4 Understanding Version Compatibility and Interoperability

This chapter contains the following sections:

4.1 Obtaining the Latest Certification Information for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

The information in this chapter was accurate at the time this document was published. For the very latest certification information, refer to the resources listed in the section, "System Requirements and Prerequisites" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide.

4.2 About Database Compatibility

Many of the Oracle Fusion Middleware components require a database, which is used to store required component schemas. For information on the database requirements for Oracle Fusion Middleware, as well instructions for upgrading the database if necessary, see Chapter 6, "Upgrading and Preparing Your Databases".

4.3 Types of Interoperability Considerations During Upgrade

The following sections describe the types of Interoperability issues you might need to consider while upgrading your Oracle Application Server software to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g:

4.3.1 Interoperability Between Oracle Fusion Middleware Software Suites

When you are upgrading your Oracle Application Server 10g environment to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, you will likely update one area of your environment at a time.

For example, you might upgrade the middle tiers in one department or organization to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g in order to support new Oracle SOA Suite features. At the same time, you may leave your company-wide Oracle Identity Management components at Oracle Application Server 10g.

For information about the interoperabilty between the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g suites and the equivalent installation types available in Oracle Application Server 10g, see Section 4.4, "Using the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Compatibility Matrix".

4.3.2 Interoperability Within Oracle Fusion Middleware Software Suites

While you are upgrading your Oracle Application Server environment to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, you should also consider potential interoperability issues within a specific software suite.

In most cases, these interoperability issues are temporary and occur only during the upgrade process. After you finish the complete procedure for upgrading the software suite, the issues are resolved. However, you should still be aware of these potential issues, because they can influence your upgrade planning.

Table 4-1 lists some specific examples of some potential inter-suite interoperability issues that may affect your upgrade planning.

Table 4-1 Interoperability Considerations While Upgrading Specific Oracle Fusion Middleware Software Suites

Oracle Fusion Middleware Software Suite Issue Description Solution

Oracle Identity Management Suite

Interoperability between Oracle Internet Directory 11g and Oracle Single Sign-On 10g

After upgrading your Oracle Internet Directory (and Oracle Directory Integration Platform) to 11g, there are some post-upgrade tasks required in order for Oracle Single Sign-On 10g to work successfully with the upgraded Oracle Internet Directory instance.

Follow the instructions for upgrading Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Directory Integration Platform in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Identity Management.

Oracle Identity Management suite

Interoperability between the Oracle Internet Directory 10g schema (ODS) and Oracle Internet Directory 11g during installation

In preparation for upgrade, you must install Oracle Internet Directory 11g against the existing Oracle Identity Management 10g schema (ODS).

However, until you run the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade the ODS schema, the Oracle Internet Directory 11g instance is read-only and is not production ready.

Follow the instructions in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Identity Management.

In particular, refer to "Understanding the Implications of Installing Oracle Internet Directory 11g Against the Oracle Internet Directory 10g Schema" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Identity Management.

Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer Suite

Interoperability between the Oracle Portal middle tier and the Oracle Portal schema in the Oracle Metadata Repository

The order in which you install Oracle Portal 11g and upgrade the Oracle Portal component schema is important.

Specifically, you must install Oracle Portal 11g against the Oracle Portal 10g schema.

However, until you run the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade the PORTAL schema, the new Oracle Portal 11g environment is not operational.

Follow the instructions in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer.

In particular, refer to "Task 5a: Understand the Implications of Installing Oracle Portal Against the Oracle Application Server 10g PORTAL schema" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer

Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer Suite

Interoperability between the Oracle BI Discoverer middle tier and the Oracle BI Discoverer schema in the Oracle Metadata Repository

The order in which you install the Oracle BI Discoverer schema and upgrade the middle tier is important.

You must install the Oracle BI Discoverer 11g schema in the database, then install the Oracle BI Discoverer11g middle tier, and then upgrade the Oracle BI Discoverer schema.

Follow the instructions for upgrading the Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer components in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer.

Oracle SOA Suite

Interoperability between your upgraded Oracle SOA Suite applications and the client applications that depend upon them

When you upgrade your Oracle SOA Suite applications to 11g, you must review your client applications and make modifications to the clients before they can interoperate with the upgraded Oracle SOA Suite applications.

In some cases, a patch is necessary before the clients can work with Oracle SOA Suite 11g.

Refer to the following for more information:

4.4 Using the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Compatibility Matrix

The following sections describe the Oracle Fusion Middleware compatibility matrix, which you can use to determine some of the more common upgrade-related interoperability and compatibility issues:

4.4.1 How to Use the Compatibility Matrix

The Oracle Fusion Middleware compatibility matrix can help you plan your upgrade to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

For example, if you want to upgrade a 10g (10.1.4) Identity Management instance to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, then you can use the compatibility matrix as follows:

  1. Locate the column in Table 4-2 that represents Oracle Identity Management 11g.

  2. Locate the row that represents the type and of Oracle homes you are currently running in Oracle Application Server 10g.

    For example, if you are running Oracle Portal in a 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) Oracle home, locate the 11g Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer row of the table.

    The 11g Identity Management column of that row indicates that you should refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer for more information about using Oracle Portal with Oracle Identity Management 11g.

The Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g compatibility matrix is shown in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Compatibility Matrix

Identity Management 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) SOA, WebCenter, and ADF 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) Java EE Application Deployments 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) Oracle HTTP Server and Web Cache (Web Tier) 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

10g Identity Management

Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Identity Management.




Not Supported

10g Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer

Refer to the Section 4.4.4, "About Oracle Identity Management Interoperability During Upgrade".

Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer.



Not Supported

10g SOA, WebCenter, and ADF



Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter, and ADF.


Not Supported

10g Java EE Application Deployments




Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Java EE.

Not Supported

10g Oracle HTTP Server and Web Cache

Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Identity Management.

Not Supported

Refer to Section 4.4.3, "About Oracle HTTP Server Interoperability During Upgrade"

Refer to Section 4.4.3, "About Oracle HTTP Server Interoperability During Upgrade"


4.4.2 Understanding the Compatibility Matrix

When you use the compatibility matrix (Table 4-2), the level of support can be defined in one of the following ways:

  • Supported - This means there are no known issues with using these two components together.

    For example, your SOA, WebCenter, and ADF applications can be use Oracle Application Server 10g Identity Management components with no restrictions. Similarly, you can associate a new 11g SOA, WebCenter, or ADF environment with an existing 10g Identity Management installation.

  • Not Supported - This means that Oracle does not support the interoperability between these two installations.

    For example, if you upgrade your Web tier (Oracle HTTP Server or Oracle Web Cache), you must upgrade the Oracle Fusion Middleware component to which the Web tier is routing requests.

  • A reference to a specific Upgrade guide or section - This reference is provided when the individual upgrade guide provides more detailed information about the compatibility requirements and issues that you should consider when upgrading to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

    For example, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Identity Management for specific information about the interoperability of Oracle Application Server 10g Identity Management components with the Identity Management 11g components.

  • N/A - Not Applicable.

    For example, there is normally no communication or interactivity between custom Java EE Applications and Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer installations.

4.4.3 About Oracle HTTP Server Interoperability During Upgrade

The following sections describe the upgrade-related interoperability capabilities and limitations of Oracle HTTP Server 10g and Oracle HTTP Server 11g: Limited Support for Oracle HTTP Server 10g with Oracle WebLogic Server

Two different versions of Oracle HTTP Server were available with the Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) and 10g Release 3 (10.1.3):

  • The integrated Oracle HTTP Server, which was installed and configured automatically with the 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) and 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) components by Oracle Universal Installer. This integrated version of the Oracle HTTP Server was based on Apache 1.3.

  • The standalone, separately-installed Oracle HTTP Server, which was available on the 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) and 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) Companion CD-ROM. This standalone version of Oracle HTTP Server was based on Apache 2.0.

The interoperability capabilities and restrictions for the integrated Oracle HTTP Server and the standalone Oracle HTTP Server are different:

  • The integrated Oracle HTTP Server for 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) and 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) is based on Apache 1.3 and currently is not certified for use with Oracle WebLogic Server for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

    As a result, you cannot configure the integrated Oracle HTTP Server to route requests to Oracle WebLogic Server 11g.

  • The standalone Oracle HTTP Server is based on Apache 2.0, which is certified with Oracle WebLogic Server 11g.

    As a result, you can configure the standalone Oracle HTTP Server to route requests to Oracle WebLogic Server by following the same instructions as you would for Apache 2.0.

    For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Web Server Plug-Ins with Oracle WebLogic Server. No Support for Oracle HTTP Server 11g with OC4J 10g

Oracle HTTP Server 11g is not supported with OC4J 10g. This is because the required mod_oc4j module is not compatible with Oracle HTTP Server 11g.

As a result, do not upgrade your Oracle HTTP Server instances to 11g until after you have upgraded your OC4J 10g instances to 11g.

4.4.4 About Oracle Identity Management Interoperability During Upgrade

Some of the components in Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) depend upon specific Oracle Identity Management 10g components. As a result, you should consider the following when you upgrade Oracle Identity Management or Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g:

  • If you upgrade the Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer middle-tier components to 11g before the you upgrade the associated Oracle Identity Management components, then there are no known interoperability restrictions.

  • If you upgrade the Oracle Identity Management components to 11g before you upgrade the Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer components, then the only restriction to consider is when the Oracle Identity Management 10g components are in a colocated Oracle home.

A colocated Oracle Identity Management 10g Oracle home contains all four of the primary Oracle Identity Management 10g components (Oracle Internet Directory, Oracle Directory Integration Platform, Oracle Single Sign-On, and Oracle Delegated Administration Services). However, you can upgrade only Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Directory Integration Platform to 11g.

As a result, after you upgrade Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Directory Integration Platform to a new 11g Oracle instance, you must then decommission the Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Directory Integration Platform instances in the 10g Oracle home.

For complete information about the required post-upgrade tasks for Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Directory Integration Platform, see "Upgrading Your Oracle Internet Directory Environment" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Identity Management.

4.5 Applying Patch Sets to Address Specific Upgrade Interoperability Issues

In general, Oracle assumes that you are running the latest Oracle Application Server 10g patch sets before you begin the upgrade to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

In addition, in some specific cases, you must apply an additional software patches to your Oracle Application Server 10g components before you start the upgrade process. These patches are designed to address specific interoperability issues that you might encounter while upgrading your Oracle Application Server 10g environment to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

For example:

  • Before you export your Oracle B2B data in preparation for upgrading the Oracle B2B schema from 10g to 11g, you must apply a patch to the Oracle B2B environment.

  • Before you upgrade your Oracle Business Activity Monitoring schema to 11g, you must apply a patch to the database that contains the Oracle BAM 10g schemas.

  • Before your Oracle BPEL Process Manager client applications that are still running in an Oracle Application Server 10g environment can invoke Oracle BPEL Process Manager 11g processes, you must apply a patch set to the Oracle Application Server 10g Oracle home.

Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes for specific information about required patch sets that address specific interoperability and compatibility issues that surface during upgrade. The release notes for each release are available on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN):
