Plain Agent Use Case Example

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Oracle WebLogic Operations Control (WLOC) is a management environment that can increase the efficiency of your operations center by hiding the complexity of the underlying operational environment and presenting the resources and Java applications in a simple supply-and-demand mode.

On the supply side of the equation, you use WLOC to organize the computing resources in your operations center into collections (pools) of resources. A WLOC resource pool can represent a single physical machine or a collection of virtualized resources that are made available through hypervisor software.

On the demand side of the equation, you use WLOC to organize Java applications (processes) into WLOC services. Typically, you organize a group of related processes into a single service and manage the group as a unit, but you can also create one service for each process.

A typical WLOC deployment contains a single WLOC Controller—the centralized component that gathers data about the operating environment—and multiple Agents that manage and monitor resources and communicate that information back to the Controller. A Plain Agent manages the computing resources for the physical machine on which the Agent is installed. The Controller hosts the WLOC Administration Console that enables you to visually configure, manage, and monitor the WLOC environment.

This document provides a basic use-case example for WLOC. In this use case we will describe the steps to:


Main Steps

The following table summarizes the main steps demonstrated in this example.

Table 1-1 Use Case Example Main Steps
To complete this task . . .
We demonstrate how to perform the following steps . . .
Establish the WLOC resource environment
Establish the WLOC runtime environment
Define services under management
Deploy services against available resources
Monitor WLOC services and resource environment with the WLOC Administration Console


Related Documents

The WLOC documentation set includes the following:

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