Nominating and Tracking Multi-Source Participants

This chapter provides an overview of the nomination and tracking process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Nomination and Tracking Processes

This section lists prerequisites and provides an overview of the nomination and tracking process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNomination and Tracking Process Overview

The multi-participant process enables individuals other than the manager and employee to provide direct feedback into an employee's performance or development document. Additional roles might include peers, mentors, customers, and other managers.

You select the roles and specify the capabilities of each role on the document template. The options that you select on the document template also control how the manager and employee interact with the process.

This diagram shows the steps of the multi-participant process:

Multi-participant process

The multi-participant process can begin any time after the criteria document is created.

Note. If the Establish Criteria step is enabled on the document template, you cannot start the Nominate Participants step you complete that step, because nominees must be able to view the evaluation criteria before deciding whether to accept or decline a nomination.

The actions that managers and employees can perform relative to multiple participants are defined on the Template Definition-Process page in the Nominate Participants and Review Participant Evaluations page regions. These actions include:

Optional features of the nomination process that are controlled on the document template include the ability to:


Nominations are not submitted to nominees until the minimum number of participants are nominated and the Establish Criteria step, if applicable, is complete. After a nomination is submitted, it has the status of Pending.

Nominees can view their evaluation requests and accept or decline nominations. When a nominee accepts a nomination, the nomination status changes to Accepted, and the system generates an evaluation for the nominee.

Multi-Participant Evaluations

A nominee who accepts a nomination becomes a participant. An evaluation, with the specific content and capabilities that are defined for the role on the document template, is created for each participant at the time they accept the nomination.

See Also

Managing Evaluation Requests

Monitoring and Viewing Participant Evaluations

Entering Comments and Ratings on Evaluations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before nominating people other than the manager and employee to participate in a performance or development review, you must:

  1. Define any multi-participant roles that will be used in the process.

  2. Define a document template that is set up for multiple participants.

  3. Generate documents from the template.

  4. Begin or complete the Establish Criteria step.

See Also

Creating Document Templates

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Nominations

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Nominate Participants

Page Name

Object Name



Current <document type> Documents


  • Manager Self Service, Performance Management, Performance Documents, Current Documents, Current Performance Documents

  • Self Service, Performance Management, My Performance Documents, Current Documents, Current Performance Documents

  • Manager Self Service, Performance Management, Development Documents, Current Documents, Current Development Documents

  • Self Service, Performance Management, My Performance Documents, Current Documents, Current Development Documents

Select an employee evaluation.

Document Details


Click a document link on the Current Performance Documents or Current Development Documents page.

View the status of document processes and access detail pages for document steps.

Nominate Participants


Click the Start link or the Edit link for the Nominate Participants step on the Document Details page.

Nominate participants for multi-source evaluations. On this page, you can view the number of participants that are required for each role, view a list of the nominees you selected, and submit evaluation requests to nominees.

Person Search - Simple


Click the Add <Role> link on the Nominate Participants page.

Search for prospective participants to add to the nomination list.

Track Nominations


Click the Start link or the Edit link for the Track Nominations step on the Document Details page.

Track the status of nominations that you submitted.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNominating Participants

Access the Nominate Participants page.


Click this link to delete a participant from the nomination list. This link is available only when the nominations is not yet submitted to the participant.

Add <role>

Click this link to access the Person Search - Simple page and search for persons to nominate in the role that is listed. One Add <Role> link appears for each participant role that is defined on the document template.

For example, the Add Peer link appears if the peer role is defined on the document template


Click this button to save the participant list.

Save and Submit

Click this button to save the participant list and submit the nominations to the nominees. This button only appears if the role you signed in with is enabled to submit nominations on the document template and the Establish Criteria step is complete. Submitted nominations appear on the nominee's My Evaluation Requests page.

Participant Role Summary

A summary of the nomination status for each participant role appears preceding the participant list for the role. This summary lists the remaining required and maximum nominations that you must submit and have accepted before the Nominate Participants step is complete.

For example, a document template specifies:










One nomination for the Other role and 3 nominations for the Peer role are submitted. One peer nomination is accepted and one is declined. The role summary appears like this:










Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Nomination Status

Access the Track Nomination Status page.


Use this scroll area to view the status of each individual nominee, by role. If the Anonymity check box is selected for a role, the nominee is identified by role and a number, otherwise the nominee's name appears in the list.


Click this link to cancel a nomination request.


Click this link to resubmit a nomination request. This link appears for nominations that you previously cancelled.


Click this link to view the nominee's comments on why they declined. This link appears if the nominee declined the evaluation request.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Evaluation Requests

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Evaluation Requests

Page Name

Object Name



Pending Evaluation Requests


Self-Service, Performance Management, Other's Performance Documents, Pending Evaluation Requests

Self-Service, Performance Management, Other's Development Documents, Pending Evaluation Requests

Respond to requests to provide performance or developmental evaluations for others.

Decline Evaluation Request Nomination


Click the Decline button on the Pending Evaluation Requests page.

Enter reasons for declining a nomination.

My Current Evaluations for Others


  • Select one or more evaluations and click the Accept button on the Pending Evaluation Requests page.

  • Self-Service, Performance Management, Other's Performance Documents, Current Evaluations, My Current Evaluations for Others

  • Self-Service, Performance Management, Other's Development Documents, Current Evaluations, My Current Evaluations for Others

View a list of the evaluations that you are performing for employees who are not in a reporting relationship to you.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccepting or Declining Nominations

Access the Pending Evaluation Requests page.


Click this button to accept the evaluation requests that you select.

This action changes the nomination status to Accepted, creates the evaluation document, adds it to the Other's Performance Documents - Current Documents list, and transfers the user to this navigation. A notification is also sent to the nominator.


Click this button to decline the evaluation requests that you select.

This action brings up the Decline Evaluation Request Confirmation page, on which you enter a reason for declining the nomination. The system changes the nomination status to Declined and sends a notification to the nominator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing Multi-Participant Evaluations

Access the Other's Performance Documents - Current Documents page.

If you access this page after accepting one or more evaluations, the message that appears below the page title is You have successfully accepted the selected evaluations.

Click a Document Type link to access the evaluation.

Click to jump to parent topicMonitoring and Viewing Participant Evaluations

This section discusses how to monitor participant evaluation status and view the content of participant evaluations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Monitor and View Participant Evaluations

Page Name

Object Name



Review Participant Evaluations


  • Manager Self Service, Performance Management, Performance Documents, Current Documents

    Select a document on the Current Documents page.

    Click the View link on the Review Participant Evaluations step.

  • Self Service, Performance Management, My Performance Documents, Current Documents

    Select a document on the Current Documents page.

    Click the View link on the Review Participant Evaluations step.

  • Manager Self Service, Performance Management, Development Documents, Current Documents

    Select a document on the Current Documents page.

    Click the View link on the Review Participant Evaluations step.

  • Self Service, Performance Management, My Development Documents, Current Documents

    Select a document on the Current Documents page.

    Click the View link on the Review Participant Evaluations step.

Track the status of multi-participant evaluations and view the content of participant evaluations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Participant Evaluations

Access the Review Participant Evaluations page.

This page is only visible to roles that are enabled to review participant feedback on the document template.


Click a link for a listed participant to open their document for viewing.

Note. The example page shot is from the manager's pages and the Anonymity for Manager check box is selected on the document template, therefore the participants are listed by role: Peer1, Peer2, and so forth. If the Anonymity for Manager check box is clear, the participant names are visible.