Installation Guide

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Post-Installation Information

This section provides the following topics:


Understanding the WLOC Product Directory Structure

During the product installation, you are asked to select or create a BEA Home directory and a product installation directory. For information about the BEA Home directory, see Choosing a BEA Home Directory. For a complete installation, the installation program creates a dedicated directory structure for the Oracle software. It may or may not reside in the BEA Home directory.

WARNING: The use of spaces in the BEA Home directory (BEA_HOME) and the WLOC product directory name (WLOC_HOME) are not supported.

Table 4-1 describes the contents of the directories created when WLOC is installed in an existing BEA Home directory.

Table 4-1 WLOC Product Directory Structure
Smart Pack definitions intended for use with Coherence 3.4 are bundled in the coherence-wloc.jar file. See Setting Up a Coherence Management Gateway in the WLOC Configuration Guide.
Scripts used for setting environment attributes for the utilities and template JAR files used by the Configuration Wizard offline when creating the WLOC Controller and Agent components.
WLOC administration console.
Installation metadata.
WLOC-specific modules for executing the WLOC Controller and Agent components.
XSD schemas for WLOC components.
Uninstall script for removing WLOC components.

Note: The WLOC-Licenses.doc file located in the WLOC_HOME directory contains information about third-party software installed along with WLOC. The file is named WLOC-Licenses.txt on non-Windows platforms.


The WLOC Windows Shortcuts

When you install your WLOC software as an Administrator on a Windows system, the installation program offers to creates shortcut entries on the Start Menu. You can select from the following options:


The folder that the WLOC installer creates (Start > All Programs > WebLogic Operations Control 10gR3) contains the following shortcut files:


Upgrade Patches

For information about software updates, see Installing Maintenance Updates and Service Packs.


Determining Which Software Versions You Are Using

You can determine the versions of the WLOC software, Controller, and Agents in your environment using the version command, as follows:

  1. Open a command prompt window and change to the following directory:
  2. WLOC_HOME\common\bin (Windows)
    WLOC_HOME/common/bin (UNIX)

    where WLOC_HOME specifies the location of your WLOC installation, such as bea\wloc_10.3.

  3. Enter the version command at the prompt, specifying one of the following arguments, as required.
  4. Table 4-2 Command-line Arguments for the version Command 
    This argument . . .
    Displays . . .
    Full version of the WLOC software. This is the default.
    Version of the WLOC software only.
    Full version of the WLOC Agent.
    Full version of the WLOC Controller.
    This help.

    For example:

    C:\bea\wloc_10.3\common\bin> version -controller
    Oracle WebLogic Operations Control Controller - Tue Sep 2 02:45:33 EDT 2008 128886

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