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Define process groups for a service

Before you begin

Review Define services and process groups.

To define process groups for a service:

  1. Complete the steps described in Define general properties for a service to define the general properites of a service.
  2. Click Add process group on the Process Properties page to add a process group for the service.
  3. Select one of the following methods to define the process group:
    Method Description

    Start from Scratch

    Create a process group from scratch. You specify the following information:

    • Process group properties.

    • JVM template parameters that are used when creating the JVM instances initially.

    • Ready metrics that specify when an process instance is available as a resource.

    Import from another Service

    Import the process group configutation from another service.

    Import from a Running WebLogic Domain

    Import the process group configuration from a running WebLogic domain by specifying its connection properties. For best results, import configuration data from the Administration server of the WebLogic domain rather than a Managed server.

    Import from a WebLogic Domain Configuration

    Import the process group configuration from a WebLogic domain configuration by specifying its path name.

  4. Click Next.
  5. If you selected Start from Scratch, set the following fields and skip to Step 9.

    Define the process group properties.

    Field Description

    Process Group

    Name of the process group.

    Number of processes

    Number of processes that are configured for the process group when it is initially created.

    Define the process group template parameters that are used to configure the inital process instances for the process group. You can edit the processes that are configured initially to update any of the values.

    Note: If you know in advance that you will be using JVM variables for a process group, you can enter them as you create the process group. Otherwise, you can update the process group with these values after creating the JVM variables. For more information, see Defining variables for multiple Java processes.

    Field Description


    Name of the instance. The first process instance uses this name. For each additional process instance that is configured, a numeric suffix is added to the name starting with 1 and incrementing by 1 for each additional process instance.


    Description of the instance.

    Main Class

    Name of the fully qualified Java class to be invoked.

    Main JAR

    Name of the JAR file that contains the class and resource files for the application to be invoked.


    Name of the host. The host and port address are used to access the JMX artifacts of the instance for monitoring.

    JMX Service URL

    The JMX service URL to use instead of specifying a WLS host and port. This URL is used to connect to a non-WLS endpoint, such as any MBean server.

    Starting Port#

    Port address. The first process instance uses this port number. For each additional process instance that is configured initially, the port address is incremented by 1.

    Note: You should ensure that the resulting port address values are consistent with existing application configurations. For example, for a WebLogic instance, the port address is defined in the domain configuration file (config.xml).


    Value of CLASSPATH for the domain.

    The following provides guidelines for setting the CLASSPATH value for plain and ESX Agents.

    Plain Agents

    • For WebLogic domains, the CLASSPATH is set by invoking DOMAIN_NAME\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd (setDomainEnv.sh on UNIX) in your domain, where DOMAIN_NAME is the directory in which you located the domain; for example, WL_HOME\user_projects\domains\DOMAIN_NAME, and where WL_HOME is the location in which you installed WebLogic Server. Once set, you can echo the CLASSPATH value obtain the classpath value.

    • For generic Java applications, set the CLASSPATH based on the application installation on the plain agent host. For example (Windows): c:\applications\myapp\lib\myapp1.jar; C:\applications\myapp\lib\myapp2.jar

    ESX Agents (LVM File System)

    • If the element is in the ISO, then the path must begin with /appliance, where the ISO is mounted.

    • If the element is in an NFS share, then the path must begin with the NFS mount point. If the element is in the local disk, then the path would begin with /.

    • WLS-VE 9.2v1.1 standard classpath (as set by the commonStartVE script): /bea/patch_weblogic922/profiles/default/sys_manifest_classpath/weblogic_patch.jar:/appliance/java/lib/tools.jar:/appliance/bea/weblogic92/server/lib/weblogic.jar:/appliance/bea/weblogic92/server/lib/webservices.jar

    • Example generic Java application on LVM (including NFS, Local Disk, and ISO paths): /mynfs/patches/myapp_patch1.jar:/patches/myapp_patch2.jar:/appliance/applications/myapp/lib/myapp1.jar:/appliance/applications/myapp/lib/myapp2.jar

    JVM Arguments

    Standard options that are passed to the java command.

    Java Arguments

    Java arguments that are passed to the Java Main method. Separate each Java argument using a space.


    User name for authenticating JMX connections.


    Password for authenticating JMX connections.

    Instance Directory

    Working directory in which the process instance is started.

    Native Lib Directory

    Path to the native libraries.

    Use Native JMX

    Flag that specifies whether to use the JVM's native JMX MBean server.

    SSH Enabled

    Flag that specifies whether SSH is enabled for the instance.


    Protocol used for JMX connections. Select a value from the drop-down list. Valid values include: iiop, iiops, http, and https.

    Max Copies

    The maximum number of copies of this process to create. This field is used in conjunction with JVM variables, which can define the common characteristics of the process in a JVM template. You can then use this JVM as a template to generate multiple copies of the process without having to physically configure duplicates in the metadata configuration. See Defining variables for multiple Java processes.

    Define the ready metrics that are used to determine if an instance is completely initialized and ready for service. Ready metrics are optional, but useful for determining when a process is available.

    Field Description

    Instance Name

    Fully-qualified name of the MBean object. For example: com.bea:Name=AdminServer,Type=weblogic.management.runtime.ServerRuntimeMBean

    For more information about the format to use to specify MBean attributes, see WebLogic Server MBean Reference.


    Name of the attribute. For example: STATE


    Value of the attribute. This field is valid only if the Operator is set to Value Equals. For example: RUNNING


    Operator to use during verification. Select a value from the drop-down list. Valid values include Value Equals and Value Exists. If you specify Value Equals, you must specify a Value for the attribute.

    Value Type

    Data type of the specified attribute. Select a value from the drop-down list. Valid values include: Integer, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Date, and String.


    Interval of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the ready metric constraint to be satisfied before the process is considered ready.

  6. If you selected Import from another Service, set the following fields and skip to Step 9.
    Field Description

    Process Group Name

    Name of the process group.


    Name of the service from which to import. Select a service from the drop-down list.

    Allow me to choose instances to import

    Flag that specifies whether to enable you to select the instances from the service that you want to import. If you select this flag, when you click Next you are prompted to select the instances to import. Select the check box next to each instance that you want to import and click Next. If you do not select this flag, then all available instances are imported.

    Show me a summary of uncollectible metadata from config.xml

    Flag that specifies whether you want to view a list of the metadata from the WebLogic domain that was not collected by WLOC and that you may need to enter manually. If you select this flag, when you click Finish a summary of the uncollected metadata is displayed using the following format: instance.attribute

  7. If you selected Import from a Running WebLogic Domain, set the following fields and skip to Step 9.

    Note: For best results, import configuration data from the Administration server of the WebLogic domain rather than a Managed server.

    Field Description

    Process Group Name

    Name of the process group.


    Host name of the running WebLogic domain.


    Port address of the running WebLogic domain.


    User name for authenticating with the WebLogic domain.


    Password used for authenticating with the WebLogic domain.

    Allow me to choose instances to import

    Flag that specifies whether to enable you to select the instances from the service that you want to import. If you select this flag, when you click Next you are prompted to select the instances to import. Select the check box next to each instance that you want to import and click Next. If you do not select this flag, then all available instances are imported.

    Show me a summary of uncollectible metadata from config.xml

    Flag that specifies whether you want to view a list of the metadata from the WebLogic domain that was not collected by WLOC and that you may need to enter manually. If you select this flag, when you click Finish a summary of the uncollected metadata is displayed using the following format: instance.attribute

  8. If you selected Import from a WebLogic Domain configuration set the following fields and skip to Step 9.
    Field Description

    Process Group Name

    Name of the process group.


    Full or relative path name to the configuration file (config.xml) of the WebLogic domain. For example: C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain\config\config.xml

    Allow me to choose instances to import

    Flag that specifies whether to enable you to select the instances from the service that you want to import. If you select this flag, when you click Next you are prompted to select the instances to import. Select the check box next to each instance that you want to import and click Next. If you do not select this flag, then all available instances are imported.

    Show me a summary of uncollectible metadata from config.xml

    Flag that specifies whether you want to view a list of the metadata from the WebLogic domain that was not collected by WLOC and that you may need to enter manually. If you select this flag, when you click Finish a summary of the uncollected metadata is displayed using the following format: instance.attribute

  9. Click Finish.

    The process group is generated with the defined or imported JVM instances.

  10. Perform one or more of the following steps:

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