2 Installing Oracle WebCenter

This chapter describes how to install Oracle WebCenter 11g Release 1 (11.1.1).

The following topics are covered:

2.1 Before You Begin...

Make sure you have read the information in this section before you install Oracle WebCenter:

2.1.1 System Requirements and Certification

Before performing any installation you should read the system requirements and certification documentation to ensure that your environment meets the minimum installation requirements for the products you are installing.

The system requirements document covers information such as hardware and software requirements, minimum disk space and memory requirements, and required system libraries, packages, or patches. This document is available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN):


The certification document covers supported installation types, platforms, operating systems, databases, JDKs, and third-party products:


2.1.2 Check for Oracle Database

Installation of Oracle WebCenter requires the availability of an Oracle database. This database must be up and running, and does not have to be on the same system where you are installing the products.

For the latest information about supported databases, visit the following URL:


2.1.3 Create Schemas for Oracle WebCenter

Oracle WebCenter requires that certain schemas exist in the database prior to installation. You must run Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to create the schemas in the database. Follow these instructions to do so:

  1. Insert the RCU CD-ROM and start RCU from the rcuHome/bin (on UNIX) or rcuHome\bin (on Windows) directory:

    On UNIX:


    On Windows:


    You can also download a .zip file containing RCU from Oracle Technology Network (OTN):


    After downloading the .zip file, extract the contents to a directory of your choice, and run RCU from the RCU_HOME/bin (on UNIX) or RCU_HOME\bin (on Windows) directory with the commands shown above, where RCU_HOME is the folder where RCU was unzipped, or the drive or mount point of the CD-ROM.


    On Windows systems, make sure that you do not extract the RCU .zip file to a directory name containing spaces.
  2. Welcome Screen

    Click Next.

  3. Create Repository Screen

    Select Create.

    Click Next.

  4. Database Connection Details Screen

    Select the type of database on your system. This is the database in which you will create the Oracle WebCenter schemas. Provide the necessary credentials for RCU to be able to connect to your database.

    Click Next. A "Checking Prerequisites" screen will appear. After the checking is complete with no errors, click OK to dismiss the screen.

  5. Select Components Screen

    Near the top of the screen, select Create a New Prefix. The default prefix is DEV.

    Table 2-1 lists the required schemas for Oracle WebCenter components:

    Table 2-1 Required Schemas for Oracle WebCenter Components

    Component Component Schema Owner Required?

    WebCenter Spaces

    prefix_MDS (Metadata Services)

    prefix_WEBCENTER (WebCenter Spaces)

    prefix_PORTLET (Portlet Producers)

    prefix_OCSERVER (Oracle Content Server 10g)

    prefix_DISCUSSIONS (Oracle Discussions)

    prefix_WIKI (Oracle Wiki and Blogs)







    Oracle WebCenter Framework

    prefix_MDS (Metadata Services)

    prefix_WEBCENTER (WebCenter Spaces)



    Oracle WebCenter Portlets

    prefix_PORTLET (Portlet Producers)


    Oracle WebCenter Discussions

    prefix_DISCUSSIONS (Oracle Discussions)


    Oracle WebCenter Wiki and Blog Server

    prefix_WIKI (Oracle Wiki and Blogs)


    Oracle Content Server

    prefix_OCSERVER (Oracle Content Server 10g)


    Select the components whose schemas you want to install.


    You must remember or make a note of these schema names and the prefix value from this screen; you will need them later when you are configuring your products. You will need to provide the schema name in the format prefix_schemaname. For example, if you used the default prefix DEV, you will supply the following schema name for the MDS schema:


    If you need a schema for your custom WebCenter application, use the WebCenter Spaces prefix_WEBCENTER schema.

    Click Next. A "Checking Prerequisites" screen will appear. After the checking is complete with no errors, click OK to dismiss the screen.

  6. Schema Passwords Screen

    There are three ways to specify schema passwords on this screen:

    • Select Use same password for all schemas if you want to use a single password for all schemas and their auxiliary schemas. In the Password field, enter your password. Enter your password again in the Confirm Password field.

    • Select Use main schema passwords for auxiliary schemas if you want to specify different passwords for the main schemas, but still have the same password used for their respective auxiliary schemas. If you select this option, only the main schemas will be visible in the table. For each schema, you must enter each schema's password in the Password column in the table, and enter the same password in the Confirm Password column.

    • Select Specify different passwords for all schemas if you want to specify unique passwords for the main schemas and auxiliary schemas. If you select this option, all main schemas and auxiliary schemas will be visible in the table. For each schema and auxiliary schema, you must enter the password in the Password column in the table, and enter the same password in the Confirm Password column.


    You must remember or make a note of the password(s) from this screen; you will need them later when you are configuring your products.

    Click Next.

  7. Map Tablespaces Screen

    Click Next. A "Creating Tablespaces" screen will appear. After the tablespaces are created with no errors, click OK to dismiss the screen.

  8. Summary Screen

    Click Create. A "CREATE" screen will appear. After the schemas are created with no errors, click OK to dismiss the screen.

  9. Completion Summary Screen

    Click Close.

For detailed information about using RCU, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide.

2.1.4 Install Oracle WebLogic Server and Create the Middleware Home

Oracle WebCenter requires an Oracle WebLogic Server on your system. If you do not already have one, follow the instructions in this section to install Oracle WebLogic Server.

  1. Insert the Oracle WebLogic Server CD-ROM or download the installer from the following URL:


    You are looking for the following executable files:

    • wls1031_linux32.bin (for 32-bit Linux systems)

    • wls1031_win32.exe (for 32-bit Windows systems)

    • wls1031_generic.jar (for all 64-bit platforms)

    The 32-bit executable files are bundled with the appropriate JDK version. If you use the 64-bit installer, you will need to invoke the installer with a supported JDK for your platform. This JDK must be installed on your system before you install Oracle WebLogic Server. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware certification document for a list of supported JDKs for your platform:

  2. Run your installer file directly from the CD-ROM, or copy the file to your local system and run it locally.

    • Examples on a 32-bit system:

      On Linux:


      On Windows:

    • Examples on a 64-bit system:

      On UNIX:

      JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar wls1031_generic.jar


      JAVA_HOME/bin/java -d64 -jar wls1031_generic.jar

      On Windows:

      JAVA_HOME\bin\java -jar wls1031_generic.jar

    Some notes for running the installer:

    • Before running the installer, set the DISPLAY environment variable on your system.

    • Replace JAVA_HOME with the installation location of the supported JDK you installed for your platform.

    • If you are installing a 64-bit Oracle WebLogic Server on a 64-bit platform:

      • Use the -d64 flag when using 32/64-bit hybrid JDK's (such as the HP JDK for HP-UX and SUN JDK for Solaris SPARC).

      • Execute JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version (or JAVA_HOME/bin/java -d64 -version on 32/64-bit hybrid JDKs) to ensure that your JAVA_HOME refers to a 64-bit JDK.

  3. Welcome Screen

    Click Next.

  4. Choose Middleware Home Directory Screen

    Select Create a new Middleware Home to create a new Middleware Home directory.

    Specify the desired location of your new Middleware Home directory. If this directory already exists on your system, it must be an empty directory. If this directory does not already exist, then it will be created for you.

    For more information about the Middleware Home directory, refer to "Middleware Home and WebLogic Home Directories" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide.

    Click Next.

  5. Register for Security Updates Screen

    Select whether or not you want to receive the latest product and security updates. If you choose not to receive anything, you will be asked to verify your selection before continuing.

    Click Next.

  6. Choose Install Type Screen

    A Typical installation includes all Oracle WebLogic Server components by default. It also includes both Sun SDK 1.6.0_11 and Oracle JRockit SDK 1.6.0_05. If you want to perform a Typical installation, select Typical and click Next to go to the Choose Product Installation Directories Screen.

    A Custom installation gives you the choice of selecting the following components for installation:

    • Core Application Server

    • Administration Console

    • Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework

    • Web 2.0 HTTP Pub-Sub Server

    • WebLogic JDBC Drivers

    • Third Party JDBC Drivers

    • WebLogic Server Clients

    • WebLogic Web Server Plugins

    • UDDI and Xquery Support

    • Server Examples (not selected by default)

    If you want to perform a Custom installation, select Custom. You will see the following two screens:

    1. Choose Products and Components Screen

      Select the products you want to install.


      In order to be configured properly, Oracle WebCenter requires that Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework is selected.
    2. JDK Selection Screen

      Select the JDKs you want to install.

      It is recommended that you use the Sun SDK if you are installing in a development environment. Typically, this environment provides a more relaxed security configuration and enables you to auto-deploy applications. In a development environment, boot.properties is used for user names and passwords and polling is used for application deployment.

      If you are installing in a production environment, it is recommended that you use the Oracle JRockit SDK. Production environments are for applications running in their final form. Full security is enabled and applications may be clustered or use other advanced features. In this mode, user names and passwords are required and polling is not used for application deployment.

    Click Next.

  7. Choose Product Installation Directories Screen

    Specify the desired location for your WebLogic Server Home directory. The default location is wlserver_10.3 inside your Middleware Home directory.

    For more information about the WebLogic Home directory, refer to "Middleware Home and WebLogic Home Directories" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide.

    Click Next.

  8. Choose Shortcut Location (Windows only)

    If you are installing on a Windows system, you will be asked to specify a location where you would like Windows to create a shortcut to Oracle products.

    Click Next.

  9. Installation Summary Screen

    Click Next.

  10. Installation Progress Screen

    Click Next.

  11. Installation Complete Screen

    De-select Run Quickstart.

    Click Done.

For more information about installing Oracle WebLogic Server, refer to Oracle WebLogic Server Installation Guide.

2.1.5 Install and Configure Java Access Bridge (Windows Only)

If you are installing on a Windows machine, you have the option of installing and configuring Java Access Bridge for Section 508 Accessibility. For more information on how to do this, refer to "Install and Configure Java Access Bridge (Windows Only)" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

2.1.6 Know your HTTP Server Web Address

If you plan to install Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM) as part of the WebCenter installation, you should know your the address and port number of your HTTP server. An HTTP server is required and must be up and running if you choose to install Oracle UCM.

If your HTTP server is running in a UNIX system, you can find your HTTP server port number by opening the /etc/services file and searching for the string "HTTP."

On Windows systems, you can use the netstat command from your DOS prompt to see the ports that are being used on your system.

2.2 Installing Oracle JDeveloper

Oracle JDeveloper is a free integrated development environment (IDE) for building Web service-oriented applications using industry standards for Java, XML, SQL, and Web Services. It supports the complete development life cycle with integrated features for modeling, coding, debugging, testing, profiling, tuning, and deploying applications.

JDeveloper works in tandem with popular open-source frameworks and tools with built-in features for Struts, Ant, JUnit, XDoclets, and CVS, and includes an Extensions SDK that lets developers add capabilities to, and customize, the development environment.

With WebCenter extensions and Oracle JDeveloper installed, you can write custom WebCenter applications to add services like linking, tagging, and discussions, along with a way for business users to create and customize pages.

If you want to install Oracle JDeveloper, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle JDeveloper.

2.3 Installing on DHCP Hosts

If you are installing Oracle WebCenter on a DHCP host, you must follow the configuration steps in this section for your platform.

2.3.1 For UNIX Platforms

On UNIX systems, configure the host to resolve hostnames to the loopback IP address by modifying the /etc/hosts file to contain the following entries: hostname.domainname hostname localhost.localdomain localhost

After doing so, check that the hostname resolves to the loopback IP address by entering the following command:

/bin/ping hostname.domainname

2.3.2 For Windows x86 Platforms

On Windows systems, install a loopback adapter on the DHCP server (see Section 2.3.3, "Installing a Loopback Adapter (Windows Only)"). This assigns a local IP address to your computer.

After installing the adapter, add a line to the %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file with the following format, immediately after the localhost line:

IP_address   hostname.domainname   hostname

Replace IP_address with the local IP address of the loopback adapter.

2.3.3 Installing a Loopback Adapter (Windows Only)

To install a loopback adapter on Windows 2003 or Windows XP:

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel.

    Windows 2003: Select Start > Control Panel > Add Hardware.

    Windows XP: Select Start > Control Panel, then double-click Add Hardware.

  2. In the "Welcome" window, click Next.

  3. In the "Is the hardware connected?" window, select Yes, I have already connected the hardware, then click Next.

  4. In the "The following hardware is already installed on your computer" window, in the list of installed hardware, select Add a new hardware device, then click Next.

  5. In the "The wizard can help you install other hardware" window, select Install the hardware that I manually select from a list, then click Next.

  6. In the "From the list of hardware types, select the type of hardware you are installing" window, select Network adapters, then click Next.

  7. In the "Select Network Adapter" window, make the following selections:

    • Manufacturer: Microsoft

    • Network Adapter: Microsoft Loopback Adapter

  8. Click Next.

  9. In the "The wizard is ready to install your hardware" window, click Next.

  10. In the "Completing the Add Hardware Wizard" window, click Finish.

  11. If you are using Windows 2003, restart your computer.

  12. Right-click My Network Places on the desktop and choose Properties. This displays the Network Connections Control Panel.

  13. Right-click the connection that was just created. This is usually named "Local Area Connection 2". Choose Properties.

  14. On the "General" tab, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties.

  15. In the "Properties" dialog box, click Use the following IP address and do the following:

    1. IP Address: Enter a non-routable IP for the loopback adapter. Oracle recommends the following non-routable addresses:

      192.168.x.x (x is any value between 1 and 255)
    2. Subnet mask: Enter

    3. Record the values you entered, which you will need later in this procedure.

    4. Leave all other fields empty.

    5. Click OK.

  16. In the "Local Area Connection 2 Properties" dialog, click OK.

  17. Close Network Connections.

  18. Restart the computer.

2.3.4 Removing a Loopback Adapter (Windows Only)

To remove a loopback adapter on Windows 2003 or Windows XP:

  1. Start the System Control panel.

    Windows 2003: Select Start > Control Panel > System.

    Windows XP: Select Start > Control Panel, then double-click System.

  2. In the "Hardware" tab, click Device Manager.

  3. In the "Device Manager" window, expand Network adapters. You should see Microsoft Loopback Adapter.

  4. Right-click Microsoft Loopback Adapter and select Uninstall.

  5. Click OK.

2.4 Installing on a Non-Networked Computer

You can install Oracle WebCenter on a non-networked computer, such as a laptop. Because a non-networked computer has no access to other computers, you have to install all the components that you need on the computer.

In addition, you must follow the instructions in Section 2.3, "Installing on DHCP Hosts" to install a loopback adapter and modify the hosts file on your system.

2.5 Installing on a Multihomed Computer

You can install Oracle WebCenter on a multihomed computer. A multihomed computer is associated with multiple IP addresses. This is typically achieved by having multiple network cards on the computer. Each IP address is associated with a host name; additionally, you can set up aliases for each hostname.

The installer picks up the fully qualified domain name from the first entry in /etc/hosts (on UNIX) or %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (on Windows) file.

For details about WebLogic Server network configuration, refer to "Configure network connections" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

For specific network configuration of a system component, refer to the individual component's configuration documentation.

2.6 Installing WebCenter Back-End Applications

In addition to WebCenter Spaces, Portlet Producers, Oracle Discussions, Oracle Wiki and Blogs, and optionally Oracle Universal Content Manager, you can integrate several other WebCenter Web 2.0 Services into your applications. Some WebCenter Web 2.0 Services, such as Documents, rely on back-end components, such as Oracle Content Server. Similarly, Worklist relies on Oracle BPEL Process Manager which is available as part of Oracle SOA Suite. To integrate such services into your applications, you must install the required back-end components.

Refer to Chapter 4, "Installing Back-End Components" for more information.

2.7 Using Custom Port Numbers

By default, the servers that are created in each domain use the same set of port numbers (for example, the Administration Server uses port 7001). If you want to use custom port numbers, you can change the port number when you run the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard:

For more information, refer to Chapter 3, "Configuring Oracle WebCenter".

Fore more information about port numbers, refer to "Port Numbers" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

2.8 Installing Oracle WebCenter

The Oracle WebCenter products (WebCenter Framework, WebCenter Spaces, WebCenter Portlets, WebCenter Discussions, WebCenter Wiki and Blog Server, and optionally Oracle Universal Content Manager) are installed onto your system by default. After the products are installed, you can run the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard to configure the product(s) of your choice.

This section contains the following topics:

2.8.1 Starting the Installer

The installer requires the location of a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on your system. When you installed Oracle WebLogic Server (Section 2.1.4, "Install Oracle WebLogic Server and Create the Middleware Home"), a JRE was installed on your system. You can use this location (the location of the jre directory) to start the installer. The default location for the JRE is MW_HOME/jdk160_11 (on UNIX systems) or MW_HOME\jdk160_11 (on Windows systems), where MW_HOME is the Middleware Home directory.

On 64-bit platforms, the JRE location is the JAVA_HOME you used to install Oracle WebLogic Server. Refer to Section 2.1.4, "Install Oracle WebLogic Server and Create the Middleware Home" for more information.

When you provide the JRE_LOCATION you must specify an absolute path; relative paths will not work.

On UNIX systems:

> ./runInstaller -jreLoc JRE_LOCATION

On Windows systems:

D:\ setup.exe -jreLoc JRE_LOCATION


Specify the absolute path to your JRE_LOCATION; relative paths are not supported.

If no JRE location is specified, you will be prompted to provide the location of your JRE before the installer is started:

[> ./runInstaller 
Platform is Linux X86 32 bit
Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
Checking if CPU speed is above 300 MHz.    Actual 2999 MHz    Passed
Checking Temp space: must be greater than 150 MB.   Actual 60229 MB    Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 512 MB.   Actual 1013 MB    Passed
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors.    Actual 256    Passed
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2009-04-01_02-45-07PM. Please wait ...
Please specify JRE/JDK location ( Ex. /home/jre ), <location>/bin/java should exist :

Specify the absolute path to the JRE on your system before you continue.

2.8.2 Installation Log Files

The installer writes logs files to the Oracle_Inventory_Location/log (for UNIX) or Oracle_Inventory_Location\logs (for Windows) directory. On UNIX systems, if you do not know the location of your Oracle Inventory directory, you can find it in the WebCenter_ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc file. On Windows systems, the default location for the inventory directory is C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs.

The following install log files are written to the log directory:

  • installdate-time-stamp.log

  • installdate-time-stamp.out

  • installActionsdate-time-stamp.log

  • installProfiledate-time-stamp.log

  • oraInstalldate-time-stamp.err

  • oraInstalldate-time-stamp.log

2.8.3 Inventory Screens (UNIX Only)

If you are installing on a UNIX system, and if this is the first time any Oracle product is being installed on your system with the Oracle Universal Installer, you will be asked to provide the location of an inventory directory. This is where the installer will set up subdirectories and maintain inventory data for each Oracle product that is installed on this system.

Follow the instructions in Table 2-2 to configure the inventory directory information. For more help, click on the screen name in the table below, or click the Help button in the GUI.

Table 2-2 Inventory Directory and Group Screens

No. Screen Description and Action Required


Specify Inventory Directory Screen (UNIX Only)

Specify the Oracle inventory directory and group permissions for that directory. The group must have write permissions to the Oracle inventory directory.

Click OK to continue.


Inventory Location Confirmation Screen (UNIX Only)

Run the createCentralInventory.sh script as root.

Click OK to continue.

2.8.4 Installation Screens and Instructions

Follow the instructions in Table 2-3 to install Oracle WebCenter.


Running the installer as root user is not supported.

If you need additional help with any of the installation screens, refer to Appendix A, "Oracle WebCenter Installation Screens" or click Help to access the online help.

Table 2-3 Installation Flow

No. Screen When Does This Screen Appear? Description and Action Required


Welcome Screen


Click Next to continue.


Prerequisite Checks Screen


Click Next to continue.


Specify Installation Location Screen


Specify the Middleware Home and Oracle Home locations.

Click Next to continue.


Specify UCM Configuration Options Screen


Select whether or not you want to install Oracle UCM.

If you do, click Next to continue.

If not, skip to Installation Summary Screen.


Specify UCM Database Details Screen

Only if you selected Install and Configure Oracle Universal Content Management on the Specify UCM Configuration Options Screen.

Specify the connection details to your database with the OCSERVER schema.

Click Next to continue.


Installation Summary Screen


Verify the information on this screen.

Click Install to begin the installation.


Installation Progress Screen


This screen shows the progress of the installation.

If you chose not to install Oracle UCM, skip to Installation Completed Screen.


Specify UCM Installer Directory Screen

Only if you selected Install and Configure Oracle Universal Content Management on the Specify UCM Configuration Options Screen.

Specify the location to the UCM installer.

Click Next to continue.


UCM Installation Progress Screen

Only if you selected Install and Configure Oracle Universal Content Management on the Specify UCM Configuration Options Screen.

This screen shows the progress of the Oracle UCM installation.


Installation Completed Screen


Click Finish to dismiss the installer.

After the installation is complete, you must configure your products before you can begin using them. Go to Chapter 3, "Configuring Oracle WebCenter".