Calculating Taxes

This chapter provides an overview of tax calculation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tax Calculation

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTax Calculation

Global Payroll for Spain enables you to manage the official withholding tax, Impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas (IRPF). The withholding amount originates from employee income and reductions and depends on which tax regulations are applicable to an employee.

Spain does not have one single set of tax regulations. There are general state tax regulations and four regions with specific tax calculations. Each tax location is known as a Fiscal Territory (Territorios Fiscales). An employee is associated with one fiscal territory depending on where the employee is living and working. Global Payroll for Spain calculates the IRPF for all the fiscal territories:

Note. The fiscal territories, Hacienda Foral de Navarra, Hacienda Foral de Alava, Hacienda Foral de Guipuzcoa, and Hacienda Foral de Vizcaya are known as historical territories.

Global Payroll for Spain provides the different calculation rules and setup data for each fiscal territory. Setup data is delivered using tax brackets and calculation variables. You can view and update the tax brackets and other tax data that Global Payroll for Spain delivers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIRPF Calculation Overview

To calculate an employee’s withholding percentage, the system:

  1. Estimates the total annual income.

  2. (State territory only) Estimates the social security contribution.

  3. (State territory only). Calculates the available reductions.

    These include deductions for dependents, any personal deductions due to age or disability, and any spousal garnishments.

  4. (State territory only). Subtracts the social security contribution and the available reductions from the total annual income.

    Note. The annual income for historical territories is reduced if needed by spousal garnishments, which will be the starting point for getting the IRPF percentage.

  5. Calculates the withholding percentage.

    The system generates the withholding percentage based on the previous steps. If needed, you may alter this percentage. You can only increase the withholding percentage; you can't enter a lower percentage than that calculated by the system.

See Reviewing and Updating System Information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNormalization

To avoid large differences between the estimated IRPF tax rate and the real tax contribution needed at the end of the year, the withholding percentage is calculated multiple times during the year. This process is called normalization. The percentage withholding normalization process accounts for incomes earned and taxes and contributions paid, as well as income, tax, and contribution estimates for the remainder of the contract period or year.

Global Payroll for Spain delivers a page where you can define the normalization schedule for IRPF calculation.

The Normalization Schedule page is read by the regular payroll process list to determine when to run the normalization process. The exception to this is that the process is always run for new hires in the month that they are hired and for all employees who are compensated on a net to gross basis. You may need more than one schedule if you have different tax calculation dates for different pay entities.

See Also

Reviewing Normalization Schedules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIRPF in the Pay Process Flow

This diagram illustrates how the IRPF calculation process fits into the overall pay process flow of Global Payroll for Spain.

IRPF process flow

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIRNR Tax Reporting for Non-Residents

Global Payroll for Spain provides functionality for you to manage IRNR tax data that the payroll process generates for non-resident workers. This IRNR tax reporting functionality includes the ability to create the Model 216 and Model 296 reports.

See Also

Managing Displaced People and Expatriates

Click to jump to parent topicEstimating the Total Annual Income

This section provides an overview of estimated total annual income and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Estimated Total Annual Income

The system calculates the estimation of annual income to use as the tax base for IRPF taxes. An employee’s total annual income includes fixed income, variable income, and benefits income. This estimation is necessary because the only time you can calculate the true tax base is in the December payroll run when the year is complete. The rest of the year therefore requires an estimation of the tax base for the remaining months.

Global Payroll for Spain calculates IRPF taxes for the state and all of the fiscal territories as a percentage of an employee's taxable income. The percentage of an employee's income that applies to IRPF taxes is based on the employee's annual income, minus reductions due to personal situations, number of dependents, salary level, and disability. You run the process that calculates the tax percentage as part of regular payroll. Whenever information affects an employee's taxes, the employer must recalculate the tax percentage by running the normalization process. The law states that employers must normalize tax percentages for their employees at least once quarterly even if no information changes.

When calculating an employee's tax percentage, whether through the regular payroll process or the normalization process, the system estimates the employee's annual income because the actual amount is not available until the end of the year.

The system performs the same tax base estimate calculations for all fiscal territories, both state and historical.

Global Payroll for Spain enables you to control the level of accuracy that you want to have for the tax base estimate defining how you want the system to estimate the annual taxable base during the calculation of IRPF taxes.

The system takes fixed income and benefits income amounts from the Compensation page of the Job Data component and the annual benefits base rate from the Benefits Program Participation page. These values are considered the theoretical annual compensation, so the system uses these values as the starting point of the estimation.

To estimate the variable income Global Payroll Spain use as the base the variable income from last year.

Calculation of Estimated Tax Base

The estimated tax base consists of three parts:

Each part of the estimated tax base consists of three different members:

The system performs a separate calculation for each part and stores the results of the tax base calculation details. The system calculates the total estimated tax base using the following equation:

Total Base = Accumulated values year-to-date + current month values + year remainder estimation

When estimating the tax base the system also considers compensation coming from earnings entered through the Earnings and Deduction Assignments menu components. The system adds these earnings to the corresponding member of the tax base: fixed income, in kind income, or variable compensation based on the nature of the compensation.

The system uses the TAX WA RSLT writable array to store the results of the tax percentage calculation, which includes the tax base and other information considered during the calculation. The system stores details in the in the GPES_TAX_RLST table for each of the different members of the tax base estimate as well as the total tax base value.

You can view the tax base calculation details through the IRPF Calculation Results ESP component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstimating Fixed Income

Employees with a net guarantee have a special treatment about tax percentage calculation. The system performs a normalization process each month, whether or not the normalization schedule is set up for the employee's pay entity and tax location, because the system needs to perform the net to gross process to calculate the fixed income part of the tax base. The system use the Target Compensation Rate field value on the Compensation page of Job Data component as guarantee net and retrieves a gross amount after an iterative process.

For employees that are not net-paid, the system calculates the estimated fixed income using the annual rate. The annual rate comes from the employee's compensation rate and frequency or the target compensation rate, depending on the employee, on the Compensation page of the Job component. The system prorates this value for the remainder of the year or contract. Note that the system does not perform an earning by earning estimation.

Note. If an employee finishes a contract during the year and you want the estimation of the tax base to consider that date as end date of the estimation, you must enter the Contract Expected End Date value in Contract Status/ Content page of Update Contracts component. If you do not enter a value in this field, the system estimates the income until the end of the year regardless of whether the employee finishes the contract finishes during the year.

The system considers the employee's current job records, accrued seniority earnings, the remaining days in the year, and pending extra periods in the calculation of estimated fixed income. For seniority earnings, the system uses the effective date data from the Job records. For pending extra periods, the system considers extra periods when estimating each member of the tax base through the calculation of pending days to be paid. The system uses a homogeneous distribution of salary along the different payments. The system does not perform an earning by earning estimation to determine which earning belongs to which extra period.

Global Payroll for Spain provides the option to include future job data events and future seniority events in the year as part of the calculation of estimated fixed income. Use the TAX VR EST FUTURO variable to control this functionality.

With the TAX VR EST FUTURO variable you can specify that the system consider job record data with future effective dates in the estimated fixed income. For example, perhaps an employees compensation rate in May is 1000 Euros but in August this value increases to 1500 Euros. To consider job records with future effective dates (future information in the Job record), set the character value of the TAX VR EST FUTURO variable to Y.

With the TAX VR EST FUTURO variable you can also specify that the system calculate future accrued seniority earnings in the year as part of the calculation of estimated fixed income. The system computes the values for each of seniority segments using the seniority compensation base elements as of each segment date. For example, if an employee is hired in August 2003 and receives a seniority amount every 3 years, then in August 2006 the employee is due the increase in seniority earnings. The system thus uses the current seniority earnings amount for January through August and the uses the future seniority amount for August through December during the calculation of the seniority portion of the estimated fixed income. Set the character value to Y to include the seniority earnings; set the character value to N to use the current value for the entire seniority earnings.

To perform the initial set up of the TAX VR EST FUTURO variable, navigate to Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Supporting Elements, Variables. Access the TAX VR EST FUTURO variable and set the this variable to the desired character value. The default value of this variable is N. The setting for this variable controls both the future job data and seniority events simultaneously. You can also control this setting at the by using the supporting element override functionality at the payee level.

See Also

Understanding Gross and Net Guarantee

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstimating Salary In Kind Income

Different salary in kind benefits for an employee can contribute to social security bases and taxable income either entirely or partially. To know whether salary in kind is exempt or not, you have to compare the sum of all the earnings considered as salary in kind to the 20 percent Professional Minimum Salary, which is a statutory rate published by the government annually. If the sum of all the earnings don't exceed 20 percent, the salary in kind won't contribute as regular contributing earnings to the social security base and taxable income. If there is an excess over 20 percent, the excess amount should be added to the contributing earnings and taxable income. If there is more than one type of salary in kind earning, the individual excess will have to be calculated separately for each earning in proportion to its value. The exempted amount must be shown in the 190 Annual Tax report.

Examples of different earnings that are salary in kind include housing, loans with an interest rate below the legal interest rate, cars, insurance contributions, and pension plan contributions.

The withholdings referred to the salary in kind can be paid by the employer (withholdings in kind not passed on) or by the employee (withholdings in kind passed on). If a withholding is passed on, it will be discounted in the payroll for the employee as a tax deduction (deduction in kind) (IRPF SPCR). If a withholding is not passed on, the employer will pay the deduction to the tax institution. All the withholdings in kind must be shown in an element IRPF SPC (Ingresos a cuenta efectuados) or “In kind withholdings made.”

To estimate salary in kind income, the system uses the value on the Annual Benefits Base Rate field on the Benefits Program participation page for estimation of in-kind income because this benefits compensation is equal to in kind compensation. You can access this field through the Benefits Program Participation link on the Job Data component.

The system uses the same effective date data from the Job Data component when calculating the estimated in kind income.

Use the TAX VR EST FUTURO variable to indicate whether to include rows of data with future effective dates within the current year in the calculation. Set the character value of the variable to Y to include future data. If you set the variable to N, the system uses the as of date value to perform the estimation of the remaining part of the year. You can set the value for this variable at the element level by accessing it through the Variables component. Navigate to Set up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll. Elements, Supporting Elements, Variables. You can also set the character value of this variable through the supporting element overrides functionality.

Note. The estimation method that Global Payroll for Spain uses takes a total annual amount as base of the estimation. The system does not perform an earning by earning calculation

If you enter in kind income through another means, the system includes that in kind income as part of that other category. For example, if you enter the in kind income through the Pay Components group box on the Compensation page of the Job Data component, the system manages the salary in kind as part of fixed income.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstimating Variable Income

Global Payroll for Spain enables you to determine at the earning level which calculation method you want to use for estimating the variable compensation part of the tax base. For example, you might need to change how you estimate the variable compensation because the bonus is following a different schedule compared to last year or a bonus or commission is not being paid anymore this year when it was last year.

You can calculate the variable compensation part of the estimated tax base by using any of these three methods:

The system makes no differentiation between fiscal territories when estimating the variable compensation. The system performs the three calculation methods, including the corresponding earnings based on their setup (which CLI VR ING VRx S the earnings contribute to) in each method. The system calculates the variable tax base as a sum of year-to-date value, plus the current month value, plus the estimated value for the remaining months in the year.

You can also control whether the system looks for variable compensation coming from earnings and deduction assignments through the CLI VR EST ASIGN variable. By setting the character value of tis variable to Y, the system looks for variable income from earnings and deduction assignments, looking earning by earning at all earnings assigned to the payee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstimating Recurring Income From Earnings Assignments

Until this point we have explained how the system calculates each member of the annual tax base (fixed income, in kind income, and variable compensation). We saw that in the case of fixed income and in kind income the starting point of the estimation are the values in the Job Data component. But what happens with other compensation you do not enter through the Job Data component, compensation that is recurring and which makes sense to consider as part of the tax base estimation? This other compensation is the type that is entered through the payee earning and deduction assignment functionality. Global Payroll for Spain enables you to decide whether to consider compensation coming from payee earning and deduction assignments when calculating the tax base.

Use the CLI VR EST ASIGN variable to control whether to include earnings entered through earnings and deduction assignments as part of the tax base estimation. This variable gives you the ability to include recurring earnings that are not entered through the Job record.

There are three possible levels at which you can override the CLI VR EST ASIGN variable:

Earnings are categorized as either fixed, in kind, or variable income at the earning level. When you create earnings in Global Payroll for Spain you must assign the earning to certain accumulators to define whether the earning is payable, taxable, and contributes to social security. Regarding taxes, you include the earning in a different accumulator depending on its categorization. For example, you include fixed income in the accumulator CLI AC ING DIN FJO. This categorization enables the tax base estimate calculation process to split earnings entered through earnings and deduction assignments into their appropriate categories for the estimation. The system determines which member of the tax base (fixed, in kind, variable) to which the earning belongs by checking which accumulators the earning is a member of in the earnings definition. The system then adds the earning to the corresponding member of the tax base.

When the take base estimation process reads the earning and deduction assignment and performs the corresponding calculation and frequency conversion, the process takes into account whether the earning is part of pending extra periods. For pending extra periods, the system considers extra periods when estimating each member of the tax base through the calculation of pending days to be paid. The system uses a homogeneous distribution of salary along the different payments. The system does not perform an earning by earning estimation to determine which earning belongs to which extra period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstimating Irregular Income

Irregular income occurs due to having a generation period over two years. Irregular income has special tax treatment since the whole income is added to the annual fixed income but at the same time, 40, 50, or 70 percent of that amount is considered as a deduction as part of the tax calculation process (similar to the process described later in this chapter). Because of that the system consider just the taxable part of the irregular income when calculating the annual tax base.

See Calculating Available Deductions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Custom Rules for Tax Base Estimation

Global Payroll for Spain provides an alternative way to calculate the tax base by delivering two configurable formulas that your implementation team can use to set up custom requirements for estimating tax base. These configurable formulas are distinct from the delivered tax base estimation formulas so that modification and use of these configurable formulas does not impact the maintenance of the standard delivered formulas.

The configurable formulas are:

Custom Designated Estimation

Implementation teams can define the details of the CLI FM CALC ING A formula to override the delivered tax base estimation functionality by developing custom requirements for estimating tax base. Global Payroll for Spain delivers this formula with no value. Implementers can add code to perform the tax base estimate calculation and retrieve a value. To override the calculated value for this formula, users can enter a value into this formula at the payee level as an override. The system then uses the override value rather than the calculated value.

Note. If the value of this formula is anything other than 0, the system assumes that you are using this formula to calculate estimated tax base through your own method rather than the delivered method, or that you are overriding the estimated tax base with a specific value. The system therefore does not use the delivered method to calculate the estimated tax base.

Custom Other Earnings Estimation

Implementation teams can define the details of the CLI FM EST OTROS formula if they want to use the delivered tax base estimation rules but have other earnings from other sources (such as from brackets, formulas, or custom compensation records) that they want to include in the estimate besides the ones from the job record or earnings and deduction assignments. These additional earnings are added on top of the tax base members (fixed, in kind, and variable).

To use this functionality, implementers can code the delivered CLI FM EST OTROS formula so that the system includes compensation from others sources in the estimated tax base. The system adds the results of this formula to the standard members of the tax base without affecting the delivered standard rules for the calculation.

Implementers need to take into account, when coding this formula, i to update values of the following variables:

These variables are added to each member of the tax base in the standard formulas. Implementers need to add their calculated amounts to those variables so that the customer design is integrated in the standard design. For example:





New Element1 represents the amount calculated by CLI FM EST OTROS corresponding to fixed income.

New Element2 represents the amount calculated by CLI FM EST OTROS corresponding to variable income.

New Element3 represents the amount calculated by CLI FM EST OTROS corresponding to in kind income.

Tax Base Formula Overrides

The CLI FM CALC ING A formula has two functions. You can use the formula to write customer code that calculates the tax base using a customer method, but you can also use the formula to override a specific amount for a specific employee. The system uses the override values that you enter instead of the calculated values for the corresponding part of the tax base estimate. You perform these overrides using the supporting element override functionality.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Tax Base Estimation Variables

You can use the following variables to define how you want the system to calculate the tax base estimation:

Set the character value of these elements to Y to include the additional information as part of the tax base estimate calculation. Set the variable to N to exclude the information from the calculation. You can also override the value of these variable elements at the earning and deduction assignment level using the supporting element override functionality that is available in the Payee Assignment by Element or Element Assignment by Payee components. These variable element have a definition value as defined through the Variable component (Setup HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Supporting Elements, Variable, Definition). This value is the default value for every employee. You can override the default value at these different levels: pay entity, pay group, payee, calendar, element definition, and positive input (using Global Payroll core override functionality).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding Estimated Tax Base Values

Global Payroll for Spain provides the ability to override each member of the estimated tax base or the final estimated tax base. Use the following elements to override the value of specific parts of the calculated tax base estimate:

The system uses the override values that you enter instead of the calculated values for the corresponding part of the tax base estimate. You perform these overrides using the supporting element override functionality.

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Tax Percentages

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Estimating the Total Annual Income

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstimating the Social Security Contribution

Once the taxable base has been calculated, the system subtracts the employee’s annual social security contribution, if the employee is associated with the state territory.

Note. For employees associated with one of the historical territories, the social security contribution is not used in the IRPF calculation.

The system estimates social security contributions as two segments: the actual social security contributions year-to-date and the estimated value for the rest of the year. The amount remaining after subtracting the annual social security contribution from the estimated tax base is the Rendimiento neto del trabajo (RNT). To calculate RNT, the system uses the social security contribution accumulator (TAX AC SS CT A) for the actual year-to-date contribution and estimates future contributions. These calculations are made in the formula TAX FM CT SS EST.

RNT is subject to deductions for salary level, disability, personal minimum deductions, family minimum deductions (dependents), and alimony.

The sum of the RNT and all of its deductions is the BASE:

Taxable Base - Employee’s Social Security Contributions - Reductions over RNT - Personal Minimum Deductions - Family Minimum for Dependants Reductions − Spouse Support Garnishment = BASE

See Also

Calculating Social Security Benefits

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Available Deductions

For employees associated with the state territory, the third step in the IRPF calculation is the calculation of deductions.

Note. This step does not apply to employees associated with any of the historical territories.

The system calculates the ART18 reduction, the personal minimum reduction, and the familiar minimum reduction.

The ART18 reduction is based on income level and disability. Both values are compared to ranges in the system to determine the reduction amounts using the formula TAX FM RD ART 18.

The personal minimum reduction is based on age and disability. Both values are compared to values in the system to determine the reduction amounts using the formula TAX FM RD MN PERS.

The familiar minimum reduction is based on dependents, both children and adults. The system considers the total number of dependents, their ages, their degree of disability, and their level of dependency on the employee. The system calculates these deductions using the formulas TAX FM RD MN FAML and TAX FM RD FAM NUM.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating the withholding Percentage

Once the taxable net base has been calculated, the system can calculate the withholding percentage. The system employs different formulas, depending on the fiscal territory:

Global Payroll for Spain delivers and maintains tax brackets. You can view and update tax brackets using the Withholding Segments page.

Payees can increase their percentage using the Tax Percentage Override page. However, if the override is lower than the calculated percentage, the system uses the higher amount. You cannot use the Override Tax Percentage page to reduce the tax percentage.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Garnishment Taxation

For the state territory, there are two garnishment types that affect tax calculations: child support and spousal support. For the historical territories, the only garnishment that affects tax calculation is the spouse support garnishment.

If a payee has a child support garnishment, the system estimates the annual value for this garnishment (or estimates the value for the remainder of the contract). Then, the system calculates separate contribution amounts for the garnishment and for the remainder of the taxable net base.

For example, assume a taxable net base of 22.625,19 EUR and an estimated annual garnishment amount of 2.704,55 EUR. The bracket calculations would be applied to 2.704,55 EUR and to 22.625,19 EUR (the sum of 22.625,19-2.704,55) generating two contribution amounts, TAX VR CT1 IRPF and TAX VR CT2 IRPF. The system then combines these amounts into TAX VR CT IRPF, which is used to calculate the tax percentage.

For the state territory, the system subtracts the spouse support garnishment annual estimation from TAX VR RNT as a special reduction.

For the historical territories, the system subtracts the spouse support garnishment from the annual income to calculate the taxable base.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Taxable and Non Taxable Annual Income Sources

These sources of revenue are subject to IRPF:


You want to calculate the taxable annual income for the year 2004 for an employee hired on 01/01/1997 with this criteria:

  1. Base Salary: 841,42 EUR/month.

  2. Seniority: 24,04 EUR/month for each triennium.

  3. Personal complement: 72,12 EUR/month.

  4. Traveling expenses: 60,10 EUR/month.

  5. Extra-periods: two extra periods containing base salary, seniority and personal complement.

The taxable annual income would be:

  1. 841,42 x 12 = 10.097,00 EUR.

  2. 24,04 x 12 x 2 (2 trienniums from 01/01/1997 to 12/31/2004) = 576,97 EUR.

  3. 72,12 x 12 = 865,46 EUR.

  4. Traveling expenses are exempt and not added to the total.

  5. 2 extra periods x {base salary + (seniority rate x number of extra periods) + personal complement}.

    2 x (841,42 + (24,04 x 2) + 72,12) = 1.923,24 EUR.

Total =10.097,00 + 576,97 + 865,46 + 1.923,24 = 13.462,67 EUR.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing IRPF Tax Calculation Results

This section provides an overview of tax calculation results, an overview of IRPF tax data review, an overview of the IRPF Comparison report, an overview of employee withholding percentage overrides, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tax Calculation Results

Once the system has calculated the taxable income base, the annual tax contribution and the withholding percentage, you can view the results by pay group on the IRPF Calculation Results ESP component. Use this component to view all information that the system uses to calculate the IRPF percentage, including personal data and financial data. Also use this component to review the earnings and deductions that make up a selected payee’s base amount for IRPF tax withholding. You may furthermore find this component useful for explaining IRPF percentage variations to employees.

Note. You can review IRPF data, including withholding percentages, after you run the standalone IRPF process or after you run the current payroll process. To have IRPF calculations reflect the payroll data computed for the current period, use the review the IRPF data after running the payroll process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IRPF Tax Data Review

You can use the IRPF Tax Data Review ESP component to view the monthly IRPF tax data that the payroll process generates for employees and, if necessary, to manually adjust this data. You can also use this component to view accumulated tax data for the year. In the case of special collectives for whom the payroll process does not calculate IRPF tax data, such as professionals, you can use this component to enter the IRPF tax data for the person. The system stores the data that is viewable through this component in the GPES_TAX_RSLT and GPES_TAX2_RSLT tables. The report generation processes use this data for the Model 110, Model 111, and Model 190 reports.

Global Payroll for Spain also provides the IRNR Tax Data Review ESP component for you to view tax data that the payroll process generates for non-resident workers. In addition, there is IRNR tax reporting functionality for creating the Model 216 and Model 296 reports, and pension plan reporting functionality for creating the Model 345 report.

See Also

Managing Displaced People and Expatriates

Generating the Model 345 File Report

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the IRPF Comparison Report

This new SQR report helps you identify changes in IRPF percentages and determine whether these changes are justified or adjustments are needed.

For each payee and month covered by the report, you see the following information:

You can generate the report for all payees in selected companies, pay entities or pay groups, or you can produce the report for specific tax locations or selected employees. You can also have the report include only those payees for whom the difference in the last IRPF percentage and the new IRPF percentage meets or exceeds a certain percentage.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee withholding Percentage Overrides

The system automatically calculates employees' withholding percentage. However, employees can choose to increase their percentage using the Override Tax Percentage page.

Note. If the override is lower than the calculated percentage, the system uses the higher amount. You cannot use the Override Tax Percentage page to reduce the tax percentage.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used To View IRPF Tax Calculation Results

Page Name

Object Name



IRPF Calculation Results


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Review Absence/Payroll Info, IRPF Calculation Results ESP, IRPF Calculation Results

View the tax withholding percentage, the taxable income base, and the annual tax contribution for employees in the selected calendar group.

Tax Calculation Details


Click the Details link on the IRPF Calculation Results page.

Review values that make up the base amounts on which IRPF withholding is calculated.

IRPF Tax Review


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, IRPF Tax Data Review ESP, IRPF Tax Review

Review online the monthly tax data that the payroll process calculates for IRPF tax reporting. You can also adjust the calculated income and withholding amounts. For contingent workers or persons of interest, you can insert new rows of data for each specific job and salary type that a person might have. You can enter IRPF tax data for any person who is not processed through payroll. The system uses this data when you generate IRPF tax reports.

IRPF Tax Data Review ESP - Accumulated Values


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, IRPF Tax Data Review ESP, Accumulated Values

Review online the accumulated tax data that the payroll process calculates for IRPF tax reporting. The system uses this data when you generate IRPF annual tax reports.

IRPF Comparison ESP


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, IRPF Comparison ESP

Generate the IRPF Comparison report.

Override Tax Percentage


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Taxes, Override Tax Percentage ESP, Override Tax Percentage

Change an employee’s tax withholding percentage.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing IRPF Calculation Results

Access the IRPF Calculation Results page.

The following fields have been added to the IRPF Calculation Results page so that you can refine the list of employees to display in the results.

Difference >=

Enter the minimum percentage by which a payee’s current IRPF percentage and last IRPF percentage must differ for the payee to be included in the report.

Employee ID

To review the results for a single payee, enter the employee ID here.

Payee IRPF Calculation Results

View the details of the IRPF calculation results, including employee ID, employee name, withholding percentage, taxable base, and tax contribution.

Segment Number (segment number)

The segment to which the results apply.

Old Percentage

The IRPF percentage that was applicable to the previous period.


The percentage difference between the current and previous IRPF withholding rates.

Social Security Contribution

The amount of social security contributions for the selected period.

Total Reductions

The total reductions for the selected period.

Calculation Type

The type of calculation performed on the corresponding data row.


Click to access the Tax Calculation Details page where you can view a detailed listing of the current and prior values that make up an employee’s taxable earnings and personal data that affects the results.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing IRPF Calculation Details

Access the Tax Calculation Details page.

This page displays the values that make up the base amounts against which the IRPF percentage is applied or that affect the IRPF calculations.

Current Value

Result of the most recent calculation.

Prior Value

Result from the previous calculation.


The difference between the current and prior value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Monthly IRPF Tax Data

Access the IRPF Tax Review page.

Search Criteria

Upon entering the page select the company, fiscal territory, year, and month for which you want to review IRPF tax data.

Org Relation (organizational relationship)

Select the type of organizational relationship of the persons for which you want to retrieve IRPF tax data. Your choices are Contingent Worker, Employee, or Person of Interest.

EmplID (employee ID)

Enter the employee ID to narrow the search results to a specific employee.


Click this button to retrieve data for persons based on the search criteria. The system displays the data in the Detail of Payees grid. Fields vary depending on the selected organizational relationship.

Detail of Payees - Earned Income

Use the fields on this tab to review IRPF tax-related data for employees. This tab shows the information that the payroll process generates. You cannot edit the information on this tab. This tab is not applicable to contingent workers or persons of interest and is therefore unavailable for these persons.

EmplID (employee ID)

The person for which the data on a given row relates.

Empl Rcd# (employee record number)

The person’s employee record number.


The first and last name of the person.

National ID

The national identification number or foreign identification number of the person.

Key and Subkey

The perception key and subkey that identifies the person’s work relationship with the company. If a person has more than one combination of key and subkey, the system displays a separate row for each combination. You define keys and subkeys on the Perception Keys ESP page.

Salary Income

The gross earned income in salary of the person. This amount is IRPF taxable.

Variable 1 Income, Variable 2 Income, and Variable 3 Income

The total variable income of the person according to the variable calculation method.

Salary Withholding

The amount subtracted from salary income that applies towards IRPF taxes.

In Kind Income

The total in-kind income of the person. This amount is IRPF taxable.

In Kind Withholding

The in-kind withholding tax amount.

EE In Kind Withholding

The in-kind withholding tax amount for the employee that was paid towards IRPF taxes by the employee.


The total reductions that the payroll process calculated for each person and segment.


The total amount considered as fiscally deductible expenses. This value is related to social security contributions.

Calendar ID

Identifies the calendar for which the row of data applies.

Detail of Payees - Adjust

Access the Adjust tab.

Use this tab to adjust the IRPF tax data that the payroll process calculated for the selected fiscal period and month. For employees this tab shows the same fields as the earned Income tab except that many of the fields on this tab are editable. For contingent workers or persons of interest, you can enter new rows of data. The system differentiates between the data that the payroll process generates and the data that you enter manually.

EmplID (employee ID) and Empl Rcd# (employee record number)

Select the ID of the person for whom you are entering data. When you press the Tab key the system displays the employee record number, name, and national ID of the person. If the person has multiple employee record numbers, select the one that is applicable. These two fields are available for edit only for contingent workers or persons of interest.

Key and Subkey

Select the perception key and subkey that describes the person’s work relationship with the company. These fields are available for edit only for contingent workers or persons of interest. You define keys and subkeys on the Perception Keys ESP page.

Salary Income Adjust

Adjust the gross earned income in salary of the person. This amount is IRPF taxable.

Variable Income Adjust

Adjust the total variable income of the person.

Salary Withhold Adjust

Adjust the amount subtracted from salary income that applies towards IRPF taxes.

In Kind Income Adjust

Adjust the total in-kind income of the person. This amount is IRPF taxable.

In Kind Withhold Adjust

Adjust the in-kind withholding tax amount that the company paid on the person’s behalf.

EE In Kind Withholding Adjust

Adjust the in-kind withholding tax amount for the employee that was paid towards IRPF taxes by the employee.

Ceuta / Melilla

Select this check box to indicate that the employee belongs to Ceuta or Melilla. This check box is available only for contingent workers and persons of interest.

See Also

Maintaining IRPF Tax Review Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Accumulated IRPF Tax Data

Access the IRPF Tax Data Review ESP - Accumulated Values page.

Review the sum of each of the IRPF tax data values for the selected calendar year from January 1 through the selected month. The system displays the data by employee, key, and subkey. If you are viewing accumulated data for December, the December data will be the same as the fiscal year data that gets included in the Model 190 file.

Note. You cannot make adjustments to accumulated values. You can only make adjustments for specific months, and this in turn affects the accumulated values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the IRPF Comparison Report

Access the IRPF Comparison ESP page.


Select the year and last month of data to include in the report.

To be included in the report, a payee must have a calculation run for the selected month and year and must meet the other selection criteria that you enter on this page.

Comparison Option

All Year

Select to report for each payee, all calculations from the beginning of the fiscal year through the selected month. For example, to include payroll data from January 2005 through September 2005, enter 2005 / September in the Year/Month fields and select All Year.


Select to include only those payees for whom the difference between the current IRPF percentage and the last IRPF percentage equals or exceeds the value in the Difference field.

If this field is cleared, the report will include all payees that meet the other selection criteria.

The report will include a row of payroll data for the month specified in the Year/Month fields and a row of data for the previous month. For example, if you enter 2005 / September in the Year/Month fields and select Comparative, the report will provide, for each payee, a row of data for September 2005 and a row of data for August 2005.

Difference >=

This field is displayed when you select Comparative. Enter the minimum percentage by which a payee’s actual IRPF percentage and last IRPF percentage must differ for the payee to be included in the report.

For example, to include only those payees for whom the difference between the previous IRPF rate and the current IRPF rate is at least 5 percent, enter 5 here.

Filter By

Select a filter. Values are: Company, Pay Entity, Pay Group, Payee, and Tax Loc (tax location).

Filter List

Select the companies, pay entities, pay groups, payees, or tax locations to include in the report. Your selection in the Filter By field determines what you can enter here.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Tax Percentages

Access the Override Tax Percentage page.

Withholding percentage

Enter the new withholding percentage.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Updating System Information

To review tax ceilings, tax personal reductions, and tax family reductions, use the Calculation Variables ESP (GPES_TAX_VARIABLS) component. To review withholding segments, use the Withholding Segments ESP (GPES_TAX_BRKT_WHLD) component. To review ceiling brackets, use the Ceiling Bracket ESP (GPES_TAX_BRKT_CLNG) component. To review disability reductions, use the Disability Reduction ESP (GPES_TAX_BRKT_DSBL) component. To review fiscal territories and calculation data for the fiscal territory, use the Fiscal Territories ESP (GPES_TAX_LOCATN) component. To review the normalization schedule, use the Normalization Schedule ESP (GPES_TAX_CALENDAR) component. To set up garnishment elements, use the Garnishment Elements ESP (GPES_TAX_ELEMENTS) component. To review variable managers, use the View Variable Manager ESP (GPES_RATES) component.

This section provides an overview of system information and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding System Information

Before the system calculates IRPF, ensure that the tax bracket and fiscal territories information is current. Also update the Normalization Schedule page to calculate withholding while running payroll. You can also run the IRPF percentage calculation separately by creating a specific calendar and calendar group for the IRPF percentage calculation.

Global Payroll for Spain provides the following information in accordance with government regulations:

Global Payroll for Spain enables you to calculate tax percentage independently or while running the payroll process. Use the Normalization Schedule page and the Fiscal Territories page to coordinate the tax calculation and payroll process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Update System Information

Page Name

Object Name



Tax Ceilings


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Calculation Variables ESP, Tax Ceilings

Review the State Territory tax ceilings delivered by Global Payroll for Spain that define the minimum income required to pay tax.

Tax Personal Reductions


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Calculation Variables ESP, Tax Personal Reductions

Review the State Territory personal reductions that are used in the tax calculation to reduce employees' tax amount.

Tax Family Reductions


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Calculation Variables ESP, Tax Family Reductions

Review the State Territory family reductions that are used in the tax calculation for employees with dependents.

Withholding Segments


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Withholding Segments ESP, Withholding Segments

Review tax rates that define the percentage of tax withheld from employees based on income. For the historical territories, the tax withheld also varies according to the number of dependent children.

Ceilings Brackets


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Ceiling Bracket ESP, Ceilings Brackets

Review ceiling brackets that define the minimum income required to pay tax, depending on the number of dependents. These values are for the state territory only.

Disability Reduction


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Disability Reduction ESP, Disability Reduction

Review disability reduction rates that define disabled employees' reductions on tax. These values are for the historical territories only.

Fiscal Territories


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Fiscal Territories ESP, Fiscal Territories

Set up a tax office location and link the tax location to a pay entity and a tax calendar.

Calculation Data


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Fiscal Territories ESP, Calculation Data

Define data and check tax brackets used in tax calculations for the fiscal territory.

Normalization Schedule


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Normalization Schedule ESP, Normalization Schedule

Establish a schedule for the normalization process in a payroll calculation.

Garnishment Elements


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Garnishment Elements ESP, Garnishment Elements

Set up the elements that store garnishment values that could be paid by employees. This data is considered during the tax calculation.

View Variable Manager


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, View Variable Manager ESP, View Variable Manager

Specify which elements will be displayed in an specific component. Global Payroll for Spain delivers data for the component GPES_TAX_VARIABLS, so the elements are shown on different pages in this component: GPES_TAX_VARIABLS1 (Tax Ceilings), GPES_TAX_VARIABLS2 (Tax Personal Reductions), GPES_TAX_VARIABLS3 (Tax Family Reduction).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Tax Ceilings

Access the Tax Ceilings page.


Review the tax ceilings that define the minimum income required to pay tax.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Personal Tax Reductions

Access the Tax Personal Reductions page.

Personal Reductions

Review the personal reductions that are used in the tax calculation to reduce employees' taxes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Family Tax Reductions

Access the Tax Family Reductions page.

Family Reductions

Review the family reductions that are used in the tax calculation for employees with dependents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Withholding Segments

Access the Withholding Segments page.

This page defines the tax rates for the Fiscal Territories. An employee's level of tax is determined by the employee's income.

Note. The fields on this page vary depending on the historical territory you select. For example, if you select the historical territory of Alava, fields pertaining to Alava will appear. The historical territories supported by Global Payroll for Spain include Alava, Guipuzcoa, Navarra, and Vizcaya.

Withholding Bracket <Fiscal Territory>

Search Key Number of Descendants

The number of dependent children. An employee's children are considered as dependents if they are under the maximum age that is defined on the Fiscal Territory - Calculation Data page.

Search Key Taxable Net Base

Employee's annual income in Euros. The value in this field represents the top of the income range for the Withholding Bracket.

Return Column Withholding Bracket <Fiscal Territory>

The percentage of tax withheld for employees whose income is in the range defined by the Taxable Net Base and who have the number of children defined in the Number of Descendants field.

Return Column Withholding Contribution and Return Currency

The contribution amount withheld for paying employee's taxes for the state territory.

Return Column Marginal Percentage

The marginal percentage value used to calculate employee's taxes for the state territory.


This table illustrates how Withholding Segments work:

Number of Descendants

Taxable Net Base

Withholding Bracket










Employees with no children would pay tax as follows:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Ceiling Brackets

Access the Ceiling Brackets page.

This page defines the ceiling brackets for the state territory only. This page does not apply to the historical territories.

Personal Situation Exemptions

Search Key Family Situation

The family situation for the employee. Values are 1 - General Situation, 2 - Less than 1 year relationship, and 3 - Special Relationship.

Search Key Number of Descendants

The number of dependent children. An employee's children are considered as dependents if they are under the maximum age that is defined on the Fiscal Territory - Calculation Data page.

Return Column Personal Situation Exemptions and Currency

The amount and currency for personal situation exemptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Disability Reductions

Access the Disability Reduction page.

This page defines the reductions for disabled employees. This page does not apply to the state territory or the Navarra historical territory.

Search Key EE Disability Type

The type of disability for the employee.

Identifies the type of disability affecting the employee; Possible values are:

  • 0: Not disabled or disability less than 33%.

  • 1: Disability between 33 and 65% without needing help.

  • 2: Disability between 33 and 65% with need of help.

  • 3:Disability greater than or equal to 65%.

Search Key Taxable Net Base

The total-taxable annual amount that is used to calculate the tax percentage.

Return Column Disability Bracket <Fiscal Territory>

The percentage that can be subtracted from the calculated tax percentage. For example, someone affected by disability has a smaller tax percentage and pays less.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Fiscal Territories

Access the Fiscal Territories page.

Effective Date

Enter the effective date to track the history of the tax location.

Pay Entity

Select the pay entities associated with the Fiscal Territory.

Tax Calendar

Select the normalization schedule for the selected Pay Entity. This tells the system when to run the withholding percentage calculation for each Fiscal Territory during the payroll process. You can also run the calculation process separately whenever required.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Fiscal Territory Calculations

Access the Calculation Data page.

This page defines which brackets are used to calculate tax withholding percentages and various rates set by the Fiscal Territory. Global Payroll for Spain delivers the data for each Fiscal Territory. You can update the values as the tax regulations change.

Mileage Rate

The exempted amount per mile reimbursement for mileage.

Maintenance Domestic

The exempted daily amount reimbursement for domestic traveling maintenance.

Maintenance International

The exempted daily amount reimbursement for international traveling maintenance.

Night Domestic

The exempted daily amount reimbursement for domestic overnight stays.

Night International

The exempted daily amount reimbursement for international overnight stays.

Maximum Dependent Age

The maximum age of fiscal dependents.

Non-resident Withholding

Enter the withholding percentage for non-residents. The default percentage is 25.00. If the payroll process identifies an employee as a non-resident it applies this percentage to the employee’s withholding instead of the withholding percentage that corresponds to IRPF taxes.

See Managing Displaced People and Expatriates.

Withholding Bracket

The bracket used to calculate employees' withholding tax percentage.

Ceiling Bracket

The ceiling bracket that defines the minimum income required to pay tax, depending on the number of dependents. This field is displayed for the state territory only. Global Payroll for Spain delivers the bracket TAX BR MN EXENTO with these values.

Note. The Ceiling Bracket field appears only if you selected the State Fiscal Territory (HE).

Disability Bracket

The bracket used to calculate the reduction in tax that applies for a disabled employee. This field is not displayed for the state fiscal territory.

Note. The Disability Bracket field does not appear if you selected the State Fiscal Territory (HE). It appears for all other fiscal territories.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Normalization Schedules

Access the Normalization Schedule page.

Normalization Schedule

Tax Calculation Run

Select the month that you want the tax percentage to be calculated during the payroll calculation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Tax Elements for Garnishments

Access the Garnishment Elements page.

Element Utility

Define the type of garnishment element. Values are Child Support or Spouse Support.

Element Name

Select the element that stores the garnishment value for an employee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Variable Managers

Access the View Variable Manager page.

Entry Type

Identify the type of element being used.

Element Name

Select the element that will be shown in the component name.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Payee Tax Data

This section provides an overview of payee tax data entry and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Payee Tax Data Entry

When employees are hired, they must indicate their personal status, such as whether they have fiscal dependents, spouses to support, or neither. This information is required by the government in order to calculate an employee's taxes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Payee Tax Data

Page Name

Object Name



Maintain Tax Data


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Taxes, Maintain Tax Data ESP, Maintain Tax Data

Enter information about employees and their dependents as it relates to payroll calculation.

Transnational Mobility


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Taxes, Maintain Tax Data ESP, Transnational Mobility

Indicate whether employees are affected by transnational mobility. If so, also indicate whether the employee receives compensation, pays taxes, and contributes to social security.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Payee Tax Data Details

Access the Maintain Tax Data page.

Payee Data

In the Payee Data group box, define the details for an employee as they relate to tax calculation.

Effective Date

You must enter a new effective date every time any information related to tax calculation changes, including data that appears as display-only.


Selected if you indicate the employee is disabled on the Disability page in Human Resources.

Handicap Percent

If the employee is disabled, the handicap percent appears. This information comes from the Disability page in Human Resources.

See Tracking Disabilities.

Fiscal Territory

Select the Fiscal Territory to which the employee pays tax. The Fiscal Territory you select affects the fields that are displayed on the page. Values are Alava Fiscal Territory, Guipuzcoa Fiscal Territory, Navarra Fiscal Territory, State Fiscal Territory, and Vizcaya Fiscal Territory.

Relationship Type

Define the contract type as agreed between the employee and the company:

1. - General Relationship: For all other situations.

2. - Less 1 year relationship: For contracts with a duration of less than 1 year.

3. - Special Relationship: For special contracts, such as those for special collectives (for example, for consultants).

Family Situation

This field is displayed if you select the State Fiscal Territory in the Fiscal Territory field. Select the family situation of the employee, as defined by the government:

1. - With fiscal dependent: If the employee has dependents to support. Some dependents are recognized by Hacienda as fiscal dependents. Qualifying someone as a fiscal dependent has an impact on an employee's tax calculation.

2. - With spouse to support: If the employee has a spouse to support.

3. - Other situations: If the employee does not have fiscal dependents or a spouse to support.

Address Type

Select the address type to be used in tax reporting. Values are HOME and MAIL.

Help to Go to Work

Selected if you indicate that the employee needs help to go to work on the Disability page in Human Resources.


Select if the employee lives in the cities of Ceuta or Melilla. Employees who reside in these two Spanish cities, which are located in Africa, get special tax treatment.

Geographical Mobility

Select if IRPF taxes will be reduced for the employee if the employee has geographical mobility limitations.

Work life Extension

Select if IRPF taxes will be reduced for the employee if the employee qualifies for worklife extension status.

NIF Spouse

This field is displayed if you select the State Fiscal Territory in the Fiscal Territory field and 2 – With spouse to supportfor the Family Situation. Enter the spouse fiscal identification number.

Dependent Data

In the Dependent Data group box, define the details for an employee's dependents as they relate to tax calculation.

Dependent ID

Select the dependent/beneficiary ID for the employee.


The name of the dependent.


The relation of the dependent to the employee.


The birth date of the dependent.

Adoption Date

Enter the date that a dependent is adopted.


This field is displayed if you select the State Fiscal Territory in the Fiscal Territory field only. It displays disability information entered for the dependent on the Dependent Data page in Human Resources. This information is used in calculating an employee's taxes.

Handicap Percent

This field is displayed if you select the State Fiscal Territory only. Define the percentage of the handicap for the dependent. This information is used in calculating an employee's taxes.

Reduced Mobility

Indicates reduced mobility for the dependent.

Dependency Percentage

This field is displayed if you select the State Fiscal Territory only. Enter a percentage that indicates the level of dependency. For example, 100% means that the person is completely dependent on the employee.

Need Assistance

Indicates whether the dependent needs assistance or not.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Transnational Mobility

Access the Transnational Mobility page.

By default the system assumes that employees are not expatriates or displaced, so if an employee is displaced or an expatriate you need to identify them as such on this page. Once employees become expatriates or displaced, you can use this page to define each employee’s specific compensation, taxation, and social security contribution scenario to comply with regulatory requirements.

Transnational Geographic Mobility

Transnational Mobility

Select this check box to indicate that the employee is displaced and this transnational mobility requires changes to the employee’s payroll calculations. By default, the system clears this check box.

Country of Residence

Select the country where the employee resides. The system reports this value when you create the Model 296 file. If the employee’s country of residence changes, you must update this value so that the Model 296 file reports the change.

Payment Features

Pay Compensation

Select this check box to have the payroll process pay the net pay amount. Clear this check box to have the payroll process calculate the net pay amount and then add a deduction to force the net pay amount to zero, thus canceling the employee’s compensation. This is necessary if you want to calculate just the employee’s social security contributions or tax withholding. The system uses the DD COMP EXPTR deduction element to store the deduction amount that forces the net pay to zero balance. The system selects this check box by default.

To have the payroll process calculate compensation for displaced and expatriate employees, you must also assign to the employee the applicable earning and deduction elements according to the employee’s situation.

Taxes Calculation

Select how the payroll process calculates taxes for the employee. Your choices are:

  • Not calculate: Select this option if you do not want the payroll process to calculate taxes for the employee. If you select this option, you cannot specify a fiscal territory for the employee on the Maintain Tax Data page of this same component.

  • Pay IRNR (Non-resident Taxes): Select this option to have the payroll process calculate IRNR taxes for non-residents. You define the non-resident withholding amount in the Non-resident Withholding field on the Calculation Data page.

  • Pay IRPF (Regular Taxes): Select this option to have the payroll process calculate regular IRPF taxes for employees who are considered residents. The system selects this option by default.

Social Security Calculation

Select this check box to have the payroll process calculate social security contributions for the employee and the employer. Clear this check box if you do not want the payroll process to calculate social security contributions. Global Payroll for Spain provides functionality to allow reimbursement of the amount paid directly by the employee to the social security agency. The system selects this check box by default.

To have the payroll process calculate social security contributions, you must also assign to the employee the applicable earning and deduction elements according to the employee’s situation using the Assign Elements By Payee page.

See Also

Managing Displaced People and Expatriates

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Legal Reports

To define reporting results for Process 111, Process 110, and Process 190, use the Processes ESP (GPES_TAX_SETUP) component.

This section provides an overview of tax reports, an overview of the Tax Deductions Report, lists the common elements used in this section, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tax Reports

With Global Payroll for Spain, you can create these tax reports:

Note. The Model 110 report is for reporting to the Hacienda Estatal only. The report is not suitable for reporting to the other Fiscal Territories.

Global Payroll for Spain provides functionality to facilitate completion of the Model 111 and Model 110 reporting for historical territories. If you select to generate report data for an historical territory, the process generates a free format file that contains the information that needs to be reported. You can then use this file as a reference when entering reporting data on the official website of the historical territory.

In addition, Global Payroll for Spain provides functionality that enables you to print the Model 110 report for the state territory using the printing module that the state territory provides through its official web service.

See Also

Creating the Model 216 File

Generating the Model 345 File Report

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Tax Deductions Report

Global Payroll for Spain provides an additional tax report, the Tax Deductions Report (Certificado de Haberes). The system generates a the report in two different formats, the format depending on whether the employee is a resident or non-resident. For residents, the system generates the Annual Deduction Report (GPESTXDG). For non-residents, the system generates the IRNR Annual Deduction Report (GPESIRNR).

As an employer, you are obliged to issue the Annual Deductions certificate for every employee before the beginning of the income tax return period.

The report must include fiscal data on the employer and the employee, as well as all of the deductions for an employee, including annual social security deductions and annual tax deductions. Use this document to submit employee income tax returns.

The information in the Tax Deductions Report has the same data as the 190 Model, but for individual employees.

Use the tax process component to determine which accumulators will appear on this report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Fiscal Territory

Select the fiscal territory to which the report will be submitted.


Select the company for which the report will be submitted.

Calendar Year

Select the reporting year.

Person ID

Select the ID for the person who sends the report.

File Name

Enter the flat file name and location.

Contact Name

Select the contact’s name.

Contact Phone

Displays the contact’s phone number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Legal Reports

Page Name

Object Name



Process 111 Setup


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Processes ESP, Process 111 Setup

List the accumulators used to generate the Model 111 report.

The 111 Model is a flat file containing monthly withholding data.

Process 110 Setup


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Processes ESP, Process 110 Setup

List the accumulators used to generate the Model 110 report.

Process 190 Setup


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Processes ESP, Process 190 Setup

List the accumulators used to generate the Model 190 report.

Create 111/110 Model File


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Create 111/110 Model File ESP, Create 111/110 Model File

Select the parameters with which the system generates the Model 111 or Model 110 report. Use the Tax Process page to establish the reported elements.

Create 190 Model File


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year-End Processing, Create 190 Model File ESP, Create 190 Model File

Select the run control parameters used to generate the 190 Model report.

Employees to Process


Click the Employees link on the Create 190 Model file page.

Select the employees that the system will process. Use this page only if you select to process a complimentary type of statement.

Tax Deductions Report


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year-End Processing, Tax Deductions Report ESP, Tax Deductions Report

Generate the Tax Deductions report (GPESTAX1) for resident or non-resident employees. The Application Engine (AE) processes generate a flat file containing annual tax deduction information for each employee. You can run the applicable AE process by itself or as part of a PSJob. The job first runs the applicable AE process to generate the flat file. Then the job uses a Microsoft Word template to merge the data from the text file into a Word document with the required format.

Payee List


Click the Payee List link on the Tax Deductions Report page. The Payee List link is only available if the Listed Payees option is selected on the Tax Deductions Report page.

Select the employees to include in the Tax Deduction report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Model 111/110 Report

Access the Create 111/110 Model File page.

Note. Only fields that are unique to the Model 111/110 report are discussed here. Fields common to all tax reports are defined elsewhere in this chapter.

See Common Elements Used in This Section.

For the state territory the process generates a flat file that you can electronically import into the official program provided by the tax authorities. For historical territories the process generates a free format file that contains a readable summary of the information that you need to report. You can then use this file as a reference when entering reporting data on the official website of the historical territory. The file name that the process generates for historical territories is the file name that you specify plus the letter S at the end.

Report Request Parameters


Select the report you want to run: Model 110 or Model 111. The model you select here determines whether the system displays a Quarter or Month field.

Fiscal Territory

Select the fiscal territory for which you are generating the model file. The system prompts you to select from the available tax locations. Based on your selection, the process properly formats the files that it generates for the state or historical territory.


This field is displayed if you select Model 111. Select the year and reporting month.


This field is displayed if you select Model 110. Select the year and the quarter for the report.

Pay Type

Select whether the payment of the Model 110 report for the state territory will be done in cash or by bank transfer. The value that you select appears in the Pay Type box of the report when you are using the printing module that the fiscal territory provides on its official website.

Declaration Type

Select declaration type of the Model 110 report for the state territory. The value that you select appears in the Declaration Type box of the report when you are using the printing module that the fiscal territory provides on its official website.

Valid values are:

  • AT Account: Select when the payment is by bank transfer to a Tax Agency account.

  • Cash: Select when the payment is in cash.

  • Negative: Select when the reported amount is a negative value.

  • Order: Select when the payment is by bank transfer.


Use this group box to enter the values for the Signature City and Signature Date boxes of the report when you are using the printing module that the state fiscal territory provides on its official website to generate the Model 110 report.

Signature City

Select the location where the file is generated. The location appears in the corresponding box on the printed version of the report.

Signature Date

Select the date the file is generated. The date that you select appears in the corresponding box on the printed version of the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Model 190 Report

Access the Create 190 Model File page.

Note. Only fields that are unique to the Model 190 report are discussed here. Fields common to all tax reports are defined elsewhere in this chapter.

See Common Elements Used in This Section.

The process generates a flat file that you can electronically import into the official program provided by the tax authorities. The process uses different formats for the file depending on the selected fiscal territory.

Report Request Parameters

Fiscal Territory

Select the fiscal territory for which you are generating the model file. The system prompts you to select from the available tax locations. Based on your selection, the process properly formats the files that it generates for the state or historical territory.

Calendar Year

Select the calendar year for which you are generating the model file.

Device CD

Select the device CD.

File Name

Enter the path where you want the process to store the model file. Include the name of the file that you want the process to use for the model file. Entering a file extension type is optional. The system stores the data in a text file by default.

Sender Data

Companies can manage their own tax reporting or give that responsibility to another company. In cases where one company is sending information for other companies, use this group box to enter contact data for the company that is sending the information. Then use the Contact Data tab in the Companies to Process group box to enter the contact information specific to each company. If you are sending data for your own company only, leave this group box blank and enter contact information only in the Contact Data tab.


Enter the name of the company that is sending the model file.

Person ID

Enter the ID of the person who is sending the model file.

Name and Phone

Enter the name and contact phone number of the person who is sending the model file. The system displays these values when you select the person ID.

Companies to Process - Reporting Type


Select the companies for which you are sending the model file. The process creates a report for each company that you specify.


The system displays the name of the selected company.

Type of Statement

Select the type of model statement that you want to generate. Your choices are:

  • Ordinary: Select this option to process all employees for the selected calendar year.

  • Comple (complement): Select this option to process specific employees who were not included in the processing of the ordinary statement. The system displays an Employees link to select the specific employees to process, and a Related ID field to enter the ID of the related model file previously generated through ordinary processing.

  • Substitute: Select this option to generate a substitute model file to replace a previously generated file. Use this option when there is new information to send for employees of a previously generated file. The system displays a Related ID Number field to enter the ID of the related model file previously generated.

Related ID Number

The system displays this field when the statement type is either complement or substitute. Enter the ID of the previously generated model file that you want to complement with more employees or substitute with new data.


Click this link to access the Employees to Process page, where you can select the employees who the system will process. The system displays this link only if you select to process a complimentary type of statement. When your system displays the Employees to Process page, use the EmplID field to select the employees that you want to include in the model file. The system enables you to select only the employees who are in the related reporting table for the selected year.

Companies to Process - Contact Data

Use this tab to enter the contact information for each of the companies for which you are sending the model file.

Employee ID

Enter the ID of the person who is the contact for the model file at the company.

Contact Name

Enter the name of the person who is the contact for the model file at the company.

Contact Phone

Enter the contact phone number of the person who is the contact for the model file at the company.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Tax Deductions Report

Access the Tax Deductions Report page.


Select the company for which this report will be run.

Fiscal Territory

Select the fiscal territory to which the Company submits tax reporting information.

Note. Global Payroll for Spain provides functionality for the generating Tax Deductions Report just for the state fiscal territory. For other fiscal territories you can generate this report through the programs that each fiscal agency provides when you report the Model 190. You can download these programs directly from the official websites of the historical territories.

Calendar Year

Select the calendar year to report.

Signature City

Enter the city where the report was signed.

Signature Date

Enter the date that the report was signed.

Responsible ID

Enter the ID of the person who is responsible for signing the report.

Payee Selection Option

Select All Payees to include all the employees in the Company in the report. Otherwise, select Listed Payees and click the Payee List link to select the employees for the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Payees for the Tax Deductions Report

Access the Payee List page.

EmplID (employee ID)

Select the employee that you want to run the Tax Deduction report for.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Tax Elements

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Tax Deductions

This table lists the delivered tax deductions in Global Payroll for Spain:




Salary taxes. This deduction is defined as Base * Percent, where:

Base is TAX AC DIN S

Percent is TAX VR PCT IRPF


Tax to be forwarded. This deduction is calculated during a retroactivity process and is used to forward values to the current period.


Exempt income to be forwarded.


Exempt income from previous years.


Exempt income from retro.


IRPF deduction for retro of periods in the previous year.


IRPF deduction for retro of periods in the current year.


Salary in kind IRPF. This deduction is defined as Base * Percent, where:

Base is TAX AC SPC S

Percent is TAX VR PCT IRPF


Salary in kind IRPF to be forwarded. This deduction is calculated during a retroactivity process and is used to forward values to the current period.


Exempt in-kind to be forwarded.


Exempt in-kind from previous years.


Salary in kind IRPF for retro of periods in the previous year.


Salary in kind IRPF for retro of periods in the current year.


IRPF in-kind employee.


IRPF in-kind employee to be forwarded.


IRPF in-kind employee from previous years.


IRPF in-kind employee from current year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Earnings for Irregular Income

The following table lists the new delivered earnings elements related to calculation of irregular income reductions for employees who belong to historical territories:




Irregular income.


Irregular income affected by 50% reduction. This earning corresponds to income accrued in more than five years.


Irregular income affected by 50% reduction. This earning is used in the Navarra historical territory. It corresponds to income that has been derived from disability benefits.


Irregular income affected by 70% reduction. This earning is used in the Navarra historical territory. It corresponds to income that has been derived from death benefits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Tax Process List

Global Payroll for Spain delivers the TAX PR CALC IRPF process list specifically for running the tax percentage calculation separately from the payroll process. The process list has a run type of IRPF_CALC.

Note. The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements designed for Spain. Instructions for running the query are provided in thePeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll 9.0 PeopleBook.

See Also

Understanding How to View Delivered Elements