Administration Server Installation Guide

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Database Setup

It has the following topics:



In order to run the installation program, you must first run the script that adds a user account to the database. This account is used during installation.

NOTE: It is also possible to perform the database setup steps manually. For instructions, see Appendix F: Manual Database Setup Steps..


Running the Database Configuration Tool

  1. Unzip the file.
  2. The script file name is (Windows) or (UNIX and Linux).

  3. Open DBConfig.bat|sh in an editor and set the following properties:
    • JAVA-HOME — fully-qualified path to a JDK.
    • INSTALL_HOME — fully-qualified path to the directory where you unzipped the script file.
    • DB_JDBC_DRIVER_LOC — For Pointbase and MSSQL, fully-qualified path to the JDBC driver. (This is not required for Oracle or Sybase databases.)
    • Examples:
    • (Pointbase) C:\bea\weblogic92\common\eval\pointbase\lib\pbclient.jar

      (MS-SQL) C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver\sqljdbc_1.2\enu\sqljdbc.jar

  4. Enter dbconfig.bat or on a command line. The program issues a number of prompts to answer.
  5. Respond to the prompts as described in the table below:
  6. Prompt
    Please input DB type<oracle|sybase|mssql|pointbase>
    Enter one of the database names listed.
    Please input JDBC URL
    Enter the JDBC URL for the database server.
    Oracle — jdbc:oracle:thin:@<server>:<port>:<sid>
    Sybase — jdbc:sybase:Tds:<server>:<port>
    Sql Server — jdbc:sqlserver://<server>:<port>
    Pointbase — jdbc:pointbase:server://<server>/ales
    <server> — name or IP address of database machine
    <port> — port where the database listener is running
    <sid> — SID for Oracle database
    Please input JDBC Driver
    Enter the JDBC driver used to connect to the database. This entry varies by database type:
    Oracle — oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    Sybase — com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver
    Sql —
    Pointbase — com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver
    Please input new database user name
    Enter a username for the account being created.
    Please input new database user password
    Enter a password for the new user.
    Please input database admin username (not required for Pointbase)
    Enter the database administrator user name.
    Please input database admin password (not required for Pointbase)
    Enter the database administrator password.
    Please input new tablespace position
    Depending on the database type, enter the location and name of the tablespace to be created. Typical values for a tablespace named asi are show below:
    SQL Server:
    Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data\asi.mdf
    Additional Sybase Prompts
    Respond to prompts by entering:
    — Logical name of the device storing policy data
    — Path to the above device (c:\sybase15\ales_policy.dat)
    — Logical name of the device storing log data
    — Path to the above device (c:\sybase15\ales_log.dat)
    — Database name

  7. The script runs and displays messages like the following:

    -- Configuring table space [ales_oracle]
    ** Tablespace exists in DB server. Continuing with the same.
    -- Creating new user [ales_db_admin] .......Done
    -- Configuring ALES role [asi_role]
    -- Assigning privs to ALES role .......Done
    -- Assigning privs to new user [ales_db_admin].......Done
    -- Closing down connection
    -- Successfully created ALES Database Account --

At the completion of these steps, you may install the Administration Server. See the next section for instructions.

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