PalettePage
setActivePanel(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.ClassBuilderModel
setActivePanelItemEnabled(PaletteItem, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteWindow
setActivePanelItemSelected(PaletteItem, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteWindow
setActiveProject(Project) - Static method in class oracle.ide.Ide
Sets the active project
setActiveProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Workspace
Set the active project.
setActiveProjectMap(Map) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Workspaces
Sets the active project map.
setActiveProjectOverride(Project) - Static method in class oracle.ide.IdeCore
Sets the overridden value of the active workspace.
setActiveProjectURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Workspace
Set the active project url.
setActiveRunConfiguration(Project, RunConfiguration) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfigurations
setActiveTheme(Theme) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.themes.Themes
Sets the currently active theme.
setActiveWorkspace(Workspace) - Static method in class oracle.ide.Ide
Sets the active workspace
setActiveWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Workspaces
Sets the currently active Workspace associated with this Workspaces.
setActiveWorkspaceOverride(Workspace) - Static method in class oracle.ide.IdeCore
Sets the overridden value of the active workspace.
setActiveWorkspaceOverrideEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.IdeCore
Enable or disable overriding of the active workspace and project.
setActiveWorkspaceURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Workspaces
setAddEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Enable/Disable the new/add button.
setAddinManager(AddinManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.AddinManager
Publishes the specified AddinManager as the active instance in the IDE.
setAdditionalBottomContent(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.ActionDescriptionPanel
Sets additional content placed after the options panel.
setAdditionalManifests(URL[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveOptions
setAdditionalTabPages(Component[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyInspector
setAdditionalTopContent(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.ActionDescriptionPanel
Sets additional content placed before the options panel.
setAddMenuActions(Action...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Sets the menu actions for Add button.
setAddProject(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.NewWorkspacePanel
setAddToProcessesFolder(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Specifies whether to add the subprocess to the processes folder of the run manager.
setAddToTerminateMenu(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Specifies whether to list the subprocess in the Terminate submenu of the Run menu.
setAddVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Add the Add/New button to the toolbar.
setADFRestricted(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleOptions
setADFRestricted(PropertyStorage, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleUtils
Sets the ADFRestricted property of the ResourceBundleOptions for the specified project
setAfter(Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.util.Maps.LinkedEntry
Sets the next entry in the iteration list of the containing map.
setAfter(Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftLinkedEntry
setAfter(Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongLinkedEntry
setAfter(Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakLinkedEntry
setAlias(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractAliasFragment
Sets the alias part of the fragment.
setAlias(String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.AliasFragment
Sets the alias portion of this SQLFragment.
setAliasMap(Map) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibraryList
setAlignLabelsLeft(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.layout.FieldLayoutBuilder
Sets whether to align labels to the left.
setAlignment(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ControlBar
Sets the alignment of the bar.
setAlignmentX(float) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CommandButtonLayout
Sets the x alignment for this layout manager.
setAlignmentY(float) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CommandButtonLayout
Sets the y alignment for this layout manager.
setAlignWithField(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionPopupHandler
Set whether the insight popup of the component should be left aligned with the text component.
setAlignWithField(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionTextField
Deprecated. replaced by CompletionPopupHandler.setAlignWithField(boolean)
setAllowAnySchema(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.XMLTypeColumnProperties
setAllowApplicationCreate(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.panels.OfflineDBChooserPanel
Sets whether to allow a new application to be created.
setAllowBreaks(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ExtendedTextField
Determines whether the control allows inputing of line breaks ('\n', enter) like a text field (no - they are filtered and the default dialog action can be called instead) or like a text area (yes).
setAllowEmptySearch(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether this field will keep the search action enabled (and thus the search button) when the style is SearchField.Style.SEARCH and there is no text to use as search query.
setAllowFocus(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JMultiLineLabel
Normally a label should not allow focus, but if a multi-line label is the only thing in a dialog or has enough text that scrolling becomes necessary it's advisable to let it take focus for ADA purposes.
setAllowInput(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Sets whether the subprocess will allow input, which will be read through some UI in the log window.
setAllowInput(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets whether the user should be able to enter input for
setAllowNonSchema(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.XMLTypeColumnProperties
setAllowOfflineDatabaseCreate(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.panels.OfflineDBChooserPanel
Sets whether to allow the user to create a new offline database in the current project.
setAllowOfflineDatabaseEdit(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.panels.OfflineDBChooserPanel
Sets whether to allow the user to edit an offline database in the current project.
setAllowProjectCreate(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.panels.OfflineDBChooserPanel
Sets whether to allow a new project to be created in the current application.
setAllowsManagement(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.AuditProfilePanel
setAllowUrlsNotInSourcePath(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.SourceModel
setAlpha(float) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TranslucentIcon
Sets the alpha transparency to paint with.
setAlterSubType(PlSqlFragment.AlterSubType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlFragment
setAlwaysGenClasses(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use CompilerOptionManager.setForceCodeGen()
setAlwaysPromptForDescription(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleOptions
setAlwaysQuote(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.ColumnUsage
setAlwaysUnderlined(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.HyperlinkButton
setAncestorContributor(Context, CompareContributor) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.MergeContext
setAnchorSelectionIndex(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RowHeaderSelectionModel
setAndClearSchema(PlSql, DBObjectProvider) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlDeclaratorFactory
setAnimationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.StepPanel
Sets whether animation effects are enabled for this component instance.
setAnimationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.HeaderPanel
Sets whether animation effects are enabled for this component instance.
setAnomaliesOnly(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AnomalyFilter
setAnonymousClass(ClassT) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the anonymous class.
setAnonymousClass(SourceClass) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the anonymous class.
setApiDepth(Integer) - Method in class
Sets the number of stack frames in the exception associated with this feedback message that are part of the reporting API and should not be considered when identifying bugs.
setApiName(String) - Method in class
Sets the API name associated with this feedback message, or null if the handler should attempt to extract it from the message.
setAppBundleInfoFactory(AppBundleInfoFactory) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManager
Sets the AppBundleInfoFactory
setAppletArchiveName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.war.WarProfile
setAppletArchives(SelectedArchives) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.war.WarProfile
setAppletDeployedAsArchive(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.war.WarProfile
setAppletDeployment(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.war.WarProfile
setAppletFiles(SelectedProjectFiles) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.war.WarProfile
setAppletLocation(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.war.WarProfile
setApplication(Workspace, TraversableContext) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.TemplateWizardUtil
Stores the newly-created workspace in the wizard data cotext.
setApplicationAbsoluteOutputURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setApplicationNavigatorManager(NavigatorManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorManager
Publishes the specified NavigatorManager as implementing the Application Navigator.
setApplicationPackage(String, TraversableContext) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.TemplateWizardUtil
setApplicationRelativeOutputFolder(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setApplicationTemplate(ApplicationTemplate, TraversableContext) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.TemplateWizardUtil
setApplicationURL(URL, TraversableContext) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.TemplateWizardUtil
Sets the URL to use to create the new workspace.
setApplyToDirectory(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.DirectoryExcludeFilter
setApplyToDirectory(int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.FileFilter
setAppPackagePrefix(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ApplicationContent
setAppServer(AppServer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployToAppServer
setAppServer(AppServer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.panels.AppServerSelectionPanel
setAppServer(AppServer) - Method in class
setArchive(DeploymentModule) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModuleIO
Sets the archive this Module I/O class should operate on.
setArchiveOptions(ArchiveOptions) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eePackaging
setArchiveOptions(ArchiveOptions) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveProfile
setArchiveURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentView
setArcSize(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.border.ShadowBorder
Determines the size of the arc for the corners of the shadow rectangle.
setArgumentFilesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.CommandParser
Sets whether argument file support is enabled.
setArguments(ListExpressionT) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the argument list.
setArguments(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalProgramToolProperties
setArguments(SQLFragment[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
setArguments(SQLFragment[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.DataMiningFunction.DataMiningArguments
setArguments(SQLFragment[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Operation
Sets the arguments for this function.
setArguments(SQLFragment[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.PlSqlUsage
setArguments(SourceListExpression) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the argument list.
setArmed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setArmed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setAscending(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SortedJTable
setAskExit(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.IdeSettings
Sets whether the user should be asked to exit the IDE when the settings dialog closes.
setAssignment(SourceAssignmentExpression) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtSubcomponent
setAssignment(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtSubcomponent
setAssistProfile(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditPreferences
setAssistProfile(String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences.AuditPreferences
setAssociated(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DocumentExtensions.ExtInfo
setAssociated(String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.config.FileAssociations
Given an extension and an association flag, sets or removes the corresponding file association from the Registry.
setAssociationMap(Map) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DocumentExtensions
setAssociations(Map<String, Boolean>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.config.FileAssociations
setAsText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundlePropertyEditor
setAttribute(AuditContext.Key, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditContext
Sets the value of an attribute in this context and in its enclosed contexts.
setAttribute(AuditContext.Key, int) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditContext
Sets the value of an Integer attribute in this context and in its enclosed contexts.
setAttribute(AuditContext.Key, float) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditContext
Sets the value of a Float attribute in this context and in its enclosed contexts.
setAttribute(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
Sets the value of an attribute in this model.
setAttribute(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Auditor
Sets a configuration attribute for this auditor.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TransformContext
Sets the value of an attribute.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TransformSequenceContext
Sets the value of an attribute.
setAttribute(AuditContext.Key, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
setAttribute(AuditContext.Key, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
setAttribute(AuditContext.Key, float) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
setAttribute(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
setAttributeFilter(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightFragmentsList
Sets the filtering on attributes (when adding highlights to the list) of what to include in the list.
setAttributeFontOnly() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightFragmentsList
Convenience routine to set filtering to include only highlights with a font attribute defined.
setAttributes(PlSqlAttribute[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SpecPlSql
Sets the entire list of attributes, replacing any that have previously been added.
setAttributes(String[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.ColumnUsage
Sets the list of attributes used (if any).
setAttributeTextOnly() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightFragmentsList
Convenience routine to set filtering to include only highlights with any text attribute (background, foreground, fonts).
setAttributeUnderlineOnly() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightFragmentsList
Convenience routine to set filtering to include only highlights with an underline attribute defined.
setAttributeValues(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeUsage
Sets the keys/values of all attributes in this usage.
setAuditDuringCompile(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditPreferences
setAuditDuringCompile(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences.AuditPreferences
setAuditManager(AuditManager) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditManager
Sets the singleton Audit manager.
setAuditWhileEditing(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditPreferences
setAuditWhileEditing(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences.AuditPreferences
setAuthenticationServerUrl(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.WOCAuthenticator
Sets the URL to use for authentication.
setAuthentificationPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.DatabaseLink
Set the password for the authentification user
setAuthentificationUsername(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.DatabaseLink
Set the user name for authentificating shared links
setAuthidCurrentUser(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
setAuthor(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateInfo
setAuthorURL(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateInfo
setAutoAllocate(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablespaceProperties
setAutoExpandable(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.docking.Dockable
Enables/disables "auto-expansion" in this dockable.
setAutoExpandable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableView
Enables/disables "auto-expansion" in this dockable.
setAutoExpandableEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.docking.Dockable
Enables or disables the "auto-expand" feature in this dockable.
setAutoExpandableEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableView
Enables or disables the "auto-expand" feature in this dockable.
setAutoExtendOn(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AutoExtendProperties
setAutoExtendProperties(AutoExtendProperties) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.FileSpecification
setAutoExtendProperties(AutoExtendProperties) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablespaceProperties
setAutoFind(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether this field will automatically trigger find next on keyboard presses when the style is SearchField.Style.FIND.
setAutoFlush(long) - Method in class oracle.ide.persistence.NameSpace
Sets the auto-flush delay for this NameSpace.
setAutoGenerateMar(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setAutomaticallySynchronized(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleOptions
setAutoReloadExtMod(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Automatically reload externally modified files.
setAutoSizeMaximum(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryProperty
Set the maximum width used by the HistoryComponent when auto-sizing columns based on prototypes and values.
setAutoSyncFlag(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.AutoSyncSettings
setAutoUpdateWebXmlEjbRefs(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setAvailability(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalTool
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 - use ExternalToolBaseProperties.setAvailability(Availability).
setAvailability(Availability) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolBaseProperties
Set when this tool is available.
setAvailabilityExpression(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalTool
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 with no replacement. Support for regular expression availability was dropped in 10.1.3.
setAvailableProperties(JspLibrary) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
This should be avialable only to "friendly" classes.
setAvailableTypes(List<String>) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalTool
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 - use ExternalToolBaseProperties.setAvailableTypes(List).
setAvailableTypes(List<String>) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolBaseProperties
Set the types this tool is available on.
setB(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ResultSet
setBackground(Color) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.AbstractAdditionalPage
setBackground(Color) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyInspector
setBackground(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
Deprecated. Overridden to make sure the highlighted column is repainted properly.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ExtendedTextField
setBackground(Color) - Method in class
Sets the color of the background.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.SelectNib
Set the background color of this SelectNib.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Subclassed to map ColorUIResources to null.
setBackgroundNonSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Sets the background color to be used for non selected nodes.
setBackgroundSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Sets the color to use for the background if node is selected.
setBannerImage(Icon) - Method in class
Set the banner image to display.
setBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ProgressMonitor
Deprecated. Specifies the visibility of the dialog's progress bar before it is shown.
setBaseFolderURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.URLPathField
Sets the URL to use as the parent folder for any relative URLs found in the URLPath.
setBaseFont(String, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Set the base font of this editor pane independently from the global base font.
setBaseFont(String, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EditorProperties
Utility routine to set the base font used by all editor panes in this framework.
setBaseFont(String, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.FontHelper
Sets the new base font for the font helper based on the given family and font size.
setBaseListModel(ListModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.BasicRowHeaderModel
Instead of showing empty items or row number depending on isShowRowNumber row header can show client specific data it base list model is specified.
setBaseNamePrefix(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.PanelLibrary
setBaseObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets the id of the base object.
setBasePackage(Namespace, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.engine.db.DBRevEngineProps
setBasePath(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.wizard.common.WizardFile
setBaseSchema(Schema) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Convenience method that calls Trigger.setBaseSchemaName(String) with the given schema's name.
setBaseSchemaName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Sets the schema name that this trigger has as its base.
setBaseType(Trigger.BaseType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Sets the base type of the trigger.
setBaseURL(URL) - Method in class
This is an undocumented feature.
setBatchUpdateInProgress() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryChangeEvent
setBean(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.BeanPanel
setBeanClass(AuditHook.TypeDefinition) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.CategoryDefinition
setBefore(Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.util.Maps.LinkedEntry
Sets the previous entry in the iteration list of the containing map.
setBefore(Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftLinkedEntry
setBefore(Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongLinkedEntry
setBefore(Maps.LinkedEntry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakLinkedEntry
setBias(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.OffsetMark
Sets the bias of the mark.
setBinding(NodeBinding) - Method in interface
Stores the NodeBinding instance.
setBit(int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.explorer.TNode
Sets the specified bit attribute.
setBit(int, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.Utilities
Returns the value with the indicated bit flag on.
setBlock(BlockT) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the code block associated with this element.
setBlock(BlockT) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the code block associated with this element.
setBlock(SourceBlock) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the code block associated with this element.
setBlockSize(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablespaceProperties
setBody(String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DeclarativePlSql
setBody(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
setBody(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlSubprogram
setBodySource(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SpecPlSql
setBookmarkList(List<Bookmark>) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkList
Sets the list of bookmarks.
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.Context
Convenience method for setting a boolean property in the Context.
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class
setBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.DefaultStructuredPropertyAccess
setBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.util.StructuredPropertyAccess
Utility method to set a boolean value
setBooleanValue(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleAction
setBorder(Border) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.EditorStatusBar.StatusBarCell
Override the setBorder method so that we can recalculate our size.
setBorder(Border) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin.StatusBarCell
Override the setBorder method so that we can recalculate our size.
setBorderLook(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
setBorderLook(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
setBorderLook(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
Set whether the border is painted.
setBorderSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Sets the color to use for the border.
setBorderToRollover(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.plaf.theme.ThemedToolBarUI
setBoundExpr(SQLFragment[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.WindowFunction.WindowFunctionBound
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTabPage
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controls.FloatingToolWindow
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JFastTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
This is overridden to set the height to match that of the JTable.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
This is overridden to set the height to match that of the JTable.
setBounds(SQLFragment[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.WindowFunction
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.breadcrumbs.JBreadcrumbs
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.controls.ConnectionPickerButton
setBoundType(WindowFunction.BoundType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.WindowFunction.WindowFunctionBound
setBrandingIcons(List<? extends Image>) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
setBreadcrumbs(JBreadcrumbs) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.breadcrumbs.WebAppBreadcrumbsGui
Sets JBreadcrumbs to be used for this GUI.
setBrowseButtonLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
setBrowseButtonTooltip(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractSimpleTypeBuilderPanel
Sets the tooltip for the browse packages button.
setBrowseResult(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractPicker
Set the value resulting from a Browse.
setBrowseResult(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.ClassPopup
setBrowseResult(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.PackagePopup
setBrowserRunner(BrowserRunner) - Static method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.BrowserRunner
Sets the BrowserRunner instance.
setBrowseToAnyURLAllowed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.URLPathField
setBufferMode(OracleStorageProperties.BufferModes) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
setBufferOutputBinary(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
setBuilder(SQLQueryBuilder) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.GroupByFromPicker
setBuilder(SQLQueryBuilder) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.GroupByToPicker
setBuilder(SQLQueryBuilder) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.JoinObjectEditDialog
setBuilderDialog(JEWTDialog) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.ClassBuilderModel
setBuildString(String) - Method in class
Set the build string.
setBuildType(MaterializedView.BuildType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets the type specified in the build clause
setBundle(UpdateBundle) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateInfo
setBundleCreationPolicy(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleOptions
setBundleFile(File) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.LocalUpdateBundle
setBundleId(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.NodeResourceBundle
Sets the bundle id for this resource bundle
setBundleId(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.RegisteredBundleAdapter
setBundleId(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleKey
Sets the bundle id
setBundleId(String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleWrapper
Sets the bundleId associated with this instance of ResourceBundleWrapper
setBundleId(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleWrapperRT
setBusy(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Set whether the change list is busy processing updates.
setButton(JButton) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.URLPathField
Deprecated. add this URLPathField as an ActionListener on the JButton instead.
setButtonAlignment(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.DetailDialog
setButtonAssociation(JButton, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.URLPathField
This method is used to associate a button with this URLPathField and determine if calling setEnabled() on the URLPathField will also call the setEnabled() method on the button.
setButtonMask(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SimpleInputDialog
Sets the dialog's button mask.
setButtonNames(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons
Sets the component names for the buttons using the given prefix.
setButtons(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesConfiguration
Sets the buttons to display in the dialog/prompt.
setButtonTextWhenDetailsHidden(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.DetailDialog
setButtonTextWhenDetailsShown(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.DetailDialog
setBypassExecutionProxy(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper
Explicitly disables the threading of this query using an execution proxy.
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.BinaryObject
Sets the bytes for this binary object.
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.JavaClass
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.JavaResource
setCache(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
Set the value of CACHE
setCache(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets that the blocks retrieved for this materialized view are placed at the most recently used end of the least recently used (LRU) list in the buffer cache when a full scan is performed.
setCache(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedViewLog
setCacheFlag(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Sequence
Sets whether this sequence caches sequence values.
setCacheSize(BigInteger) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Sequence
Sets the cache size for this sequence.
setCallback(DeployCommand.Callback) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployCommand
setCallSpecLanguage(PlSqlMethod.CallSpecLanguage) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
setCallSpecLibName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
setCallSpecName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
setCallSpecWithContext(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
setCanAddNull(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.ConnectionPanelUI
Deprecated. - replaced by ConnectionPanelUI.setNoConnectionString(String)
setCancelable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.RestartableProgressBar
setCancelable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressBar
setCancelable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressRunnable
setCanceled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.BasicProgressMonitor
setCancelEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.ProgressPanel
setCancelingText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.ProgressPanel
setCancellable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ProgressMonitor
Deprecated. Specifies whether the progress dialog can be cancelled.
setCancelling(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper.ExecutionProxy
setCanFinish(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel
Sets whether the user can finish after this panel.
setCanFinish(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.GlobalDatabaseConnPanel
Sets whether or not finish is enabled when next is enabled.
setCanOverwriteOpenNodes(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Specifies whether this NewFilePanel instance should allow the overwriting of open nodes.
setCanPurge(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets whether the database can purge the recycled object.
setCanRemove(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PalettePage
Set if this page can be removed by the users
setCanSelectSynonyms(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
Sets whether or not to include the check box for selecting synonyms.
setCanSelectViews(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
Sets whether or not to include the check box for selecting views.
setCanShow(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
Set if this item can make itself visible the next it's parent folder shows itself.
setCanShow(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PalettePage
Set whether to allow the palette page to display itself.
setCanUndrop(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets whether the database can undrop the recycled object.
setCanUserSetPartial(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TriStateButtonModel
setCanUserSetPartial(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TriStateCheckBox
setCaption(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalTool
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 - use ExternalToolBaseProperties.setCaption(String).
setCaption(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolBaseProperties
Set the caption for this external tool.
setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class javax.ide.editor.TextEditor
Set the caret position.
setCaretPosition(int, int) - Method in class javax.ide.editor.TextEditor
Set the caret position using a line and column number.
setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Sets the position of the text insertion caret for the editor component.
setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Sets the position of the text insertion caret for the TextComponent.
setCaretPosition(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Sets the position of the text insertion caret for the TextComponent.
setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.HTMLLexer
Sets a caretPosition, if this is set to a value other than -1, it indicates that the lexer is being used for code insight.
setCaretPositionCenter(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Sets the position of the text insertion caret for the TextComponent.
setCaretPositionCenter(JTextComponent, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Components
Sets the position of the text insertion caret for the TextComponent.
setCascade(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.DDLOptions
Sets wether to generate ddl to automatically cascade the delete of any object or child object (e.g.
setCascadeDelete(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setCascadeDelete(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setCaseSensitivity(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.KeywordTable
Sets the case sensitivity of the table as indiciated by client.
setCategorizer(VersionOperationCategorizer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
setCategorizer(VersionOperationCategorizer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationTreePanel
setCategoryCache(Map<VCSHashURL, String>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
setCategoryCache(Map<VCSHashURL, String>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
setCategoryCache(Map<VCSHashURL, String>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationTreePanel
setCategoryCacheImpl(Map<VCSHashURL, String>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
setCategoryCacheImpl(Map<VCSHashURL, String>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
setCategoryIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationTreePanel
setCenterScrollPane(JScrollPane) - Method in class
setChainedBundleFactory(ChainedBundleFactory) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManager
Sets the ChainedBundleFactory
setChangeListBusy(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListEventQueue
Set whether the change list is busy.
setChangeSetComments(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetAdapter
setChangeSetsVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
setCharAt(int, char) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
setCharsetEncoding(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Sets the charset encoding to use for HTML generation.
setCheckBoxEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setCheckBoxEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setCheckBoxSelectable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setCheckBoxSelectable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setCheckBoxState(TriStateBoolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setCheckBoxState(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
Convenience method.
setCheckBoxState(TriStateBoolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setCheckBoxState(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
Convenience method.
setCheckBoxStateWithoutFiring(TriStateBoolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
Sets the state of the checkbox without firing any change event.
setCheckBoxVisible(boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListModel
Goes through the model and sets each element to make the checkbox displayed or not based on the value of checkboxVisible.
setCheckCondition(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.CheckConstraint
Deprecated. - use setCheckConditionFragment(SQLFragment)
setCheckConditionFragment(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.CheckConstraint
Sets the conditional expression represented by this constraint.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class
Set the state of the IDEAction.
setCheckedList(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesConfiguration
Sets whether or not the list should show checkboxes.
setChecklistModel(ChecklistModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Checklist
Sets the checklist model for the checklist component.
setCheckOnStartup(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckForUpdatesPreferences
setChildArray(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject.ChildSupport
setChildAt(int, T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject.ChildSupport
setChildAttribute(Object, AuditContext.Key, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditContext
Sets the value of an attribute in the context of a child of the current construct and in the enclosed contexts of the child.
setChildAttribute(Object, AuditContext.Key, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
setChildComparator(Comparator) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Sets the Comparator to use for sorting just the root Navigable children of this MDDPanel; if null is specified, then the root Navigable children will not be sorted.
setChildComparator(Comparator) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.Navigable
Sets whether the child navigables are sorted or not.
setChildFilter(ChildFilter, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.explorer.TNode
Set a new ChildFilter on this TNode.
setChildFilter(ChildFilter) - Method in interface oracle.ide.explorer.TNode
Set a new ChildFilter on this TNode.
setChildNavigables(Navigable[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.Navigable
Accessor for the private data member that stores the current child Navigables.
setChildObjectNames(String[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
setChildTypes(String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.TreeNodeMaker
If child nodes are being created, the types of children for which nodes are created can be filtered by types.
setChoiceSelectorClasses(List<MetaClass>) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.PropertyFormLayoutAssembly.ChoiceSelectorDispatcher
setChooser(DBObjectChooser) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooserDelegate
Set the DBObjectChooser that this delegates for
setChooserInit(URLChooserInit) - Method in class
Specifies a URLChooserInit to use when browsing for new URLs.
setChosenTables(Namespace, Object[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.engine.db.DBRevEngineProps
setChunk(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
Set the value of CHUNK.
setClassAndPackageNameFilters(ClassNameFilter, PackageNameFilter) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageSearchPanel
setClassAndPackageNameFilters(ClassNameFilter, PackageNameFilter) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageTreePanel
This panel does not use ClassNameFilter or PackageNameFilter filters.
setClassAndPackageNameFilters(ClassNameFilter, PackageNameFilter) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageView
Supplies the class with the data needed to filter classes and packages.
setClassBuilderModel(ClassBuilderModel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.ClassPopup
Set the ClassBuilderModel used by this field.
setClassloader(ClassLoader) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction
setClassloader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface oracle.ide.extension.IsolatedClassloaderSupport
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.themes.Theme
Sets the ClassLoader to use for loading resources such as images referred to in the theme file.
setClassLoaderFactory(DatabaseProviderClassLoaderFactory) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProvider
setClassName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.ClassBuilderModel
setClassName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.wizard.common.WizardFile
setClassPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AbstractLibrary
setClassPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinLibrary
setClassPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ExternalLibrary
setClassPath(URLPath) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.JPaths
setClassPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyJDK
setClassPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibraryDefinition
setClassPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryAdapter
setClassPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.LibraryModel
setClauseType(WindowFunction.ClauseType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.WindowFunction
setCleanBeforeCompile(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setCleanProjectBeforeRebuild(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Set the clean project before rebuild setting
setClearAllFilters(boolean) - Method in class
Deprecated. Replaced by URLTextField.clearChooseableURLFilters().
setClearCompilerLogBeforeCompile(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Clear compiler log before compiling
setClearEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Enable/Disable the clear button.
setClearExistingFiles(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilderModel
setClearLogBeforeRun(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets whether the log page should be cleared before running.
setClearMenuActions(Action...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Sets the menu actions for clear button.
setClearVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Add the Clear button to the toolbar.
setClickThroughURL(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateInfo
Set the URL of a click through license that the user must agree to before installing this update.
setClientSetting(ClientSetting) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListCommentsCustomizer
setClientSetting(ClientSetting) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.cmd.CommentTemplatesConfiguration
setClientSetting(ClientSetting) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Sets the ClientSetting object from which comment template settings will be retrieved.
setClientSideMerge(Context, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.MergeContext
setClientToolDetails(String, Component) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSComparePreferencesPanel
Set details of the client-specific compare tool.
setClipboardContents(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Utility routine to set the contents of the given text into the clipboard.
setClipboardText(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EmacsAction
Utility routine to set the contents of the system clipboard to the given String text.
setCloseable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTabPage
Sets whether the page is closeable
setCloseAction(Action) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the action to perform when the close button is pressed, or when a tab is closed via control-click.
setClosedIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Sets the icon used to represent non-leaf nodes that are not expanded.
setClosestSelectedColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.CustomColorChoice
Selects the specified color, whether it is in the main or custom palette, or the closest color if it is not available in either.
setCloseVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
setCloseVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPointingPalette
Override to update the border when close button is present in GhostPointingPalette
setClosingArgument(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.ExpressionStack
setCmdArray(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
setCmdList(Collection<String>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
setCmtModel(CmtModel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtFolder
setCmtModel(CmtModel) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtModelNode
Set the owning CmtModel
setCoalescingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.TreeTableModelAdapter
Sets whether this model should coalesce delayed table changed events into a single event.
setCode(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Sets the list of PL/SQL code of the trigger, ie from the BEGIN or DECLARE, to the matching END statement.
setCodingStyleManager(CodingStyleManager) - Static method in class
Set the CodingStyleManager implementation.
setCollapseMode(HeaderPanel.CollapseMode) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.HeaderPanel
Sets the way in which this component will collapse.
setCollectionType(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
setCollectKeyStatistics(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.ManagedCacheMap
setCollectKeyStatistics(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.util.Maps.ManagedCacheMapMBean
setColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ColorIcon
Changes the color that is used to fill the icon.
setColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JavaColorChooserPane
setColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.border.ShadowBorder
Sets the color of the shadow.
setColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.PolygonIcon
Sets the foreground color, or null to use the foreground color of the containing component.
setColumn(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.AbstractToDoItem
Sets the column this to do item is associated with in a code editor
setColumnCount(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListTableModel
Sets the number of columns in the model.
setColumnEditable(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.InputTableModel
setColumnEditable(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.InputTableModel
setColumnExpressions(IndexObject[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Index
Sets the column expressions referenced by this index.
setColumnHeaderSelectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Add column header selection support for the table.
setColumnHeaderSelectionEnabled(JTable, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
Add column header selection support for the table.
setColumnID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.ColumnUsage
setColumnIdentifiers(List) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListTableModel
Replaces the column identifiers in the model.
setColumnIdentifiers(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListTableModel
Replaces the column identifiers in the model.
setColumnIDs(DBObjectID[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ColumnConstraint
Sets the IDs of the columns referenced by this Constraint.
setColumnIDs(DBObjectID[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedViewLog
Sets the list of columns in the "WITH" clause of the Materialized View Log.
setColumnIDs(DBObjectID[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
setColumnName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.ColumnKeywordUsage
setColumnNumber(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.XMLLocator
setColumnPositions(List) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTablePersistentSettings
setColumns(Column[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ColumnConstraint
Sets the constrained columns.
setColumns(Column[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Index
Deprecated. as of 10.1.3 replaced by setColumnExpressions(IndexObject[] colexprs)
setColumns(DBObjectID[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
Replace the column list.
setColumns(Column[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Relation
Sets the entire list of columns, replacing any that have previously been added.
setColumns(FromObjectUsage[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.UsingJoinCondition
setColumns(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.AbstractTextField
setColumnSelectorActions(Action...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
This method adds the specified actions to the end of ColumnSelector dropdow menu.
setColumnSelectorActions(JTable, Action...) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
This method adds the specified actions to the end of ColumnSelector dropdow menu.
setColumnSelectorAvailable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
Deprecated. Set whether this NiceTable will display a context menu on the table headers allowing the user to hide and show columns.
setColumnSelectorAvailable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Set whether this table will display a dropdown button at the end of the column header to hide/show columns.
setColumnSelectorAvailable(JTable, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
Set whether this table will display a dropdown button at the end of the column header to hide/show columns.
setColumnVisible(TableColumn, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
setColumnVisible(TableColumn, int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Makes the column visible it it can be hidden.
setColumnWidths(int[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTablePersistentSettings
setCommand(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction
Sets the action command.
setCommand(String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Sets the command for the subprocess.
setCommand(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
setCommandId(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction
Sets the command id data.
setCommandId(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployCommandState
setCommandLineArgs(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.AppClientProfile
setCommands(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.MessageDialog
Sets the commands of the dialog.
setCommands(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.MessageDialog
Sets the command of the dialog.
setCommands(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.MessageDialog
Sets the two commands of the dialog.
setCommandStringForLog(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Specifies the command string that should be logged.
SetCommentsCommand - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.cmd
SetCommentsCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.cmd.SetCommentsCommand
setCommentsComponentsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
setCommentsVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow
setCommentText(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListCommentsCustomizer
setCommutative(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Operation
Sets whether the operation is commutative.
setCompactJavaScript(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setComparator(Comparator) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SortedComboBoxModel
setComparator(Comparator) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SortedListModel
setComparator(Comparator) - Method in interface oracle.ide.explorer.TNode
Set the Comparator that is used to sort the children of this node.
setComparator(Comparator) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.TreeExplorer
Set the Comparator that is used to sort the children of this node.
setComparator(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
Sets the comparator for this comparison object.
setComparator(Comparator) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryProperty
Set a comparator to be used for this property.
setCompareByType(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.DBObjectRenderer
setCompareModel(CompareModel) - Method in class
setCompatibilityBundle(ResourceBundle, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
setCompileAction(Context, IdeAction) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.CompilerContext
setCompileBeforeDeploy(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setCompileBeforeRun(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets whether the project (and dependencies) should be compiled before running.
setCompileDepdendentProjects(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.compiler.CompileArguments
Set the compile dependent projects flag, which indicates if dependent projects should be compiled before a project is compiled.
setCompileProfile(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditPreferences
setCompileProfile(String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences.AuditPreferences
setCompiler(Compiler) - Static method in class oracle.ide.compiler.Compiler
Sets the active Compiler instance.
setCompilerOptions() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.DDLDatabase
setComplete(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.AbstractHistoryModel
setComplete(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.MutableVersionOperationModel
Set whether this model is complete when building asynchronously.
setCompletionBackground(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionPopupHandler
Sets the background color for the completion popup list.
setComponent(Component) - Method in class
Set the component to display on this page.
setComponent(T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ComponentWithHint
Sets the component to wrap.
setComponent(T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ComponentWithTitlebar
Sets the main component this titlebar decorates.
setComponentBorderPainted(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.HeaderPanel
Sets whether to draw a border around the hosted component when the header is expanded.
setComponentIndented(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.HeaderPanel
Set whether the component is indented in this panel.
setComponents(AuditTreeTable, JTree) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTableModel
setComponentsEnabledStatus(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.TemplateObjectsPanel
setCompressed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTabPage
setCompressed(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.Archive
Sets whether the jar file that is written out should be compressed.
setCompressed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultArchive
Sets whether the jar file that is written out should be compressed.
setCompressed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveOptions
setCompressible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
If set to true and the component does not have enough space to show all the tabs, it will compress the text Note This option is not implemented yet.
setCompression(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets the compress property for the Table
setCompression(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.TablePartition
Set the key (index-organized tables) or data segment compression.
setCompressionLevel(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.Archive
Set the desired compression level.
setCompressionLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultArchive
setCompressionLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveOptions
setCondensed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTabPage
Sets whether the long label is to be ignored
setCondition(JoinCondition) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.JoinObject
setCondition(AuditHook.Condition) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.TransformBinding
setConfirmed(String, Boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.MessageDialogPersistence
Set the confirmation status of a Yes/No message dialog given the specified dialog ID, indicating whether the dialog should be displayed to the user in the future.
setConfirmOverwrite(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.ClassBuilderModel
Indicate whether to suppress the 'Confirm Overwrite' dialog.
setConflict(boolean) - Method in class
setConnectBy(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.HierarchicalQueryObject
setConnectionBaseName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionEditorLauncher
Sets the base name for any connection created by this editor.
setConnectionInfo(ConnectionInfo) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.controls.ConnectionPickerButton
Sets the selected connection using the given info.
setConnectionInfo(ConnectionInfo) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.GlobalConnectionPanelUI
Sets the ConnectionInfo for the picker to use.
setConnectionLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.DatabaseConnectionPanel
setConnectionName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.ConnectionInfo
Sets the name of the connection.
setConnectionName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.ConnectionPanelUI
Sets the name of the selected connection and returns true if the connection was in the list (i.e.
setConnectionName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.DatabaseConnectionPanel
setConnectionName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setConnectionName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets the database connection name.
setConnectionNavigatorManager(NavigatorManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorManager
Deprecated. the Connection Navigator is being removed in 11.0 to be replaced by the Resource Catalog, Database Navigator (from SQL Dev) and Application Server Navigators.
setConnectionNode(ConnectionNode) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav.ConnectionNodeDecorator
setConnections(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.ConnectionImportExportPanel
Set the list of connections shown in the list.
setConnectionsCellRenderer(ListCellRenderer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.ConnectionImportExportPanel
setConstraint(KeyStrokesConstraint) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeField
Sets the class that allows or veto the keystrokes accepted by the field
setConstraints(Constraint[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Relation
Sets the list of constraints on this relation.
setContainedProfile(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.Profile
Deprecated. Containment is not for the profile to track, hence should not be a property.
setContainer(RunProcess) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
setContainerName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
setContainerType(Action, DataContainer) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployUtil
setContent(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.DetailDialog
setContent(StepContent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Step
Set the StepContent for this step.
setContent(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
Sets the content of the dialog.
setContent(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.MessageDialog
Sets the content of the dialog.
setContentFolderURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentSet
Sets the URL for the content folder for this content set.
setContentSet(int, ContentSet) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentSet
setContentSetLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ContentSetPanel
Sets the label for the list of project contents.
setContext(Context) - Method in class javax.ide.command.Command
Sets Context associated with command
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Set the context behind this editor.
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeNavigationPoint
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.Command
Sets context associated with command.
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.DirectoryOptionsPanel
Deprecated. Sets the Context that the DirectoryOptionsPanel is operating in.
setContext(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableEvent
Sets the context of the event.
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.Editor
Sets the current editor context.
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.OpenEditorOptions
Sets the file to be opened.
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.AbstractTreeExplorer
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.Explorer
(Re)initialize the contents of the gui.
setContext(Context) - Method in class
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.CompositeInspectable
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.DefaultInspectable
Deprecated. Initialize from the selection of the given Context.
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.IdeMultiObjectModel
Initialize based upon the selection of a given Context.
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.IdePropertyModel
Initialize this PropertyModel based on the selection of a given Context.
setContext(Context) - Method in interface oracle.ide.inspector.Inspectable
Initialize the PropertyModel to reflect the selection of the Context.
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.UpdateMessage
Set the context under which notification is taking place.
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.DeleteActionHandler
setContext(Context) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteTransferable
Set the current Context
setContext(Context) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette2.PaletteTransferable
Set the current Context
setContext(Context) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerWindowProvider
Called by the debugger when the active debugging process changes
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.AbstractPinnable
Initialize the DockableView based upon the selection of the View contained in the incoming Context.
setContext(CallerContext) - Method in interface
Gets the compiler context.
setContext(JavaIsGeneric, JavaType) - Method in class
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.AbstractGenerator
setContext(Context) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.Generator
Sets the context in which the generator is being accessed.
setContext(Storage) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.IdeStorage
setContext(Storage) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JarStorage
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.controls.ConnectionPickerButton
Sets the IDE context to use for determining which connection stores should be in the list.
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionEditorLauncher
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.AppConnectionPanelUI
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.AppDatabaseConnPanel
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.GlobalConnectionPanelUI
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployToAppServer
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.ProfileDeployCmd
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployShell
setContext(Context) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageBrowserFilter2V2
Set the Context of the filter.
setContext(Namespace, Context) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.engine.db.DBRevEngineProps
setConteXt(ProviderContext) - Method in class
Sets the context that we'll use.
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.AbstractMergeEditor
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.palette.PaletteEditorContext
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.AbstractCanvas
Set the Context.
setContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.AssistantExplorer
setContext(ComponentEditorContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.metadata.ContextualComponentEditor
Called by the component editor environment to provide additional information.
setContext(ModelAdapter, Location, Object, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
setContext(Location, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
setContextDBObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooser
Set the context of a child DBObjectChooser.
setContextNode(Node) - Method in class
setContextNode(Node) - Method in interface
Allows the contextual node of the compare contributor to be set by the internals of the compare framework when algorithms are executed.
setContextNode(Node) - Method in class
setContextRoot(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.war.WarProfile
setContextString(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
setContextURLs(URL[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Sets the contextual URLs for the comments customizer invocation.
setContextWrapper(DatabaseContextManager.ContextWrapper) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseContextManager
Sets which naming Context we should be using to look for database connections in.
setContributors(Context, CompareContributor[]) - Static method in class
setControlBar(ControlBar) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ComponentWithTitlebar
Sets the control bar.
setController(Controller) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
setControlPanel(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContent
Sets the ControlPanel of the TaskContent, which displays all the action controls for the step.
setCopyEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Enable/Disable the copy button.
setCopyMenuActions(Action...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Sets the menu actions for copy button.
setCopyQualifiedClassNameToField(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.BrowseHandler
setCopyQualifiedClassNameToField(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.BrowseHandler2
setCopyRes(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.BuildSystemConfiguration
setCopyRes(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use BuildSystemConfiguration.setCopyRes(String[])
setCopyrightMessage(String) - Method in class
Set the copyright message.
setCopyVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Add the Copy button to the toolbar.
setCornerSize(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the size of the corner
setCostModel(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.DataMiningFunction
setCreated(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.DatabaseLink
Set the dblink creation date
setCreatedBy(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.Archive
Sets the Created-By main attribute for the manifest file.
setCreatedBy(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultArchive
Sets the Created-By main attribute for the manifest file.
setCreateProjectNodes(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.CompilerPage
Set to true if the tree hierarchy should create nodes for projects; false otherwise
setCreateTime(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets the time that the object was created.
setCreateUI(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeArgs
setCreateWorkspaceNodes(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.CompilerPage
Set to true if the tree hierarchy should create nodes for workspaces; false otherwise.
setCreationContext(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployProfileDt
Sets the creation Context being used for profile creation.
setCtrlClickCloseEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
setCurrConnName(Namespace, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.engine.db.DBRevEngineProps
setCurrConnName(String, Namespace) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
setCurrent(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.RevisionIdentifier
Set whether this identifies the current document revision.
setCurrentEncoding(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.BuildSystemConfiguration
setCurrentEncoding(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use BuildSystemConfiguration.setCurrentEncoding(String)
setCurrentFilter(URLFilter) - Method in class
setCurrentSequence(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployEvent
setCurrentUser(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.DatabaseLink
Sets whether this database link is connected via the current user.
setCurrentValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractPicker
setCurrentView(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.DefaultLogPage
Set the object to be currently displayed within the JScrollPane.
setCurrentView(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.ProblemsPage
Set the object to be currently displayed within the JScrollPane.
setCurrentWebIanaEncoding(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.BuildSystemConfiguration
Sets IANA web document encoding preference
setCurrentWorkingSetName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.WorkingSets
Sets the active working set.
setCustom(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets whether this run configuration is custom.
setCustomComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ScrollableTabBar
Sets the custom component to install between the tabs and the scroll buttons.
setCustomFilterId(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.DefaultHistoryProperty
Set the custom filter ID of this HistoryProperty.
setCustomGUIComponent(JComponent, CustomGUIComponent) - Static method in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.CustomGUIComponent
Set the specified JComponent to be the root component of the specified CustomGUIComponent.
setCustomizedDefaults(HashStructure) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Project
Sets the specified HashStructure as the source for customized default values for the project.
setCustomizedRunInEditorTagNames(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
setCustomProperties(Properties, Properties) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.AbstractConnectionCreator
Override to include connection type specific properties in the jdbc properties set that the driver will be created with.
setCustomProperties(Properties, Properties) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.AbstractOracleConnCreator
setCycleFlag(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Sequence
Sets whether this sequence should cycle back to the beginning when the last permissible value is reached.
setData(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.Command
Sets command specific data
setData(HashStructure) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalTool
Sets persistent properties of this tool.
setData(ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeMap
setData(ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokes
setData(Object, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.XMLDataNode
Binds the specified Object to the XMLDataNode instance as being its data object.
setData(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteGroup
setData(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteItem
setData(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPalettePage
setData(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteSection
setData(InsightData) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.insight.InsightView
Sets the InsightData data model which should be displayed by this view.
setData(InsightData) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ListInsightView
Sets the InsightData data model which should be displayed by this view.
setData(InsightData) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.TooltipInsightView
Sets the InsightData data model which should be displayed by this view.
setData(ContentFolder[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ContentSetFilterPanel
Updates the UI to display the filters associated with the supplied content folders.
setDatabase(Database) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper
Sets the wrappers database.
setDatabaseLink(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.NameBasedRefID
setDatabaseMetaData(Namespace, DatabaseMetaData) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.engine.db.DBRevEngineProps
setDatabaseName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
setDataCastPacketDirectly(XMLDataNode.DataCastPacket) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.XMLDataNode
Sets the XMLDataNode.DataCastPacket object directly.
setDataContainer(DataContainer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.Profile
setDataList(List, List) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListTableModel
Replaces the current dataList instance variable with the new List of rows, newData.
setDataList(Object[][], Object[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListTableModel
Replaces the value in the dataList instance variable with the values in the array newData.
setDataMiningArguments(DataMiningFunction.DataMiningArguments) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.DataMiningFunction
Deprecated. use setDmSpecificArgs
setDataScope(Namespace) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.Navigable
Sets the specified Namespace as the data scope for this Navigable.
setDatatype(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlDatatype
setDataTypeAttributes(DataTypeAttribute[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.PredefinedDataType
setDataTypeID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeUsage
Sets the id of the DataType being used.
setDataTypeID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlParameter
setDataTypeUsage(DataTypeUsage) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Column
Sets the usage object for the datatype information for this column.
setDataTypeUsage(DataTypeUsage) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlAttribute
setDataValue(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
setDate(Date) - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.AbstractToDoItem
Sets the Date associated with the to do item
setDate(Date) - Method in interface oracle.ide.todo.ToDoItem
Sets the Date associated with the to do item
setDateProvider(CalendarDateProvider) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
setDBObject(DBObject) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooser
Convenience method to set the DBObject currently represented by the DBObjectChooser.
setDBObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooser
Set the id of the DBObject currently represented by the DBObjectChooser
setDBObjectProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.ExpressionPanel
setDBObjectProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.WhereEditor
setDebugger(Debugger) - Static method in class oracle.ide.runner.Debugger
Sets the active Debugger instance.
setDebuggerDockableLayoutPrefix(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerWindowProvider
Called by the debugger BEFORE any call to getWindow().
setDebugInformation(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use CompilerOptionManager.setDebugInformation()
setDebugLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
setDeclarationId(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dependency.IdReference
Change this reference to point to a different declaration.
setDeclaringClass(String) - Method in class
Set the declaring class if there is one.
setDeepFKs(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.TreeNodeMaker
Sets wether FKConstraint nodes should recurse to their referenced relations.
setDefault(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Column
Sets the default value for the Column.
setDefault(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryProperty
Set whether the HistoryProperty is visible by default.
setDefaultAddAction(Action) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Default action for Add button
setDefaultAnchor(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.columnlayout.LayoutBuilder
Set the default anchor used when adding components.
setDefaultArchiveDirectory(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.URLPathEditPanel
Sets the default starting directory used when browsing for new entries.
setDefaultBundleTypeId(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleOptions
setDefaultButton(JButton) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
Sets the default button of the dialog.
setDefaultCategory(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
setDefaultCategory(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationTreePanel
setDefaultChangeSet(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetAdapter
setDefaultChildComparator(Comparator) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Sets the Comparator to use for sorting Navigable children for this MDDPanel; if null is specified, then no Navigable children will be sorted.
setDefaultChooserURL(URL) - Method in class
setDefaultClassName(Project, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.wizard.common.WizardFile
setDefaultClassName(Project, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.wizard.common.WizardFile
setDefaultClassPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AbstractLibrary
Deprecated. use setClassPath(URLPath)
setDefaultClassPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinLibrary
setDefaultClassPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ExternalLibrary
Deprecated. use setClassPath
setDefaultClassPath(URLPath) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.Library
Deprecated. use setClassPath(URLPath)
setDefaultClassPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryAdapter
Deprecated. use setClassPath(URLPath)
setDefaultClearAction(Action) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Default action for Clear button
setDefaultCloseButtonIgnored(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
Sets whether to ignore the default (title bar) close button.
setDefaultConnection(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eeProfile
setDefaultConnection(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.StoredProcProfile
This is the name of the connection that the stored procedures should be deployed to.
setDefaultContentSet(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.panels.ProjectContentNavigable
setDefaultCopyAction(Action) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Default action for Copy button
setDefaultDeleteAction(Action) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Default action for Delete button
setDefaultDeployHeapSize(Integer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setDefaultDeploymentProfile(Profile) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentProfiles
Sets the default profile for this container.
setDefaultDirectory(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleExternalTableProperties
Sets the default Directory by ID.
setDefaultDirectoryName(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
setDefaultDocPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AbstractLibrary
Deprecated. use setDocPath(URLPath)
setDefaultDocPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinLibrary
setDefaultDocPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ExternalLibrary
Deprecated. use setDocPath
setDefaultDocPath(URLPath) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.Library
Deprecated. use setDocPath(URLPath)
setDefaultDocPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryAdapter
Deprecated. use setDocPath(URLPath)
setDefaultDuplicateAction(Action) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Default action for duplicate button
setDefaultEditAction(Action) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Default action for Edit button
setDefaultEditorMap(Map) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DocumentExtensions
setDefaultExpiration(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.TimedCache
Deprecated. Changes the default expiration used by the cache for objects stored in the cache without an explicit expiration.
setDefaultFactory(ModelFactory) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.UIManager
Set the ModelFactory to use as the default when no registered ModelFactory has produced a CmtModel containing a CmtModelNode for a given variable.
setDefaultFill(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.columnlayout.LayoutBuilder
Set the default fill used when adding components.
setDefaultFilter(URLFilter) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.DialogUtil
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 this method doesn't do anything
setDefaultFocusComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.TemplateWizardPage
Calls WizardPage.setInitialFocus(java.awt.Component) to set the component that should get initial focus when the page is shown.
setDefaultFocusComponent(Component) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.WizardPageFocusSetter
This interface specifies the component that should be given focus when a wizard page is visited.
setDefaultHtmlWizardConfigurator(HtmlWizardConfiguration) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.palette.HtmlWizardManager
setDefaultIndentPrefs(IndentPrefs) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.DOMBindingRuntime
setDefaultInspectable(Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorFactory
Set the default Inspectable implementation to use when no other match can be found for any give Class.
setDefaultLibraryDefinition(LegacyLibraryDefinition) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibrary
setDefaultLineTerminator(TextBuffer) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextNode
Sets up the default line terminator to use for the text buffer.
setDefaultMemberScope(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.UIEditorOptions
Set the default member scope to be used during source generation.
setDefaultMethodNameMode(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces.FacesMethodBindingPanel
setDefaultPanels(Navigable[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.PanelLibrary
Sets the default panels for this library.
setDefaultPanels(Navigable[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.PanelLibrary
Sets the default panels for this library.
setDefaultPasteAction(Action) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Default action for Paste button
setDefaultProjectBundleName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleOptions
setDefaultProperties(HistoryProperty[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.DefaultHistoryModel
setDefaultRecognizer(Recognizer) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.Recognizer
Sets the default Recognizer.
setDefaultRenderer(Class<?>, TableCellRenderer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
setDefaultRenderer(Class<?>, TableCellRenderer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationTablePanel
setDefaultResourceKeyGenerator(ResourceBundleKeyGenerator) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManager
Sets the default ResourceKeyGenerator for the system.
setDefaultSchemaName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.OfflineDBProjectSettings
Deprecated. - moved to ProviderSettings
setDefaultSchemaName(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.OfflineDBProjectSettings
Deprecated. - moved to ProviderSettings
setDefaultSchemaName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.ProviderSettings
Set the default schema name (replacing any existing value).
setDefaultSchemaName(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.ProviderSettings
Set the default schema name.
setDefaultSelection(OfflineDBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.panels.OfflineDBChooserPanel
setDefaultSettings() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
If there are no settings saved in the J2EE preferences set with the key returned by SelectDBObjectsPanel.getSettingsKey() then this method is called to default any appropriate controls.
setDefaultSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AbstractLibrary
Deprecated. use setSourcePath(URLPath)
setDefaultSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinLibrary
setDefaultSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ExternalLibrary
Deprecated. use setSourcePath
setDefaultSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.Library
Deprecated. use setSourcePath(URLPath)
setDefaultSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryAdapter
Deprecated. use setSourcePath(URLPath)
setDefaultTableCompression(OracleTablespaceProperties.DefaultTableCompression) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablespaceProperties
setDefaultTablespace(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleSchemaProperties
setDefaultTemplate(String, DBObject) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.ProviderDefaultTemplateSettings
setDefaultTemplateData(DefaultTemplateData) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.TemplateManager
Set the default TemplateData store.
setDefaultTemplateData(DefaultTemplateData) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.TemplateManagerImpl
setDefaultTemplateForType(String, DBObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Sets the default template object for the given type.
setDefaultTemplateForType(String, DBObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Sets the default template object for the given type.
setDefaultTheme(Theme) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.themes.Themes
Sets the default theme.
setDefaultTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.DefaultTraversablePanel
This method is provided as a convenience for setting the default title of the page.
setDefaultTrans(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.FSMBuilder
Sets the specified target state ID as the default transition for the current FSM state.
setDefaultTransform(Transform) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.ViolationReport
Sets the default transform for this violation.
setDefaultTransformName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Rule
Sets the default transform for this rule by its name.
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlParameter
setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtPropertyState
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.UserPropertyDefn
setDefaultVisibleRows(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Override the default number of visible rows.
setDefautProperties(Properties) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionEditorLauncher
Sets the default Properties for any connection created by this editor.
setDefinitionList(List) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibrary
setDelayBeforeBrowserLaunch(Integer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.EmbeddedServerOptions
Delay is in milliseconds.
setDeleteEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Enable/Disable the delete button.
setDeleteMenuActions(Action...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Sets the menu actions for delete button.
setDeleteMode(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.FKConstraint
Sets whether this constraint specifies CASCADE DELETE.
setDeleteStrategy(DeleteActionHandler.DeleteStrategy) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.DeleteActionHandler
setDeleteVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Add the Delete button to the toolbar.
setDependencies(Interdependency, Dependable[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployUtil
Utility method to set all the dependencies on an Interdependency.
setDependencies(Interdependency, T[], Class<T>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployUtil
Sets only the sub-set of Dependables that match a particular type.
setDependencyCollector(CompositeDependency) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Auditor
Sets the collector of dependencies discovered when the audit is run, or null.
setDependencyCollector(CompositeDependency) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
setDependencyDepth(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setDependencyList(List) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DependencyConfiguration
setDependencyManager(DependencyManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dependency.DependencyManager
Set the dependency manager instance.
setDependentURLs(URL[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.ProviderDependencySettings
setDeployAsSharedLibrary(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.weblogic.DeployToWeblogic
setDeployAsSharedLibrary(Boolean) - Method in class
setDeployClientMaxHeapSize(Integer) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eePackaging
setDeployClientMaxHeapSize(Integer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eeProfile
setDeployCommand(DeployCommand) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.DeployAction
setDeployedByDefault(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinLibrary
setDeployedByDefault(Boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibrary
setDeployedByDefault(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryAdapter
setDeployedByDefault(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryNode
setDeployedByDefault(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibrary
setDeployedByDefault(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JLibraryModel
setDeployException(DeployException) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployShell
setDeployException(DeployException) - Method in class
setDeploymentManager(DeploymentManagerImpl) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentManager
setDeploymentModule(DeployShell, Profile, DeploymentModule) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployUtil
Sets the DeploymentModule in the topmost DeployShell shell.
setDeploymentModule(DeploymentModule, DeployShell) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveDeployer
setDeploymentModuleFactory(DeploymentModuleFactory) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployShell
setDeploymentModuleURL(URL, DeployShell) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveDeployer
setDeploymentOptions(Context, DeploymentOptions) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployUtil
setDeploymentProfile(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
setDeploymentProfiles(Profile[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentProfiles
setDeploymentViewInfo(DeployShell) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentViewManager
Populate a DeployShell with DeploymentView information.
setDeployOutputFolder(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setDeployOutputURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setDeployPlanUrl(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eeProfile
setDeploySequence(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployCommandState
setDeployShellFactory(DeployShellFactory) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployShell
A DeployShell should have a reference to the factory that created it, in case more shells need to be created for deploying dependant modules.
setDeployTarget(Context, AppServer) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.JeeDeployUtil
Deprecated. Use JeeDeployment.setDeployTarget() instead.
setDeployToAllInstances(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.weblogic.DeployToWeblogic
setDeployToAllInstances(Boolean) - Method in class
setDeployToInstances(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.weblogic.DeployToWeblogic
setDeployToInstances(String[]) - Method in class
setDeprecated(boolean) - Method in class
Set the deprecated flag.
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesConfiguration
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.PickerEvent
setDescription(String) - Method in class
Sets the description of this URLFilter instance that will be shown to the user.
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteGroup
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteItem
Set description
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPalettePage
Set description
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateInfo
Set a description for this update.
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateMessage
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryProperty
Set a description for this property.
setDescription(SourceDocDescription) - Method in interface
Sets the description argument of this tag.
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContentProvider
Sets the task description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ear.EarProfile
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologyInfo.GeneratedFileInfo
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologyInfo.LibraryInfo
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.UserPropertyDefn
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
Sets the description text for this dialog.
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.Bookmark
Sets the bookmark description.
setDescriptionComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContent
Sets the description component which shows the description of the provider.
setDescriptionText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
setDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.PropertyField
setDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.BooleanField
setDescriptorObjects(TransferDescriptor, Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate.GenerateController
Given the Context sets the objects to be generated on the TransferDescriptor.
setDetailContent(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.DetailDialog
Set the component to display when the user clicks the Details button in this dialog.
setDetailContent(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ProgressMonitor
Deprecated. Specifies the content of the dialog to appear in a 'details' section.
setDetailDividerLocation(double) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Sets the position of the detail divider bar as a percentage of the detail split pane's size.
setDetailDividerSize(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Sets the size of the divider bar that separates the master tree from the detail tree.
setDetailMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.BasicProgressMonitor
setDetailResizeWeight(double) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Sets the initial resize weight of the detail divider bar.
setDetailsButtonEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.DetailDialog
Toggles the enablement of the "details" button.
setDetailsStatusLabel(JLabel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.DetailDialog
setDetailVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.DetailDialog
Set whether the details area of this dialog is visible.
setDeterminate(int) - Method in class
Indicates that searching will take a determinate number of steps to complete.
setDeterministic(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlTopLevelFunction
setDiagnosticDirectory(File) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.logging.Diagnostics
Sets the directory to use for diagnostic files.
setDiagnosticsStream(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.ide.compiler.CompileArguments
Set the output stream that should be used for diagnostics.
setDialog(WizardDialog) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard
This method takes an instance of WizardDialog and associates it with the FSMWizard so that WizardCallbacks messages coming from the individual panels will be routed to the WizardDialog.
setDialogCallbacks(DialogCallbacks) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.TraversableContext
setDialogHeader(Component, DialogHeader) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.OnePageWizardDialogFactory
Sets the dialog header to use for dialogs created for the specified content component.
setDialogHeader(DialogHeader) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.TDialogLauncher
Sets the dialog header.
setDialogHelpContext(String) - Method in class
setDialogName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressBar
setDialogRunnerCallback(DialogRunnerCallback) - Method in class
setDialogTitle(String) - Method in class
Set the dialog title.
setDialogTitle(String) - Method in class
Sets the title to use for the browse dialog
setDialogTitle(WizardDialog) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.DeployWizardBuilder
setDialogType(int) - Method in class
Sets whether the URL chooser displayed through this text field is an Open dialog or a Save dialog.
setDifferences(CompareDifference[]) - Method in class
setDirection(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ButtonsLayoutManager
setDirection(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TriStateButtonModel
Set the order of the partial state when cycling through the states.
setDirection(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TriStateCheckBox
Set the order of the partial state when cycling through the states.
setDirectories(Directories) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateManager
Set an object that provides information about the directories the update manager should use.
setDirectory(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.FileSpecification
Set file directory name
setDirectory(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier
Sets the id for the Directory this location is using.
setDirectory(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilderModel
setDirectory(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.SourceModel
setDirectory(File) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
setDirectoryExcludeFilter(DirectoryExcludeFilter) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.ExcludeFilterSettings
setDirectoryOnly(boolean) - Method in class
Specifies whether this URLTextField should display directories or files.
setDirectoryPrompt(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Sets the label for the directory name text field.
setDirectoryPrompt(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.NewWorkspacePanel
setDirectoryURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Sets the URL used for the directory field.
setDirectoryURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.NewWorkspacePanel
setDirty(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the specified CustomTabPage dirty attribute
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTabPage
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.AppBundleInfo
setDirURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
setDisabledFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ContextAwareLabelUpdater
setDisabledFormat(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controller.LabelUpdater
Sets the value for the disabled format.
setDisabledFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controller.MenuAwareLabelUpdater
Not implemented.
setDisabledIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.DefaultCustomTabPage
setDisabledIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuItem
Override inherited implementation to additionaly set the flag indicating that the disabled icon should be considered as having been fetched.
setDisabledIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.RadioMenuItem
Override inherited implementation to additionaly set the flag indicating that the disabled icon should be considered as having been fetched.
setDisabledIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleMenuItem
Override inherited implementation to additionaly set the flag indicating that the disabled icon should be considered as having been fetched.
setDisabledIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToolButton
Override inherited implementation to additionaly set the flag indicating that the disabled icon should be considered as having been fetched.
setDiscardOnClose(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkOptions
Sets whether to discard bookmarks when closing an editor.
setDiscardOnExit(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkOptions
Sets whether to discard bookmarks when exiting JDeveloper.
setDismissOnMouseExit(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.datatips.DataTip
Set the flag that determines if the data tip window should automatically hide when the mouse is not over the window or any of its children anymore.
setDisplayedText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.find.FindTextSupport
To be implemented by something that knows how to set the text displayed by the actual Component subclass.
setDisplayHideFinalFields(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerWindowProviderCallback
The provider can tell the debugger to hide final fields or not when returning fields of objects.
setDisplayHideNullArrayElements(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerWindowProviderCallback
The provider can tell the debugger to hide null array elements or not when returning array elements.
setDisplayHideStaticFields(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerWindowProviderCallback
The provider can tell the debugger to hide static fields or not when returning fields of objects.
setDisplayHideSyntheticFields(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerWindowProviderCallback
The provider can tell the debugger to hide synthetic fields or not when returning fields of objects.
setDisplayInfo(ElementDisplayInfo) - Method in class javax.ide.model.Document
Set the display info for this element.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggeeData
Set the display name of an object, which will become the name returned by getShortLabel().
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.UserPropertyDefn
setDisplayShowPackages(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerWindowProviderCallback
The provider can tell the debugger to use package info or not when returning types.
setDisplaySortFieldsByName(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerWindowProviderCallback
The provider can tell the debugger to sort fields by name or not when returning fields of objects.
setDisplayStyle(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.Navigable
setDistinct(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
Set the DISTINCT/UNIQUE/ALL property for the query.
setDistinct(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Function
Sets whether or not this is a DISTICT/UNIQUE function
setDistinctSource(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
Set the source string used to define the DISTINCT/UNIQUE/ALL property for the query
setDistinctSource(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Function
Set the source string used to define the DISTINCT/UNIQUE/ALL and trim LEADING/TRAILING/BOTH property of the function.
setDmSpecificArgs(SQLFragment[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.DataMiningFunction
Sets the function specific arguments for this function.
setDocClassName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DocumentExtensions.DocRecord
Sets the document type name.
setDocComment(DocCommentT) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the javadoc comment symbol.
setDocComment(DocCommentT) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the javadoc comment symbol.
setDocComment(SourceDocComment) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the javadoc comment symbol.
setDockables(Dockable[]) - Method in interface oracle.ide.docking.DockableDragContext
setDockableVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableView
Shows/hides the dockable.
setDockableVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableWindow
Shows/hides the dockable.
setDockableVisible(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
Show/hide a dockable.
setDockableVisible(Dockable, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
setDockStation(DockStation) - Static method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
Publishes the specified DockStation as the active instance in the IDE.
setDocPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AbstractLibrary
setDocPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinLibrary
setDocPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ExternalLibrary
setDocPath(URLPath) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.JPaths
setDocPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyJDK
setDocPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibraryDefinition
setDocPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryAdapter
setDocPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.LibraryModel
setDoctypeID(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
setDocument(Document) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Associates the editor with the text document.
setDocument(Document) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ExtendedTextField
setDocumentURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
Sets the base document URL that all URLs should be resolved against.
setDomainIndextype(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Index
setDomainIndextypeOpStatus(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Index
setDomainIndextypeParameters(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Index
setDomainParameters(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.IndexPartition
setDomainRegexp(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.MasterListEntry
setDone(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.AbstractToDoItem
Sets whether the to do item is completed or not
setDone(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.todo.ToDoItem
Sets whether the to do item is completed or not
setDoneStatus() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.RestartableProgressBar
The client code should call this when the long-running process is complete.
setDoneStatus() - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressBar
The client code should call this when the long-running process is complete.
setDontForceOutput(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunLogPage
setDot(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicCaret
Sets the caret position and mark to some position.
setDoUILater() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Specifies that the simple process code should call SwingUtilities.invokeLater instead of calling SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait when/if it needs to do UI.
setDownloadUrl(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateBundle
Sets the download URL for this bundle.
setDownloadURL(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateInfo
setDragAction(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.elementtree.ElementTreeViewAdapter
setDraggable(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PalettePage
Sets if the all palette items belonging to this page can be dragged.
setDrillDownSubsteps(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Step
Sets whether the substeps of this step is showing.
setDropSCN(Long) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets the system change number (SCN) of the transaction which moved the object to the recycle bin
setDropTime(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets the time that the object was dropped.
setDropTransferable(Transferable) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.UIManager
During a DnD, this is called to set the current transferable.
setDTD(DTD) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
WARNING: This method is still in the prototype stage.
setDuplicateEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Enable/Disable the duplicate button.
setDuplicateMenuActions(Action...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Sets the menu actions for duplicate button.
setDuplicateVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Add the Duplicate button to the toolbar.
setDynamicBorder(Border) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTable.TripleBorder
setEarURL(URL) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eePackaging
setEarURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eeProfile
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListTableModel
Sets the editable state of the default table model
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JScrollingLabel
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooser
Override of the Component.setEditable method.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooserBridge
see DBObjectChooser.setEditable(boolean).
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooserDelegate
See DBObjectChooser.setEditable(boolean).
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Sets the specified boolean to indicate whether or not this TextComponent should be editable.
setEditDeploymentPlan(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.weblogic.DeployToWeblogic
setEditDeploymentPlan(Boolean) - Method in class
setEditEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Enable/Disable the edit button.
setEditingProvider(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.panels.OfflineDBChooserPanel
Indicates that we are in the process of editing the given provider and therefore it should not appear in the picklist.
setEditLocked(boolean) - Method in class
setEditLocked(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether this compare view is locked against editing, even if the underlying text buffers are writable.
setEditMenuActions(Action...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Sets the menu action for Edit button.
setEditor(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.RecentFile
setEditor(Context, Editor) - Static method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteContext
setEditor(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
Sets the current editor to use with this palette item.
setEditor(Class<? extends DatabaseConnectionEditor.ConnectionEditor>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionEditor
Deprecated. - use DatabaseConnectionEditor.setLauncher(java.lang.Class), the new launcher class is more powerful as it can return the chosen store and connection name together, and is also more flexible for change (abstract class rather than an interface).
setEditorAddin(EditorAddin) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.Editor
Set the EditorAddin that actually created this editor (as opposed to some random EditorAddin that can create such an editor).
setEditorAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.Editor
setEditorClass(Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.OpenEditorOptions
The editor type that will be up when the editor is activated.
setEditorDelay(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditPreferences
setEditorDelay(int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences.AuditPreferences
setEditorManager(EditorManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorManager
Publishes the specified EditorManager as the active instance in the IDE.
setEditorMode(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryComponent
Deprecated. this is an evil hack and is in the process of being removed.
setEditorsData(Map) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorsOptions
Deprecated. Not used. This method is a no-op.
setEditorSelection(EditorSelection) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicCaret
Change the selection model used by this caret.
setEditPage(PalettePage) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.Palette
Set Edit PalettePage
setEditTime(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
setEditTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.URLPathField
setEditVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Add the Edit button to the toolbar.
setElement(Element) - Method in class oracle.ide.Context
Convenience method for setting the selection to be the specified Element.
setElementID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.XMLTypeColumnProperties
setElements(XMLSchemaElement[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.XMLSchema
setElementSelected(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListModel
Sets the element at the specified index to checked.
setEllipsisVisible(IdeAction, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow
setELManagerCache(XmlContext, Map) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.xdf.AbstractELReferenceFactory
setElseExpression(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.CaseStatement
setEnableBreakpoint(DebuggerBreakpoint, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerExtenderCallback
Called by the DebuggerExtender to set the preferred state of a previously added breakpoint to enabled or disabled
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Set the enabled state of the IDEAction.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
This disables all active children in the panel as well as the panel itself.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.AWTColorComponent
Override to set state of children.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
Convenience method.
setEnabled(boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
Convenience method.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.AutoRepeatButtonModel
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTabPage
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JSelectableLabel
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
Convenience method.
setEnabled(boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
Convenience method.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.URLPathField
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.CommentEditor
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooser
Override of the Component.setEnabled method.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooserBridge
see DBObjectChooser.setEnabled(boolean).
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooserDelegate
See DBObjectChooser.setEnabled(boolean).
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBSizeChooser
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons
Enable/disable the panel and all the buttons.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.NameTextField
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.DataTypePanel
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.WhereEditor
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenter
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Constraint
Sets the enabled state of this constraint.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Sets whether this Trigger is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryComponent
Set whether this component is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Step
Set whether the step is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.StepHeader
Override to enable/disable the StepHeader's child components.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ReorderableBar
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.SynchronizedQueue
Sets whether this queue is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Analyzer
Sets whether this analyzer is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Metric
Sets whether this rule is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Rule
Sets whether this rule is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.Transform
Sets whether this transform is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.AbstractGenerator
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.AttributePanel
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.ClassGenerator
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.Generator
Sets the enabled state of all UI present on the object returned by getAttributes.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.GeneratorElement
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.controls.ConnectionDetails
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.DeployAction
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ContentSetFilterPanel
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSURLFileSystemHelper
Sets whether the file system helper decorator is enabled.
setEnabled(Rule, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.RuleFilter
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.NullablePanel
setEnabledChangedByUser(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenter
setEnabledFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ContextAwareLabelUpdater
setEnabledFormat(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controller.LabelUpdater
Sets the value for the enabled format.
setEnabledFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controller.MenuAwareLabelUpdater
Not implemented.
setEnableWhitespace(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.DOMBindingRuntime
setEncoder(AbstractPicker.PickerValueEncoder) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractPicker
Set the Encoder used by this AbstractPicker.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Sets the encoding for use in reading or writing files.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
setEncoding(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchFormat
setEncoding(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchIndexFile
Sets the encoding character set of the index file.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class
setEncoding(String) - Method in class
setEncoding(String) - Method in class
setEncodingsFile(File) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.Encodings
setEnd(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlToken
setEndOfBufferMessage(String) - Method in class
setEndOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.StyledMessage
setEndOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultFoldingBlock
setEndOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractLexer.DefaultLexerToken
Sets the end offset for this token.
setEndSelectionPoint(Point) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.EditorSelection
Let the selection know the point (in editor coordinates) where the selection end is designated.
setEndSelectionPoint(Point) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EditorSelectionColumns
setEndSelectionPoint(Point) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EditorSelectionWrap
setEnforceFileExtension(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Sets whether or not to add the file extension no matter what (true), or to only add the extension if no extension is provided in the file name.
setEnforceSelection(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.GlobalDatabaseConnPanel
Sets whether to force the user to choose a valid connection by disabling the next or OK buttons (wizard/dialog respectively) until a valid connection is chosen.
setEngine(DiffEngine) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.DiffContext
setEnterpriseAppName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eeProfile
setEnterpriseAppName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.LibraryArchiveProfile
setEntries(File[]) - Method in class
Sets the path represented by this FilePath instance to be equivalent to the specified array of Files.
setEntries(URL[]) - Method in class
Sets the path represented by this URLPath instance to be equivalent to the specified array of URLs.
setEntryMatched(PatchEntry, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchContext
Sets whether the patch entry has been matched against the context.
setEnumerals(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.AbstractEnumerationField
Sets the enumerals allowed for this property.
setEnvironment(ExternalToolOptionsEnvironment) - Method in interface oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolOptionsPage
Set the environment in which the page is being invoked.
setEnvironmentParams(String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Sets the environment parameters for the subprocess.
setEnvpArray(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
setEnvpMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
setEOLType(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
Changes the EOL terminator type associated with this document to the type specified.
setEOLType(String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBuffer
Changes the EOL terminator type associated with this document to the type specified.
setEOLType(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferDecorator
Changes the EOL terminator type associated with this document to the type specified.
setErrors(List) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.SQLErrorDialog
setErrors(CommonRoot) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol.ErrorReporter
setErrors(CommonRoot) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol.ExpressionWrapper
setErrors(CommonRoot) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol.RootSymbol
setEvaluator(Context, DebuggerEvaluator) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerExtender
Called after the debuggee has stopped and the stack window is refreshed.
setEvaluator(DebuggerEvaluator) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerWindowProvider
Called each time the user changes stackframe or thread, supplying a new evaluator for that thread and stackframe.
setEvent(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.ide.Context
Set the EventObject to be associated with this Context.
setEventId(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.oc4j.Oc4jInstanceEvent
Type of the event.
setEventLog(Log) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
setEventLog(Log) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock
Sets or clears a logger for lock events.
setEventObject(EventObject) - Method in class
setEvents(String[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Sets the list of events for the trigger.
setException(Throwable) - Method in class
Sets the exception associated with this feedback message, or null if the handler should use LogRecord.getThrown().
setExceptions(boolean) - Method in class
setExceptions(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxySettingsPanel
Set the exceptions.
setExcludedClasses(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use CompilerOptionManager.setExcludedClasses()
setExcludeDirectories(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
setExcludeFilterSettings(ExcludeFilterSettings) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DocumentExtensions
setExecutable(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalProgramToolProperties
setExecutable(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDKModel
setExecuting(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper
Indicates that this wrapper is in the process of executing.
setExecutionProxy(StatementWrapper.ExecutionProxy) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper
Sets the execution proxy for all queries in the API.
setExistingObjects(SystemObject[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferState
Should only be used by the TransferManager and RefreshController.
setExitTransition(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.AbstractDeployWizardPanel
setExpandable(JComponent, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.StatusBarControl
setExpandable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Header
Sets whether this header is expandable.
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerElement
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.AbstractFoldingBlock
setExpanded(Object, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.folding.CodeFoldingModel
Sets whether the specified folding block should be expanded.
setExpanded(Object, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultCodeFoldingModel
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.folding.FoldingBlock
Sets whether this source code block is expanded.
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Step
Set whether the step is expanded or not.
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Header
Programmatically sets whether the header is expanded.
setExpansionFactor(float) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
Sets the expansion factor of the contents of this dialog.
setExpansionState(Object, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.CodeFoldingMargin
Expand or collapse a block.
setExpansionState(Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.CodeFoldingMargin
Expand or collapse a block.
setExpiration(K, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.TimedCache
Deprecated. Changes the expiration on a previously cached object.
setExpiryEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetAdapter
setExplanatoryText(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.ConnectionImportExportPanel
Set the explanatory text displayed at the top of the dialog.
setExplicit(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeNavigationPoint
Set the explicit flag.
setExplicit(Editor, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorManager
Set the editor as explicit or implicit.
setExplicit(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.RecentFile
setExplorerManager(ExplorerManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Publishes the specified ExplorerManager as the active instance in the IDE.
setExplorerType(Context, Class) - Static method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerContext
Sets the explorer type set in the context.
setExports(JLibrary[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectLibraries
Set the array of all exported JLibrary instances.
setExpression(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractAliasFragment
Sets the expression part of the fragment.
setExpression(SQLFragment) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.AliasFragment
Sets the expression portion of this SQLFragment.
setExpression(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.CaseStatement
setExpression(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.FromObject
setExpression(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.IndexObject
Sets the expression for this Index object.
setExpression(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.OrderByObject
Sets the expression for this ORDER BY object.
setExpressions(SQLFragment[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.GroupByObject
setExpressionText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
setExtension(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DocumentExtensions.ExtInfo
Sets the extension string.
setExtension(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleKey
Sets the extension of the file used to store the data
setExtensionId(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.usages.UsageData
Associates an extension or product ID with this UsageData.
setExtensionPath(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.config.FileAssociations
setExtensionToContentTypeMap(Map) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DocumentExtensions
setExtentManagementType(OracleTablespaceProperties.ExtentManagementType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablespaceProperties
setExtents(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockingParam
When used in conjunction with DockingParam.setPosition(Dockable, int), allows to place the dockable next, under or above multiple other dockables.
setExtraURLs(URL[]) - Method in class
Registers a URL array that corresponds to resources that exist only in memory and not in the file system (for example, unsaved files).
setFailed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferState
Notifies any state listeners that the transfer (or prepare) has failed.
setFastRefresh(MaterializedView.FastRefreshable) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets whether the materialized view is eligible for incremental (fast) refresh.
setFeedbackManager(FeedbackManager) - Static method in class
Publishes the specified FeedbackManager as the active instance in the IDE.
setField(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.BitField
Sets the full bit mask for this BitField.
setFieldId(JComponent, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.SettingsPageCustomizationHelper
Associates a component with a field id.
setFile(URL) - Method in class
setFile(URL) - Method in class
setFileChangeManager(FileChangeManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.index.file.FileChangeManager
Set the FileChangeManager implementation.
setFileEventSender(VCSFileEventSender) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSFileEventSender
setFileExtension(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Sets the extension that should be used for the new file.
setFileGroups(FileGroups) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveProfile
setFileGroups(FileGroups) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.StoredProcProfile
setFileName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Sets the test to display in the file name field.
setFileName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.NewWorkspacePanel
setFileName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilderModel
setFileName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.SourceModel
setFileNameURL(String) - Method in class
setFileNativeHelper(FileNativeHelper) - Static method in class
setFilePrompt(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Set the label for the file name text field.
setFilePrompt(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesConfiguration
Sets the label to show above the files list.
setFilePrompt(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.NewWorkspacePanel
setFileSize(BigInteger) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.FileSpecification
setFileSpecifications(FileSpecification[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Tablespace
Sets the entire list of data/temp files, replacing any that have previously been added.
setFileTableManager(FileTableManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.index.file.FileTableManager
Set the FileTableManager implementation.
setFileText(String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.NameFilter
setFileType(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Specifies a string used to describe the type of file.
setFileType(Tablespace.FileType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Tablespace
setFileType(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologyInfo.GeneratedFileInfo
setFileTypeIncludeFilter(FileTypeIncludeFilter) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.ExcludeFilterSettings
setFileWrapperClass(Class<? extends DBObjectFileWrapper>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.ProviderSettings
setFilter(DBObjectFilter) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooser
Set any additional DBObjectFilter for the chooser.
setFilter(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectSourcePicker
setFilter(URLFilter) - Method in class
Specifies a filter to use when browsing for new URLs.
setFilter(ProxyOptionsFilter) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxyOptions
Sets the filter applied to the ProxyOptions.
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.classpick.TextFieldAdapter
Sets a filter that further refines what classes or packages are shown.
setFilter(ClassPackageBrowserFilterV2) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageBrowserV2
Sets the one and only filter to use for determining what packages and classes are acceptible.
setFilter(ClassPackageBrowserFilterV2) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageSearchPanel
Note that this method does nothing in this class because it uses ClassNameFilter and PackageNameFilter filters instead.
setFilter(ClassPackageBrowserFilterV2) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageTreePanel
setFilter(ClassPackageBrowserFilterV2) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageView
Supplies the view with a ClassPackageBrowserFilterV2 which is used to check each package and class before adding it to the browser.
setFilterAllowed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Sets whether the filter control is allowed in this panel.
setFilters(PatternFilter[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.PatternFilters
setFilters(ClassPackageBrowserFilterV2[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageBrowserV2
Set an array of filters to be made available to the user for use in filtering which items are to be displayed.
setFilters(CustomFilter[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.CustomFilterManager
Set common customizable filters for the history manager.
setFilterStatuses(VCSStatus[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
setFinal(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
Set whether this object type can be the supertype to another object type.
setFinal(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
setFinishComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.FinishPanel
setFinishPageAdded(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard
Sets whether or not a finish page has been added to the FSMWizard
setFinishText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.FinishPanel
setFireCheckboxActionOnDoubleClick(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicelist.NiceList
Sets whether a double click on an item in the list should automatically fire a checkbox event to registered niceListActionListeners.
setFireCheckboxActionOnSelectionChanged(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicelist.NiceList
Sets whether this list will fire NiceListActionEvent.Type.CHECKBOX events when an item in the list is selected.
setFirst(A) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Pair
setFirstContributor(Context, CompareContributor) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.MergeContext
setFirstItemLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.Navigable.NavigableComparator
Sets the label of the item that is to appear first in the sorting order; if null, then all Navigable instances are sorted lexicographically.
setFirstToken(PlSqlToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlFragment
setFitWidth(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets whether the tabs should be stretched horizontally to fit the width of the control.
setFixed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel
Set whether this menu label allows changing its mnmonic.
setFixedBottomMarginComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Installs a panel at the bottom of the code editor.
setFixedSize(Dimension) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JToolButton
Deprecated. This method sets the maximum, minimum, and preferred sizes to be the specified Dimension, essentially setting a fixed size for the JToolButton.
setFixListBelow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.FixListComboModel
setFixListBelow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JFixListCombo
Set if the fixed portion of the combo pop up will appear below the scrollable area (false = fix area above)
setFixListBelow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JTreeFixListCombo
Set if the fixed portion of the combo pop up will appear below the scrollable area (false = fix area above)
setFixListBelow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.TreeFixListComboModel
Set the position of the fix list in the popup
setFlags(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTabPage
setFlags(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.OpenEditorOptions
Sets the flags used to open the file
setFlags(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.OpenEditorOptions
Sets/clears flags.
setFlags(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.classpick.TextFieldAdapter
tune optional behavior of the adapter.
setFlatLook(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Set whether this component has a flat look.
setFloating(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockingParam
setFloatingPosition(Rectangle) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockingParam
setFloatingToolWindow(FloatingToolWindow) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockingParam
This method is used by the docking system when the window is floated.
setFloatOnTop(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Dockable windows float on top of the main application window
setFloatOnTop(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockingParam
setFloatOnTop(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockingParam
Instructs how to place the floating window.
setFocusBorder(Border) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TruncatingTreeCellRenderer.TruncatedLabelComponent
setFocused(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
setFocusLocation(Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.ViolationReport
Sets the construct at the focus of the violation.
setFocusLocation(Location) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.ViolationReport
Sets the location at the focus of the violation.
setFollowDependencies(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setFont(Font) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.EditorStatusBar.StatusBarCell
Override the setFont method so that we can recalculate our size.
setFont(Font) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
setFont(Font) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tabbedpane.TabTitleComponent
setFont(Font) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeField
setFont(Font) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
We override the setFont implementation, as the font handling in the editor framework is different.
setFont(Font) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin.StatusBarCell
Override the setFont method so that we can recalculate our size.
setFont(Font) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ExtendedTextField
setFont(Font) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TextLayer
setFont(Font) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Subclassed to map FontUIResources to null.
setFontFamily(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Sets the font family that we should use for printing.
setFontFamily(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.PrintOptions
Sets the font family that we should use for printing.
setFontSize(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Sets the font size to use for printing.
setFontSize(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.PrintOptions
Sets the font size to use for printing.
setForceJarRewrite(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setForceLoad(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.config.PlatformProperties
setForceLogging(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablespaceProperties
setForceOnCreate(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.View
Sets whether this view should include the FORCE option on create.
setForCollection(ExpressionT) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the collection expression on this for statement.
setForConditional(ExpressionT) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the conditional expression on this for statement.
setForeground(Color) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SmallSquareButton
setForeground(Color) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SmallSquareDropDownMenuButton
setForeground(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ExtendedTextField
setForeground(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Header
setForeground(Color) - Method in class
setForeground(Color) - Method in class
Sets the foreground color.
setForeground(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TextLayer
Set the foreground color of the overlaid text
setForSchemaAndName(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.DatabaseLinkPanel
setForSchemaAndName(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SynonymPanel
setForVariableDeclaration(LocalVariableDeclT) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the variable declaration on this for statement.
setFragmentType(PlSqlFragment.Type) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlFragment
setFreelistGroups(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
setFreelists(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
setFreepools(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
Set the value of FREEPOOLS.
setFromFile(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchEntry
Sets the from-file value for the patch entry.
setFromFileLineCount(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchHunk
Sets the from-file line count for the patch hunk.
setFromFileLineNumber(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchHunk
Sets the from-file line number for the patch hunk.
setFromFileModificationTime(Date) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchEntry
Sets the from-file modification time for the patch entry.
setFromFileRevision(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchEntry
Sets the from-file revision number for the patch entry.
setFromObject(FromObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractFromObjectUsage
Deprecated. - use setFromObjectID() instead
setFromObject(FromObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.FromObjectUsage
Deprecated. - use setFromObjectID().
setFromObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractFromObjectUsage
setFromObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.FromObjectUsage
Sets the ID of the FromObject that this object is dependent on.
setFromObjects(FromObject[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
setFromObjects(FromObject[]) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.DeclarativeSQLQuery
Set all the from objects for this query.
setFunction(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.DataMiningFunction
Sets the function (text).
setFunction(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Function
Sets the function (text).
setFunctionFormat(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Operation
Sets whether this operation is formatted like a function.
setFunctions(Collection) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.WhereEditor
Sets the functions to include.
setGalleryFolder(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
setGap(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ButtonsLayoutManager
setGap(int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CommandButtonLayout
Sets the gap for this layout manager.
setGapAboveLabel(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the gap between the label and the top of the tab
setGapAfterTabs(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the gap after the last tab
setGapBeforeTabs(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the gap before the first tab
setGapBelowLabel(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the gap between the label and the bottom of the tab
setGapBetweenTabs(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the gap between two tabs
setGapCenter(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the gap between the icon and the text
setGapClose(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
setGapLeft(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the gap between the left border of the tab and the icon (or text if there is no icon)
setGapRight(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the gap between the text (or icon if there is no text) and the right border of the tab
setGeneratedFiles(JDevTechnologyInfo.GeneratedFileInfo[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologyInfo
setGeneratePlSqlDebugInfo(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlCompilerOptions
setGeneratePrompts(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setGenerateSchemaNames(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setGenerateScripts(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setGenerateSpoolCommands(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setGenerateToDatabase(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setGenerator(Generator) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.GeneratorElement
setGlobalHashQuantity(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexPartitions
Set the GLOBAL HASH quantity.
setGlobalKeyMap(KeyStrokeMap) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeOptions
setGlobalPartitionColumns(DBObjectID[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexPartitions
setGradientColor(Color, Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicelist.NiceListRenderer
Sets the color to use for the selection gradient.
setGradientColors(Color[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.GenericWizardLauncher
Sets the color array to use when painting the gradient in the wizard.
setGradientDirection(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.GradientPanel
setGradientEndColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.GradientPanel
setGradientHighlight(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
setGradientStartColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.GradientPanel
setGridSpacing(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.UIEditorOptions
Set the grid spacing to be used by those LayoutAssistants that support grid behavior.
setGridVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.UIEditorOptions
Set whether or not to display grid effects when working with LayoutAssistants that support a grid.
setGroupByObject(GroupByObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
setGroupByObject(GroupByObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
setGroupByObject(GroupByObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.DeclarativeSQLQuery
Sets the "GROUP BY ...
setGroupByObject(GroupByObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Sets the group by object.
setGroupByType(GroupByExpression.GroupingType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.GroupByExpression
setGroupId(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setGrouping(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Function
Sets whether this is a grouping function or not.
setGroupTitle(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setGrowth(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.border.ShadowBorder
Sets the number of pixels to grow the shadow rectangle both horizontally and vertically compared to the component rectangle.
setHandlerName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EditorProperties
Changes the name of the default handler used.
setHasCheckBox(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setHasCheckBox(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setHasFocus(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JSelectableLabel
setHashQuantity(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablePartitions
setHashQuantityTablespaces(String[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablePartitions
Replace the HASH_QUANTITY_TABLESPACE with new ones.
setHasManifest(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveOptions
setHasRadioButton(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
Set radio button for this item.
setHaving(WhereObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.GroupByObject
setHavingObject(WhereObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
setHavingObject(WhereObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Sets the HAVING clause of the query.
setHeaderDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.DialogHeader
Deprecated. Sets the description string to be displayed in the dialog header.
setHeaderDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Checklist
Sets the header description text.
setHeaderIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Checklist
Sets the Checklist Header icon at top.
setHeaderImage(Icon) - Method in class
Set the dialog title header image.
setHeaderImage(Image) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.DialogHeader
Deprecated. Sets the image to be displayed in the dialog header.
setHeaderText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Checklist
Sets the Checklist header title text.
setHeaderTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.DialogHeader
Deprecated. since 11.0. The UI standards now require that dialogs only contain a header description, not a title.
setHeightAdjustment(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setHeightAdjustment(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JSelectableLabel
setHeightAdjustment(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setHelpable(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteItem
Set help link.
setHelpableProvider(HelpableProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
setHelpContext(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.URLPathField
Sets the HelpContext to be used for the edit dialog invoked from this URLPathField instance.
setHelpID(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.DefaultTraversablePanel
This method is provided as a convenience for setting the context-sensitive help ID for Oracle Help for Java (OHJ).
setHelpID(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MetaTraversable
By default, a MetaTraversable does not specify a context-sensitive help topic ID; it is normally the responsibility of the Traversable to have the right help ID.
setHelpID(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.WizardWelcomePage
Set the helpId for the welcome panel
setHelpInfo(HelpInfo) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor.CEToolbar
setHelpInfo(HelpInfo) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Sets the default help info topic that this code editor displays.
setHelpPanel(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContent
Sets the HelpPanel of the TaskContent, which displays all the help links for the step.
setHelpSystem(HelpSystem) - Static method in class
Publishes the specified HelpSystem as the active instance in the IDE.
setHelpTopic(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesConfiguration
Sets a string indicating the associate help topic.
setHelpTopic(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.BaseMessageDialog
Set the help topic ID
setHelpTopic(String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
Sets the help topic for and adds the help button to this dialog.
setHelpTopicID(String) - Method in class
setHelpTopicId(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.DetailDialog
setHelpTopicId(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Header
Sets the help topic id for this header.
setHelpType(int) - Method in class
setHgap(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.PentaLayout
Sets the horizontal gap between components.
setHidden(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.MessageDialogPersistence
Set whether the specified message dialog ID is hidden.
setHiddenColumns(int[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
Deprecated. Set columns that are hidden.
setHiddenColumns(int[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTablePersistentSettings
setHiddenColumns(int[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Set columns that are hidden.
setHiddenMessages(ListStructure) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckForUpdatesPreferences
setHideOnControlUp(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
setHideOnLoseFocus(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
setHideSingleTab(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ScrollableTabBar
Sets whether the tab area is hidden if there is only a single tab.
setHideTerminateAction(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Sets whether the terminate action is to be hidden from the log page.
setHideWhenNull(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectLabel
setHierarchicalQueryObject(HierarchicalQueryObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
setHierarchicalQueryObject(HierarchicalQueryObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
setHierarchicalQueryObject(HierarchicalQueryObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.DeclarativeSQLQuery
Sets the Hierarchical query clause
setHierarchicalQueryObject(HierarchicalQueryObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Sets the CONNECT BY clause of the query.
setHighlighted(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the specified CustomTabPage highlighted attribute
setHighlighted(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTabPage
Sets the page to be highlighted to indicate the page contents have changed
setHighlighter(Highlighter) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Sets the highlighter to be used.
setHighlightRegistry(HighlightRegistry) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Replace the global highlight registry used for all editor panes.
setHighlightRegistry(HighlightRegistry) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EditorProperties
Replace the global highlight registry used for all editor panes.
setHighlightRegistry(HighlightRegistry) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightFragmentsList
Set the HighlightRegistry used by this list when building up its list of highlight fragments.
setHint(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ComponentWithHint
Sets hint text.
setHintText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.OTNAuthPanel
Sets the hint text displayed at the top of the panel.
setHistoryCount(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.FileOpenHistory
Set the maximum number of entries in the history list.
setHistoryEntrySelectorLHS(Context, HistoryEntrySelector) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.HistoryContext
setHistoryEntrySelectorRHS(Context, HistoryEntrySelector) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.HistoryContext
setHistoryFilterEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory.VersionHistoryViewer
setHistoryManager(HistoryManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.history.HistoryManager
Set the HistoryManager instance.
setHistoryProvider(HistoryProvider) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSHistoryProvider
setHorizontalFill(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.VerticalFlowLayout
setHorizontalFill(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.layout.VerticalFlowLayout
setHost(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxySettingsPanel
Set the proxy host displayed in the ui.
setHost(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.DatabaseLink
Set the SQL*Net string for connect.
setHosted(DockableWindow, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockingParam
Will host the dockable window inside the hostingDockable
setHostedComponent(T) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.HeaderPanel
Sets the component to host.
setHostParent(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageBrowserV2
Sets the parent Component from which for this ClassPackageBrowserV2 is launched.
setHotkeyAt(int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPane
setHtmlRootDirectory(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.J2eeSettings
Sets the HTML root directory.
setHtmlText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.RichHintLabel
Sets the HTML text of this hint component.
setHtmlViewer(HtmlViewer) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.html.HtmlViewer
Sets the HtmlViewer instance.
setHunkMatchLine(PatchHunk, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchContext
Sets the corresponding matched patch hunk line from the context.
setIcon(IconDescription) - Method in class
Set the action icon path.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.DefaultCustomTabPage
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuItem
Override inherited implementation to additionaly set the flag indicating that the icon should be considered as having been fetched.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.RadioMenuItem
Override inherited implementation to additionaly set the flag indicating that the icon should be considered as having been fetched.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SmallSquareButton
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SmallSquareDropDownMenuButton
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleMenuItem
Override inherited implementation to additionaly set the flag indicating that the icon should be considered as having been fetched.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToolButton
Override inherited implementation to additionaly set the flag indicating that the icon should be considered as having been fetched.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.model.SqlNode
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DocumentInfo
Set icon property.
setIcon(ArrayResourceBundle, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DocumentInfo
Set icon property such that resource fetch is postponed until needed.
setIcon(ResourceBundle, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DocumentInfo
Set icon property such that resource fetch is postponed until needed.
setIcon(Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DocumentInfo
Set icon property such that resource fetch is postponed until needed.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setIcon(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteGroup
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteGroup
setIcon(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteItem
Set Icon.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteItem
Set Icon
setIcon(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPalettePage
Set Icon.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPalettePage
Set Icon.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Sets the icon that will appear with the subprocess in the processes folder of the run manager.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterMark
Sets the icon associated with this GutterMark.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column.Mark
Sets the icon associated with this GutterMark.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Step
Sets the icon for this step.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Header
Sets the header's decorative icon.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.DeployAction
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class
Set the icon for this value.
setIcon(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
Set the url of the icon you wish to use when displaying individual tags within JDeveloper.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryAdapter
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JavaNode
Override the default icon for this node.
setIcon(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.palette.ImagePanel
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSExtensionInformation
setIcon(Icon, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.WhitespaceDecoratorIcon
setIcon(Icon, int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.WhitespaceDecoratorIcon
setIcon(Icon, Insets) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.WhitespaceDecoratorIcon
setIconFile(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
setIconOverride(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Explicitly sets the string to be shown as the display name of the running process in the run manager.
setIcons(Collection) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.OverlayIcon
setIconURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalTool
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 - use ExternalToolBaseProperties.setIconURL(URL).
setIconURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolBaseProperties
Set the URL of the icon for this external tool.
setIconVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToolButton
Deprecated. Replace with ToolButton.setIcon(Icon).
setID(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableEvent
Sets the event ID.
setId(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.View
setID(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateInfo
Set the id of this update.
setID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject
setID(DBObjectID) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObject
Sets the object ID associated with this object.
setID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
setID(DBObject, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.TemporaryObjectID
Sets a new TemporaryObjectID on an object.
setId(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.themes.Theme
setID(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryAdapter
setID(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryReference
setID(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.OfflineDBObjectID
Deprecated. use setIdentifer
setIdeCharset(Charset) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseDescriptor
setIdeEncoding(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil
Sets the IDE-wide encoding.
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper
Sets the identifier for this query wrapper.
setIdentifier(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.IdentifierBasedID
Sets the ID (identifier) that this ID is using.
setIdentifier(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
Sets the identifier for the referenced object.
setIdePropsFile(File) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.GenRspFile.Arguments
setIDScheme(OfflineDBObjectFactory.IDScheme) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.ProviderSettings
setIgnoreAssists(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Auditor
Sets whether to ignore Assist issues.
setIgnoreAssists(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
setIgnoreErrors(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper
setIgnoreWhiteSpace(boolean) - Static method in class
setIgnoreWhitespace(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchCreateOptions
Sets the option to ignore whitespace when comparing lines.
setIgnoreWhitespace(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchMatchOptions
Sets the option to ignore whitespace when comparing lines.
setIgnorReferencedSchema(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.FKConstraint
Deprecated. with no replacement
setImage(Image) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContentProvider
Sets the conceptual image for this task.
setImportGenerateConn(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setImportGenerateKey(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setImportMode(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.ConnectionImportExportPanel
Set whether the panel is in import mode or export mode.
setInclude(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.PatternFilter
setIncludeAllDependencies(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setIncludeAllFiles(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.FileTypeIncludeFilter
setIncludeColumn(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexOrganizedTableProperties
Sets the column (if any) to put in the INCLUDE clause.
setIncludeDataSources(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setIncludeDependencies(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setIncludeEntityField(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
setIncludeIcon(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.DBObjectRenderer
setIncludeJoinKeyword(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.JoinObject
setIncludeManifest(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.Archive
setIncludeManifest(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultArchive
setIncludeNewFiles(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchCreateOptions
Sets the option to include new (or removed) files in the patch.
setIncludeProjectDependencies(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.panels.OfflineDBChooserPanel
Sets whether to include dependent projects in the project picker.
setIncludePrompts(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.DDLOptions
Sets whether to generate prompts for the database's command line client (e.g.
setIncludePublicSchema(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
setIncludesFinishPage(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.TitledWizardDialog
Deprecated. use setFinishPageIncluded()
setIncludeSnapshotsCheck(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
setIncludesWelcomePage(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.TitledWizardDialog
setIncrementBy(BigInteger) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Sequence
Sets the increment value for this sequence.
setIndentWidth(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.DOMBindingRuntime
setIndentWidth(int, boolean, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.DOMBindingRuntime
setIndeterminate(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ProgressMonitor
Deprecated. Specifies whether progress indication is indeterminate (busy bar).
setIndeterminateProgressMonitor(IndeterminateProgressMonitor) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSWaitRunnable
Sets the progress monitor, which will be started and closed during the task execution.
setIndexDomainType(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexProperties
setIndexes(Index[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Table
setIndexInitTrans(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View Index are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.MV_INDEX_KEY
setIndexManager(IndexManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.index.IndexManager
Set the IndexManager implementation.
setIndexMaxExtent(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View Index are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.MV_INDEX_KEY
setIndexMinExtent(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View Index are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.MV_INDEX_KEY
setIndexPercentFree(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View Index are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.MV_INDEX_KEY
setIndexPercentUsed(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View Index are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.MV_INDEX_KEY
setIndexType(Index.IndexType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Index
Set the type of the index.
setInherited(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentView
setInitExtent(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.KEY
setInitialContextFactory(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.AppClientProfile
setInitialExtent(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
setInitialFocus(Component) - Method in class
Set the initial focus component.
setInitialFocus(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
Sets the component which should get the initial focus.
setInitializer(ExpressionT) - Method in interface
Unlinks the current initializer, if any, and links the input element.
setInitializer(SourceExpression) - Method in interface
Unlinks the current initializer, if any, and links the input element.
setInitialName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.NameEditor
setInitialSearchString(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.InterfaceSelectionPanel
Sets the text to use to initialize the class browser dialog when the user clicks Add to add interfaces to the list.
setInitialSize(Dimension) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.TDialogLauncher
setInitialSize(int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.TDialogLauncher
setInitrans(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
Valid values are 0 to 255.
setInputData(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
setInputValue(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SimpleInputDialog
Sets the input value string.
setInsertMode(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicCaret
Changes the caret mode between insert and overwrite mode.
setInsets(Insets) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.NullablePanel.MarginBorder
setInsets(int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.NullablePanel.MarginBorder
setInsightMap(Map) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.ExpressionEditSupport
Map of usable relation aliases to Column[].
setInsightObjects(Set) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.ExpressionEditSupport
List of objects to insightfully show the names for.
setInsightProvider(InsightProvider) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.AbstractInsight
setInsightVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionPopupHandler
Programmatically show or hide the insight list.
setInsightVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionTextField
Deprecated. replaced by CompletionPopupHandler.setInsightVisible(boolean)
setInspectableOffsets(Context, Integer[]) - Static method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorContext
Sets into the Context the integer offsets for the Elements from Context.getSelection() that have an associated Inspectable.
setInspectorManager(InspectorManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorManager
Publishes the specified InspectorManager as the active instance in the IDE.
setInstalledVMs(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinJDK
setInstalledVMs(String[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.JDK
setInstalledVMs(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JDKAdapter
setInstalledVMs(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JDKNode
setInstallLocation(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateBundle
Sets the install location.
setInstance(JavaModelFactory) - Static method in class
Sets the JavaModelFactory instance to use for creating new JavaModel instances.
setInstanceGuid(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckForUpdatesPreferences
setInstantiable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
Set whether an object can be defined to be of this type.
setInstantiable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
setInt(String, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.Context
Convenience method for setting an int property in the Context.
setInt(int, int) - Method in class
setIntegerProperty(String, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.DefaultStructuredPropertyAccess
setIntegerProperty(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.util.StructuredPropertyAccess
Utility method to set a boolean value
setIntegrated(IntegrationPoint, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolBaseProperties
Sets whether this tool is integrated at a specific integration point.
setIntegrationMask(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalTool
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 - use ExternalToolBaseProperties.setIntegrated(IntegrationPoint,boolean).
setIntensity(double) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.border.ShadowBorder
Sets the intensity of the shadow.
setInteractiveMode(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Specifies whether this NewFilePanel is in interactive mode.
setInternalEncoding(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Sets the internal representation of the encoding.
setInternalName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.XMLSchema
Sets the internal name of the XML Schema (used in ALL_OBJECTS)
setInterval(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
A datetime expression for calculating the interval between automatic refreshes.
setIntValue(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JNumericSpinBox
setInvalidRangeAction(TextTabber.InvalidRangeAction) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.TextTabber
The action to take when the TextTabber discovers a change in the document that makes at least one range invalid (e.g.
setInvokableState(VCSDirectoryInvokableState) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommandState
Sets the associated invokable state object.
setInvokerRights(InvokerRights) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlPackage
setInvokerRights(InvokerRights) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlTopLevelMethod
setIsClicked(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteTransferable
A user may need to know if it the item is actually dragging or was clicked.
setIsJDK(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryReference
setIsPersistent(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PalettePage
Set whether to save information during shutdown.
setIsSrcOffline(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.DiffContext
setIsTreeRequired(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.DiffContext
setItemBeanInfo(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemCanRemove(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemCodeSnippet(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemEditor(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemHelpable(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemIcon(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemId(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteItem
Set Item Id
setItemInfo(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemIsPersistent(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemLibrary(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemLongLabel(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemProjectConfiguration(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemShortLabel(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemTechnologyScope(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemType(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setItemURLFilter(URLFilter) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
setItemWeight(float) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setJ2eeWebAppName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.J2eeSettings
Sets the WebApp name.
setJ2eeWebContextRoot(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.J2eeSettings
Sets the default context root.
setJarPathsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.URLPathEditPanel
Sets whether jar files can be selected.
setJarPathsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.URLPathField
setJarURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ear.EarProfile
setJarURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveProfile
setJarUtil(JarUtil) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveDeployer
setJavaClassName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.MethodSignature
setJavaExecutable(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinJDK
setJavaExecutable(URL) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.JDK
setJavaExecutable(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JDKAdapter
setJavaExecutable(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JDKNode
setJavaExecutable(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyJDK
setJavaManager(JavaManager) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageBrowserV2
Sets the JavaManager instance to be used by this ClassPackageBrowserV2.
setJavaManager(JavaManager) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageSearchPanel
setJavaManager(JavaManager) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageTreePanel
setJavaManager(JavaManager) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageView
Sets the JavaManager for the view.
setJavaMethodName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.MethodSignature
setJavaOptions(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets the java options.
setJavaParamTypes(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.MethodSignature
setJavaReturnType(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.MethodSignature
setJavaVersion(VersionNumber) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinJDK
setJavaVersion(VersionNumber) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.JDK
setJavaVersion(VersionNumber) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JDKAdapter
setJavaVersion(VersionNumber) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JDKNode
setJavaVersion(VersionNumber) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyJDK
setJavaVersion(VersionNumber) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDKModel
setJDK(JDK) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectLibraries
Set the referenced JDK.
setJdkList(List) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryList
setJdkList(List) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JProjectLibraryList
setJdkList(List) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibraryList
setJdkList(List) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ListWrapper
setJdkList(List) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.MutableLibraryList
Sets a List of JDK definitions contained in this LibraryList.
setJDKVersion(VersionNumber) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibraryDefinition
setJoin(JoinObject) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.JoinObjectEditDialog
setJoinType(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.JoinObject
setJspLibraries(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
Set the JSP tag libraries that should be added to the active project whenever any tags belonging to this taglib are used.
setJspNodeClass(Class<? extends XMLSourceNode>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.JspConstants
setJspVersion(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
Sets mimimal required version of the JSP for this library to work.
setJSRunConfigurationBrowserExecutable(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
setJSRunConfigurationEnableDebug(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
setJSRunConfigurationStopInChrome(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
setJSRunConfigurationStopOnError(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
setJSRunConfigurationStopOnException(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
setJSRunConfigurationTransferErrors(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
setJSRunConfigurationType(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets the database connection name.
setKeepDefaultPackage(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.ClassBuilderModel
setKeepHidden(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.controls.SplashScreen
setKey(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.condition.ContextPropertyCondition
setKey(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.condition.InstanceOfCondition
setKey(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleKey
Sets the key
setKey(Element, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.XliffResourceBundleUtils
setKeyboardPanelEventDispatcher(ActionListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeOptions
setKeyComponentAdapter(KeyNavigationManager.KeyComponentAdapter) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.KeyNavigableTree
setKeyComponentAdapter(KeyNavigationManager.KeyComponentAdapter) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.KeyNavigationManager
setKeyCompression(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Index
Sets the key compression.
setKeyCompression(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.IndexPartition
setKeyCompression(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexOrganizedTableProperties
Sets the key compression.
setKeyEventTargetComponent(Component) - Method in class
Sets a component that will be sent all unprocessed key events from this component.
setKeyGenerator(ResourceBundleKeyGenerator) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.NodeResourceBundle
Sets the ResourceBundleKeyGenerator
setKeyGenerator(ResourceBundleKeyGenerator) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleWrapper
Sets the key generator to use when using an automatic key name from ResourceBundleWrapper.addEntry(String,Map).
setKeyGenerator(ResourceBundleKeyGenerator) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleWrapperRT
setKeyMaximumLength(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.CustomizableResourceBundleKeyGenerator
The key maximum length should be greater than 8 to keep key uniqueness.
setKeyMinmumLength(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.CustomizableResourceBundleKeyGenerator
Sets the minimum length of a key.
setKeyRetained(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.WeakCache
Sets whether keys are retained once the reference to the corresponding value is cleared.
setKeySearchNavigable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JFastTreeTable
If bSet is true, typing letters in the tree causes the selection to move to the first matching entry.
setKeySearchNavigable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JTreeTable
If bSet is true, typing letters in the tree causes the selection to move to the first matching entry.
setKeyStatus(String, int) - Method in class
For the specified key, if it exists in any form in this HashStructure, the key status is changed to the specified state, which must be either HashStructure.PERSISTENT or HashStructure.PLACEHOLDER.
setKeyType(MaterializedView.RefreshWith) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
The key type.
setLabel(String) - Method in class
Set the action label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.DefaultCustomTabPage
setLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DocumentInfo
Set the label property.
setLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Sets the label that will appear with the subprocess in the processes folder of the run manager.
setLabel(JLabel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ComponentWithTitlebar
Sets the label component.
setLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Set the title header label.
setLabelOverride(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Explicitly sets the string to be shown as the display name of the running process in the run manager.
setLabelPrefixOverride(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Explicitly sets the string to be shown as the display name of the running process in the run manager.
setLabelText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.ProgressPanel
setLabelText(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.PropertyItem
setLabelText(String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.BooleanField
setLabelUpdater(LabelUpdater) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction
setLabelVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.Toolbar
Deprecated. Not recommended. Can be replaced with putClientProperty("hideActionText", Boolean) on individual toolbar buttons.
setLabelVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToolButton
Deprecated. Replace with putClientProperty("hideActionText", Boolean) and ToolButton.repaint().
setLafClass(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Look and feel.
setLafThemeClass(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Look and feel theme.
setLanguageSupport(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicDocument
Sets the LanguageSupport for editing the type of content indicated by the specified filename.
setLanguageSupport(LanguageSupport) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicDocument
Set the LanguageSupport used by this document to the specified one.
setLanguageSupport(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Sets the LanguageSupport for editing the type of content indicated by the specified filename.
setLargerAreaVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ExtendedTextField
setLastCheckDate(Date) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenter
setLastDesignedNodes(Object, Element[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtComponentSource
Set the nodes which were last actively designed.
setLastError(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckForUpdatesPreferences
setLastErrorType(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckForUpdatesPreferences
setLastFailure(Throwable) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenter
setLastLocalBundleURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckForUpdatesPreferences
setLastModified(URI, long) - Method in class
Sets the last-modified timestamp of the resource indicated by the URI to the time specified by time.
setLastModified(URI, long) - Method in class
Sets the last-modified timestamp of the resource indicated by the URI to the time specified by time.
setLastModified(URL, long) - Method in class
setLastModified(URL, long) - Method in class
setLastModified(URL, long) - Method in class
setLastModified(URL, long) - Static method in class
Sets the last-modified timestamp of the resource indicated by the URL to the time specified by time.
setLastModified(URL, long) - Method in class
Sets the last-modified timestamp of the resource indicated by the URL to the time specified by time.
setLastModified(URL, long) - Method in class
setLastModified(long) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchIndexFile
Sets the modification time of the index file.
setLastModified(long) - Method in class
Sets the file modification timestamp of the resource for the patch.
setLastModified(URL, long) - Method in class
setLastModified(long) - Method in class
setLastNumber(BigInteger) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Sequence
Sets the last sequence number written to disk in the database.
setLastRefreshDate(Date) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets the date on which the materialized view was most recently refreshed.
setLastRefreshType(MaterializedView.RefreshMethod) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets the method used for the most recent refresh
setLastSuccessfulCheck(long) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenter
setLastToken(PlSqlToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlFragment
setLastUsedTryCount(String, int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces.backingfile.GetUniquePropertyNameCache
setLauncher(Class<? extends DatabaseConnectionEditorLauncher>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionEditor
Sets the launcher class.
setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.StepHeader
Clients cannot set the layout for this component.
setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContent
setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
Sets the LayoutManager.
setLayoutAssistant(LayoutAssistant) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.SelectNib
Set the LayoutAssistant to be associated with this SelectNib for use during resizeAction.
setLayoutConstraint(String, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterColumn
Sets a layout constraint on this column.
setLayoutConstraint(String, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column
Sets a layout constraint on this column.
setLayoutOrientation(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Sets the layout orientation of this panel.
setLayouts(Layouts) - Static method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layouts
Sets the Layouts instance.
setLeadingIndent(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ComponentWithHint
Some components might require the hint to be indented further
setLeadSelectionIndex(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RowHeaderSelectionModel
setLeafIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Sets the icon used to represent leaf nodes.
setLeftDiffGutter(DiffGutter) - Method in class
setLeftExpression(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
Sets the left expression.
setLeftExpression(FromObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.JoinObject
setLeftFromObject(FromObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.FKUsage
Deprecated. - use getLeftFromObjectID or resolveLeftFromObject
setLeftFromObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.FKUsage
setLeftPartitionBy(ExpressionList) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.JoinObject
setLeftScrollPane(JScrollPane) - Method in class
setLegacyParams(Context, String[]) - Static method in class oracle.ide.wizard.Wizard
Sets the String array that represents the legacy parameters for the Wizard API.
setLength(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.StyledMessage
setLength(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
setLevel(Header.Level) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Header
Sets the level of this header.
setLhsOperand(ExpressionT) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the lhs operand for this expression.
setLhsOperand(SourceExpression) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the lhs operand for this expression.
setLibraries(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
Set the libraries that should be added to the active project whenever any tags belonging to this taglib are used.
setLibraries(JDevTechnologyInfo.LibraryInfo[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologyInfo
setLibraries(JLibrary[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectLibraries
Set the array of all referenced JLibrary instances.
setLibrary(Library) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryReference
setLibraryDependencies(LibraryDependencies) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.Profile
setLibraryList(List) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryList
setLibraryList(List) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JProjectLibraryList
setLibraryList(List) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibraryList
setLibraryList(List) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ListWrapper
setLibraryList(List) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.MutableLibraryList
Sets a List of JLibrary definitions contained in this LibraryList.
setLibraryURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.RegisteredBundleAdapter
setLibraryURLs(URL[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.Libraries
setLimit(int) - Static method in class
setLimit(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
setLine(int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.model.LocatableItem
Sets the line that identifies this LocatableItem.
setLine(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.AbstractToDoItem
Sets the line this to do item is associated with in a code editor
setLine(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column.Mark
Changes the line that this GutterMark is tracking.
setLine(int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.Bookmark
Sets the line that this bookmark is in.
setLineData(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchHunkLine
Sets the line data for the patch hunk line.
setLineMap(LineMap) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSLexer
setLineNumber(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.XMLLocator
setLineTerminator(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
setLineWrap(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.WrappingTextPane
setList(List) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.GlobalIgnoreList
Sets the list of Pairs used to represent each filter in the list.
setList(List) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.DataList
Sets the list contents
setListener(SyntaxListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
setListLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.InterfaceSelectionPanel
Sets the title for the list component.
setListModel(CheckBoxListModel) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.FileTypeIncludeFilter
setListModel(CheckBoxListModel) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesConfiguration
Sets the listModel to display.
setListName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryList
setListName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JProjectLibraryList
setListName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ListWrapper
setListName(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.MutableLibraryList
Sets the name of this LibraryList.
setListOfChildren(List<?>) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DataContainer
Fulfills the public accessor part of the Folder contract.
setListOfChildren(List) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ObservableFolder
Fulfills the public accessor part of the Folder contract.
setListOfChildren(List) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Workspaces
setListOfChildren(List) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployFolder
Fulfills the public accessor part of the Folder contract.
setListOfValueMeanings(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.UserPropertyDefn
User Property Set List of Value meanings.
setListOfValues(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.UserPropertyDefn
User Property Set List of Values.
setListOfValuesButtonUI(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.UserPropertyDefn
setListOfValuesMultiselect(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.UserPropertyDefn
setListPrompt(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesConfiguration
Sets the label for the message prompt.
setListReordered(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ResultSet
setLiveClass(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtSubcomponent
setLoadAllJarsAtStartup(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.EmbeddedServerOptions
setLoadEncoding(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextNode
Sets a Java supported encoding name to use to create the InputStreamReader for reading data from the URL into the TextBuffer (called from revert()).
setLoadjavaOptions(LoadjavaOptions) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.StoredProcProfile
setLOBDescriptors(LOBDescriptor[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.TablePartition
Replace the LOBDescriptor objects that define the (sub)partitioning properties of a table's LOB and VARRAY columns for this (sub)partition.
setLOBProperties(LOBDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleColumnProperties
setLOBSegName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
setLocal(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.XMLSchema
Sets whether this schema is local to the database.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.StepHeader
Override to change the default texts that appear in stepHeader.
setLocalKeyMaps(HashMap) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeOptions
setLocalState(Context, LocalState) - Static method in class oracle.ide.history.HistoryContext
Stored the specified LocalState in the specified Context.
setLocatables(Locatable[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.CommandState
Sets the associated locatable objects.
setLocation(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Set the location of this gutter with respect to the editor.
setLocationRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.datatips.DataTip
set the location of the base data tip window in screen coordinates.
setLocationRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.datatips.DataTipWindow
Location of this data tip window in screen coordinates, the tip will appear around this bounding rectangle, but will not obscure it
setLocationRelativeTo(JDialog, Component) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPanel
setLocationRelativeTo(JDialog, Component) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
setLocationSpecifiers(OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleExternalTableProperties
Sets the LocationSpecifiers which are used to specify the external locations used to store the table's data.
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DocumentExtensions.ExtInfo
Sets whether the extension is locked.
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AbstractLibrary
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinLibrary
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ExternalLibrary
setLocked(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.JPaths
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyJDK
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibrary
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibraryDefinition
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryAdapter
setLog(Translator.Log) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.CopyTranslator
setLog(Translator.Log) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.Ojc
setLog(Translator.Log) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.Translator
setLog(PrintWriter) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployShell
setLogCommand(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets whether the command should be logged.
setLogCommandString(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Specifies whether to show the command string itself in the log window.
setLogError(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
setLogError(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets whether System.err should be redirected to the log page.
setLogExit(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Explicitly sets the logging of process exit behavior.
setLogExit(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets whether the exit message should be logged.
setLogFileName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
Sets the name of the log file
setLogFilePreffix(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Deprecated. since 11.0 use EnvironOptions.setLogFilePrefix(URL).
setLogFilePrefix(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
setLogger(int, Object2DomLogger) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
WARNING: This method is still in the prototype stage.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployShell
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class
setLogging(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
setLogging(OracleTablespaceProperties.LoggingType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablespaceProperties
setLogHrefColor(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProvider
setLogManager(LogManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.log.LogManager
Publishes the specified LogManager as the active instance in the IDE.
setLogOutput(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolBaseProperties
setLogOutput(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
setLogOutput(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets whether System.out should be redirected to the log page.
setLogPage(Context, LogPage) - Static method in class oracle.ide.log.LogContext
setLogPage(LogPage) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Sets the log page where the subprocess's output will be displayed.
setLogPageOverride(LogPage) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Explicitly sets the LogPage to be used for all logging.
setLogStartDirectory(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Specifies whether to show the start directory in the log window.
setLogSystemErrColor(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
setLogSystemInColor(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
setLogSystemOutColor(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
setLogTable(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedViewLog
Sets the name of the table in which the changes are logged
setLogToSystemOut(Namespace, Boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.engine.db.DBRevEngineProps
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProvider
setLongLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.DefaultCustomTabPage
setLongLabel(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setLongLabel(String) - Method in class
Set a long label for this comparable element.
setLook(UIConstants.Look) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostBackgroundPanel
setLook(UIConstants.Look) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
Set the look used
setLookAndFeel(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeUIManager
Sets a new look-and-feel and color theme.
setLookupAllEJBsAtStartup(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.EmbeddedServerOptions
setLostPasswordUrl(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.OTNAuthPanel
Sets the URL to use for the link to retrieve a lost password.
setLoweredBorder(Border) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JToolButton
Deprecated. Sets the Border object that will be used to render the button border when the button is pressed.
setLruFiles(ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorsOptions
setMadeDeclarative(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
setMagicCaretPosition(BasicEditorPane, Point) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicAction
Stores the magic caret position into the editor's caret.
setMainAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.Archive
Sets the specified main attribute for the jar's manifest file.
setMainAttribute(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultArchive
Sets the specified main attribute for the jar's manifest file.
setMainClass(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.Archive
Sets the Main-Class main attribute for the manifest file.
setMainClass(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultArchive
Sets the Main-Class main attribute for the manifest file.
setMainClass(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveOptions
setMainDividerLocation(double) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Sets the position of the main divider bar as a percentage of the main split pane's size.
setMainDividerSize(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Sets the size of the divider bar that separates the master tree from the detail-detail content area.
setMainIcon(Image) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Deprecated. replaced with
setMainResizeWeight(double) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Sets the initial resize weight of the main divider bar.
setMainTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
Deprecated. since 11.0.0 with no replacement. The default implementation of IdeMainWindow obtains the main title using IdeUtil.getProgramName(). The program name is determined as part of product branding. There is no mechanism for extension writers to control the titlebar of the main window; this is controlled by the product using TitleProvider implementations.
setMainWindow(JFrame) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil
setMainWindow(Context, MainWindow, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.controls.MainWindow
setMainWindow(JFrame) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.util.SwingUtils
Sets the main window being used by this program.
setMajorStepCount(int) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.AbstractProgressMonitor
setMajorStepCount(int) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.DeterminateProgressMonitor
setMakeBackupFiles(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchApplyOptions
Sets the option to make backup files.
setMandatory(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.UserPropertyDefn
setManualReconcile(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setManualReconcile(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setMap(HashMap) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.WizardWelcomeSettings
Deprecated. Use setSaveKey instead.
setMap(Map<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCopyableMap
Sets the version control client property map.
setMapped(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexOrganizedTableProperties
Sets whether to include a MAPPING TABLE (true) or NOMAPPING (false).
setMargin(int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.PolygonIcon
Sets the margin.
setMargin(int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.NullablePanel
setMargin(Insets) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.NullablePanel
setMark(BasicEditorPane, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EmacsAction
Utility routine to set the Emacs mark for the given editor to the specified offset.
setMarkColor(String, Color) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.FileOverviewMargin
setMarkColor(String, HighlightStyle) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.FileOverviewMargin
setMarkColor(String, int, Color) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.FileOverviewMargin
setMarkColor(String, int, HighlightStyle) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.FileOverviewMargin
setMasked(boolean) - Method in class
setMasterId(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenter
setMasters(String[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
setMasterTableID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedViewLog
Sets the ID of the master table whose changes are logged
setMatchExistingCode(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.UIEditorOptions
Set whether or not to match existing style of inner classes during source generation.
setMatchName(String) - Method in interface
Sets the text to use when testing whether or not a class name is accepted.
setMatchName(String) - Method in interface
Sets the text to use when testing whether or not a package name is accepted.
setMatchName(String) - Method in class
Sets the text to use as match criteria.
setMatchName(String) - Method in class
Sets the text to use to determine whether a name is accepted by the filter.
setMatchSubstring(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the match method to use, either matching the prefix, or matching any part of the name.
setMaxExtent(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
setMaxHistorySize(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.HistoryList
Specifies the maximum number of items that this history list can hold.
setMaximum(int) - Method in interface oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenterMonitor
setMaximum(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.DeterminateProgressMonitor
Specifies the maximum value.
setMaximum(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ProgressMonitor
Deprecated. Specifies the maximum value.
setMaximumCharacters(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TruncatingTreeCellRenderer
Sets the maximum number of characters that will be displayed before truncation occurs.
setMaximumDate(Date) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
setMaximumFileSize(float) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditPreferences
setMaximumFileSize(long) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelFactory
Sets the size of the largest auditable file.
setMaximumFileSize(long) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Auditor
Sets the size of the largest auditable file.
setMaximumFileSize(long) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
setMaximumFileSize(long) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.DefaultModelFactory
setMaximumFileSize(float) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences.AuditPreferences
setMaximumFuzzFactor(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchMatchOptions
Sets the maximum fuzz factor for matching patch hunks.
setMaximumPopupSize(Dimension) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JTreeCombo
setMaximumPopupSize(Dimension) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JTreeFixListCombo
setMaximumSize(Dimension) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ResizeComponent
setMaximumSize(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSRecentCommentsModel
Sets the maximum size of the comments model, which must be > 0.
setMaxJspVersion(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
Sets last version of the JSP that this library will work in.
setMaxLogLines(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Set maximum log lines.
setMaxSize(BigInteger) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AutoExtendProperties
setMaxTabChars(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the maximum chars in a tab.
setMaxTrans(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.KEY
setMaxtrans(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
Valid values are 0 to 255.
setMaxValue(BigInteger) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Sequence
Sets the maximum value for this sequence.
setMediator(JspWizardNewFilePanelMediator) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.JspWizardNewFilePanelExtension
setMemberOrder(int, byte) - Method in class
setMemento(ViewMemento) - Method in class
setMemento(ViewMemento) - Method in interface
setMenuActions(Action[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ActionMenuToolButton
setMenuFilter(MenuFilter) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layout
Registers a menu filter for the layout.
setMenuId(JMenu, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuManager
Sets the identifier for a menu.
setMenuItem(AbstractButton) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel
Sets the AbstractButton associated with this menu label.
setMenuStyle(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToolButton
Deprecated. Replace a menu-ing ToolButton with MenuToolButton.
setMenuWeight(float) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleAction
Sets the menu weight for this action.
setMergeEngine(Context, MergeEngine) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.MergeContext
setMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressRunnable
Sets the message that will be displayed in the progress dialog while the operation is proceeding.
setMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.AbstractProgressMonitor
setMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.BasicProgressMonitor
setMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.DeterminateProgressMonitor
setMessage(String) - Method in interface oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenterMonitor
Set a message to indicate the current progress
setMessage(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.BaseMessageDialog
setMessage(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.MessagePanel
Sets the message to use in the panel.
setMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.ProgressPanel
Specifies the text for the main process step (displayed above the progress bar).
setMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ProgressMonitor
Deprecated. Specifies the text for the main process step (displayed above the progress bar).
setMessage(String) - Method in class
setMessageReporter(MessageReporter) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.xml.esax.ElementContext
setMessageReporter(MessageReporter) - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.spi.DefaultElementContext
setMessageText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.BaseMessageDialog
Set the message that is displayed
setMessageText(String, Object[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.BaseMessageDialog
Convenience method that is identical to setMessageText(MessageFormat.format( message, substitute ) );
setMessageText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.MessagePanel
Sets the text message to use in the panel.
setMessageType(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.BaseMessageDialog
Set the message type.
setMessageType(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.MessagePanel
setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleKey
Sets the metadata
setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleWrapper.KeyInfo
setMethods(PlSqlMethod[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SpecPlSql
Sets the entire list of methods, replacing any that have previously been added.
setMethodSignature(MethodSignature) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlMethod
A null MethodSignature will cause the method to be skipped during deployment.
setMethodType(PlSqlMethod.MethodType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
setMigrateUsersAndGroupsFlag(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.SecurityDeploymentSettings
setMigrating() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
This method tells the node that it is in the process of being migrated.
setMigrationManager(MigrationManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationManager
Set teh MigrationManager instance.
setMigrationStatus(MigrationInfo.MigrationStatus) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo
Set the migration status.
setMillisToDecideToPopup(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.DeterminateProgressMonitor
Specifies the amount of time to wait before deciding whether or not to popup a progress monitor.
setMillisToDecideToPopup(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ProgressMonitor
Deprecated. Specifies the amount of time to wait before deciding whether or not to popup a progress monitor.
setMillisToPopup(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ProgressMonitor
Deprecated. Specifies the amount of time it will take for the popup to appear.
setMinExtent(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
setMinExtent(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablespaceProperties
setMinimum(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.DeterminateProgressMonitor
Specifies the minimum value.
setMinimum(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ProgressMonitor
Deprecated. Specifies the minimum value.
setMinimumChars(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Header
Sets the minimum number of characters that will be displayed in the label when there is not enough space.
setMinimumDate(Date) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
Will disable all dates less than the given date
setMinimumPopupSize(Dimension) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JTreeCombo
setMinimumPopupSize(Dimension) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JTreeFixListCombo
setMinimumWidth(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.layout.FieldLayoutBuilder
setMinTabHeight(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the minimum tab height.
setMinTabWidth(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the minimum tab width.
setMinTrans(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.KEY
setMinValue(BigInteger) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Sequence
Sets the minimum value for this sequence.
setMissingLineBehavior(int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkOptions
Sets the new behavior of how to handle bookmarks for missing lines.
setMnemonic(int) - Method in class
Set the action label mnemonic character.
setMnemonic(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel
Sets the menu label mnemonics.
setMnemonic(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.PropertyItem
setMnemonic(int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.BooleanField
setMnemonicAssignmentEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.BeanPanel
setMnemonicIndex(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.PropertyItem
setMnemonicIndex(int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.BooleanField
setModal(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
Sets whether the dialog is modal.
setMode(DBCore.Mode) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBCore
Sets the mode the API is in.
setMode(PlSqlParameter.Mode) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlParameter
setMode(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlParameterMode
setMode(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageBrowserV2
Sets the mode for this ClassPackageBrowserV2.
setMode(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageSearchPanel
setMode(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageTreePanel
setMode(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageView
Indicates whether the view shows classes, packages, or both.
setModeId(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.elementtree.ElementTree
setModel(TableModel) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SortedJTable
setModel(TableModel) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SortedJTreeTable
setModel(JTreeCellData) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JMutableTreeNode
Sets the data model used by this JMutableTreeNode.
setModel(ComboBoxModel) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaObjectComboBox
setModel(AboutBoxModel) - Method in class
Set the model for the about box.
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.DefaultLogPage
Set the tree model.
setModel(CompareModel) - Method in interface
Set the model for this view.
setModel(CompareModel) - Method in class
setModel(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.DataMiningFunction
Sets the datamodel for this function
setModel(CodeFoldingModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.AbstractCodeFoldingPlugin
setModel(CodeFoldingModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.CodeFoldingMargin
setModel(HistoryModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryComponent
Set the model of this component.
setModel(CompareModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchCompareView
setModel(BreadcrumbsModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.breadcrumbs.JBreadcrumbs
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checktree.CheckboxTree
Set the checkbox model.
setModel(ListModel, ListSelectionModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JCheckCombo
Creates a CheckComboModel with the given list of items and a list of their corresponding selectedness.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JCheckCombo
Creates a CheckComboModel with the given list of items and nothing selected
setModel(CheckComboModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JCheckCombo
Set the CheckComboModel to use in this JCheckCombo
setModel(ListModel, ListModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JFixListCombo
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JTreeCombo
setModel(TreeModel, ListModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JTreeFixListCombo
setModel(ButtonModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TriStateCheckBox
setModel(AuditModel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModelFilter
Sets the model filtered by this filter.
setModel(MutableComboBoxModel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.AttributePanel
setModel(Context, CompareModel) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.MergeContext
setModel(CmtModel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.AbstractCanvas
Set the current model to render.
setModel(CmtModel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.UIEditorCanvas
Set the current model to render.
setModel(AuditModel) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTableModel
setModifiedPreset(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeOptions
Sets the modified flag.
setModifiers(int) - Method in interface
Sets the modifiers except for INTERFACE, ENUM, and ANNOTATION.
setModifiers(int) - Method in interface
Sets the modifiers except for INTERFACE, ENUM, and ANNOTATION.
setModuleId(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModule
Set an ID for this module.
setModuleIO(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModule
setMonitor(UpdateCenterMonitor) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckMasterListRunnable
setMonitor(UpdateCenterMonitor) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckUpdatesRunnable
setMonitor(DeterminateProgressMonitor) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.DownloadUpdatesRunnable
setMostRecentPackage(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JavaProject
Sets the name of the last-used package.
setMouseOver(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
setMovable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
setMultilineText(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.UserPropertyDefn
setMultipleSelectionLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.AuditController
setMultiSelect(boolean) - Method in class
Specifies whether this PackageClassChooser should allow multiple packages and classes to be selected.
setMultiSelect(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
setMultiSelect(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageBrowserV2
Specifies whether this ClassPackageBrowserV2 should allow multiple packages and classes to be selected.
setMultiSelect(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageSearchPanel
setMultiSelect(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageTreePanel
setMultiSelect(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageView
Determines whether multiple selections are allowed.
setMustIgnore(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.IdeInputMapUIResource
setMutable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
setName(String) - Method in interface
Sets the name string on the name element to be the input name.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleAction
Sets the menu name (Action.NAME) strips out and sets the mnemonic key if any mnemonics are defined in the name.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooser
Override of the Component.setName method.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooserBridge
see DBObjectChooser.setName(java.lang.String).
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooserDelegate
See DBObjectChooser.setName(String).
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBSizeChooser
Override of the Component.setName method.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.SearchableTextArea
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.SchemaObjectDescriptor
Change the name of this schema object.
setName(String) - Method in class
Set the name of this page.
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PalettePage
Set the name of the page.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteGroup
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteItem
Set display name.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPalettePage
Set display name.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteSection
Set display name.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.DefaultStructuredPropertyAccess
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.util.StructuredPropertyAccess
Sets the name of the node
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateBundle
Sets the name of this bundle.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenter
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateInfo
Set the (human readable) name of this update.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock
Sets the name of this lock.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.BaseObjectID
Sets the name of the object this ID references.
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObject
Sets the name of this object.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ResultSet
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.TablePartition
Set the NAME of the (sub)partition.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.XMLSchema
Returns the name of this XML Schema.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractAliasFragment
Does nothing for this fragment - an alias fragment's name is derived from it's alias or expression.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryProperty
Set the name of this property.
setName(String) - Method in interface
Sets the name string on the name element to be the input name.
setName(NameSymbol) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol.ExpressionSymbol
setName(NameSymbol) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol.FunctionSymbol
setName(NameSymbol) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol.Nameable
Sets the name symbol.
setName(NameSymbol) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol.PackageSymbol
setName(NameSymbol) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol.VariableSymbol
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.PropertyItem
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.TypeDefinition
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtMethodSource
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtPropertySource
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.Profile
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.CustomFilter
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.CustomFilterCopyable
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
Set the name of this tag library.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AbstractLibrary
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinLibrary
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ExternalLibrary
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyJDK
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibrary
setName(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.Library
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryAdapter
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologyInfo.GeneratedFileInfo
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologyInfo.LibraryInfo
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.LibraryModel
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.ProviderSettings
Sets the name of this provider.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.UserPropertyDefn
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets the name.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
setNameElement(NameT) - Method in interface
Unlinks the current name and links the input element.
setNameElement(SourceName) - Method in interface
Unlinks the current name and links the input element.
setNameField(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.NameEditor
setNameLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractSimpleTypeBuilderPanel
Sets the label for the class name field.
setNameLike(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectCriteria
Sets the name criterion.
setNameLink(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MetaTraversable
This method provides a means of mapping the data name used by a Traversable to the data name that an object has in the TraversableContext.
setNameSpaceFactory(NameSpaceFactory) - Static method in class oracle.ide.persistence.NameSpace
Set the factory used to create NameSpace instances.
setNamespaceURI(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.Object2Dom
setNatural(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.JoinObject
setNavigationLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
setNeedConfirm(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.CloseNodeCommand
setNeedConfirm(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RevertNodeCommand
Sets whether the command requires user confirmation before executing.
setNestedTableProperties(OracleNestedTableProperties) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleColumnProperties
setNewFileURLValidator(NewFileValidator) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Specifies the NewFileValidator that will be used, in addition to the default validation, to make sure that the URL for the new File is valid.
setNewFromObject(DBObject, FromObject, FromObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
setNewPlSqlLowerCase(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.GlobalSettings
Sets whether the keywords in new PL/SQL are in lower or upper case
setNewValues(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedViewLog
setNext(Maps.BaseEntry<K, V>) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.util.Maps.BaseEntry
Sets the next entry in the containing hash chain of the containing map.
setNext(Maps.BaseEntry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftEntry
setNext(Maps.BaseEntry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftLinkedEntry
setNext(Maps.BaseEntry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongEntry
setNext(Maps.BaseEntry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongLinkedEntry
setNext(Maps.BaseEntry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakEntry
setNext(Maps.BaseEntry<K, V>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakLinkedEntry
setNextException(Exception) - Method in exception oracle.ide.exception.ChainedException
Deprecated. Sets the next Exception in the chain
setNextException(DBException) - Method in exception oracle.javatools.db.DBException
Adds an DBException object to the end of the chain.
setNextExtent(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.KEY
setNextExtent(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
setNextRefresh(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Deprecated. use setNextRefreshDate()
setNextRefreshDate(Date) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets the date on which the materialized view will next be refreshed.
setNextSize(BigInteger) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AutoExtendProperties
setNextToken(PlSqlToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlToken
setNoConnectionString(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.ConnectionPanelUI
Sets a string that (if not null) will be added to the list of connections to allow the selection of "No Connection".
setNoCopy(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlParameter
setNocopy(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlParameter
setNoCycle(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.HierarchicalQueryObject
setNode(Node) - Method in class oracle.ide.Context
Sets the Node that owns the selection.
setNodeClass(Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Reference
setNodeInfo(NodeInfo) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.XMLDataNode
Binds the given info to the XMLDataNode instance as being its node information.
setNodeState(TriStateNode.NodeState) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checktree.TriStateNode
Set this node to the given status.
setNodeState(TriStateNode.NodeState, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checktree.TriStateNode
Set the state of this node, and optionally set the children and ancestors to appropriate status.
setNodeURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.RecentFile
setNoEntryInstructionText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Sets the instruction text on the firt row of the table when there is no entry in the table.
setNoEntryInstructionText(JTable, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
Sets the instruction text on the firt row of the table when there is no entry in the table.
setNoHistoryText(Component, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory.VersionHistoryViewer
setNoNewlineAtEOF(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchHunkLine
Sets the flag for 'No newline at end of file'.
setNorthComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunLogPage
Sets the component to be positioned in the NORTH section of the RunLogPage.
setNote(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.ProgressPanel
Specifies the additional note that is displayed along with the progress message.
setNote(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ProgressMonitor
Deprecated. Specifies the additional note that is displayed along with the progress message.
setNotFoundMessage(String) - Method in class
setNotifyOnEmptySearch(boolean) - Method in class
setNotNull(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Column
Sets whether the Column is restricted to non-null values.
setNullLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.DBObjectRenderer
setNullOrdering(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.OrderByObject
Sets the ordering of nulls for this order by object (NULLS_FIRST, NULLS_LAST or null).
setNullString(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.CopyableJTableAdapter
Sets the string used to indicate an null value in the table.
setNullText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooser
Set the text to show in the DBObjectChooser if the value it represents is null.
setNumber(Number) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBSizeChooser
setNumber(char[], int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Utility routine which, given a char array and a n, will convert the n into a char[] representation, and set it into the provided array, left-padding with spaces to fit the width properly.
setNumber(int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.Bookmark
Sets the bookmark number.
setNumRows(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListTableModel
Obsolete as of Java 2 platform v1.3.
setObject(DBObject, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectLabel
setObject(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.marshal.xml.ObjectWrapper
setObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractDBObjectUsage
Sets the id of the DBObject (e.g.
setObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSchemaObjectUsage
setObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.DBObjectUsage
Sets the ID for the object being used by this fragment.
setObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.FKUsage
Sets the id of the FK being used in the SQL of this fragment.
setObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.FunctionUsage
setObjectIdLogged(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedViewLog
Specifies whether object id is recorded in this log.
setObjectIDs(DBObjectID[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setObjectIDs(DBObjectID[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setObjects(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListEvent
setObjectType(OracleTablePartitions.ObjectType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablePartitions
setObjectType(OracleTablePartitions.ObjectType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.TablePartition
setObjectType(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.UserPropertyDefn
setOc4jHome(File) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentOptions
setOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
setOffset(int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.OffsetMark
Sets the offset that this mark sticks to.
setOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column.Mark
Changes the offset that this GutterMark is tracking.
setOffsetMarkTable(URL, DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.CompilerPage
setOffsetMarkTable(URL, Vector) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.ProblemsPage
setOffsetSelected(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the offset by which the tab moves when selected
setOfTypeUsage(DataTypeUsage) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
setOID(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
setOldURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSNodeUpdate
Sets the old URL of the node, for RENAMED updates.
setOnlineDatabase(Database) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.panels.OfflineDBChooserPanel
setOnlineStatus(OracleTablespaceProperties.OnlineStatus) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablespaceProperties
setOnlyDirectories(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.FileSystemFieldInsightProvider
setOnlyDirectories(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.FileField
Sets whether this field only displays insight for directories.
setOnPrebuilt(MaterializedView.PrebuiltType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets whether this materialized view is prebuilt.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Opens or closes the node without invoking the subclass implementation methods (Node.loadImpl(), @link #openImpl}, Node.closeImpl(), and/or Node.unloadImpl()).
setOpenIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Sets the icon used to represent non-leaf nodes that are expanded.
setOpenInEditor(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.ClassBuilderModel
Indicate whether to open BeanInfo class in its default editor after it is created.
setOpenNavigator(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.NewWorkspacePanel
setOperation(RecycledObject.Operation) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets the operation that dropped the object.
SetOperation - Class in oracle.javatools.db.sql
SQLFragment for dealing with operations to do with sets and ranges like IN and BETWEEN.
SetOperation() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SetOperation
SetOperation(int, SQLFragment[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SetOperation
setOperator(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.ArithmeticOperation
setOperator(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SetOperation
setOperator(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.WhereObject
Sets whether this is an AND or OR condition.
setOptionalId(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesConfiguration
Sets a unique identifier for this dialog used to remember whether the dialog is skipped.
setOptions(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ChildFilter
setOptions(Map) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListCommentsCustomizer
setOptions(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
setOptions(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCompositeOptionsCustomizer
setOptions(Map<?, ?>) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSOptionsCustomizer
Sets options on the customizer, updating internal component states.
setOptions(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSOptionsCustomizerAdapter
setOptionsComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
Set the component that contains option controls for this operation
setOptionsCustomizer(VCSOptionsCustomizer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Set a customizer that can be used for entering options.
setOptionsCustomizer(VCSOptionsCustomizer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
setOptionsCustomizer(VCSOptionsCustomizer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSWaitRunnable
Sets the options customizer, which will be validated before the task is run.
setOptionsCustomizer() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSWaitRunnable
Gets the options customizer.
setOptionsDividerLocation(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
setOptionsLocation(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
Set the location of the options component.
setOptionsResizeable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
setOptionsVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Set whether the options component is visible.
setOptionsVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow
setOptionsVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.ChangeSetChangeList
setOptionsVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
Set whether the options component is visible.
setOrder(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.IndexObject
Sets the ordering of this Index object.
setOrder(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.OrderByObject
Sets the ordering of this ORDER BY object.
setOrderBy(OrderByObject[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.WindowFunction
setOrderByObjects(OrderByObject[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
setOrderByObjects(OrderByObject[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
setOrderByObjects(OrderByObject[]) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.DeclarativeSQLQuery
Set all the OrderBy objects for this query.
setOrderByObjects(OrderByObject[]) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Sets the order by objects for the query.
setOrderFlag(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Sequence
Sets whether this sequence must generate values in order.
setOrdinal(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.userprops.UserPropertyDefn
setOrientation(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ButtonsLayoutManager
setOrientation(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ControlBar
setOrientation(Header.Orientation) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Header
Sets the orientation of this header.
setOriginalName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.SchemaObjectDescriptor
Deprecated. - use setName()
setOriginalName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets the name of the original object that has been dropped.
setOriginalSequence(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployEvent
setOriginalType(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets the type of the original object that has been dropped.
setOtherName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.SchemaObjectDescriptor
Sets the other name stored in this descriptor - e.g.
setOtherOfflineProvider(OfflineDBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.panels.OfflineDBChooserPanel
Any providers which are dependant on this one are excluded from the DBObjectProvider list.
setOuterJoin(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.ColumnUsage
Sets whether this column usage contains the where clause syntax for an outer join.
setOutOfProcess(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.BuildSystemConfiguration
Set the flag that specifies if the compilation will happen in or out of process
setOutOfProcessJavaOptions(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.BuildSystemConfiguration
Set the out of process Java Options used when the compiler is executed out of process
setOutputDirectory(URI) - Method in class javax.ide.model.Project
setOutputDirectory(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JavaProject
setOutputDirectory(Project, URL) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectUtil
Sets the location for a project's generated class files.
setOutputFile(File) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.GenRspFile.Arguments
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.ide.compiler.CompileArguments
Set the output stream that should be used for compilation output (any non-diagnostic output).
setOverflowable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexOrganizedTableProperties
Sets whether to include an overflow clause.
setOverflowProperties(OracleStorageProperties) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexOrganizedTableProperties
Sets the overflow properties that are used if the table is marked as overflowable.
setOverlay(IconOverlay) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListItem
setOverlayCache(IconOverlayCache) - Method in interface oracle.ide.explorer.IconOverlayConsumer
Sets the IconOverlayCache to assist node rendering.
setOverlayItemProducer(VCSOverlayItemProducer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
setOverlayStatusCache(VCSStatusCache) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
setOverridden(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.BundleRegistrationInfo
Sets whether the bundle is considered to have overrides in the application-level override bundle
setOverriding(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
setOverwriteApplicationPoliciesFlag(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.SecurityDeploymentSettings
setOverwriteCredentialsFlag(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.SecurityDeploymentSettings
setOverwriteExistingModules(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployToAppServer
setOverwriteExistingModules(boolean) - Method in class
setOwner(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.AbstractTreeExplorer
setOwner(TNode) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ChildFilter
Sets the node that owns this filter.
setOwner(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.Explorer
Set the View which is to act as the host of this Explorer.
setOwner(InspectorWindow) - Method in interface oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorPage
Set the owning InspectorWindow.
setOwner(IdeLayout) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layout
Set the owner of this layout.
setOwner(IdeLayout) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.SimpleLayout
setOwner(LogOwner) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogPage
setOwner(LogOwner) - Method in interface oracle.ide.log.LogPage
Set the view that owns this page.
setOwner(Dirtyable) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Connections
setOwner(Dirtyable) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultSubDirtyable
setOwner(Dirtyable) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Preferences
setOwner(Dirtyable) - Method in interface oracle.ide.model.SubDirtyable
This method should be called to set the document in which a SubDirtyable implementation will be persisted.
setOwner(Dirtyable) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Workspaces
setOwner(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.View
setOwner(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.ViewDecorator
setOwner(JavaElement) - Method in class
setOwner(JavaElement) - Method in class
setOwner(LogOwner) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.NullLogPage
setOwner(LogOwner) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OutputStreamLogPage
setOwner(Dirtyable) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultLinkedDirtyable
setOwner(Dirtyable) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.AbstractHashDependable
setOwner(Dirtyable) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployElement
setOwner(Dirtyable) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployFolder
setOwner(Dirtyable) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AbstractDerivedLibrary
setOwner(View) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.AbstractCanvas
Set the owning View.
setOwningComponent(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
The GhostPalette will be removed when the owning component is removed
setOwningJDevView(View) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.breadcrumbs.WebAppBreadcrumbsGui
setPackage(PackageT) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the package declaration.
setPackage(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.ClassBuilderModel
setPackage(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.IdeStorage
setPackage(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JarStorage
setPackage(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.PackagePicker
setPackage(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.PackagePopup
setPackageLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractSimpleTypeBuilderPanel
Sets the label for the package field.
setPackageName(String) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the name of the package declaration.
setPackageName(String) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the name of the package declaration.
setPackageName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectPanel
Sets the text to display in the package field.
setPackageName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
setPackageName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.wizard.common.WizardFile
setPackageText(String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.NameFilter
setPackDialog(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.TDialogLauncher
setPageable(Pageable) - Method in class oracle.ide.print.PrintManager
setPageable sets the Pageable object to be printed in the PrintManager
setPageables(Pageable[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.print.PrintManager
setPageables sets the array of Pageable object to be printed in the PrintManager
setPageAsDefault(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteManager
Set page as default for editor type
setPageEditor(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PalettePage
Set the PageEditor for this Palette Page
setPageFormat(PageFormat) - Method in class oracle.ide.print.PrintManager
Set the PageFormat that should be used for printing output.
setPageFormat(PageFormat) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.EditorPageable
Changes the page format of the document for printing.
setPageTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.Step
Method to set the title of the page that presents this Step
setPaintFocusAroundIcon(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TruncatingTreeCellRenderer.TruncatedLabelComponent
setPaintPopUpIndicator(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton
setPaintTopRightBottomBorders(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.plaf.FlatTabbedPaneUI
Deprecated. with no replacement.
setPaletteContext(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PalettePage
Set the PaletteContext
setPaletteManager(PaletteManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteManager
Publishes the specified PaletteManager as the active instance in the IDE.
setParallel(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Set the degree of parallelism (the number of parallel threads used in the parallel operation) where : 0 = PARALLEL DEFAULT (Oracle server selects the degree) 1 = NOPARALLEL (default) n = PARALLEL n
setParallel(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedViewLog
Set the degree of parallelism (the number of parallel threads used in the parallel operation) where : 0 = PARALLEL DEFAULT (Oracle server selects the degree) 1 = NOPARALLEL (default) n = PARALLEL n
setParallelDegree(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Index
Set the degree of parallelism (the number of parallel threads used in the parallel operation) where : 0 = PARALLEL DEFAULT (Oracle server selects the degree) 1 = NOPARALLEL (default) n = PARALLEL n
setParallelEnable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlTopLevelFunction
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.CopyTranslator
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.Ojc
setParameter(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.Translator
setParameterName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlParameter
Parameter name is allowed to be null.
setParameters(PlSqlParameter[]) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DeclarativePlSql
setParameters(PlSqlParameter[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
Sets the entire list of parameters, replacing any that have previously been added.
setParameters(PlSqlParameter[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlSubprogram
Sets the entire list of parameters, replacing any that have previously been added.
setParameters(Collection<AuditHook.Parameter>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.RuleDefinition
setParent(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesConfiguration
Sets the parent Component for the dialog.
setParent(InputMap) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.IdeInputMapUIResource
setParent(Namespace) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.Namespace
Special care must be taken when calling this method.
setParent(DBObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractChildDBObject
setParent(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectID
Sets this id's parent id
setParent(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.BaseObjectID
setParent(DBObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.ChildDBObject
Sets the parent of this object.
setParent(Difference) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.Difference
Sets the parent of the Difference
setParent(DBObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Index
setParent(DBObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLFragment
setParent(FoldingBlock) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.AbstractFoldingBlock
setParent(FoldingBlock) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.folding.FoldingBlock
Sets the block that contains this source code block.
setParent(TemplateData) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.DefaultTemplateData
setParentAttribute(AuditContext.Key, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditContext
Sets the value of an attribute in the context of the construct enclosing the current construct, and in its enclosed contexts.
setParentAttribute(AuditContext.Key, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
setParentDirtyable(Dirtyable) - Method in class
Sets the Dirtyable that will be used as the delegate for tracking the dirty flag.
setParentList(List<String>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleWrapperRT
setParentState(WizardState) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.AbstractWizardState
setParentState(WizardState) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.WizardState
setPartial(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TriStateButtonModel
setPartitionBy(SQLFragment[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.WindowFunction
setPartitionColumns(DBObjectID[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablePartitions
Replace the (sub)partitioning columns.
setPartitionLevelSubpartitions(OracleTablePartitions) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.TablePartition
Set the OracleTablePartitions object that represents the partition level subpartitions of a composite range partition or range subpartition template.
setPartitionName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets the name of the partition which was dropped
setPartitions(IndexPartition[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexPartitions
setPartitions(TablePartition[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablePartitions
Replace the individual PARTITION, SUBPARTITION_TEMPLATE, or PARTITION_LEVEL_SUBPARTITION TablePartition objects with new ones.
setPartitionType(OracleIndexPartitions.PartitionType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexPartitions
setPartitionType(OracleTablePartitions.PartitionType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablePartitions
setPartitionType(OracleTablePartitions.PartitionType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.TablePartition
setPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxySettingsPanel
Set the proxy password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.DatabaseLink
Set the password for the connention
setPasteEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Enable/Disable the paste button.
setPasteMenuActions(Action...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Sets the menu actions for paste button.
setPasteTransferable(Transferable) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.UIManager
During a copy/paste, this is called to set the current transferable.
setPasteVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Add the Paste button to the toolbar.
setPatchDescriptor(PatchCompareDescriptor) - Method in class
setPatchParentURL(URL) - Method in class
Sets the patch parent directory URL for the patch.
setPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.URLPathEditPanel
Sets the path being edited.
setPath(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.Directory
Specify the full path name of the operating system directory of the server where the files are located.
setPath(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologyInfo.GeneratedFileInfo
setPathLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.URLPathEditPanel
Set the label to be used for the path list.
setPathLocked(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.URLPathEditPanel
Sets whether the path is locked.
setPattern(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.PatternFilter
Defines the filter.
setPatternFilters(PatternFilter[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.PatternFiltersOptimizer
setPcdata(String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.xml.bind.Pcdata
setPctThreshold(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexOrganizedTableProperties
Sets the PCTTHRESHOLD property.
setPctVersion(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
Set the value of PCTVERSION.
setPercentFree(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
Valid values are 0 to 99.
setPercentIncrease(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
setPercentUsed(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
Valid values are 0 to 99.
setPersistence(MessageDialogPersistence) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.MessageDialog
Set the object used to persist settings for optional alerts.
setPersistentSettings(NiceTablePersistentSettings) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
Deprecated. Set the persistent view settings of this NiceTable.
setPingedVersions(HashStructure) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckForUpdatesPreferences
setPinnedView(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.AbstractPinnable
Set the View whose selection should be displayed within this DockableWindow.
setPinState(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.AbstractPinnable
Set the current pin state as one of PIN_NONE, PIN_VIEW, or PIN_OBJECT.
setPinState(int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.view.Pinnable
Set the pin state.
setPlatform(Platform) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployCommand
setPlatform(Platform) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployShell
Deprecated. Use JavaDeployment.setPlatform() instead.
setPlatform(Context, Platform) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployUtil
Deprecated. Use JavaDeployment.setPlatform()
setPlatform(Platform) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eeProfile
setPlatform(Platform) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.LibraryArchiveProfile
setPlatform(Platform) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.PlatformDeployable
Sets the Platform to which this object can be deployed
setPlatform(Platform) - Method in class
setPlatformID(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployShell
Deprecated. No equivalent, use an appropriate ShellAdapter.
setPlSql(DeclarativePlSql) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlParameter
Sets the ComplexType that owns this attribute.
setPlsqlDatatype(PlsqlDatatype) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlParameter
setPlsqlMethodName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.MethodSignature
setPlsqlPackageName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlPackage
Should not be null or empty.
setPlsqlParameterMode(PlsqlParameterMode) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlParameter
setPlsqlParameters(PlsqlParameter[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.MethodSignature
setPlsqlReturnType(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.MethodSignature
setPlusSqlScrip(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setPoint(Point) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.PointingBorder
set the point (in screen coordinates) to which this border will point
setPointing(JComponent, Point) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPointingPalette
Add a pointing arrow from this ghost panel to a point is a specific component.
setPointing(JComponent, Rectangle) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPointingPalette
Add a pointing arrow from this ghost panel to a point within the bounds of a rectangle in a specific component.
setPolicy(Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setPopDownAction(Action) - Method in class
Customize the button to be shown on the left of the search field.
The drop-down overlay will appear when action.isEnabled() is true.
setPoppedRenderer(TableCellRenderer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JCheckCombo
Set the renderer used to display the item description in the popped part of the combo.
setPopupComponent(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JCustomComboBox
Set the given component as the component to appear in the popup area of this ComboBox.
setPopupComponent(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DropdownButton
setPopupWindow(PopupWindow) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.insight.InsightView
Sets the PopupWindow which will contain the InsightView This is necessary so the InsightView can set the accessible name on the window so it will be read.
setPopupWindow(PopupWindow) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ListInsightView
Sets the PopupWindow so we can set the accessible name of the selected item on the window so it will be read.
setPopupWindow(PopupWindow) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.TooltipInsightView
Sets the PopupWindow so we can set the accessible name of the selected item on the window so it will be read
setPort(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxySettingsPanel
Set the proxy port displayed in the ui.
setPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
setPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockingParam
Docks the window at the end of one of the 4 docking zone around the editors.
setPosition(Dockable, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockingParam
Docks the window relative to another dockable.
setPosition(Dockable, int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockingParam
Same as DockingParam.setPosition(Dockable, int) but if the Dockable is not found, the window will be placed at the alternateAbsolutePosition.
setPosition(EditorPath, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.OpenEditorOptions
Sets the position of the new document relative to another.
setPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractLexer
Sets the current lex (read) position to the given offset in the buffer.
setPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSLexer
setPosition(int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
Puts Tokenizer in the same state as it was after scanning up to new position.
setPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.diff.DiffLexer
Sets the current lex (read) position to the given offset in the buffer.
setPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.generic.GenericLexer
Sets the current lex (read) position to the given offset in the buffer.
setPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.HTMLLexer
Sets the current lex (read) position to the given offset in the buffer.
setPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.TagLexer
Sets the current lex (read) position to the given offset in the buffer.
setPosition(int) - Method in class
setPosition(int) - Method in class
Sets the current lex (read) position to the given offset in the buffer.
setPosition(int) - Method in class
setPosition(int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.parser.Lexer
Sets the current lex (read) position to the given offset in the buffer.
setPosition(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlLexer
Sets the current lex (read) position to the given offset in the buffer.
setPosition(int) - Method in class
Sets the current lex (read) position to the given offset in the buffer.
setPosition(int) - Method in class
Sets the current lex (read) position to the given offset in the buffer.
setPostBuilder(PostBuilder) - Method in class oracle.ide.compiler.CompileArguments
Set the PostBuilder that will be used after the compilation.
setPostStartupHookClass(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateInfo
setPotentialMnemonics(List) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel
Sets the recommended mnemonics list.
setPrecision(Long) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Column
Deprecated. - use getDataTypeUsage() and then set the appropriate attribute from the DataTypeUsage.
e.g. dataTypeUsage.setAttributeValue( DataTypeAttribute.DATATYPE_PRECISION)
setPredecessorApplyData(TransformContext, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TransformAdapter
Sets the predecessor apply data for a transform.
setPredecessorApplyData(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TransformContext
Sets the data that was returned by the apply method of the immediate predecessor in a multiple context transform.
setPreferences(Preferences) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.IdeSystem
Set the current Preferences object.
setPreferences(SourcePreferences) - Method in interface
Sets the preferences to be used with this source file.
setPreferencesMap(Map) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Preferences
setPreferredAlignment(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryProperty
Set the preferred alignment of this property.
setPreferredDefaultInitialSize(Dimension) - Static method in class oracle.ide.panels.TDialogLauncher
setPreferredEditorType(Class) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeNavigationPoint
Set the preferred Editor type to use when asking the EditorManager to open the Context in an Editor.
setPreferredInstallLocation(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateInfo
setPreferredLayoutBaseName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.Editor
setPreferredLayoutBaseName(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.layout.LayoutSelector
Set the base name is used as the file name part when building the preferred layout URL.
setPreferredLayoutURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.Editor
setPreferredLayoutURL(URL) - Method in interface oracle.ide.layout.LayoutSelector
This method is called from the activatePreferredLayout method to record a layout chosen by the user as their preferred layout.
setPreferredLocation(MiniSearchDialog.Location) - Method in class
setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(Dimension) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.BeanPanel
setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(Dimension) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CheckBoxTree
setPreferredSize(Dimension) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ResizeComponent
setPreferredSizes(Dimension, Dimension) - Method in interface oracle.ide.docking.DockableDragContext
setPreferredVisibleRowCount(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Sets the visibleRowCount property.
setPreferredVisibleRowCount(JTable, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
Sets the visibleRowCount property.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
Set the preffered prefix to be used for this taglib.
setPrefixSchemaName(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.DDLOptions
Sets whether to always prefix names with the schema.
setPrefixSlashNumber(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchContext
Sets the number of prefix slashes to strip from each file name.
setPrefixSlashNumber(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchMatchOptions
Sets the number of prefix slashes to strip from each file name.
setPreRenameMessage(UpdateMessage, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RenameMessage
setPresetName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeOptions
Sets the preset name
setPressed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setPressed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.AutoRepeatButtonModel
In this model, the action is fired as soon as the button is pressed, not when depressed.
setPressed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuToolButton.MenuToolButtonModel
setPressed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setPressed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TriStateButtonModel
When the button is pressed, cycle the model to the next state.
setPressedIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.MenuItem
Override inherited implementation to ensure that default icon is initialized before deferring to super implementation.
setPressedIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.RadioMenuItem
Override inherited implementation to ensure that default icon is initialized before deferring to super implementation.
setPressedIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleMenuItem
Override inherited implementation to ensure that default icon is initialized before deferring to super implementation.
setPressedIcon(Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToolButton
Override inherited implementation to ensure that default icon is initialized before deferring to super implementation.
setPreview(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.PickerEvent
setPreviewText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
setPreviousFilter(URLFilter) - Method in class
setPreviousUpdates(HashStructure) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckForUpdatesPreferences
setPrevToken(PlSqlToken) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlToken
setPrimaryKeyLogged(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedViewLog
Specifies whether primary key information is recorded in this log.
setPrimaryViewToolbar(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.Toolbar
Sets whether this toolbar is the primary toolbar of a view.
setPrintable(Printable, PageFormat) - Method in class oracle.ide.print.PrintManager
setPrintable sets the Printable object to be printed in the PrintManager
setPrintColors(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Sets whether to print foreground and background colors in the output.
setPrintColors(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.PrintOptions
Sets whether to print foreground colors in the output.
setPrintFileHeader(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Sets whether we should print out a file header on the top displaying the name of the file.
setPrintFileHeader(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.PrintOptions
Sets whether we should print out a file header on the top displaying the name of the file.
setPrintFontStyles(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Sets whether to print font styles in the output.
setPrintFontStyles(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.PrintOptions
Sets whether to print font styles in the output.
setPrintLineNumbers(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Sets whether we are printing line numbers in the output - we currently support only LINE_NUMBERS_NONE and LINE_NUMBERS_EVERY.
setPrintLineNumbers(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.PrintOptions
Sets whether we are printing line numbers in the output - we currently support only LINE_NUMBERS_NONE and LINE_NUMBERS_EVERY.
setPrintManager(PrintManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.print.PrintManager
Publishes the specified PrintManager as the active instance in the IDE.
setPrintOptions(PrintOptions) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.EditorPageable
Sets the print options for printing.
setPrintPageNumbers(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.PrintOptions
Sets whether we are printing out page numbers in the output.
setPrintTimeMessages(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployShell
setPrintTimeMessages(boolean) - Method in class
setPrintTimeStamp(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Sets whether we should print out a date/time stamp in the file header.
setPriorityId(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.AbstractToDoItem
Sets the unique id associated with the priority
setPriorityId(int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.todo.ToDoItem
Sets the priority id.
setProcessActionButtonGroup(JComponent, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
Set the group with which this action button is associated
setProductInformation(ProductInformation) - Static method in class oracle.ide.ProductInformation
Method used by the IDE framework to set the ProductInformation instance that will be returned from ProductInformation.getProductInformation().
setProductName(String) - Method in class
Set the product name.
setProductVersion(String) - Method in class
Set the product version.
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Auditor
Sets the profile for this audit.
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployToArchive
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.ProfileDeployCmd
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.ProfileDeployCmdState
setProfile(Context, Profile) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployUtil
setProfile(Context, Profile, DataContainer) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployUtil
setProfile(VCSProfile) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.ActionCommand
setProfile(Profile) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
setProfileClass(Profile, Class<T>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.Profile
Set the type of Profile.
setProfileDataContainer(Context, DataContainer) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployUtil
Deprecated. The DataContainer for the Profile is set within the profile and is immutable.
setProfileDataContainer(Action, DataContainer) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployUtil
Deprecated. The DataContainer for the Profile is set within the profile and is immutable.
setProfileName(Action, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployUtil
setProfiler(Profiler) - Static method in class oracle.ide.runner.Profiler
Sets the active Profiler instance.
setProgramArguments(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets the program arguments.
setProgramName(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil
setProgramName(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.util.SwingUtils
Sets the name of this application.
setProgramShortName(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil
setProgramShortName(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.util.SwingUtils
setProgress(int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.dependency.ProgressIndicator
Set the current progress.
setProgress(int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.task.BackgroundTask
setProgress(int) - Method in interface oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenterMonitor
Set the current progress
setProgress(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.DeterminateProgressMonitor
Indicates the progress of the operation being monitored.
setProgress(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ProgressMonitor
Deprecated. Indicates the progress of the operation being monitored.
setProgress(int) - Method in class
Sets the current progress of the search.
setProgressBar(JProgressBar) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.ProgressPanel
Sets the progress bar to be displayed for the panel.
setProgressCancelable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.AbstractMergeEditor
setProgressMonitor(DeterminateProgressMonitor) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSDirectoryInvokable
Sets the progress monitor of the invokable instance.
setProgressTask(ProgressTrackedTask) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
setProgressText(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.dependency.ProgressIndicator
Set the current progress text.
setProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.ide.Context
Set a reference to the Project data associated with this Context.
setProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.DirectoryOptionsPanel
Deprecated. Sets the project so that we can prevent display of files that already exist in the project.
setProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundlePropertyEditor
Sets the project for the property editor.
setProject(PropertyStorage) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.SelectTextPanel
setProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilderModel
setProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.InterfaceSelectionPanel
Sets the active project.
setProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.SourceModel
setProject(Project) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtPropertyEditor2
setProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.CopyTranslator
setProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.IdeLog
set current project being compiled
setProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.Ojc
setProject(Project) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.Translator
setProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.ClassPicker
setProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.ClassPopup
setProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.PackagePicker
setProject(Project) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.PackagePopup
setProject(Namespace, Project) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.engine.db.DBRevEngineProps
setProject(Project, TraversableContext) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.TemplateWizardUtil
Stores the newly-created project in the wizard data cotext.
setProjectColumn(OracleExternalTableProperties.ProjectColumn) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleExternalTableProperties
Set the value of the 'alter table project column clause'.
setProjectConfigurator(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PalettePage
Set the project configuration for this PalettePage
setProjectDirectory(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.DirectoryOptionsPanel
Deprecated. Sets the URL of the project directory field.
setProjectFile(File) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.GenRspFile.Arguments
setProjectFilter(URLFilter) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.DialogUtil
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 this method doesn't do anything
setProjectLibraryList(JProjectLibraryList) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectLibraries
Set the LibraryList of all internal Library definitions.
setProjectResourcesPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ResourcePaths
setProjects(Project[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListEvent
setProjectSettingsRunnerNavigable(Navigable) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Runner
setProjectSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.PathsConfiguration
setProjectTemplate(ProjectTemplate, TraversableContext) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.TemplateWizardUtil
Sets the project template to use to configure the new projejct.
setProjectTemplates(List<ProjectTemplate>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.ApplicationTemplate
setProjectTraversableContexts(TraversableContext[], TraversableContext) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.TemplateWizardUtil
setProjectURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.RecentFile
setProjectURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.RegisteredBundleAdapter
setProjectURL(URL, TraversableContext) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.TemplateWizardUtil
Sets the URL to use to create the project.
setPrompt(String) - Method in class
Sets the prompt text.
setPrompt(String) - Method in class
Sets the prompt to display in the SearchField.
setPromptForeground(Color) - Method in class
Sets the foreground color for the prompt.
setPromptForName(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologyInfo.GeneratedFileInfo
setPromptForPath(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologyInfo.GeneratedFileInfo
setPropagateCheckState(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.CustomJTree
Sets a flag indicating how the tree responds when a user checks or unchecks a node.
setProperties(Map) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject
Sets the properties of this object to be those in the given Map.
setProperties(Map) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.Difference
setProperties(Map) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.util.DynamicPropertySet
Sets the map holding the property-value pairs.
setProperties(Map) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.DynamicPropertySetImpl
setProperties(Profile) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.ProfileTransaction
Sets all bean properties of this transaction from a profile.
setProperties(ProfileTransaction) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.ProfileTransaction
Sets all bean properties of this transaction from another transaction.
setProperties(Map) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eePackaging
setProperties(Map) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eeProfile
setProperties(Map) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setProperties(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentTemplatesTraversable
setProperties(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPropertyCustomizer
setProperties(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSPropertyTraversable
Sets a map of properties to be applied to the property page UI.
setProperties(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSVersioningTraversable
setProperties(int, Map) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.MutableVersionOperationModel
Set the properties for a single item in the model, firing appropriate events.
setProperties(int, Collection) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.MutableVersionOperationModel
Set properties for a contiguous set of items in the model, firing a single event.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class javax.ide.command.Context
Sets the value for a property.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface
Stores the input property.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.Context
Sets a property on this Context.
setProperty(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.Ide
Sets the IDE property indicated by the specified key.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.IdeLayout
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.SimpleLayout
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DataContainer
Convenience method equivalent to calling project.getProperties().putString(name, value).
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.UpdateMessage
Sets a property with the specified name and value on this message.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.DefaultPropertyAccess
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.util.PropertyAccess
Sets the value for a property.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractBuildableObject
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractChildDBObject
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObject
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractSchemaObject
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.Difference
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Index
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.util.DynamicPropertySet
Sets the value for a property.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.DynamicPropertySetImpl
setProperty(String, String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.ProfileTransaction
Sets a bean property of this transaction.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.IdeStorage
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JarStorage
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProvider
Sets the given property on this provider.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommandState
setProperty(int, DisplayProperty, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.MutableVersionOperationModel
Set a single property for an item in the model, firing appropriate events.
setProperty(int, DisplayProperty, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationModel
Set the value of the specified version operation property for the specified item.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface oracle.ojc.interfaces.Storage
Allows association of custom properties with this Storage.
setPropertyHelpText(Component, PropertyModel, int) - Static method in class oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyHelpTextArea
Sets the description of a property in the help text area at the bottom of the Property Inspector.
setPropertyId(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.usages.UsageData
For property-change usages, stores a property name or id with this UsageData.
setPropertyModel(PropertyModel) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.AbstractAdditionalPage
setPropertyModel(PropertyModel) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyInspector
setPropertyName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundlePropertyEditor
setPropertyState(CmtPropertyState) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtPropertyEditor
setPropertyValue(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.usages.UsageData
For property-change usages, stores a property value with this UsageData.
setPropertyValue(Object, String, Object) - Method in class
Sets property value on a given object.
setPropertyValue(Object, Object) - Method in class
Invokes the setter method using owningObject as the object on which the setter is called, and value as the value passed to the setter.
setPropertyValue(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.marshal.xml.PropertyInfo
Invokes the setter method using owningObject as the object on which the setter is called, and value as the value passed to the setter.
setPropertyValue(CmtPropertyState, Object, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtPropertyAccessor
setPropertyValueOrFail(Object, String, Object) - Method in class
Sets property value on a given object.
setProtected(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenter
setProtected(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Sets the editor in protected mode or not.
setPrototypeDisplayValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.ComboBoxLabel
setPrototypeValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryProperty
Set a prototype value.
setProvider(String) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.ExtensionHook
Set the id of the extension that registered this hook.
setProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooser
Set the DBObjectProvider for the DBObjectChooser.
setProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooserDelegate
Set the DBObjectProvider
setProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectSourcePicker
setProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.TablePicker
setProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.DBObjectRenderer
setProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.BaseObjectID
Sets the provider this ID exists in.
setProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.ProviderUsage
Sets the provider this usage exists within.
setProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractDBObjectUsage
setProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSchemaObjectUsage
setProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.FKUsage
setProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.FunctionUsage
setProvider(JavaProvider) - Method in interface
Sets the provider cookie that will provide class information needed for compilation.
setProvider(BaseFileProvider) - Method in class
Sets the provider cookie that will be used for new SourceFile instances and will also be notified when URLs have been changed.
setProviderClass(Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeID
setProviderId(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteItem
Get Provider Id.
setProviderImpl(AbstractDBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.BaseObjectID
Directly sets the given provider without performing a check on the existing provider.
setProviderLike(ProviderSettings) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.panels.OfflineDBChooserPanel
Sets a provider to filter the provider list by.
setProviderURL(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.AppClientProfile
setProxyData(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxyOptions
Set the encrypted password.
setProxyExceptions(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxyOptions
Set the list of proxy exceptions.
setProxyHost(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxyOptions
Set the name of the host to use as an http proxy.
setProxyOptions(ProxyOptions) - Static method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxyOptions
Set the current proxy options.
setProxyOptions(ProxyOptions) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxySettingsPanel
Convenience method to initialize the UI from a ProxyOptions object.
setProxyPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxyOptions
Set the password for proxy authentication.
setProxyPath() - Static method in class oracle.ide.config.FileAssociations
setProxyPort(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxyOptions
Set the tcp port number of the proxy host.
setProxyUserName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxyOptions
Set the username for proxy authentication.
setPublic(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.DatabaseLink
Sets whether this database link is public.
setPublic(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Synonym
Sets whether this synonym is public.
setPurgeObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets the id of the object which will get purged.
setQualified(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractFromObjectUsage
Sets wether this column usage should qualify itself with the alias from its FromObject.
setQualified(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.FromObjectUsage
Sets wether this FromObjectUsage should qualify itself with the alias from its FromObject.
setQueryAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Transformer
Sets whether user queries are allowed when a transform is applied.
setQueryAllowed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultTransformer
setQueryBuilder(SQLQueryBuilder) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QueryTargetPicker
setQueryInterceptor(Transform, TransformerQueryInterceptor) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Transformer
Sets a query interceptor for a transform.
setQueryInterceptor(Transform, TransformerQueryInterceptor) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultTransformer
setQueryRestriction(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.View
Sets the query restriction for this view.
setQueryString(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
Sets the query string.
setRadioButtonEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setRadioButtonSelected(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setRadioButtonStyle(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicelist.NiceListRenderer
Sets whether the checkboxes are rendered as radio buttons or checkboxes.
setRaisedBorder(Border) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JToolButton
Deprecated. Sets the Border object that will be used to render the button border when the button is not being pressed.
setRaiseEditor(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilderModel
setReadable(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtPropertySource
setReader(Reader) - Method in class
setReadOnly(URI, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the read-only status of the resource indicated by the URI according to the specified readOnly flag.
setReadOnly(URI, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the read-only status of the resource indicated by the URI according to the specified readOnly flag.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Sets whether this node is read-only.
setReadOnly(URL, boolean) - Method in class
setReadOnly(URL, boolean) - Method in class
setReadOnly(URL, boolean) - Method in class
setReadOnly(URL, boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the read-only status of the resource indicated by the URL according to the specified readOnly flag.
setReadOnly(URL, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the read-only status of the resource indicated by the URL according to the specified readOnly flag.
setReadOnly(URL, boolean) - Method in class
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.AbstractTextBuffer
Sets the read-only mode of this TextBuffer to the requested mode.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBuffer
Sets the read-only mode of this TextBuffer to the requested mode.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferDecorator
Sets the read-only mode of this TextBuffer to the requested mode.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchIndexFile
Sets the read-only flag for the index file
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.TextMergeNode
Overriden to control the read-only state.
setReadOnly(URL, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.refactoring.util.MakeWritableHelper
setReadOnly(URL, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSURLFileSystemHelper
setReadOnly(URL, boolean) - Method in class
setReadWrite(URL[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.vcs.VCSManager
Deprecated. replaced by VCSManager.checkOut(URL[]).
setReadWrite(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSExtension
Deprecated. replaced by VCSExtension.setReadWrite(URL[],VCSProgress).
setReadWrite(URL[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSExtension
Deprecated. replaced by VCSExtension.setReadWrite(URL[],VCSProgress).
setReadWrite(URL[], VCSProgress) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSExtension
Sets the attributes of the given URLs to read/write through an appropriate VCS operation.
setReadWrite(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSURLFileSystemHelper
Sets the given URL read-write through the version system.
setRealURL(Context, URL) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.HistoryContext
setRebuildAllSources(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.compiler.CompileArguments
Set the rebuild all sources flag.
setReceivesFocus(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
setRecentCommentsModel(VCSRecentCommentsModel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListCommentsCustomizer
setRecentCommentsModel(VCSRecentCommentsModel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.cmd.CommentTemplatesConfiguration
setRecentCommentsModel(VCSRecentCommentsModel) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Sets the comments model to be used for making historical comments available in a completion popup.
setRecentFilesShowAll(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorsOptions
setRecentPackages(List) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JavaProject
Sets the list of most-recently used packages.
setRecognizePHP(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.HTMLLexer
Deprecated. The HTMLLexer should not be used for parsing PHP file.
setRecognizeScripts(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.HTMLLexer
Sets whether the HTMLLexer should recognize script start and end tags and generate TK_HTML_SCRIPT tokens for script text.
setRecognizeSlash(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.TagLexer
Sets whether the TagLexer should generate a symbol token for the forward slash character
setRecognizeSQLJ(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the JavaLexer should recognize SQLJ statements and return a single token for them (instead of trying to lex it as Source.)
setRecognizeStyles(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.HTMLLexer
Sets whether the HTMLLexer should recognize style start and end tags and generate TK_HTML_STYLE tokens for style text.
setReconcile(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setReconcile(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setReconcilePanels(Step[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setRectangleDimension(Dimension) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.SelectNib
Set the proposed dimenaion of the target GUI.
setRectangleLocation(Point) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.SelectNib
Set the proposed absolute coordinates of the target GUI relative to the UICanvas.
setRecurseDirectories(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.DirectoryExcludeFilter
setRecurseDirectories(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.FileFilter
setRecursive(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchCreateOptions
Sets the option to recursively compare subdirectories.
setRecursiveParse(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.MacroExpander
setReference(Dockable) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockingParam
setReference(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Synonym
Sets the object refered to by this synonym.
setReferenceDeviceName(Context, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer.DeviceRegistry
Sets name of selected reference device for the node given by the context.
setReferenceDeviceProperty(Object, String, Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer.DeviceRegistry
Device display name can not changed.
setReferenceID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.FKConstraint
Sets the Object ID of the referenced unique constraint.
setReferenceNames(String[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Deprecated. - see Trigger.setReferencingOldAs(java.lang.String) and Trigger.setReferencingNewAs(java.lang.String)
setReferencingNewAs(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Sets the name used in the REFERENCING AS NEW clause of the trigger.
setReferencingOldAs(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Sets the name used in the REFERENCING AS OLD clause of the trigger.
setReferToHostAs(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.EmbeddedServerOptions
setRefreshMethod(MaterializedView.RefreshMethod) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets the default method used to refresh the materialized view
setRefreshMode(MaterializedView.RefreshMode) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets the refresh mode of the materialized view.
setRegisteredBundleList(ListStructure) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleOptions
setRegisteredContexts(ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeOptions
setRegisterProgress(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectManager
setRejectLimit(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleExternalTableProperties
Sets the reject limit for the external table.
setRelatedObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets the id of the parent object.
setRelation(Relation) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Column
Sets the Relation that owns this Column.
setRelation(Relation) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Constraint
Sets the Relation that owns this Constraint.
setRelativeDirectory(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilderModel
setRelativeDirectory(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.ClassSourceModel
setRelativeDirectory(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.javapckg.PackageSourceModel
setRelativeDirectory(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.SourceModel
setReload(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.AbstractHashDependable
setReloadBuffers(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalTool
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 - use ExternalToolBaseProperties.setReloadBuffers(boolean)
setReloadBuffers(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolBaseProperties
Set whether to reload buffers after running this tool
setRememberNavigatorExpansionState(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Indicate whether the application should remember the navigator expansion state when exiting.
setRemoteDebuggingProfiling(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets whether remote debugging and profiling.
setRemoveOnShuttle(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectListPicker
setRenamedNode(UpdateMessage, Node) - Static method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RenameMessage
setRenderer(ScrollTipRenderer) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.ScrollTipPlugin
setRenderer(ListCellRenderer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JFixListCombo
setRenderer(ListCellRenderer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JTreeFixListCombo
Sets the renderer for the fixed list of items in the popup area of the combo box.
setRenderer(ListCellRenderer) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.ComboBoxLabel
Sets the renderer that paints the item.
setReorderable(Reorderable) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ReorderableBar
setReorderableTable(ReorderableTable) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTableWithTitleBar
set the ReorderableTable for the underlying table.
setReplace(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setReplace(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.DDLOptions
Sets whether to generate the ddl to automatically replace any existing objects.
setReplace(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setReplace(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListEvent
setReplaceExisting(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlPackage
setReplaceExisting(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlTopLevelMethod
setReplacementText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultFoldingBlock
setReportNameCollisions(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.Archive
setReportNameCollisions(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultArchive
setRequirementComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContent
Sets the RequirementComponent which displays all the requirements of the Provider.
setRequirementHeaderLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContentProvider
Sets the header label for showing the list of requirements.
setRequirements(List<String>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContentProvider
Set the list of requirements for the task.
setRequirements(String, List<String>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContentProvider
Sets the task requirements.
setReservedMnemonics(String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.BeanPanel
setReservedWidth(int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterColumn
Sets the width reserved in the gutter for this column when no icon is displayed.
setReservedWidth(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column
Sets the width reserved in the gutter for this column when no icon is displayed.
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
Sets whether the dialog is resizable.
setResizeable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.MessageDialog
Sets whether the dialog is resizeable.
setResizeColumnOnDoubleClick(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
Deprecated. Set whether the user can resize columns in this table by double clicking the resize divider between two columns.
setResizeColumnOnDoubleClick(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Set whether the user can resize columns in this table by double clicking the resize divider between two columns.
setResizeColumnOnDoubleClick(JTable, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
Set whether the user can resize columns in this table by double clicking the resize divider between two columns.
setResolved(boolean) - Method in class
setResourceBundleManager(ResourceBundleManager) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManager
Publishes the specified ResourceBundleManager as the active instance in the IDE.
setResourceBundleNode(Node) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.NodeResourceBundle
Sets the Node that represents the resource bundle
setResult(ResultSet) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.DiffContext
setResultSet(ResultSet) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferState
setRetention(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
setRetention(OracleTablespaceProperties.RetentionType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablespaceProperties
setReturnAs(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleNestedTableProperties
setReturnType(TypeReferenceT) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the return type of this method.
setReturnType(DataType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
Deprecated. - use setReturnTypeID()
setReturnType(DataType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlSubprogram
Deprecated. - use setReturnTypeID()
setReturnType(DataType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Procedure
setReturnTypeID(DBObjectID) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DeclarativePlSql
setReturnTypeID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
setReturnTypeID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlSubprogram
setReturnTypeID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Procedure
setReuse(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.FileSpecification
setReverseCopyRes(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.BuildSystemConfiguration
setReverseCopyRes(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use BuildSystemConfiguration.reverseCopyRes()
setRevision(String) - Method in class
Sets the revision number of the resource for the patch.
setRewrite(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets whether rewrite is enabled for this view.
setRewriteType(MaterializedView.RewriteCapability) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets the rewrite type for this view.
setRightDiffGutter(DiffGutter) - Method in class
setRightExpression(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Comparison
Sets the right expression.
setRightExpression(FromObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.JoinObject
setRightFromObject(FromObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.FKUsage
Deprecated. - use setRightFromObjectID
setRightFromObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.FKUsage
setRightGutterAlignment(int) - Method in class
Set whether right editor's gutter appears to the left or the right of the editor
setRightPartitionBy(ExpressionList) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.JoinObject
setRightScrollPane(JScrollPane) - Method in class
setRole(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeArgs
setRoleSettingBundlesReadOnly(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManagerDT
This method is really only meant to enable unit-testing.
setRollbackSegmentName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets the rollback segment name - ignored if the the rollback segment type is null or set to RS_NONE.
setRollbackSegmentType(MaterializedView.RollbackSegmentType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
If specifying a rollback segment in the refresh clause of the materialized view, specifies whether the rollback segment is local or master:
setRolloverHighlightingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Set rollover highlighting enabled/disabled on the table.
setRolloverHighlightingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RowHeader
Enable or disable the rollover highlighting for the row header.
setRolloverHighlightingEnabled(JTable, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
Set rollover highlighting enabled/disabled on the table.
setRollupStatusText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Header
Sets the text of the roll up status label.
setRoot(ElementTreeRootNode) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.elementtree.ElementTree
setRoot(Element) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.TreeExplorer
Sets the root element of the tree.
setRoot(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultCodeFoldingModel
setRoots(URL[]) - Method in class
Sets the root URLs that will be traversed by the URLChooser.
setRootVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorWindow
Hides the navigator root node if the visible parameter is false.
setRootVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JTreeCombo
setRotation(double) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.RotatingIcon
setRowCount(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListTableModel
Sets the number of rows in the model.
setRowHeader(RowHeader) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Sets the row header for this table.
setRowHeight(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JFastTreeTable
Overridden to pass the new rowHeight to the tree.
setRowHeight(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JFastTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
Sets the row height of the tree, and forwards the row height to the table.
setRowHeight(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JTreeTable
Overridden to pass the new rowHeight to the tree.
setRowHeight(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
Sets the row height of the tree, and forwards the row height to the table.
setRowidLogged(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedViewLog
Specifies whether row information is recorded in this log.
setRtsListFile(File) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.GenRspFile.Arguments
setRule(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.TransformBinding
setRunActiveFile(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets whether the active file should be run.
setRunAntBeforeRun(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets whether to run Ant before running.
setRunConfigurations(RunConfiguration[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfigurations
setRunCurrentWorkingSet(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunnerOptions
setRunDirectory(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalProgramToolProperties
setRunDirectoryURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets the working directory
setRunInEditor(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
Set whether to run all tags when viewed in the Visual Editor.
setRunnable(Runnable) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressBar
setRunnable(Runnable) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListEvent
setRunner(Runner) - Static method in class oracle.ide.runner.Runner
Publishes the specified Runner as the active instance in the IDE.
setRunProcessListener(RunProcessListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Specifies that a callback method should be called after the subprocess has finished executing and all of the subprocess's output has been sent to the log page.
setSame(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.Difference
Overrides whether this Difference is the same (i.e.
setSanitizedMacroKeys(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.MacroExpander
Should macro keys passed in the Map of macro values be considered to be free of the macro delimiters.
setSaveAllBeforeRun(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolBaseProperties
setSaveAllBeforeRun(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
setSaveBeforeCompile(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Save before compile
setSaveBeforeCompiling(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.compiler.CompileArguments
Set the save before compiling flag.
setSaveEncoding(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TextNode
Sets a Java supported encoding name to use to create the OutputStreamWriter for writing the TextBuffer to a file (called from save()).
setSaveLogToFile(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
setSaveOnDeactivation(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Save on JDeveloper deactivation.
setScale(Long) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Column
Deprecated. - use getDataTypeUsage() and then set the appropriate attribute from the DataTypeUsage.
e.g. dataTypeUsage.setAttributeValue( DataTypeAttribute.DATATYPE_SCALE)
setScannerTag(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalTool
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 - use ExternalToolBaseProperties.setScannerTag(String)
setScannerTag(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolBaseProperties
An ExternalToolScanner that creates a tool can set a tag on the tool so that it can identify whether the tool has been created in future.
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectSourcePicker
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.TablePicker
setSchema(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.SchemaObjectDescriptor
Sets the schema of the object.
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractSchemaObject
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.BaseObjectID
Sets the "schemaName" property of this ID using the given Schema.
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectCriteria
Sets the schema name criterion using a Schema object.
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Index
Sets the index's schema.
setSchema(Schema) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObject
Sets the Schema of this object.
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Table
setSchema(Schema) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser.SchemaNode
setSchemaLocation(String) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.ExtensionHook
Set the location of the schema for this hook.
setSchemaName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.BaseObjectID
Sets the schema name for the object.
setSchemaName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeID
By setting a schema name this id will attempt to resolve to a complex type in the registry rather than a simple type.
setSchemaName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectCriteria
Sets the schema name criterion.
setSchemaName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlPackage
A null or empty string schema name means it should be omitted.
setSchemaName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlTopLevelMethod
A null or empty string means there is no explicit schema.
setSchemaName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setSchemaObject(SchemaObject) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaObjectComboBox
setSchemaObjectDescriptors(SchemaObjectDescriptor[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setSchemaText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.XMLSchema
Sets the schema text as a String.
setScope(Namespace) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.NavigableContext
SetScopeCommand - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.cmd
SetScopeCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.cmd.SetScopeCommand
setScopeFilter(URLFilter) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
setScriptPanels(Step[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setScrollMenuShowVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
setScrollMenuSorted(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPane
setScrollMenuSorted(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
setScrollMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
setScrollMode(ScrollableTabBar.ScrollMode) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ScrollableTabBar
Controls the behavior of the left and right scroll buttons.
setScrollOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ExtendedTextField
setSDKBinDir(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinJDK
setSDKBinDir(URL) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.JDK
setSDKBinDir(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JDKAdapter
setSDKBinDir(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JDKNode
setSDKBinDir(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyJDK
setSDKDir(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDKModel
setSearchBackwardsTitle(String) - Method in class
setSearchForwardsTitle(String) - Method in class
setSearchTextContext(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPaletteItem
Set search text context callback name.
setSecond(B) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Pair
setSecondContributor(Context, CompareContributor) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.MergeContext
setSegmentAttributes(OracleStorageProperties) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.IndexPartition
setSegmentAttributes(OracleStorageProperties) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.TablePartition
Set the OracleStorageProperties object defining the (sub)partition segment attribute properties.
setSegmentManagement(OracleTablespaceProperties.SegmentManagement) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablespaceProperties
setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.SelectNib
Set selectable flag.
setSelectAddedChild(UpdateMessage, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.explorer.TreeExplorer
setSelectAllEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Enables whether the user can click on upper left corner to select all cells in the table by clicking on it.
setSelectAllEnabled(JTable, JScrollPane, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
Enables whether the user can click on upper left corner to select all cells in the table by clicking on it.
setSelectColumnsAction(Action) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
This method adds the specified SelectColumns action to the end of ColumnSelector dropdow menu.
setSelectColumnsAction(JTable, Action) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
This method adds the specified SelectColumns action to the end of ColumnSelector dropdow menu.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JSelectableLabel
Sets the foreground and background colors of the label based on the parent's foreground and background colors.
setSelected(TNode) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.TreeExplorer
Select the given tnode in the tree.
setSelected(TNode[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.TreeExplorer
Select the given tnodes in the tree.
setSelected(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.ExtensionMigrator
No categories supported.
setSelected(int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.migration.Migrator
Flag a category as selected for migration.
setSelected(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.XMLMigrator
Flag a category as selected for migration.
setSelected(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.UserPropertiesMigrator
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Step
Select this step.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TriStateButtonModel
setSelected(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.ProfileMigrator
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CheckBoxTreeCellRenderer
Override to synchronize the state property.
setSelectedAppServer(JComponent, AppServer) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.DeployAppServersToolkit
setSelectedBundle(NodeResourceBundle) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.SelectTextPanel
setSelectedBundle(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.SelectTextPanel
setSelectedByDefault(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenter
setSelectedCategory(SearchCategory) - Method in class
Sets the currently selected category.
setSelectedCategoryName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyInspector
setSelectedDate(Date) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
Change the selected date/time to the given one.
setSelectedDates(Date[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
Change the current selected dates to be the given array.
setSelectedExtensions(ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.FileTypeIncludeFilter
This should only be used by Object2Dom to recreate a FileTypeIncludeFilter
setSelectedFilters() - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.FileTypeIncludeFilter
setSelectedForeground(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicelist.NiceListRenderer
Set the foreground color for selected rows.
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractPicker
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListComboBoxModel
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.NonNullableComboBoxModel
Sets the selected item of the combo box model to the specified object.
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaPicker
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.TablePicker
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.SimpleComboBoxModel
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.CheckComboModel
Select an item in the list.
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.FixListComboModel
Select the ite.
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.TreeComboModel
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.TreeFixListComboModel
set the given item as selected.
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.AbstractEnumerationField
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.BuilderComboBoxModel
Sets the selected item of the combo box model to the specified object.
setSelectedItem(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.DataList
Sets the selected item in the list
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.ProfileModel
setSelectedItems(DBObject[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectPicker
Finds the given objects and adds them to the selection.
setSelectedItems(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageBrowserV2
Deprecated. Use #initialize(String[])
setSelectedItems(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageSearchPanel
setSelectedItems(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageTreePanel
setSelectedItems(String[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageView
Initializes the selection in the dialog tabs.
setSelectedKey(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.SelectTextPanel
setSelectedObject(FromObject) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.FromJoinToPicker
setSelectedOption(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.DeleteActionHandler
Set the selected option.
setSelectedOption(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.ActionDescriptionPanel
Set the option to be selected.
setSelectedOption(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSComparePreferencesPanel
Set the selected option.
setSelectedPage(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
setSelectedPage(WizardPage) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard
Override to move to the correct panel.
setSelectedRowsInModel(int[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
Deprecated. Select the specified model rows, regardless of their position in the (sorted or unsorted) view.
setSelectedStep(Step) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Checklist
Select the specified step.
setSelectedStyle(double) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Determines how the icon and text moves when the tab is selected.
setSelectedTag(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.inspector.Extension
Set the tag selected by the user via the InspectorWindow.
setSelectedURL(URL) - Method in class
Sets the selected directory such that the specified URL is shown in the file list.
setSelection(Element[]) - Method in class javax.ide.command.Context
Set the currently selected objects.
setSelection(int, int) - Method in class javax.ide.editor.TextEditor
Set the current selection.
setSelection(Element[]) - Method in interface oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorViewSelectionSetter
Set the view selection in the CodeEditor and trigger a ViewSelectionEvent
setSelection(Element[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.Context
Sets the list of selected Elements.
setSelection(Object) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controls.KeyNavigationManager.KeyComponentAdapter
setSelection(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.KeyNavigationManager.ListKeyAdapter
setSelection(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.KeyNavigationManager.TableKeyAdapter
setSelection(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.KeyNavigationManager.TreeKeyAdapter
setSelection(String) - Method in class
Sets the selection of the tree.
setSelection(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TextTransformContext
setSelection(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TextTransformContext
setSelection(Location) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TextTransformContext
setSelection(ModelAdapter, Object, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TransformAdapter
Sets the selection to be set after a transform is applied.
setSelection(Location, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TransformAdapter
Sets the selection to be set after a transform is applied.
setSelection(Object, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TransformContext
Sets the selection after the transform is applied to a construct in the model for this context.
setSelection(ModelAdapter, Object, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TransformContext
Sets the selection after the transform is applied to a construct in a specified model.
setSelection(Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TransformContext
Deprecated. Use {@link #setSelection(Object, int, int)
setSelection(ModelAdapter, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.TransformContext
Deprecated. Use {@link #setSelection(ModelAdapter, Object, int, int)
setSelection(URL, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.UndoableEditCommand
setSelection(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform.UndoableEditCommand
setSelection(CmtModelNode[]) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtSelectionModel
Change the collection of selected CmtModelNodes to consist only of those CmtModelNodes provided, in the order provided.
setSelection(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageBrowserV2
Deprecated. Use #initialize(String)
setSelection(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageSearchPanel
setSelection(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageTreePanel
setSelection(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageView
Initializes the dialog state.
setSelection(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.ArrayField
setSelectionDialogHelpId(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.DependencyPanel
setSelectionDialogInstruction(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.DependencyPanel
setSelectionEnd(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Sets the end of the selection to the specified position.
setSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ListInsightView
setSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RowHeaderSelectionModel
setSelectionMode(int) - Method in class
Sets the selection mode for the URLChooser.
setSelectionScope(int) - Method in class
Valid values are URLChooser.FILES_ONLY and URLChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY.
setSelectionStart(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Sets the start of the selection to the specified position.
setSelectObject(SelectObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SelectObjectUsage
Deprecated. - use setSelectObjectID
setSelectObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SelectObjectUsage
setSelectObjectID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ViewColumn
Sets the SelectObject that this ViewColumn wraps.
setSelectObjects(SelectObject[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
setSelectObjects(SelectObject[]) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.DeclarativeSQLQuery
Set all the select objects for this query.
setSelectOnRightClick(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.BaseVersionOperationPanel
setSeparator(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Function
setSeparator(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Operation
setSeparatorColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TitledSeparator
setSequenceLogged(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedViewLog
Specifies whether sequence value is recorded in this log.
setSequenceStartsWith(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.CustomizableResourceBundleKeyGenerator
Sets the number to use when generating a new sequence for a key that would otherwise not be unique.
setSettings(ProviderSettings) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser.ProviderNode
setSeverity(Severity) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Rule
setSeverity(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.RuleDefinition
setShared(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.DatabaseLink
Sets whether this database link is shared.
setShell(DeployShell) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployEvent
setShortCommandKey(Action, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployUtil
setShortLabel(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
setShortLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.Navigable
setShortLabel(String) - Method in class
Set a short label for this comparable element.
setShowApplications(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.panels.OfflineDBChooserPanel
Sets whether to show the applications available in jdev.
setShowCharDifferences(boolean) - Static method in class
setShowChildren(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.TreeNodeMaker
Sets whether child nodes are also created for a given object.
setShowCodeAssistanceInGutter(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditPreferences
setShowCodeAssistanceInGutter(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences.AuditPreferences
setShowCompileProgress(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Save before compile
setShowDeprecations(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use CompilerOptionManager.setShowDeprecations()
setShowExtension(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Determines whether or not the file extension is shown in the file name field.
setShowForTypes(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PalettePage
Set which page types to show this page for.
setShowGrid(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JFastTreeTable
Set whether or not to show the grid lines.
setShowGrid(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JTreeTable
Set whether or not to show the grid lines.
setShowIcon(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooser
Set whether a type icon should be shown in the DBObjectChooser (if the delegate supports it).
setShowIcon(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaObjectComboBox
setShowIcons(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets the showIcons property, which must be true for tab icons to appear.
setShowInlineDiffs(boolean) - Method in class
setShowInPalette(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
setShowInRunManager(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolBaseProperties
Sets whether this tool will be shown in the run manager.
setShowJarsAsDirs(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the URLChooser should allow browsing into archives.
setShowLayoutActivator(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layouts
Indicate whether or not the combo box used for layout activation should be shown in the toolbar.
setShowLineNumbers(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Sets the "show line numbers" policy of this line gutter directly.
setShowObjectDotStaticWarnings(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use CompilerOptionManager.setShowObjectDotStaticWarnings()
setShowOfflineDatabaseDetail(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.panels.OfflineDBChooserPanel
Sets whether to include a component under the offline database picker to show the details of the selected offline database.
setShowPartialImportWarnings(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use CompilerOptionManager.setShowPartialImportWarnings()
setShowPopupOnFocus(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.BrowseHandler2
If true the popup will be attempted to be displayed when the text field gains focus.
setShowProjects(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.panels.OfflineDBChooserPanel
Set whether to show the projects available in the current application.
setShowRectangle(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPointingPalette
Determines whether to paint a rectangle around the given source component rectangle
setShowReuseCommentsOption(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Sets whether the 'reuse comments' option is supported by this customizer.
setShowRowNumber(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.BasicRowHeaderModel
Sets whether row header should show the row number in it.
setShowRowNumber(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.DefaultRowHeaderRenderer
setShowRowNumber(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RowHeader
Sets whether to show row numbers in the row header or not.
setShowSchema(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.DBObjectRenderer
switch whether or not to show the schema with a DBObject name
setShowSelectedCloseButton(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
setShowSelfDeprecations(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use CompilerOptionManager.setShowSelfDeprecations()
setShowSplashScreen(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Show splash screen at startup.
setShowSplashScreen(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.config.SplashScreenOptions
Sets the display status of the splash screen.
setShowStartStatus(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Specifies whether to show the start message in the status bar.
setShowStatus(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Checklist
Sets whether to show status for all the steps or substeps in the StepHeader or not.
setShowStatus(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.StepHeader
Sets whether the header shows step status or not.
setShowStepNumber(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard
setShowStepNumber(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.GenericWizardLauncher
Sets whether or not the wizard should show step numbers in the title.
setShowTabUnderline(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTab
Sets whether the bottom tab underline should be drawn.
setShowTemplatesAndCommentsCombo(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Sets whether the customizer will show a combobox containing templates and recently used comments.
setShowTime(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
Show or hide BOTH time and time zone components.
setShowTimeZone(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
setShowToolTips(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
Deprecated. Controls whether this NiceTable will show tooltips for cells that are truncated due to reduced column width.
setShowToolTips(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Controls whether this GenericTable will show tooltips for cells that are truncated due to reduced column width.
setShowUnusedImportWarnings(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use CompilerOptionManager.setShowUnusedImportWarnings()
setShowWarnings(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use CompilerOptionManager.setShowWarnings()
setShowWelcome(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.TitledWizardDialog
setShowWelcomePage(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.WizardWelcomeSettings
For the specified wizard ID, sets whether the welcome page should be shown.
setShutdownPolicy(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.EmbeddedServerOptions
setSignUpUrl(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.OTNAuthPanel
Sets the URL to use for the link to sign up for a new account.
setSilently(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.RemoveFromDiskCommand
setSilentMode(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.DeleteActionHandler
setSilentReload(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Silently reload unmodified files.
setSimpleProcess(SimpleProcess) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
setSingleRelation(Relation) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
setSingleSelection(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryComponent
Set whether the history table allows only single selection, or multiple selection
setSingleSelection(HistoryEntry) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryComponent
Set the selection to the specified single history entry.
setSingleSelectionLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.AuditController
setSite(Site) - Method in interface oracle.ide.docking.Dockable
Sets the current site where this dockable is docked or floated.
setSite(Site) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableWindow
Sets the current site where this dockable is docked or floated.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ColorIcon
Changes the size of the icon.
setSize(int, int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controls.FloatingToolWindow
setSize(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.BooleanBitmap
Sets the size of the BooleanBitmap to the given specified user size.
setSkipComments(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.generic.GenericLexer
Sets whether the GenericLexer should generate tokens for comments.
setSkipComments(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.HTMLLexer
Sets whether the HTMLLexer should generate tokens for Java comments.
setSkipComments(boolean) - Method in class
setSkipComments(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the FastLexer should generate tokens for Source comments.
setSkipComments(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlLexer
Sets whether the PlsqlLexer should generate tokens for Java comments.
setSkipComments(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the PropertiesLexer should generate tokens for comments in the *.properties and *.rts files.
setSkipSymbols(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.TagLexer
Sets whether the TagLexer should generate tokens for Java comments.
setSkipSymbols(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the TagLexer should generate tokens for the assignment symbol.
setSnapToGrid(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.UIEditorOptions
Set whether or not to round coordinates and dimensions to the nearest factor of grid spacing when working with LayoutAssistants that support grid spacing.
setSortAscending(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTablePersistentSettings
setSortColumn(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SortedJTable
setSortColumn(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
Deprecated. Set the column to sort the view by.
setSortColumn(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTablePersistentSettings
setSortColumn(int) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel
Sets the primary sort column for children of a row of this model, or null to sort by AuditModel.getLocation(java.lang.Object).
setSortColumn(int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditModel
setSortColumnBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
Deprecated. Set the background color used to highlight the sorted column.
setSortColumnBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Set the background color used to highlight the sorted column.
setSorted(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
Deprecated. Set whether this NiceTable is sorted.
setSorted(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTablePersistentSettings
setSortRetainsSelection(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
Deprecated. Set whether the selection is maintained after a sort.
setSource(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
Set the source of the objects to transfer.
setSource(Dockable) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableEvent
setSource(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
setSource(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.JavaSource
setSource(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSql
setSource(String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.SourceObject
setSource(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Sets the source to create the trigger.
setSource(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.BuildSystemConfiguration
setSource(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use BuildSystemConfiguration.setSource(String source)
setSource(Object) - Method in exception oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployException
Set the source of the Exception, attempt to overwrite existing value is ignored silently.
setSource(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.CustomFilterCopyable
setSource(Class<? extends Database>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.DataTypeSettings
Sets the source database class whose DataTypes we are supporting in this provider.
setSourceApplicationName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
Set the source application name.
setSourceCenter(UpdateCenter) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateInfo
Set the update center that provided this update.
setSourceConnectionStore(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
Set the source connection store of the objects to transfer.
setSourceContext(JavaIsGeneric) - Method in class
setSourceOwnerURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AbstractDerivedLibrary
setSourceOwnerURL(URL) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.DerivedLibrary
setSourcePackage(SourcePackage) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the package declaration.
setSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AbstractLibrary
setSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AddinLibrary
setSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.ExternalLibrary
setSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.JPaths
setSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyJDK
setSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LegacyLibraryDefinition
setSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryAdapter
setSourcePath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.LibraryModel
setSourceProjectName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
Set the source project name.
setSourceReturnType(SourceTypeReference) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the return type of this method.
setSourceSuperclass(SourceTypeReference) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the declared base class of this class.
setSourceSuperclass(SourceTypeReference) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the declared superclass of this class.
setSourceType(SourceTypeReference) - Method in interface
Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
setSourceURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.AbstractDerivedLibrary
setSourceURL(URL) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.DerivedLibrary
setSourceURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ApplicationContent
Set the application-level source directory.
setSouthContent(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.ProgressPanel
Specifies the content of the dialog to appear south.
setSpace(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets how much space (in blocks) the object uses.
setSpec(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OpaqueFormatSpec
setSpecifiedHostName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.EmbeddedServerOptions
setSpecifier(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier
Sets the location in the Directory being specified.
setSpecPlSql(SpecPlSql) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlAttribute
Sets the ComplexType that owns this attribute.
setSpecPlSql(SpecPlSql) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
Sets the ComplexType that owns this method.
setSplashScreenCounter(int) - Static method in class oracle.ide.config.SplashScreenOptions
Save the current number of log steps in the splash file
setSplitPanel(SplitPanel) - Method in class
setSplitterLocation(Component, int) - Method in class
setSplitterLocation(Component, int, Component) - Method in class
setSplitterLocation(Component, int) - Method in interface
setSpoolFile(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.DDLOptions
setSQLFileURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model.GenerateDescriptor
setSqljExternalName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
setSqljExternalName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlAttribute
setSqljSigName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
setSqljSigVarName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.PlSqlMethod
setSqljUsing(ComplexType.SQLJUsingType) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
setSQLQuery(SQLQuery) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets the query that defines the view.
setSQLQuery(SQLQuery) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryOwner
Sets the SQLQuery on the owning object.
setSQLQuery(SQLQuery) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.View
Sets this view's query.
setSQLQueryOwner(SQLQueryOwner) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.FromFromPicker
setSQLQueryOwner(SQLQueryOwner) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QuickPickSourcePicker
setSqlTerminator(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
set an alternative SQL statement terminator
setSQLText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.tester.SQLQueryTester
Changes the query that is being tested in the current dialog
setSQLText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.NonDeclarativeSQLQuery
Deprecated. - use AbstractSQLQuery.setQueryString(java.lang.String)
setSQLText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SimpleSQLFragment
Sets the SQL for this fragment.
setStaleness(MaterializedView.Staleness) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets the relationship between the contents of the materialized view and the contents of the materialized view's masters
setStartAndEnd(int, int) - Method in class
setStartAndLength(int, int) - Method in class
setStartOfBufferMessage(String) - Method in class
setStartOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.StyledMessage
setStartOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultFoldingBlock
setStartOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractLexer.DefaultLexerToken
Sets the starting offset for this token.
setStartPoint(Point) - Method in interface oracle.ide.docking.DockableDragContext
Sets the points where the drag operation started.
setStartSelectionPoint(Point) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.EditorSelection
Let the selection know the point (in editor coordinates) where the selection start is designated.
setStartSelectionPoint(Point) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EditorSelectionColumns
setStartSelectionPoint(Point) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EditorSelectionWrap
setStartsNewline(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the value of the starts-newline flag.
setStartupWindow(JFrame) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil
The startup window is a JFrame upon which dialogs and other UI may be parented before the showing of the main window.
setStartupWindow(JFrame) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.util.SwingUtils
Sets the startup window being used by this program.
setStartWith(BigInteger) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Sequence
Sets the start with value for this sequence.
setStartWith(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.HierarchicalQueryObject
setStartWithFirst(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.HierarchicalQueryObject
setState(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleAction
setState(DrawerModel.State) - Method in interface oracle.ide.docking.DrawerEntry
Sets the state of this entry.
setState(int, DrawerModel.State) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerModel
setState(TriStateCheckBox.State) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TriStateCheckBox
setState(DeployCommandState) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployCommand
setState(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CheckBoxTreeCellRenderer
Sets the state of the object to be rendered.
setStateListener(CheckBoxListItemStateListener) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setStatement(Statement) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDatabase
Internal use only.
setStatement(String...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper
Only works after construction for simple statements, not queries (i.e.
setStatementLevel(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Sets whether or not the trigger is statement level.
setStaticHelpText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.HeaderPanel
Sets static help text to display under this header.
setStatus(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SimpleInputDialog
setStatus(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorWindow
Display a text message on the status area.
setStatus(String, Icon) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.DeleteActionHandler
setStatus(FileSpecification.FileStatus) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.FileSpecification
setStatus(Step.StepStatus) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Step
Sets the status for this step.
setStatus(DeployCommand.Status) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployCommand
setStatusBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeMainWindow
setStatusCache(VCSStatusCache) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Set the status cache to use.
setStatusCache(ChangeListStatusCache) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Set the status cache to use.
setStatusCache(VCSURLBasedCache) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
setStatusCache(VCSStatusCache) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSSingleNodeObserver
Sets the status cache of this save observer.
setStatusColumnVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.ProgressChecklist
Sets the visibility of the column containing status text describing task progress.
setStatusText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyInspector
setStatusVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorWindow
Set the visibility of the status area.
setStepHeader(StepHeader) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.StepPanel
Sets the StepHeader for this StepPanel.
setStepHeaderBanding(int, Color...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Checklist
StepHeaderBanding can be used to display a group of StepHeaders in one background color followed by the same number of steps in a different background color.
setStepLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.Step
Method to set the label of the page that presents this Step
setStepProgress(double) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.AbstractProgressMonitor
setStepProgress(double) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.DeterminateProgressMonitor
setStopInChrome(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
setStopOnDebuggerStatement(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Whether the VM should stop on an debugger statement.
setStopOnError(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Whether the VM should stop on an error.
setStopOnException(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Whether the VM should stop on an execrption.
setStopped(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.AbstractProgressMonitor
setStopped(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.DeterminateProgressMonitor
setStorage(OracleStorageProperties) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
setStorageEnabledInRow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.LOBDescriptor
setStore(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.controls.StorePicker
Sets the selected connection store.
setStoreAs(XMLTypeColumnProperties.StoreAs) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.XMLTypeColumnProperties
setStoreChoice(DatabaseConnectionEditorLauncher.StoreChoice) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnectionEditorLauncher
setStoreName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.ConnectionInfo
Sets the name of the connection store the connection is from.
setStretchComponentsWithNoButton(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.layout.FieldLayoutBuilder
setString(int, String) - Method in class
setStrings(Map<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.TopLevelDefinition
setStrings(Map<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.Variation
setStrings(Map<String, String>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
Sets localized strings for this bean.
setStyle(byte) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.PentaLayout
Sets the layout style.
setStyle(SearchField.Style) - Method in class
Sets the style of search.
setStyle(StyleCategory) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Rule
Sets the style of this rule.
setStyleCategory(StyleCategory) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Rule
setStyleModel(StyledTextModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.simplestyle.StyledLabel
setStyleRegistry(StyleRegistry) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Replace the global style registry used for all editor panes.
setStyleRegistry(StyleRegistry) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EditorProperties
Replace the global style registry used for all editor panes.
setStyleRegistry(StyleRegistry) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.DocumentToHTMLGenerator
Sets the style registry to use for generation (vs.
setStyleSheet(StyleSheet) - Method in class
setSubDelegate(DBObjectChooserDelegate, DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooserBridge
setSubDelegateProvider(DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooserBridge
setSubDirtyableOwner(Element, Dirtyable) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DataContainer
Sets the owner of this element to the specified element.
setSubpartitionModel(OracleTablePartitions) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablePartitions
Set the OracleTablePartitions object that defines the SUBPARTITION or SUBPARTITION_TEMPLATE model of a RANGE-HASH or RANGE-LIST composite partition.
setSubpartitions(OracleIndexPartitions) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.IndexPartition
setSubType(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ReferenceID
setSummary(List<String>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContentProvider
Set the list of summary for the task.
setSummary(String, List<String>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContentProvider
Set the list of summary for the task.
setSummaryComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContent
Sets the summary component which displays all the summary items of the Provider.
setSummaryHeaderLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.TaskContentProvider
Sets the header label for showing the list of task summary.
setSuperclass(TypeReferenceT) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the declared base class of this class.
setSuperclass(SourceClass, String) - Static method in class
Set the super class for the given class
setSupportsArbitraryURLs(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.URLPathEditPanel
Sets whether the user should be able to enter arbitrary URLs.
setSupportsAutoFill(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.component.NewFilePanel
Specifies whether the directory URL is created dynamically from the file name.
setSupportsAutoFill(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.NewWorkspacePanel
setSuppressContextMenu(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Deprecated. not replaced; setting this property has no effect.
setSuppressDefaultTemplate(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
setSuppressDirectoryDefault() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Specifies that the simple process code should suppress defaulting of the run process directory to the context project directory.
setSuppressRemoteMessages(Boolean) - Method in class
setSystemId(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSSingleNodeObserver
Sets the VCS extension ID of the observer.
setSystemTemplate(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Sets a template value that will be made available alongside other comment templates.
setTabbedWith(Dockable) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockingParam
Docks the window together with one (or more) dockable window.
setTable(Table) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Index
Sets the table on which this index acts.
setTable(JTable) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.RowHeaderSelectionModel
Sets the table this RowSelectionModel is working for.
setTableContainer(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTableWithTitleBar
Set the table parent component.
setTableCustomizer(TableCustomizer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.datatips.DataTip
setTableID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Sets the table name for the trigger.
setTableModel(TableModel) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.BasicRowHeaderModel
Set the tableModel this rowHeader is representing.
setTableModel(TreeTableModelAdapter) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditTreeTableModel
setTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleNestedTableProperties
setTableOwner(Schema) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Deprecated. - see information on Trigger.getTableOwner().
setTablespace(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View Index are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.MV_INDEX_KEY
setTablespace(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
setTablespaceGroup(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablespaceProperties
setTablespaceID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleStorageProperties
setTablespaceName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.RecycledObject
Sets the name of the tablespace to which the object belongs.
setTablespaces(String[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleIndexPartitions
setTableToolbar(TableToolbar) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.ReorderableTableWithTitleBar
Sets The tableToolbar
setTabName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
setTabPlacement(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPane
setTabSize(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.DocumentToHTMLGenerator
Configure the tab size to use for generation (vs.
setTaglibURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
setTarget(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setTarget(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.BuildSystemConfiguration
setTarget(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use BuildSystemConfiguration.setTarget()
setTargetConnectionStore(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
Set the target connection store of the objects to transfer.
setTargetContext(JavaType) - Method in class
setTargetModuleIDs(DeployShell, TargetModuleID[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.JeeDeployUtil
setTargetSchemaName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setTargetTableSpace(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.TransferDescriptor
setTargetURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets the target URL.
setTechnologyKeys(String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechnologyScope
Used for persistence of the TechnologyScope via Object2Dom.
setTechnologyScope(TechnologyScope) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.TechnologyScopeConfiguration
setTechnologyScope(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteItem
Sets the technology scope to use with this palette item.
setTechnologyScope(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PalettePage
Set Technology Scope
setTechnologyScope(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
Example: "Faces;JSP".
setTechnologyScope(TechnologyScope) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.ProjectTemplate
setTemplateClass(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
setTemplateData(TemplateData) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
The TemplateData container which holds this template.
setTemplateDataURLs(List<URL>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.TemplatePreferences
setTemplateId(HashStructure, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
setTemplateId(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
setTemplates(FromObject[], FKUsage[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.WhereEditor
Sets the template FromObjects to include.
setTemplates(List<ProjectTemplate>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.NewProjectFromTemplateSequence
setTemplatesAndCommentsOrientation(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Sets the positional orientation of the templates and comments combobox UI.
setTemplatesDataKey(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListCommentsCustomizer
setTemplatesDataKey(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.cmd.CommentTemplatesConfiguration
setTemplatesDataKey(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Sets the data key used to retrieve comment templates from settings.
setTemplatesLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.WhereEditor
Sets the label for the templates.
setTemplatesSettingsPath(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changeset.cmd.CommentTemplatesConfiguration
setTemplatesSettingsPath(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Sets the path to the templates page in product preferences.
setTemporaryTablespace(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleSchemaProperties
setterAttr(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.XMLBinding
setterAttrNS(String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.XMLBinding
setterElem(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.XMLBinding
setterElemNS(String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.XMLBinding
setTerminatingButton(JButton) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
Sets a custom button to be a terminating button.
setterPcdata() - Static method in class oracle.javatools.xml.bind.XMLBinding
setters() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
Gets the deferred setters for this transform.
setText(String) - Method in interface
Replaces the current text with the input raw text.
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DescriptionScrollPane
Sets the text displayed in the description area.
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.FocusableLabel
Changes the text of the component.
setText(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controls.StatusBar
Sets the text of the StatusBar
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.StatusBarControl
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBSizeChooser
setText(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.ReadOnlyScrollPane
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.find.FindTextSupport
Set the plain text of the control and update its displayed text.
setText(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.inspector.find.SearchableText
Set the plain text to be displayed by the host component.
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyCheckBox
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyLabel
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyRadioButton
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.LinkPanel
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleKey
Sets the text
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.AbstractToDoItem
Sets the descriptive text of the to do item
setText(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.todo.ToDoItem
Sets the descriptive text of the to do item
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver.MenuLabel
Sets the menu text.
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionTextArea
Override to prevent programmatic setting of text from triggering the insight list.
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionTextField
Override to prevent programmatic setting of text from triggering the insight list.
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Sets the text of this TextComponent to the specified content.
setText(String) - Method in interface
Attempts to replace the text of this lexical element with the input raw text.
setText(String) - Method in interface
Replaces the current text with the input raw text.
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleWrapper.KeyInfo
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ExtendedTextField
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.Header
Sets the text of the header.
setText(String) - Method in class
Sets the current search text.
setText(String, boolean) - Method in class
Set the text in the search field.
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TextLayer
Set the overlaid text
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.Condition
setText(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.Value
setText(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtValue
Set the expression of this value based upon the given text.
setText(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.NameFilter
setTextBuffer(ReadTextBuffer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractLexer
Sets the text buffer that is to be used by this Lexer.
setTextBuffer(TextBuffer) - Method in interface
Sets the text buffer but leaves it unpinned.
setTextBuffer(ReadTextBuffer) - Method in class
setTextBuffer(ReadTextBuffer) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.parser.Lexer
Sets the text buffer that is to be used by this Lexer.
setTextBuffer(TextBuffer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchIndexFile
Sets the internal text buffer for the index file.
setTextEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setTextEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setTextMergeNode(TextMergeNode) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.TextMergeEditor
Sets the text merge node representing ancestor / result data.
setTextNonSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Sets the color the text is drawn with when the node isn't selected.
setTextProcessed(boolean) - Method in class
setTextSelectable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setTextSelectable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setTextSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
Sets the color the text is drawn with when the node is selected.
setTextVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TextLayer
Set whether the overlaid text should appear or not
setThenExpression(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.CaseStatement.WhenThen
setThreadComplete(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.RestartableProgressBar
setThreadPool(VCSThreadPool) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
setThreePaneMode(boolean) - Method in class
setThreePaneMode(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether the layout is in three pane mode.
setThreshold(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Metric
Sets the upper threshold of this metric.
setTime(long) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedEntry
setTime(long) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedEvictedLinkedEntry
setTime(long) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedSoftLinkedEntry
setTime(long) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedStrongLinkedEntry
setTime(long) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.TimedWeakLinkedEntry
setTimeout(long) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSShellRunner
setTimeoutBeforeBrowserLaunch(Integer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.EmbeddedServerOptions
Timeout is in milliseconds.
setTimeoutForHttpKeepAlive(Integer) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.EmbeddedServerOptions
Timeout is in milliseconds.
setTimestampDirectly(long) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Sets the timestamp of this node.
setTimestampMap(Map) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommandState
Sets the associated timestamp map.
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
Change the timzone.
setTiming(Trigger.Timing) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Sets the timing (before/after) of the trigger.
SETTINGS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.migration.ExtensionMigrator
SETTINGS - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SETTINGS_AUTO_QUERY_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
SETTINGS_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
SETTINGS_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.wizard.WizardWelcomeSettings
SETTINGS_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryManager
SETTINGS_KEY_DB - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.FromObjectsPanel
SETTINGS_KEY_DB - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QuickPickObjectsPanel
SETTINGS_KEY_OTHER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.FromObjectsPanel
SETTINGS_KEY_OTHER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.QuickPickObjectsPanel
SETTINGS_QUERY_SNAPSHOTS_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
SETTINGS_QUERY_SYNONYMS_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
SETTINGS_QUERY_TABLES_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
SETTINGS_QUERY_VIEWS_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
SettingsCustomizations - Class in oracle.ide.config
Provides access to settings customizations registered by a product or role.
SettingsFieldCustomizations - Class in oracle.ide.config
Customizations for a specific field.
SettingsPageCustomizationHelper - Class in oracle.ide.config
A helper for handling settings page customization.
SettingsUIRegistry - Class in oracle.ide.config
The settings UI registry provides access to information gathered from extension manifests and roles about settings UI.
setTipDisplayDuration(int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.actiontip.ActionTipManager
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressRunnable
Sets the title that will be used by the progress dialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesConfiguration
Sets the dialog title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.TitledPanel
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateMessage
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.MessagePanel
Set a title to display above the text.
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Step
Sets the title for this step.
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
Set the title text.
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPointingPalette
Override to update the border when title is present for GhostPointingPalette
setTitle(String) - Method in class
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TitledSeparator
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.dialogs.ClassPackageBrowserV2
Sets the title to use for the dialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class
setTitle(String) - Method in class
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
Sets the title of this dialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.MessageDialog
Sets the title of the dialog.
setTitleDepth(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Sets the number of levels in the master tree to use when generating the titlebar for the detail-detail panel.
setTitleName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
setTldURL(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
Deprecated. use JspLibrary.setTaglibURL(URL)
setTNodes(Context, TNode[]) - Static method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerContext
Sets the specified array of TNodes into the specified Context.
setToDoManager(ToDoManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.todo.ToDoManager
Publishes the specified ToDoManager as the active instance in the IDE.
setToFile(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchEntry
Sets the to-file value for the patch entry.
setToFileLineCount(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchHunk
Sets the to-file line count for the patch hunk.
setToFileLineNumber(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchHunk
Sets the to-file line number for the patch hunk.
setToFileModificationTime(Date) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchEntry
Sets the to-file modification time for the patch entry.
setToFileRevision(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.patch.PatchEntry
Sets the to-file revision number for the patch entry.
setToggleItem(boolean) - Method in class
setToken(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractLexer.DefaultLexerToken
Set the token of this object.
setTokenIndex(int) - Method in class
setToolbar() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RemoteProcess
setToolbarHelpInfo(HelpInfo) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Sets the default help info topic that the code editor toolbar displays.
setToolbarManager(ToolbarManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.controller.ToolbarManager
Set the toolbar manager.
setToolbarVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
setToolbarVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.ProjectNavigatorWindow
setToolbarVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.AbstractPinnable
Set the visibility of the Toolbar, if any.
setToolbarVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.MultiManager
setToolbarVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.View
setToolbarVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.ViewDecorator
setToolMask(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableToolbar
Choose which tool buttons to add to this toolbar.
setToolTip(String) - Method in class
Set the action tooltip.
setTooltip(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.DefaultCustomTabPage
setToolTipProvider(CompareToolTipProvider) - Method in class
setToolTipProvider(CompareToolTipProvider) - Method in interface
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setToolTipText(JComponent, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.util.DBObjectRenderer
Sets the tool tip text on the widget and the accessible name for Jaws.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalTool
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 - use ExternalToolBaseProperties.setToolTipText(String).
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolBaseProperties
Set the tool tip text for this tool.
setToolTipText(JComponent, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorInit
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Registers the text to display in a tool tip.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
setTopComponent(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
setTopComponent(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunLogPage
Sets the component to be positioned in the top section of the RunLogPage.
setTopLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls.ClassBuilderPanel
Deprecated. This method is no longer supported. The correct way to set the descriptive text is to subclass ClassBuilder and override the ClassBuilder.getHeaderDescription() method.
setTransferErrors(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Whether the VM should transfer errors to debugger.
setTransform(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.TransformBinding
setTransformDone(Transform, Violation) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel
Sets a transform done for a violation of this model.
setTransformDone(Transform, Violation) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditModel
setTransformFocusLocation(Transform, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.ViolationReport
Sets the focus location of a transform for this violation.
setTransformFocusLocation(Transform, Location) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.ViolationReport
Sets the focus location of a transform for this violation.
setTransforms(Transform[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Rule
Sets the transforms which can be applied to violations of this rule.
setTransforms(Collection<AuditHook.TransformDefinition>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.TransformDefinition
setTransforms(Transform[]) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultTransformField
setTransformUndone(Transform, Violation) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel
Sets a transform undone for a violation of this model.
setTransformUndone(Transform, Violation) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditModel
setTransientProfile(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eePackaging
setTransientProfile(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.j2ee.J2eeProfile
setTraversableContext(TraversableContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeploymentPanelContent
setTraversableContext(TraversableContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.AbstractDeployWizardPanel
setTraverseBehavior(int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkOptions
Sets the new behavior for next and previous traversal.
setTree(JTree) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.AbstractTreePicker
setTree1ControlBar(ControlBar) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
setTree1SelectionPath(String[], boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Note: The onEntry must have already been called before this method will have an effect.
setTree1SelectionPath(String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
setTree1SelectionRow(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
Changes the selection in the master tree to the specified row.
setTree1TitleLabel(JLabel) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.MDDPanel
setTreeComboRenderer(TreeComboRenderer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JTreeCombo
Set the renderer to be used in both the tree and label area of the combo box.
setTreeComboRenderer(TreeComboRenderer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JTreeFixListCombo
Set the renderer for both the tree and teh unpoped label area of the combo box.
setTreeViewEnabled(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.panels.AppServerSelectionPanel
setTrimLeader(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.Function
Sets whether this is a trim function with LEADING/TRAILING/BOTH text.
setTruncateInMiddle(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.TruncatingTreeCellRenderer
Sets whether truncation happens in the middle of the text, or at the end.
setTwoLineDescription(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicelist.NiceListRenderer
Set whether there are two description lines.
setType(TypeReferenceT) - Method in interface
Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
setType(TypeReferenceT) - Method in interface
Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
setType(TypeReferenceT) - Method in interface
Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
setType(TypeReferenceT) - Method in interface
Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
setType(TypeReferenceT) - Method in interface
Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
setType(TypeReferenceT) - Method in interface
Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
setType(TypeReferenceT) - Method in interface
Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
setType(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.condition.InstanceOfCondition
setType(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.SchemaObjectDescriptor
Sets the type of the object.
setType(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableView
Set the dockable type.
setType(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableWindow
setType(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.Editor
setType(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.layout.LayoutSelector
Set a string that uniquely identifies this selector.
setType(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PalettePage
Set the main type( suffix ) to map this page to.
setType(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.LinkPanel
setType(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.NodeResourceBundle
Sets the identifier for the type of resource bundle (for example: listResourceBundleId for list resource bundles, propertiesBundleId for properties resource bundles, or xliffResourceBundleId for xliff resource bundles
setType(ResourceBundleConstants.BundleTypes) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleKey
Sets the type of resource bundle
setType(UpdateInfo.Type) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateInfo
setType(String) - Method in class
Set the extension of the file this contributor represents.
setType(CompareType) - Method in interface
Set the compare type (text, directory, xml) for the model.
setType(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectID
setType(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ResultSet
Sets the type of this ResultSet as done at construction.
setType(Class) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryProperty
Set the type of this property.
setType(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.PropertyField
setType(JavaType) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtPropertySource
setType(StreamType) - Method in class
setType(String) - Method in class
setType(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.ArrayField
setType(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.TypeSafeEnumerationField
setType(MessageDialog.Type) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.MessageDialog
Sets the type of the dialog.
setTypeCode(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
setTypeKind(ClassT.ClassKind) - Method in interface
Attempts to change the type of class this is.
setTypeKind(int) - Method in interface
Attempts to change the type of class this is.
setTypeName(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.DataTypeID
setTypes(String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectSourcePicker
setTypes(Collection<String>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectCriteria
Sets the object types criterion.
setTypes(String...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectCriteria
Sets the object types criterion.
setTypes(String...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectIterator
Restricts the iterator to only the given object types.
setTypes(String...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectIterator
Restricts the iterator to only the given object types.
setTypingDelay(SearchField.TypingDelay) - Method in class
Sets the typing delay to use when the style is SearchField.Style.FILTER or SearchField.Style.FIND with autoFind.
setUI(ComponentUI) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.FocusableLabel
setUI(TableUI) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
setUI(ComponentUI) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Sets the look and feel delegate for this component.
setUI(ListUI) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ListInsightView
Sets the look and feel (L&F) object that renders this component.
setUI(ListUI) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.TooltipInsightView
Sets the look and feel (L&F) object that renders this component.
setUI(BalloonUI) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.balloon.Balloon
setUI(TableUI) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Override to use the transferhandler that uses convertValueToText to copying the text.
setUIManager(IdeUIManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.IdeUIManager
setUnderlineTypeFilter(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightFragmentsList
Sets the filtering on attributes (when adding highlights to the list) of what to include in the list.
setUnderTypeID(DBObjectID) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.ComplexType
setUndoLevel(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
Set Undo level
setUnicast(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtEventSet
setUniformSize(Integer) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleTablespaceProperties
setUnremoveableTechnologies(TechId...) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.TechnologiesPanel
setUnselectedForeground(Color) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicelist.NiceListRenderer
Set the foreground color for non selected rows.
setUnSelectedLibraryDependencies(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.Profile
setUnsorted(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
Determines how this template is sorted in the New Gallery.
setupButton(JButton, ActionListener, Dimension, Insets) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.ExpressionPanel
setUpdatable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets whether the view is updateable.
setUpdate(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListEvent
setUpdateCenters(List) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateManager
setUpdateContributor(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.Difference
Set the name of the contributor which describes the changes the user wishes to apply.
setUpdateContributor(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.diff.ResultSet
setUpdateDelay(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListEventQueue
Set the delay to use before processing incoming events.
setupDescriptor(TransferDescriptor, Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate.GenerateController
Sets up the TransferDescriptor ready for transfer.
setupQuery(DBObjectSourcePicker, Schema, String, String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
By default this sets the schema, types and filter on the given from picker.
setURI(URI) - Method in class javax.ide.model.Document
Sets the URI associated with this Document.
setURI(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
Set the taglib's namespace.
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.ClientSetting
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.HashStructureNode
setURL(URL) - Method in interface oracle.ide.model.Locatable
Sets the URL associated with this Locatable.
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Node
Sets the URL associated with this Node and recaches the Node in the NodeFactory with the new URL so that subsequent queries for the Node will return successfully.
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Reference
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.XMLDataNode
setURL(URL) - Method in class
Sets the URL displayed in the URLTextField.
setURL(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.LinkPanel
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.AbstractToDoItem
Sets the URL this to do item is associated with
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.URLHyperlinkButton
Sets the URL to open in an external browser when clicking on this hyperlink.
setURL(String) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenter
setURL(URL) - Method in interface
Set the URL cookie that is saved with this SourceFile.
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleWrapperRT
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilderModel
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.SourceModel
Sets the URL.
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtFolder
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.CompilerPage.MsgTreeNode
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.ProblemsPage.MsgWrapper
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModule
Set the URL which should be used as the location to which this DeploymentModule should be written, or read from.
setURL(URL) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeploymentModuleIO
Only possible on a committed module.
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryList
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.OfflineDBObjectProvider
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.DefaultTemplateData
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListItem
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.DefaultContentDirectory
Sets the URL associated with this Locatable.
setURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.Bookmark
Sets the URL that this bookmark is in.
setURLChooserFilter(URLChooser, URLFilter) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.ConnectionImportExportPanel
Override to set the default URLFilter for the URLChooser
setURLFilter(URLFilter) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ChildFilter
Sets the file filter used to exclude specific files
setURLFilter(URLFilter) - Method in class
Sets the active URLFilter.
setURLFilter(URLFilter) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSSingleNodeObserver
Sets the url filter of this save observer.
setURLPath(URLPath) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.URLPathField
setURLPath(HashStructure, String, URLPath) - Static method in class
Stores the specified URLPath into the HashStructure at the specified name.
setURLs(URL[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListEvent
setUsagesTracker(UsagesTracker) - Static method in class oracle.ide.usages.UsagesTracker
setUsageTimeStamp(Long) - Method in class oracle.ide.usages.UsageData
Sets the time stamp indicating when this usage occurred.
setUsageType(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.usages.UsageData
Stores a key that identifies the type of usage being described.
setUseActiveLayoutInEditor(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layouts
Indicate whether or not to use the active layout in the currently active editor.
setUseAnchors(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Sets whether we should include anchors for each line of the document.
setUseAnonymousInnerClass(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.UIEditorOptions
Set whether or not anonymous inner classes are to be used during source generation.
setUseAs(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SelectObject
Sets whether or not this select object should use AS between expression and alias in the sql text.
setUseAutoSizeMaximums(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryComponent
Sets whether this component should take into account the maximum auto-size values of properties when sizing the table.
setUseBeansInstantiate(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.UIEditorOptions
Set whether or not to use Beans.instantiate during source generation of JavaBean variables.
setUseContainerLogPage(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
setUseDefaultIcons(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setUseEditorPreferredLayout(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layouts
Indicate whether or not editors should use their preferred layouts.
setUseFontInfo(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Sets whether the HTML output should include font family/size information.
setUseJavac(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration
Deprecated. Use CompilerOptionManager.setCurrentCompiler()
setUseLogPage(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
setUseLogPage(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Sets whether a log page will be used to print process information.
setUseNoIndex(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Sets whether the materialized view was created using the USING NO INDEX clause or the materialized view was created with the default index.
setUseObjectEquals() - Method in class oracle.ide.config.ChangeEventSource
Subclasses that are fully migrated to HashStructureAdapter semantics need to stub out this method until all ChangeEventSource impls are proper HashStructureAdapters.
setUseProxy(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxyOptions
Set whether an http proxy should be used.
setUseProxy(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxySettingsPanel
Set whether to use a proxy.
setUseProxy(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets whether the proxy options should be used.
setUseProxyAuthentication(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxyOptions
Set whether proxy authentication should be used.
setUseProxyAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxySettingsPanel
Set whether to use proxy authentication.
setUserAddedExtensions(ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.FileTypeIncludeFilter
setUserAgentExtras(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.ProductInformation
Sets extra information to send with the user-agent of this product when connecting to HTTP resources.
setUserCanFinishNow(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.externaltools.ExternalToolOptionsEnvironment
Options pages can call this method to enable the finish button of the external tools wizard in create mode immediately.
setUserData(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.AbstractToDoItem
setUserData(Object) - Method in interface oracle.ide.todo.ToDoItem
Sets the user-specified data object
setUserData(Object) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterMark
Stores an opaque, user-defined object to be associated with this GutterMark instance.
setUserData(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column.Mark
Stores an opaque, user-defined object to be associated with this GutterMark instance.
setUserDefinedExclusions(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.DirectoryExcludeFilter
setUserDefinedExclusions(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.FileFilter
setUserExtensionList(DocumentExtensions.DocRecord[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DocumentExtensions
setUserExtensions(List) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.DocumentExtensions.DocRecord
Sets the list of user extensions.
setUserLibraries(MutableLibraryList) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryManager
setUserName(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.webbrowser.ProxySettingsPanel
Set the proxy user name displayed in the ui.
setUsername(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.DatabaseLink
Set the user name for the connention
setUserObject(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListCellData
setUserObject(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.DefaultCustomTabPage
setUserObject(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JTreeCellData
setUserObject(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.folding.DefaultFoldingBlock
setUserOnly(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectCriteria
Sets the "user only" criterion.
setUseScrollPane(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryComponent
setUseSmartInsight(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.AbstractInsight
setUseSubPackage(Namespace, Boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.engine.db.DBRevEngineProps
setUseTransferHandler(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTable
Deprecated. Set whether the default TransferHandler from the look and feel is associated with this component when the UI is initialized.
setUseTransferHandler(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Set whether the default TransferHandler from the look and feel is associated with this component when the UI is initialized.
setUsingConstraints(MaterializedView.UsingConstraints) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.MaterializedView
Specifies whether or not the materialized view can use TRUSTED constraints as well as just ENFORCED constraints (the default).
setUUID(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLFragmentID
Deprecated. - use setIdentifier instead
setValid(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
setValidateDateTime(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.GlobalSettings
Sets whether the api validation layer is validating date/time datatype default values.
setValidateExistingFile(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.FileField
Sets whether this field will validate that the path in the field is a file that exists.
setValidator(AbstractPicker.PickerResultValidator) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractPicker
Set the Validator used by this AbstractPicker.
setValidator(ExpressionValidator) - Method in class oracle.ide.expressionbuilder.ExpressionBuilderPanel
setValidator(AbstractPicker.PickerResultValidator) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.controls.ClassPopup
Set the Validator used by this Field.
setValidator(ContentSetValidator) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.ContentSetPanel
Sets the ContentSetValidator used to validate and process the content folders the user wants to add the the ContentSet.
setValidOffsetBounds(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorPane
Set the bounds between which user editing and caret navigation is permitted.
setValidRange(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.TextTabber
Manually set the first and last offset between which the TextTabber will remain active.
setValue(String) - Method in interface
Replaces the current value with the input value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.cmd.PropertySetCommand
Perform the actual property setting.
setValue(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.WholeNumberField
Sets the number in the text field to the specified value.
setValue(Parameter, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.externaltools.macro.ParameterizedMacro
Sets the value of a parameter.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface oracle.ide.inspector.Extension
Receive the current value of the property.
setValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundlePropertyEditor
setValue(HistoryProperty, Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.DefaultHistoryEntry
setValue(Object) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in interface
Replaces the current value with the input value.
setValue(V) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftEntry
setValue(V) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.SoftLinkedEntry
setValue(V) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongEntry
setValue(V) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.StrongLinkedEntry
setValue(V) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakEntry
setValue(V) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.WeakLinkedEntry
setValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.AbstractEnumerationField
The AbstractEnumerationField implementation maps the value to the text presented to the user by invoking AbstractEnumerationField.stringOf(java.lang.Object).
setValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.AbstractTextField
setValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.PropertyField
setValue(Object, int, Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel
Sets the value of an column of a row of this model.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtPropertyState
setValue(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.InvokerRights
Sets the invoker's rights.
setValue(Object, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.ConstraintsPropertyState
Set the value of this CmtPropertyState, optionally updating the controlling LayoutManager directly.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSHistoryEntry
Convenience method for setting values of properties for this entry, just translates the propertyId into a HistoryProperty instance using the VCSProfile.
setValue(NiceTablePersistentSettings) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop.VersionOperationTablePanel.CopyableNiceTablePersistentSettings
setValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.AbstractNumberField
setValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.ArrayField
setValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.BooleanField
setValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.ExceptionField
setValue(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.PatternField
setValue(Object, int, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditModel
setValueAt(Object, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractTreeTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DefaultListTableModel
Sets the object value for the cell at column and row.
setValueAt(Object, Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controls.TreeTableModel
Sets the value for node node, at column number column.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.TreeTableModelAdapter
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.IdeMultiObjectModel
Set a value on the property located at the specified row and column.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.CheckComboModel
setValueAt(Object, Object, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.ui.datatips.DataTipModel
Sets the value for node node, at column number column.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.ArrayField.ArrayTable
setValues(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.TablePartition
Replace the ordered list of values that define a range partition or list (sub)partition.
setValues(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.TablePartition
Replace the ordered list of values that define a range partition or list (sub)partition with the values extracted from a comma separated list.
setValues(Collection<AuditHook.Value>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.CategoryDefinition
setValues(Collection<AuditHook.Value>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.TransformBinding
setValuesLessThan(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.IndexPartition
Replace the ordered list of values that define a global range partition.
setValuesLessThan(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.IndexPartition
Replace the ordered list of values that define a range partition or list (sub)partition with the values extracted from a comma separated list.
setValueSource(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtPropertySetting
setValueSource(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtPropertyState
setValueText(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtPropertyState
setValueType(AuditHook.TypeDefinition) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.MetricDefinition
setVAProperties(LOBDescriptor) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleColumnProperties
setVariation(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.ViolationReport
Sets the name of the rule variation which applies to this violation.
setVariations(Collection<String>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook.RuleDefinition
setVCSManager(VCSManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.vcs.VCSManager
Sets the specified VCSManager as the active instance in the IDE.
setVerifier(Verifier) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.TablePicker
setVerifyCachedFileData(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
setVerifyClassFiles(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.EmbeddedServerOptions
setVersion(Version) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateInfo
Set the version of this update.
setVersion(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrary
Set the version of the tag library.
setVersion(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.LibraryReference
setVersionDirectly(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo
setVersionHistory(String, VersionNumber[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ProjectVersion
Associates the specified array of VersionNumbers as representing the total version history for the specified component.
setVersionHistoryAction(IdeAction) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSHistoryProvider
setVersioningUserSubstitution(VCSUserFilterSubstitution) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSHistoryProvider
setVersionStatusDirectly(MigrationInfo.VersionStatus) - Method in class oracle.ide.migration.MigrationInfo
setVersionString(String) - Method in class
Set the version string.
setVersionTreeAction(IdeAction) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSHistoryProvider
setVerticalFill(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.VerticalFlowLayout
setVerticalFill(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.layout.VerticalFlowLayout
setVgap(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.PentaLayout
Sets the vertical gap between components.
setView(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.Context
Set a reference to the View to be associated with this Context.
setView(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PalettePage
Set the main view( list or icon ) for this page.
setView(Component) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTableViewport
setViewBounds(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.SectionView
Restrict the view of the wrapped component to be within certain bounds.
setViewColDataType(ViewColumn) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
setViewPosition(Point) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTableViewport
setViewText(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.View
Convinience method that sets the view's query to a NonDeclarativeSQLQuery from the given text.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.ide.view.DefaultViewable
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.ide.view.View
Show/hide view.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.CustomTabPage
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBSizeChooser
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.ContextActionPanelHost
setVisible(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.controls.SplashScreen
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.GutterMark
Sets whether this mark should be visible or not.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin.Column.Mark
Sets whether this mark should be visible or not.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Step
Set whether the step is visible or not.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.datatips.DataTip
Show or hide the data tip window.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.datatips.DataTipWindow
setVisible(JLayeredPane, JComponent, Rectangle, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostList
Trigger the showing of the GhostList.
setVisible(Class, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.TypeFilter
Sets whether a view type is visible.
setVisible(Class<?>...) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.TypeFilter
Sets whether a list of presentation types is visible.
setVisible(List<Class<?>>) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.TypeFilter
Sets whether a list of presentation types is visible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkPanel
setVisibleDate(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
Turn on or off the display of the date component in this CalenderPanel (on by default).
setVisiblePopupRows(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommentsCustomizer
Deprecated. not replaced. This class now provides support for a combobox listing previously entered comments, which can be enabled by calling VCSCommentsCustomizer.setShowTemplatesAndCommentsCombo(boolean) with true.
setVisibleRowCount(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionPopupHandler
Set the visible row count of the list in the popup.
setVisibleRowCount(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JCheckCombo
setVisibleRowCount(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.combo.JFixListCombo
setVisibleRows(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Sets the number of visible rows on the table.
setVisibleRows(JTable, JScrollPane, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
Set the preferred size of the scrollpane to the desired number of visible table rows.
setVisibleStatuses(VCSStatus[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Set the statuses that will be displayed in this change list.
setVisibleStatuses(ChangeListStatus[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Set the statuses that will be displayed in this change list.
setVisibleTime(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
Turn on or off the display of the time component in this CalenderPanel.
setVisibleTimeZone(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPanel
Turn on or off the display of the time zone component in this CalenderPanel.
setVisitAncestors(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Auditor
Sets whether to visit ancestors of the locations to be audited.
setVisitAncestors(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
setVisitDescendants(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Auditor
Sets whether to visit descendants of the locations to be audited.
setVisitDescendants(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
setVMName(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunConfiguration
Sets the name of the Virtual Machine.
setVMs(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDKModel
setWaitForTermination(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.compiler.CompileArguments
Set the wait for termination flag.
setWarnAboutHardcodedTranslatableStrings(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleOptions
setWarningFlags(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlCompilerOptions
setWarningValue(PlSqlCompilerOptions.WarningCategory, PlSqlCompilerOptions.WarningValue) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlCompilerOptions
setWarnWhenCreatingImageIcons(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.AddinPolicyUtils
setWarnWhenCreatingThreads(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.AddinPolicyUtils
setWarnWhenLeakingJMenuItems(boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.AddinPolicyUtils
setWebAppBreadcrumbsContextMenuListenerr(WebAppBreadcrumbs.WebAppBreadcrumbsContextMenuListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.breadcrumbs.WebAppBreadcrumbs
setWebAppUtils(WebAppUtils) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils.WebAppUtils
Sets the WebAppUtils instance.
setWeight(Component, float, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuManager
Checks to see if section Id is the default section, if so, only replace the client property if child is unset.
setWeight(float) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryProperty
Set the column weight of this HistoryProperty.
setWeight(float) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.AbstractTemplate
setWelcomePage(WizardWelcomePage) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.TitledWizardDialog
setWelcomePageAdded(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard
Sets whether or not a welcome page has been added to the FSMWizard
setWelcomeShown(boolean, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.wizard.WizardWelcomePage
Persistently set whether this welcome page is shown next time.
setWhenClause(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
Sets the WHEN clause of the trigger.
setWhenExpression(SQLFragment) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.CaseStatement.WhenThen
setWhenThens(CaseStatement.WhenThen[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.CaseStatement
setWhereObject(WhereObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQuery
setWhereObject(WhereObject) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
setWhereObject(WhereObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.DeclarativeSQLQuery
Sets the WHERE clause for this query.
setWhereObject(WhereObject) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Sets the WhereObject on the query (whilst caching any appropriate dependencies).
setWidthConstrained(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionPopupHandler
Set whether the width of the popup for the component should be constrained to the component width,
setWidthOfField(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionPopupHandler
Set whether the drop down list for the component will be automatically adjusted so that it is at least as wide as the text component.
setWidthOfField(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionTextField
Deprecated. replaced by CompletionPopupHandler.setWidthOfField(boolean)
setWif(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlOpndef
setWindowVisible(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.ToDoManager
Shows/Hides the task window.
setWizardCallbacks(WizardCallbacks) - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.TraversableContext
setWizardImage(Image) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.GenericWizardLauncher
Sets the image to display for the wizard.
setWizardPanels(MetaClass<Traversable>[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologyInfo
setWizardStep(Step) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.DefaultWizardState
setWizardStep(Step) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.WizardState
setWizardTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard
As per the spec, this title should be of the form: "Product or Wizard Name - Process Name"
setWizardTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.wizard.GenericWizardLauncher
Sets the title to display for the wizard.
setWorkDirectory(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.Workspaces
Sets the default root directory for all new Workspaces.
setWorkingDirectory(File) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Sets the working directory for the subprocess.
setWorkingSet(WorkingSet) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelFactory
Sets whether to filter projects by their current working set.
setWorkingSet(WorkingSet) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Auditor
Sets the working set to use when filtering projects.
setWorkingSet(WorkingSet) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
setWorkingSet(WorkingSet) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.DefaultModelFactory
setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class oracle.ide.Context
Sets a reference to the Workspace to be associated with this Context.
setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.IdeLog
set current workspace being compiled
setWorkspaceFilter(URLFilter) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.DialogUtil
Deprecated. since 11.1.1 this method doesn't do anything
setWorkspaceNavigatorManager(NavigatorManager) - Static method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorManager
Publishes the specified NavigatorManager as implementing the Workspace Navigator.
setWorkspaces(Workspace[]) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListEvent
setWorkspaceURL(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.editor.RecentFile
setWrapBehavior(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Sets the wrapping behavior.
setWrapBehavior(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.PrintOptions
Sets the wrapping behavior.
setWrapColumn(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Sets the wrapping column width.
setWrapLines(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
Sets the line wrap policy for the message page
setWrapLogLines(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.EnvironOptions
setWrappedComponent(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ScrollableSectionView
A override of SectionView.setView with the added caveat that the given componentToViewRestrict must be a Scrollable
setWrappedComponent(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.SectionView
Set the wrappedComponent to restrict.
setWrappedMessage(String) - Method in class
setWrapSymbol(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.HTMLGeneratorOptions
Sets the new wrap symbol to print in the right margin for wrapped lines.
setWrapSymbol(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.print.PrintOptions
Sets the new wrap symbol to print in the right margin for wrapped lines.
setWritable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.AppBundleInfoRT
setWritable(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtPropertySource
setWriteLockRequestListener(WriteLockRequestListener) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.Auditor
Sets the listener to notify if a thread waits to acquire the write lock.
setWriteLockRequestListener(WriteLockRequestListener) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditor
setXMLTypeColumnProperties(XMLTypeColumnProperties) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleColumnProperties
setXOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.LiveValidationController
Offset in pixels for the x-coordinate of the message from the far right of the component.
setXOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.border.ShadowBorder
Sets the number of pixels by which the shadow rectangle will be shifted horizontally from the origin of the component rectangle.
setyOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.LiveValidationController
Offset in pixels for the y-coordinate of the message from the top of the component.
setYOffset(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.border.ShadowBorder
Sets the number of pixels by which the shadow rectangle will be shifted vertically from the origin of the component rectangle.
severe(XMLLocator, String, Throwable) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.xml.esax.MessageReporter
Report a (human readable) severe encountered while parsing an XML file.
Severity - Enum in oracle.javatools.status
The severity of the status of an object.
Severity - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer
The severity of a rule violation (enumeration).
SEVERITY_ERROR - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.editor.FileOverviewMark
Severity constant used to specify error level severity.
SEVERITY_ERROR - Static variable in interface
An error that prevents compilation/execution.
SEVERITY_FATAL - Static variable in interface
An unrecoverable error.
SEVERITY_LINT - Static variable in interface
A possible error?
SEVERITY_NONE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.editor.FileOverviewMark
Severity constant used to specify no severity.
SEVERITY_WARNING - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.editor.FileOverviewMark
Severity constant used to specify warning level severity.
SEVERITY_WARNING - Static variable in interface
An error that does not prevent compilation/execution.
SEVERITY_ZERO - Static variable in interface
An increasing value indicates a worse severity.
SeverityColumn - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core
A rule severity column for Audit results.
SeverityColumn() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.SeverityColumn
shadeColorPercent(Color, double) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ColorUtils2
SHADOW_OFFSET - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.UIConstants
The offset in pixels that the shadow of the panel will be drawn below right of the panel
ShadowBorder - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.border
A Border that draws a drop shadow for a component.
ShadowBorder() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.border.ShadowBorder
Constructs a ShadowBorder with the following defaults:
ShadowBorder(int, int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.border.ShadowBorder
Constructs a ShadowBorder
ShareApplicationCommand - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.share
ShareApplicationCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.share.ShareApplicationCommand
ShareController - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.share
ShareController() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.share.ShareController
shared - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "shared" property.
sharedKey(Object) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.AuditContext
Gets a key for an attribute visible to all analyzers.
sharedKey(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditContext
SharedProperties - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.history
Provides access to HistoryProperty instances that are shared amongst several HistoryProviders.
ShareProjectCommand - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.share
ShareProjectCommand() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.share.ShareProjectCommand
ShareWizard - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.share
ShareWizard(String, Icon, int) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.share.ShareWizard
shell_ - Variable in class
SHELL_CONVERTER - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.util.macro.MacroConverter
Constant: Use ${ and } as start/end macro tags
ShellAdapter - Class in
ShellAdapter(DeployShell) - Constructor for class
ShellAdapter(Context) - Constructor for class
ShellConstants - Interface in
shift_op(int) - Static method in class
SHORT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SHORT_LABEL_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
The key for the short label of a bean.
ShortConverter - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension
ShortConverter() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ShortConverter
ShortField - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean
ShortField() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.ShortField
shortGetter(JavaType, String) - Static method in class
shortLabel() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
Gets the localized short label of this bean, or null if none.
shouldAdd(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ArchiveEntryFactory
shouldAddManagedBeanToInitialList(ManagedBean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces.FacesMethodBindingPanel
shouldAddToProjectContent() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilderModel
shouldAllowDrag(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.DropHandlerPlugin
Hook for the plugin to decide whether it would like to handle a drop with the given data at the given spot.
shouldAllowDrop(DropTargetDropEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.DropHandlerPlugin
Hook for the plugin to decide whether it would like to handle a drop with the given data at the given spot.
shouldApplyOnLostFocus() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.CustomGUIComponent
shouldAutoExpand(Context) - Method in interface oracle.ide.model.AutoExpandable
The implementation of this method should return true if this Element is allowed to be auto-expanded.
shouldAutoExpand(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.ContentSetFolder
shouldAutoIndentNewLine() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.SmartIndentProvider
Fetches whether the new line should be auto-indented when a new line is inserted (typed) by the user.
shouldAutoReindentOldLine() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.SmartIndentProvider
Fetches whether the old (original) line should be reindented when a new line is inserted (typed) by the user.
shouldCreateFor(Element, ToolkitContext, Class) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.AbstractDeployActionProvider
shouldCreateFor(Element, ToolkitContext, Class) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.AbstractDeploySummaryProvider
shouldCreateFor(Element, ToolkitContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.AbstractDeployToAppServerCommandFactory
shouldEncrypt(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.AbstractConnectionCreator
By default only the password ( DatabaseProvider.PASSWORD_CLASS_REFTYPE ) is encrypted.
shouldEncrypt(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.ConnectionCreator
Indicates to the core getReference() logic whether a given property name should be encrypted when persisting or not.
shouldFire(DeployEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ListenerCondition
shouldFire(DeployEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ProfileListenerCondition
shouldFireImpl(int, Profile, DeployShell) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ProfileListenerCondition
shouldMigrate(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.config.FileAssociations
shouldPerformBlockOperation(BasicEditorPane) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicEditorKit.BlockIndentOutdentAction
Utility routine to check whether we should perform a block indent or outdent - this is called from InsertTabAction and ReverseTabAction to check if there is a selection and if the global property for performing block indents/outdents is on.
shouldPersist() - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.AbstractToDoItem
By default the expectation is that the ToDoItem should be persisted in the IDE's data file.
shouldPersist() - Method in interface oracle.ide.todo.ToDoItem
Determines whether the IDE should persist the ToDoItem in it's data file.
shouldPromptForPassword(Properties) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.AbstractConnectionCreator
By default the password is prompted for if the password is null and save for password is set to true.
shouldPromptForPassword(Properties) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.ConnectionCreator
Indicates wether the password prompter should be invoked (when available) for the given connection properties.
shouldRecurseInto(URL) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.ArchiveEntryFactory
shouldRegister(SystemObject, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectManager
Online we register objects as they are loaded because all we care about is keeping our cache up-to-date (i.e.
shouldSelectCell(EventObject) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractCellEditor
shouldTraverse(SourceElement) - Method in class
True says "Yes, traverse (normally) the given SourceElement and its subtree as part of the compile".
show() - Method in interface javax.ide.view.URISelectionDialog
Shows the dialog.
show(URISelectionDialog.Validator) - Method in interface javax.ide.view.URISelectionDialog
Shows the dialog.
show(int) - Method in interface javax.ide.view.WaitCursor
Schedules the wait cursor to be shown after the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed.
show(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.ContextMenu
Shows the popup menu.
show() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.WaitCursor
Shows the wait cursor after WaitCursor.DEFAULT_DELAY number of milliseconds has elapsed.
show(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.WaitCursor
Schedules the wait cursor to be shown after the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed.
show(long) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.WaitCursor
Deprecated. since Use #show(int).
show() - Method in interface oracle.ide.dependency.Declaration
Show this declaration to the user.
show() - Method in class oracle.ide.dependency.index.IndexDeclaration
show() - Method in class oracle.ide.dependency.index.IndexReference
show() - Method in interface oracle.ide.dependency.Reference
Show this reference to the user.
show(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SimpleInputDialog
Show the dialog.
show() - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableWindow
Shows the view if hidden.
show(DockableWindow) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
show(DrawerEntry) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerPanel
show(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerWindow
show() - Method in class oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogPage
show() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunLogPage
show(GhostPalette, String, JLayeredPane, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.GhostPaletteUtil
Show a ghost palette at the same position as the last time it was shown, or using the default position if this is the first time the palette is being shown.
show(GhostPalette, String, JLayeredPane, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.GhostPaletteUtil
Show a ghost palette with the same size and position as the last time it was shown, or using a default size and position if this is the first time the palette is being shown.
show() - Method in class oracle.ide.view.View
Shows the view if hidden.
show() - Method in class oracle.ide.view.ViewDecorator
show(Balloon, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.balloon.BalloonManager
Shows a balloon pointing to a specified target component.
show(Balloon) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.balloon.BalloonManager
Shows a Balloon pointing to a specified target component.
show(JLayeredPane, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPalette
Display this ghost panel in the given JLayeredPane.
show(JLayeredPane, boolean, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.ghost.GhostPointingPalette
Display this ghost panel in the given JLayeredPane.
show(JComponent) - Method in class
show(CompareContributor, CompareContributor) - Method in class
Display the compare viewer for the specified two contributors.
show(CompareContributor, CompareContributor, Node) - Method in class
Display the compare viewer for the specified two contributors.
show(URL, URL) - Method in class
Display the compare viewer for the specified two URLs.
show(int, Point, Dimension, int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.BoxEffects
Display a box identified by i at the given location, of the given size and using the given style.
show() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditExportDialog
show() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditGroupByDialog
Shows a modeless dialog using this panel.
show() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.ProfileExportDialog
show() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.AuditDialog
Shows the modal dialog and returns the selected profile, or null if none was selected.
show(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.AuditProfilePanel
Shows a modal dialog using this panel and returns the selected profile, or null if none was selected.
show() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.AuditProfilePanel
Shows a modal dialog using this panel and returns the selected profile, or null if none was selected.
show() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
Show the dialog with a default parent.
show(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DialogFactory
Show the dialog.
show() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.MessageDialog
Show the dialog with a default parent.
show(Component) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.MessageDialog
Show the dialog.
SHOW_ANOMALIES_CID - Static variable in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditLogPanel
SHOW_BAD_JDK_WARNING - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdePropertyConstants
SHOW_CONTENT_SET_NAMES - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.ContentLevel
SHOW_DEPRECATIONS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfigurationConstants
SHOW_DEPRECATIONS_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfigurationConstants
SHOW_DROPDOWN_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.editor.EditorManager
The show dropdown command.
SHOW_FAILURES - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SHOW_GRID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SHOW_GRID_CMD_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SHOW_GRID_ICON - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SHOW_GRID_MNEMONIC - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.LayoutConstants
SHOW_HIDE_COMMAND_ENABLED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer.ShowInDesignerSupport
Property that marks IdeAction registered with ShowInDesignerSupport visible in the given context.
SHOW_INSIGHT_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.controls.completionfield.CompletionPopupHandler
The action to trigger display of insight in the ActionMap of this component.
SHOW_LINE_NUMBERS_ALWAYS - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Constant indicating that line numbers should always be visible, regardless of the editor/global property for show line numbers.
SHOW_LINE_NUMBERS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Constant indicating that this line gutter instance will just follow the editor/global property for show line numbers.
SHOW_LINE_NUMBERS_NEVER - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.gutter.LineGutterPlugin
Constant indicating that line numbers should never be visible, regardless of the editor/global property for show line numbers.
SHOW_MATCHING_BRACES - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SHOW_NAVIGATOR_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav.VersioningNavigatorConstants
SHOW_NAVIGATOR_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav.VersioningNavigatorConstants
SHOW_OBJECT_DOT_STATIC_WARNINGS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfigurationConstants
SHOW_OBJECT_DOT_STATIC_WARNINGS_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfigurationConstants
SHOW_PARTIAL_IMPORT_WARNINGS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfigurationConstants
SHOW_PARTIAL_IMPORT_WARNINGS_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfigurationConstants
SHOW_ROOT_DIRS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.ContentLevel
SHOW_SCROLLTIP_PLUGIN_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.ScrollTipPlugin
SHOW_SELF_DEPRECATIONS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfigurationConstants
SHOW_SELF_DEPRECATIONS_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfigurationConstants
SHOW_UNUSED_IMPORT_WARNINGS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfigurationConstants
SHOW_UNUSED_IMPORT_WARNINGS_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfigurationConstants
SHOW_WARNINGS - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfigurationConstants
SHOW_WARNINGS_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfigurationConstants
SHOW_WELCOME_PAGE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdePropertyConstants
The first time JDev is started, this property is set to false.
showAboutBox() - Method in class
Show the about box in a dialog.
showAdvancedPanel() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.NameAndSchemaAdvancedEditor
showBreadcrumbPeek(Breadcrumb, Rectangle) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.ui.breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbsListener
Indicates the breadcrumb should show a peek of the breadcrumb origin of the crumb is at the given point.
showBreakpointLocation(Context, DebuggerBreakpoint) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerExtender
Called by the debugger when the user double-clicks on a previously added breakpoint.
showChooserDialog(PropertyStorage, Component, NodeResourceBundle, List<String>, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleKeyChooser
Provides a dialog that can be used to select a key from a resource bundle
showCompileProgress - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.UnifiedBuildSystem
showConfirmDialog(Component, String, DBException) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.DBExceptionDialog
Shows a confirm dialog to the user for the given DBException and returns whether or not they pressed "OK" or "cancel".
showConfirmDialog(Component, String, String, DBException) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.DBExceptionDialog
Shows a confirm dialog to the user for the given DBException and returns whether or not they pressed "OK" or "cancel".
showContent() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.NullablePanel
showCreateDialog(Component, ResourceBundleWrapper, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleKeyChooser
Display a dialog where a resource text can be created
showCueCard(String) - Method in class
Invokes a cue card for the specified cue card id
showCustomDialog(Component) - Method in interface oracle.ide.inspector.Inspectable2
Display the custom dialog if any.
showCustomSummary() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveProfile
If this method returns true, the Summary step of the deployment wizard includes a customized summary as provided by the getCustomSummary API.
showDeployJarAction() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveProfile
showDetails(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.DeleteActionHandler.DetailsTextConfigBuilder
showDialog - Variable in class oracle.ide.cmd.OpenCommandData
Set to false when the file selection dialog should not be shown.
showDialog(Frame) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.IdeSettings
Shows the configuration dialog.
showDialog(Frame, String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.IdeSettings
Shows the configuration dialog.
showDialog(Frame, MDDPanel, String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.config.IdeSettings
Shows the configuration dialog.
showDialog(Component, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.tester.SQLQueryTester
Shows the tester dialog with the given owner component, to test the given query.
showDialog(Component, DirectoryExcludeFilter, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.DirectoryExcludeFilterPanel
showDialog(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.DirectoryOptionsPanel
showDialog(Component, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.FileTypeIncludeFilterPanel
showDialog(Component) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.filter.FileTypeIncludeFilterPanel
showDialog(Component, String, String, Object[], String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.OptionSelectionDialog
Makes the option selection dialog visible.
showDialog(String, CheckBoxListModel) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
Deprecated. use showDialog(title, filePrompt, listPrompt, listModel, checkedList)
showDialog(String, CheckBoxListModel, int) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
Deprecated. use showDialog(title, filePrompt, listPrompt, listModel, checkedList)
showDialog(String, CheckBoxListModel, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
Deprecated. use showDialog(title, filePrompt, listPrompt, listModel, checkedList)
showDialog(String, CheckBoxListModel, int, boolean, Object[], Object) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
Deprecated. use: showDialog(title, filePrompt, listPrompt, listModel, checkedList) or showDialog(title, filePrompt, listPrompt, listModel, checkedList, buttons)
showDialog(Component, String, CheckBoxListModel, int, boolean, Object[], Object) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
Deprecated. use: showDialog(parent, title, filePrompt, listPrompt, listModel, checkedList, buttons) This method ignores options and initialValue. The title is used as the prompt text.
showDialog(String, String, String, CheckBoxListModel, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
Displays a confirmation dialog If only one file is affected, a simple MessageDialog is shown with Yes, No and Cancel options.
showDialog(String, String, String, CheckBoxListModel, boolean, int) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
Displays a confirmation dialog If only one file is affected, a simple MessageDialog.
showDialog(String, String, String, CheckBoxListModel, boolean, int, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
Displays a confirmation dialog If only one file is affected, a simple MessageDialog.
showDialog(String, String, String, CheckBoxListModel, boolean, int, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
Displays a confirmation dialog If only one file is affected, a simple MessageDialog.
showDialog(Component, String, String, String, CheckBoxListModel, boolean, int, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
Displays a confirmation dialog If only one file is affected, a simple MessageDialog.
showDialog(SelectFilesConfiguration) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
Displays a confirmation dialog using the given dialog configuration.
showDialog(Context, Project) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.panels.ProjectPropertiesDialog
Opens the Project Properties dialog for editing the specified Project, using the IDE's main window as the parent frame.
showDialog(Project) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.panels.ProjectPropertiesDialog
Deprecated. since 11.0. Use ProjectPropertiesDialog.showDialog(Context,Project).
showDialog(Context, Frame, Project, String[]) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.panels.ProjectPropertiesDialog
Opens the Project Properties dialog for editing the specified Project , using the specified Frame as the parent and setting the dialog's initially selected panel to the one specified by the selectionPath.
showDialog(Frame, Project, String[]) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.panels.ProjectPropertiesDialog
Deprecated. since 11.0. Use ProjectPropertiesDialog.showDialog(Context,Frame,Project,String[]).
showDialog(HashStructureNode) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.panels.PropertiesDialog
Deprecated. since 11.0. Use PropertiesDialog.showDialog(Context,HashStructureNode).
showDialog(Context, HashStructureNode) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.panels.PropertiesDialog
Opens the properties dialog for editing the specified HashStructureNode , using the specified Frame as the parent and setting the dialog's initially selected panel to the one specified by the selectionPath.
showDialog(Frame, HashStructureNode, String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.panels.PropertiesDialog
Deprecated. since 11.0 use PropertiesDialog.showDialog(Context,Frame,HashStructureNode,String[]).
showDialog(Context, Frame, HashStructureNode, String[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.panels.PropertiesDialog
Opens the properties dialog for editing the specified HashStructureNode , using the specified Frame as the parent and setting the dialog's initially selected panel to the one specified by the selectionPath.
showDialog(Component) - Method in class
Shows a selection dialog that is parented on the specified Component.
showDialog() - Method in class oracle.ide.panels.TDialogLauncher
Shows dialog with OK, Cancel, and Help buttons.
showDialog() - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.TemplatesEditor
showDialog(Component) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.TemplatesEditor
Edits templates registered with TemplateManager.
showDialog(Component, List<TemplateData>, List<TemplateData>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.template.wizard.TemplatesEditor
Edit an arbitrary list of TemplateData.
SHOWDIFFERENCES - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
showDisplayValueInInlineEditor(Component, PropertyInfo) - Static method in class oracle.ide.inspector.DisplayValues
Shows the display value of the given property in the given inline editor.
showDockableView(String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSDockableViewRegistry
showDockableWindow(DockableView) - Static method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockUtil
Shows and set the focus on the DockableView
showDropDownMenu() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ScrollableTabBar
Programmatically makes the drop down menu containing the list of tabs visible.
showEditDialog(Component, NodeResourceBundle, String, Project, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleUtils
Shows a dialog for editing a resource
showEndBufferMessage(BasicEditorPane) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EmacsAction
Utility routine to show the message that we are at the end of the buffer
showError(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.util.LiveValidationController
Displays a popup containing the given error message.
showError(String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.LibraryModel
showErrorDialog(String, String, GUIPanel) - Method in interface javax.ide.view.IDEDialogs
Show an error message box with title and message as specified
showErrorDialog(Component, String, DBException) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.DBExceptionDialog
Shows an error dialog to the user for the given DBException.
showErrorDialog(Component, String, DBException, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.DBExceptionDialog
Shows an error dialog to the user for the given DBException.
showErrorDialog(Component, String, SQLException) - Static method in class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.SQLErrorDialog
Shows an error dialog for the given SQLException
showExceptionDialog(Context, Throwable) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Show an exception dialog based on an IDE context and a throwable.
showExceptionDialog(Context, Throwable, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Show an exception dialog based on an IDE context and a throwable.
showExceptionDialog(Context, Throwable, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Show an exception dialog based on an IDE context and a throwable.
showExceptionDialog(Component, Throwable, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Deprecated. use oracle.javatools.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
showExceptionDialog(Window, Exception, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Deprecated. use oracle.javatools.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
showExceptionDialog(Window, Exception, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Deprecated. use oracle.javatools.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
showExceptionDialog(Window, Exception) - Static method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Deprecated. use oracle.javatools.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
showExceptionDialog(Component, Throwable) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Show an exception dialog based on a component and a throwable.
showExceptionDialog(Component, Throwable, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Show an exception dialog with a message
showExceptionDialog(Component, Throwable, String, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Preferred method for invoking the exception dialog.
showExceptionDialog(Window, Exception, String, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Displays an Exception dialog to the user.
showExceptionDialog(Window, Exception, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Displays an exception dialog to the user.
showExceptionDialog(Window, Exception) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.ExceptionDialog
Displays an Exception dialog to the user.
showExplainPlan(Connection, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.ExplainPlanPanel
showFeedback(BasicEditorPane, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.EditorStatusBar
Displays a text feedback message to the user associated with the given editor pane.
showFeedback(BasicEditorPane, String, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.EditorStatusBar
Displays a text feedback message to the user associated with the given editor pane.
showFeedback(BasicEditorPane, String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.FeedbackManager
Displays a text feedback message to the user associated with the given editor pane.
showFeedback(BasicEditorPane, String, int) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.FeedbackManager
Displays a text feedback message to the user associated with the given editor pane.
showFeedback(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.AbstractInsight
Utility routine which shows feedback in the editor pane until cleared.
showFeedback(String, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.AbstractInsight
Utility routine which shows feedback in the editor pane for some delay time.
showFeedback(BasicEditorPane, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin
Displays a text feedback message to the user associated with the given editor pane.
showFeedback(BasicEditorPane, String, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin
Displays a text feedback message to the user associated with the given editor pane.
showFeedbackDialog(boolean) - Method in class
showForTypes - Variable in class oracle.ide.palette2.DefaultPalettePage.PageRecord
showGrid - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.JFastTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
Grid showing
showGrid - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
Grid showing
showGutterContextMenu(MouseEvent, int, GutterMark) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
Utility routine to show the context menu for the clicked line.
showHelp(JComponent) - Method in class
Invokes the Help Viewer on help topic for the JComponent
showHelp(URL) - Method in class
Invokes the Help Viewer on a specific URL.
showHelp(Context) - Method in class
Invokes the Help Viewer on help topic for the JComponent
showHelp(HelpInfo) - Method in class
Invokes the Help Viewer on the HelpInfo
showHistory(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.HistoryManager
Request that the history be shown for the specified Context.
showHistory(Node) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.history.HistoryManager
Request that the history be shown for the specified Node.
showID() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooserBridge
see DBObjectChooserDelegate.showID().
showID() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.DBObjectChooserDelegate
Called by the DBObjectChooser in response to a call to DBObjectChooser.setDBObjectID(oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectID).
showImageDialog(Context) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils.html.ImageUtils
Shows the image dialog, adding the url to the project.
ShowInDesignerSupport - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer
Support classs that is used to for integration of "View" menu that is located in both dynamic menu for Designer, and Designer's toolbar.
showInformationDialog(String, String, GUIPanel) - Method in interface javax.ide.view.IDEDialogs
Show an informational message box with title and message as specified.
showing(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerWindow
showInsight() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.AbstractInsight
Instructs this insight to check whether there is insight information availble, and if so, to bring up an insight window.
showInsight(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.AbstractInsight
Instructs this insight instance to check whether there is insight information available, and if so, to bring up an insight window.
showInsight() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.insight.Insight
Instructs this insight to check whether there is insight information availble, and if so, to bring up an insight window.
showIPLocation(Context, DebuggerBreakpoint) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerExtender
Called by the debugger when the debuggee is stopped at a previously added breakpoint.
showJarSummary() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveProfile
showLanguageHelp(Context, String) - Method in class
Shows help on the language symbol symbolName
showLastView(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorManager
showLastView(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.MultiManager
Show the last managed View.
showLastView(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.PinnableManager
showLog() - Method in class oracle.ide.log.LogManager
Show the LogWindow.
showLogPage(Auditor, AuditModel, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AuditManager
Creates and shows an Audit log page for an Auditor and model.
showLogPage(Auditor, AuditModel, String) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultAuditManager
showLogPageToolbar(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
Adjust the visibility of the toolbar
showMarkDropdownMenu(MouseEvent, GutterMark, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditorGutter
Utility routine to show the context menu for a specific mark.
showMarkNotSetMessage(BasicEditorPane) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EmacsAction
Utility routine to show the message that the mark has not yet been set.
showMarkSetMessage(BasicEditorPane) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EmacsAction
Utility routine to show the message that the mark has been set.
showMessage(BasicEditorPane, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicAction
Utility routine to show a feedback message in the editor.
showMessageDialog(Component) - Method in exception oracle.ide.panels.DetailedTraversalException
Displays the message associated with this DetailedTraversalException in an exception dialog and with the title set with the DetailedTraversalException in the constructor.
showMessageDialog(Component) - Method in exception oracle.ide.panels.TraversalException
Displays the message associated with this TraversalException in an alert and with the title set with the TraversalException in the constructor.
showMissingProviderError(Context, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard.ProviderWizard
Shows a dialog to the user letting them know that the .offlinedb file is missing and we cannot continue without it.
SHOWN - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableView
stateChange constant.
SHOWN - Static variable in class oracle.ide.explorer.Explorer
SHOWN - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorPage
Change ID indicating that page or toolbar has been shown.
showNameError(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.NameTextField
showNavigator(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorManager
Convenience method programatically identical to casting the result of showView(context) to a NavigatorWindow.
showNextKillAppendMessage(BasicEditorPane) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EmacsAction
Utility routine to show the message that if the next command is a kill, it will append
showNodeInCodeEditor(Workspace, Project, Node) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.Source
Displays a node in the code editor.
showNodeInDefaultEditor(Workspace, Project, Node) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.Source
Displays a node in its default editor.
showObjectPreferences() - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggeeData
Attempt to show the ObjectPreferences dialog on this object.
showOpenDialog(Component) - Method in class
showOpenDialog(Component, String) - Method in class
showOpenDialog(Component, Traversable, String) - Method in class
showOptionDialog(String, String, int, GUIPanel) - Method in interface javax.ide.view.IDEDialogs
Show an options dialog with title and message as specified.
showPage(Context) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette2.PalettePageContext
Page owners can determine if their page should be shown given the current context.
showPage() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunLogPage
showPalettePage(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteManager
Show palette page.
showPopup(BasicEditorPane, MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeEditor
Informs the editor client that the user requested a popup menu in the given editor pane, at the location specified in the mouseEvent.
showPopup(MouseEvent) - Method in interface
Informs the editor client that the user requested a popup menu in the given editor pane, at the location specified in the mouseEvent.
showPopup(Object, BasicEditorPane, String[], Rectangle, int, int, int, Color[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.controls.EditorPeekPopup
Show the pop up containing a snippet of code rendered directly from the editor If you have any effects on the editor that shouldn't show up in the snippet then remove them before calling this and then add them back directly afterwards.
showPopup(Object, Window, BasicEditorPane, String[], Rectangle, int, int, int, Color[], int, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.controls.EditorPeekPopup
Show the pop up containing a snippet of code rendered directly from the editor If you have any effects on the editor that shouldn't show up in the snippet then remove them before calling this and then add them back directly afterwards.
showPopup(Object, BasicEditorPane, String, Rectangle, int, int, int, Color, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.controls.EditorPeekPopup
Show the pop up containing a snippet of code rendered directly from the editor If you have any effects on the editor that shouldn't show up in the snippet then remove them before calling this and then add them back directly afterwards.
showPopup(PopupWindow, PopupWindowListener) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.popup.PopupWindowManager
Show the PopupWindow.
showPopup(BasicEditorPane, MouseEvent) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.PopupManager
Informs the editor client that the user requested a popup menu in the given editor pane, at the location specified in the mouseEvent.
showPopup() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.calendar.CalendarPopupButton
showPopup(MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.merge.AbstractMergeEditor
Informs the editor client that the user requested a popup menu in the given editor pane, at the location specified in the mouseEvent.
showPopup() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DropdownButton
Show the popup if it is not showing.
showPopupInBlankSpace(ContextMenu, MouseEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.navigator.ProjectNavigatorWindow
showPopupMenu() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.DropDownMenuButton
Display the drop-down menu underneath the button.
showPreviousNotYankMessage(BasicEditorPane) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EmacsAction
Utility routine to show the message that the previous command was not a yank.
showProcessActionButtonsOnToolbar(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
Adjust the visibility of toolbar action buttons in a certain group
showPropertyDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorWindow
showPropertyDescription(String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.inspector.PropertyDisplay
showReadOnlyDialog() - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.NodeResourceBundle
showReadOnlyMessage(BasicEditorPane) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.EmacsAction
Utility routine to show the message that the buffer is read-only.
showRemoteConnectDialog(String, String[], String[], boolean[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RemoteConnectDialog
Shows the remote connect dialog with the specified title and parameters.
showRemoteConnectDialog(String, String[], String[], boolean[], String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RemoteConnectDialog
Shows the remote connect dialog with the specified title, parameters, and help topic id.
showRemoteConnectDialog(String, String[], String[], boolean[], boolean[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RemoteConnectDialog
Shows the remote connect dialog with the specified title, parameters, and save checkbox.
showRemoteConnectDialog(String, String[], String[], boolean[], boolean[], String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RemoteConnectDialog
Shows the remote connect dialog with the specified title, parameters, save checkbox, and help topic id.
showRemoteConnectDialog(String, String[], String[], boolean[], boolean[], String, boolean[]) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RemoteConnectDialog
Shows the remote connect dialog with the specified title, parameters, save checkbox, and help topic id.
showSaveDialog(Component) - Method in class
showSaveDialog(Component, String) - Method in class
showSaveDialog(Component, Traversable, String) - Method in class
showScrollMenu() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPane
showScrollMenu() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI
showSearchFailed() - Method in class
showSearchPrompt() - Method in class
showSearchWrapped() - Method in class
showSelectPatchContextDialog(Project, Collection) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.patch.AbstractPatchCommand
showSimplePanel() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.NameAndSchemaAdvancedEditor
showSourceFile(Workspace, Project, String, String, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.Source
Displays a source file in the code editor.
showSourceFile(Workspace, Project, String, String, String, int, boolean, String) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.Source
Displays a source file in the code editor.
showSourceFile(Workspace, Project, String, String, String, int, boolean, String, DebugVirtualMachine) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.Source
Displays a source file in the code editor.
showSourceFile(Workspace, Project, URL, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.Source
Displays a source file in the code editor.
showSourceFile(Workspace, Project, Node, int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.Source
Displays a source file in the code editor.
showSourceFileForStackTraceLine(Workspace, Project, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Debugger
showSourceFileForStackTraceLine(Workspace, Project, URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Debugger
showStartStatus - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Whether to show a start status message in the status bar.
showStartStatus() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Returns whether a start message should be shown in the status bar.
showSubPanel(JComponent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JComboCardPanel
showTipOfTheDay() - Method in class
Handles showing a tip of the day
showTransform(Transform) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.ViolationReport
Shows a transform for this violation.
showType(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteWindow
Have the palette only show particular items
showUIDesigner(Workspace, Project, URL) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.Source
Displays a source file in the UI designer.
showUIDesigner(Workspace, Project, Node) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.Source
Displays a source file in the UI designer.
showView(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.MultiManager
Show the View for the given Context, creating a new View instance as necessary.
showView(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.PinnableManager
showWarningDialog(String, String, GUIPanel) - Method in interface javax.ide.view.IDEDialogs
Show a warning type dialog with title and message as specified.
showWarningDialog(String, String, NodeResourceBundle.OperationType) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.NodeResourceBundle
Displays a warning message that a key is about to be overwritten
showWebDocumentDialog(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.palette.PaletteEditorContext
shushDepth - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax.AST
The shush depth above this AST on the stack.
shutdown() - Method in interface oracle.ide.cmd.ShutdownHook
Called on all shutdown hooks in the order they were registered when the IDE is terminating.
shutdown() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.task.GuiExecutor
shutdown() - Method in class oracle.ide.log.LogManager
Deprecated. This method is no longer used. Do not call or override.
shutdown() - Static method in class
Terminates the tracing of all TraceFileSystemAccesses.
shutdown() - Method in interface oracle.ide.persistence.NameSpaceFactory
Shut down this factory.
shutDown() - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerWindowProvider
Called by the debugger when the IDE shuts down.
shutdown() - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.BraceMatchingPlugin
Shut down the brace matching plugin.
shutdown(ExecutorService) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.util.Executors
A wrapper around ExecutorService.shutdown() that works around a JDK 1.5 bug.
shutdown() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.AbstractAuditAddin
The AbstractAuditAddin implementation is empty.
shutdown() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtComponentManager
shutdown() - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtComponents
Shutdown this manager
shutdown() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
This method is called by the IDE to request that the feature release any resources held before the ide shuts down..
shutdown() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibraryAddin
shutdown() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryManager
shutdown() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.NavigatorExtension
This method is called by the IDE to request that the feature release any resources held before the ide shuts down.
shutdown() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSExtension
Called on all shutdown hooks in the order they were registered when the IDE is terminating.
shutdown() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.bookmarks.BookmarkAddin
This method is called by the IDE to request that the feature be shutdown.
SHUTDOWN_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
SHUTDOWN_FORCEFULLY_ALWAYS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.EmbeddedServerOptions
SHUTDOWN_GRACEFULLY_ALWAYS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.EmbeddedServerOptions
SHUTDOWN_GRACEFULLY_THEN_FORCEFULLY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.EmbeddedServerOptions
ShutdownHook - Interface in oracle.ide.cmd
A shutdown hook can be used to veto the shutdown sequence of the IDE and perform necessary deregistration (for example, closing sockets) when the IDE is terminating.
shutdownNow() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.task.GuiExecutor
shutdownNow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.concurrent.AsynchronousCallableCompletionService
Cancels all scheduled Callables including the ones currently in progress and shuts down the completion service.
shutdownNow(ExecutorService) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.util.Executors
A wrapper around ExecutorService.shutdownNow() that works around a JDK 1.5 bug.
SHUTTLE_LEFT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SHUTTLE_LEFTALL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SHUTTLE_RIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SHUTTLE_RIGHTALL - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
shuttleItemsMoved(ShuttleEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaObjectTargetPicker
shuttleItemsMoved(ShuttleEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
shuttleItemsMoved(ShuttleEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.GroupByPanel
shuttleItemsMoved(ShuttleEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
shuttleItemsRemoved(ShuttleEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaObjectTargetPicker
shuttleItemsRemoved(ShuttleEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
shuttleItemsRemoved(ShuttleEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.GroupByPanel
shuttleItemsRemoved(ShuttleEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
shuttleItemsReordered(ShuttleEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.SchemaObjectTargetPicker
shuttleItemsReordered(ShuttleEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
shuttleItemsReordered(ShuttleEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.GroupByPanel
shuttleItemsReordered(ShuttleEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
SID_CLASS_REFTYPE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProvider
The SID name of the database (Oracle).
SignatureHasType - Class in
This JavaHasType gets its name in that it's used for signature parsing.
SignatureHasType(char, String, JavaProvider) - Constructor for class
SignatureHasType(char, JavaProvider) - Constructor for class
SignatureParser<T> - Class in
Knows how to parse type signatures.
SignatureParser(String) - Constructor for class
SignatureParser(ReadTextBuffer) - Constructor for class
signatureToType(String) - Static method in class
Converts a signature descriptor into a Java type name.
signatureToTypes(String) - Static method in class
Converts a string of signature descriptors into an array of Java type names.
SIGNED_INT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.datatypes.NumericDataType.MinMaxValue
Valid values for valueType argument of constructor.
SIGS - Static variable in class
The string of type descriptors: "L[BCDFIJSVZ".
SILENT_SAVE_ALL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.cmd.ExitCommand
Context flag, the command will not popup additional dialogs while saving files if set
SIMPLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.controls.NameAndSchemaAdvancedEditor
SimpleComboBoxModel<T> - Class in oracle.javatools.controls
A SimpleComboBoxModel is a specialized version of SimpleListModel that also implements ComboBoxModel.
SimpleComboBoxModel() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.controls.SimpleComboBoxModel
SimpleComboBoxModel(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.controls.SimpleComboBoxModel
SimpleElement - Class in oracle.ide.inspector.layout
Simple elements should extend this class.
SimpleElement() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.SimpleElement
SimpleFileProvider - Class in
The PathFileProvider is an implementation of the JavaFileProvider interface that uses a static JavaClassLocator instance of URL paths for locating Java source and class files.
SimpleFileProvider(ProviderContext, JavaClassLocator) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new PathFileProvider instance.
SimpleInputDialog - Class in oracle.ide.dialogs
SimpleInputDialog class.
SimpleInputDialog() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dialogs.SimpleInputDialog
SimpleInputDialog(Component) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dialogs.SimpleInputDialog
SimpleLayout - Class in oracle.ide.layout
Simple layout information.
SimpleLayout(URL) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.layout.SimpleLayout
SimpleLinePainter - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.highlight
The SimpleLinePainter is an implementation of the UnderlinePainter which paints a straight underline or separator of a given thickness.
SimpleLinePainter(int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.SimpleLinePainter
Constructs a new SimpleLinePainter of the specified thickness.
SimpleListModel<T> - Class in oracle.javatools.controls
A simple list model based on a delegate java.util.List.
SimpleListModel() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.controls.SimpleListModel
Create a simple list model based on a new ArrayList.
SimpleListModel(List<T>) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.controls.SimpleListModel
Create a simple list model based on the specified delegate list.
SimpleLock - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.util
The SimpleLock is a simple implementation of an exclusive lock.
SimpleLock() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.util.SimpleLock
Construct a new SimpleLock instance.
SimpleNameFilter - Class in
The SimpleClassNameFilter is a basic implementation of the ClassNameFilter and PackageNameFilter interface.
SimpleNameFilter(String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class
Construct a filter based on the given name, case, and type information.
SimpleProcess - Class in oracle.ide.runner
The SimpleProcess class contains methods to start a process and redirect the process's output to the log window.
SimpleProcess() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
SimpleProcess(SimpleProcess) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Copy constructor.
SimpleProcess(String[]) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.runner.SimpleProcess
Creates an instance that can be used to start a subprocess.
SimpleSQLFragment - Class in oracle.javatools.db.sql
SQLFragment that we can't break down any more.
SimpleSQLFragment() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SimpleSQLFragment
Creates an empty fragment.
SimpleSQLFragment(String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SimpleSQLFragment
Creates a fragment with the given SQL string.
SimpleStack - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.util
SimpleStack is an unsynchronized stack container based off of ArrayList.
SimpleStack() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.util.SimpleStack
Constructs an empty list.
SimpleStack(Collection) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.util.SimpleStack
Constructs a stack containing the elements of the specified collection, pushed in the order they are returned by the collection's iterator.
SimpleStack(int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.util.SimpleStack
Constructs an empty stack with the specified initial capacity.
SimpleStatementT - Interface in
Common supertype for statements that have no child statement but may optionally have expressions.
SimpleTextFormatter - Class in oracle.javatools.logging
SimpleTextFormatter() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.logging.SimpleTextFormatter
simplifyAllTypes(SourceElement) - Static method in class
Recursively traverses the given subtree and attempts to simplify any type it finds.
simplifyType() - Method in interface
Attempts to simplify this type.
simplifyType() - Method in interface
Attempts to simplify this dot expression if it refers to a type.
simplifyType() - Method in interface
Attempts to simplify this type.
simplifyType(SourceElement) - Static method in class
Attempts to perform simplify type on and only on the given element.
SimplifyTypeHelper - Class in
The goal of a SimplifyTypeHelper is to take an input type name, its SourceElement scope, and answer two questions.
simplifyTypeName(SourceElement, String) - Static method in class
Calculates the simplified type in the given scope.
SINGLE_BUNDLE_HELPTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb
SINGLE_BUNDLE_HELPTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_en
SINGLE_BUNDLE_HELPTEXT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.res.ResourceBundleUIArb_ja
SINGLE_DOTTED_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
This is similar to SINGLE_LINE_SEPARATOR except that the separator is dotted instead of being solid.
SINGLE_DOTTED_UNDERLINE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
This is similar to SINGLE_UNDERLINE except that the separator is dotted instead of being solid.
SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION - Static variable in class
A value for URLChooser.setSelectionMode(int) meaning that one continuous range of files can be selected at a time.
SINGLE_SELECTION - Static variable in class
A value for URLChooser.setSelectionMode(int) meaning that one file can be selected at a time.
SINGLE_SELECTION_TEMPLATE_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.controller.NodeActionController
Action property key for the template text used to compute the context-dependent action name for a context containing a single selected element.
SINGLE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
This is a single-pixel thickness (solid) line separator that is positioned at the bottom of the text area (below the baseline by descent pixels.) It is intended to be used to separate regions of text in the editor view.
SINGLE_STRIKETHRU - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
This is a single-pixel thickness (solid) line strikethru that is positioned centered in the text area.
SINGLE_UNDERLINE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightRegistry
This is a single-pixel (solid) underline that is positioned at the baseline of the text.
SingleRowTabbedPane - Class in oracle.ide.controls
Deprecated. since 11.1.1. Use JTabbedPane.
SingleRowTabbedPane() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPane
SingleRowTabbedPane(int) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPane
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI - Class in oracle.ide.controls
Deprecated. since 11.1.1. No replacement.
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.EventHandler - Class in oracle.ide.controls
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.EventHandler() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.EventHandler
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ScrollMenuAction - Class in oracle.ide.controls
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ScrollMenuAction(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ScrollMenuAction
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ScrollMenuItemComparator - Class in oracle.ide.controls
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ScrollMenuItemComparator() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ScrollMenuItemComparator
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ScrollMenuShowVisibleAction - Class in oracle.ide.controls
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ScrollMenuShowVisibleAction() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ScrollMenuShowVisibleAction
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ScrollMenuSortAction - Class in oracle.ide.controls
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ScrollMenuSortAction() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.ScrollMenuSortAction
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.SingleRowTabbedPaneLayout - Class in oracle.ide.controls
SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.SingleRowTabbedPaneLayout() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.SingleRowTabbedPaneLayout
SINGLETON - Static variable in class
singleton - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.JspLayoutManager
SingletonClassException - Exception in oracle.ide.exception
SingletonClassException exception class is thrown when a singleton class is instantiated more than once.
SingletonClassException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.ide.exception.SingletonClassException
SingletonPropertyEditorUpdater - Class in oracle.ide.inspector
Site - Class in oracle.ide.docking
This class is used to store the sizes of a dockable window.
Site() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.docking.Site
Constructs Site with default values The geometry is positon is set to (0,0) and the Dimension to DEFAULT_FLOAT_WIDTH x DEFAULT_FLOAT_HEIGHT.
Site(int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.docking.Site
Constructs a Site with the specified size.
Site(Rectangle) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.docking.Site
Constructs a Site with the specified geometry
Site(Site) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.docking.Site
size() - Method in interface javax.ide.model.Folder
Returns the current number of children in the folder.
size() - Method in class javax.ide.util.Graph
size() - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerModel
size - Variable in class oracle.ide.docking.Site
Specifies the position and dimension of the docked panel.
size() - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.IdeInputMapUIResource
size() - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.MultiInputMap
size() - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.IdeLayout
size() - Method in class oracle.ide.layout.Layouts
size() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DataContainer
size() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultContainer
size() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.DefaultFolder
size() - Method in interface oracle.ide.model.Folder
Returns the current number of children in the folder.
size() - Method in class oracle.ide.model.XMLDataContainer
size() - Method in class
Returns the number of entries in the URLPath.
size() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.IntHashMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList
Fetch the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class
Returns the number of keys that are bound in this HashStructure.
size() - Method in class
Returns the number of items currently contained in this ListStructure.
size() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.ddl.DDL
Returns the number of statements in this DDL.
size() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightFragmentsList
Returns the size of the list (number of fragments.)
size() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.StyledFragmentsList
Returns the size of the list (number of fragments.)
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ChainedKeyValueMap
size() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.status.IssueList
size() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ArrayMap
size() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ArraySortedSet
Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
size() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.CopyOnWriteList
Deprecated. Gets the total number of items in this list.
size() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ImmutableList
size() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.AbstractHashMap
Gets the number of mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.MultiMap
size() - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.WeightedList
size() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.xml.bind.ElementList
Returns the number of items in the ElementList.
size() - Method in class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.spi.Stack
size() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtFolder
size() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.IdeStorage
size() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JarStorage
size() - Method in class
Fetches the size of the cache currently.
size() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.KeyedSortedSet
size() - Method in interface oracle.ojc.interfaces.Storage
Returns the size of contents of this data Storage.
size() - Method in class
SIZE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
SIZE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerWindow
sizeColumnToContents(JTable, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
Size one column of a table to be just large enough to fully display its current contents.
sizeColumnToContents(JTable, int, boolean, int, Object[]) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
Size one column of a table to be just large enough to fully display its current contents.
sizeColumnToMaximumWidth(JTable, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
Size the column in the table at location x to the maximum width of all cells in that column.
SizeKeeperCallback - Class in oracle.ide.dialogs
SizeKeeperCallback(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dialogs.SizeKeeperCallback
sizeTableToContents() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
sizeTableToContents(Object[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.GenericTable
Utility method that will set the preferred size of all columns in this table so that they are just big enough to display their contents.
sizeTableToContents(JTable) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
sizeTableToContents(JTable, Object[]) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
Utility method that will set the preferred size of all columns in this table so that they are just big enough to display their contents.
sizeUp(JButton) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.ListButtons
skip(long) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.InflaterInputStreamPatch
SKIP_SAVE_ALL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.cmd.ExitCommand
Context flag, the command will skip saving all files if set
skipAtRule() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSLexer
skipBlock() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSLexer
Utility routine which scans through the text buffer to find the end of an CSS style rule.
skipCloseParenGeneration(int) - Method in class
Check if a close parenthesis needs to be generated, if an open parenthesis is followed by the given token.
skipComments - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.generic.GenericLexer
Whether to skip comments or not.
skipComments - Variable in class
Whether to skip comments or not.
skipDepth - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax.AST
The skip height of this AST on the stack.
skipLeadingIndent(TextBuffer, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.BasicAction
Utility routine to find the offset of the first character after the leading indent (if any), or -1 for an empty line or line containing only whitespace.
skipNameOrValue(boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.TagLexer
Utility routine which scans through the text buffer to find the end of a name or value based on whitespace.
skipPHPASPTag() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.HTMLLexer
Utility routine which scans to locate the end of an ASP-styled PHP tag.
skipPHPTag() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.html.HTMLLexer
Utility routine which scans through the text buffer to locate the end of a PHP tag.
SkippingTraversable - Class in oracle.ide.db.panels
Extends DefaultTravesablePanel with the ability to skip to the next panel.
SkippingTraversable() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.panels.SkippingTraversable
skipStyleRule() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.CSSLexer
Utility routine which scans through the text buffer to find the end of an CSS style rule.
skipToCodeToken(PlSqlFragment, PlSqlToken, String...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlInterrogator
skipToken() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
Skips the current token.
skipToken() - Method in class
sleep(int) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncTask
Utility routine to sleep for the given amount of time.
sleepForUIToRepaint() - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.RestartableProgressBar
The client code should call this in it's run() method that implements the long-running process.
sleepForUIToRepaint() - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressBar
The client code should call this in it's run() method that implements the long-running process.
SMALL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.AutoExpandPreferredSize
SMALL_FILTER_14 - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SMALL_NAVIGATORDISPLAYOPTIONS_14 - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SMALL_REFRESH_14 - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SMALL_SETTINGS_14 - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
smallIconChanged(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.PropertyChangeAdapter
SmallSquareButton - Class in oracle.ide.controls
A small square button with a rounded border.
SmallSquareButton(Icon, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SmallSquareButton
Constructs a SmallSquareButton with the specified icon and tooltip.
SmallSquareButton() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SmallSquareButton
Constructs a SmallSquareButton.
SmallSquareButtonBorder - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.border
A border with rounded corners.
SmallSquareButtonBorder() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.border.SmallSquareButtonBorder
SmallSquareDropDownMenuButton - Class in oracle.ide.controls
Combines the appearance of SmallSquareButton with the behavior of DropDownMeunButton.
SmallSquareDropDownMenuButton() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SmallSquareDropDownMenuButton
SMART_COMPLETION_INSIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SmartDataProvider - Interface in oracle.ide.runner
SmartIndentProvider - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.language
The SmartIndentProvider interface provides the necessary routines that let language-specific implementations intelligently determine the proper indentation for any given line should be.
SmartIndentProvider(LanguageSupport) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.language.SmartIndentProvider
Constructs a new SmartIndentProvider
SmartInsightProvider - Interface in oracle.javatools.editor.insight
The InsightProvider interface describes the public API available for the portion of Insight responsible for looking up Insight assistance information for the user.
smartToggleDockableWindow(DockableView, Context) - Static method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockUtil
'Smart' Toggles the visibility of the DockableView.
SNAPSHOT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SNAPSHOTS_CHECK_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
snapshotsCheck - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
SOFT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheMap
SOFT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheStrategy
solve() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.MnemonicSolver
Solves mnemonic conflics.
solvePostponedLoad() - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeMap
Call this method if you want to postpone the definition of your local actions.
solvePostponedMaps() - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokeOptions
sort() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListModel
Sorts the elements in the model according to the label.
sort(ListDataItem[], String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.CamelCaseInsightInputFilter
Sort the list based on the input: If the user started with a lowercase, put the lowercase first.
sort() - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.checktree.TriStateNode
Sort the children of this node, and recursively their children Most derivisions will probably want to override compareTo(...) to get an appropriate sort.
sort(ArrayList, ArrayList) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.AbstractAssistant
Sort the objects contained in array using the descriptions contained in key.
SORT_BY_TYPE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.ContentLevel
SORT_SELECTED_LINES - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.ActionNames
SORTBYALPHA - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
sortByColumn(int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controls.SortedTableModel
sortByColumn(int, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controls.SortedTreeTableModel
SORTBYLOCATION - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SORTBYTYPE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
sortByWeight(List<? extends WebDocumentWizardNewFilePanelExtension>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.WebDocumentWizardNewFilePanelExtension
Sort the list of HtmlWizardNewFilePanelExtension based on their weight.
sortChildren() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JMutableTreeNode
Sorts this node's children.
sortChildren(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JMutableTreeNode
If the indicated recursion level is non-negative, this method sorts the JMutableTreeNode's children and then recurses the number of levels indicated to sort their children.
sortContainer(Container) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuManager
sortData(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SortedJTable
sortData(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SortedJTreeTable
sortData(ListDataItem[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.CamelCaseInsightInputFilter
sortData(ListDataItem[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.InsightInputFilter
sortData(ListDataItem[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.SortedInsightInputFilter
sortDescendents() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.tree.JMutableTreeNode
Sorts all levels of the subtree represented by this JMutableTreeNode.
SORTDESCENDING_ENA - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SortedCollections - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util
SortedCollections() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.SortedCollections
SortedCollections.Comparison - Enum in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util
SortedCollections.ComparisonIterator<T0,T1> - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util
SortedCollections.ComparisonIterator(Collection<T0>, Collection<T1>, Comparator) - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.SortedCollections.ComparisonIterator
SortedComboBoxModel - Class in oracle.ide.controls
SortedComboBoxModel() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SortedComboBoxModel
SortedInsightInputFilter - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.insight
This class defines the filtering of an insight list based on pure prefix match.
SortedJTable - Class in oracle.ide.controls
SortedJTable(SortedTableModel, int, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SortedJTable
Create a sorted JTable with initial sort order and column specified
SortedJTable(SortedTableModel, int) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SortedJTable
Create a sorted JTable with ascending initial sort order and column specified
SortedJTable(SortedTableModel) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SortedJTable
Create a sorted JTable with ascending initial sort order on column 0
SortedJTreeTable - Class in oracle.ide.controls
SortedJTreeTable(SortedTreeTableModel, int, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SortedJTreeTable
Create a sorted JTable with initial sort order and column specified
SortedJTreeTable(SortedTreeTableModel, int) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SortedJTreeTable
Create a sorted JTable with ascending initial sort order and column specified
SortedJTreeTable(SortedTreeTableModel) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SortedJTreeTable
Create a sorted JTable with ascending initial sort order on column 0
SortedListModel - Class in oracle.ide.controls
SortedListModel() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SortedListModel
sortedModel(Collection<E>) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.controls.SimpleComboBoxModel
sortedNodes(CmtModelNode) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.AbstractAssistant
Get a sorted list of a given parent's children.
SortedTableModel - Interface in oracle.ide.controls
sortedTreeTableModel - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SortedJTreeTable
SortedTreeTableModel - Interface in oracle.ide.controls
sortIntoSchemas(SystemObject...) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBUtil
Sorts the given list of objects into a map of Schema to objects.
sortListAndEliminateDuplicates(List, Comparator) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.CollectionUtil
sortNavigables(Navigable[], Comparator) - Static method in class oracle.ide.panels.Navigable
Sorts the specified Navigable array using the specified Navigable.NavigableComparator, and returns a sorted version of the array.
sortSectionByName(JMenu, float) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuManager
Sorts the commands in the specified section alphabetically by the menu item name, rather than sorting by weight.
sortTableByProperty(HistoryProperty, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.history.HistoryComponent
Sort the history component by the specified property.
source - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "source" property.
SOURCE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.XliffResourceBundleUtils
SOURCE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfigurationConstants
Source - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
The Source class provides methods for displaying source files in the code editor or UI designer.
SOURCE_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.XliffResourceBundleUtils
SOURCE_NAVIGATOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorManager
SOURCE_OWNER_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.DerivedLibrary
SOURCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.DerivedLibrary
SOURCE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class
The default suffix of a Java source file.
SOURCE_SUFFIXES - Static variable in class
Default suffix for a *.java file.
SOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in class
Constant indicating that this locator is for Java sources.
SOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in interface
The source type constant.
SOURCE_TYPE_BODY - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.db.Database
For source nodes with more than one type of source
SOURCE_TYPE_SPEC - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.db.Database
For source nodes with more than one type of source
SOURCE_URL_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.AbstractHashDependable
SourceAnnotation - Interface in
An annotation (not to be confused with annotation type).
SourceAnnotationExpression - Interface in
An AnnotationExpression is a final expression representing an annotation that is also an expression operand (and therefore must be a subclass of Expression).
SourceArrayAccessExpression - Interface in
An ArrayAccessExpression is a final expression representing an array access expression.
SourceAssertStatement - Interface in
An assert statement.
SourceAssignmentExpression - Interface in
An AssignmentExpression is a final expression representing infix operations that are assignments.
SourceBlock - Interface in
The SourceCodeBlock represents code blocks for methods and statements.
SourceBlockElement - Interface in
A SourceElement that may be a child of a SourceBlock.
SourceBlockStatement - Interface in
A BlockStatement is a final statement representing a statement that is (and only is) a block.
SourceBreakStatement - Interface in
A break statement.
SourceCatchClause - Interface in
A catch clause of a try statement.
SourceChange - Interface in
Opaque object that represents one source modification.
SourceClass - Interface in
A SourceClass is the syntactic (aka symbolic) representation of a java class: classes, enums, interfaces, and annotation types.
SourceClassBody - Interface in
A class body, sometimes called a class block.
SourceClassInitializer - Interface in
The SourceMember represents a member declaration for a type.
SourceComparator - Class in
Holds all code involving the the comparison of two SourceElements.
SourceComparator() - Constructor for class
SourceCompoundStatement - Interface in
A CompoundStatement is a common base statement representing statements that have children statements.
SourceConditionalStatement - Interface in
A ConditionalStatement is a common base statement representing compound statements having (requiring) a single expression of boolean type.
SourceContinueStatement - Interface in
A continue statement.
SourceDeclaration - Interface in oracle.ide.dependency
A declaration in a source file.
SourceDereferenceExpression - Interface in
A SourceDereferenceExpression is a common base expression representing an operator that performs a dereference.
SourceDocBlockTag - Interface in
A SourceDocBlockTag represents a block tag within a SourceDocComment.
SourceDocComment - Interface in
A SourceDocComment represents a documentation comment ("doc comment") associated with a class, interface, constructor, method, or field.
SourceDocDescription - Interface in
A SourceDocDescription represents the main description of a SourceDocComment or the description of a SourceDocTag.
SourceDocElement - Interface in
The common supertype of all doc elements.
SourceDocHasDescription - Interface in
A doc element that has a description.
SourceDocInlineTag - Interface in
A SourceDocInlineTag represents an in-line tag within a SourceDocDescription.
SourceDocReference - Interface in
A SourceDocReference represents the Java element reference in @exception, @link, @linkplain, @param, @see, @serialField, @throws, and two-argument @value> tags.
SourceDocTag - Interface in
A SourceDocTag represents a block tag within a SourceDocComment or an in-line tag within a SourceDocDescription.
SourceDocTagName - Interface in
A SourceDocTextFragment represents a text fragment within a SourceDocDescription.
SourceDocTextFragment - Interface in
A SourceDocTextFragment represents a text fragment within a SourceDocDescription.
SourceDoStatement - Interface in
A do statement.
SourceDotExpression - Interface in
A DotExpression is a final expression representing a selector.
SourceElement - Interface in
Every node in the java parse tree is a subinterface of a SourceElement.
SourceElementAsList - Class in
This class converts a SourceElement tree into a flat List.
SourceElementHandle - Class in
A SourceElementHandle safely handles the 'coordinates' of a SourceElement.
SourceElementHandle(SourceElement) - Constructor for class
SourceElseClause - Interface in
An else clause.
SourceEmptyStatement - Interface in
An empty statement.
SourceEnumConstant - Interface in
An enum constant.
SourceError - Interface in
An error found in the parse tree.
SourceExpression - Interface in
The SourceExpression is essentially the union of all the various operators and primaries.
SourceExpressionStatement - Interface in
An expression statement.
SourceFactory - Class in
The factory class for SourceElements.
SourceFactory() - Constructor for class
SourceFieldDeclaration - Interface in
A field (or enum constant) declaration.
SourceFieldVariable - Interface in
A field variable.
SourceFile - Interface in
The SourceFile represents the root node for a complete Source source file.
SourceFileListener - Interface in
Listens to events sent directly from the SourceFile.
SourceFinallyClause - Interface in
A finally clause.
SourceFinder - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
Interface for searching for source code.
SourceFinderManager - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
SourceFormalParameter - Interface in
A formal parameter.
SourceFormalParameterList - Interface in
A formal parameter list.
SourceForStatement - Interface in
A for statement.
SourceHasBlock - Interface in
A source element that has a block.
SourceHasModifiers - Interface in
A SourceElement that may have modifiers.
SourceHasName - Interface in
A SourceHasName has a SourceName (notice that this is a SourceToken child) child.
SourceHasType - Interface in
A SourceElement that has a type reference.
SourceIfStatement - Interface in
An if statement.
SourceImport - Interface in
An import declaration.
SourceInfixExpression - Interface in
An InfixExpression is a final expression representing an infix operation that is not an assignment.
SourceInterfacesClause - Interface in
An extends and/or an implements clause.
SourceInvokeExpression - Interface in
A SourceInvokeExpression is a common base expression representing any invocation expression.
SourceLexicalBlankline - Interface in
A whitespace token.
SourceLexicalComment - Interface in
A comment token.
SourceLexicalElement - Interface in
A lexical element is what the JLS refers to as an input element in section 3.5.
SourceLexicalSqlj - Interface in
A SQLJ declaration or executable statement.
SourceListExpression - Interface in
A ListExpression is a final expression representing non-operation expressions that have a variable number of operands.
SourceLiteralExpression - Interface in
A LiteralExpression is a final expression representing a lexical literal.
SourceLocalVariable - Interface in
A local variable or formal parameter.
SourceLocalVariableDeclaration - Interface in
A local variable declaration.
SourceMap - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler
SourceMember - Interface in
The SourceMember represents a member declaration for a type.
SourceMemberVariable - Interface in
A field (or enum constant) variable.
SourceMethod - Interface in
A SourceMethod is the syntactic (aka symbolic) representation of a java method or constructor declaration.
SourceMethodCallExpression - Interface in
A MethodCallExpression is a final expression representing a method invocation or an explicit constructor invocation.
SourceModel - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.builder
SourceModel() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.SourceModel
SourceName - Interface in
A name.
SourceNewArrayExpression - Interface in
An ArrayAccessExpression is a final expression representing an array access expression.
SourceNewClassExpression - Interface in
A ClassCreatorExpression is a final expression representing an instance creation expression.
SourceObject - Interface in oracle.javatools.db
Any object in the database that can contain a block of source code - for example java or PL/SQL.
SourceOperatorExpression - Interface in
An OperatorExpression is a common base expression representing a multi-operand expression that performs an operation.
SourcePackage - Interface in
The SourcePackage.
SOURCEPATH_CHANGED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtPackages
SOURCEPATH_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.library.JPaths
SOURCEPATH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JavaProject
SourcePosition - Interface in
Represents a position in a source file.
SourcePreferences - Class in
Storage for the various preference bits defined in JavaPreferences.
SourcePreferences() - Constructor for class
SourcePreferences(HashStructure) - Constructor for class
SourceQuestionExpression - Interface in
A QuestionExpression is a final expression representing the ternary operator x? x: x.
SourceReference - Interface in oracle.ide.dependency
A reference in a source file.
SourceReturnStatement - Interface in
A return statement.
SourceRootHelper - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.model
The SourceRootHelper defines the protocol by which a class can participate in determining the source root for files of a specific, non-Java file type.
SourceSavepoint - Interface in
A savepoint reference for use with SourceTransaction.
SourceSimpleNameExpression - Interface in
A SimpleNameExpression is a final expression representing an unqualified name access.
SourceSimpleStatement - Interface in
A SimpleStatement is a common base statement representing a statement that has no child statement and may optionally have expressions.
SourceStatement - Interface in
This is the common base interface of all statements.
SourceStatementLabel - Interface in
A label on a labeled statement.
SourceSuperclassClause - Interface in
An extends and/or an implements clause.
SourceSwitchLabel - Interface in
Default and continue labels for switch bodies.
SourceSwitchStatement - Interface in
A switch statement.
SourceSynchStatement - Interface in
A synchronized statement.
SourceThrowsClause - Interface in
A throws clause for a method or constructor declaration.
SourceThrowStatement - Interface in
A throw statement.
sourceToText(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
Translates a String which is compatible with source code (including leading and trailing quote, expands backslash charaters, etc.) into its actual String representation (e.g.
SourceTransaction - Interface in
A logical grouping of write operations on a SourceFile.
SourceTransactionListener - Interface in
Listens to state changes on a SourceTransaction.
SourceTryStatement - Interface in
A try statement.
SourceTypeArgument - Interface in
A type argument for a type reference.
SourceTypecastExpression - Interface in
A TypecastExpression is a final expression representing a type cast.
SourceTypeExpression - Interface in
A TypeExpression is a final expression representing a type that is also an expression operand (and therefore must be a subclass of Expression).
SourceTypeParameter - Interface in
A type parameter.
SourceTypeReference - Interface in
A type reference.
SourceUnaryExpression - Interface in
A UnaryExpression is a final expression representing the prefix and postfix operators but not the typecast operator.
SourceUtils - Class in oracle.ide.dependency
Utilities for dealing with references and declarations in source files.
SourceUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.dependency.SourceUtils
SourceUtils - Class in
This is a collection of utilities for making changes to the Java parser v2 source model.
SourceUtils() - Constructor for class
SourceVariable - Interface in
A SourceVariable is the syntactic (aka symbolic) representation of a java variable, including: field variables, enum constant variables, local variables, and formal parameters.
SourceVariableDeclaration - Interface in
The common base interface for a field declaration and a local variable declaration.
SourceVisitor - Class in
Visitor pattern and traversals for SourceElements.
SourceVisitor() - Constructor for class
SourceWhileStatement - Interface in
A while statement.
SourceWrapperExpression - Interface in
A WrapperExpression is a final expression that represents wrapping constructs such as parentheses and brackets.
SOUTH - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.PentaLayout
SOUTH - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
SOUTH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.popup.PopupWindowManager
The constant indicating the west of a given rectangle location (when positining relative to location) or popup window (when positioning relative to popup).
SOUTH - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.SelectNib
Value used for SelectNib.type to indicate a bottom center nib.
SOUTH_EAST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.SelectNib
Value used for SelectNib.type to indicate a bottom right corner nib.
SOUTH_WEST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.SelectNib
Value used for SelectNib.type to indicate a bottom left corner nib.
space - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "space" property.
SPACE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLFragment
SPACE - Variable in exception oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLParseException
SPACE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents the white space lexical unit.
SPACE_ARGUMENTS_BEFORE - Static variable in interface
True means put a space between the name and the argument list (method calls and creator expressions).
SPACE_ASSIGN_AROUND - Static variable in interface
True means put a space before and after an assign operator.
SPACE_BINARYOP_AROUND - Static variable in interface
True means put a space before and after any other binary operator not previously covered.
SPACE_BRACES_AROUND - Static variable in interface
SPACE_BRACKETS_WITHIN - Static variable in interface
True means put a space after an open-bracket and before a close-bracket.
SPACE_COLON_AFTER - Static variable in interface
True means put a space after a colon.
SPACE_COLON_BEFORE - Static variable in interface
True means put a space before a colon.
SPACE_COMMA_AFTER - Static variable in interface
True means put a space after commas.
SPACE_COMMA_BEFORE - Static variable in interface
True means put a space before commas.
SPACE_KEYWORD_AFTER - Static variable in interface
True means put a space after the following keywords: catch, do, for, if, switch, synchronized, while.
SPACE_OPENBRACE_BEFORE - Static variable in interface
True means put a space before an open-brace.
SPACE_PARAMETERS_BEFORE - Static variable in interface
True means put a space between the name and the formal parameter list (method and constructor declarations).
SPACE_PARENS_WITHIN - Static variable in interface
True means put a space after an open-paren and before a close-paren.
SPACE_QUESTION_AFTER - Static variable in interface
True means put a space after a question mark.
SPACE_QUESTION_BEFORE - Static variable in interface
True means put a space before a question mark.
SPACE_SEMICOLON_AFTER - Static variable in interface
True means put a space after semi-colons.
SPACE_SEMICOLON_BEFORE - Static variable in interface
True means put a space before semi-colons.
SPACE_TYPECAST_AFTER - Static variable in interface
True means put a space after a typecast.
SPEC - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
DDL type package or type spec
spec - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "spec" property.
specifier - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "specifier" property.
specPlSql - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "specPlSql" property.
SpecPlSql - Class in oracle.javatools.db
Extension of PlSql for objects that have a spec and body.
SpecPlSql() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.SpecPlSql
SpecPlSql(String, Schema) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.SpecPlSql
spiResolveStep(WizardState, Element, ToolkitContext, Class<? extends WizardStep>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.AbstractWizardStateProvider
spiResolveTransitions(WizardState, Element, ToolkitContext, Class<? extends WizardState>) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.AbstractWizardStateProvider
splashImage - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.controls.SplashScreen
SplashScreen - Class in oracle.ide.controls
Deprecated. since 11.0. Use SplashScreen.
SplashScreen() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.SplashScreen
SplashScreen - Class in oracle.javatools.controls
WARNING: This API is still in flux.
SplashScreen() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.controls.SplashScreen
SplashScreenOptions - Class in oracle.ide.config
Utility class to get and set the display status of the SplashScreen.
splitBundle(ResourceBundleWrapper, ResourceBundleWrapper, Set<String>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManager
Splits a ResourceBundleWrapper into two.
splitBundle(ResourceBundleWrapper, ResourceBundleWrapper, Set<String>) - Method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManagerRT
splitCommandArgumentURLs(URL[], int, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSProcessUtils
Splits the given command arguments URLs such that they are suitable for separate command invocations.
splitFileFromPath(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleUtils
Takes a bundle id (which is a fully-qualified name of a bundle) and splits it into the file name and the path.
SplitPanel - Class in
A splittable panel used for compare / merge.
SplitPanel() - Constructor for class
SplitPanelLayout - Class in
A custom layout manager for a two or three pane split compare / merge window.
SplitPanelLayout() - Constructor for class
SplitPanelView - Interface in
Deprecated. included in release (Shepherd), to be removed in (Sherman); replaced by extending BaseCompareView.
SPLITTER_LOCATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
SPLITTER_WIDTH - Static variable in class
splitValues(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.ora.TablePartition
Returns an ordered list of values extracted from a comma separated string ignoring commas within single and double quotes and round brackets () .
SPOOLOFF - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
DDL type turn spooling off
SPOOLON - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
DDL type turn spooling on
Spring - Class in oracle.ide.inspector.layout
A Spring controls distance between properties in a Row element.
Spring() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.Spring
SPRING - Static variable in class oracle.ide.inspector.layout.Spring
SQL - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.DBIcons
SQL_BFILE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_BLOB - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_CHAR - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_CLOB - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_DATE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_FILTER - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.model.SqlNode
SQL_LONG - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_LONG_RAW - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_NCHAR - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_NCLOB - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_NUMBER - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_NVARCHAR2 - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_OBJECT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_RAW - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_REF - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_ROWID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_TABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.NonDeclarativeSQLQuery
Template as the basis for a query.
SQL_VARCHAR2 - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SQL_VARRAY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.OracleDatatypeMappings
SqlAjndef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlAjndef() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlAjndef
SqlColdef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlColdef() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlColdef
SqlConstants - Interface in
A collection of all constants for the sql parser that don't get to fit into their own files.
SqlDriver - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax
All right! Here's the top of the sql stack.
SqlDriver() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax.SqlDriver
SQLErrorDialog - Class in oracle.ide.db.dialogs
Dialog for displaying SQLExceptions that are encountered to the user.
SQLErrorDialog() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.SQLErrorDialog
SqlExpression - Interface in
A SQL expression.
SQLFILE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SQLFragment - Interface in oracle.javatools.db.sql
Interface for objects that encapsulate a fragment of SQL.
SQLFragmentComparator - Class in oracle.javatools.db.diff
SQLFragmentComparator() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.diff.SQLFragmentComparator
SQLFragmentExpressionBuilder - Class in oracle.javatools.db.sql
SQLFragmentExpressionBuilder() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLFragmentExpressionBuilder
SQLFragmentExpressionBuilder.ExpressionType - Enum in oracle.javatools.db.sql
SQLFragmentID - Class in oracle.javatools.db.sql
Deprecated. SQLFragments now use IdentifierBaseID insteasd
SQLFragmentID() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLFragmentID
Deprecated. SQLFragments now use IndentifierBasedIDs. See bug 7173075.
SQLFragmentID(SQLFragment, DBObjectID) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLFragmentID
Deprecated. SQLFragments now use IndentifierBasedIDs. See bug 7173075.
SqlFrodef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlFrodef() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlFrodef
SqlGbydef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlGbydef() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlGbydef
SqlHqcdef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
Describes the Hierarchical Query Clause in a SQL query
SqlHqcdef(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlHqcdef
SQLJ_EXT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JavaSourceNode
sqljExternalName - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "sqljExternalName" property.
sqljSigName - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "sqljSigName" property.
sqljSigVarName - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "sqljSigVarName" property.
sqljUsing - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "sqljUsing" property.
SqlKeywords - Interface in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql
The entire listing of SQL keywords as of 10/30/2003.
SqlLexer - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax
SqlLexer() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax.SqlLexer
SqlLogdef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlLogdef() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlLogdef
SqlNode - Class in oracle.ide.db.model
The SqlNode class is a TextNode that represents an SQL or PL/SQL file.
SqlNode() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.model.SqlNode
SqlNode(URL) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.model.SqlNode
SqlOdmCost - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
DMQ Compile-time/execute-time COst matrix definition
SqlOdmCost() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlOdmCost
SqlOdmdef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlOdmdef() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlOdmdef
SqlOdmModel - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
DMQ Compile-time MOdel definition
SqlOdmModel() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlOdmModel
SqlOperators - Interface in
SqlOpndef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlOpndef() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlOpndef
SqlOptdef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlOptdef() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlOptdef
SqlOrddef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlOrddef(SqlOpndef, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlOrddef
SQLParseException - Exception in oracle.javatools.db.sql
Subclass of SQLQueryException used for parse errors in the sql.
SQLParseException(PlsqlError[]) - Constructor for exception oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLParseException
SQLParseException(PlsqlError[], String) - Constructor for exception oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLParseException
SqlPlsqlLexer - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax
The SqlPlsqlLexer is used by the code editor only to highlight both the sql and plsql keywords.
SqlPlsqlLexer() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax.SqlPlsqlLexer
Constructs a default SqlPlsqlLexer with a starting position of 0.
SqlQbcdef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlQbcdef() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlQbcdef
SQLQuery - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "SQLQuery" property.
SQLQuery - Interface in oracle.javatools.db.sql
Object that represents a basic SQL query.
SQLQueryBuilder - Interface in oracle.javatools.db.sql
Interface that defines a builder class for sql queries.
SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet - Interface in oracle.javatools.db.sql
A result set interface for the query builder class
SQLQueryBuilderFactory - Class in oracle.javatools.db.sql
Factory class for creating a SQLQueryBuilder.
SQLQueryBuilderFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilderFactory
SQLQueryClauseException - Exception in oracle.javatools.db.sql
Exception thrown by a SQLQueryBuilder when there is an error with a clause in the query, but that this error doesn't stop the query being declarative.
SQLQueryClauseException(SQLFragment, String) - Constructor for exception oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryClauseException
SQLQueryEditDialog - Class in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql
Dialog launcher for editing SQL queries.
SQLQueryEditDialog() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.SQLQueryEditDialog
Creates a new launcher for an edit dialog for sql queries.
SQLQueryEditDialog(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.SQLQueryEditDialog
Creates a new launcher for an edit dialog for sql queries.
SQLQueryEditDialog(String[]) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.SQLQueryEditDialog
Creates a new launcher with custom help IDs for the panels.
SQLQueryException - Exception in oracle.javatools.db.sql
Superclass for all Exceptions thrown by the SQLQuery API.
SQLQueryException() - Constructor for exception oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryException
SQLQueryException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryException
SQLQueryException(SQLFragment, String) - Constructor for exception oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryException
SQLQueryException(SQLFragment, String, Exception) - Constructor for exception oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryException
SQLQueryOwner - Interface in oracle.javatools.db.sql
Interfaced to be implemented by any object that can own a SQLQuery.
SQLQueryTester - Class in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.tester
Utility that pops up a dialog for testing a sql query.
SQLQueryTester(Database) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.tester.SQLQueryTester
SqlSeldef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlSeldef() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlSeldef
SQLSERVER_DRIVER_CLASS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.SQLServerConnectionCreator
SQLServerConnectionCreator - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter
SQLServerConnectionCreator() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.SQLServerConnectionCreator
SQLServerPanel - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels
SQLServerPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels.SQLServerPanel
SQLSTATE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDatabase
SqlStrdef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlStrdef() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlStrdef
SQLText - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "SQLText" property.
SqlTokens - Interface in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql
The listing of SQL tokens.
sqlTrace(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDatabase
Deprecated. - Tracing is done automatically by the QueryWrapper implementations. DDL tracing is done automatically for implementations of DDLDatabase.
sqlTrace(String, Object[]) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDatabase
Deprecated. - Tracing is done automatically by the QueryWrapper implementations. DDL tracing is done automatically for implementations of DDLDatabase.
sqlTrace(String, String, Object...) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper
Sets up the query log which will be output when the query has finished (complete with timing information).
SqlTypdef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlTypdef() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlTypdef
SqlXmtdef - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab
SqlXmtdef(String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlXmtdef
squash - Variable in class
Valid values are Constants.NO_*.
SRC_ANNOTATION - Static variable in interface
SRC_base - Static variable in interface
SRC_BLOCK - Static variable in interface
SRC_CLASS - Static variable in interface
SRC_CLASS_BODY - Static variable in interface
SRC_CLASS_INITIALIZER - Static variable in interface
SRC_CONSTRUCTOR_D - Static variable in interface
SRC_DOC_base - Static variable in interface
SRC_DOC_BLOCK_TAG - Static variable in interface
SRC_DOC_COMMENT - Static variable in interface
SRC_DOC_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface
SRC_DOC_INLINE_TAG - Static variable in interface
SRC_DOC_max - Static variable in interface
SRC_DOC_REFERENCE - Static variable in interface
SRC_DOC_TAG_NAME - Static variable in interface
SRC_DOC_TEXT - Static variable in interface
SRC_ENUM_CONSTANT_D - Static variable in interface
SRC_ERROR - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_ANNOTATION - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_ARRAY_ACCESS - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_ASSIGNMENT - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_base - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_DOT - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_INFIX - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_LIST - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_LITERAL - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_max - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_METHOD_CALL - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_NEW_ARRAY - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_NEW_CLASS - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_QUESTION - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_SIMPLE_NAME - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_TYPE - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_TYPECAST - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_UNARY - Static variable in interface
SRC_EXPR_WRAPPER - Static variable in interface
SRC_FIELD_D - Static variable in interface
SRC_FIELD_VARIABLE - Static variable in interface
SRC_FILE - Static variable in interface
SRC_FORMAL_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface
SRC_FORMAL_PARAMETER_LIST - Static variable in interface
SRC_IMPORT_D - Static variable in interface
SRC_INTERFACES_CLAUSE - Static variable in interface
SRC_invalid - Static variable in interface
The internal symbol implementation depends on SRC_invalid being zero.
SRC_LABEL - Static variable in interface
SRC_LEX_base - Static variable in interface
SRC_LEX_BLANKLINE - Static variable in interface
SRC_LEX_COMMENT - Static variable in interface
SRC_LEX_max - Static variable in interface
SRC_LEX_SQLJ - Static variable in interface
SRC_LOCAL_VARIABLE - Static variable in interface
SRC_LOCAL_VARIABLE_D - Static variable in interface
SRC_max - Static variable in interface
SRC_METHOD_D - Static variable in interface
SRC_NAME - Static variable in interface
SRC_PACKAGE_D - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_ASSERT - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_base - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_BLOCK - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_BREAK - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_CATCH - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_CONTINUE - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_DO - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_ELSE - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_EMPTY - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_FINALLY - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_FOR - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_IF - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_max - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_RETURN - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_SWITCH - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_SYNCH - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_THROW - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_TRY - Static variable in interface
SRC_STMT_WHILE - Static variable in interface
SRC_SUPERCLASS_CLAUSE - Static variable in interface
SRC_SWITCH_LABEL - Static variable in interface
SRC_THROWS_CLAUSE - Static variable in interface
SRC_TYPE_ARGUMENT - Static variable in interface
SRC_TYPE_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface
SRC_TYPE_REF - Static variable in interface
SRC_words - Static variable in interface
Verbose names of all the SRC_* constants for debugging.
srcPath - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.LibraryModel
Stack - Class in oracle.javatools.xml.esax.spi
Convenient implementation of a Last In First Out (LIFO) stack.
Stack() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.spi.Stack
Construct a stack with no additional arguments.
Stack(Collection) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.xml.esax.spi.Stack
Construct a stack initialized to contain all the items in the specified collection.
stackDepth - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax.AST
The stack depth of this AST, for error-checking.
StackedTransferable - Class in oracle.javatools.clipboard
StackedTransferable(Transferable, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.clipboard.StackedTransferable
staleness - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "staleness" property.
STANDARD_TRANSFORMATION_RANK - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.datatransfer.URLToNodeTransformer
STAR - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.BooleanVisitor
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.DOMHook
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.DynamicHook
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.ElementVisitor
Visit the start tag of an xml element.
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.I18NCharVisitor
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.I18NStringVisitor
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.IconVisitor
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.MetaClassVisitor
start(GUIPanel, String, int, int, int) - Method in interface javax.ide.view.ProgressMonitor
Start monitoring a time consuming operation.
start - Variable in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CodeNavigationPoint
Starting offset to be navigated to.
start(DragComponentEvent) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controls.DragComponentListener
A drag operation is starting.
start(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.controls.RestartableProgressBar
Starts the ProgressBar.
start(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressBar
Starts the ProgressBar with a default range (0-100).
start(String, String, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressBar
Starts the ProgressBar with a default range (0-100) after a delay.
start(String, String, int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressBar
Starts the ProgressBar with a specified range.
start(String, String, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressBar
Starts the ProgressBar with a specified range after a delay.
start(boolean) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressRunnable
Starts the operation.
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.extension.HashStructureElementVisitor
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.extension.HashStructureHook
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.extension.URLPathHandler
Handle the start of an XML element.
start(URLFileSystemHelper, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Start tracing accesses to helper.
start(URLFileSystemHelper, PrintStream, boolean) - Static method in class
Start tracing accesses to helper.
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleShapingPreferencesHook
start() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunnableItem
start(Node, AbstractStarterFactory, Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
start() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Causes this process to begin execution.
start() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Starter
Starts the process.
start() - Method in class oracle.ide.util.SwingWorker
Start the worker thread.
start(int) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.BasicProgressMonitor
start() - Method in interface oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateCenterMonitor
Start progress
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.UpdateHook
start() - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.DeterminateProgressMonitor
Starts the monitor, ensuring the dialog will be displayed after the configured delay.
start() - Method in class oracle.javatools.dialogs.progress.IndeterminateProgressMonitor
Starts the monitor, ensuring the dialog will be displayed after the configured delay.
start - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.NumberRange
The starting number of the range.
start(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
Begins a new production and generates a token.
start - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
The start offset of the last lexical unit.
start(Container) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ResourcePicker
Start from the given Container object and try to find resource strings for all of sub Components.
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.AuditHook
Starts an audit-hook element.
start(DeployShell) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployCommand.Callback
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries.JspLibrariesHandler
Handle the start of an XML element.
start() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
Creates a new thread to compile the project.
start(ElementStartContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.UIEditorHookHandler
Handle the start of an XML element.
start() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Start tracking changes.
start() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.SwingExecutor
Starts this executor, if it has not already been started.
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ar
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_cs
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_da
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_de
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_el
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_es
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_fi
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_fr
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_hu
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_it
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_iw
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ja
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ko
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_nl
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_no
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pl
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pt
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pt_BR
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ro
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ru
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_sk
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_sv
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_th
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_tr
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_zh_CN
START_OF_BUFFER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_zh_TW
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ar
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_cs
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_da
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_de
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_el
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_es
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_fi
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_fr
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_hu
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_it
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_iw
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ja
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ko
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_nl
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_no
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pl
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pt
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pt_BR
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ro
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ru
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_sk
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_sv
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_th
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_tr
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_zh_CN
START_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_zh_TW
startAnalysis(Object, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.FileOverviewMargin
startAsynchronousLogging() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.CompilerPage
Start asynchronous logging
startAsynchronousLogging() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.ProblemsPage
startCDATA() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.migration.CMConnectionsReader
startCombiningEdits() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JTextComponentUndoSupport
Calling this causes the undoable edits to be combined until commitCombinedEdits() is called.
startDebuggee(Map) - Method in class javax.ide.debug.Connector
Start the debuggee process.
startDebugger(Context, DebuggerStartCallback) - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.Debugger
Start the debugger with the given context with the options of providing a call back at different stages of the starting process
startDocument() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.migration.CMConnectionsReader
startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.migration.CMConnectionsReader
started() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
This method will be called by the start method, when this process has been started.
started(RunProcessLifecycleEvent, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.RunProcessLifecycleListener
Invoked when a RunProcess has finished starting.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.DefaultProfile.NameScanner
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.migration.CMConnectionsReader
StartElementPacket - Class in oracle.ide.xml
Data class used as an immutable return value from XMLUtil methods.
startEntity(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.migration.CMConnectionsReader
starter - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
The starter for this RunProcess.
Starter - Class in oracle.ide.runner
A class that represents a way of starting a process.
Starter(RunProcess) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.runner.Starter
The constructor simply sets the Starter.runProcess field.
STARTER_CHECKING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
STARTER_CHECKING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
STARTER_CHECKING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
STARTER_CHECKING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
STARTER_CHECKING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
STARTER_CHECKING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
STARTER_CHECKING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
STARTER_CHECKING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
STARTER_CHECKING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
STARTER_CHECKING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
STARTER_CHECKING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
STARTER_ERROR_COMPILER_BUSY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
STARTER_ERROR_COMPILER_BUSY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
STARTER_ERROR_COMPILER_BUSY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
STARTER_ERROR_COMPILER_BUSY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
STARTER_ERROR_COMPILER_BUSY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
STARTER_ERROR_COMPILER_BUSY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
STARTER_ERROR_COMPILER_BUSY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
STARTER_ERROR_COMPILER_BUSY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
STARTER_ERROR_COMPILER_BUSY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
STARTER_ERROR_COMPILER_BUSY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
STARTER_ERROR_COMPILER_BUSY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
STARTER_ERROR_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
STARTER_WARNING_CONTEXT_NODE_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
STARTER_WARNING_CONTEXT_NODE_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
STARTER_WARNING_CONTEXT_NODE_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
STARTER_WARNING_CONTEXT_NODE_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
STARTER_WARNING_CONTEXT_NODE_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
STARTER_WARNING_CONTEXT_NODE_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
STARTER_WARNING_CONTEXT_NODE_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
STARTER_WARNING_CONTEXT_NODE_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
STARTER_WARNING_CONTEXT_NODE_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
STARTER_WARNING_CONTEXT_NODE_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
STARTER_WARNING_CONTEXT_NODE_NOT_RUNNABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
StarterCookieList - Class in oracle.ide.runner
StarterCookieList() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.runner.StarterCookieList
StarterFactory - Interface in oracle.ide.runner
An interface that provides a factory for starting a process.
startEvent(int, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeProfile
Deprecated. Starts a profiler event
startEvent(int) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeProfile
Deprecated. Starts a profiler event
startEvent(int[], int, String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeProfile
Deprecated. Starts a profiler event
startEvent(int[], int) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeProfile
Deprecated. Starts a profiler event
startEvent(int, String) - Method in interface oracle.ide.util.Profiler
startEvent(int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.util.Profiler
startException - Variable in class oracle.ide.runner.Starter
Exception thrown from Runtime exec.
startIde(String, String[], IdeCore) - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeStarter
Starts the IDE.
startImpl() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.AsynchronousChangeList
startImpl() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Implementation for the ChangeList.start() method.
startIndexing(IndexingContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.dependency.index.DependencyIndexer
startIndexing(IndexingContext) - Method in interface oracle.ide.index.Indexer
Indexing is about to start on the given context.
startIndexing(IndexingContext) - Method in class oracle.ide.index.keyword.KeywordIndexer
STARTING_OC4J_ALERT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
STARTING_OC4J_ALERT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
STARTING_OC4J_ALERT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
STARTING_OC4J_ALERT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
STARTING_OC4J_ALERT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
STARTING_OC4J_ALERT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
STARTING_OC4J_ALERT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
STARTING_OC4J_ALERT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
STARTING_OC4J_ALERT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
STARTING_OC4J_ALERT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
STARTING_OC4J_ALERT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
STARTING_OC4J_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
STARTING_OC4J_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
STARTING_OC4J_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
STARTING_OC4J_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
STARTING_OC4J_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
STARTING_OC4J_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
STARTING_OC4J_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
STARTING_OC4J_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
STARTING_OC4J_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
STARTING_OC4J_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
STARTING_OC4J_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
STARTING_WLS_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
STARTING_WLS_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
STARTING_WLS_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
STARTING_WLS_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
STARTING_WLS_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
STARTING_WLS_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
STARTING_WLS_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
STARTING_WLS_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
STARTING_WLS_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
STARTING_WLS_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
STARTING_WLS_USING_PORTS - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
startLevel - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxRecognizer
startListening() - Method in class javax.ide.debug.ServerConnector
Tell the debugger to start listening for and accept a connection from a debuggee.
startListeningImpl() - Method in class javax.ide.debug.ServerConnector
IDE service providers implement this method to start listening.
startMark - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightedText
The starting offset for this region of highlighted text (exclusive.)
startOffset - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.highlight.HighlightFragment
The starting offset for this fragment.
startOffset - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.StyledFragment
The starting offset for this fragment.
startOffset - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractLexer.DefaultLexerToken
The starting offset in the text buffer of this token.
startOffset - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.generic.GenericLexer
The starting offset of the last token found.
startOffset - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlParser.ParsingOptions
Clients may specify what start offset into the input to start parsing at.
startOffset - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.PlsqlParser.ParsingOptions
Clients may specify what start offset into the input to start parsing at.
startOffset - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.syntax.AST
The start offset of this AST.
startQuiet(int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
Begins a new production and does not generate a token.
startReloading(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
startReloading(Set<NodeUtil.ReloadMode>, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
startSampling() - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeProfile
Deprecated. Start profiler sampling
startSampling() - Method in interface oracle.ide.util.Profiler
STARTSERVER - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
startStep(int) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.AbstractProgressMonitor
startStep(int) - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.DeterminateProgressMonitor
startsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.SortedInsightInputFilter
Utility routine to check whether the first name starts with the second name, using case-insensitive comparison rules ("AA" == 'aa').
startTarget() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Determines the target Node and Starter for this RunProcess and if successful, calls the Starter.start() method.
startTarget() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JRunProcess
Clears the log page associated with this run process (if appropriate).
startTarget() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunningProcess
startTask(AuditTaskContext) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Analyzer
Executes a post-traversal background task.
startTiming(String) - Method in class oracle.ide.performance.PerformanceLogger
Start timing some long operation.
startTiming(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.performance.PerformanceLogger
Start timing some long operation and log a start message.
startTiming(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.Assert
Starts timing of an event which will be reported using Assert.endTiming() The name of the currently executing thread is prefixed to the name of the key passed in.
startTiming(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.Assert
Starts timing of an event which will be reported using Assert
startTracking() - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.IconOverlayTracker
startTracking(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeMigrationTracker
startTracking(String) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.Assert
Get ready to track the time taken by a list of tasks.
startTracking(URL) - Method in class
Utility routine to start tracking the Node represented by the URL.
startTracking(URL) - Method in class
Starts tracking changes made to the given URL.
startTracking() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSNodeOverlayTracker
startup(IdeArgs) - Static method in class oracle.ide.Ide
Used to startup the IDE
startup(IdeCore) - Static method in class oracle.ide.Ide
Used to startup the IDE
startup() - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DeployAddin
Called when the addin is loaded.
startup() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployDesignTime
STARTUP_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
STARTUP_WINDOW_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.util.SwingUtils
startupImpl() - Method in class oracle.ide.IdeCore
startWatching(ContextHolder) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.ContextWatcher
Deprecated. Start watching the Context held by the given ContextHolder.
startWebAppAutoRestart(Project) - Method in class
By default the dte restarts the webapp whenever the web.xml or other configuration files are modified.
startWith(KeyStrokes) - Method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStrokes
Checks if this KeyStrokes start with the same KeyStroke as in kss
startWith - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "startWith" property.
STARTWITH - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLFragment
startWithClause - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlHqcdef
The START WITH clause.
startWithFirst - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "startWithFirst" property.
startWithFirst - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlHqcdef
If the CONNECT BY clause is first, this is false.
STATE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.controls.ToggleAction
state() - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerConfig
state(DrawerConfig.State) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerConfig
state() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployCommand
state() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.DeployToAppServer
state() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.ProfileDeployCmd
state() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.cmd.weblogic.DeployToWeblogic
state - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.wizard.common.BaliWizard
STATE_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.DeployActionsWizardState
STATE_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.DeploySummaryWizardState
STATE_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.wizard.spi.DeployToAppServerWizardState
stateChange(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DockableWindow
This method gets called when a panel is shown, hidden, or closed.
stateChange(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.view.AbstractPinnable
Responds to changes in state.
stateChange(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListWindow
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.EditorStatusBar
Invoked when the target of the listener has changed its state.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.ChangeAdaptor
stateChanged(Object) - Method in interface oracle.ide.controls.checkboxlist.CheckBoxListItemStateListener
Occurs when the checked state of a list item changes.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.JToolButton.L
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPaneUI.EventHandler
stateChanged(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.SelectDBObjectsPanel
stateChanged(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.panels.sql.JoinObjectEditDialog
stateChanged(Object) - Method in class oracle.ide.dialogs.SelectFilesPanel
Occurs when the checked state of a list item changes.
stateChanged(int) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.Explorer
Respond to a change of state between SHOWN, HIDDEN or CLOSED.
stateChanged(int) - Method in interface oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorPage
Respond to a change of state between SHOWN, HIDDEN, CLOSED.
stateChanged() - Method in class oracle.ide.todo.AbstractToDoItem
stateChanged() - Method in interface oracle.ide.todo.ToDoItem
Called when the state of the ToDoItem has changed
stateChanged(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.controls.PropertyChangeAdapter
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin
Invoked when the target of the listener has changed its state.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.TrailingSpacePlugin
Invoked when the target of the listener has changed its state.
stateChanged(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.AbstractCanvas
Respond to a change of state between hidden, shown or closed.
stateChanged(int) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.uieditor.uicanvas.AssistantExplorer
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.log.AuditGroupByDialog
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.AuditProfilePanel
Reports the selected subpanel changed.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.ProfileModel
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.DropdownButton
Handles the button model changing state.
stateForPathChanged(TreePath, Boolean) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile.ProfileTreeModel
stateForPathChanged(TreePath, Boolean) - Method in interface oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CheckBoxTreeModel
Sets the selection state for an object in this tree.
Statement - Class in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol
StatementLabelT - Interface in
A label on a labeled statement.
statementLevel - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "statementLevel" property.
StatementT - Interface in
Common supertype of all statements.
StatementWrapper - Class in oracle.javatools.db.execute
Wrapper for executing statements against a database.
StatementWrapper(String, Connection, String...) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper
Creates a new StatementWRapper using a specific connection object.
StatementWrapper(Database, String...) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper
Creates a new StatementWrapper for executing the given statements against a Database.
StatementWrapper(Database, boolean, String...) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper
Creates a new wrapper for executing statements against the given Database.
StatementWrapper.ExecutionProxy - Class in oracle.javatools.db.execute
Allows a proxy to be registered against all queries to wrap the execution of any sql against the database.
StatementWrapper.ExecutionProxy() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper.ExecutionProxy
StatementWrapper.ExecutionRunnable<T> - Class in oracle.javatools.db.execute
Runnable implementation that wraps the execution of a statement or query.
StatementWrapper.ExecutionRunnable() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.execute.StatementWrapper.ExecutionRunnable
StatementWrapper.Listener - Interface in oracle.javatools.db.execute
Listner interface to be implemented by anything interested in knowing when the API is talking to a database.
STATIC_FIELD - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.StyleCategory
STATIC_METHOD - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.StyleCategory
statistics() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.ProfileBinding
status - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "status" property.
Status - Interface in oracle.javatools.status
The status of a file.
STATUS_ACCESSIBLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
The user has a direct access to the dockable.
STATUS_ACTIVE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
Dockable is active (title bar is dark blue)
STATUS_BAR_CMD - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Show/Hide status bar command.
STATUS_BAR_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
STATUS_BAR_UICLASSID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeUIManager
STATUS_BAR_VISIBLE_PROP - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdePropertyConstants
STATUS_CANCELLED - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncTask
Constant for cancelled status.
STATUS_CHECKED_IN - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSStatusConstants
Status constant indicating that a file is versioned and checked in.
STATUS_CHECKED_OUT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSStatusConstants
Status constant indicating that a file is versioned and checked out.
STATUS_COMPLETED - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncTask
Constant for completed successfully status.
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_FAILED_TO_START - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_STARTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_STARTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_de
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_STARTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_en
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_STARTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_es
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_STARTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_fr
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_STARTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_it
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_STARTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ja
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_STARTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_ko
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_STARTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_pt_BR
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_STARTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_CN
STATUS_EMBEDDED_SERVER_STARTED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.runner.RunMgrArb_zh_TW
STATUS_FAILED - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncTask
Constant for completed w/ failed status due to RuntimeException.
STATUS_FILTER_ID_CANDIDATE - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSProfile
STATUS_FILTER_ID_RECOGNIZED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSProfile
STATUS_FILTER_ID_UNRECOGNIZED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSProfile
STATUS_FILTER_ID_UNVERSIONED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSProfile
STATUS_FILTER_ID_VERSIONED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSProfile
STATUS_ID_UNRECOGNIZED - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic.VCSProfile
STATUS_MINIMIZED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
STATUS_PINNED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
STATUS_PRESENT - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
STATUS_READY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncTask
Constant for ready-to-run status.
STATUS_RULES - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.ProfileRepository
STATUS_RUNNING - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncTask
Constant for currently running status.
STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSStatusConstants
Status constant indicating that the source control system does not handle the associated file, or cannot determine the state.
STATUS_UNVERSIONED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSStatusConstants
Status constant indicating that a file is not versioned.
STATUS_VERSIONED - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSStatusConstants
Status constant indicating that a file is versioned, but neither checked in or checked out.
STATUS_VISIBLE - Static variable in class oracle.ide.docking.DockStation
Dockable is visible.
StatusBar - Interface in oracle.ide.controls
StatusBar interface of the Ide.
StatusBarControl - Class in oracle.ide.controls
The StatusBarControl class is a simple status text area control.
StatusBarControl() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.controls.StatusBarControl
Create a status bar with a single text panel.
StatusBarPlugin - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.plugins
The StatusBarPlugin provides a status bar UI component that works with the BasicEditorPane.
StatusBarPlugin() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin
Constructs a new StatusBarPlugin instance that is not currently associated with an editor or document, and which uses the default border.
StatusBarPlugin(Font) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin
Constructs a new StatusBarPlugin instance that is not currently associated with an editor or document, and which uses the default border, and the specified font.
StatusBarPlugin(Border) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin
Constructs a new StatusBarPlugin that is not currently associated with any editor or document.
StatusBarPlugin(Border, Font) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin
Constructs a new StatusBarPlugin that is not currently associated with any editor or document.
StatusBarPlugin.StatusBarCell - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.plugins
The StatusBarCell is just a label that can be added to our status bar which takes care of making sure that its size remains fairly constant for the types of strings which can contain it (otherwise, it looks pretty bad for the cells to be changing in width, say when you switch between insert and overwrite mode.)
StatusBarPlugin.StatusBarCell(String, Border, String[]) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.StatusBarPlugin.StatusBarCell
Constructs a new status bar cell with the given name, the border to use, and a possible list of strings which can be contained in the cell.
StatusProvider - Interface in oracle.ide.view
The StatusProvider interface is the means by which an object may supply custom StatusBar cells for use within a shared StatusBar instance.
StatusResolver - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic
StatusView - Interface in
Deprecated. included in release (Shepherd), to be removed in (Sherman); replaced by extending BaseCompareView.
Step - Class in oracle.ide.wizard
The Step class is responsible for specifying metadata for a Traversable that has not yet been instantiated; Step differs from MetaTraversable in that Step is intended to be used for specifying a sequence of panels that are displayed by the FSMWizard.
Step(Class) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.wizard.Step
Step(String, Class) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.wizard.Step
Step(String, Class, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.wizard.Step
Step(Class, Class[], Object[]) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.wizard.Step
Step(String, Class, Class[], Object[], String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.wizard.Step
Step() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.wizard.Step
Should only be used by Step.copyTo(Object).
Step - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.checklist
Checklist consist of Steps.
Step() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.Step
Create a step.
Step.StepStatus - Enum in oracle.javatools.ui.checklist
List of different step status.
stepAdded(ChecklistModelEvent) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.ChecklistModelListener
Sent after a Step/Substep is added to the ChecklistModel.
StepContent - Interface in oracle.javatools.ui.checklist
StepContent interface provides the content for the step.
StepHeader - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.checklist
StepHeader component shows the Header for a step in the Checklist.
StepHeader(Step) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.StepHeader
Create a StepHeader for the specified step.
StepHeader.FocusLineBorder - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.checklist
StepHeader.FocusLineBorder() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.StepHeader.FocusLineBorder
stepInto(Context, DebuggerBreakpoint) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerExtender
Called when the debugger will execute a StepInto command.
stepOut(Context, DebuggerBreakpoint) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerExtender
Called when the debugger will execute a StepOut command.
stepOver(Context, DebuggerBreakpoint) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerExtender
Called when the debugger will execute a StepOver command.
StepPanel - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.checklist
StepPanel holds StepHeader and StepContent components.
StepPanel(Step) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.StepPanel
Creates the StepPanel for the specified step.
stepRemoved(ChecklistModelEvent) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.ui.checklist.ChecklistModelListener
Sent after a Step/Substep is removed from the ChecklistModel.
stepToEndOfMethod(Context, DebuggerBreakpoint) - Method in interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerExtender
Called when the debugger will execute a StepToEndOfMethod command.
STICKY_MODE_ACTIVATED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.palette2.PaletteEvent
STICKY_MODE_DEACTIVATED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.palette2.PaletteEvent
stickyModeActivated(PaletteEvent) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteListener
Notify listeners that sticky mode has been activated
stickyModeActivated(PaletteEvent) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette2.PaletteListener
Notify listeners that sticky mode has been activated
stickyModeDeactivated(PaletteEvent) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette.PaletteListener
Notify listeners when sticky mode has been deactivated
stickyModeDeactivated(PaletteEvent) - Method in interface oracle.ide.palette2.PaletteListener
Notify listeners when sticky mode has been deactivated
stop() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Stop tracking changes and free up resources.
stop() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.SwingExecutor
Stops this executor and cancels all its tasks.
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ar
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_cs
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_da
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_de
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_el
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_es
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_fi
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_fr
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_hu
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_it
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_iw
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ja
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ko
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_nl
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_no
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pl
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pt
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_pt_BR
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ro
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_ru
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_sk
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_sv
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_th
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_tr
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_zh_CN
STOP_SEARCH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.ui.UIBundle_zh_TW
stopAnalysis(Object) - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.FileOverviewMargin
stopBuild(Context) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.JCompiler
Will attempt to stop the build if one is happening right now.
stopBuildSystem() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.UnifiedBuildSystem
stopCellEditing() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.AbstractCellEditor
stopCellEditing(JTable) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.ui.table.TableHelper
Utility method to stop cell editing in the table.
stopCellEditing() - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.swing.CheckBoxTreeCellEditor
stopImpl() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.AsynchronousChangeList
stopImpl() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeList
Implementation for the ChangeList.stop() method.
stopListening() - Method in class javax.ide.debug.ServerConnector
Tell the listening debugger to stop listening.
stopListeningImpl() - Method in class javax.ide.debug.ServerConnector
IDE service providers implement this method to stop listening.
stopped() - Method in class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.CheckUpdatesRunnable
Checking for updates was stopped.
stopReloading() - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
stopSampling() - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeProfile
Deprecated. Stop profiler sampling
stopSampling() - Method in interface oracle.ide.util.Profiler
STOPSERVER - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
stopTimer() - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.customtab.AutoRepeatButtonModel
stopTiming(String, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.performance.PerformanceLogger
Stop timing some long operation and log an end message that includes the elapsed time in milliseconds of the operation.
stopTiming(String, String, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.performance.PerformanceLogger
Stop timing some long operation.
stopTiming(String, int, String, Object...) - Method in class oracle.ide.performance.PerformanceLogger
Stop timing some long operation.
stopTracking() - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.IconOverlayTracker
Performs cleanup after use and prior to finalization.
stopTracking(URL) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeMigrationTracker
stopTracking(URL) - Method in class
Utility routine to stop tracking the Node represented by the URL.
stopTracking() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSNodeOverlayTracker
stopWatching(ContextHolder) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.ContextWatcher
Deprecated. Stop watching the Context held by the given ContextHolder.
stopWebAppAutoRestart(Project) - Method in class
By default the dte restarts the webapp whenever the web.xml or other configuration files are modified.
stopWorkerThreads() - Method in class
Stops panel population by temporary worker threads when the properties dialog exits early.
Storage - Interface in oracle.ide.persistence
Provides access to a persistent storage area.
storage - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "storage" property.
Storage - Interface in oracle.ojc.interfaces
The Storage interface supplies an abstract layer for accessing file systems and their contents.
storageEnabledInRow - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "storageEnabledInRow" property.
Storages - Class in oracle.ide.persistence
Provides Storage implementations.
store(OutputStream, String) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.OrderedProperties
Save properties to an OutputStream.
storeAdded(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.StoreListener
storeAdded(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.StoreProvider
storeAllTimestamps(Map<Node, Long>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
Stores the timestamps for all Nodes in the NodeFactory's cache that are currently open.
storeAllTimestamps(Map<Node, Long>, NodeUtil.NodeFilter) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
Stores the timestamps for all Nodes in the NodeFactory's cache that are currently open.
storeAllTimestamps() - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSBufferUtils
Creates a timestamp store for later use with VCSBufferUtils.reloadBuffers(Map).
storeAs - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "storeAs" property.
storeCachedSourceFile(URL, SourceFile) - Method in class
Utility routine which stores the given sourcefile into our cache using SoftReferences.
STORED_PROC_EXPORT_EXT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.Deployment
File extension for stored procedure export files.
StoredProcProfile - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp
Data model representing the stored procedure deployment profile type.
StoredProcProfile() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.StoredProcProfile
storeExpansionState(HashMap, Element[]) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.elementtree.Handler
Gives the handler the oportunity to store the expansion state.
storeExpansionState(TNode, TreeExplorer) - Static method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerContext
Returns a list containing the paths of all expanded nodes that are descendant of the specified root node.
StoreListener - Interface in oracle.jdeveloper.db
Listener interface for notification of DatabaseConnectionStores events.
storeMenuSection(String, String, Float) - Method in class oracle.ide.controller.MenuManager
Stores a section value for a menu section in a specific menu.
StorePicker - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.db.controls
ComboBox subclass for picking available connection stores.
StorePicker() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.db.controls.StorePicker
StoreProvider - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.db
Class for store providers to extend.
StoreProvider() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.db.StoreProvider
storeRemoved(String) - Method in interface oracle.jdeveloper.db.StoreListener
storeRemoved(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.StoreProvider
storeSavedPanelLayout() - Method in class oracle.ide.docking.DrawerDockableWindow
storeSelectionState(TreeExplorer) - Static method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerContext
Returns a list containing the paths of all selected nodes in the explorer.
storeTimestamps(Map<Node, Long>, Collection<Node>) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
storeTimestamps(Map<Node, Long>, Collection<Node>, NodeUtil.NodeFilter) - Static method in class oracle.ide.model.NodeUtil
storeTimestamps(Collection) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi.VCSCommand
storeTimestamps(Collection<?>) - Static method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util.VCSBufferUtils
Creates a timestamp store for later use with VCSBufferUtils.reloadBuffers(Map).
str2Boolean(PropertyAccess, String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorInit
str2Int(PropertyAccess, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.ide.navigator.NavigatorInit
str_getDatatype() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlDatatype
str_getMode() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlParameterMode
str_setDatatype(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlDatatype
str_setMode(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.sp.PlsqlParameterMode
Stream - Class in
Stream() - Constructor for class
StreamDecoder - Class in
This class handles the vagarities of decoding .xml, .html and text files using the correct encoding.
StreamDecoder() - Constructor for class
StreamDecoderHelper - Class in
StreamDecoderHelper() - Constructor for class
streamLine(String, RunProcess) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate.VCSStreamMonitor
Streams - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util
Stream, Reader, and Writer utilities.
Streams() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.Streams
StreamType - Enum in
string(ElementContext, String) - Method in class javax.ide.extension.I18NStringVisitor
Called when the visitor has processed a translatable string.
STRING - Static variable in class
String literal.
STRING - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.css.LexicalUnits
Represents the string lexical unit.
STRING - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.TokenizerUtil
The set of the valid string characters.
string(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
Gets a localized string for this bean.
string1() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
Scans a single quoted string.
string2() - Method in class oracle.javatools.parser.css.Tokenizer
Scans a double quoted string.
string2List(String, List) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.IdeUtil
STRING_FLAVOR - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.DropTargetPlugin
The string flavor to use.
StringComparator - Class in oracle.ide.util
This is a Comparator implementation for comparing objects through their string representations.
StringComparator() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.StringComparator
StringConversion - Interface in oracle.javatools.marshal
A class that implements this interface indicates that it is able to: Persist itself as a single String through its toString() method.
StringConverter - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension
StringConverter() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.StringConverter
StringField - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean
StringField() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.StringField
StringField(int) - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.StringField
stringFromChar(char) - Static method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
The opposite of charFromString, this method will return a String which best represents the given char.
stringGetter(JavaType, String) - Static method in class
StringMacroConverter - Class in oracle.ide.util.macro
StringMacroConverter - converts macros in a String.
stringOf(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.bean.AbstractEnumerationField
Gets the presentation string for a value of the property type.
stringOf(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.bean.TypeSafeEnumerationField
stringOf(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.DefaultTransformField
strings() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.extension.ExtensionBean
Gets the localized strings for this bean.
Strings - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util
String utilities.
Strings.TokenIterator - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util
An iterator for the tokens in a string.
Strings.TokenIterator(String, char) - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.Strings.TokenIterator
Strings.TokenIterator(String, char, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.Strings.TokenIterator
stringStyle - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.BuiltInStyles
The base string style.
StringTokenizerEx - Class in oracle.ide.util
StringTokenizerEx(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.StringTokenizerEx
StringTokenizerEx(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.StringTokenizerEx
StringTokenizerEx(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.StringTokenizerEx
StringTokenizerEx(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.StringTokenizerEx
StringUtil - Class in oracle.javatools.util
String utilities.
stripMnemonic(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.util.StringUtil
stripNulls(T[]) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBUtil
Returns an array containing all the non-null elements from the given array.
stripPrompts() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
strip out any prompt statements
stripUnicodeEscapes(String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleUtils
STRONG - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheMap
STRONG - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.util.Maps.CacheStrategy
STRTANY - Static variable in interface
STRTBIND - Static variable in interface
bind variable
STRTCBR - Static variable in interface
CONNECT_BY_ROOT (not implemented yet)
STRTCIOUT - Static variable in interface
str corresponds to output of a collection iterator (not implemented yet)
STRTCONS - Static variable in interface
STRTCORR - Static variable in interface
correlation variable (not implemented yet)
STRTCTS - Static variable in interface
STRTDATE - Static variable in interface
STRTDBTZ - Static variable in interface
STRTDFT - Static variable in interface
column DeFaulT value
STRTFMT - Static variable in interface
format string (lnxnf) (not implemented yet)
STRTINL - Static variable in interface
str corresponds to an in-list (not implemented yet)
STRTISCYL - Static variable in interface
STRTITNK - Static variable in interface
IOT Non-key
STRTITRT - Static variable in interface
STRTLEAF - Static variable in interface
STRTLEVL - Static variable in interface
STRTMAXV - Static variable in interface
MAXVALUE of a partition key (not implemented yet)
STRTMQHBC - Static variable in interface
mixed hash & broadcast table queue control column (not implemented yet)
STRTNULL - Static variable in interface
STRTPRIO - Static variable in interface
PRIOR field (not implemented yet)
STRTRNUM - Static variable in interface
STRTSETR - Static variable in interface
set result (not implemented yet)
STRTSTS - Static variable in interface
STRTSYST - Static variable in interface
system (internal use) (not implemented yet)
STRTTQC_OBSOLETE - Static variable in interface
parallel Table Queue Column (not implemented yet)
STRTTRG - Static variable in interface
trigger return variable (not implemented yet)
STRTTVNM - Static variable in interface
Table/View Name
STRTUID - Static variable in interface
STRTUSER - Static variable in interface
STRTVAR - Static variable in interface
str as a variable of another operand (not implemented yet)
STRTVARC - Static variable in interface
variable column (not implemented yet)
strtxt - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlStrdef
(the text of this strdef)
strtyp - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlStrdef
Structure - Class in
Base class for HashStructure and ListStructure.
STRUCTURE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
STRUCTURE_CHANGE_CMD_ID - Static variable in class oracle.ide.IdeConstants
Command ID for a complex structure change operation
STRUCTURE_CHANGED - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.UpdateMessage
Indicates that complex structure change has taken place
STRUCTURE_CHANGING - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.CmtComponentSource
Message ID indicating that a parser level message has been received which will force the recreation of the Cmt model.
structureChanged(CodeFoldingModelEvent) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.editor.folding.CodeFoldingModelListener
Invoked after the structure of blocks in the model has changed significantly due to changes in the source code.
StructureChangeEvent - Class in
The event object describing a change in a HashStructure or ListStructure.
StructureChangeEvent(Object, ChangeInfo) - Constructor for class
Creates a new StructureChangeEvent for the specified source and single change detail.
StructureChangeEvent(Object, ChangeInfo[]) - Constructor for class
Creates a new StructureChangeEvent for the specified source and a collection of change details.
StructureChangeListener - Class in
Callback interface for receiving notification that property values have changed in a HashStructure or ListStructure.
StructureChangeListener() - Constructor for class
StructureDependency - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model
A dependency from a source to a DataContainer (e.g., a Project).
StructureDependency(DataContainer) - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.StructureDependency
Creates a dependency on a hash structure container.
StructuredPropertyAccess - Interface in oracle.ide.util
STRUCTUREPANETAB - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
structureValuesChanged(StructureChangeEvent) - Method in class
structureValuesChanged(StructureChangeEvent) - Method in class
This method is called when a change occurs in a structure.
structureValuesChanged(StructureChangeEvent) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.DependencyStructureListener
STRUTS_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.J2eeTechnologies
Technology key for Struts.
STRUTS_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologies
Deprecated. Use J2eeTechnologies.STRUTS_KEY.
STYLE_NAMES - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.BuiltInStyles
The name of all the styles defined here.
StyleCategory - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer
The category of a rule violation (enumeration).
StyledFragment - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.language
A StyledFragment just associates a BaseStyle with a region of text.
StyledFragment(String, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.language.StyledFragment
Constructs a new StyledFragment.
StyledFragmentsList - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.language
A StyledFragmentsList is just a list of StyledFragments that we can re-use without having to constantly reallocate arrays and StyledFragment objects.
StyledFragmentsList() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.language.StyledFragmentsList
Constructs a new StyledFragmentList with an initial size of the default (100).
StyledFragmentsList(int) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.language.StyledFragmentsList
Constructs a new StyledFragmentList with the given preferred size.
StyledLabel - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.simplestyle
A component to render simple styled text.
StyledLabel() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.simplestyle.StyledLabel
StyledLabel(StyledTextModel) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.simplestyle.StyledLabel
StyledMessage - Class in oracle.ide.log
StyledMessage(AttributeSet, String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.log.StyledMessage
StyledMessage(AttributeSet, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.log.StyledMessage
StyledTextAttribute - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.simplestyle
Class to hold the attributes for a section (run) of same style text.
StyledTextAttribute(Font, Color) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.simplestyle.StyledTextAttribute
StyledTextAttribute.AttributeType - Enum in oracle.javatools.ui.simplestyle
StyledTextModel - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.simplestyle
Class to hold simple styled text.
StyledTextModel() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.simplestyle.StyledTextModel
StyledTextModel(String, StyledTextAttribute) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.simplestyle.StyledTextModel
Create a model containing the initial text and style as the first run.
StyledTextRenderer - Class in oracle.javatools.ui.simplestyle
Class to facilitate the drawing of simple styled text.
StyledTextRenderer() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.ui.simplestyle.StyledTextRenderer
styleName - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.StyledFragment
The name of the style to use for rendering this fragment.
StyleRegistry - Class in oracle.javatools.editor.language
A StyleRegistry is a registry of all known styles for all known language modules.
StyleRegistry() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.editor.language.StyleRegistry
Constructs a new style registry.
StyleSheet - Class in
An Audit XSLT reporter style sheet.
StyleSheet(URL) - Constructor for class
stylesheet - Variable in class
StyleSheetRepository - Class in
A repository of Audit XSLT reporter style sheets.
StyleSheetRepository() - Constructor for class
StyleSheetsPanel - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.palette
StyleSheetsPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.palette.StyleSheetsPanel
SUB_PREFIX - Static variable in class oracle.ide.navigator.ProjectNavigatorManager
SubDirtyable - Interface in oracle.ide.model
Objects that implement the SubDirtyable interface indicate that they are to be saved as content of the document that owns them.
subgraph(Collection<T>) - Method in class javax.ide.util.Graph
Returns a new graph containing only the specified vertices.
Subject - Interface in oracle.ide.model
Subject interface defines the API to register observers interested in receiving notifications of subject changes.
SUBJECT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SUBJECT_MILESTONE - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SUBJECT_SYSTEM_BOUNDARY - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
subList(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.buffer.SafeArrayList
This operation is not supported by this list implementation.
subList(int, int) - Method in class
Currently throws UnsupportedOperationException.
SUBMENU - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer.ShowInDesignerSupport
SUBMENU_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer.ShowInDesignerSupport
SUBMENU_WEIGHT - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.designer.ShowInDesignerSupport
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class oracle.ide.model.concurrent.AsynchronousCallableCompletionService
Submits a callable that is to be scheduled with the completion service.
submitDatabaseSource(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleDatabase
Convenience method for submitting a single source.
submitDatabaseSources(String, List<String>) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleDatabase
Submits a List of plsql sources to the database to be compiled in the current schema (or the given schemaName if not null).
submitTipTask(ActionTipTask) - Method in class oracle.javatools.ui.actiontip.ActionTipManager
Submit a task to the ActionTipManager to display a actionTip.
subpartitionModel - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "subpartitionModel" property.
subpartitions - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "subpartitions" property.
subQuery - Variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.symtab.SqlFrodef
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.CharArrayCharSequence
subSet(E, E) - Method in class oracle.javatools.util.ArraySortedSet
Returns a view of the portion of this sorted set whose elements range from fromElement, inclusive, to toElement, exclusive.
subSet(Object, Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.KeyedSortedSet
substring(int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.util.FastStringBuffer
Just like String.substring() but uses FastStringBuffer
SUBTRACT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.ArithmeticOperation
subType - Static variable in class
Property constant for the "subType" property.
SUBTYPE_CLASS_REFTYPE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DatabaseProvider
The subtype of the dataabase connection.
SUBTYPE_DB2 - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.DB2ConnectionCreator
SUBTYPE_MYSQL - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.MySQLConnectionCreator
SUBTYPE_ODBC_BRIDGE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.ODBCConnectionCreator
SUBTYPE_OLITE - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.OracleLiteConnectionCreator
SUBTYPE_ORA_JDBC - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.OracleConnectionCreator
SUBTYPE_SQLSERVER - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.SQLServerConnectionCreator
SUBTYPE_THIRD_PARTY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.db.adapter.CustomConnectionCreator
suggestConstantNames(SourceElement, String) - Static method in class
suggestFieldNames(SourceElement, String) - Static method in class
SUGGESTION - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.analyzer.Severity
Deprecated. use ADVISORY or ASSIST
suggestNamesFromCamelWord(String) - Static method in class
suggestNamesFromCamelWord(String, VariableNaming.NameFormater) - Static method in class
suggestParameterNames(SourceElement, String) - Static method in class
suggestVariableNames(SourceElement, String) - Static method in class
summary() - Static method in class
Gets a summary of current memory.
summary(Object) - Method in class
summary(Location) - Method in class
summary(Class) - Method in class
summary(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
Gets the summary for a construct of this model.
summary(Location) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelAdapter
Gets the summary for a location of this model.
summary(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model.ModelType
Gets the summary for a presentation type of this model type.
summary(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.DirectoryModelAdapter
summary(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.DirectoryModelType
summary(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.ProjectModelAdapter
summary(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.ProjectModelType
summary(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.RootModelAdapter
summary(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.RootModelType
summary(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.UnauditableFileModelAdapter
summary(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.UnauditableFileModelType
summary(Object) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.WorkspaceModelAdapter
summary(Class) - Method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model.WorkspaceModelType
SummaryPage - Class in oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.wizard
The summary page of the IDE update wizard
SummaryPage() - Constructor for class oracle.ideimpl.webupdate.wizard.SummaryPage
SUPER - Static variable in class
? super T
SuperclassT - Interface in
A superclass clause of a type declaration.
support - Variable in class oracle.javatools.editor.language.SmartIndentProvider
The umbrella LanguageSupport instance.
supportedClass() - Static method in class oracle.ide.keyboard.KeyStroke2String
supportedClass() - Static method in class oracle.javatools.marshal.Character2String
supportedClass() - Static method in class oracle.javatools.marshal.Class2String
supportedClass() - Static method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.Converters.CategoryConverter
supportedClass() - Static method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.Converters.LocalizerConverter
supportedClass() - Static method in class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core.Converters.PatternConverter
supporters() - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectableViewRegistry
supportsAction(String, PropertyAction.Type) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.extension.DelegateDDLGenerator
supportsAction(String, PropertyAction.Type) - Method in interface
Asks whether a given action is supported for the specified object type in this provider.
supportsApplicationLevelCreation() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployProfileDt
Returns true if this type of DeployProfileDt can be used to create an application-level profile.
supportsCache(URL) - Static method in class
Utility routine to check whether this CachedDirURLClassLocator supports the given rootURL.
supportsConnectBy() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Returns whether the given builder flavour supports the Hierarchical Query clause (CONNECT BY) Allows for builders of less featured DBs to restrict the query editing capabilities.
supportsCustomEditor() - Method in interface oracle.ide.inspector.Extension
Determine whether or not a custom editor is available to the Property Inspector Window for custom editing when the property value is currently set to an inline instance of an implementation class represented by this Extension, or when the user has selected a tag provided by this Extension.
supportsCustomEditor() - Method in class oracle.ide.resourcebundle.ResourceBundlePropertyEditor
supportsDebugging() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDatabase
supportsDebugging() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.Database
Whether this database instance supports JDWP debugging.
supportsFeature(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.DatabaseDescriptor
Returns true if feature is supported by the Database described by this DatabaseDescriptor.
supportsGroupBy() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Returns wether the given builder flavour supports the GROUP BY clause.
supportsInspection(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.inspector.InspectorManager
Check if the specified View supports inspection of the selected elements in its Context.
SupportsInspection - Interface in oracle.ide.model
Deprecated. Clients need to provide their own Inspectables and PropertyModels.
supportsJava() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleDatabase
Returns true if this Oracle version supports java in the database.
supportsObjectType(String, DBObjectProvider) - Method in class oracle.ide.db.dialogs.BaseDBEditorFactory
supportsObjectType(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
supportsObjectType(String) - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
Convinience method to check whether this provider supports the given object type - i.e.
supportsOrderBy() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
Returns wether the given builder flavour supports the ORDER BY clause.
supportsPartitioning() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.ora.OracleDatabase
Returns true if this Oracle instance supports partitioning of tables.
supportsProjectLevelCreation() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployProfileDt
Returns true if this type of DeployProfileDt can be used to create a project-level profile.
supportsProperty(String, String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.extension.DelegateDDLGenerator
supportsProperty(String, String) - Method in class
supportsProperty(String, String, Class<? extends DBObjectProvider>) - Method in class
supportsProperty(String, String) - Method in interface
Tests whether the given property is supported for the given object type.
supportsRemovedEntries() - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist.ChangeListEventQueue
supportsStructure(View) - Method in class oracle.ide.explorer.ExplorerManager
Returns true if the argument View supports exploring of its data.
supportsTimestamps(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Returns true if this provider supports object timestamping for the given object type.
supportsTimestamps() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Deprecated. replaced by AbstractDBObjectProvider.supportsTimestamps(String)
supportsTimestamps(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.dictionary.DictionaryDatabase
Returns true if this database supports timestamping.
supportsUnresolvedReferences() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.SchemaObjectManager
Returns true if this manager supports its objects having unresolved references.
supportsWizardID(String) - Method in class oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.WebDocumentWizardNewFilePanelExtension
Returns true if the specified wizard id is supported.
supportWrapping() - Method in class oracle.javatools.editor.insight.ListInsightView
Whether to support wrapping behavior with the arrow keys at the top or bottom of the code insight list.
suppressClassPathEntry(URL) - Method in class
Register a classPathEntry (jar or directory) that should be suppressed from the Web Application Environment.
suppressDirectoryDefault() - Method in class oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess
Returns whether the defaulting behavior to the context project directory is suppressed.
suppressResource(String, String, URL) - Method in class
Register a resource that should be suppressed from the Web Application environment.
suppressResource(URL, String) - Method in class
SURROUND_WITH - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
surroundWithBrackets(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLFragment
Surrounds the given text with brackets.
surroundWithBrackets(String, boolean) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLFragment
Surrounds the given text with brackets (parentheses).
SUSPEND_EVENT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Trigger
suspendTimestampChecking(DBObjectProvider, String) - Static method in class oracle.javatools.db.DBUtil
Usage must be proceeded immediatly by a try block, for which the finally contains a call to resumeTimestamps.
suspendTimestampQueries(String) - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider
Limits the call to get the external timestamp for a given object to once until resumeTimestampQueries() is called.
SVG1_0_PUBLIC_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils.NamespaceConstants
SVG1_0_SYSTEM_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils.NamespaceConstants
SW_ACCESS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_ADD - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_AUDIT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_COLUMN - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_COMMENT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_CURRENT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_FILE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_first - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
The first SW.
SW_IMMEDIATE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_INCREMENT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_INITIAL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_last - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
The last SW.
SW_LEVEL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_MAXEXTENTS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_MLSLABEL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_MODIFY - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_NOAUDIT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_OFFLINE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_ONLINE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_PRIVILEGES - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_ROW - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_ROWID - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_ROWNUM - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_ROWS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_SESSION - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_SUCCESSFUL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_SYSDATE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_UID - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_USER - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_VALIDATE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
SW_WHENEVER - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.SqlKeywords
swapping - Variable in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPane
swapTabs(int, int) - Method in class oracle.ide.controls.SingleRowTabbedPane
SWING - Static variable in class javax.ide.extension.PlatformInfo
GUI toolkit identifier for Swing.
SWING_AWT_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.model.JDevTechnologies
Technology key for Swing/AWT UI components.
SwingClosure - Class in oracle.javatools.util
This class is intended to be used as a named or anonymous closure for code that must be run immediately on the Swing/AWT event thread while the caller blocks.
SwingClosure() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.SwingClosure
Creates a SwingClosure that will use SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(..) if the current thread is not the Swing thread.
SwingClosure(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.SwingClosure
SwingExecutor - Class in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util
A simple task executor.
SwingExecutor() - Constructor for class oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.SwingExecutor
Creates an executor.
SwingGroupProvider - Class in oracle.jdeveloper.cmt
The SwingGroupProvider is implements the BeansGroupProvider interface.
SwingGroupProvider() - Constructor for class oracle.jdeveloper.cmt.SwingGroupProvider
Create a SwingGroupProvider.
SwingUtils - Class in oracle.javatools.util
Utility methods for Swing and Java.
SwingWorker - Class in oracle.ide.util
This is the 3rd version of SwingWorker (also known as SwingWorker 3), an abstract class that you subclass to perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread.
SwingWorker() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.SwingWorker
Start a thread that will call the construct method and then exit.
SwingWorker(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ide.util.SwingWorker
Start a named thread that will call the construct method and then exit.
SWITCH_ACTION - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SwitchLabelT - Interface in
A switch label, default or case.
SWITCHLAYOUTICON - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SwitchStatementT - Interface in
A switch statement.
SWT - Static variable in class javax.ide.extension.PlatformInfo
GUI toolkit identifier for SWT.
SYN - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.db.Ddl
DDL type Create Synonym
SynchronizedQueue - Class in oracle.javatools.util
An unbounded synchronized queue.
SynchronizedQueue() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.util.SynchronizedQueue
SynchStatementT - Interface in
A synchronized statement.
syncPalette(Context) - Method in class oracle.ide.palette.PaletteManager
Force a palette sync with current context.
syncViewColumns() - Method in class oracle.javatools.db.sql.AbstractSQLQueryBuilder
syncViewColumns() - Method in interface oracle.javatools.db.sql.SQLQueryBuilder
If the query is a View query ( @see isViewQuery() ) this syncs the SelectObjects in the query with the Columns in the View.
syncWithScrollPane(JScrollPane) - Method in class oracle.ide.ceditor.CEScrollPaneLayout
This method must be called after setting a JScrollPanes layout manager.
SYNONYM - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.DBIcons
Synonym - Class in oracle.javatools.db
Model of a database synonym.
Synonym() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.Synonym
Constructs a new Synonym.
Synonym(String, Schema, DBObjectID) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.Synonym
Constructs a new Synonym pointing to a specific object, in a specific schema, and with a specific name.
SYNONYM - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SYNONYM_PUBLIC - Static variable in class oracle.ide.db.DBIcons
SynonymPanel - Class in oracle.ide.db.panels
TraversablePanel designed for use in a DBObjectOnePageDialog for creating or editing Synonyms.
SynonymPanel() - Constructor for class oracle.ide.db.panels.SynonymPanel
SYNONYMS_CHECK_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
synonymsCheck - Variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.panels.SelectDatabaseObjectsPanel
SynonymUsage - Class in oracle.javatools.db.sql
SQLFragment for using a Synonym in a SQL query.
SynonymUsage() - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SynonymUsage
SynonymUsage(DBObjectID) - Constructor for class oracle.javatools.db.sql.SynonymUsage
SYNTAX_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_BLOCK - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_BLOCK_STATEMENT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_CURSOR_DECL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_DATATYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_ELSE_CLAUSE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_ELSIF_CLAUSE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_EOF - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
Constant indicating that there are no more tokens remaining because the SyntaxRecognizer reached the end of the file.
SYNTAX_EOF - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol.PlsqlSymbol
For convenience.
SYNTAX_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
Constant indicating a syntax error construct.
SYNTAX_ERROR - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol.PlsqlSymbol
For convenience.
SYNTAX_EXCEPTION_HANDLER - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_EXP_INNER - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_EXP_MIDDLE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_EXP_OUTER - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_EXP_STATEMENT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_FOR_LOOP - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_IF_STATEMENT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_INFIX_OPERATOR - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_INSERT_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_ITEM_DECL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_LABEL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_LITERAL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_LOOP - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_LOOP_STATEMENT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_PARAMETER_LIST - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_PAREN_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_PLSQL_ROOT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_POSTFIX_OPERATOR - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_PREFIX_OPERATOR - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_PRIMARY - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_PRIMARY_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_PROCEDURE - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_ROOT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
Constant indicating the root syntax construct.
SYNTAX_ROOT - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol.PlsqlSymbol
For convenience.
SYNTAX_SCHEMA_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_SELECT_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_SIMPLE_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_SPECIAL_OPERATOR - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_SQL_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_STATEMENT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_TYPE_CURSOR_DECL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_TYPE_DECL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_TYPE_RECORD_DECL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_TYPE_TABLE_DECL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_TYPE_VARRAY_DECL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_UNINITIALIZED - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.SyntaxToken
SYNTAX_UNPARSED_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_UNPARSED_LOOP - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_UNPARSED_STMT - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_VARIABLE_DECL - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAX_WHILE_LOOP - Static variable in interface oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.PlsqlSyntaxCodes
SYNTAXERR_SKIPPING - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractSyntaxRecognizer
SyntaxListener - Interface in oracle.javatools.parser
SyntaxToken - Interface in oracle.javatools.parser
The SyntaxToken interface encapsulates a single syntax token retrieved by a call to SyntaxTranslator.translate().
SYSTEM - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.IdeSystem
Deprecated. with no replacement since
SYSTEM - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SYSTEM_BUNDLE_ID - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.resourcebundle.ResourceBundleManager
SYSTEM_DIR - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.migration.Migrator
Legacy directory, under \jdevhome, in which user settings are saved.
SYSTEM_HEADER - Static variable in class oracle.javatools.icons.OracleIcons
SYSTEM_ID - Static variable in interface oracle.ide.index.xml.XMLCriteria
Queries all XML files with the given system identifier.
SYSTEM_LIBRARIES - Static variable in class oracle.jdeveloper.library.JLibraryList
SYSTEM_SETTINGS - Static variable in class oracle.ide.model.IdeSystemMigrator
systemId - Variable in class oracle.ide.xml.StartElementPacket
SystemObject - Interface in oracle.javatools.db
A system object is available at the DBObjectProvider level through the list and get methods, and can be created/updated/deleted.
systemProperties() - Static method in class oracle.javatools.logging.Diagnostics
Returns a String containing the names and values of all system properties defined in the current configuration.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (

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