Configuration Guide

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Configuring the Controller and Agents

This section describes how to configure the WLOC Controller and Agents. It includes the following sections:



This section describes the Controller, Plain Agent, and ESX Agent configurations.


The WLOC Controller configuration settings control the behavior of the Controller and how it communicates with the WLOC Agents.

The initial Controller configuration is defined by running the WLOC Configuration Wizard. This process stores the configuration settings in an XML file that is used to establish the Controller’s runtime configuration at startup. The XML file is named loc-controller-config.xml and, by default, is located in the following directory:


After the creation of the XML file, the Controller configuration can be changed using the WLOC Administration Console, by directly editing the XML file, or by re-running the configuration wizard. Modifications made using the Administration Console take immediate effect, while changes made using the other two methods do not take effect until the Controller is restarted.

Changes to a Controller configuration using the Configuration Wizard or the WLOC Administration Console are captured in the Controller’s audit log located in the BEA_HOME\user_projects\controller\logs directory, where user_projects is the directory specified while running the Configuration Wizard.


A WLOC Agent configuration controls the behavior of the Agent and how it communicates with the WLOC Controller and the managed application. An Agent is required to manage each resource pool in the WLOC environment. The Agent discovers information about the resources available and maintains that information in its configuration.

There are two types of Agents:

An Agent configuration is stored in an XML file named loc-agent-config.xml located in the BEA_HOME\user_projects\agent1\config directory, where agent1 is the directory where the agent was installed.

The creation of an Agent instance and its initial configuration must be performed with the WLOC Configuration Wizard. Thereafter, the configuration can be modified using the Administration Console or by directly editing its configuration file.

Changes to an Agent configuration using the WLOC Administration Console are captured in the Agent’s audit log located in the BEA_HOME\user_projects\agent1\logs directory, where user_projects\agent1 is the directory specified while running the Configuration Wizard.


Agent Configurations

This section provides step-by-step instructions for running the WLOC Configuration Wizard in GUI mode. You can also use the configuration wizard in silent mode, which is a noninteractive method of configuring your software that requires the use of an XML properties file for selecting configuration options. For details about performing silent-mode configurations, see Silent Mode Configurations.

Note: Running the Configuration Wizard in console mode is currently not supported.

Configuring a Plain Agent

Follow these steps to create a plain Agent instance and its initial configuration:

  1. Invoke the Configuration Wizard as described in Table 3-1 and click Next in the Welcome window.
  2. Table 3-1 Invoking the WLOC Configuration Wizard
    On this platform . . .
    Perform the following steps . . .
    • From the Windows Start Menu, choose Start > All Programs > WebLogic Operations Control 10gR3>WLOC Configuration Wizard
    • From an MS-DOS Command Prompt window, go to the BEA_HOME\WLOC_HOME\common\bin\ directory and enter config.cmd at the prompt.
    • In this pathname, BEA_HOME is the BEA Home directory and WLOC_HOME is the product installation directory that you selected during the WLOC installation, for example C:\bea\wloc_10.3.

    UNIX or Linux
    Go to the BEA_HOME/WLOC_HOME/common/bin/ directory and enter at the prompt.
    In this pathname, BEA_HOME is the BEA Home directory and WLOC_HOME is the product installation directory that you selected during the WLOC installation.

  3. In the Choose Controller or Agent window, select Create a new Agent for this host and click Next.
  4. In the Enter Agent Directory Location window, accept the default location or specify a different directory and click Next.
  5. By default, the Configuration Wizard creates the Agent in the BEA_HOME/user_projects/agent1 directory, but you can specify any name and directory location you choose.

  6. In the Configure Agent Connection Details window, complete the fields as described in Table 3-2.
  7. Table 3-2 Configure Agent Connection Details 
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    Agent Name
    Name for the Agent. The Administration Console displays this as the Agent name.

    Note: Managing multiple Agents through the Administration Console requires that each Agent has a unique name.

    Agent Host
    Fully-qualified name of the machine hosting the agent, for example:
    Agent Port
    HTTP port number that the Agent uses when communicating with the Controller in unsecure mode; default: 8001.

    Note: In the unlikely event you are configuring more than one Agent on the same host, be sure that each Agent uses different port numbers.

    Agent Secure Port
    HTTPS port number that the Agent uses when communicating with the Controller in secure mode using SSL; default: 8002.

    Note: In the unlikely event you are configuring more than one Agent on the same host, be sure that each Agent uses different port numbers.

    Transfer Encryption Passphrase/ Confirm Transfer Encryption Passphrase
    Passphrase used to apply encryption, beyond the Security Mode setting, to certain sensitive data passed between the Controller and Agent. The password must be a minimum of 8 characters.
    If Security Mode is set to Unsecure, this setting will still encrypt the most sensitive data.

    Note: This passphrase must be entered when adding the Agent to the Controller or communication between the Controller and Agent will fail.

    For development environments, it is sufficient to accept the defaults. You do not need to know these passphrases.
    Security Mode
    Security mode used for connections with the Controller.
    • Unsecure — Communication with the Controller uses HTTP protocol. Unsecure mode is sufficient for development environments.
    • Secure — Communication with the Controller uses SSL protocol. Secure mode ensures confidentiality and integrity of the communication and requires setting up trust as an explicit step between the Controller and the Agent. Oracle recommends that you use Secure mode for production environments.

    Note: Both the Controller and Agent must be set to the same security mode.

  8. In the Configure Agent Logging window, complete the fields as described in Table 3-3.
  9. Table 3-3 Configure Agent Logging
    In this field . . .
    Specify the following . . .
    Logfile severity
    Severity of events written to the log file. The default is INFO.
    In the order of severity from least severe to most severe, the log levels are:
    Severity levels are inclusive. When set to INFO, the log will include NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, ALERT, and EMERGENCY events.
    Stdout severity
    Severity of events that are written to stdout. The default is INFO.
    Stdout severity uses the same severity levels as the log file.
    Logfile location
    Filename and directory location for the Agent log file. You can accept the default or specify a different directory and/or log file name.
    Default: BEA_HOME\user_projects\agent1\logs\Agent.log

  10. In the Configure Agent Keystore Passwords window, you are prompted for the Agent keystore passwords used for internal WLOC communications. In most cases, this depends on whether you are using WLOC in a production or development environment, as described in Table 3-4. Click Next after completing this window.
  11. Table 3-4 Configure Agent Keystore Passwords
    In this environment . . .
    Do the following . . .
    Click Next to use the default keystores passwords.
    Enter the passwords that will be used to secure the keystores used for production-level communications between WLOC components. Make a note of these passwords. They will be required later when setting trust by importing certificates into the keystores.
    For more information about the WLOC Agent keystores, see Keystores.

  12. In the Configure Agent Type window, select Plain Agent and click Next.
  13. In the Configure Plain Agent (1 of 2) window, complete the fields as described in Table 3-5 and click Next.
  14. Table 3-5 Plain Agent Configuration (1 of 2)
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    Resource Pool Name
    A unique name for the resource pool managed by the Agent.

    Note: Managing multiple resource pools through the Administration Console requires that each resource pool has a unique name.

    An arbitrary description of the resource pool. This description appears in the console.
    CPU capacity (MHz)
    (Optional) CPU capacity (in normalized megahertz) available to the resource pool.
    Stdout directory
    Complete pathname for the directory to which the JVM standard output stream, stdout, should be directed.
    Default: BEA_HOME\user_projects\agent1\stdout
    Stderr directory
    Complete pathname for the directory to which the standard error stream, stderr, output should be directed.
    Default: BEA_HOME\user_projects\agent1\stderr

  15. In the Configure Plain Agent (2 of 2) window, specify the software that is available to the Agent by clicking Add and completing each field as described in Table 3-6. When you are finished, click Next.
  16. Note: You may skip this step and use the Administration Console to provide the information at a later time.

    Table 3-6 Configure Plain Agent (2 of 2)
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    Name for the software as it will appear in the console.
    An arbitrary description of the software as it will appear in the console.
    The complete path to the directory containing the software. For example, to specify WLS, use WL_HOME/server/lib, where WL_HOME is the directory in which WLS is installed

  17. In the Create Agent Configuration window, click Create. Progress messages are displayed as the Agent is created.
  18. When the Agent has been successfully created, click Done to exit the Configuration Wizard.

Configuring an ESX Agent

Follow these steps to create an ESX Agent instance and its initial configuration:

Note: Running the Configuration Wizard in console mode is currently not supported.
  1. Invoke the Configuration Wizard as described in Table 3-7 and click Next in the Welcome window.
  2. Table 3-7 Invoking the WLOC Configuration Wizard
    On this platform . . .
    Perform the following steps . . .
    • From the Windows Start Menu, choose Start > All Programs > WebLogic Operations Control 10gR3>WLOC Configuration Wizard
    • From an MS-DOS Command Prompt window, go to the BEA_HOME\WLOC_HOME\common\bin\ directory and enter config.cmd at the prompt.
    • In this pathname, BEA_HOME is the BEA Home directory and WLOC_HOME is the product installation directory that you selected during the WLOC installation, for example C:\bea\wloc_10.3.

    UNIX or Linux
    Go to the BEA_HOME/WLOC_HOME/common/bin/ directory and enter at the prompt.
    In this pathname, BEA_HOME is the BEA Home directory and WLOC_HOME is the product installation directory that you selected during the WLOC installation.

  3. In the Choose Controller or Agent window, select Create a new Agent for this host and click Next.
  4. In the Enter Agent Directory Location window, accept the default location or specify a different directory under user_projects and click Next.
  5. In the Configure Agent Connection Details window, complete the fields as described in Table 3-8.
  6. Table 3-8 Configure Agent Connection Details
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    Agent Name
    Name for the Agent. The Administration Console displays this as the Agent name.
    Agent Host
    Fully-qualified host name where the Agent resides; example:
    Agent Port
    HTTP port number used when the Agent and Controller are connecting in unsecure mode; default: 8001.

    Note: In the unlikely event you are configuring more than one Agent on the same host, be sure that each Agent uses different port numbers.

    Agent Secure Port
    HTTPS port number used when the Agent and Controller are connecting in secure mode using SSL; default: 8002.

    Note: In the unlikely event you are configuring more than one Agent on the same host, be sure that each Agent uses different port numbers.

    Transfer Encryption Passphrase/ Confirm Transfer Encryption Passphrase
    Passphrase used to apply encryption beyond the Security Mode setting to certain sensitive data passed between the Controller and Agent. The password must be a minimum of 8 characters.
    Even if Security Mode is Unsecure, this setting will encrypt the most sensitive data.

    Note: This passphrase must be entered when adding the Agent to the Controller or communication between the Controller and Agent will fail.

    For development environments, it is sufficient to accept the defaults. You do not need to know these passphrases.
    Security Mode
    Security mode used for connections with the Controller.
    • Unsecure — Communication with the Controller uses HTTP protocol. Unsecure mode is sufficient for development environments.
    • Secure — Communication with the Controller uses SSL protocol. Secure mode ensures confidentiality and integrity of the communication and requires setting up trust as an explicit step between the Controller and the Agent. Oracle recommends that you use Secure mode for production environments.
    NOTE: Both the Controller and Agent must be set to the same security mode.

  7. In the Configure Agent Logging window, complete the fields as described in Table 3-9.
  8. Table 3-9 Configure Agent Logging
    In this field . . .
    Specify the following . . .
    Logfile severity
    Severity of events to log, default: INFO
    In the order of severity from least severe to most severe, the log levels are:
    Severity levels are inclusive. When set to INFO, the log will include NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, ALERT, and EMERGENCY events.
    Stdout severity
    Specify the severity level of events that should be written to stdout; default: INFO.
    Uses same event levels as the log file.
    Logfile location
    Accept the default or specify a different directory and/or log file name.
    Default: BEA_HOME\user_projects\agent1\logs\Agent.log

  9. In the Configure Agent Keystore Passwords window, you are prompted for the Agent keystore passwords used for internal WLOC communications. In most cases, this depends on whether you are using WLOC in a production or development environment, as described in Table 3-10.
  10. Table 3-10 Configure Agent Keystore Passwords
    In this environment . . .
    Do the following . . .
    Click Next to use the default keystore passwords.
    Enter the passwords that will be used to secure the keystores used for production-level communications between WLOC components. Make a note of these passwords. They will be required later when setting trust by importing certificates into the keystores.
    For more information about the WLOC Agent keystores, see Keystores.

  11. In the Configure Agent Type window, select ESX Agent and click Next.
  12. In the Configure ESX Agent (1 of 6) window, complete the fields as described in Table 3-11 and click Next.
  13. Table 3-11 Configure ESX Agent (1 of 6)
    In this field . . .
    Do the following . . .
    Accept the default name or enter a different one.
    Accept or modify the default.

  14. In the Configure ESX Agent (2 of 6) window, complete the fields as described in Table 3-12 and click Next.
  15. Table 3-12 Configure ESX Agent (2 of 6)
    In this field . . .
    Do the following . . .
    Virtual Center Host
    Enter the IP address or name of the VirtualCenter Server.
    Enter the user name of a VirtualCenter administrator.
    Password/Confirm Password
    Specify a password for the administrator.
    VMWare SSL Certificate
    Select the Connect to the Virtual Center to retrieve SSL certificate check box.
    When selected, the Virtual Center’s public key certificate is obtained and added to the ESX Agent’s trust keystore. This is needed to establish trust between an ESX Agent and Virtual Center.
    ESX Agent Configuration Type - Dynamic or Static
    Select the Configure the ESX Agent dynamically by connecting to the Virtual Center check box if you want the wizard to connect to the Virtual Center host and obtain information for the remaining configuration windows. Otherwise, you will be required to manually enter this information.
    Accept the default selection of the Use secure connection when conecting to the Virtual Center check box if the Virtual Center has been configured to use secure connections. Clear the check box if the Virtual Center uses only insecure connections.

    If select the Configure the ESX Agent dynamically... check box, the wizard will attempt to connect to the Virtual Center. If the connection is successful, click Next and you will be able to complete subsequent fields using dropdown lists. Otherwise, you are prompted to manually complete the fields.

    Note: To connect to Virtual Center and retrieve configuration information using an unsecure connection, the Virtual Center must be set to support access to the SDK using HTTP. Otherwise, a message like the following appears when the connection is attempted:

    "Failed to connect to VMware. It appears that the webservices stack is not running on the specified port".

    See Virtual Center documentation for more information.
  16. In the Configure ESX Agent (3 of 6) window, complete the fields as described in Table 3-13 and click Next.
  17. Table 3-13 Configure ESX Agent (3 of 6)
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    Data Center Name
    Name of the Datacenter that contains the resource pool managed by this Agent.
    Compute Resource (ESX host or cluster)
    The ESX Server host or cluster name.
    Resource Pool Name
    The Resource Pool containing the LiquidVM instances to be managed by this Agent.
    Resource Pool Description
    An arbitrary description of the resource pool.

  18. In the Configure ESX Agent (4 of 6) window, click Add and specify the networking information as described in Table 3-14. If the Agent is managing LiquidVM instances on different network segments, you must specify the network settings for each network segment. Then click Next.
  19. Table 3-14 Configure ESX Agent (4 of 6)
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    The Virtual Machine Port Group to which the LiquidVM instance is assigned.
    If you use the VMWare Infrastructure client, this can be obtained by displaying the host’s Configuration tab and then selecting Networking in the Hardware list.
    Note: If you are using a cluster of ESX hosts, all hosts must have a Virtual Machine Port Group with some name and the group must be mapped a physical adapter connected to the same physical network.
    JVM IP Address
    One or more IP addresses reserved for the LiquidVM instances. Specify multiple addresses on the same line separated using a comma (,).
    Example: 182.343.121.122,182.343.121.123,182.343.121.122
    A LiquidVM instance will use only one of the IP addresses specified.
    An arbitrary description.
    Gateway IP Address
    The Gateway address used by the LiquidVM instance.
    The address can be determined from the physical network adapter to which the Virtual Machine Port Group is mapped.
    If not specified, the LiquidVM instance will use the default gateway based its IP address.
    The Netmask used by the LiquidVM instance.
    The Netmask can be determined from the physical network adapter to which the Virtual Machine Port Group is mapped.
    If not specified, the LiquidVM instance will use the default netmask.
    DNS Server Address
    The primary and alternate DNS Server used by the ESX Server host. Specify multiple addresses on the same line separated using a comma (,).
    Example: 10.344.22.86,
    The LiquidVM instance cannot use remote DNS lookup if this is not specified.
    Domain Name
    The domain name used by the LiquidVM instance.

  20. In the Configure ESX Agent (5 of 6) window, specify each ISO being used by clicking Add and completing the fields as described in Table 3-15. Then click Next.
  21. Table 3-15 Configure ESX Agent (5 of 6)
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    The ISO name.
    An arbitrary description.
    ISO Software Path
    The location of the ISO software, including the datastore. If you selected Configure the ESX Agent dynamically... in step 9, you can browse the ESX Server storage for the specific ISO.
    To specify it manually, the syntax is [datastore] /path/filename
    [storage1 ] /wlsve922.iso
    ] /wlsve/wlsve922.iso
    The LVM version (1.0, 1.1, or 1.2).

  22. In the Configure ESX Agent (6 of 6) window, define each NFS share being used by clicking Add and completing the fields as described in Table 3-16. Then click Next.
  23. Table 3-16 Configure ESX Agent (6 of 6)
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    The NFS share name.
    An arbitrary description.
    NFS Software Path
    The NFS share path using the following syntax:
    <ip_address> — IP Address of the NFS share host
    <path> — path to the share
    <uid_num> — userid number
    <gid_num> — group id number

  24. In the Create Agent configuration window, click Create. Progress messages then appear.
  25. When it becomes active, click the Done button.

Modifying Agent Configurations

There are two ways to modify an existing Agent configuration:


Controller Configurations

The following topics describe how to create a controller and modify an existing controller configuration.

Configuring a Controller

Follow these steps to create and configure the WLOC Controller:

Note: Running the Configuration Wizard in console mode is currently not supported.
  1. Invoke the Configuration Wizard as described in Table 3-17 and click Next in the Welcome window.
  2. Table 3-17 Invoking the WLOC Configuration Wizard
    On this platform . . .
    Perform the following steps . . .
    • From the Windows Start Menu, choose Start > All Programs > WebLogic Operations Control 10gR3>WLOC Configuration Wizard
    • From an MS-DOS Command Prompt window, go to the BEA_HOME\WLOC_HOME\common\bin\ directory and enter config.cmd at the prompt.
    • In this pathname, BEA_HOME is the BEA Home directory and WLOC_HOME is the product installation directory that you selected during the WLOC installation, for example C:\bea\wloc_10.3.

    UNIX or Linux
    Go to the BEA_HOME/WLOC_HOME/common/bin/ directory and enter at the prompt.
    In this pathname, BEA_HOME is the BEA Home directory and WLOC_HOME is the product installation directory that you selected during the WLOC installation.

  3. In the Welcome window, click Next.
  4. In the Choose Controller or Agent window, select Create the Controller or extend the existing Controller for this host and click Next.
  5. In the Enter Controller Directory Location window, specify the location and click Next.
  6. In the Enter Controller Connection Data window, complete the fields as described in Table 3-18.
  7. Table 3-18 Controller Connection Configuration
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    Controller Host
    Fully-qualified host name of the Controller machine; example:
    Console port
    HTTP port for the WLOC Administration Console; default: 9001
    Console secure port
    HTTPS port for the WLOC Administration Console; default: 9002
    Console mode
    Select one of the following to specify how clients may connect to the Administration Console:
    Secure—HTTPS only
    Unsecure—HTTP only
    Both—Either HTTP or HTTPS
    Internal port
    Port used by agents for unsecure internal communication with the Controller; default: 9003
    Internal Secure Port
    Port used by agents for secure internal communication with the Controller; default: 9004
    Security mode
    Select one of the following to specify the security level to be used for internal communications between WLOC components.
    Unsecure—use HTTP without SSL and guarantee of message confidentiality and integrity. This is sufficient for development systems.
    Secure—use HTTPS providing message confidentiality and integrity. This should be used with production systems.
    • All Agents must use the same Security mode established on the Controller with which they communicate.
    • For instructions about configuring production level security, see Secure Communications.

  8. In the Configure Controller Logging window, complete the fields as described in Table 3-19.
  9. Table 3-19 Configure Controller Logging
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    Logfile severity
    Severity of events to log, default: INFO
    In the order of severity from least severe to most severe, the log levels are:
    Severity levels are inclusive. When set to INFO, the log will include NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, ALERT, and EMERGENCY events.
    Stdout severity
    Specify the severity level of events that should be written to stdout; default: INFO.
    Uses same event levels as the log file.
    Logfile location
    Accept the default location or enter a different directory and log file name.
    Default: BEA_HOME\user_projects\controller\logs\Controller.log

  10. In the first Configure Controller Notifications (1 of 6) window, select the Enable SMTP Notifications check box if you want to enable SMTP notifications. Then complete the fields as described in Table 3-20.
  11. If you do not want to enable SMTP notifications, click Next without completing this window.

    Table 3-20 Configure Controller Notifications (1 of 6)
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    To email address
    E-mail address to which notifications should be sent.
    From email address
    E-mail address from which notifications should be sent.
    SMTP Server
    SMTP mail server through which to send notifications.

  12. In the Configure Controller Notifications (2 of 6) window, select the Enable JMX Notification and/or SNMP check box if you want to enable one or both of those notification types. If you select SNMP notification, complete the fields as described in Table 3-21.
  13. If you do not want to enable either notification type, click Next without completing this window.

    Table 3-21 Configure Controller Notifications (2 of 6)
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    Agent Host
    Host name of the SNMP agent.
    Agent Port
    Port number of the SNMP agent.
    Trap Host
    DNS name or IP address of the computer on which the SNMP manager is running; default: localhost
    Trap Port
    Listening port of the SNMP manager; default: 1642
    Trap Type
    Select SNMPv1 or SNMPv2; default: SNMPv2

  14. In the Configure Controller Notifications (3 of 6) window, select the Enable JMS Notification check box if you want to enable JMS notification. Then complete the fields as described in Table 3-22.
  15. If you do not want to enable JMS notification, click Next without completing this window.

    Table 3-22 Configure Controller Notifications (3 of 6)
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    Destination JNDI Name
    Fully-qualified package and class of the JMS notifier; default: com.bea.adaptive.loc.notification.JMSNotifier
    Connection Factory JNDI Name
    JNDI connection factory; default: com.bea.adaptive.loc.notification.JMSNotifierQueueConnectionFactory
    Initial Factory Class
    Fully-qualified package and class of the initial factory; default: org.mom4j.jndi.InitialCtxFactory
    Provider URL
    JNDI provider URL.
    Security Principal
    JNDI user name.
    JNDI user’s password.

  16. In the Configure Agents for this Controller window, click Add and specify the Agents to be managed by this Controller and click Next.
  17. To perform this step at another time, click Next without specifying any Agents.

    Table 3-23 Configure Agents for this Controller
    In this field . . .
    Enter the following . . .
    Agent name.
    The fully-qualified host name or IP address of the machine hosting the Agent.
    HTTP port on which to access the Agent. This was specified when configuring the Agent. Default: 8001
    Secure port
    HTTPS port on which to access the Agent. This was specified when configuring the Agent. Default: 8002
    One of Enabled, Connected, or Disconnected.
    Default: Enabled
    Confirm Passphrase
    The Agent passphrase specified when the Agent was created.

    Note: Communication between the Controller and Agent will fail unless your entry matches the Agent’s current passphrase.

  18. In the Use SSH for WLOC ESX Agents window, select the Enable SSH for LVM instances check box to initialize the LVM instance that will be started by the ESX Agent on the ESX Server with the SSH public key. Then specify the location of the SSH Public Key File and click Next.
  19. This allows a SSH client that uses the corresponding private key to be trusted by the LVM instance when the SSH client later connects to the LVM instance using SSH. The Controller will pass the SSH public key to the ESX Agent which in turn will provide the public key to the LVM instance when the LVM instance is initialized by the ESX Agent.

  20. In the Enter User Data window, accept the default username and password for logging in to the WLOC Administrative Console or overwrite these values as desired and click Next.
  21. Notes:

    • The default password is changeit. This is acceptable for development environments, but not for production.
    • If you specify a new password, the value is encrypted before being saved in the XML configuration file.
  22. In the Configure Controller Keystore Passwords window, you are prompted for the keystore passwords used for internal WLOC communications. The keystores are used if Secure mode is selected for Controller to Agent communications and if Secure or Both are selected for Console communications.
  23. In most cases, this step depends on whether you are using WLOC in a production or development environment, as described in Table 3-24.

    Table 3-24 Configure Controller Keystore Passwords
    In this environment . . .
    Do the following . . .
    Click Next to use the default keystore passwords.
    Enter the passwords that will be used to secure the keystores used for production-level communications between WLOC components.
    For more information about the WLOC Controller keystores, see Configuring Security.

  24. In the Create Controller Configuration window, click Create. Progress messages then appear.
  25. When it becomes active, click the Done button.

Modifying Controller Configurations

You can change the Controller configuration as follows:

Modifications made using the Administration Console take immediate effect, while changes made by editing the XML file or re-running the Configuration Wizard do not take effect until the Controller is restarted. In addition, no validation or error checking is performed when you directly modify the configuration file.

For information about the elements of the loc-controller-config.xml, see the Controller Configuration Schema Reference or examine the schema file:


Adding Agents to a Controller

You can add an Agent to a Controller by running the WLOC Configuration Wizard or using the WLOC Administration Console.

To add an Agent to a Controller using the WLOC Configuration Wizard:

  1. Start the WLOC Configuration Wizard.
  2. Proceed to the Choose Controller or Agent window and select Create the Controller or extend the existing Controller for this host and click Next.
  3. In the Enter Controller Directory Location window, specify the configuration directory for the existing Controller and click Next.
  4. For each Agent you wish to add to the Controller’s configuration, click Add and enter the information listed in Table 3-23 for each Agent. When done, click Next.
  5. In the Update Existing Controller Configuration window, click Create. This updates the Controller’s loc-controller-config.xml file with the new Agent information.
Note: You need to restart the Controller after adding an Agent so that the Controller can find the Agent and connect to it.

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