Installation Guide

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Uninstalling WLOC

This section describes how to remove WLOC 10.3.


Uninstalling WLOC in Graphical Mode

Installation of WLOC creates uninstall scripts in the BEA_HOME/WLOC_HOME/uninstall directory. These can be used to remove WLOC as described below.

Caution: Do not use the uninstall scripts in BEA_HOME/utils/uninstall since this will remove all BEA products in that BEA Home directory.
  1. Launch the uninstallation program using one of the following:
  2. Platform
    From the Windows Start menu, select Programs> WebLogic Operations Control 10.3 > Uninstall Weblogic Operations Control.
    Run BEA_HOME\WLOC_HOME\uninstall\uninstall.cmd
    Run BEA_HOME/WLOC_HOME/uninstall/

  3. On the Welcome window, click Next.
  4. On the Choose Components window, select the components to remove and click Next.
  5. On the final window, note any details about resources that were not erased from the system. These must be manually removed from disk.


Uninstalling WLOC in Console Mode

Use the following procedure to uninstall the complete product installation, or individual components, using the command-line interface:

  1. Start the uninstallation program as described in Table 5-1.
  2. Table 5-1 Starting the Uninstallation Program in Console Mode
    To start the uninstallation program on this platform . . .
    Perform the following steps . . .
    1. Open a Command Prompt window and go to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME\WLOC_HOME\uninstall

      Here WLOC_HOME represents the directory in which you installed your WLOC software, typically C:\bea\wloc<version>.

    3. Enter the following command at the prompt:
    4. uninstall -mode=console

      The Welcome text is displayed.

    1. Go to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME/WLOC_HOME/uninstall

      Here WLOC_HOME represents the directory in which you installed your WLOC software.

    3. At the prompt, enter the following command:
    4. sh ./ -mode=console

      The Welcome text is displayed.

  3. Press Enter or type next to proceed to the next panel of the uninstallation program.
  4. Note: Instead of typing complete words when you want to enter [Exit], [Previous], and [Next], you can use the following one-letter shortcuts: x, p, and n, respectively.

    The Choose Components to uninstall panel is displayed.

  5. Select the components you want to uninstall. The available components are displayed as follows:
  6. Check the WebLogic Operations Control components you want to uninstall.

    +----WebLogic Operations Control [1] v
    | +----wloc-controller [1.1] v
    | +----wloc-agent [1.2] v

    Enter number exactly as it appears in brackets to toggle selection OR

    By default, all installed components are selected, indicating that they will be removed.

  7. Press Enter or type next to proceed with the uninstallation process.
  8. When the uninstallation process is complete, press Enter or type exit to complete the uninstallation and exit the uninstallation program.

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