Configuration Guide

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WLOC Components

Configuration Types

Configuration Workflow

Configuring the Controller and Agents




Agent Configurations

Configuring a Plain Agent

Configuring an ESX Agent

Modifying Agent Configurations

Controller Configurations

Configuring a Controller

Modifying Controller Configurations

Adding Agents to a Controller

Starting and Stopping the Controller and Agents

Starting an Agent

Starting the Controller

Accessing the WLOC Administration Console

Stopping an Agent

Stopping the Controller

Running the Controller and Agents as Windows Services

Unexpected Shutdowns

Configuring Services and Process Groups


Service Process Management

Configuring a Service

Configuring a Process Group

Resource Requirements

Minimums and Maximums

Ready Metrics for Processes

JVM Arguments for Processes

Setting Communication Protocols

Setting the JMX Port

Determining the Classpath

Creating Multiple Java Processes Using Templates

Defining the Common JVM Parameters

Specifying the Number of Processes

Defining Variables

Sample Template Using Variables

Service Deployment Process

Defining Policies

Policy Components

Creating Policies

Policy Types

Deployment Policies

Runtime Policies

Administrative Policies

Constraint Types

Action Types

Action Pipelines

Action Pipeline Example

Configuring Security

WLOC Users, Groups, and Security Roles

WLOC Boot User

Users and Groups

WLOC Security Roles

Secure Communications

Configuring Firewalls

Securing WLOC Administration Console to Controller Communication

Securing Controller to Agents Communication

Importing the Controller Identity into an Agent Trust Keystore

Importing an Agent Identity into the Controller Trust Keystore

Securing Agent to VMware Virtual Center Communication

Importing the Virtual Center Identity into an Agent Trust Keystore

Securing Agent to MBean Server Communication


Controller Keystores

Console Identity Keystore

Controller Internal Identity Keystore

Controller Internal Trust Keystore

Agent Keystores

Agent Identity Keystore

Agent Internal Trust Keystore

Password Encryption

File System Security

Logging, Auditing, and Monitoring


Configuring Logging

Viewing Log Messages

Log Message Format

Output to Standard Out and Standard Error

Log Message Attributes

Message Severity

Rotating Log Files

Debug Log Messages

Auditing WLOC Actions

Audit Event Types

Audit Format


Monitoring Service Performance

Viewing Events

Silent Mode Configurations

Running the Configuration Wizard in Silent-Mode

Plain Agent Template XML File

Plain Agent Configuration Values

ESX Agent Template XML File

ESX Agent Configuration Values

Controller Template XML File

Controller Configuration Values

Setting Up a Coherence Management Gateway

Coherence Smart Pack Definitions

Management Gateway Classes Installation Directory

Configuring the Management Gateway

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