(ESP) Managing Spanish Reporting

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up XML Files

This section provides an overview of XML file setup and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding XML File Setup

This overview discusses the XML file setup necessary to generate XML files. The system uses the XML file setup for Delta (Sistema Delt@) reporting, Contrata (Sistema Contrat@) reporting, and contract printing.

General XML Setup Steps

Before you can generate XML files for reporting, you must set up the components for XML file creation.

To set up XML files:

  1. Set up XML code tables.

  2. Define XML sets.

  3. Set up XML node tables and node mapping.

  4. Define XML templates.

  5. Map contracts to XML nodes (Contrata reporting only).

  6. Map contract-level nodes to the appropriate contract type (Contract Printing only).

  7. Perform the steps to generate the XML file.

The XML generation process uses this dynamic setup data to create the XML files based on the specific needs of the report you are generating.

XML Code Tables

XML code tables are tables that list the valid values of an XML node. Code tables enable you to compile setup data through a single menu entry point. Use the XML Code Table (XML_CODE_TBL) component to define the auxiliary XML code tables and the valid values that your company uses. Once you define the XML code tables, you can use them to:

You can perform both of these options when defining XML nodes through the XML Node Table component. Later in the business process, when you are completing a person’s node data for an XML file during XML file generation, the system prompts you to select from the valid values that you have defined in the code table for the node.

XML Sets

An XML set is a group XML files. You can associate XML sets with functional areas. Human Resources for Spain delivers an XML set for the Contrata, Delta, and Contract Printing functional areas. Use the XML Set Table component to define XML set definitions for XML files. You associate XML sets with XML nodes and XML templates. Assign XML sets to XML nodes through the XML Node Table component and to XML templates through the XML Template Table component.

XML Node Tables

XML nodes are the core of the XML file setup. XML nodes are sets of tags within an XML file that determine the hierarchical structure of the file. They represent the XML tags that are mapped to Human Resources data. All tags between the open tag and closed tag of a node comprise the node. Use the XML Node Table component to define XML nodes and create the relationships between the nodes. The nodes that you create and relate to each other define the XML file structure. Through the XML generation process the system can retrieve data that is already stored in the Human Resources database and write the data into the appropriate XML nodes.

You can define complex nodes or simple nodes. Complex nodes are composed of other simple or complex nodes. Complex nodes can be root nodes or children nodes. There can only be one root node per XML template that you define. A root node defines a specific XML file layout. For further embedding of XML tags, children nodes can also contain their own children nodes. Simple nodes are associated with values. To derive the values of simple nodes, you can use as source data manual values that you enter or system values.

Sometimes the data with the system as the source from which you are deriving the values of the nodes does not match the data that you need for the XML file. In cases such as these, you can also use the XML Node Table component to map the system data values to alternate values that fit your reporting needs. For example, PeopleSoft system data uses as gender values M (male) and F (female). However, I.N.E.M. uses H (hombre/male) and M (mujer/female). You can use the XML Node Table component to map these PeopleSoft system values to the corresponding I.N.E.M. values.

XML Templates

XML templates define the type of communications within each functional area, identifying the complete XML structure of the XML file that you generate for each communication. An XML template holds the keys and root node for runtime data retrieval for the XML generation process. When defining each template, you assign a root node. The root node thus contains the whole information for all of the nodes in the template thereby defining the XML file structure. At runtime the system uses these keys to retrieve the correct values for the fields as part of the SQL Select statement when retrieving the data for the children nodes of the root node that you associate with the XML template in its definition.

Contract Mapping

Contract mapping is the means of associating a contract type with XML templates and XML nodes. Within the Contrat@ Mapping component, you select the Contrata template ID for which you want to perform mapping and then link selected contract types to specific XML starting nodes. Through this action you are thus assigning a specific XML format to each contract type. You must assign a specific XML node to each contract type because each contract type could report different information. Delta XML file generation does not use contracts and therefore does not require mapping.

Contract Printing Mapping

Contract printing mapping is the means of associating a contract type with XML templates and XML nodes. Within the Contract Printing Mapping component, you select the Contrata template ID for which you want to perform mapping and then link selected contract types to specific XML starting nodes. Through this action you assign a specific format to each contract type. You must assign a specific XML node to each contract type because each contract type could report different information. Delta XML file generation does not use contracts and does not require mapping.

Note. Contract Printing generates reports in PDF format, not XML format. But the system takes advantage of the functionality of XML generation used in Contrat@ and Delt@ to provide a flexible way to set up and customize the content of the PDF files. So the system uses the XML setup tables to define the data that Contract printing functionality needs to extract

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up XML Files

Page Name

Object Name



XML Code Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, XML Code Tables

Define the auxiliary XML code tables and the valid values that your company uses for XML nodes.

XML Set Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, XML Set Table

Maintain XML set definitions.

XML Template


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, XML Template Table

Define templates for use during XML file generation.

Node Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, XML Node Table, Node Table

Define the nodes that comprise the XML file structure for Delta and Contrata reporting, or for contract printing of specific contract types.

Node Mapping


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, XML Node Table, Node Mapping

Map existing system values for nodes to alternate values that the XML file requires.

Contrat@ Mapping


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Contrat@ Mapping

Define the root node that corresponds to each contract type for Contrata XML file generation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up XML Code Tables

Access the XML Code Table page.

Code Table

The name of the code table.


Enter the description of the code table.

Code - Description

XLAT Value

Enter the translate value for the code table.


Enter the description of the translate value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining XML Sets

Access the XML Set Table page.

Human Resources for Spain provides XML sets for both Delta and Contrata reporting. Human Resources for Spain also delivers the XML set P01 for use with all contract printing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up XML Node Tables

Access the Node Table page.

Node ID

When creating a new node, enter a code to identify the node.


Select the XML set to specify the functional area for which you are defining this node.


Enter a description of the node.


Enter the name of the XML tag for the node.

Node Type

Select whether the node is Simple or Complex. Simple nodes are associated with values, whereas complex nodes are composed of other simple or complex nodes.

Root Node

Select this check box to indicate that this complex node is a root node, meaning that it is the node from which all other nodes in the XML file structure are derived.

Preview XML

Click this button to access the XML Preview ESP page, where you can preview the XML file structure for the complex node. You can only preview XML files structure for complex node types.


Select this check box if the data in this node is the concatenation of two or more fields in the database. The system displays the Node ID field for you to select the concatenated node. This check box becomes available for edit only for simple nodes.

Node ID

Select the concatenated node. This field becomes available only if you select the Concatenate check box.

Source Data

Select how you want to define the source data for the node. During XML file generation, the system uses the option that you select to retrieve and validate node values in the XML file. This field becomes available for edit only for simple nodes. Valid values are:

  • Manual: Select this option for those nodes for which the data is not stored in the HR system, so the system will request its value to be entered manually when generating the file. Selecting this option enables you to validate a node value against the specific XML code table, translate field, or date format that you specify. Or you can specify that there be no validation, enabling the user to enter any node value into an open entry field.

  • System: Select this option to indicate that the valid values for the node already exist in the application as part of a special view designed specifically for XML files. After selecting this option, you then need to specify which record (view) and field contains the valid values for the node. The Record Name field, Field Name field, and Node Mapping page become available for edit. You must select this option if you need to map a system value to an alternate value.

Record Name and Field Name

The system displays these fields when you select system data as the as source data of a simple node. If you select the System value in the Source Data field, you then need to specify which record and field contain the valid values for the XML node. To specify a record and field, first select a record from the list of valid views. Then select a field from the list of available fields in the view. The system uses your selection to validate data when generating XML files.

When selecting a valid record and field, you cannot use any record. You must use special views built for this purpose. The delivered special views and any that you create must meet the following two conditions:

  1. Name.Record name must start with XML_ and end with _VW.2.

  2. Keys.Record keys must be defined using only the fields defined in the template.

Validation Type

Manually select the type of data validation that you want to occur when the system validates the node values that users enter for a person in an XML file. This field becomes available only when the Source Data field value is manual. Valid values are:

  • Code Table: Select this option if you want the node value to come from a table of values as defined on the XML Code Table page. The system displays the Code Table field for you to select the specific table.

  • Date: Select this option if you want the node value to be a date. The system displays the Formatted field for you to select the date format.

  • None: Select this option if you do not need validation of the node value. The system displays the Node Value field as an open entry field on the Details page of the XML file generation pages. Users can enter any value for the node because the field that has no edits for validation.

  • Xlat Field (translate field): Select this option if you want node value to come from a translate table for a specific field. The system displays the Field Name field for you to select the field from which the system prompts users with translate values.

Default Value

For a simple node where the source is manual you can set up a default value.

Reg Region (regulatory region)

This field becomes available for edit only for simple node types that use code tables. Select the regulatory region to use to filter possible code tables to a specific setID. Code tables contain a setID. By selecting the regulatory region, the system enables you to select only the code tables with the same setID as the regulatory region.

Code Table

If you select a validation type of code table, select the table from which you want the system to prompt users with values to select for a node.


If you select a validation type of date or a date field, select how you want the date field to be formatted.

Field Name

If you select a validation type of translate field, select the field from which the system prompts users with translate values.

Children Nodes

Use this group box to define the children node members of a complex node. All children nodes that you define for a given node appear at the same level in an XML file structure. If children nodes are complex nodes that require their own children nodes, you must define members for these nodes in their own node definition.

Sequence Number

Enter the sequence in which you want the children nodes to appear in the file structure within the parent node. The system arranges the children nodes in order from lowest to highest.

Node ID

Select the child node. Define child nodes using this same component.


The system displays the description of the child node.

Node Type

The system displays the node type of the child node, either simple or complex.

Required Field

Select this check box to make this node a required field in the XML file. When you validate the XML file through the appropriate reporting component, the system requires that the user enter a value for this field before generating the XML file.

Iterative Node

Select this check box to indicate that you can repeat this node inside the XML file.

Print if Blank

Select this check box if you want an XML file to contain a specific node even if the value is null.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Node Mapping

Access the Node Mapping page.

Note. This page becomes available only when you define the Node Type as Simple and the Source Data as System on the Node Table page.

Use this page is cases where the values for the node exists in the application but the system values do not match the values that the XML file requires. Through this page you can map the existing system values to other, more appropriate values that you must use for the XML file.

Mapping From

For the field that you are mapping from, select how the field derives its valid values. After you make a selection, use the System Value field in the grid below to specify the system field values from which you want to map to alternate values. Your choices are:

  • Manual: Select this option if the system values are derived manually through user entry and you want to map these values to other values. Fields such as these are defined as having no edit, thus enabling manual entry. The System Values field in the grid prompts you to manually enter each system value that you want to map to another value.

  • None: Select this option if there is no need to map system values for the field that you specify in the Field Name field on the Node Table page to another value.

  • Record: Select this option if the system values are derived from a prompt table and you want to map values in the prompt table to other values. Then use the Edit Table field, which becomes available, to specify the prompt table from which the field derives its valid values. The System Values field in the grid prompts you to select each prompt table value that you want to map to another value.

  • Xlat (translate): Select this option if the system values are derived from a translate table and you want to map these translate values to other values. The System Values field in the grid prompts you to select each translate value that you want to map to another value.

Note. To successfully map system values to an alternate value, you must know the type of table edit that is associated with the field that you are mapping. In this way you preserve data integrity so that the system is able to accurately remap values during data validation of an XML file. You select the field on the Node Table page in the Field Name field.

Edit Table

If you select to map field values from a record, select the prompt table from which the field derives its valid values.

Mapping To

Select how you want to define the new valid field values that you are mapping to. After you make a selection, use the Node Value field in the grid below to specify the new value to replace the system value. Your choices are:

  • Code Table: Select this option to map values to a value that exists on an XML code table. The Code Table field becomes available for edit.

  • Manual: Select this option to map system values to a value that you manually define.

  • None: Select this option there is no need to map system values to another value.

Reg Region (regulatory region)

Select the regulatory region to use to filter possible code tables to a specific setID. Code tables contain a setID. By selecting the regulatory region, the system enables you to select only the code tables with the same setID as the regulatory region.

Code Table

If you select to map new field values to values from an XML code table, select the code table. Define XML code tables on the XML Code Table page.

System Value and Description

Specify the system field value from which you are mapping to another more appropriate value for the XML file. If you are mapping from a field where the valid values are derived from translate tables or propmt tables, select the value that you want to change. If you are mapping from fields where the valid values are derived by manual entry into the system, enter the value that you want to change. The value that you enter manually must be identical to the value defined through user entry.

For translate values and table record values, the system displays the description of your selection.

Node Value and Description

Select or enter the node value to which you are mapping the system value. If you have selected to map to a code table in the Mapping To field, the system prompts against the values in the XML code table that you specify. For XML code table values, the system displays the description of your selection.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining XML Templates

Access the XML Template page.


When defining new XML Templates, select the XML set to which the template belongs.

Template Type

The identifying code of the template.


Enter a description of the XML template.

Key 1 Field Name, Key 2 Field Name and Key 3 Field Name

Specify the fields that you want to use as keys for the different levels of data that you are reporting with the XML template. These fields indicate the key structure of the table from which the system retrieves data for reporting through XML files.

For example, with Contrata reporting you define EmplID and EFFDT as the key fields to indicate that you are reporting employee information based on the effective date of the contracts. With Delta reporting, you define three levels—company, employee, and effective date (or the incident)—to deliver XML files that include information keyed at the company level, employee level, and incident level.

When you map a node to a record and field that exist in the database through the XML Node Table component, the record that you select must have at least one of these keys as a record key because the Where clause is built dynamically to use these fields.

The system also uses the key fields that you define here as filter criteria when you confirm or unconfirm the sending of XML files that are based on this XML template. Confirm XML files through the XML File Confirmation ESP component.

Root Node

Select the root node for the XML template. By identifying the root node for the XML template you are setting the whole structure of the XML file because the root node contains in a recursive mode the whole structure. The root node is the starting point of the XML structure. Define root nodes on the XML Node Table page.

XML Version

Specify the version of the XML files that are based on this template. Each XML file needs to include a first line that states the version.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Contracts to XML Nodes

Access the Contrat@ Mapping page.

Template ID

You can access this page for templates that you have already defined. Define templates on the XML Template page.


Select the setID of the contract type. The system selects ESP by default.

Contract Type and Description

Select the contract type for which you want to specify the starting node. The system prompts you to select from contract types that are defined for the selected setID.

Node ID and Description

Select the Contrata node to which you want to map the specified contract type. By associating this node to each contract type, you are defining the XML file format and structure for the contract type. Each contract type can require different information to be reported so you must assign different XML structure to each of them .

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Contrata Communications

This section provides an overview of Contrata (Sistema Contrat@) communication management, lists steps to manage Contrata XML file generation, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Contrata Communication Management

Contrata is a web service of the Public Service of Employment (I.N.E.M.) that enables companies to file new employees’ employment contracts, change an employee’s situation from temporary to permanent, notify I.N.E.M. of extensions to contracts, and carry out other legally required processes. When companies submit the communication online to I.N.E.M. they receive an immediate response notifying them of errors. Companies can then correct the errors before confirming the communication. It is mandatory that companies communicate contract data to I.N.E.M.

Human Resources for Spain provides Contrata communication functionality that enables you to track multiple persons’ labor contract data and to generate an XML flat file to send to I.N.E.M. This feature combined with the Contrata web service eliminates the paper communication between companies and I.N.E.M. and enables companies to communicate data for multiple persons at once, thus reducing time and costs.

Contrata XML files contain all of the data related to the hiring of employees between two dates for a specific type of contract communication. Human Resources for Spain delivers the templates to create XML files to use for Contrata communications of labor contracts, basic copy, and extensions. The XML file generation process obtains data from the HRMS database and from data that you enter when generating the XML file. Once you generate the XML file you can then upload the file through the Contrata web service.

To use the Contrata communication management functionality you must first review the delivered XML file setup data during implementation to ensure that it complies with your company’s requirements. This setup includes defining the XML sets, code tables, nodes, and templates necessary for the XML generation process to gather data and generate the XML file. Human Resources for Spain delivers a large percentage of this setup data to facilitate implementation.

Once you complete the XML setup, you can then use the Create Contrat@ XML File ESP component to search for and select the persons for whom you need to report Contrata data, load their data into an XML file template, add additional required data, validate the data, and generate the XML file.

Next you can send your completed XML files to I.N.E.M. through the Contrata web service. Use the XML File Confirmation ESP component to confirm the sending status of communications. The system automatically tracks which persons you have included in communications in order to avoid situations where you report data multiple times for the same person, resulting in unintentional overriding and overlapping of data.

After I.N.E.M. sends your company a response XML file regarding your Contrata communication, you can use the Create Contrat@ XML File ESP component to review the XML response file for errors and make necessary changes. Depending on the error and communication status, you can then communicate the correct data either by contact I.N.E.M. or regenerate the XML file communication for persons whose data is in error.

Delivered XML Codes for Contrata Reporting

The Spanish social security administration (I.N.E.M.) delivers tables with a simple structure of code equals value, with each of these tables containing numerous values. Human Resources for Spain delivers the social security tables as XML code tables for Contrata reporting, providing many of the table values as sample data. During implementation, you must review the setup data to ensure that it complies with your company’s requirements.

The following table describes the data tables within the XML Code Tables component that relate to the Contrata communication functionality:

XML Code Table


Used By


Bonification Groups



Bonification Law



City Codes



Clause Signature



Contract Codes



Contrata Errors



Council Activity



Council Codes









Degree (SISPE)



Disability Types



ET / CO / TE Contracts



Education Level



Employment Program






Industrial Activity



Interim Reasons



NID Type



Official Occupation Codes CNO-4



Official Occupation Codes CNO-8












Relieve Employee



Research Employee



Research Employer



SS Work Groups









Training Contract Groups



Unlimited Contract Regulation



Unlimited Contract Regulation Groups



Yes/No Table (1/2)

Contrata and Delta


Yes/No Table (S/N)

Contrata and Delta

Delivered XML Nodes for Contrata Reporting

Human Resources for Spain delivers XML file structures for Contrata communication management functionality. You can also define your own XML file structures through this component by creating additional nodes and relating them to each other.

Delivered XML Templates for Contrata Reporting

Human Resources for Spain delivers three different types of communications for Contrata reporting. Use the XML Template Table component to define templates for the types of communication that you use for XML file generation. You can define as many XML templates as necessary to meet your company needs. Human Resources for Spain delivers as system data the following XML templates:

XML Template


Contrat@ - Contracts

Used to communicate new contracts.

Contrat@ - Extensions

Used to communicate extension of a contract.

Contrat@ - Basic Copy

Used to communicate the clauses of a contract.

After you have defined XML templates, you can use the Contrat@ Mapping component to link Contrata contract types with XML root nodes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSteps to Manage Contrata XML File Generation

Once you have entered all of the data necessary for Contrata reporting, you can use the Create Contrat@ Report ESP component to create the Contrata report in XML file format for reporting to I.N.E.M.

To complete the Contrata XML file generation process:

  1. Access the Create Contrat@ XML File ESP component.

  2. Select the template (type of communication) to use for the XML file on the Create Contrat@ XML File ESP - Definition page.

  3. Move to the Create Contrat@ XML File ESP - Generation page, specify report parameters, and search for persons to include in the report.

  4. Select from the search results the persons to include in the report.

  5. Load data for the selected persons into the XML file.

  6. View a person’s data details for the XML file and enter additional information.

  7. Validate the data for the XML file.

  8. Preview the XML file.

  9. Generate the XML file.

  10. Send the XML file to I.N. E.M through the Contrata web service.

  11. Load the XML response file from I.N.E.M on the Load Response File and evaluate the status of the persons included on the Contrata XML file.

  12. View any errors on the Contrat@ Error page, and then manually fix the errors in the system either at the source or through the Create Contrat@ XML File ESP - Details page.

  13. Regenerate and resend the Contrata XML file for persons with errors in the response file as necessary.

  14. Confirm or unconfirm the sending of the XML file through the XML File Confirmation ESP component.

The XML file generation process stores a record of the data sent in the communication to track which persons you have already processed. Note that you can include only one type of communication per XML file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can use the Contrata communications functionality you must first define Spanish workforce data related to Contrata XML files in the appropriate setup pages. This Spanish workforce data includes XML templates, codes, and nodes.

See Also

Setting Up XML Files

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Contrata XML File Generation

Page Name

Object Name



Create Contrat@ XML File ESP - Definition


Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports, Create Contrat@ XML File ESP, Definition

Set up the XML file definition for the Contrata communication.

Create Contrat@ XML File ESP - Generation File


Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports, Create Contrat@ XML File ESP, Generation File

Search for and select the employees for whom you need to communicate contract data to I.N.E.M., load and review their data, and then generate the XML file that you must send to I.N.E.M.

XML Preview ESP


Click the Preview XML button on the Generation File page.

View a preview of the XML file for the Delta service or Contrata service before generating the XML file.

Create Contrat@ XML File ESP - Details


Click the Details link for a specific person on the Generation File page.

View the contract data that the system has loaded into the XML file for the person and complete the missing information that is required in the XML file.

Load Response File


Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports, Create Contrat@ XML File ESP, Load Response File

Load the Contrata response file from I.N.E.M. to view the reporting status of each person in the Contrata XML file previously sent to I.N.E.M.

Contrat@ Error


Click the Details link on the Load Response File page.

View descriptions of the errors associated with a selected persons Contrata data according to the Contrata response file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the XML File

Access the Create Contrat@ XML File ESP - Definition page.


When generating a new XML file, enter an identifier for the XML file generation upon entering the component. You use this identifier to confirm or un-confirm the sending of an XML file on the XML Confirm page.


Enter a description for the XML file that you are generating.

Template Type

Select the XML template that you want the XML file generation process to use when generating the XML file. The valid values that you can select depend on the component through which you are generating the XML file. You define XML templates on the XML Template Table page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the XML File for Contrata Reporting

Access the Create Contrat@ XML File ESP - Generation File page.


Shows the status of the communication for the XML file. Possible values are:

  • XML File No Generated: The XML file has not yet been generated.

  • XML File Created: The XML file has been generated. The system updates the field to this value when you generate the XML file or when you press the Unconfirm All button on the XML Confirm page.

  • XML File Sent and Confirmed: The XML file has been sent and confirmed as sent. The system updates the field to this value when you press the Confirm All button on the XML Confirm page.

This is the same field that appears on the XML Confirm page. Upon saving your changes, the system reflects the new value on that page as well.

File Name

Enter the name of the file that you want the process to use for the report. The system stores the data in a XML file.

File Path

Enter the path where you want the process to store the report file.

Filter Data

Use this group box to search for persons who have contract information that you need to report to I.N.E.M. Use the search criteria to narrow your search results.

From Date and To Date

Enter the date range to search for persons within that timeframe who require XML file generation for Contrata reporting.

Filter By

Use the filter by option to narrow your search results to a specific social security number (CCC), company, or employee. If you select one of these filter options, the system displays a grid for you to enter the additional search criteria.

Company and Description

Select a specific company to search for persons within that company who require XML file generation for Contrata reporting. The system displays the description of the company that you select.

EmplID (employee ID) and Name

Select a specific employee to search for his or her contracts that require XML file generation for Contrata reporting. The system displays the name of the employee that you select.

Company, Description, and Social Security Number

Select a specific company and social security number to filter your search results to based on social security number. The system displays the name of the company that you select.


Press this button to search for persons who require XML file generation for Contrata reporting based on your filter criteria.

Employee Data

Use this group box to view the results of your search and select the persons to include in the XML file for Contrata reporting.

Select All

Press this button to select all rows in your search results. Otherwise, select the check box for each person that you want to include in the XML file.

Unselect All

Press this button to clear the selection check box for all persons in the search results grid.

EmplID and Name

The system displays the ID and name of the persons that meet your search criteria. Select the check box for persons that you want to include in the XML file.

Effective Date

The system displays the date when the contract type is associated with the employee. You associate contract types with employees through the Contract Type/Clauses page of the Update Contracts component.

Contract Type

The system displays the type of legal contract associated with the employee. You associate contract types with employees through the Contract Type/Clauses page of the Update Contracts component.

Node Status

The system automatically displays the status of data for each employee being reported. Possible values are:

  • Data OK: The employee’s data has been successfully loaded but the XML file has not yet been sent and confirmed.

  • XML Sent Confirmed: The employee’s data has been successfully included in the XML file and there is confirmation that the XML file has been sent. You must use the XML Confirm page to update the XML file status to this value.

  • Required Data: The employee’s data has been included in the XML file but there is still data required for the employee before the XML file can be sent.

  • Not Validated: The employee’s data has been loaded in the XML structure but not yet validated.

This is the same field that appears on the XML Confirm page. Upon saving your changes, the system reflects the new value on that page as well.


The system displays the description of the node that is mapped to the contract type of the employee, as defined on the Contrat@ Mapping page.


Click this link to access the Create Contrat@ XML File ESP - Details page, where you can view the contract data that the system has loaded into the XML file for the person and complete the missing information that is required in the XML file.

Load Data

Press this button to load contract data into the XML file for all of the selected persons. After you load data, this button converts to the Validate button and the Details link becomes available for each row of data that you included in the data load.


Press this button to have the system validate that the required data for each person is included in the XML file. The system displays the status of the validation in the Node Status field for each of the selected persons.

You must enter all required data and have a Node Status value of Data OK for all of the selected employees before you can generate the XML file. When you validate the required data, the Preview XML button becomes available. Once you have a node status of successful for all of the selected employees and save the page, the XML Generation button become available.

Note. You must save the page before generating an XML file.

Preview XML

Press this button to access the XML Preview page, where you can preview the XML file for the Delta service or Contrata service before generating the XML file. This button becomes available only after you load data into the XML file.

XML Generation

Press this button to generate the XML file with the contract data for the selected persons. The system executes the XML file generation batch process, which creates the XML file based on the selected template ID. The batch process saves the XML file to the location that you specify in the run parameters. The batch process also updates the Status field to the XML File Created value for the XML file ID.

Provided that you have not confirmed the sending of the XML file through the XML Confirm page, you can change or add data and rerun the process as many times as necessary. The Status field indicates whether the sending of the XML file is confirmed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Employee Details for Contrata Reporting

Access the Create Contrat@ XML File ESP - Details page.

Nodes that display this symbol are not required. They have no data but are available for optional data entry.

Nodes that display this symbol have data that you entered manually or that the system retrieved from the database.

Nodes that display this symbol require a value but currently have no value entered. Enter the required data necessary to complete the report. Depending on the node definition, you must either enter a value directly through this page or go to the source page to enter the value.


Tags are the node names as they appear in the XML file. The system retrieves tags based on the node definition as defined on the XML Node Table page.


Indicates whether the node is required for reporting.

Node Value

The system displays the value for the corresponding tag. Enter or select additional data that you want to include in the report. You must provide node values for all required tags.


Press this button to save data and return to the previous page.


Press this button to cancel any changes that you have made and return to the previous page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing XML Files

Access the XML Preview ESP page.

This page displays a preview of the XML file for the selected person using the template ID that you selected on the Definition page of this component. The system loads data into this page when you press the Load Data button on the Generation File page.

Note that to generate the XML file with the correct template, you must select the correct template and use the appropriate report component. For example, to generate a XML file for a PAT report, you must use the Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP component and select the Delt@ PAT template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Response Files

Access the Load Response File page.

File Name

Enter the name of the response file that you want to retrieve.

File Path

Enter path from where you want to upload the XML response file from I.N.E.M.

Load XML File

Click this button to load employee data from the XML response file into this page.

Employee Data

EmplID and Name

The system displays the employee IDs of all of the persons included in the response file.

Effective Date

The date when the contract type is associated with the employee. You associate contract types with employees through the Contract Type/Clauses page of the Update Contracts component.

Communication Status

Indicates whether the employee data that was sent to authorities is accepted. Possible values are accepted, accepted with errors, or rejected. If an employee’s communication has errors, the system displays the Details link to view error details. If authorities reject an employee’s data, your company must fix the errors in the system and resend the corrected employee data, either through the same XML file ID or by generating a new XML file.


Click this link to access the Contrat@ Error page, where you can view descriptions of the errors associated with a selected person’s Contrata data according to the Contrata response file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Contrata Errors

Access the Contrat@ Error page.

The system displays the XML Error ID and a description of the error. After viewing the errors you can then manually fix the errors in the system either at the source or through the Create Contrat@ XML File ESP - Details page.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Delta Communications

This section provides an overview Delta (Sistema Delt@) communication management, lists the steps to manage industrial accident information, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Delta Communication Management

Every company must report to the Work Minister, external insurance companies, and other management entities the details of industrial accidents that occur to employees. Regulations require that companies report these industrial accidents through Delta reports within a given timeframe.

There are three types of Delta accident reports:

Human Resources for Spain provides Delta communication functionality that enables you to efficiently communicate to management entities the information about industrial accidents. This functionality helps speed the distribution of information, reduce costs, and simplify communications while guaranteeing the confidentiality of the content of documents.

The basic flow of industrial accident data is as follows:

  1. The accident takes place and the person informs the company with or without a sick note.

  2. The company records all incident and injury details about the industrial accident in the system.

  3. The company generates the appropriate XML file and sends it to the management entities.

  4. If errors exist the management entities return their copies to the company.

  5. The company corrects the errors and resends copies to the management entities.

Using Human Resources for Spain, you record all data necessary for the Delta accident reports through components in the Human Resources Health and Safety business process. The Health and Safety business process enables you to create and track incidents related to health and safety for employees and non-employees. It also enables you to associate multiple individuals with a single incident. Specifically, use the Incident Details component and the Injury Details component to enter the necessary data for XML file generation. Through the Incident Details component you can enter or update industrial accident data. Through the Injury Details component you can enter the necessary data about people involved in an industrial accident.

Once you have entered all of the data necessary for Delta reporting, you can use the Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP component and the Create Delt@ RATSB Report ESP component to create the Delta report in XML file format for accident reporting to the management entities. Within these two components you can search for employees and incident types matching your filter criteria, select the employees for whom you want to send data to the insurance company, and generate the XML files. Human Resources for Spain provides a unique XML file template for each of the Delta accident reports. The template provides the file structure in XML format.

Use the Confirm/Unconfirm component to track whether you have sent the XML file to the management entity or cancelled the sending of the file. You can track this information by the sending ID that the XML generation process creates for each XML file that you generate.

If you make changes to the report data or the management entities find errors in the report and return the XML file, you can use these same components to correct the errors and resend the XML file.

The Delta communication functionality is integrated with other PeopleSoft applications for integral management of data. In addition, both the Delta communication functionality and the Contrata functionality share components related to data setup, XML file setup, and XML file generation. The Contrata documentation provides further details about these topics.

Delivered XML Codes for Delta Reporting

The Spanish social security administration (I.N.E.M.) delivers tables with a simple structure of code equals value, with each of these tables containing numerous values. Human Resources for Spain delivers the social security tables as XML code tables for Delta reporting, providing many of the table values as sample data. During implementation, you must review the setup data to ensure that it complies with your company’s requirements.

The following table describes the data tables within the XML Code Tables component that relate to the Delta communication functionality:

XML Code Table


Used By


Body Part



Contact Types



Injury Description



Irregular Activity



Material Agent



Official Occupation Codes CNO-2



Physical Activity



Place Type



Work Type



Yes/No Table (1/2)

Contrata and Delta


Yes/No Table (S/N)

Contrata and Delta

Delivered XML Nodes for Delta Reporting

Human Resources for Spain delivers XML file structures for Delta communication management functionality. You can also define your own XML file structures through this component by creating additional nodes and relating them to each other.

Delivered XML Templates for Delta Reporting

Human Resources for Spain delivers three different types of communications for Delta reporting. Use the XML Template Table component to define templates for the types of communication that you use for XML file generation. You can define as many XML templates as necessary to meet your company needs. Human Resources for Spain delivers as system data the following XML templates:

XML Template



Used for communication of industrial accident with sick note.


Used for communication of industrial accident without sick note.


Used for communication of discharge or death.

See Also

Managing Contrata Communications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSteps to Manage Industrial Accident Information

This section describes the steps necessary to enter industrial accident data and generate the related XML files for reporting.

To manage industrial accident information:

  1. Complete the prerequisite setup for the Delta communication functionality.

  2. Set the Delta data Preventive option for a company on the Company Setup page.

  3. Enter the insurance company code on the Establishment Address page.

  4. Use the Incident Details component to complete these steps:

    1. Enter the incident number of the accident, incident date, and incident time, and select whether the incident is a recurrence on the Incident Details - Incident page.

    2. Enter a long description of the incident in the Description text box on the Incident Details - Description page.

    3. On the Incident Details - Location page enter the location, address, and establishment information where the accident occurred, and, if applicable, select the Car Incident check box to indicate that the incident is a car accident.

    4. Enter any other data related to the incident on the remaining pages of the component.

  5. For an PAT incident, use the Injury Details - Injury component to:

    1. Access the Injury Details - Injury page and specify for each accident the employee or non-employee involved, the date reported, and the time reported.

    2. Select the PAT value in the Incident Type Esp field.

    3. Specify the absence begin date, working hours, and whether the incident is a relapse occurrence.

    4. Click the Accident with sick note link to access the Detailed PAT Data page, where you must specify PAT data details about the employee, employer, and place of incident.

    5. Enter an end date on the Injury Details - Injury page so that the PAT becomes a RAF only if the PAT results in a medical discharge or death.

    6. Click the Medical Discharge or Death link to access the Detailed RAF Data page, where you must define the reason for discharge, the injury grade, and the diagnosis code.

    7. Move to the Injury Details - Details page and click the Accident with sick note link to access the Detailed Pat Data page, where you can specify further details of the PAT incident.

    8. Move to the Injury Details - Diagnosis page and click the Accident with sick note link to access the Detailed PAT Data page, where you can specify medical assistance and economic data for the PAT incident.

    9. Enter any other data related to the injury in the remaining pages of the component.

  6. For an RATSB incident, use the Injury Details - Injury component to:

    1. Access the Injury Details - Injury page and specify for each accident the employee or non-employee involved, the date reported, and the time reported.

    2. Select the RATSB value in the Incident Type Esp field.

    3. Move to the Injury Details - Details page and click the Accident without sick note link to access the Detailed RATSB Data page, where you can specify further details of the RATSB incident.

    4. Enter any other data related to the injury in the remaining pages of the component.

  7. Use the Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP component or the Create Delt@ RATSB Report ESP component to:

    1. Select the template to use for the XML file.

    2. Specify report parameters and search for persons to include in the report.

    3. Select from the search results the persons to include in the report.

    4. Load data for the selected persons into the XML file.

    5. View a person’s data details for the XML file and enter additional information.

    6. Validate the data for the XML file.

    7. Preview the XML file.

    8. Save the page.

    9. Generate the XML file.

  8. Send the XML file to the management entity using the XML Confirm page, or unconfirm the sending of an XML file for persons based on XML file ID.

  9. If you make changes or corrections to an XML file that requires you to resend the Delta communication report:

    1. Go to the XML Confirm page and change the employee node status value from XML Sent Confirmed to Data OK.

    2. Use the Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP component or the Create Delt@ RATSB Report ESP component to regenerate the modified XML file.

Note. For the system to include a person in XML file reports that the Delta service generates, the person must work for a company where you have specified the Delta data option on the Company Setup page.

See Also

Entering Social Security Company Information

Defining Establishments

Entering Health and Safety Incident Details

Entering Injury Details

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can use the Delta communications functionality first you must define Spanish workforce data related to Delta accident report XML files in the appropriate setup pages. This Spanish workforce data includes XML templates, codes, and nodes.

See Also

Setting Up XML Files

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Delta Communications

Page Name

Object Name



Company Setup


Set up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Social Security Company Setup, Company Setup

Enter specific company information, including data needed for social security purposes.

Establishment Address


Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Establishment, Establishment Address

Create an information profile for each of your business establishments: Identify the establishment, indicate its regulatory region, and enter the address.

Incident Details - Incident


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Incident Details, Incident

Add a new incident or update an existing incident. Be sure to enter the incident number of the accident, incident date, and incident time, and select whether the incident is a recurrence.

Incident Details - Description


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Incident Details, Description

Describe the health and safety incident and record related data. Be sure to enter a long description of the incident.

Incident Details - Location


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Incident Details, Location

Identify the location where the incident occurred and specify whether the incident was a car accident.

Injury Details - Injury


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Injury Details, Injury

Enter information about employees and non-employees who have work-related injuries or illnesses.

Detailed PAT Data


Click the Accident with sick note link on the Injury Details - Injury page.

Enter details about the employee, employer, and place of accident for the PAT incident.

Detailed RAF Data


Click the Medical Discharge or Death link on the Injury Details - Injury page.

Enter the reason for discharge, the injury grade, and the diagnosis code for the RAF incident.

Injury Details - Details


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Injury Details, Details

Provide details of the injury or illness that is suffered by each person who is involved in the incident.

Detailed PAT Data


Click the Accident with sick note link on the Injury Details - Details page.

Enter detailed information about the accident that caused the injury for PAT reporting.

Detailed RATSB Data


Click the Accident without sick note link on the Injury Details - Details page.

Enter detailed data for RATSB reporting.

Injury Details - Diagnoses


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Injury Details, Diagnoses

Record details about the physician, hospital or clinic, and the medical diagnoses that are involved with the injured and ill employees.

Detailed PAT Data


Click the Accident with sick note link on the Injury Details - Diagnoses page.

Specify medical assistance and economic data for PAT incidents.

Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP - Definition


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Reports, Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP, Definition

Set up the XML file definition for the Delta communication. This page is exclusively for PAT/RAF reporting.

Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP - Generation File


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Reports, Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP, Generation File

Search for and select the employees for whom you need to communicate PAT and RAF industrial accidents to the insurance companies, load and review their data, and then generate the XML file that you must send to the insurance companies.

Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP - Details


Click the Details link on the Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP - Generation File page.

View the data that the system has loaded into the XML file for the person’s PAT/RAF incident and complete the missing information that is required in the XML file.

Create Delt@ RATSB Report ESP - Definition


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Reports, Create Delt@ RATSB Report ESP, Definition

Set up the XML file definition for the Delta communication. This page is exclusively for RATSB reporting.

Create Delt@ RATSB Report ESP - Generation File


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Reports, Create Delt@ RATSB Report ESP, Generation File

Search for the employees for whom you need to communicate RATSB (=industrial accidents without absence) to the insurance companies, load and review their data, and then generate the XML file that you must send to the insurance companies.

Create Delt@ RATSB Report ESP - Assignment Detail


Click the Details link on the Create Delt@ RATSB Report ESP - Generation File page.

View the data that the system has loaded into the XML file for the person’s RATSB incident and complete the missing information that is required in the XML file.

XML Preview


Click the Preview XML button on the Generation File page.

View a preview of the XML file for the Delta service or Contrata service before generating the XML file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the XML File

Access the Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP - Definition page or the Create Delt@ RATSB Report ESP - Definition page.


When generating a new XML file, enter an identifier for the XML file generation upon entering the component. You use this identifier to confirm or un-confirm the sending of an XML file on the XML Confirm page.


Enter a description of the XML file that you are generating.

Template Type

Select the XML template that you want the XML file generation process to use when generating the XML file. The valid values that you can select depend on the component through which you are generating the XML file. You define XML templates on the XML Template Table page.

Valid options for Delta reporting are: DELT@ PAT, DELT@RATSB, and DELT@RAF.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the XML File for Delta Reporting

Access the Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP - Generation File page.


Shows the status of the communication for the XML file. Possible values are:

  • XML File No Generated: The XML file has not yet been generated.

  • XML File Created: The XML file has been generated. The system updates the field to this value when you generate the XML file or when you press the Confirm All button on the XML Confirm page.

  • XML File Sent and Confirmed: The XML file has been sent and confirmed as sent. The system updates the field to this value when you press the Unconfirm All button on the XML Confirm page.

This is the same field that appears on the XML Confirm page. Upon saving your changes, the system reflects the new value on that page as well.

File Name

Enter the name of the file that you want the process to use for the report. The system stores the data in a XML file.

File Path

Enter the path where you want the process to store the report file.

Filter Data - PAT/RAF

Use this group box to search for persons who have been involved in an accident who need PAT/RAF Delta reports sent to management entities. Use the search criteria to narrow your search results.

From Date and To Date

Enter a date range to search for persons within that timeframe who require XML file generation for Delta accident reporting.

Insurance Company Code

Select the insurance company for which you are generating the XML file. Once you select the insurance company, other search criteria become available.

Filter By

Use the filter by option to narrow your search results to a specific company, employee, or social security number. If you select one of these filter options, the system displays a grid for you to enter the additional search criteria.

Company and Description

Select a specific company to search for persons within that company who require XML file generation for Delta accident reporting. The system displays the description of the company that you select.

EmplID (employee ID) and Description

Select a specific employee to search for his or her accidents that require XML file generation for Delta accident reporting. The system displays the name of the employee that you select.

Company, Description, and Social Security Number

Select a specific company and social security number to use to filter your search results. The system displays the name of the company that you select.


Press this button to search for persons who require XML file generation for Delta accident reporting based on your filter criteria.

Filter Data - RATSB

Use this group box to search for persons who have been involved in an accident who need RATSB Delta reports sent to management entities. Use the search criteria to narrow your search results.


Select the month for which you want to search for persons who require XML file generation for Delta accident reporting.


Select the year in which you want to search for persons who require XML file generation for Delta accident reporting.


Select the company in which you want to search for persons who require XML file generation for Delta accident reporting.

Social Security Number

Select the social security number of the person who requires XML file generation for Delta accident reporting.


Press this button to search for persons who require XML file generation for Delta accident reporting based on your filter criteria.

Employee Data

Use this group box to view the results of your search and select the persons to include in the XML file for Delta reporting.

Select All

Press this button to select all rows in your search results. Otherwise, select the check box for each person that you want to include in the XML file.

Unselect All

Press this button to clear the selection check box for all persons in the search results grid.

EmplID and Name

The system displays the ID and name of the persons that meet your search criteria. For PAT/RAF incidents, select the check box for the persons that you want to include in the XML file.

Incident Date

The system display the date of each incident, as defined on the Incident Details page.


The system displays whether the incident is a PAT or RAF.

Node Status

The system automatically displays the status of data for each employee being reported. Possible values are:

  • Data OK: The employee’s data has been successfully included in the XML file but the XML file has not yet been sent and confirmed.

  • XML Sent Confirmed: The employee’s data has been successfully included in the XML file and there is confirmation that the XML file has been sent. You must use the XML Confirm page to update the XML file status to this value.

  • Required Data: The employee’s data has been included in the XML file but there is still data required for the employee before the XML file can be sent.

  • Not Validated: The employee’s data has been included in the XL file but not yet validated.

This is the same field that appears on the XML Confirm page. Upon saving your changes, the system reflects the new value on that page as well.


For PAT/RAF incidents, click this link to access the Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP - Details page, where you can view the data that the system has loaded for the person’s incident and enter additional data for available fields.

For RATSB incidents, click this link to access the Create Delt@ RATSB Report ESP - Assignment Detail page, where you can maintain the data that the system has loaded for the person’s incident.

Load Data

Press this button to load contract data into the XML file for all of the selected persons. After you load data, this button converts to the Validate button and the Details link becomes available for each row of data that you included in the data load.


Press this button to have the system validate the existence of all of the required data for each person included in the XML file. The system displays the status of the validation in the Node Status field for each of the selected persons.

You must enter all required data and have a Node Status value of Data OK for all of the selected employees before you can generate the XML file. When you validate the required data, the Preview XML button becomes available. Once you have a node status of successful for all of the selected employees and save the page, the XML Generation button become available.

Note. You must save the page before generating an XML file.

Preview XML

Press this button to access the XML Preview page, where you can preview the XML file for the Delta service or Contrata service before generating the XML file. This button becomes available only after you load data into the XML file.

XML Generation

Press this button to generate the XML file for the selected persons. The system executes the XML file generation batch process, which creates the XML file based on the selected template ID. The batch process saves the XML file to the location that you specify in the run parameters. The batch process also updates the Status value and the XML File Created value for the XML file ID.

Provided that you have not confirmed the sending of the XML file on the XML Confirm page, you can change or add data and rerun the process as many times as necessary. The Status field shows whether the sending of the XML file is confirmed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Employee Details for Delta Reporting

Access the Create Delt@ PAT/RAF Report ESP - Details page or the Create Delt@ RATSB Report ESP - Assignment Detail page.

Nodes that display this symbol are not required. They have no data but are available for optional data entry.

Nodes that display this symbol have data that you entered manually or that the system retrieved from the database.

Nodes that display this symbol require a value but currently have no value entered. Enter the required data necessary to complete the report. Depending on the node definition, you must either enter a value directly through this page or go to the source page to enter the value.


Tags are the node names as they appear in the XML file. The system retrieves tags based on the node definition as defined on the XML Node Table page.


Indicates whether the node is required for reporting.

Node Value

The system displays the value for the corresponding tag. Enter or select additional data that you want to include in the report. You must provide node values for all required tags.


Press this button to save data and return to the previous page.


Press this button to cancel any changes that you have made and return to the previous page.


Click this button to refresh the data on the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing XML Files

Access the XML Preview page.

See Also

Previewing XML Files

Click to jump to parent topicConfirming the Sending of XML Files

This section discusses how to confirm XML files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Confirm the Sending of XML Files

Page Name

Object Name



XML Confirm


Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports, XML File Confirmation ESP, XML Confirm

Confirm or unconfirm the sending of an XML file for persons based on XML file ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfirming XML Files

Access the XML Confirm page.


Upon entering the component, search for the XML file ID for which you want to confirm of unconfirm the sending of the XML file for persons with data in the file. You define XML file IDs when you create XML files for generation.


Shows the status of the communication for the XML file. Possible values are:

  • XML File No Generated: The XML file has not yet been generated.

  • XML File Created: The XML file has been generated. The system updates the field to this value when you generate the XML file on the Generation File page or when you press the Unconfirm All button.

  • XML File Sent and Confirmed: The XML file has been sent and confirmed as sent. The system updates the field to this value when you press the Confirm All button.

This is the same field that appears on the Generation File page. Upon saving your changes, the system reflects the new value on that page as well.

Note. To maintain data integrity between this component and the XML generation component, the system does not retrieve XML files with a communication status of XML File No Generated.

Key 1 Field Value, Key 2 Field Value and Key 3 Field Value

These fields indicate the key structure of the table from which the system retrieves data for reporting through XML files. You define the key structure of XML files using an XML template on the XML Template page.

Node Status

The system automatically displays the status of data for each employee being reported. Possible values are:

  • Data OK: The employee’s data has been successfully included in the XML file but the XML file has not yet been sent and confirmed.

  • XML Sent Confirmed: The employee’s data has been successfully included in the XML file and there is confirmation that the XML file has been sent.

For employees in the XML file whose data is already complete and validated, you can confirm or unconfirm the sending of the data. To confirm the sending of the XML file, select the XML Sent Confirmed value. To unconfirm the sending of the XML file, select the Data OK value. You must then save your changes.

This is the same field that appears on the Generation File page. Upon saving your changes, the system updates the values on that page as well.

Confirm All

Press this button to confirm the sending of the XML file for all employees in the file whose node status indicates that their data is validated and contains all required data. When you press this button, the system updates the Node Status value from Data OK to XML Sent Confirmed for all of these employees. The system also updates the Status field value to XML File Sent and Confirmed. After pressing this button, you must then save your changes.

Unconfirm All

Press this button to unconfirm the sending of the XML file for all employees in the file whose node status indicates that there data is validated and contains all required data. When you press this button, the system updates the Node Status value from XML Sent Confirmed to Data OK for all of these employees. The system also updates the Status field value to XML File Created. After pressing this button, you must then save your changes.

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting Contracts

Printing contract functionality enables generating PDF reports corresponding to the contracts between the company and the employee.

Utilizing the flexible setup delivered to generate XML files to define the data structure of the PDF reports, the system uses the same pages to define the data of these reports by defining specific nodes.

This section provides overviews of contract printing, contract printing XML setup, and contract generation, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Contract Printing

The Spanish government delivers a complete set of contract forms in PDF format that employers can download from the government website. The employer must complete the appropriate forms for new hires and submit them to the government after the newly hired employees sign the forms.

To assist employers in the completion of these contract forms, Human Resources for Spain provides Contract Printing functionality to load the forms into the system, map data to the form fields, enter data into the fields to complete the forms, and print the forms. Employers can then have employees sign the printed forms and return them to the Human Resources administrator, who can then submit the completed forms to the government.

There are four basic tasks involved in Contract Printing functionality:

Basic tasks for contract printing

System administrators must perform form uploading and form mapping tasks whenever there are new contract types that require contract-printing capability. Human Resources administrators perform the form filling and form printing tasks as necessary.

To set up the system for the printing of new contracts, system administrators must:

  1. Define the XML nodes that relate to the contract form, including the node values and whether the nodes are mandatory, through the XML Node Table component.

    They can also create empty nodes to enable Human Resources administrators to edit the node data online before printing.

  2. Map the form-level XML nodes to contract types through the Contract Printing Mapping component.

  3. Create new PDF Form definitions through the PDF Form Definition component to:

    1. Upload PDF form files into the system.

    2. Map each form field to Human Resources data by assigning the field-level XML nodes to PDF form fields.

    3. Test PDF form fields.

    4. View the PDF form filled with XML tag names in a browser to ensure accuracy and completeness.

To generate and print contracts, Human Resources administrators must:

  1. Select the employees that need the printed contracts through the Contract Printing ESP component.

  2. Generate the contract data for the selected population through the Contract Printing ESP component.

    At runtime the XML generation process resolves the mapping of the form fields to the XML nodes, retrieving the values for the correct form fields according to the XML node setup and mapping.

  3. Review the contract data, complete any missing data, validate the data, and view the form through the same Contract Printing ESP component.

    The system uses the PDF Form process to read the form data and fill it into the appropriate form fields for viewing.

  4. Print a single form through the Contract Printing ESP component or a batch of forms for a selected group of employees through the Print Contracts ESP component.

    They can then give the printed form to the employee for signature.

    The system uses the PDF Form process to read the form data and fill it into the appropriate form fields for printing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Contract Printing XML Setup

Human Resources for Spain uses the XML generation process to retrieve the Human Resources data needed for completing the forms to print contracts, delivering all of the setup necessary to print contracts for unlimited contract types. System administrators can define additional data for the perform contract printing for other contract types.

Contract Printing XML Setup Structure

The setup for contract printing is based on:

Steps to Set Up New Contract Types for Contract Printing

To set up new contract types for contract printing, system administrators must:

See Also

Setting Up XML Files

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Contract Generation

Human Resources administrators can use the Contract Printing ESP component to generate, review, edit, and validate contract data.

To create contracts:

  1. Access the Contract Printing page for a specific Contract Printing Run ID.

  2. Enter criteria to search employees for whom you want to generate contracts.

  3. Click the Search button to retrieve the applicable employees.

    The system displays the search results in the Employee Data grid.

  4. Select from the listed employees the ones for whom you want to generate contract data.

  5. Click the Generate Data button to launch the XML Application Engine process that retrieves contract data for the selected employees.

    The system displays a message informing that you have successfully launched a batch process to generate the contract data for the selected employees. Make note of the process instance.

  6. To view the status of the batch process in PeopleTools Process Scheduler, click the Yes button.

    The system launches a new browser window and displays the Process List page of the Process Monitor component. Verify that for your process instance the Run Status equals Success.

    Or, to simply return to the Contract Printing Data page, click the No button.

  7. Click the Edit Data button on the Contract Printing page for a specific employee to access the Contract Printing Data page, where you can review the generated contract data and enter missing data into the contract fields.

  8. Click OK to return to the Contract Printing page.

  9. Click the Print button on the Contract Printing page to have the PDF Form engine fill data into the PDF Form fields and print a PDF file of the contract.

    The system immediately launches another window to display the contract as a PDF file.

Note. To print contracts for the entire population, use the Print Contracts ESP component.

See Also

Running the Batch Contract Printing Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used To Print Contracts

Page Name

Object Name



Contract Printing Mapping


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, Contract Printing Mapping, Contract Printing Mapping

Map contract types to XML nodes for the contract-printing template.

PDF Form Definition


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data ESP, PDF Form Definition, PDF Form Definition

Attach PDF versions of contracts for each language to store these forms in the system for use during contract printing. Add, delete, or view forms as necessary.

Form Details


Click the Details button on the PDF Form Definition page.

Set up the interaction of the PDF version of the contract form with the database.

Node Selection


Click the Select XML Node button on the PDF Form Definition page.

Map PDF form fields to a specific XML node within the specified root node.

Contract Printing


Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports, Contract Printing ESP, Contract Printing

Generate contract data into XML nodes and print individual contracts.

Contract Printing Data


Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports, Contract Printing ESP, Contract Printing

Click the Edit Data link.

Review and edit, through the XML nodes, the contract data that the system retrieves for a specific contract. Complete all required XML nodes and click OK to automatically validate the contract data.

Print Contracts


Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports, Print Contracts ESP, Print Contracts

Print contracts in batch for employees that are grouped within a specified Contract Printing Run ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Contract Types to XML Nodes

Access the Contract Printing Mapping page.

Human Resources for Spain delivers contract printing mapping for unlimited contracts.

Template ID

You can access this page for templates that you have already defined. Define templates on the XML Template page.


Select the setID of the contract type. The system selects ESP by default.

Contract Type and Description

Select the contract type for which you want to specify the starting node. The system prompts you to select from contract types that are defined for the selected setID.

The system displays the description of the selected contract type.

Node ID and Description

Select the contract-printing node to which you want to map the specified contract type. By associating this node to each contract type, you are defining an XML structure that contains the data structure for the contract type. You can report each contract type with a different XML file format and structure.

The system displays the description of the selected node.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating PDF Form Definitions

Access the PDF Form Definition page.

Form ID

The ID of the PDF form definition.

Effective Date

Enter the date that the PDF form definition becomes valid and its effective status, either Active or Inactive.


Enter a description of the PDF form definition.


Enter any additional comments about the PDF form definition or the contract form that it represents.

Language Code

Select the language for the PDF form that you are attaching. If you have the same contract form in multiple languages, you must specify a row for and attach a form for each language.

Default Language

Select this check box for a row to indicate that the system should use the corresponding language whenever there are contract forms missing for a specific language. You must select a default language.

Attached File

The system displays the file name of the attached contract form.


Click this button to attach the PDF file of the contract form to upload the form into the system. If you have the same contract form in multiple languages, you must specify a row for and attach a form for each language.


Click this button to remove the attached form from the PDF form definition.


Click this button to access the view the attached PDF form file. The system launches another window to display the form.


Click this button to access the Form Details page, where you can define the fields and processing details for the attached PDF form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PDF Form Details

Access the Form Details page.

Root Node

Select the root XML node to use for mapping the PDF form fields to specific XML nodes within the root node. When printing contracts, the system uses this root node to complete the fields of the PDF according to the mapping that you define. Human Resources for Spain delivers the P0 01 root node for contract printing.


Click this button to refresh the list of PDF form fields that that the system displays in the Field List grid. The system reads the attached PDF form and displays all of its fields in the grid.

Test Fields

Click this button to view a copy of the form in which each field on the form displays the technical Field Name value. System administrators can use this feature to locate the form field name on the PDF form.

Field List - Node Mapping Tab

Use the fields on this tab to view a list of the fields that appear on the attached PDF form and to map each of these fields to an XML node.

Field Nbr. (field number)

The ID associated with the PDF form field, as determined by Adobe Acrobat specifications.

Field Name

The name of the field as it appears on the PDF form.

Field Type

The type of PDF form field: Text, Checkbox, or Button.


The system displays a description of the node that you have mapped to the PDF form field through the Node Selection page. If you have no yet mapped the PDF form field to an XML node, this field is blank.

Select XML Node

Click this button to access the Node Selection page, where you can map a node to the PDF form field.

Field List - Field Processing Tab

Due to their complexity certain PDF form fields require formatting. Use the fields on this tab to link application classes to complex PDF form fields. The application classes perform this required formatting. The PDF Form engine executes all application classes of this type at runtime to format the data that the system retrieves from the XML nodes.

Root Package ID

Select the application class package that contains the application class for the formatting of the PDF form field.

Qualified Package/Class Path

Select the application class path that you want to use for the formatting of the PDF form field.

Application Class ID

Select the application class that you want to use for the formatting of the PDF form field. The application class must exist in the root package that you specify.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping PDF Form Fields to XML Nodes

Access the Node Selection page.

XML Path

The system displays the path of the currently selected XML node as it appears within the context of XML tags. When selecting an XML node for the first time, the system displays the children nodes of the root node specified on the Form Details page.

Go back to Parent Node

Click this button to remove the last child-level XML node from the XML Path display box. The system repopulates the Child Nodes grid with the child nodes of the parent node.

Contract Printing

Node ID, Tag Node, and Description

If applicable, the system displays the XML node ID, tag, and description for each child node of the lowest-level node that appears in the XML Path display box.

Select the XML node to child you want to map the PDF form field.

Add Node to Path

Click this button to add the selected child-level XML node to the XML Path display box. The system repopulates the Child Nodes grid with the child nodes of the selected node.

Note. The system requires the full path to the XML node because the same node can appear in multiple path locations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating and Printing Contracts for Employees

Access the Contract Printing page.

Contract Printing Run ID

Upon entering the component, select or create a Contract Printing Run ID. This ID enables you to group selected employees for whom you want to generate and print contracts.


Enter a description for the Contract Printing Run ID.

Filter Data

Use this group box to search for persons who have contracts that you need to generate and print. Use the search criteria to narrow your search results.

From Date and To Date

Enter the date range to search for persons within that timeframe who require contract generation and printing.

Filter By

Use the filter by option to narrow your search results to a specific social security number (CCC), Company, or Employee. If you select one of these filter options, the system displays a grid for you to enter the additional search criteria.

Company, Description, and Social Security Number

Select a specific company and social security number to filter your search results to based on social security number. The system displays the name of the company that you select.

Company and Description

Select a specific company to search for persons within that company for whom you want to generate and print contracts. The system displays the description of the company that you select.

EmplID (employee ID) and Name

Select a specific employee to generate and print contracts. The system displays the name of the employee that you select.

Note. You can include the same contract within multiple Contract Printing Run IDs.


Press this button to search for persons who require contract generation and printing based on your filter criteria.

Employee Data

Use this group box to view the results of your search and select the persons for whom you want to generate and print contracts.

Select All

Press this button to select all rows in your search results. Otherwise, select the check box for each employee for whom you want to generate contract data.

Unselect All

Press this button to clear the selection check box for all persons in the search results grid.

Emplid (employee ID) and Name

The system displays the ID and name of the employees that meet your search criteria. Select the check box for employees for whom you want to generate contract data.

Contract Begin Date

The system displays the employee’s contract begin date as defined on the Contract Status/Content of the Update Contracts component.

Effective Date

The system displays the date when the contract type is associated with the employee. You associate contract types with employees through the Contract Type/Clauses page of the Update Contracts component.

Contract Number

The system displays the employee’s contract number as defined through the Update Contracts component.

Contract Type

The system displays the type of legal contract associated with the employee. You associate contract types with employees through the Contract Type/Clauses page of the Update Contracts component.

Node Status

The system displays the status of contract data generation for each employee. Possible values are:

  • Data OK: The system has successfully generated the employees contract data and there is no additional data required.

  • Data Not Loaded: An error occurred during the contract data generation for this employee. The system has not loaded the data. View the details of the node status in the Details column of the grid.

  • Required Data: The employee’s data has been included in the contract generation but there is still data required for the employee.

Child Nodes, Details, and Edit Data

If the system successfully loads the contract data for the employee it displays an Edit Data link in the Child Nodes column. Click this link to for a specific employee to access the Contract Printing Data page, where you can review, edit, and complete contract data for that employee.

If the node status is Data Not Loaded, the system displays a description of the problem that caused the failure to generate the contract data for the employee.


Click this link for a specific employee to print the contract for that employee or to review the final contract that you can generate through the Print Contracts page as part of a batch of contracts. The system immediately launches another window to display the contract as a PDF file. The PDF Form engine fills data into the PDF Form fields so that you can print the contract.

Note. To print contracts for the entire population, use the Print Contracts ESP component.

Generate Data

Click this button to retrieve contract data for the selected employees. The system executes the Contract Printing Data Generation (CTPR_GEN_ESP) Application Engine process to retrieve contract data and to store that data in a table with a metadata XML format (XML_FILE_TBL).

Upon completion, the system displays a message informing that you have successfully launched a batch process to generate the contract data for the selected employees.

Select whether to view the run status of the process instance in the Process Monitor component.

Return to the Contract Printing page to view and refresh node statuses.

Refresh Node Status

Click this button to refresh the Node Status value for the employees listed in the Employee Data grid. When the run the Contract Printing Data Generation process, the system makes the new node statuses available for viewing on this page when the run status of the process instance equals Success.

If there are errors for a particular employees contract data generation, the Node Status value remains Data Not Loaded.

If the employee’s contract data generation is successful but missing required data, the system updates the Node Status to Required Data. Click the Edit Data link to access the Contract Printing Data page and enter the required data.

If the employee’s contract data is complete, the system updates the Node Status to Data OK.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Editing Contract Data

Access the Contract Printing Data page.

Remove All Rows

If you want to recalculate the field values for the selected employee’s contract, click this button to delete all data rows that the system generated. The system displays a blank page.

Click OK to accept this deletion or click Cancel to reject the deletion and return to the previous page.

Nodes that display this symbol are not required. They have no data but are available for optional data entry.

Nodes that display this symbol have data that you entered manually or that the system retrieved from the database. This data is validated.

Nodes that display this symbol require a value but currently have no value entered. Enter the required data necessary to complete the contract. Depending on the node definition, you must either enter a value directly through this page or go to the source page to enter the value.


Tags are the node names as they appear in the XML file that is used to generate the contract. The system retrieves tags based on the node definition as defined on the XML Node Table page.


Indicates whether the node is required for reporting.

Node Value

The system displays the value for the corresponding tag. Enter or select additional data that you want to include in the report. You must provide node values for all required tags.


Press this button to save data and return to the previous page.


Press this button to cancel any changes that you have made and return to the previous page.

See Also

PeopleSoft Customer Connection, PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources 8.9: Product Enhancements for Spain, Setting Up XML Files

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Batch Contract Printing Process

Access the Print Contracts page.


Select the language in which you want to print the contract. The system by default selects Spanish.

Contract Printing Run ID and Description

Select the Contract Printing Run ID for which you want to print contracts. Define these IDs through the Contract Printing component.

Validated Contracts Only

Select this check box to print only the contracts that you have validated through the Contract Printing component. With this option the process generates only the contracts a Node Status value of Data OK on the Contract Printing page.


Click this button to run the Contract Printing Report (CTPR_REP_ESP) Application Engine process. The process generates contracts in PDF format that are part of the specified Contract Printing Run IDs.

Note. You can run this process for a given Contract Printing Run ID as many times as necessary.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating AFI Flat Files

This section provides an overview of the AFI process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the AFI Process

For Spanish employers, PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources includes an AFI process (SOCS_AFI_ESP) for reporting workforce changes to the Social Security General Treasury. The PeopleSoft process simplifies submissions by automatically creating a flat file in the format that is required by the Spanish authorities.

Every time you add, delete, or update an effective-dated row to the JOB_DATA record, the system verifies whether the action pertains to AFI reporting. If so, the system adds, deletes, or updates the corresponding effective-dated row in the AFI_DATA_ESP record via PeopleTools Integration Broker. The system uses the ESPAFIData_Sync message subscription within the WORKFORCE_SYNC message to perform the synchronization. The system stores all AFI data in the AFI_DATA_ESP record.

After an AFI-related action takes place, you can access the Employee AFI Data ESP component to view and update AFI data for that employee. You can also use this component to manually enter new rows of data for special situations not handled by job data processing, such as strikes or contract changes.

When ready you can run the AFI process through the Create AFI Report ESP component. The AFI process generates a flat file that lists changes in workforce—such as hiring, terminations, personal changes, or job data changes—for a particular period. The system ensures that employees for whom you have already generated the report are not included in subsequent file generations.

In addition to workforce changes, you can use the AFI process to send information requests to the Social Security General Treasury. Employers use these requests to obtain information about their employees’ or companies’ social security contributions.

When you generate an AFI report through the AFI file generation process, the system assigns an AFI file name to each row of employee AFI data that it includes in the file. The assignment of this value prevents repeat communication of the data in subsequent AFI files. The system also assigns to the communicated row of data a node status value of Included in AFI and a time stamp value that specifies the date and time of the processing.

You can use the Review AFI File ESP component to view all of the employee AFI data that is part of the AFI flat file being communicated to the Social Security General Treasury. Through this component you can also unlink data from the files as necessary so that the data becomes available again for processing in a subsequent AFI flat file. The system removes the AFI Flat File field value from the unlinked row to enable repeat communication of the data, although the employee data is not extracted from the file itself.

Note. To use AFI reporting functionality you must configure PeopleTools Integration Broker to support Integration Broker.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate AFI Flat Files

Page Name

Object Name



Employee AFI Data


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Employee AFI Data ESP, Employee AFI Data

View and update AFI data for employees. You can also manually enter new rows of AFI data for special situations not handled by job data processing.

AFI Data Details


Click the Details link on the Employee AFI Data page.

Review and update the employee AFI data to include in the AFI report. You need only enter data for the fields that you need to report to social security.

Create AFI File ESP - Employees


Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports, Create AFI File ESP, Employees

Search for employees for which you need to communicate AFI data to social security, and then generate the AFI flat file for selected employees.

Create AFI File ESP - Employee Inqueries


Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports, Create AFI File ESP, Employee Inquires

Create inquiries to submit to the Social Security General Treasury about selected employees. The AFI report process includes these inquiries in the AFI flat file that it generates.

Create AFI File ESP - Company Inqueries


Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports, Create AFI File ESP, Company Inquires

Create inquiries to submit to the Social Security General Treasury about selected companies. The AFI report process includes these inquiries in the AFI flat file that it generates.

Review AFI Files


Workforce Administration, Workforce Reports, Review AFI File ESP, Review AFI Files

View the list of employees that are part of the AFI flat file being communicated to the Social Security General Treasury and, if necessary, unlink data for employees that have been mistakenly included in the file so that their data is available for AFI flat file generation again.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Employee AFI Data

Access the Employee AFI Data page.

Job Information - General Tab

Eff Date (effective date)

The system displays the effective date of the job data row that contains the AFI-related action. If you are adding a row, enter the effective date of the AFI social security action.

Seq (sequence number)

The system displays the sequence number of the effective-dated row from the record where the social security action occurred. If you are adding a row, enter the sequence number.

Social Security Action

The system displays the social security action that caused the creation of the AFI data. The system automatically generates rows of AFI data for job data actions that relate to AFI reporting. If you are manually adding a new row, select the action. Possible values are:

  • Change in Contract: Change in the employee’s contract data.

  • Change in Risk Code: Change of the social security risk code on the Job Information page.

  • Change in Work Group: Change in the social security work group value on the Labor Agreement Categories page.

  • Erase Consolidated Hiring: Select if you have communicated a hire to social security by mistake and are requesting to social security to remove the communicated hire from their system.

  • Erase Consolidated Term: Select if you have communicated a termination to social security by mistake and are requesting to social security to remove the communicated termination from their system.

  • Erase Like-Active Period: Select if you have communicated a like-active period to social security by mistake and are requesting to social security to remove the communicated like-active period from their system.

  • Erase Previous Data: Select if you have communicated data to social security by mistake and are requesting to social security to remove the previously communicated data from their system.

  • Hire: New hire or modification of a previous hire through the job data components.

  • Like-Active Communication: The employee is no longer active in the company but still has social security contributions. Employees can have a like-active situation when they have a PTO balance paid at termination or when they are the victim of domestic violence.

  • Termination: Employee termination through the job data components.

Social Security Reason

The system displays the employee status for the social security action. If you are adding a new row, select the status from the list of available choices based on the selected social security action.

Node Status

The system displays the communication status for reporting the employee’s AFI data. Possible values are:

  • Included in AFI: The row of AFI data has been included in an AFI file. The system displays the AFI file name on the Reporting tab.

  • Not Communicated: The row of AFI data has not been communicated to social security.

Job Information - Reporting Tab


The system displays whether you are communicating the selected row of AFI data for the employee by entering the data online through the social security website or by generating an AFI flat file that includes the data. This field corresponds directly to the Communicated By field on the Employee AFI Data - Details page.

AFI File Name

The system displays the name of the AFI flat file that includes the employee AFI data for the selected row. This field is the same as the AFI File Name field on the Employee AFI Data - Details page.

Time Stamp

The system displays the time and date when the row of AFI data for the employee was processed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Detailed AFI Data for Employees

Access the AFI Data Details page.


Use this group box to specify reporting details about the AFI data.

Communicate By

Select whether you are communicating the selected row of AFI data for the employee by entering the data online through the social security website or by generating an AFI file that includes the data. By default the system select the AFI File value. Note that you should also select the online value if you do not want the employee AFI data to be eligible for communication through the AFI file generation process.

AFI File Name

If you have already processed the row of AFI data for the employee in an AFI file, the system displays the name of that file. Otherwise, the field remains blank. Having a value in this field ensures that the AFI file generation process does not include this data in other AFI files that you generate. You can liberate this data row from the AFI flat file, and thus make the data available again for inclusion in an AFI flat file, by unlinking the data row from the AFI file name through the Review AFI Files page.

Time Stamp

For AFI data communicated by AFI file, the system displays the time and date of the AFI flat file generation. For AFI data communicated online, the system displays the system time and date, which you can modify.

Job Data

Use this group box to specify job data to include in the AFI report.

Contract Type

The system displays the employee’s contract type.

Scheme ID

The system displays the scheme ID for the employee’s contract.

Risk Code

The system displays the employee’s social security risk code.

SS Work Group

The system displays the employee’s social security work group.

Contract with Bonification

Use this group box to specify contract data to include in the AFI report.

Unemployment Condition

Select the value that you want the AFI report to contain.

Active Rent

Select to indicate that the worker has an official certificate and meets the conditions that are required to sign the specific kind of contract.

Social Exclusion Employee

Select the value that you want the AFI report to contain.

Woman Hired 2Yrs After Maternity

Select to indicate the worker is a woman who has been hired 2 years after maternity took place.

Woman Rejoin

Select to indicate that the worker is a woman who has rejoined the company after a maternity period.

Woman Subrepresented

Select to indicate that the worker is a woman hired in a company or sector where women are underrepresented.


The system displays whether the employee is disabled as defined on the Disability page.

Handicap Percent

The system displays the employee’s handicap percent as defined on the Disability page.

Re-Joined Disabled Employee

Select to indicate that the worker has an official certificate and meets the conditions that are required to sign the specific kind of contract.

Additional Data

Use this group box to specify additional data to include in the AFI report.

Percentage of Part Time

Enter the employee’s part-time employment percentage.

First Self-Worker Employee

Select to indicate that the worker has an official certificate and meets the conditions that are required to sign the specific kind of contract.

Special Labor Relationship

Select to indicate that the job is in a profession considered a special labor relationship.

Inactivity Type

If the employee is in an inactive situation maning non-working period, select the type of inactivity.

Partial Strike Activity Coeff. (coefficient)

If the inactivity type is partial strike, enter the coefficient.

Substitution Reasons

Select the reason why you are making a substitution for this worker.

Substitution EmplID

Enter the ID of the substitute worker.

Vacation Not Taken End Date

Select the end date of the period representing the vacation not taken and paid at termination.

Partial Subrogation

Select to indicate that the contract is a partial subrogation.

Contract Begin Date

Select the begin date corresponding to the original contract to which this new one is subrogating.

Relieve Contract Flag

Select this check box to indicate that the contract relieves another.

Like-Active Status

Use this group box to communicate like-active situations. This group box becomes active when you select the Like-Active Communication value for the Social Security Action field on the Employee AFI Data page.

Like-Active Status Type

Select the type of like-active situation to communicate about the employee. Possible values are:

  • Domestic Violence: The employee has a like-active situation because he or she is a victim of domestic violence.

  • PTO Not Taken: The employee has a like-active situation from being paid PTO balance upon termination.

Period Begin Date and Period End Date

Select the begin and end date of the like-active situation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating the AFI File

Access the Create AFI File ESP - Employees page.

File Name

Enter the name of the file that you want the process to use for the report. The system stores the data in an AFI file.

File Path

Enter the path where you want the process to store the report file.

Authorization Key

Select to narrow search results to employees working for companies with this authorization key. Social Security General Treasury provides companies with authorization codes to access Winsuite.

Date From and Date-To

Enter a date range to find all employees with a change in social security status between these dates.

Filter By

Select a filter to narrow search results further. When you select a filter, the Filter Data Grid becomes available to specify filter details. Available filters are:

  • CCC: Select to run the process for a selected company and Codigo Cuenta de Cotizacion (CCC). The system displays the Filter Data Grid for you to select the company and social security number.

  • Company: Select to run the process for selected companies. The system displays the Filter Data Grid for you to select the companies.

  • Department: Select to run the process for selected departments. The system displays the Filter Data Grid for you to select the setID and departments.

  • Employee: Select to run the process for selected employees. The system displays the Filter Data Grid for you to select the employee IDs.

  • None: Select to search without a filter.


Click to retrieve results based on your search criteria.

Filter Data Grid


Select the company for which to report data.

Social Security Number

Select the employer’s social security number for which to report data. If you leave this field blank, the extract file contains data for all of the employer’s social security numbers.


Select the department setID for which to report data.


Select the department for which to report data.

EmplID (employee ID)

Select the specific employee ID for which to report data.



Select to include employees who were hired.

Work Group

Select to include employees whose work group changed.


Select to include employees who were terminated.


Select to include employees whose contracts changed.

Risk Code

Select to include employees whose risk code changed.

Like-Active Status

Select to include employees with like-active situations.

Erase Previous Data

Select this check box to request deletion of previously communicated data.


The system displays employees that meet your search criteria and have AFI data that you still need to report to social security. The system displays only employees with social security actions that you have not yet communicated to social security in an AFI report. Select the check box next to the employee AFI data row to include the information in the AFI flat file.

Select All

Click this button to select all employees in the search results grid.

Unselect All

Select this button to clear the check box for all employees in the search results grid.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Employee Inquiries on the AFI Report

Access the Create AFI File ESP - Employee Inqueries page.

Clear All

Click this button to clear all rows in the Employees grid on this page.

EmplID and Name

Select the employee for which you want to submit an inquiry to social security. The system displays the name of the employee that you select.

Social Security Action

Select the inquiry that you want to submit to the Social Security General Treasury regarding the selected employee. Possible inquires are:

  • Inquire Current Situation: Select to request the information that the Social Security General Treasury has about the employee.

  • Inquire IT Per Ill: Select in request information about a temporary disability situation.

  • Inquire Previous Movements: Select to request the information that the Social Security General Treasury has about previous movement in the CCC.

  • Inquire TA2 Copy: Select to request a copy of a specific TA2 report. The system displays the Action Date field.

Action Date

If you select to inquire about a duplicate TA2 copy, the system prompts you to enter the action date of the original TA2.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Company Inquiries on the AFI Report

Access the Create AFI File ESP - Company Inqueries page.

Clear All

Click this button to clear all rows in the Companies grid on this page.


Select the company for which you want to submit an inquiry to social security.

Social Security Number

Select the employer’s social security number for which to submit an inquiry. This field is required.

Social Security Action

Select the inquiry that you want to submit to social security regarding the selected company. Possible inquires are:

  • Inquire CCC Situation: Select to request the information that the Social Security General Treasury has about the company.

  • Inquire Current CCC Workers: Select to request the information that the Social Security General Treasury has about current workers in the CCC.

  • Inquire Labor Life in CCC: Select to request the information that the Social Security General Treasury has about labor life in the CCC.

  • Inquire Previous CCC Movement: Select to request the information that the Social Security General Treasury has about previous movement in the CCC.

Action Date

If you select to inquire about labor life in the CCC, the system prompts you to enter the start date of the period you are asking for information about.

End Date

If you select to inquire about labor life in the CCC, the system prompts you to enter the end date of the period you are asking for information about.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Employee Data on AFI Files

Access the Review AFI Files page.

The system displays a row for each employee and social security action combination that the AFI file generation process included in the AFI flat file. If an employee has more than one action in the file, each action appears as a distinct row.

To unlink the employee’s AFI data from the selected AFI flat file, clear the corresponding check box for that row of data. By default the system select all rows of data. Upon saving the page, the system clears the AFI File Name field for the cleared row, thus making this row of employee AFI data available for inclusion a future AFI file generation. You might do this, for instance, if you have included employee AFI data in the communication by mistake and need to resend the data for the employee.

Warning! When you click the Save button the system permanently frees the cleared rows from association with the selected AFI flat file. You will not be able to reverse this action. Note, also, that the data for the cleared rows are still part of the actual AFI flat file. To remove that data from the file, you must regenerate the AFI file with refined filter criteria that excludes this data.

AFI File Name

The system displays the name of the AFI flat file that includes the employee AFI data. When accessing this page, you can use this field to search for the AFI file for which you want to view employee data.

Time Stamp

For AFI data communicated by AFI file, the system displays the time and date of the AFI flat file generation. For AFI data communicated online, the system displays the system time and date. When accessing this page, you can use this field to search for the AFI file for which you want to view employee data.

Employee Data

Use this group box to select the employees whose AFI data you want to include in the AFI flat file, or to clear the employee’s association with the generated AFI flat file so that you can process that employee’s information again.

Link All

Click this button to select the check box for all rows of employee data.

Unlink All

Select this button to clear the check box for all rows of employee data.