Viewing Employee Data

This chapter discusses how to:

See Also

Maintaining Employee Pension Data

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Personal and Beneficiary Data

This section provides an overview of the pages used to view personal and beneficiary data, lists the pages used to view personal and beneficiary data, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Pages Used to View Personal and Beneficiary Data

PeopleSoft delivers read-only pages that enable you to view personal and beneficiary data. PeopleSoft assumes that your human resources department maintains this data—not your pension organization. You can make these pages available for updates by using the Security features.

Note. Beneficiaries and Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) alternate payees first appear in the system through the Dependent/Beneficiary table; their personal data records are initially derived from their dependent/beneficiary records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Personal and Beneficiary Data

Page Name

Object Name





Pension, Pension Information, Review Employee Information, Address

View employees’ address.

Edit Address


From the Address page, click Edit Address.

Add or edit the employee's address.

Personal Profile


Pension, Pension Information, Review Employee Information, Personal Profile

View important dates in an employee’s work history and current job data, personal data, and pay data.

Depend Benef Addr (employee information - dependent and beneficiary address)


Pension, Pension Information, Review Employee Information, Depend Benef Addr

  1. View the address and phone number for each of an employee’s dependents and beneficiaries.

  2. View each beneficiary’s type.

  3. View each dependent’s relation to the employee.

    Note. This is a key field for pension calculations when determining whether an employee is married.

Dependent/Benef Profile (employee information - dependent and beneficiary profile)


Pension, Pension Information, Review Employee Information, Dependent/Benef Profile

  1. View personal information about each dependent.

  2. View each dependent’s relationship to the employee.

    Note. This is a key field for pension calculations when determining whether an employee is married.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Employee Addresses

Access the Address page.

Edit Address

Click to access the Edit Address page to enter or update the employee's address information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Employee Personal Profile Information

Access the Personal Profile page.

The following fields appear only for beneficiaries and alternate payees. These people are not employees, but have gained an interest in a pension benefit through a spouse or former spouse who is a plan participant. For example, an employee worked for your company, and because of a divorce settlement, her former husband is now entitled to a portion of her benefit.

OrigEmplid (original employee identification)

Displays the original employee’s employee ID. This employee’s dependent or beneficiary first appeared in the system in the employee’s Dependent/Beneficiary table (you need to have created the personal data record).

OrigDepBen (original dependent or beneficiary identification)

Displays the dependent/beneficiary number of this dependent or beneficiary.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Dependent and Beneficiary Data

Access the Dependent/Benef Profile page.

Relationship to Employee

For pension calculations, the relationship to the employee is critical data.

The relationship displayed here is not associated with other data, such as the employee’s or the beneficiary’s marital status. The system does not prevent you from recording more than one spouse.


For the spouse or other pension beneficiary, the birth date is critical data.


Gender may be important if you must reproduce historical calculations that used sex-differentiated actuarial assumptions.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Job History

This section provides an overview of job data and lists the pages used to view job data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Job Data

Pension calculations are based on job data that is subject to change: salary, employee type, and employee status. Use the Job History component to access a record of the changing values.

If an employee has multiple jobs, you can see data for any of those jobs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Job History

Page Name

Object Name



Salary Rate History


Pension, Pension Information, Review Job History, Salary Rate History

  • View a complete history of an employee’s compensation rate: hourly, monthly, and annual amounts.

  • View the employee type, full-time or part-time status, and standard hours effective at the time.

    Note. This page displays one row for each salary change in the job record.

Employee Type History


Pension, Pension Information, Review Job History, Employee Type History

View a chronological history of an employee’s salaried or hourly status, full-time or part-time status, and regular or temporary status.

Note. This page displays multiple rows only if there have been changes to the status.

Action/Reason History


Pension, Pension Information, Review Job History, Action/Reason History

View the events recorded in the Action/Reason fields in an employee’s job record.

Note. This page displays one row for each effective date in the Job record. Not all events are relevant to pension.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Plan-Related Information

This section provides an overview of the pages used to view plan-related information, lists the pages used to view plan-related information, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Pages Used to View Plan-Related Information

You use the Plan History component to view data calculated by Pension Administration during periodic processing or loaded into the system at implementation time.

You cannot edit the data that appears on these pages. If you must adjust cash balances or employee accounts, use the adjustment pages on the Update Employee Plan Data menu.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Plan-Related Information

Page Name

Object Name



Plan Information


Pension, Pension Information, Review Plan History, Plan Information

View significant dates in an employee’s employment history and projected dates for retirement eligibility.

Eligibility and Participation


Pension, Pension Information, Review Plan History, Eligibility and Participation

View the history of an employee’s changing eligibility and participation statuses.

Service History


Pension, Pension Information, Review Plan History, Service History

View an employee’s service history, period by period.

Cash Balance History


Pension, Pension Information, Review Plan History, Cash Balance History

View the period-by-period credits given to an employee under a cash balance plan.

Employee Account History


Pension, Pension Information, Review Plan History, Employee Account History

View the period-by-period contributions and interest credited to an employee’s account under a contributory plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Plan Information

Access the Plan Information page.

Personal Dates

Age 70 1/2 Date

Displays the date on which pension payments must begin, unless the employee has not yet retired.

Termination Date

Displays the most recent termination date, if an employee is no longer at the company.

Plan Dates

This group box enables you to scroll through each benefit plan for which the system has data. The dates are set during periodic processing.

Effective Date

Displays the date on which you ran the periodic process that calculated the other dates.

Date of First Vesting and Normal Retirement Date

These dates are calculated as defined in Plan Date Aliases.

See Also

Using Date Aliases and Date Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Eligibility and Participation Information

Access the Eligibility and Participation page.

Eligibility History

Displays the eligibility history when an employee moves in and out of eligibility.

Participation History

Displays a single row. If an employee with an accrued benefit leaves the company or becomes ineligible to accrue additional benefits, that person is still owed a benefit and is still considered an active plan participant. Because participation requirements are typically age and service, employees cannot lose their participation status except by losing prerequisite service credit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Service History

Access the Service History page.

Benefit Plan

Displays the ID and name of the benefit plan that identifies the rules used to generate the history.

Effective Date

Displays the date of hire—or, if you entered startup service data, the startup as of date. The effective date identifies the rules used to generate the history. If a plan uses several sets of service rules, scroll to see each one.


Displays the name and description of the Service component, which identify the rules used to generate the history.

Process Through

Indicates when you ran the periodic processing job that calculated the service history.

Service Amt without Breaks (service amount without breaks)

Indicates how much service the employee earned during the period, based on the service definition only.

Service Amount with Breaks

Indicates how much of the original service for the period is used, after considering break rules and other reasons for forfeiture.

Service Adjustment

Indicates adjustments on the Service Adjustments page for the period. You can manually enter adjustments, or the system can automatically generate adjustments based on a withdrawal of contributions, service buyback activity (repayment of contributions), or service purchase activity.

Accrued Service

Indicates how much service the employee has accumulated as of the end of the period. This is based on the previous accrued service amount and the activity (including adjustments) for the current period.

Accum Breaks (accumulated breaks)

Indicates how many consecutive break periods the employee has accumulated.

Breaks for Period

Indicates whether the period counted toward a break in service.

See Also

Administering Contributory Plans

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Cash Balance History

Access the Cash Balance History page.

Plan and Cash Balance Accounts

Displays the plan and the name and description of the cash balance account, both of which identify the rules used to generate the history. If the plan maintains multiple accounts in a plan, scroll to see each one.

Begin Date/End Date

The history includes only complete periods; partial period credits applied during a calculation do not become part of the permanent history.

Balance Interest

Displays the total earned during the period (the sum of interest on the prior balance and interest on contributions made during the period).

Contributions/Adjustments and Interest Adjustments/Ending Balance

Contributions displays the non-interest credits applied to the account during the period.

Adjustments and Interest Adjustments display additional credits and interest that should be applied during the period, based on manual adjustments on the Cash Bal Adjustments page.

Ending Balance displays the total accumulation as of the end of the period. This is the total of the ending balance from the prior period and all additional amounts credited during the current period.

See Also

Administering Contributory Plans

Adjusting Cash Balance Accounts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Employee Account History

Access the Employee Account History page.

Plan and Employee Accounts

Displays the plan and the name and description of the employee account, both of which identify the rules used to generate the history. If you maintain multiple balances in a plan, scroll to see each one. For example, you may offer service buyback or service purchase programs, or track activity through withdrawal, repayment, and purchase subaccounts that roll up to the plan’s main employee contributory account. In this case, scroll to see the activity in each of the accounts and subaccounts.

Begin/End Date

When you run periodic processes, the employee accounts function applies contributions and interest for complete accumulation periods only. Therefore, there is no process through date. When you run a calculation, partial period credits are applied, but those results do not become part of the permanent history.

Note. Do not process employee accounts beyond the event date. If you do, the post-event date accruals are included in the calculations final account balance, and this is meant to be the balance at the event date.

The account keeps separate accumulations for pretax and posttax contributions. Each accumulation tracks contributions (also called credits), interest, and adjustments to the contributions or interest.

Warning! With this scheme, posttax interest is interest on posttax contributions; the interest itself has not yet been taxed.

Pre-Tax Credit/Adjustment/Total, Pre-Tax Interest/Adjustment/Total, Post-tax Credit/Adjustment/Total and Post-Tax Interest/Adjustment/Total

In each of these columns, the first value is the credit or interest for the period.

The second value is the portion of the credit determined by adjustments. Adjustments can come from two places:

  • You can manually enter adjustments using the pages used to maintain employee plan data.

  • If you maintain withdrawal subaccounts (for tracking repayment of withdrawn contributions) or service purchase subaccounts (for tracking extra payments made to purchase additional service), activity in these accounts automatically generates adjustments to the parent account (that is, the plan’s main contributory account).

The third value is the running balance after adding credits for the period to the prior balance.

Note. In a withdrawal subaccount, amounts withdrawn appear as negative values. As an employee repays the contributions, the negative balance approaches zero.

A service purchase subaccount displays a negative balance to show the amount that an employee needs to pay into the plan. However, in this case, the initial debt is based on the plan administrator’s determination of the price of the service being purchased.

Beginning Balance and Ending Balance

Display the total value of the account (the sum of all pretax and posttax contributions and interest).

Purchasable Service

Displays the service that an employee can get if the employee repays previously withdrawn contributions or sets up a service purchase arrangement. The value is the remaining amount of purchasable service at the end of the period. The value is zero until either a contribution, withdrawal, or service purchase arrangement establishes an initial amount of purchasable service. As the service is restored, which can be all at once or gradually, the purchasable service amount is reduced.

For example, if Lucia withdraws 2,000 USD of contributions and thus forfeits three years of service, the withdrawal account has an ending balance of -2,000 USD and a purchasable service amount of 3.000000. The adjustment to the account balance rolls up to the plan’s main contributory account, but the purchasable service does not. Therefore, the main contributory account still displays zero purchasable service.

For a service purchase arrangement, a plan administrator must establish the initial amount of purchasable service and enter it (and the monetary amount necessary to purchase the service) on the Employee Account Adjustments page.

Purchased Service

Displays the service that was restored during the period, as defined by the Begin/End Date fields.

Purchasable Service Adjustment

Displays manual adjustments made to purchasable service during the period. For example, if you set up a service purchase program incorrectly and must change the amount of purchasable service, enter a manual adjustment on the Employee Account Adjustments page. During the next periodic processing, the purchasable service is adjusted by that amount, and the results for the period display both the adjustment amount in this field and the adjusted amount in the Purchasable Service field.

Viewing Service Buyback and Purchase Information

Sometimes activity in an employee account affects service. This happens in one of three ways:

The Employee Account History page contains three fields for tracking the effect of the employee account activity on service: Purchasable Service, Purchased Service, and Purchasable Service Adjustment.

Note. These fields apply only to withdrawal and service purchase subaccounts. Although the monetary activity in these accounts rolls up to the plan’s main contributory account, the service information does not.

See Also

Understanding Pension Plans

Maintaining Employee Plan Data