Creating and Tracking Incidents

This chapter provides an overview of health and safety incidents and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Health and Safety Incidents

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNew Incident Entry

Use the injury and illness pages to track an organization’s response to health and safety incidents. Track employees and non-employees and associate multiple individuals with a single incident.

If you do not yet know the details of an injury or illness, you can enter this data on the injury and illness pages later. Enter the information here before viewing the injury and illness summary by individual.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIncident Numbers

When you enter a new incident, you assign an ID number to the incident. This number locates the incident record when you review it or add information later. The system automatically assigns the incident number or you enter the number.

If the system assigns the number, it first appears as 00000000. The actual number that is assigned to the incident appears after you save the information that you enter on the Incident Data pages. The system stores the last incident number that is used in the Installation table.

The incident numbers that Human Resources assigns are simple consecutive numbers. They may not correspond to any incident numbering that authorities in a particular regulatory region require. Ensure that you clearly understand and follow any incident numbering system that regulatory authorities prescribe. If the governing authorities in the regulatory region require a particular incident numbering scheme, then manually enter the numbers and carefully document the methods.

Warning! To avoid maintaining two different sets of incident numbers, either always assign numbers manually or always let the system do it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIncident Reports

The system generates a number of incident reports, some of which contain information that is reported to government agencies.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Health and Safety Incident Details

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Health and Safety Incidents

Page Name

Object Name



Incident Details - Incident


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Incident Details, Incident

Add a new incident or update an existing incident.

Vehicle/Equipment Accident Details


Click the Details link on the Incident Details - Incident page. This link is visible for vehicle or equipment-related incidents only.

Enter vehicle and equipment accident details.

Incident Details - Notification


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Incident Details, Notification

Record incident details that employees generate.

Incident Details - Description


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Incident Details, Description

Describe the health and safety incident and record related data.

Incident Details - Location


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Incident Details, Location

Identify the location where the incident occurred.

Incident Location Address


Click the View Address link on the Incident Details - Location page.

Enter the location and address information for those incidents that occur off an organization’s premises.

Edit Address


Click the Edit Address link on the Incident Details - Location page.

Edit existing address information that is associated with the incident.

Incident Details - Travel


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Incident Details, Travel

Record travel-related incident details.

Route Details


Click the Route Details link on the Incident Details - Travel page.

Provide additional travel route details for health and safety incidents.

Break Details


Click the Break Details link on the Incident Details - Travel page.

Provide details about breaks in travel that are related to a health and safety incident.

Animals Involved in the Incident


Click the Animal Details link on the Incident Details - Travel page.

Enter information about animals that are involved in a health and safety incident.

Incident Details - People


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Incident Details, People

Identify witnesses, investigators, and other people who are connected to the incident. These are people who are not injured or ill in the incident.

Incident Details - People: Contact Address


Click the Edit Address link on the People page.

Enter address information for the witnesses, investigators, and other contacts on the Incident Details - People page.

Note. (CAN) Users in British Columbia who report incidents to the BC WCB electronically must provide address information for all persons who are connected to the incident.

Incident Details - Reporting


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Incident Details, Reporting

Maintain documentation showing that you notified the proper authorities of the incident.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding and Updating Incidents

Access the Incident Details - Incident page.

Incident Number

The incident number that you entered appears here.

If you report to the British Columbia Workers’ Compensation Board (BC WCB), enter an incident number.

Incident Type

The default value is Incident, which you can change. The selected value controls the availability of other fields that are in the component.

If you file incident reports electronically with the BC WCB, leave the default value of Incident if you report an outcome of reported only, health care only, short term disability, or fatality. If you report an incident outcome of dangerous occurrences, select Dangerous Occurrence.


If you select Vehicle/Equipment Accident, the Details link appears. Click this link to access the Vehicle/Equipment Accident Details page.

Incident Date

The default value is today's date, which you can change.

Incident Time

Enter the time that the incident occurred.

If you are reporting to the BC WCB, ensure that you enter the time.

Time Undetermined

Sect if you cannot determine the time the incident ocurred.

Regulatory Region

Enter the regulatory region for the incident. When you add an incident, the user’s regulatory region that is specified in user preferences appears by default. You can override this value.

Note. This field controls the values that are returned by all of the Monitoring Health and Safety setup tables that use setID as their key field.

Warning! If you change the regulatory region for an existing incident, and the setID for the previous and current regulatory regions differ, the system deletes all of the relevant linked values from the setup tables. Before proceeding with the change, the system prompts you to confirm the action. When the original information is deleted, you must reenter the data for the incident.

Is This a Recurrence

Select if this incident has happened before.

Resulted in Injury or Illness

Select if the incident resulted in injury or illness and you want to track injury or illness data on the Injury or Illness pages.

When you select this check box, enter an employee ID in the Reported to EmplID (reported to employee ID) field on the Notification page before saving the incident in the system.

For BC WCB reports, select this check box if you are reporting an outcome of reported only, health care only, short-term disability, or fatality. If you are reporting an outcome of dangerous occurrences, ensure that this check box is clear.


Select this check box if this incident is investigated.

Note. (DEU) German laws and insurers require that employers track and report detailed occupational illness data. The legal procedures for handling and reporting these illnesses differ from those that regulate occupational accidents, so all illnesses involving the German operations are tracked using the Illness Tracking (HS_ILLNESS_GER) component.

(CAN) Canada

The following information is specific to users who want to file incident reports electronically with the BC WCB. Note that the Contact ID, Class/Subclass, and Business Type fields are required for all incident outcomes.

Warning! To activate all warnings, you must set the Regulatory Region for the incident to CANBC. Even the creation of the extract file does not work without this because it is designed to focus on British Columbia incidents only.


The value that appears in this field is derived from the most severe injury outcome that you enter on the Injury Details page.

For incidents with a CANBC regulatory region, the Outcome field is activated based upon a relationship between the incident outcome here and the injury outcome. If the Resulted in Injury or Illness check box is selected, the system verifies that an injury is entered before you save the incident.

When you save the incident, the system associates an incident outcome with each injury outcome. For example, if only one person is injured, the system populates the Outcome field with the same value as the injury outcome. If more than one person is injured, the most severe injury outcome defines the incident outcome.

Possible values for the Outcome field are:

Reported Only: An injury occurred but no medical attention is sought nor is time lost.

Healthcare Only: The injured person visited a health-care practitioner, but no time loss beyond the day of injury occurred. In some WCB jurisdictions, this is also known as medical aid.

Short Term Disability: The injured worker is off work beyond the day of the injury. In some WCB jurisdictions, this is also known as wage loss.

Fatal: A fatal injury.

Dangerous Occurrence: No injuries or injury outcomes are involved.

Date and Time Exact

Select to indicate that the date and time on the primary page are exact.


If you select the exposure incident type on the primary page, enter the exposure start date and time and end date and time, if they're known.

Disability Program Available

Select if there is a disability program available at the organization.

Contact ID

You must select the Disability Program Available check box to use this field.

Descr (description)

You must select the Disability Program Available check box to use this field.

RTW Program Available (return to work program available)

Select to indicate if there is a return-to-work program available at the organization.

In WCB Jurisdiction

Select to indicate if the business operation that is involved is in the WCB jurisdiction.


Enter the industry class or subclass code.

Define the standard industry classes and subclasses for the Canadian business locations on the CAN Class/Subclass Table page.

(FRA) France


Indicate where the incident is reported.

Sign Off By

Enter the employee ID of the person who approved and signed the internal company written report.

Police Report

Select if a police report is prepared.


Identify the author of the police report.

Internal Investig Conclusions (internal investigation conclusions)

Describe the conclusions of the internal investigation.

(MEX) Mexico

Detected by Mixed Committee

Select if the incident is detected by the Health and Safety mixed committee.

Mixed Committee

Select the name of the mixed committee. This field appears only if you select the Detected by Mixed Committee check box. Define mixed committees on the Mixed Committee page.

See Also

Working with Regulatory Regions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Notification Details

Access the Incident Details - Notification page.

Date Reported and Time Reported

Enter the date and time that the incident is reported to a company official or employee.

Reported To EmplID (reported to employee ID)

Enter the employee ID of the organization official or employee who received the report, or select from the list of values that come from personal data.

Reported By EmplID (reported by employee ID) and Reported By Non-EmplID (reported by non-employee ID)

Enter an ID for the employee or non-employee who reported the incident.

Note. (CAN) If you are a user in British Columbia and report incidents to the BC WCB electronically, the Date Reported, Time Reported, Reported To EmplID,and Reported By EmplID fields are required.

Incident Tracking

Use this group box for recording purposes. For example, track when the incident report or notification is first documented by an organization official in writing. In this example, you enter the date recorded and time recorded to track this information internally.

You can also use this field to track another date, for example, the date that preexisting conditions began or the date when the employee began missing work. Alternatively, you can track the date that an internal report, note, or memorandum is written to document the incident. For users who are in the United States subject to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, the date recorded might represent the date that the incident is first entered into the PeopleSoft system.

Note. If you use the fields in the Incident Tracking group box, document the decision, train all of the users accordingly, and use the fields consistently.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDescribing Incident Details

Access the Incident Details - Description page.


For most incident types, this field is unavailable. When the incident type that you selected on the Incident page is dangerous occurrence, the system makes the Code field available for entry. The codes from which you can select a value come from the Dangerous Occurrences table.

(CAN) Canada

Contrib. Factor (contributing factor)

Indicate contributing factors that might have caused the incident to occur. This information is used for reporting to the Canadian WCB.

If you are a user in British Columbia and you report to the BC WCB electronically, the contributing factor is required on a final report for all incident outcomes except reported only.

Select a contributing factor from the list of prompt values that come from the CAN Contributing Factors Table. The system makes the Other Description field unavailable for input.

Other Description

This field is generally unavailable for data entry. When the contributing factor code is 00996 - Other, the Other Description field is available for data entry, and you must enter a narrative description of the Other contributing factor.

(IND) India

Alcohol/Substance Taken

Select if alcohol or a substance is taken during the time of the incident.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording the Location of an Incident

Access the Incident Details - Location page.

Occurred on Employer Premises

Select if the incident occurred on employer premises.

Location SetID

If you select the Occurred on Employer Premises check box, select a location setID from the list of prompt values that come from the Company table. Use this field to set up the Location list of prompt values. For instance, if the location where the employee normally works is in Canada, but the location where the incident occurred is in France, use the Location SetID field to specify a French setID, and you can select the French location where the incident occurred.


Select from the list of prompt values that come from the Location table for the location setID that you select.

View Address or Edit Address

Click this link to view or edit the address where the incident occurred.

  • If the incident occurred on the employer’s premises you can only view the address. The address information is populated from the Location table.

  • If the incident occurred off the employer’s premises, this link accesses the Address Data page where you can enter the address data for the off-site location where the incident occurred.

Exact Location

Record a detailed description of where the incident occurred, using up to 240 characters.

(CAN) Canada

Street Number, Street Name, Unit Number, P.O. Box, and Rural Route

If the system does not have street number and street name information for this employee, enter additional address details directly into these fields. Some of this information is needed if the incident location is at a nonstandard address, such as in a remote or rural location.

Get Default Address

If street number and street name information already exists in the system for this employee, click the Get Default Address button to populate the fields that are on this page.

Location Size

Indicate the location size (in terms of numbers of people) by selecting from the list of translate values.

Accident At Temporary Site

Select to indicate whether the incident occurred at a temporary site.

Incident At Operating Lcn (incident at operating location)

Select to indicate whether the incident occurred at an operating location.

Note. For users in British Columbia who report incidents electronically to the BC WCB, much of this page is required for all incident types. Separate the street number from the street name. The additional unit number, PO box, and rural route information are only required if the location is a nonstandard address. The Location Size field is required. You must select either the Accident at Temporary Site or the Incident at Operating Locn check box if the Occurred on Employer Premises check box is selected on the Incident Location page. The WCB mainframe computer checks for valid address and postal code combinations, to ensure that these are correct to avoid having the electronic report rejected by the BC WCB.

(FRA) France

Location Class

Select the appropriate item from the list of available options to indicate additional information regarding the location and circumstances under which an incident occurred.

(GBR) United Kingdom

Provide additional location details for incidents that occur in the United Kingdom. This information is needed for reporting under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).

Local Authority

Identify the local authority if the incident did not occur at a specific postal code location. For example, if an accident occurs while an employee is traveling in a vehicle, you might enter the location of the accident as 5 miles outside Reading on the A33 route. Depending upon the circumstances of an accident, you might want to contact the HSE office in the area for clarification.

Public Place

Select if the incident location is a public place.

(IND) India

Establishment ID

Enter the ID of the establishment where the incident occurred.

Empl State Ins/Workmen Comp (employee state insurance/workmen compensation)

The type of registration under which the establishment is covered appears here.

(ESP) Spain

Car Incident

Select this check box to indicate that this incident was a car accident. If this is the case, clear the Occurred on Employer Premises check box. Then click the Edit Address link to enter as much detail as possible about the exact location of the accident. Use the Exact Location field to provide a more specific description of the car accident location.

See Managing Delta Communications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Travel-Related Incidents

Access the Incident Details - Travel page.

Start Date, Start Time, Arrival Date and Arrival Time

Enter these values, if known.


When you enter a destination, the system maes the Route Details link available for entry when you move your cursor out of the field. Click this link to access the Route Details page.

Mode Of Transport

Select the mode of travel from the list of available options. The values come from the Transport table.

Break Taken In Journey

Select if the travel is not continuous. The system makes the Break Details link available when you move your cursor out of the field. Click the link to access the Break Details page.

Animals Involved

Select if an animal is involved in the incident.

Animal Details

When you select the Animals Involved check box, the system makes the Animal Details link available. Click the link to access the Animal Details page.

(DEU) Germany

Alcohol/Substance Taken

If applicable, specify how drugs or alcohol are involved in the incident.


Record the identity of the person or authority who confirmed the information in the Alcohol/Substance Taken field.

Accident Report Type

Select from the list of German authorities to indicate the accident report type, if needed.

Reference Number

Enter the reference number that this public office is using to store the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Additional Travel Route Details

Access the Route Details page.

Actual Route

Enter a description of the actual route that is traveled.

Direct Route Taken

Select if the actual route is the most direct route that is available.

Direct Route

This field is available for entry if you do not select the Direct Route Taken check box. Enter a description of the most direct route.

Usual Route Taken

Select if the actual route is the usual route.

Usual Route

This field is available if you do not select the Usual Route Taken check box. Enter a description of the usual route.

Route Length (km)

Enter the kilometers for the actual travel route.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying People Connected to an Incident

Access the Incident Details - People page.

People Connected to this Incident

EmplID (employee ID) and Non-Employee ID

Enter either an employee ID or a non-employee ID. The field that you do not use disappears.

Note. Enter employees into the system by using the Administer Workforce business process. Enter non-employees into the system by using the Non-Employee component (HS_NE_PERS_DATA) component.

See Adding a Person in PeopleSoft Human Resources.

Add a row for each individual who is connected to the incident.


Indicate the individual’s role in the incident by using the list of translate values. The value that you select for this field affects the availability of fields on the remainder of the page.

Witnesses Confirmation

This field is available when you select the Witness check box. Use the list of translate values to identify whether or not the witness confirms the statement made by the individual who is involved in the incident.

Responsible For Incident, Trustworthy Person, Able To Answer Questions, and Under The Influence Of Drugs

Select the appropriate check boxes. If the individual is in the role of Investigator or Witness, then the Responsible For Incident check box is unavailable for data entry.

A witness is not involved in the incident but is merely an observer. An eyewitness is involved in the incident.

Drug Class

If you select the Under the Influence of Drugs check box, select the appropriate drug class from the list of available options.

Edit Address

Click this link to access the Incident Details - Contact Address page.

(CAN) Canada

Users in British Columbia who report incidents to the BC WCB electronically must identify an Investigator in the Role field when the report is a final report. This is true for all incident outcomes other than reported only. In addition, you must select either the Management Representative or the Labor Representative check box. For incident outcomes of the type Reported Only, no investigator information is required.

To provide address information for all persons who are connected to the incident, click the Edit Address link and access the Contact Address page.


Select the appropriate check box to indicate whether the investigator is a management representative or a labor representative.

(DEU) Germany

Insurance Details

Enter additional insurance information for people who are involved in German incidents.

(FRA) France

Accident Insurance

Enter additional insurance information for people who are involved in French incidents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Notification Requirements

Access the Incident Details - Reporting page.


Add data rows if multiple initial incident reports are made, such as to more than one authority or agency.

Regulatory Region

Select the region where the initial incident ocurred.

When you add or update an incident and need to change the regulatory region from the default value, select from the list of prompt values. Regulatory regions are set up in the Regulatory Region table, and the Regions In Transaction table. The system uses the HANDS regulatory transaction type for health and safety transactions. This transaction type includes regulatory regions for the main countries that are supported in the system and for the Canadian provinces.

Warning! If you change the regulatory region for an existing incident, and the setID for the previous and current regulatory regions differ, the system deletes all of the relevant linked values from the setup tables. Before proceeding with the change, the system prompts you to confirm the action. When the original information is deleted, you must reenter the data for the incident.

Person Reporting

Select the person who is reporting (employee ID). The values come from the Workforce Administration business process.

Location SetID

Select the location setID for the location of the person who is reporting. Prompt values come from the TableSetID table.

Reporting Location

Select the reporting location that is officially making the report.

(CAN) Canada

For users in British Columbia who report incidents to the BC WCB electronically, the Regulatory Region, Report Date, and Report Time fields on the Incident Reporting page are mandatory for all incident outcomes. Also, select CANBC in the Regulatory Region field. This is critical because warning messages for the BC WCB EDI file functionality is activated only when this is set.

Report Status

Select an option to indicate whether the report is preliminary or final.


Enter the Canadian WCB firm number and location code.

Note. (CAN) For users in British Columbia who report incidents to the BC WCB electronically, the Report Status, Firm Number, and Location fields are required. When the report status is final, you must identify an investigator on the Incident - People page.

(IND) India

Reported By

Select if the incident is reported by Airlines, Police Report, Railways, State Transport Administration, or Others.

See Also

Working with Regulatory Regions

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Injury Details

Use the Injury Details (HS_INJURY_ILL) component to record information about injuries that are sustained in incidents.

This section lists prerequisites and common elements and discusses how to:

Note. (CAN) For incidents in which the incident outcome is a dangerous occurrence, no injury information is entered into the system because by definition there are no injuries in these types of incidents. Proceed to the Consequent Actions pages to enter corrective and preventative actions for the incident.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you enter injury and illness information, you create an incident, assign an incident type, and select the Resulted In An Injury Or Illness check box on the Incident Details - Incident page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in this Section

Accident Type

If the injury resulted from an accident, select the type of accident from the Accident Type table.

Body Part

Select a code from the list of values from the Body Parts table.

Nature of Injury

Select a code to identify the injury in terms of its principal physical characteristics (for example, what happened to the employee). The values come from the Nature of Injury tables.


Partes de Accidentes de Trabajo.

Primary Injury

Select if this injury detail is associated with the primary injury.


Relación de Accidentes de Trabajo Sin Baja médica.

Side of Body

Indicate the side of the body for the body part, if appropriate, by selecting from the list of translate values.

Source of Injury

Select a code to identify the object, substance, exposure, or bodily motion that produced or inflicted the injury. Use the list of prompt values that come from the Source of Injury table.

Unsafe Act Performed

If applicable, select a code to indicate if the accident was caused by an unsafe action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Injury Details

Page Name

Object Name





Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Injury Details, Injury

Enter information about employees and non-employees who have work-related injuries or illnesses.

Injury: Detailed PAT Data


Click the Accident with sick note link on the Injury Details - Injury page.

(ESP) Enter details about the employee, employer, and place of accident for the PAT incident.

Detailed RAF Data


Click the Medical Discharge or Death link on the Injury Details - Injury page.

(ESP) Enter the reason for discharge, the injury grade, and the diagnosis code for the RAF incident.

Injury Details - Description


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Injury Details, Description

Enter detailed information about the injury or illness or both that are involved in the incident.

Injury Details - Statements


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Injury Details, Statements

Document the statements that are made by the injured or ill party, the employer, and witnesses.

Injury Details - Details


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Injury Details, Details

Provide details of the injury or illness that is suffered by each person who is involved in the incident.

Injury Details - Details: Body Parts


Click theBody Parts link on the Injury Details - Details page.

Identify body parts that are affected by the injury or illness.

Injury Details - Details: Nature of Injury


Click the Nature of Injury link on the Injury Details - Details page.

Define the nature of the injury or illness.

Injury Details - Details: Source of Injury


Click the Source of Injury link on the Injury Details - Details page.

Identify the source of the injury.

Injury Details - Details: Accident Type


Click the Accident Type link on the Injury Details - Details page.

Assign accident types to the injury or illness.

Injury Details - Details: Unsafe Act


Click the Unsafe Act link on the Injury Details - Details page.

Indicate if an unsafe act contributed to the injury or illness.

Injury Details - Details: Detailed PAT Data


Click the Accident with sick note link on the Injury Details - Details page.

(ESP)Enter detailed information about the accident that caused the injury for PAT reporting.

Note. The system makes the link available when you select PAT as the value for the Incident type ESP field on the Injury page.

Detailed RATSB Data


Click the Accident without sick note link on the Injury Details - Details page.

(ESP) Enter detailed data for RATSB reporting.

Note. The system makes the link available when you select RATSB as the value for the Incident type ESP field on the Injury page.

1st Aid


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Injury Details, 1st Aid

Enter first aid and medical treatment information for all injured or ill individuals who are involved in the incident.

Injury Details - 1st Aid: Ambulance Details


Click the Ambulance Details on the Injury Details - 1st Aid page.

Enter additional details about the time when the individual was transported to a hospital by an ambulance.

Prior Disability


On the Injury Details - 1st Aid page, select the Prior Disability check box in the Canada group box.

Click the Disability link.

Enter details about any relevant prior disabilities of the injured or ill person.

Prior Health Condition


On the Injury Details - 1st Aid page, select the Prior Health Condition check box in the Canada group box.

Click the Condition link.

Enter details about any relevant prior health conditions of the injured or ill person.



Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Injury Details, Diagnoses

Record details about the physician, hospital or clinic, and the medical diagnoses that are involved with the injured and ill employees.

Injury Details - Diagnoses: Medical Facility Address


Click the View Address link on the Injury Details - Diagnoses page.

View the address of the medical facility.

Injury Details - Diagnoses: Detailed PAT Data


Click the Accident with sick note link on the Injury Details - Diagnoses page.

(ESP) Specify medical assistance and economic data for PAT incidents.

Note. The system makes the link available when you select PAT as the value for the Incident type ESP on the Injury page.

Injury Details - Work-Related


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Injury Details, Work-Related

Record if the incident occurred while the person was involved in a work-related activity.

Wage Inclusions


Click the Wage Inclusions link on the Injury Details - Work-Related page.

Enter additional information about wage inclusions for Canadian employees who have a work-related injury or illness.

Wage Additions


Click the Wage Additions link on the Injury Details - Work-Related page.

Enter additional information about wage additions for Canadian employees who have a work-related injury or illness.

Injury Details - Work-Related: Actions


Click the Actions link on the Injury Details - Work-Related page.

Enter additional information that is needed for reporting to the WCB, concerning the employee’s actions at the time of the incident.

Return To Work


Click the Return to Work link on the Injury Details - Work-Related page.

Enter additional return-to-work details for Canadian employees who are injured or ill in work-related incidents.

Long Term Earnings


Click the Long Term Earnings link on the Injury Details - Work-Related page.

Enter additional information about long term earnings for Canadian employees who have work-related injuries or illnesses.

WCB Form 7 Details


Click the WCB Form 7 Details link on the Injury Details - Work-Related page.

Enter additional information about Canadian incidents that is needed for reporting to the WCB.

Injury Details - Reporting


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Injury Details, Reporting

Track if incidents are reportable under the terms of an authority of a regulatory region.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Work-Related Injuries

Access the Injury page.


For each person who is involved in the incident, select either an employee ID or a non-employee ID. The person's name, date of birth, gender and, if applicable, the date of death appear next to this field.

Note. If a fatality occurs, enter the date of death in the Workforce Administration business process or the Non-Employee - Personal Details page, as appropriate.

Empl Rcd # (employment record number)

If you enter information for an employee who has more than one job, select the employment record number for the job that the employee was performing when the incident occurred.

Employee Data At Incident Date

The information that appears here comes from job data that is valid as of the incident date.

Notification - This Person

Enter the date and time when this person’s injury or illness was reported to an organization official.

(CAN) Canada

In the Injury group box, enter the date and time of the injury. Select the Date and Time Exact check box if the date and time are exact.

In the Exposure group box, enter the exposure start date, start time, end date, and end time, if known

Use the Designates group box to record details about incident designates to whom injuries and incidents are reported. They are distinguished from incident people, who are usually the people that are involved in the incident and are reporting it.


This is a sequential number that the system assigns automatically to differentiate between designates. When you save this record, the sequence number is available in the First Aider Designate field on the 1st Aid page.


Select the employee ID of the designate.

Date Reported and Time Reported

Enter the date and the time that the injury was reported.

Position Type

The value that you select determines the availability of the remaining fields that are on the page. If you select the types None or Worker’s Supervisor, the system makes the Other Description and 1st Aid Cert. # fields available for entry.

1st Aid Cert. # (first aid certificate number)

If you select First Aid Attendant as the position type, enter the first aid certificate number for the designate.

Other Description

If you select Other in the Position Type field, then enter a description of the designate’s position.

First Designate Reported To

Select whether the person is the first designate to whom the injury was reported.

(DEU) Germany

Owner Partner, Partner, Incompetent, and Relation

Indicate the relationship of the person who was notified to the person who was involved. If you select Relation, the associated field is available for selection.

Work Area

Select an option from the values that you set up in the Work Area table.

(FRA) France


Enter the time of the notification.

(GBR) United Kingdom

Member Of Public and Self-Employed

If the individual who is involved in the incident is a non-employee, indicate if that person is a member of the public or is self-employed.

(ESP) Spain

Incident Type Esp

Select the incident type of the industrial accident:

  • PAT: Select to indicate that this is an industrial accident where the person provides the company with a sick note.

  • RATSB: Select to indicate that this is an industrial accident where the person does not provide the company with a sick note.

Absence Begin Date

Enter the date that the employee begins to be absent from work due to the industrial accident. If this is a relapse occurrence, enter the begin date of the original occurrence. The system displays this field only for PAT incident types.


Select this check box if the industrial accident is a relapse occurrence caused by a previous temporary disability. The system displays this field only for PAT incident types.

End Date

Enter the date that the employee’s absence from work ends due to a medical discharge or death of the employee. When you enter the medical discharge or death date, the PAT incident becomes a RAF (Relación de Altas o Fallecimientos de accidentados or Relation of High or Deaths of injured) incident. The system displays this field only for PAT incident types.

Accident with sick note

Click this link to access the Detailed PAT Data page, where you must enter details about the employee, employer, and place of accident for the PAT incident. The system displays this link only for PAT incident types.

Medical Discharge or Death

Click this link to access the Detailed RAF Data page, where you must enter the reason for discharge, the injury grade, and the diagnosis code for the RAF incident. The system displays this field only for PAT incident types where you have entered an absence end date to make it a RAF incident type.

See Managing Delta Communications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(ESP) Entering General PAT Information

Access the Injury: Detailed PAT Data page.

Schedule Data

Working Hour

If a temporary disability is an industrial accident because the accident occurred at work, select the working hour that the accident occurred. The system displays this field only for PAT incident types.


Use this group box to identify the place and time that the industrial accident occurred.

Job Codes (CNO)

Assign an occupational national code to the employee for reporting purposes. s.

Get Seniority Data

Click this button to retrieve the stored seniority months or days for the employee. The system retrieves this data from the Human Resources Administer Workforce business process. .

Seniority Months

The number of seniority months for the employee for reporting purposes. The system displays this field only if the seniority months are greater than zero.

Seniority Days

The number of seniority days for the employee for reporting purposes. The system displays this field only if the seniority month is less than one.


Use this group box to enter employer information about where the industrial accident occurred.


Select this check box to indicate that the company at the time of the industrial accident is the hiring company that contracts or subcontracts to the employee.


Select this check box to indicate that the company is a place of temporary work for the employee.

Get Staff

The system retrieves the value of the Staff field from the Human Resources Administer Workforce business process. This field is necessary for the XML file (Delt@).


The employee’s number at the work center where the industrial accident occurred. This field is necessary for the XML file(Delt@).


Use this group box to report where the industrial accident took place. Indicate whether the industrial accident occurred in the employee’s company or in another company.

Place Code

Select the location where industrial accident took place. Valid values are:

  • In Itinere: The industrial accident occurred when the employee was going to or returning from the work.

  • Other Work Center: The industrial accident occurred in another work center.

  • Taken Journey: The industrial accident took place during a work hour when the employee was traveling.

  • Usual Work Center: The industrial accident occurred in the employee’s usual work center.

The system uses the value of this field to populate the <codigo> tag in the XML file.

External Company

Select this check box to indicate that the industrial accident occurred at a company other than the employee’s company. The system displays the External Company Data group box for you to enter details details about the external company.

External Company Data

Use this group box to enter data about the external company or external work location within the employee’s company where the industrial accident occurred.

Company Type

Select the type of external company where the industrial accident occurred. Valid values are:

  • Hiring: The external company is the hiring company. The system uses this value to populate the <cifcontrata> tag in the XML file.

  • ETT: The external company is a place of temporary work for the employee. The system uses this value to populate the <citett> tag in the XML file.

  • Other: The external company is of another type not listed here. The system uses this value to populate the <cifotra> tag in the XML file.

The system loads the value into the XML file when you select a Fiscal ID value.

Fiscal ID

Select the Fiscal ID for the external company type. Based on your selection in the Company Type field, the system populates the <cifcontrata> tag, <cifett> tag, or <cifotra> tag in the XML file.

Company Name

Enter the name of the company where the industrial accident occurred.

SSN Employer (social security number employer)

If the industrial accident occurred out of the employee’s usual work center, enter the social security number of the company where the industrial accident occurred.


If the industrial accident occurred out of the employee’s usual work center, enter the staff value of the company where the industrial accident occurred.

IA Code (industrial accident code)

If the industrial accident occurred out of the employee’s usual work center, enter the IA code of the company where the industrial accident occurred.

Address, City, Postal, and State

If the industrial accident occurred out of the employee’s usual work center, enter the address of the company where the industrial accident occurred.

See Also

Managing Delta Communications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(ESP) Entering RAF Details

Access the Detailed RAF Data page.

RAF Data

Use this group box to enter the information required for RAF reporting.

Reason Discharge

Select the reason for the discharge. The system populates the <causa> tag in the XML file with this value.

RAF Injury Grade

Select a RAF injury grade to indicate the severity of the injury according to social security administration codes. The system populates the <gradoreal> tag in the XML file with this value.

Diagnosis Code

Select the diagnosis code according to social security administration codes. The system populates the <diagnostoco> tag in the XML file with this value.

See Also

Managing Delta Communications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Injury and Illness Descriptions

Access the Injury Details - Description page.

Primary Outcome

Indicate whether the incident resulted in Injury, Illness, or Death.

Treatment Required

Indicate if the treatment was Medical, First Aid, Hospitalized, or None.

Note. (DEU) All illnesses that involve German operations are tracked by using the DEU Illness Tracking (HS_ILLNESS_GER) component.

Occupational Illness

If you select Illness in the Primary Outcome group box, then the Illness field is available for data entry in this group box. Values come from the Occupational Illness table.

Injury/Illness Details

Enter details about the illness.

(CAN) Canada

For users in British Columbia who report incidents to the BC WCB electronically, note that injury information is not required for incident outcomes that are dangerous occurrences. On the Injury Description page, the only required item is the Injury Outcome, which is used to derive the Incident Outcome on the Incident Details - Canada page. The entries that you make in the Primary Outcome and Treatment Required group boxes should be consistent with the type of incident outcome that you enter into the system.

Injury Outcome

Values are Fatality, Health Care Only, Reported Only, and Short Term Disability.

Business Type

Use the values that are approved by the regional WCB office to describe the business type (required).


Identify the people who are involved with or who have knowledge of the injury or illness. People with knowledge of the incident are entered on the Incident People page.

EmplID and Non-Employee ID

Enter either an employee ID or a non-employee ID.

Note. You must enter the employee into the system by using the Workforce Administration business process, or the non-employee by using Non-Employee Details.

Prepare a separate data row for each individual who is connected to the incident.


Select a role for each individual who is identified. Values are Witness or Other Party. The value that you select here affects the availability of fields on the remainder of the page.

Responsible For Incident

If you select Other Party in the Role field, you can select this check box.

Note. For users in British Columbia who report incidents to the BC WCB electronically, the information that is on this page is not required for incident outcomes that are dangerous occurrences. The Injury Outcome and Business Type are required fields. Remember, the most severe injury outcome for all of the injured persons in this incident is used to derive the incident outcome on the Incident Details - Canada page.

(GBR) United Kingdom

Occ. Illness Diagnosis Date (occupational illness diagnosis date)

This field is available when the selected injury outcome is illness.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDocumenting Injury Statements

Access the Injury Details - Statements page.

Employer’s Statement

Enter the employer’s statement.

Injured Party’s Statement

Enter the injured party’s statement. Select Witness Confirms Statement if a witness confirms the injured person’s statement.

Employer Objections

To indicate that there are employer objections to the injured party’s statement, select Employer Objects To Statement and enter the objections.

Note. (CAN) For users in British Columbia who report incidents to the BC WCB electronically, the information that is on this page is not required for incident outcomes of the types dangerous occurrences or reported only. The employer’s statement is required for incident outcomes of the types health care only, short-term disability, and fatality.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Injury and Illness Details

Access the Injury Details - Details page.

Injury Description

Click the links to gain access to the detail pages that describe the attributes of the injury.

Note. Information on the Body Parts, Nature of Injury, and Accident Type pages is required for an incident outcome of reported only. Information on the Body Parts, Nature of Injury, Source of Injury, and Accident Type pages is required for the incident outcomes health care only, short-term disability, and fatality.

(CAN) Canada

For users in British Columbia who report incidents to the BC WCB electronically, the injury information that is on this page is not required for incident outcomes that are dangerous occurrences.

Nature of Injury

Enter the code that you want to link to a body part. The reason for creating this link is that the BC WCB assumes that the nature of injury is directly associated with some body part.

Body Part Code

Enter the code for the body part that you want to link to the nature of the injury.

To activate the link, save the information that you enter on the Body Parts and Nature of Injury pages, and save the information here.

(DEU) Germany

Unsafe Item

Select an unsafe item code, if applicable. Values come from the DEU Unsafe Item table.

(FRA) France

Protective Clothing

Identify the employee’s protective clothing at the time of the incident. Insert a new data row for more entries.

(GBR) United Kingdom

Height of Fall

If the individual was involved in a fall, enter the height of the fall in meters.

(ESP) Spain

Accident with sick note

If the accident is a PAT incident type, the system displays this link. Click this link to access the Detailed PAT Data page, where you can specify further details of the PAT incident.

Accident without sick note

If the accident is a RATSB incident type, the system displays this link. Click this link to access the Detailed RATSB Data page, where you can specify further details of the RATSB incident.

See Managing Delta Communications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(ESP) Entering Detailed PAT Information

Access the Injury Details - Details: Detailed PAT Data page.

Risk Evaluation

Risk Evaluation

Select this check box to indicate that a risk evaluation has been made at the company where the industrial accident took place. The system uses this value to populate the <evaluacion> tag in the XML file.

Usual Work

Usual Work

Select this check box to indicate that the employee was working on usual work when the industrial accident took place. The system uses this value to populate the <habitual> tag in the XML file.

Where Accident Occurred

Place Type

Select the type of place where the accident took place. Define valid values on the XML Code Table page.

Work When Accident Occurred

Work Type

Select the type of work that the employee was doing when the accident took place. Define valid values on the XML Code Table page.

Act. When Accident Occurred (activity when accident occurred)


Select the task that the employee was doing when the accident took place. Define valid values on the XML Code Table page.

Usual Working Tool

Select the category of tool associated with the task that the person was performing when the accident took place. Define valid values on the XML Code Table page.

Irre. Act. When Acci. Occurred (irregular activity when accident occurred)


Describe the unusual incident that started the accident.


Select the unusual incident that started the accident. Define valid values on the XML Code Table page.

Source of Injury

Select the category of the tool that caused the injury. Define valid values on the XML Code Table page.

How Accident Occurred


Select the contact person for the industrial accident.

Unusual Working Tool

Select the category of tool associated with the unusual incident that started the accident. Define valid values on the XML Code Table page.

Employees Involved

Multiple Employees

Select this check box to indicate that there were multiple employees involved in the accident.


Select this check box to indicate that there were witnesses to the accident.

Witness Data

Enter details about the witness. The system uses this value to populate the <datostes> tag in the XML file.

See Also

Managing Delta Communications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(ESP) Entering Detailed RATSB Data

Access the Detailed RATSB Data page.



Select the contact type for the industrial accident. The system uses this value to populate the <contacto> tag in the XML file. Define valid values on the XML Code Table page.

Body part

Select the body part that was affected by the industrial accident. The system uses this value to populate the <partelesion> tag in the XML file. Define valid values on the XML Code Table page.


Select the injury type caused by the industrial accident. The system uses this value to populate the <tipolesion> tag in the XML file. Define valid values on the XML Code Table page.


Get Staff

Click this button to retrieve the value of the Staff field from the Human Resources Administer Workforce business process.


The employee’s number at the work center where the industrial accident occurred. This field is necessary for the XML file.

See Also

Managing Delta Communications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Medical Treatment Information

Access the 1st Aid page.

Patient Taken To Hospital

Select if the individual was taken to a hospital.

Patient Fell Unconscious

If you select this check box, the Hrs. and Mins. fields are available for entry. Enter the amount of time, in hours and minutes, that the individual remained unconscious.

Fatal Injuries Sustained

If you select this check box, ensure that the primary outcome on the incident description page is death, and enter the date of death in the Workforce Administration business process if the individual is an employee.

Resuscitation Required

Select if the individual required resuscitation.

Ambulance Required

If you select this check box, the system makes the Ambulance Details available. Click the link to access to the Ambulance Details page.

Date and Time

Enter the date and time when first aid or medical treatment was provided.

Employee and Non-Employee

When you add a data row, both of these fields are available. Select either the employee ID or non-employee ID of the person who provides first aid or medical treatment.

First Aid, Medical, and None

Select the appropriate option to indicate the type treatment that was provided.

(CAN) Canada

First Aider Desig Seq # (first aider designate sequence number)

Select a designate (first aider) who treated or assisted the injured or ill person. The available values and sequence numbers come from the Injury Details - Injury page.

How Worker Arrived First Aid

Select the mode of transportation that was used to bring the injured or ill worker to the designate.

How Worker Left First Aid

Select the mode of transportation was used to take the injured or ill person away, if applicable.

Attendant Observe Unconscious

If you select the Patient Fell Unconscious check box on the primary page, then this check box is available for data entry. Indicate that the designate (first aider) observed that the injured person was unconscious at the time treatment was given.

Hours and Minutes

Enter the ambulance transportation time in hours or minutes or both. This is the amount of time that the ambulance took to transport the injured or ill person to the hospital.

Note. In the context of operations and incidents that occur within the CANBC regulatory region, Ambulance specifically means British Columbia Ambulance.

Prior Disability and Prior Health Condition

Select the appropriate check boxes to indicate whether the injured or ill person had a relevant prior disability or prior health condition. When you select a check box, the associated Disability or Condition link is available. Click these links to access to the Prior Disability and Prior Health Condition pages.

Nearest Practitioner Distance

Enter the distance to the nearest medical practitioner, if it is known.

Nearest Hospital Distance and Nearest Hospital Name

Name the nearest hospital and enter its distance from the accident site.

(FRA) France

Registered at Infirmary

Select if the injured or ill person was registered at an infirmary.

Date and Number

Enter the date of registration in the infirmary and the registration number.

Medical Facility

Select the medical facility to which the injured or ill person was taken. Values come from the Medical Facilities table.

If the injured or ill person was taken to a location that is not a medical facility in the system, then bypass the Medical Facility field, and describe where the individual was taken in the Where Taken field.

(GBR) United Kingdom

Hospitalised for over 24 hours

Indicate if the injured or ill person was hospitalized for over 24 hours.

(IND) India

Nearest Practitioner Distance

Enter the distance from the establishment to the nearest medical practitioner at the time of the injury.

Nearest Hospital Distance

Enter the distance from the establishment to the nearest hospital at the time of the injury.

Nearest Hospital Name

Enter the name of the nearest hospital at the time of the injury.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Diagnoses Details

Access the Diagnoses page.

Type of Health Care

Select the type of health care, such as Emergency Care or Ongoing Health Care, that the individual received at the hospital or clinic.

Physician ID

Select a physician ID for the doctor or other medical specialist who treated the injured or ill person. The associated name appears.

Medical Facility

Select a medical facility where the injured or ill person was treated. The name of the facility appears.

View Address

Click this link to access the Injury Details - Diagnoses: Medical Facility Address page. This page is read-only. Use the Medical Facility page (HS_MEDICAL_FAC ) to edit medical facility address information.


When you know the results of the physician’s medical diagnosis, select a diagnosis code. Define these codes in the Diagnosis table. If you do not know this information now, enter it at a later date.

Insert a new data row for each additional diagnosis code.

(IND) India

Type of Disablement

Select if the type of disablement is Permanent Partial Disablement, Permanent Total Disablement, due to an Occupational Disease/Illness, or due to Other reasons.

Disablement Code

If the type of disablement is permanent partial disablement or permanent total disablement, select the appropriate code. Disablement codes are defined on the IND Disablement Types (India Disablement Types) page.

Pct Loss of Earnings (percent loss of earnings)

The percentage of loss of earnings for the selected disablement code appears. This percentage is defined on the IND Disablement Types page.


If the type of disablement is an occupational disease or illness, select the type of illness.

Additional Descr (additional description)

If the type of disablement is due to some other reason, enter a description of the disablement type here.

Job Type

Select if the physician recommended an Alternate Job or Light Work.

Job Start Date

Enter the start date of the alternate job or light work job.

Job End Date

Enter the end date of the alternate job or light work job.

Leave Type

Select if the physician recommended Accident Leave or Special Leave.

Leave From Date

Enter the start date of the leave.

Leave To Date

Enter the end date of the leave.

Approval Date

Enter the date that the physician's recommendations are approved.

Employee ID

Select if an employee approved the physician recommendations and select the employee’s ID.

Physician ID

Select if a physician approved the recommendations and select the physician’s ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(ESP) Specifying Medical and Economic PAT Data

Access the Injury Details - Diagnoses: Detailed PAT Data page.

Medical Assistance

Use this group box to specify details about the medical assistance that the person received for the injury caused by the accident.

Injury Grade

Select the severity of the injury according to Spanish social security administration codes. Your choices are Low, High, Very High, and Death.


Select the injury for which the person received medical assistance. Define valid values on the XML Code Table page.

Body Part

Select the body part for which the person received medical assistance. Define valid values on the XML Code Table page.

Type of Medical Assistance

Select the whether the person received medical assistance for the injury from a hospital or an ambulatory service.

Economic Data

Use this group box to enter or load information for benefits calculations.

Contribution Days

Enter the number of contribution days in the month previous to the industrial accident. The system uses this value to fill the <dias> tag in the XML file.

Contribution Overtime

Enter the annual average overtime contribution in the month previous to the industrial accident. The system uses this value to fill the <b1> tag in the XML file.

Common Contingency Base

Enter the regular contribution on the month previous to the industrial accident. The system uses this value to fill the <base> tag in the XML file.

Get GP Data

Click this button to load the contribution days, contribution overtime, and common contingency base values from tables in the core Global Payroll application.

See Also

Managing Delta Communications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Work-Related Incidents

Access the Work-Related page.

Last Date/Time

If the employee spent time away from work, enter the date and time of the employee’s last day at work.

Note. (CAN) The Last Date/Time field on this page is required for reporting to the BC WCB.


Select if the incident is work-related.

Return Date/Time

If the employee spent time away from work, enter the date and time of the employee’s first day back at work after the incident.

Employee Return To Work

Select if the employee returned to work after the incident.

Illness Resulted In

Select from the available options to indicate if the injury or illness resulted in Transfer, Termination, or is N/A (not applicable).

Days Away From Work

If the employee spent time away from work as a result of the incident, enter the number of days that the employee is away from work.

Note. Some government authorities have very precise definitions of days away from work and restricted workdays. Ensure that you use the definitions that apply to the regulatory region.

Restricted Workdays

Enter the number of days that the employee is able to work within limitations that a doctor established.

Enter Detailed Dates

Select this check box to enable entry of detailed dates. If the box is cleared, only the Days Away From Work and Restricted Workdays fields are editable and the detailed dates grid is not editable. When the box is selected, the detail dates grid is editable and the Days Away From Work and Restricted Workdays fields are automatically updated to show the total days from the detail dates.


Select from the available options to provide more detail about the time away from work due to an injury. The Days Away from Work and the Restricted Workdays are automatically updated depending on the type that is selected. For example, if the type is Away from Work Due to Injury, the Days Away from Work field is automatically updated with the number of days entered in the Start Date and End Date fields.

(CAN) Canada

Payments during disability

Select if the employee is receiving payments and then describe the payments in the Payments Descr (Payments Description) field.

Benefits continue

Select if the employee’s benefits are continuing.

Variable Shift Rotation

Select if an employee is working a variable shift rotation.

Fixed Rotation Start Date

Enter when the employee returns to a fixed shift rotation.

Last Day Scheduled Start/End Time

Record information about lost work time.

Last Day’s Wages

Enter the wages of the employee’s last day.

Lump Sum Holiday Pay Received

Select if the employee received lump sum holiday pay.

Holiday Pay Rate % (holiday pay rate percent)

If the employee received lump sum holiday pay, enter the pay rate percentage.

Absent after day of injury

Select if the employee missed work after the injury and then enter the Start/End Dates for the period of absence.


Select the correct class or subclass for the employee’s business unit. Use the proper WCB classification for the business.

Customer Cost Center

Enter the employer’s Customer Cost Center code that represents the cost center that the individual is in. The Customer Cost Center code is assigned by the WBC in conjunction with the employer and helps to track claim costs at a given organizational level.

Note. To enter additional information that is needed for reporting to the WCB, click any of the six links to open additional Canadian pages.

(CAN) Canada

This table lists the required fields for British Columbia users:

Incident Outcome

Required Fields

Reported only.

Last Day’s Wages.



Health care only.

Last Day’s Wages.


Last Date Time.



Short-term disability or fatality.

Last Day Scheduled Start/End Time.


Last Day’s Wages.


Last Date Time.



(DEU) Germany

Payments Continue

If the employee has the right to collect compensation payments, select this check box and enter the date when the payments stop in the Until Date field.

Work After Start

Select this check box if the employee resumed working after an illness.

Work Stop

If the employee no longer works for the organization, select the appropriate work stop time. Values are None, Immediately, Later, and No.

Stop Date

Enter the date when the employee stopped working.

(FRA) France


Indicate the actions taken by the employer in response to the injury or illness.


Select whether the period of disability for the injured or ill employee is a Permanent Disability or a Temporary Disability.

Amount % (amount percent)

Indicate the estimated degree of disability, which is determined by a doctor or medical specialist.

Notify Date

Enter the date that the employer is notified regarding the employee’s disability.

(IND) India


Select General Shift, Shift One, Shift Two, or Shift Three.

For example, if the organization has a day shift and a night shift, you can use Shift One for the day shift and Shift Two for the night shift. If the organization has more than two shifts, you can use Shift Three, depending on the timing of the shift.

Supervisor ID

Select the employee ID of the employee's shift supervisor.

Start Time and End Time

Enter the employee's shift start and end time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(CAN) Entering Long Term Earnings

Access the Injury Details - Work-Related: Long Term Earnings page.

The WCB is interested in two different long term earnings periods: the three months that are prior to the injury, and the twelve months that are prior to the injury.

Sequence Number

In the records that are on this page, the dates appear by default to three months prior to the injury for sequence number 1 and 12 months prior to the injury for sequence number 2.


Enter the amount of earnings for the periods that are in each sequence.

Period Start Date and Period End Date

If the person is not with the organization for either the entire three-month period or the entire twelve-month period, enter the period start date and the period end date.

Date Change Reason

When you enter period start and end dates, you must provide a reason for the date changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Reporting Details

Access the Injury Details - Reporting page.

Further Inquiry

Select if additional inquiry is required to determine if this is a reportable case.

Reportable Case

Select if the incident is reportable under the terms of one or more authorities in one or more regulatory regions. Even if there are no regulatory requirements at the location for tracking reportable cases, you can track whether the case is reportable based upon insurer requirements or the requirements of the organization.

If you do not need to report this particular case based upon the requirements for the regulatory region, the insurer, or the organization, then clear the Reportable Case check box.

Warning! You must follow the reporting requirements of any particular regulatory regions where you have operations. Clearly document the reasons and methods for how you use the system for identifying reportable cases, and train all of the users to do it the same way.

Note. If the U.S. operations follow the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), select the Reportable Case check box for cases that are required for recording on the OSHA Form 200 Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Log.

(DEU) Germany

Case Number

Enter the official report case number.

Note. If the government, insurer, or organization uses a standard system for numbering cases, you can set up Human Resources so that it assigns the numbers automatically.

Case Officer ID

The case officer ID from the Case Officer Assignment page (for the person who is involved in the incident). Case officers are set up for particular setIDs and locations using the Case Officers page. Individuals are designated as case officers on the Employee Details page. Case officers are assigned to individuals who are involved in incidents by using the Case Officer Assignment page.

Date Filed

Enter the date that the report is filed with the insurer. This information is used in the DEU accident report.

Reject Reason

Select any reason that the insurer gave for rejecting the claim, if applicable.

(USA) United States

OSHA Case Nbr (occupational safety and health case number)

Enter the case number; the system uses it in the OSHA 200 Occupational Injury and Illness report (OHS001).

Privacy Case

Select to mark the incident as private. This is to comply with an OSHA requirement. Private cases do not display the employee's name on any reports but maintain the name in the system in case it is requested by OSHA.

Date Filed

Enter the date that the reportable case is entered into the OSHA Form 200 Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Log.

Illness Type

If the person has a work-related illness, select an appropriate type of illness. OSHA defines these illness types.

Log Comments

You can enter comments that are exactly the length of the field as it appears on the page. This length matches the length for comments on the OSHA Form 200 Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Log.

(AUS) Australia

Case Number

Enter the case number.

(NZL) New Zealand

Case Number

Enter the case number.

(IND) India

Inspector Name

Enter the name of the person who is doing the inspection.

Inspector Title

Enter the title of the inspector.

Inspection Date

Enter the date of the inspection.

Inspection Time

Enter the time of the inspection.

Corrective or Preventive Actn (corrective or preventive actn)

Select if the inspector has directed Corrective Action or Preventive Action.


Enter the specifics of the corrective or preventive action.

Date of Action

Enter the date by which the corrective or preventive action must be completed.

Officer Responsible

Enter the name of the officer who is responsible for the completion of the corrective or preventive action.

Reported to Empl ID (reported to employee ID)

Select the ID of the employee to whom the injury is reported.

Employer Designate ID

Enter the ID of the person in the organization who received the information about the injured employee.

Dept ID

Select the department ID to which the employer designate belongs.

Insurance Number

Enter the employee’s insurance number.

Insurance Date

Enter the effective date of the employee’s insurance.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Incident Data for Vehicles and Equipment

This section discusses how to enter incident data for vehicles and equipment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Incident Data for Vehicles and Equipment

Page Name

Object Name





Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Vehicle/Equipment Involved, Vehicle/Equipment

Enter the specifics of incidents involving vehicle or equipment accidents. You must create the incident and assign it an incident type of Vehicle/Equipment Accident.

Equipment Details


Click the Equipment link on the Vehicle/Equipment page.

View additional information about equipment.

Vehicle/Equipment Car Details


Click the Car Details link on the Vehicle/Equipment page.

View additional information about vehicles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Incident Data for Vehicles and Equipment

Access the Vehicle/Equipment page.

Property Code

Select a property code from the values that you classify as vehicles or heavy equipment in the Company Property table.

For vehicles, the system makes the Car Details link available. For heavy equipment, the system makes the Equipment Details link available. Click the links for the associated pages.

Business Unit and Dept Charged (department charged)

If you assign this company property to a business unit and department in the Company Property table, the business unit and department that is charged for the incident appears here. Otherwise, select the business unit, if needed. The values come from the Business Unit table. Select the department charged, if needed. The values come from the Department table.

Estimated Damage Amount

Enter an estimated damage amount for the vehicle or equipment and any other property that is damaged in the incident, if an estimate is provided.

Actual Damage Amount

Enter an actual damage amount for the vehicle or equipment and any other property that is damaged in the incident, when that information is known.


DMV Reported (Department of Motor Vehicles reported)

Select if the incident is reported to the state Department of Motor Vehicles.

DOT Reported (Department of Transportation reported)

Select if the incident is reported to the federal Department of Transportation.

EmplID (employee ID) and Non-EmplID (non-employee ID)

Identify the employees or non-employees that are associated with the vehicle or heavy equipment that is involved in the incident.


Indicate the role of each person that is involved in the accident.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Consequent Actions of Incidents

This section provides an overview of the methods that you can use to document consequent actions of incidents and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMethods of Documenting Consequent Actions

You can use the Consequent Actions (HS_INCIDENT_ACTION) component to manage a health and safety program in one of three ways:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Incident Consequent Actions

Page Name

Object Name





Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Identify Corr/Prevent (Corrective/Preventative) Actions, Corrective

Enter corrective and preventative actions.



Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Identify Corr/Prevent Actions, Preventative

Enter preventative actions that are taken to prevent workplace incidents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Corrective Actions

Access the Corrective page.


Select a code from the values that come from the Hazardous Materials/Conditions table. The value that is associated with the selected hazard appears in the Cause field.

Action Sequence

The system automatically assigns the action sequence in numerical order for each data row that you insert.


Select a category for the action.

Responsible ID

Select the ID of the employee who is responsible for following through on the action.


Enter the status of the action.


For each action sequence, you can enter a description.

Estimated and Actual

When you know them, enter the estimated, actual, or both completion dates for carrying out the action.

Note. (CAN) For users in British Columbia who report incidents to the BC WCB electronically, the required fields for the Corrective Actions page are the Hazard Code and the written statement of the Action.

(DEU) Germany

Corrective Actions

For each action, select the appropriate code from the values that are established in the GER Corrective Actions table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Preventative Actions

Access the Preventative page.


The fields in this group box are identical to those that are on the Corrective page.

(CAN) Canada

Preventative Action

For each action, select the appropriate code from the values that come from the CAN Preventative Actions table.

‘Other’ Description

This field is available only to users in British Columbia when they enter the preventative action code 00996. Users in British Columbia may enter descriptions of nonstandard preventative actions, which are then used in reports to the British Columbia Workers Compensation Board (BC WCB).

Users in British Columbia must first ensure that the preventative action codes that are entered in the CAN Preventative Actions table are the approved codes that are used by the BC WCB, including the code 00996 - Other.

If you are a user in British Columbia, and if the approved codes are entered into that table and the incident that you are currently working with has the Regulatory Region CANBC applied to it, then when you select a Preventative Action code of 00996 - Other in the Preventative Action field on this page, the ‘Other’ Description field is available for data entry. Enter a description of the nonstandard preventative action.

Note. (CAN) For users in British Columbia who report incidents to the BC WCB electronically, the Hazard code and the Preventative Action code are required fields.

(DEU) Germany

Preventative Action

For each action, select the appropriate action from the values which come from the GER Preventative Actions Table.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Incident, Injury, and Illness Data by Individual

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to view employee injury summaries. This information is useful for pinpointing recurring problems that certain employees experience.

See Also

Entering Injury and Illness Details

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can access injury and illness data by individual, you must first create incident data and associate individuals with the incident by using the Incident Details (HS_INCIDENT) component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Summarize Employee Injuries

Page Name

Object Name



Employee Injury Summary


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Review Employee Injury Summary, Employee Injury Summary

View a summary of all the injuries that an employee has experienced and related incident data.

Employee Injury Summary - Details


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Obtain Incident Information, Review Employee Injury Summary

Click the Show Details link.

Provide details of the injury or illness that is suffered by each person who is involved in the incident. This page is helpful when you do not have the incident number at hand.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Employee Injury Summaries

Access the Employee Injury Summary page.

Show Details

Click to access the Incident Details component for a selected incident. Review and update injury or illness information and the pages that are in the Incident Details component.

Save the changes before you close the pages.

Click to jump to parent topic(GBR) Collecting RIDDOR Data for UK reports

This section provides an overview of collecting RIDDOR data and lists the page used to run the Collect RIDDOR Data (OHS501UK) SQR process.

See Also

Monitor Health and Safety Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Collect RIDDOR Data Process

The Collect RIDDOR Data process builds a data collection for reporting. You must enter either a date range or a manager to run the report, and you can (optionally) request data for a single incident. This process is run prior to requesting the following reports:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Collect RIDDOR Data Process

Page Name

Object Name



Collect RIDDOR Data


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Collect Health/Safety Data, RIDDOR Data GBR, Collect RIDDOR Data

Collect RIDDOR data for GBR Health and Safety reporting.

Click to jump to parent topic(MEX) Defining Mixed Committees for Mexico

This section provides an overview of mixed committees for health and safety and discusses how to define mixed committees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Mixed Committees for Health and Safety

In Mexican companies, a mixed committee, Comisión Mixta de Seguridad e Higiene, is formed to oversee health and safety processes and investigate work-related accidents. A similar mixed committee, Comisión Mixta de Capacitación, is formed to oversee the training and development process for employees.

The mixed committee is made up of an equal number of employee and employer representatives and is selected annually. When the committee is formed, the group defines its working objectives, functions, and mechanisms.

The mixed committee for health and safety investigates the causes of work-related accidents, reviews legal decisions, registers violations of the legal decisions, and recommends health and safety preventative measures.

You can enter the information for a health and safety mixed committee on the Mixed Committee page.

After you define the details for a health and safety mixed committee, there is an additional step. If a safety incident occurs on the job, record it on the Incident Details page.

Defining Training Legal Requirements

There are specific legal forms for the formation of the mixed committee. The Department of Labor (STPS) can audit all the information that is related to the mixed committee and its formation (STPS Form DC-1).

Submit the committee formation and definition of the training plan to the STPS through Form DC-2.

After training is complete, the company can issue labor ability certificates to employees. Each employee who completes a course or event receives a certificate (STPS Form DC-3) and a copy is sent to the STPS.

You can now generate all the STPS reports that are used to track employee training.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Mixed Committees

Page Name

Object Name



Mixed Committee


Workforce Monitoring, Health and Safety, Collect Health/Safety Data, Mixed Committee MEX, Mixed Committee

Define details for the mixed committee, including class, representatives, location, and objectives.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Mixed Committees

Access the Mixed Committee page.

Committee Detail

Enter the details about the mixed committee, such as a description of the committee.


Enter the year for which the mixed committee is effective.

Constitution Date

Enter the date when the mixed committee is formed.


Select the committee class. Values are Health & Safety and Training.


Define details for mixed committee representatives.


Select the employee ID of the representative for the mixed committee.


Identify the type of representative. Values are Employee and Employer.


Business Unit

Select the business unit that the mixed committee serves.

Location Code

Identify the location where the mixed committee is available.

Objective Detail

Define the objectives, functions, and mechanisms for the mixed committee.

Objective Year

Enter the year in which the mixed committee's objectives are effective.


If you have more than one objective, you can identify each objective by assigning it a sequence number.


Select the objective type. Values are:

  • Function: An activity that a mixed committee needs to do.

  • Mechanism: The way to achieve the functions or goals of a mixed committee.

  • Objective: The goals of the period in which the committee is valid.

  • Other: Any other information that you need to enter about the mixed committee.


Enter the objective of the mixed committee.


Enter a description for the function, mechanism, objective, or other objective type.