Maintaining Employee Pension Data

This chapter provides an overview of pension status codes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pension Status Codes

This section provides overviews of:

Pension Status Code Usage

Pension status codes categorize participants based on pension-related information. Pension status codes are plan specific and effective-dated, enabling you to track an employee’s changing status in a plan over time. These statuses are the foundation for your actuarial valuation extract and Form 5500 reporting.

A pension status code describes a plan participant using a three-character code. The first character indicates the payee type:

The second and third characters indicate the payment status:

Pension Status Code Maintenance

The following table describes how pension status codes are maintained:


How Maintained

Statuses Included

Active and terminated employees.

Periodic processing assigns codes based on criteria that you define.

ANP: Active, not yet participating.

APR: Active participant.

AVS: Active, accrue vesting only.

ANS: Active, not accruing service.

A70: Active, over age 70 1/2.

TNV: Terminated, not vested.

TDF: Terminated, deferred benefit.

Participants who are awaiting their first payment (retirees, beneficiaries, and QDRO alternate payees) and dead participants.

Manually assign the status based on when specified events occur.

RDF: Retired, deferred benefit.

DDF: Disability retired, deferred benefit.

BDF: Beneficiary, deferred benefit.

QDF: QDRO payee, deferred benefit.

XBP: Deceased, with beneficiary.

XNB: Deceased, no benefit or beneficiary.

Participants who have started receiving payments.

The payment process automatically assigns codes based on the payment instructions.

TST: Terminated, payment complete.

TPY: Terminated, in pay status.

TDF: Terminated, deferred benefit.

RST: Retired, payment complete.

RPY: Retired, in pay status.

RDF: Retired, deferred benefit.

DST: Disability retired, payment complete.

DPY: Disability retired, in pay status.

DDF: Disability retired, deferred benefit.

BST: Beneficiary, payment complete.

BPY: Beneficiary, in pay status.

BDF: Beneficiary, deferred benefit.

QST: QDRO payee, payment complete.

QPY: QDRO payee, in pay status.

QDF: QDRO payee, deferred benefit.

The five deferred benefit statuses (TDF, RDF, DDF, BDF, and QDF) are sometimes maintained manually and sometimes automatically:

Pension Status Code Usage in Calculations

Depending on how you set up your calculation rules, the pension status might be used in a calculation. For example, service might accrue while an employee has an active pension status, but not when the employee has a terminated pension status.

See Also

Running Periodic Processes

Creating Retiree Payments

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Pension Status Codes

This section lists the page used to review and maintain pension status codes and discusses how to review and modify pension status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review and Maintain Pension Status Codes

Page Name

Object Name



Employee Pension Status


Pension, Pension Information, Identify Pension Status, Employee Pension Status

Review an employee’s pension status history or manually change the pension status when an employee or payee dies or when you’re preparing to start payments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Modifying Pension Status

Access the Employee Pension Status page.


If an employee or pension payee dies, select either:

  • XBP: Deceased-With Beneficiary.

  • XNB: Deceased-No Benefit/Beneficiary.

If you’re preparing to pay a retiree, beneficiary, or QDRO alternate payee, select one of the following:

  • RDF: Retired-Deferred Benefit.

  • DDF: Disability Retire-Deferred.

  • BDF: Beneficiary-Deferred Benefit.

  • QDF: Alt Payee-Deferred Benefit (alternate payee, deferred benefit).

See Also

Defining Payee Cross-References

Updating Pension Status When a Retiree Dies

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Employee Plan Data

This section provides an overview of employee plan data, lists the common element used in this section and the pages used to maintain employee data, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee Plan Data

You can maintain a variety of data used in pension calculations:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Section

Sequence number

For multiple transactions on one date, give each one a unique sequence number; otherwise, enter 1.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Employee Plan Data

Page Name

Object Name



Cash Bal Adjustments (cash balance adjustments)


Pension, Pension Information, Update Employee Plan Data, Cash Bal Adjustments

Record manual adjustments to an employee’s cash balance account.

Empl Acct Adj (employee accounts adjustments)


Pension, Pension Information, Update Employee Plan Data, Empl Acct Adj

Record manual adjustments to an employee’s contributory account.

Prior Plan History


Pension, Pension Information, Update Employee Plan Data, Prior Plan History

View and maintain information about employee minimum benefits.

Service Adj (service adjustments)


Pension, Pension Information, Update Employee Plan Data, Service Adj

Record manual adjustments to an employee’s calculated service credit.

Startup Hist (startup history)


Pension, Pension Information, Update Employee Plan Data, Startup Hist

View the startup accruals that you loaded and enter or update startup values. However, do so cautiously, because the data needed to recalculate startup values is not necessarily available.

PRSA Coverage Hist (preretirement survivor annuity coverage history)


Pension, Pension Information, Update Employee Plan Data, PRSA Coverage Hist

Maintain PRSA coverage history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Cash Balance Accounts

Access the Cash Bal Adjustments page.

Function Result Name

Enter the name of the cash balance account defined in the plan rules in Pension Administration.


Displays Pending until period processing applies the adjustment to the employee’s permanent cash balance account history. Then, the system updates the status to Applied.


Select a value that indicates the reason for the adjustments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Contributory Accounts

Access the Empl Acct Adj page.

Employee account adjustments can include:

You make these adjustments on the Empl Acct Adj page.

Benefit Plan

Enter the benefit plan that uses the employee account that you are adjusting.

Function Result Name

Enter the name of an employee account that is defined in the Pension Administration plan rules.

Credit Adjustment, Interest Adjustment, and Tax Type

If you enter a dollar adjustment (that is, an adjustment for a reason other than Purchasable Service Adjustment), you must specify which of the following employee account categories should receive the adjustment:

  • Pretax credits

  • Pretax interest

  • Posttax credits

  • Posttax interest

Note. With this scheme, posttax interest is interest on posttax contributions. The interest itself has not yet been taxed.

Warning! The system uses the posttax interest category to track interest on posttax contributions. This interest has not actually been taxed. Do not apply posttax payments to posttax interest category because that amount would become mingled with the system-applied interest and you would have pretax and posttax money in the same category.

Enter credit and interest adjustments for the tax type. If both pretax and posttax amounts exist, enter them as separate adjustments.


Credit Adjustment, Interest Adjustment, and Credit and Interest Adjustment: Select one of these options if the adjustment is establishing an initial value for a purchase subaccount, or if the adjustment corrects an error in the data.

Refund with Interest: The system selects this option if the adjustment reflects a withdrawal of contributions processed by the system. The system assumes that you’re refunding both the employee’s contributions and the interest that those contributions earned.

Refund, Interest Forfeiture: Select this option to manually enter an adjustment for a withdrawal of contribution and refund only the contributions and not the interest.

Repayment with Interest: Select this option if the adjustment reflects a payment to a withdrawal subaccount or purchase subaccount.

Purchasable Service Adjustment: Select this option to establish the amount of service that corresponds to the initial amount in a service purchase account. This is valid for purchase subaccounts only.

Note. When you select Purchasable Service Adjustment, you adjust the service amount that is associated with contributions. When you use any other reason, you adjust the actual dollar amount.

Created from

The Empl Acct Adj page displays three types of adjustments made to account balances. This group box provides the source of the adjustment. The system determines how the adjustment was created. You cannot edit these values.


Indicates adjustments that you manually enter. For example, you manually establish the initial balance for a service purchase account, and manually record payments to purchase or withdrawal accounts when the employee made the payments by check. Payments made by payroll deduction do not appear as adjustments. They feed into the account through consolidations. You might also make online adjustments to any of the three account types to correct errors in the account balances.

Sub-Account Activity

Indicates adjustments that occur in a plan’s main contributory account only. These adjustments are rolled up from subaccounts. If you manually record a payment in a withdrawal account, the corresponding entry in the main contributory account appears as subaccount activity.

Withdrawal Request

Indicates adjustments that occur in withdrawal accounts only. The system automatically generates this type of adjustment when it processes a withdrawal of contributions. When you request a payee contribution withdrawal, you specify a withdrawal account. When you run the payment process, the system enters the appropriate adjustment (either a dollar amount or the entire balance of the main contributory account) as a negative adjustment to the withdrawal account.

Understanding Employee Account Types

To understand employee account adjustments, you must understand the three types of employee accounts:

Note. You can enter adjustments for all three types of accounts. Be sure to enter the transaction in the appropriate account.

Adjusting or Establishing Purchasable Service

When an employee decides to purchase service, decide how much the employee owes in contributions and back interest and enter this as a negative adjustment to the purchase account. Also, establish the amount of service that corresponds to this purchase amount, using another transaction on this same page. Because the transaction dates are the same, the system associates the dollar amount that you enter with the service amount that you enter.

Note. Always enter two transactions to establish a service purchase program for an employee: one transaction establishes the cost of the service, and the other establishes the amount of service. Using the same transaction date for both transactions ensures that the system associates the two values.

When you enter the service adjustment, select the adjustment reason Purchasable Service Adjustment. This causes the page to change so that, instead of entering credit and interest amounts, you enter a purchasable service amount.

Enter the amount of service that the employee is eligible to purchase.

The system includes an online calculator to help you determine how much service the employee can purchase. Click the Calculate Purchasable Service button to access the calculator. In the service calculator, enter the dates for the service period. Click the Calculate button to have the system perform the calculation and display the result. The system calculates the service purchase period using the method that you specified on the Plan Aliases page.

Checking the Adjustment Status

When you enter an adjustment on the Empl Acct Adj page, this does not affect the account balance until you run employee accounts periodic processing for the period that includes the transaction date. That is, the adjustments entered on this page are adjustment requests that are translated into actual adjustments after periodic processing.

The adjustment status is pending until periodic processing incorporates the adjustment into the actual employee account, at which point the system updates the status to Applied.

See Also

Administering Contributory Plans

Creating the Plan Implementation and Plan Aliases

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Employee Minimum Benefit Data

Access the Prior Plan History page.

When employees participated in a prior plan (for example, a plan of a subsidiary that you have acquired), this prior plan participation might guarantee certain minimum benefits. Typically, the guarantees are for a specified benefit amount, minimum service credit, or immediate participation. Similar guarantees apply when a plan amendment or regulatory change has the potential to reduce an employee’s benefit. The law protects employees from cutbacks by requiring that the benefit accrued as of the date of the change be treated as a minimum benefit.


Displays the current plan that you sponsor—not a partially terminated plan under which the benefits were earned.

Calculations use the data that you enter here only if you explicitly reference the data in the plan parameters. For example, your plan’s eligibility requirements might automatically grant eligibility to employees for whom the Participating check box is selected. If your plan does not check the status of this field, then selecting this check box has no effect.

However, even if your plan rules do not incorporate the minimums, benefits that are less than the minimum produce a message on both calculation results pages and the calculation worksheet: Benefit Amount Less than Minimum Benefit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Calculated Service Credit

Access the Service Adj page.

Service Adjustments

Benefit Plan

Enter the benefit plan that uses the employee account that you’re adjusting.

Function Result Name

Enter the name of an employee account that is defined in the Pension Administration plan rules.


Displays Pending until period processing applies the adjustment to the employee’s permanent cash balance account history, at which point the system updates the status to Applied.

Service Adjustment

Enter the amount of service to be added or subtracted from the employee’s calculated service accrual. Use a number appropriate to how you measure service. If you measure service in years, enter the number of years. If you measure service in months, enter the number of months.

Calculate Service Adjustment

Click this button to access the online calculator, which you use to determine how much service the employee can purchase.

In the calculator, enter the dates for the service period. Then, click the Calculate button to have the system perform the calculation and display the result. The system calculates the service purchase period using the method specified on the Plan Aliases page. Using the calculator instead of making manual calculations ensures that you correctly establish the amount of service associated with a period of time.

Created from

This page displays three types of adjustments made to account balances. This group box indicates the source of the adjustment. The system determines how the adjustment was created. You cannot edit these values.


Displays adjustments that you enter manually to correct errors in an employee’s service record.

Sub-Account Activity

Displays positive adjustments that the system automatically generates based on activity in one of the employee subaccounts. These include either a withdrawal account, with which an employee makes payments to repay contributions that were previously withdrawn, or a purchase account, with which an employee makes payments to purchase service.

Withdrawal Request

Displays negative adjustments that the system automatically generates based on a withdrawal of contributions. When you request a payee contribution withdrawal, you specify whether the withdrawal causes forfeiture of the associated service. Then, when you run the payment process, the system enters any appropriate service adjustment.

When you administer a service buyback or service purchase program, the system automatically generates service adjustments.

Not all payments generate service adjustments, because the plan rules control when partial payments cause service adjustments. This can be on the employee’s first payment, on the employee’s final payment, or on a prorated basis for every payment.

Note. When administering a service buyback or a service purchase, you do not need to create manual service adjustments. The adjustments are all automatically generated, based on withdrawal or payment activity. Enter only manual service adjustments to correct errors in the employee’s service history.

See Also

Creating the Plan Implementation and Plan Aliases

Administering Contributory Plans

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Updating Startup Values

Access the Startup Hist page.

Because pension calculations are based on information from an employee’s entire career, you must load large amounts of historical information during your PeopleSoft implementation. For accruals, such as service, cash balance accounts, and employee accounts, you can load either the raw data for calculating benefits or a starting balance and an as of date.

Function Result Name

Select a function result name from the list of service, cash balance accounts, and employee accounts function results for the specified plan.

Startup values must be associated with a plan and a calculation element in the plan. For example, your plan might have several different service elements: participation service, vesting service, or service credit. When you set up your plan rules, each calculation component received a function result name.

Startup Date

Displays the as of date for the startup amount. Calculations that use the startup value calculate accruals occurring only after this date, and they add the calculated amount to the startup amount.

Note. The startup date must not be earlier than the day before the hire date. Otherwise, the system searches for data for the period between the startup date and the hire date and, when no data is available, generates an error.

Startup Amount

The startup amounts are the actual accruals as of the specified date:

  • For service startup, you need only the startup amount.

  • For cash balance accounts, the startup amount is the total account balance. However, you can also provide a credits and interest breakdown of the amount to use as startups for the system’s running subtotals. Enter these in the Total Pre-Tax Amount and Total Pre-Tax Interest fields.

  • For employee accounts (contributory accounts), the startup amount is the total account balance. Amounts that you enter in the Total Post-Tax Amount, Total Post-Tax Interest, Total Pre-Tax Amount, and Total Pre-Tax Interest fields must add up to the startup amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining PRSA Coverage History

Access the PRSA Coverage Hist page.

Start Date for Gen Standing PO

For each benefit plan, enter the start date for each change in coverage.

Participation Status

For each benefit plan, select the employee's status: participating or not participating in the plan.

The law requires that all qualified defined benefit plans provide a form of death benefit for the spouses of participants who die before retirement. The plan must offer married participants qualified PRSA coverage. The amount of the benefit depends on when the participant dies.

If the plan requires participants to pay the cost of the PRSA coverage, the participant’s pension benefit is reduced accordingly. The reduction is usually based on the amount of time that the coverage was in effect. If employees must pay for coverage, they can elect not to have PRSA coverage. Because employees can change their election, they have a history of covered and not covered periods of time.

When the system calculates the PRSA reduction factor, it checks the employee’s PRSA coverage history to determine the amount of time that the employee had PRSA coverage.

Note. If no coverage history exists, the system assumes that the employee has never had PRSA coverage (that is, the employee elected not to have such coverage at all times). For this reason, you might record coverage as a workflow process when you hire an employee.

For example, Douglas was single when he was hired, so he did not need PRSA coverage. No coverage election was recorded because the system assumes that employees with no coverage history are not covered. When Doug married in 1983, coverage was activated. When he divorced in 1992, coverage was again declined.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Consolidated Payroll Data

This section provides an overview of consolidated payroll data, lists the common elements used in this section and the pages used to maintain consolidated payroll data, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Consolidated Payroll Data

Pension Administration consolidates payroll data (such as earnings, hours, and contributions) into periodic amounts. You run the consolidation process as part of your periodic processing. Each pension plan has its own rules for consolidating, and therefore has its own consolidation results.

Consolidation results are effective-dated. The normal mode for periodic processing is to continue to add segments to the existing effective-dated history, so there is one effective date (the hire date) with rows for each consolidation period.

However, you can create a new effective-dated history. You can either delete the old history or keep it and insert a new effective-dated history to supersede the original history. This occurs when you run consolidation processing in Delete and Rebuild mode, which erases existing results and creates new results, or in Create New Consolidations mode, which creates new results without erasing the old ones.

Normally, the earliest effective date for an employee's consolidation is the first date on which you ran the consolidation process for that employee. Additional consolidation results are added under the same effective date. However, if you build a new history using Delete and Rebuild mode, the new effective date is the employee's hire date.

If you build a new history without deleting the existing history using Create New Consolidations mode, the new effective date is the date on which you ran the process. In this case, you now have multiple effective-dated consolidation histories. When you run a calculation, the system uses the consolidation history effective on the rules as-of date that you specify at calculation time, rather than the history effective on the date on which you actually run the calculation.

See Also

Running Periodic Processes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Start Date and End Date

Identify the individual consolidation periods. The consolidation rules define the type of consolidation period.

Last Proc Date (last processed date)

Displays the last date in the period on which you ran the consolidation. Compare this with the end date to determine whether you completed processing for that period.

Partial Period Flag and Partial Period Indicator

Display Y (yes) or N (no) to indicate whether this is a partial period. A period is partial if the employee did not work throughout the entire period. Usually, a partial period is a hire period, a termination period, or a period during which an employee was on leave.


Select this check box to use the values that you enter on this page instead of the values calculated by the system.

Note. If you select the override indicator, you must enter data in all of the override fields. If you fail to enter data, the system enters zero for numeric fields and clears check boxes.

Override Type

Indicate whether an override is temporary (Temp) or permanent (Perm).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Consolidated Payroll Data

Page Name

Object Name



Earnings History


Pension, Pension Information, Review Consolidation Results, Earnings History

View an employee’s consolidated earnings. Depending on your plan rules, the system might use these during calculations for final average earnings, social security, or cash balance accounts.

Hours History


Pension, Pension Information, Review Consolidation Results, Hours History

View an employee’s consolidated hours.

Contribution History


Pension, Pension Information, Review Consolidation Results, Contribution History

View an employee’s consolidated contributions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Consolidation Overrides

You might need to overwrite the calculated earnings or hours consolidation amounts. Use this feature sparingly, because it’s best if your consolidation results map cleanly to the source data from payroll.

The pages displaying the consolidated data include display-only fields with the results of consolidation processing and available fields in which you can override these calculated values. You can override amounts for existing periods, but you cannot insert new rows to create new periods.

To override consolidated data:

  1. For each period in a consolidation history, select the Override or Override Indicator check box to substitute your own values for certain fields.

    Note. If you enter overrides without selecting one of these check boxes, the system ignores the information that you enter.

  2. Indicate an override type.

  3. Enter the actual override values.

    Each consolidation (including earnings, hours, and contributions) has override fields corresponding to the final results for the period, such as the final adjusted hours for the period. Override fields do not exist for intermediate results, such as the actual hours worked.

Final results fields for each consolidation are calculated as follows:

Note. If the override indicator is selected, you must enter data in all of the override fields. If you fail to enter data, the system enters zero for numeric fields and clears check boxes.

See Also

Running Periodic Processes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing an Employee's Consolidated Earnings

Access the Earnings History page.

Note. If an employee provides a social security earnings history, such as a document from the Social Security Administration or pay stubs from previous employers, you must use this earnings history for social security calculations. Rather than entering the new information as an override to the consolidated earnings (which might interfere with other calculations based on these earnings), enter the data on the Soc Sec Earnings page.

Multiple views of this page are available by clicking the tabs in the scroll area. In this chapter, fields that are common to all views appear first.

Common Page Information

Function Result

Displays the system name for the earnings consolidation rule.

Consolidations Tab

Accumulated Earnings

Displays the earnings that were actually paid to the employee during a consolidation period. This is not the final earnings for the period, because the rules might require that you generate or otherwise adjust these earnings.

Generated Earnings

Displays the period total after any earnings generation. The generated earnings amount is not added to paid earnings—it replaces the paid earnings. If no earnings were generated, this field displays 0.

Adjusted Accum Amounts (adjusted accumulated amounts)

Displays the final earnings actually used in the calculation. In addition to including the generated earnings, this reflects minimums, maximums, and other adjustments specified in the plan rules.


Indicates the portion of the period that the employee worked. For whole periods, this is 1.000, indicating that an employee worked for 100 percent of the period. If the employee worked for 75 percent of the period, the fraction is 0.750.

Depending on your plan rules, the system might use the partial period indicator and partial period fraction during final average earnings and cash balance accounts calculations.

Consolidations Overrides Tab

Override Earnings Amount

Enter the new earnings data. This overrides the data in the Adjusted Accum Amounts field.

Partial Override

Indicate whether this is a partial period. This overrides data in the Partial field. When you clear this check box, the Partial field value is N. When you select this check box, the value is Y.

Fraction Override

Enter the partial period fraction. Enter 1.000 for periods that are not partial periods. For periods that are partial periods, enter a decimal corresponding to the percentage of the period worked. For example, if an employee worked for 80 percent of the period, enter .8.

See Also

Using Consolidation Overrides

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing an Employee's Consolidated Hours

Access the Hours History page.

Common Page Information

Function Result

Displays the system name for the hours consolidation rule.

Consolidations Tab

Actual Earned Hours

Displays the hours that the employee actually worked during a consolidation period. This is not the final hours for the period, because the rules might require that you generate or otherwise adjust these hours.

Generated Hours

Displays the period total after any hours generation. The generated hours amount is not added to the actual hours—it replaces the actual hours. If no earnings were generated, this field is blank.

Adjusted Hours

Displays the final hours that are actually used in the calculation. In addition to including the generated hours, this reflects minimums, maximums, and other adjustments specified in the plan rules.

Consolidations Overrides Tab

Override Final Cons Hours (override final consolidated hours)

Enter the new hours data. This overrides the data in the Adjusted Hours field.

Partial Override

Indicate whether this is a partial period. This overrides data in the Partial Period Flag field. When you clear this check box, the Partial Period Flag field value is N. When you select this check box, the value is Y.

See Also

Using Consolidation Overrides

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing an Employee's Consolidated Contributions

Access the Contribution History page.

Common Page Information

Function Result

Displays the system name for the contribution consolidation rule.

Consolidations Tab

Consolidated Pre-Tax Contribs (consolidated pretax contributions) and Consolidated Post-Tax Amts (consolidated posttax amounts)

Display the employee’s pretax and posttax contributions during the period.

Consolidations Overrides Tab

Override Pre Tax and Override Post Tax

Enter the pretax and posttax amounts.

See Also

Using Consolidation Overrides

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Employee Regulatory Data

This section provides an overview of employee regulatory data, lists the pages used to maintain employee regulatory data, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee Regulatory Data

Pension calculations often require data for regulatory purposes. Although much of the necessary data exists in the PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS database, you must track pension-specific information in Pension Administration:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Employee Regulatory Data

Page Name

Object Name



Historical 415(e)


Pension, Update Regulatory Information, 415(e) Limit, Historical 415(e)

Record historical 415(e) information for your employees. If no information appears here, the system assumes that the employee was not subject to 415(e) limits. Typically, you enter data only for highly compensated employees who participate in a DC plan.

Soc Sec Earnings (social security earnings)


Pension, Update Regulatory Information, Yearly Soc Sec Earnings, Soc Sec Earnings

Enter an employee’s actual social security earnings history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Historical 415(e) Information

Access the Historical 415(e) page.

If you sponsor both defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution plans, employees who participated in both were subject to Internal Revenue Code Section 415(e) prior to its repeal. This regulation limited the combined benefit from the two types of plans, and Pension Administration determines the historical 415(e) limit in calculations for which the limit is historically effective.

Under the combined limits, the sponsor designated which plan (DB or DC) was primary. Reductions required by 415(e) were made to the non-primary plan. Typically, the DC plan was primary, so the DB plan was reduced. Because Pension Administration calculates only DB plan benefits, use the system’s historical 415(e) limit functionality only if the DC plan was primary and benefits that are greater than the limit resulted in a reduction to the DB plan.

If you set up Pension Administration to calculate historical 415(e) limits, the system needs access to participants’ DC information. It needs either the defined contribution fraction, calculated according to historical section 415(e), or the final historical 415(e) limits.

Historical section 415(e) limited the combined benefit from DB and DC plans. The sum of the DB fraction and the DC fraction cannot exceed 1.0.

Pension Administration calculates the DB fraction, but it cannot calculate the DC fraction. You must provide the DC fraction.

To find the DC fraction:

  1. For each year that the employee contributed to DC plans, find the lesser of:

    1. DC dollar limit × 1.25.

    2. Employee’s compensation × 1.4 × 0.25.

  2. Add the amounts calculated in step 1. This is the DC fraction denominator.

  3. Divide total contributions to DC plans by the DC fraction denominator.

Because the fraction’s numerator and denominator can change annually, enter an effective date for the information that you provide. Enter a defined contribution fraction for that date.

Alternatively, you can calculate and provide the final 415(e) limit—that is, the maximum dollar benefit for the defined benefit plan allowable under historical section 415(e).

See Also

Applying Section 415 Limits

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering an Employee's Actual Social Security Earnings History

Access the Soc Sec Earnings page.

Pension plans may incorporate social security calculations in their benefit formulas or when calculating a level income option form of payment. Because you do not normally have access to social security earnings information from other employers, you usually use assumed earnings that are determined using certain assumptions.

Sometimes, however, an employee provides their earnings history—either a document from the Social Security Administration or pay stubs from previous employers. You must use this actual earnings history, rather than the assumed earnings. Entering the actual earnings data on the Soc Sec Earnings page ensures that all social security calculations use the actual earnings. At the same time, you avoid overwriting the consolidated earnings data that you might use elsewhere for final average earnings or cash balance accounts calculations.

Social security earnings are always based on calendar years. For each year of earnings, enter the year and earnings. Amounts that exceed the maximum taxable wage base are limited to the wage base amount during the social security calculations.

Only social security calculations use these earnings. Other calculations involving earnings use the consolidated earnings that are specified in the plan rules.

Note. The system does not project or regress earnings entered on this page. Be sure to enter information only when you have a complete earnings history.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Pension Beneficiary Data

This section provides overviews of beneficiary benefits and automatic spousal benefits, lists the page used to maintain pension beneficiary information, and discusses how to identify non-spouse pension plan beneficiaries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Beneficiary Benefits

Many optional forms of payment for pension benefits include survivor components (that is, a continuing benefit paid to the retiree’s beneficiary after the retiree dies). When the payment amount is actuarially reduced, the system bases the reduction on both the retiree’s and beneficiary’s ages. Therefore, accurate pension calculations depend on the availability of accurate beneficiary data.

Another important benefit for pension beneficiaries is PRSA coverage, which provides a death benefit when a plan participant dies before becoming eligible for retirement.

See Also

Maintaining PRSA Coverage History

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Automatic Spousal Benefits

Certain plans offer an automatic joint and survivor benefit for the spouses of plan participants. A specified percentage of the employee’s monthly pension is automatically paid to the surviving spouse after the death of the employee. This benefit is independent of the employee’s optional form selection. The employee’s optional form selection and any resulting actuarial reduction to the benefit, therefore, apply only to the portion of the benefit that exceeds the automatic spouse benefit.

For example, Plan A specifies an automatic 25 percent benefit. Fred’s benefit is 1,000 USD per month as a single life annuity, but, even if he selects a single life annuity, his wife Norma is entitled to 250 USD per month after Fred dies.

Fred can still elect any optional form, but if he chooses a joint and survivor form, the continuation percentage applies only to the 750 USD portion of the benefit that is not already dedicated to Norma. Therefore, if he elects a 50 percent joint and survivor form, the 750 USD is actuarially reduced (for example, to 700 USD), and Fred’s benefit is 950 USD. After Fred dies, his joint and survivor beneficiary receives 350 USD per month. This beneficiary might be Norma, but might also be a child, a trust, or another person. If he named Norma as his beneficiary, she receives the 350 USD in addition to the automatic 250 USD, for a total benefit of 600 USD per month.

If the plan rules specify an automatic benefit, the optional forms calculations reflect the benefit.

Use the Dependent/Beneficiary component in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources to enter beneficiary data.

See Also

Entering Dependent and Beneficiary Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Maintain Pension Beneficiary Information

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Pension Plan Beneficiaries


Pension, Pension Information, Plan Beneficiaries, Pension Plan Beneficiaries

Identify non-spouse beneficiaries. For employees whose spouses are their beneficiaries, you do not need to record beneficiary information. When no beneficiary is explicitly recorded, the system assumes that the spouse is the beneficiary.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Non-Spouse Pension Plan Beneficiaries

Access the Pension Plan Beneficiaries page.

Employees can have different beneficiaries for different plans. They can also change their beneficiary over time. To enter beneficiary information, enter both an effective date and a benefit plan.

You can enter information only for plans that allow contingent (non-spouse) beneficiaries. If a plan is not available in the list of valid plans, it does not allow contingent beneficiaries.

Specify the dependent or beneficiary ID for the designated beneficiary. Only individuals already added to the employee’s dependent or beneficiary list are valid beneficiaries. If the designated individual is not available in the list of valid values, use the pages in the Perform Election Entry (BAS_ELECTION_ENTRY) - Dependents/Beneficiaries page to add the person as a dependent or beneficiary. Return to the Pension Plan Beneficiaries page to finish recording the pension beneficiary information.

See Also

Understanding Pension Plans

Entering Participant Benefit Elections