Entering and Approving Self Service Absence Requests

This chapter provides an overview of the absence request transactions and explains how to:

Note. If you are using Absence Management in Switzerland, follow the instructions for Switzerland instead of the instructions in this chapter.

See Also

Setting Up Self Service Absence Transactions

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

The Country Take component is used to define Country-specific rules that apply to all Take elements for a given country. They control some of the field displays on the self service pages, and determine if online Forecasting and Balance Inquiry processes can be used for any Take elements set up for the country. You can define a different set of self service rules for each country.

For each Take element that you want to make available to self service users, you define an additional set of rules. These rules specify whether partial-day absences are allowed, approval requirements for absence requests, how to display forecasting results, and other usage rules.

It is important to set up the country take component and understand the significance of the values chosen or entered on this component prior to entering values through absence self service.

See Also

Defining Self Service Absence Rules by Country

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Absence Request Transactions

Using self service transactions, employees and managers can submit absence requests, forecast absence entitlement balances, and carry out other common tasks using the Self Service pages in Absence Management.

Self service options differ for employees and managers.


Absence Self Service Options


  • Add, edit, forecast, submit, save for later and cancel absence request.

    Note. You can only edit, forecast, and cancel absence requests entered using absence self-service.

  • View absence requests details, with their approval status.

  • View absence events entered by the Absence Administrator.

  • View absence events entered in Timesheets.

  • View absence entitlement balances for the current period.

  • View absence entitlement balances as of a future date.

  • View the employee's monthly schedule for past and future months.


  • Perform all employee self service absence functions on behalf of direct reports.

  • View a list of absence requests for direct reports.

  • Forecast an absence request in order to approve it (optional).

  • Approve, deny, or push back absence requests submitted by direct reports.

  • View a monthly calendar for direct reports.

See Also

Entering, Updating, and Voiding Absence Events

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Employee Self Service Pages

This section provides an overview of the procedures for accessing and using employee self service absence pages and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelf Service Pages Used by Employees to Manage Absence Requests

Page Name

Object Name



Request Absence


Self Service, Time Reporting, Report Time, Absence Request, Request Absence

Request absence based on the start date of the absence event.

Monthly Schedule


Click the View Monthly Schedule link on the Absence Request page.

Employees view their schedule for a one month period for any past or future month.

View Absence Balances


Self Service, Time Reporting, View Time, Absence Balances, View Absence Balances

This page includes links to pages to request absence, view absence requests, view monthly schedule, and forecast balances.

Absence Request History


  • Self Service, Time Reporting, View Time, Absence Request History, Absence Request History

  • Click the View Absence Requests History link on the Absence Request page or the View Absence Balances page.

View processed or pending absence events based on the specified date range.

Request Details


Click the link for the absence in the Absence Name column on the Absence Request History page.

View details for a specific absence request.

Forecast Balance


Click the Forecast Balance link on the View Absence Balances page.

Run the online forecasting process for future absence entitlement balances based on date, absence type and absence name.

Select Job


Self Service, Time Reporting, Report Time, Absence Request <any employee self service absence process>

Employees with multiple jobs use this page to select the job for which they want to enter or review a self service absence transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRequesting Absences

Access the Request Absence page.

The Request Absence page consists of three group boxes: Absence Detail, Additional Information, and Comments. The available fields in the Additional Information group box depend on how your organization sets up self service for Absence Management.

Absence Detail

Start Date

Select the first day of the absence event. The field option defaults to the current date. If there's a break in the absence, enter each event separately. For example, if you're out sick for two days, return to work for three days, and are out sick again, enter two absence events. If the absence includes a weekend (say, Thursday to Monday), enter one absence event.

End Date

Select the last day of the absence event. If you leave this field empty and the Calculate End Date option on the Country Take (setup) page is selected, the system automatically determines the end date based on the begin date, duration, and partial days options.

Note. If the absence unit type is defined in Days in the Country Take setup, we do not recommend using partial days options.

See Defining Self Service Absence Rules by Country.

Original Start Date

Select the original start date of the absence event. Enter a date if the absence has legal or payment implications based on the original start date of the absence.

This field is visible when Display Original Begin Date is selected on the Absences page of the Country Take component.

For example, an employee has a leg injury. He reports an absence from January 3, 2005 to January 7, 2005. The employee starts to feel better and returns to work. Later, he has a relapse and has to take two more days of absence starting on January 17, 2005 to January 18, 2005. The original begin date for the second absence should be January 3, 2005. The system can link the two events and treat the event as a single one in terms of eligibility or a minimum waiting period.

Note. Careful consideration is needed when enabling this field in self-service. Incorrect data entered in this field might lead to incorrect eligibility calculations and payment for one or more events.

See Defining Self Service Absence Rules by Country.

Filter by Type

Select the absence type. The selection you make in this field will limit or filter the selections available in the Absence Name field.

Absence Name

Select the absence name from the available options. The options available depend on the selection in the Filter by Type field, the absence takes that are enabled in the Country Take setup, and the elements for which the employee is eligible.

After you select entries in the above fields, the system refreshes the page with additional fields.

Note. If you decide to change the Absence Name previously selected, the system will display a warning that all your existing absence data will be lost.

See Managing Element Eligibility and Resolution.


Select a reason from the available options. The reasons available depend on your selections in the previous fields. Absence reasons are linked to the Absence Name (Take) through the Absence Take Type.

See Defining Absence Types and Reasons.

Partial Days

Specify which days of the absence event are partial days.

If the Calculate End Date or Duration option is enabled on the Absence (setup) page, and the Unit Type is Hours, the system does consider any partial hours or half-day entries that are entered in this group box when it calculates the end date or duration.

For example, an employee has a work schedule of 8 hours per day from Monday through Friday. The employee reports an absence from Monday, January 8, 2007 through Wednesday, January 10, 2007. Then employee takes a half day off on Monday and full days off for the rest of the absence.

Example 1: The Country Take set up is defined as follows:

  • Unit Type = Hours.

  • Allow Partial Days = Selected.

  • Partial Days = Partial Hours.

With these settings, to correctly enter the absence data the employee should report:

  • Start Date = January 8, 2007.

  • End Date = January 10, 2007.

  • Partial Days = Start Day Only.

  • Start Day Hours = 4.

Example 2: The Country Take set up is defined as follows:

  • Unit Type = Hours.

  • Allow Partial Days = Selected.

  • Partial Days = Half Days.

With these settings, to correctly enter the absence data the employee should report:

  • Start Date = January 8, 2007.

  • End Date = January 10, 2007.

  • Partial Days = Start Day Only.

  • Start Day is Half Day = Selected.

Warning! If the absence unit type is defined in days in the Country Take setup, we do not recommend using partial days options.

Note. Data that you enter in the following fields is used in the absence calculation process only if the data is referenced by your absence formulas.

The available options in the Partial Days field when the absence is calculated in days include:

  • All Days

  • End Day Only

  • None

  • Start Day Only

  • Start and End Days

Depending on the option that you select, up to two check boxes appear that allow you to specify which days of the absence event are half days. Select the check boxes that are appropriate for the absence event.


Enter Duration by days or hours. You do not have to enter Duration if the Calculate Duration is enabled on the Absence (setup) page). The system calculates the duration of the absence in hours or days when you click the Calculate Duration button.

The behavior of this field depends on the settings on the Absence (setup) page. The value is automatically calculated if the Calculate End Date option is selected.

  • If the absence is measured in days or hours, the system automatically calculates the duration when you enter the begin date and end date.

  • If you want to calculate the end date based on a duration, then the system calculates the end date when you enter the begin date and duration and you click the Calculate End Date button.

Calculate End Date or Duration

Click this button to have the system calculate the end date of an absence event based on the entries in the Start Date and Duration fields, or to calculate the Duration based on entries in the Start Date and End Date fields.

Note. If you selected to calculate end date and duration in the Country Take — Date Rules page, then you had to indicate which field to recalculate when both fields contain values. Hence if the user entered values for duration and end date and clicks Calculate End Date or Duration button, one of the fields will be recalculated.

Forecast Balance

Click this button to run the online absence forecasting process for the type of absence take selected for this absence request. This button will appear only for those absence names that require forecasting. After the forecasting process is completed, the page will display the Forecast Returned Value and Status and a link View Forecast Details to access the list of the forecast balance details.

Save for Later

This option allows the employee to save the absence event information for later review and editing, and does not generate workflow for the approvals process.


This option saves the information and generates the workflow approval process that routes the request to one or more managers whose roles are defined in workflow to enable them to approve, deny, or push back the absence request to the previous approval level with comments. The push back is often used by approvers to suggest absence request revision or to obtain additional information.


This option is available only for requests that have been saved for later or that were pushed back from the approver. Depending on the Country Take setup, when you click Cancel the application either physically deletes the request from request and workflow records, or sets the status of the request to cancelled.

Additional Information

The fields that appear in this group box depend on how Absence Management is configured during the implementation process.


The Requestor Comments field enables the employee to enter free form text related to the absence request that becomes part of the record and is visible throughout the approval process. Comments display on the Absence Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Monthly Schedule

Access the Monthly Schedule page.

Employees can view their schedule for one month in the future or past by using the available options in the month and year fields. Click the Previous Month and Next Month buttons to view previous or subsequent months, respectively.

For employees with multiple jobs, the Select Job Title field appears on this page.

See Selecting a Job Title.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Absence Balances

Access the View Absence Balances page.

This page contains the following links:

Note. If you are integrating with Time and Labor, absence entitlement balances can be viewed on the Timesheet page.

See Reporting Time.

See Also

Requesting Absences

Viewing Absence Request History

Viewing Absence Balances

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Absence Request History

Access the Absence Request History page.

This page display all absence requests for the employee. Absence requests entered by the employee contain a link in the Absence Name column. Absences that are entered by the Absence Administrator via Absence Event Entry component do not have a link in the Absence Name column, nor a Status and Duration value. The employee can edit absences requests that are saved, but not yet submitted, by clicking the Edit button in the Edit column. The employee also can edit absence requests that have been, cancelled or denied by clicking the Edit button.

Absence requests or any absence entered or modified via Timesheets or by the Absence Administrator using the Absence Event Entry component can not be edited in Absence self-service.

Note. If the absence was requested by the manager as an employee, the Requested By column will display Manager.

From and Through

The user can display absence request that fall within a specified date range by entering dates in the From: and Through: fields. If the employee enters a date in only the From field, the system displays absence requests that have a Start Date equal to or after the specified date. Alternatively, if the employee enters a date only in the Through: field, the system displays absence requests that have an End Date equal to or prior to the specified date. If no date is entered in either field, the system displays all absence requests for the employee.

The From and Through date range is determined by the Default History Date Range values entered on the History Grid page of the Country component. If the Default History Date Range has not been set up, the system will use the defaults of current date – 90 days for the From date field and current date + 90 days for the Through date field.

See Defining Self Service Absence Rules by Country.


Click the Refresh button after entering, changing, or removing dates in the From: and Through: fields.


This button is available for absence requests with a status of saved, cancelled, or denied. When you click this button the Request Absence page is opened.

See Requesting Absences.

The Absence Request History group box contains Absence Name, Status, Start Date, End Date, Duration, and Requested by. You can sort the rows by any of these criteria by clicking the column heading.

Note. The system calculates and stores duration values for absence requests entered through Absence self-service or Timesheets only. The system does not calculate or store absence duration for absences entered or modified through other online pages such Absence Event Entry or through Component Interface.

See Also

Entering, Updating, and Voiding Absence Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Absence Request Details

Access the Request Details page.

The page displays information about the selected absence.

Note. If the absence was requested by the manager as an employee, then in the Request History section the employee's name will be displayed in the Name field.

Note. The approval path map and details is only displayed in the Absence Self Service applications. This path and details are not displayed in Timesheets self-service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForecasting Absence Entitlement Balances

Access the Forecast Balance page.

This page enables the employee to run the online absence entitlement balance forecast process, and to view entitlement balances as of a future date, by absence type, and absence name.

As of Date

Enter a future date that the system will use to calculate the balance.

Filter by Type

Select the absence type. The selection you make in this field will limit or filter the selections available in the Absence Name field.

Absence Name

Select the absence name from the available options in the field.

Note. The user must make an entry in this field in order for the system to display the Forecast Balance button.

Forecast Balance

Click to run the online absence balance forecasting process. When the process is completed, the forecasted absence entitlement balances appear in the Forecast Balance Details group box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Job Title

Employees with multiple jobs must select the job for which they are entering or reviewing self service absence transactions. The following page is an example of an employee with multiple jobs that is entering an absence request. A similar page with a modified title appears whenever this employee initiates any absence self service transaction.

After the employee selects the job title, the processes are identical to those discussed in the previous sections.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Employee Absences Through Time and Labor Self Service

Employees are able to enter absences and view absence entitlement balances using self service pages in Absence Management. Absence management self service pages are discussed in detail in this chapter.

Note. Absences entered through Time and Labor Timesheets are referred to as Absences or Absence Events. Absences entered through Absence Management are referred to as Absences or Absence Requests.

If you are integrating with Time and Labor you can enter absence events through the Timesheet page. Also, on this page you can view absence entitlement balances to ensure you have enough entitlement balance prior to entering the absence.

The following steps, completed during implementation, enable employees to access the Timesheet page to enter absences or view entitlement balances:

  1. Ensure that Absence Management and Time and Labor are selected on the Installation Table.

    See Setting Up and Installing PeopleSoft HRMS.

  2. On the Absences page of the Country Take component ensure you have allowed entry in Time and Labor for the absence take elements you want to enter on the Timsheet page.

    See Setting Up Self Service Absence Transactions.

  3. Complete the required framework setup in Time and Labor in order to access employees via Timesheet.

    See Managing Time.

The following steps discuss how an employee enters absences and views entitlement balances on the Timesheet page:

  1. Access the Timesheet page by navigating to Self Service, Time Reporting, Report Time, Timesheet. Select the Time reporting period to work with.

  2. Click the Absence Event - click to view link to add, edit, forecast or submit an absence request. For example to add a absence follow these steps:

    1. Click Add Absence Event to add a new event or Edit to modify an existing event. You can add or edit only one single event at a time

    2. Enter the Start Date and End Date if End Date field has been enabled for the absence. If end date field is left blank and is not calculated using Calculate End Date functionality, then it will be defaulted to Start Date when saving or submitting the event.

      See Defining Self Service Absence Rules by Country.

    3. Select the Absence Name from the available options. Valid values are the ones previously defined in the Country Take configuration page and based on the eligibility of the employee as of Time Reporting Period Start Date.

      See Defining Self Service Absence Rules by Country, Managing Element Eligibility and Resolution.

    4. If during implementation you have selected to display a reason on the Absences page of the Country Take component, enter the reason for the absence (if required).

    5. Click the Details link to access the Absence Request Detail (GP_ABS_SS_REQUEST) page to enter absence details and other information that might be required. Once all details are entered click OK to return to the Timesheet page.

      Note. If an absence requires more information than the fields available in the Timesheet Absence grid (Start Date, End Date, Absence Name and Reason) then the system will automatically open the Absence Event Details page.

      See Requesting Absences.

    6. Optionally, forecast an absence balance before saving and submitting.

    7. Save the absence for later or submit the absence for approval. You are able to delete a new absence before it have been saved or submitted, or cancel it after the absence has been saved or submitted.

  3. Click the Balances - click to view link to view absence entitlement balances.

    Note. The balances reflect the balances as of the last absence run.

See Also

Reporting Time

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Manager Self Service Pages

This section provides an overview of the procedures for accessing and using manager self service absence pages and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelf Service Pages Used by Managers to Manage Absence Requests

Page Name

Object Name



Request Absence


Manager Self Service, Time Management, Report Time, Absence Request, Request Absence

Enter a date to use to generate a list of direct reports in which to request absences.

Request Absence


Click Continue on the Request Absence (HR_DR_ADDL_INFO) page.

View a list of direct reports, select an employee, and enter an absence request on behalf of the employee.

Absence Request History


Manager Self Service, Time Management, View Time, Absence Request History, Absence Request History

Enter a date to use a list of direct reports in which to view absence history.

Absence Request History


Click Continue on the Absence Request History (HR_DR_ADDL_INFO) page.

Managers use this page to view absence request information for direct and indirect reports.

View Absence Balances


Manager Self Service, Time Management, View Time, Absence Balances, View Absence Balances

Enter a date to generate a list of direct reports in which to view absence balances.

View Absence Balances


Click Continue on the View Absence Balance (HR_DR_ADDL_INFO) page.

View absence balances for direct reports.

Forecast Balance


Manager Self Service, View Time, Absence Balances

Select the employee Name, click the Forecast Balance link on the View Absence Balances page.

View the results of the Absence Forecasting process.

Absence Requests


Manager Self Service, Time Management, Approve Time and Exceptions, Absence Requests, Absence Requests

Select the absence request to approve or deny.

Request Details


Manager Self Service, Time Management, Approve Time and Exceptions, Absence Requests

Click the employee Name link for the request on the Absence Requests page.

Used by the manager to approve, deny, or push back an employee absence request to the previous approval level.

Absence Request History


Manager Self Service, Time Management, View Time, Absence Request History, Absence Request History

Select the employee Name on the Absence Request History page.

Review the absence request history for an employee for a specified time range of dates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRequesting Absence on Behalf of an Employee

Access the Request Absence page.

The system displays the Request Absence page for a manager's direct report when the manager clicks the link with that person's name. The system displays a page that is similar to the employee self service Request Absence page.

Access the Request Absence page.

The system displays a page that is similar to the employee self service Request Absence page, with the exception that it contains a Workflow section and a Direct Reports link to return to the View Employee Absence Requests page.


Allow Request By

Indicates that the Manager or the Employee and Manager can enter the take.

Request As

Determines whether the request is entered as an Employee or as a Manager.

When the manager requests absences for an employee they can request the time as the employee or the manager. If the manager selects to request the time as the Employee the request will be automatically approved, if there are no other approvers in the approval path. The manager will receive an approval confirmation page when clicking Submit. If the manager selects to request the time as the Manager the request will be sent to the manager’s next level of approval, and therefore the manager will receive a regular Submit confirmation page after clicking Submit.

The Request As available options will be editable if the Country Take setup field Override Request As on the Absences page is selected. Otherwise this field will be grayed out and defaulted from the setup.

See Also

Requesting Absences

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Employee Absence Requests

Access the Absence Request History page.

The direct reports for the manager are displayed on this page. Click the column titles for Name, EmplID,Pay Status, and HR Status to sort the list by these criteria. The last column may contain an button that indicates the employee has direct reports. Click the button to display a list of individuals that report to that employee. These employees are referred to as the manager's indirect reports.

Click the Continue button to search for direct reports by first name.

As Of:

The system displays the direct reports for the manager as of this date.

The system displays the Absence Request History page for a manager's direct report when the manager selects the person's name. The system displays a page that is identical to the employee self service Absence Request History page, with the exception that it contains a Direct Reports link to return to the Absence Request History page.

See Also

Viewing Absence Request History

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Absence Balances

Access the View Absence Balances page.

This page functions in the same manner as the Absence Request History page. From this page, when the manager selects the employee name the system displays the View Absence Balances page for that employee. This page is identical to the employee self service View Absence Balances page, and includes the Forecast Balances link to enable the manager to forecast absence entitlement balances for a future date for direct reports. The one exception to the similarity of the employee self service page and the manager self service page is that the manager has a Direct Reports link to return to the View Absence Balances—Select Employee page.

See Also

Viewing Absence Balances

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving and Denying Absence Requests

Access the Absence Requests page.

Show Requests by Status

The following options are available in this field:

  • Approved.

  • Denied( Displays absence with status Denied and Push Back).

  • Pending (default) (Displays absence with status Pending and In Approval Process).

After selecting the status, click the Refresh button to display all requests. Click the employee name link to work with the request. The Request Details page appears:

The manager uses this page to approve, deny, or push back the request to the previous step in the approval process (by clicking the Push Back button). The approver can include suggested changes or other comments by entering information in the Approver Comments field.

Note. Push Back is only a valid action between the requestor and the first approver. If the request has been pushed back from the next approver in the approval path and it's necessary for the requestor to do some rework, then use the Deny push button and document the action in the Approver Comments field.

After clicking one of these buttons, the approver must confirm the selection on a confirmation page:

After clicking the Yes button the system re-displays the Absence Requests page so that the manager can continue to work with other absence requests. Clicking the No button displays the Request Details page.

If the manager clicks the Push Back button, the system displays the Push Back Confirmation page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Absence Request History

Access the Absence Request History page.

The system displays a page that is identical to the employee self service Absence Request History page, with the exception that it contains a Direct Reports link to return to the Absence Request History page.

Clicking the link in the Absence Name column displays the Approval Details page. Links appear only for absence requests that the manager has worked with using the self service pages. Absence requests or any absence entered or modified via Timesheets or by the Absence Administrator using the Event Entry component can not be edited in Absence self-service.

Note. The system calculates and stores duration values for absence requests entered through self-service only. The system does not calculate or store absence duration for absences entered through other online pages such as Absence Event Entry or via Component Interface.

From and Through

The user can display absence request history that falls within a specified date range by entering dates in the From and Through fields. If the manager enters a date in only the From field, the system displays absence requests that have a Start Date equal to or after the specified date. Alternatively, if the manager enters a date only in the Through field, the system displays absence requests that have an End Date equal to or prior to the specified date. If no date is entered in either field, the system displays all absence requests for the employee.

See Also

Entering Absences

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Manager Absences Through Time and Labor Self Service

Managers are able to enter absences and view absence entitlement balances for their employees using self service pages in Absence Management. Absence management manager self service pages are discussed in detail in this chapter.

If you are integrating with Time and Labor managers can enter absence requests for their employees through the Timesheet page. Also, on this page you can view absence entitlement balances to ensure the employee has enough entitlement balance prior to entering the absence.

The following steps, completed during implementation, enable managers to access the Timesheet page to enter absences or view entitlement balances:

  1. Ensure that Absence Management and Time and Labor are selected on the Installation Table.

    See Setting Up and Installing PeopleSoft HRMS.

  2. On the Absences page of the Country Take component ensure you have allowed entry in Time and Labor for the absence take elements you want to enter on the Timsheet page.

    See Setting Up Self Service Absence Transactions.

The following steps discuss how a manager enters absences and views entitlement balances on the Timesheet page:

  1. Access the Timesheet page by navigating to Manager Self Service, Time Management, Report Time, Timesheet .

  2. Click Get Employees to get a list of all the employees for the manager.

  3. Click the employee name that the manager wants to enter absences. This will open the Timesheet page for the employee chosen.

  4. Click the Absence Event - click to view link to add, edit, forecast or submit an absence request. For example to add a request:

    1. Click Add Absence Event.

    2. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the absence.

    3. Select the Absence Name from the available options. Valid values are Sick and Vacations.

    4. If during implementation you have selected to display a reason on the Absences page of the Country Take component, enter the reason for the absence.

    5. Click the Details link to access the GP_ABS_SS_REQUEST page to enter absence details. Once all details are entered click OK to return to the Timesheet page.

      Note. If an absence requires more information than the fields available in the Timesheet Absence grid (Start Date, End Date, Absence Name and Reason) then the system will automatically open the Absence Event Details page.

      See Requesting Absence on Behalf of an Employee.

  5. Click the Balances - click to view link to view absence entitlement balances.

    Note. The balances reflect the balances as of the last absence run.

See Also

Reporting Time