Installation Guide

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Installing WLOC

This section describes how to install WLOC. It includes the following topics:


Before You Start

Before you start installing the software, please review the following information:

Note: You cannot reinstall any Oracle product on top of a previously installed version of the same product—in the same BEA Home directory or in the same file location. You can, however, add products and product components to an existing installation. For example, you can install WebLogic Server during one installation, and WLOC during a separate installation. However, to reinstall the same version of one of the products, you must first uninstall the previous installation, as described in Uninstalling WLOC.

Specifying Directory Locations

The GUI and console-based installation program for Windows and UNIX will prompt you to specify the following directory locations. Before proceeding, you should review the documentation for these locations.

Specifying Optional Startup Settings

The following sections describe optional settings you can use when starting the WLOC installation program:

Generating a Verbose Installation Log

If you launch the installation from the command line or from a script, you can specify the -log option to generate a verbose installation log. The installation log stores messages about events that occur during the installation process, including informational, warning, error, and fatal messages.

Note: You may see some warning messages in the installation log. However, unless a fatal error occurs, the installation program completes the installation successfully. The installation user interface indicates the success or failure of each installation attempt, and the installation log file includes an entry indicating that the installation was successful.

To create a verbose log file during installation, include the -log=full_path_to_log_file option in the command line. For example, on Windows use the following command:

wloc103_platform -log=C:\logs\wloc_install.log

The path must specify a file. You cannot create a folder simply by including a name for it in a pathname; your path should specify only existing folders. If your path includes a nonexistent folder when you execute the command, the installation program does not create the log file.

Determining Physical Disk Space Requirements

The WLOC installation program uses a temporary directory to extract the files necessary for installation. This directory must contain sufficient space to accommodate the compressed Java run-time environment (JRE) bundled with the installation program and an expanded copy of it. All files are deleted from the temporary directory at the end of the installation process.

By default, the installation program uses the following temporary directories:

If there is insufficient temporary space on the system, the WLOC installer will prompt for an alternate directory.

To make sure that you have adequate temporary space, you may want to allocate an alternate directory for this purpose. To do so, follow the instructions provided in the following table.

Table 3-1 Setting Up Disk Space
On this platform . . .
Perform this step . . .
Do one of the following:
  • Set the TMP system variable to a directory of your choice.
  • If starting the installation program from the command line, include the option, replacing tmpdirpath with the full path of the directory that you want to designate as a temporary storage area for the installation program.
  • For example, to set up the temp directory while installing WLOC in console mode, execute this command:

    wloc103_platform -mode=console\Temp

Enter the following option on the command line when you start the installation program:
Here, tmpdirpath is the full path of the directory that you want to designate as a temporary storage area for the installation program.


Installing WLOC on Windows Platforms

The following sections describe how to start the installation program on a Windows platform:

See Installing WLOC in Silent Mode for information about using the installation program in silent mode.

Note: If you are installing the software on a Windows system that supports more than one monitor, you must disable all but one monitor before starting the installation program.

Installing in Graphical Mode

Graphical-mode installation is an interactive, GUI-based method for installing your software. To start the graphical-mode installation process on a Windows platform, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Windows system.
  2. Go to the directory where you have downloaded the installation program.
  3. Complete the following steps as necessary.
  4. If you are installing from . . .
    Perform the following action . . .
    Web download
    Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.
    1. Insert the software DVD into the DVD drive.
    2. If the installation program does not start automatically, open Windows Explorer, and double-click the DVD icon.
    3. Navigate to the folder for the Windows installation.

  5. Double-click the installation file:
  6. The installation program begins to install the software.

  7. Specify directory locations for WLOC, as explained in Specifying Directory Locations.
  8. Select the Windows shortcut entries. See The WLOC Windows Shortcuts.
  9. On the Choose Install Type window, select one of the following options, and then click Next.
  10. Option
    Installs all components: WLOC Controller and WLOC Agent.
    When selected, a window allows you to specify which components to install.

  11. Click Done to exit the installation program.
  12. Perform post-installation steps, such as verifying the WLOC product directory, as described in Post-Installation Information.

Installing in Console Mode

Console-mode installation is an interactive, text-based method for installing your software from the command line. To start the console-mode installation process on a Windows platform, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the target Windows system.
  2. Complete the appropriate according to the following table:
  3. If you are installing from . . .
    Perform the following action . . .
    Web download
    1. Open a command prompt window.
    2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.
    1. Insert the software DVD into the DVD drive.

    Note: If autorun is enabled, the installation program may start automatically in graphical mode. You must exit the installation program to run console-mode installation.

    1. Open a command prompt window.
    2. Go to the DVD directory and navigate to the folder for the Windows installation program.

  4. Launch the installation by entering the name of the installation program.
  5. For example, to launch the installation of WLOC in console mode, enter wloc103_platform -mode=console

    Note: You can also include options in the command line to create a verbose installation log and/or to specify an alternate temporary installation storage directory. For more information, see Specifying Optional Startup Settings.

    After a few moments, the Oracle Installer program begins to install the software. It is normal for the installation program to pause for a fairly long time, especially toward the end. The installation program is still working when this occurs.

  6. When the Welcome message appears, press Enter.
  7. When prompted for the BEA Home directory, type “1” to create a new home directory or “2” to use the existing BEA Home. Then press Enter.
  8. If you enter “1”, a message prompts for the path and directory name. If necessary, the installer will create new directories. For more information, see Specifying Directory Locations.

  9. When prompted for the install type, type “1” to install all components or “2” to choose which components to install and press Enter.
  10. If you enter “2”, the available components are displayed as follows:

    Choose components to install.

    +----WebLogic Operations Control [1] v
    | +----wloc-controller [1.1] v
    | +----wloc-agent [1.2] v

    *Estimated size of installation: 141.3 MB

    Enter number exactly as it appears in brackets to toggle selection OR

    When you complete this, press Enter.

  11. When prompted for the product home directory, press Enter to accept the default or type a different directory name before pressing Enter.
  12. When prompted for the shortcut location, type “1” or “2” and press Enter.
  13. If you enter “1”, all users registered on the machine will have access to the WLOC shortcuts on the Start Menu. If you enter “2” only your account will have access to these shortcuts. See The WLOC Windows Shortcuts.

    After performing these steps, messages display installation progress and then indicate whether installation was successful.

  14. Perform post-installation steps, such as verifying the WLOC product directory, as described in Post-Installation Information.


Installing WLOC on UNIX Platforms

The following sections describe how to start the WLOC installation program on UNIX platforms:

See Installing WLOC in Silent Mode for information about using the installation program in silent mode.

Installing in Graphical-Mode

Graphical-mode installation is an interactive, GUI-based method for installing your software. To run graphical-mode installation, your console must support a Java-based GUI such as X-Windows and 8-bit color depth (256 colors).

If the installation program determines that your system cannot support graphical-mode installation, it automatically starts running in console mode. For details, see Installing in Console Mode.

To start the graphical-mode installation process, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target UNIX system.
  2. Complete the following steps as necessary.
  3. If you are installing from . . .
    Perform the following action . . .
    Web download
    Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.
    1. Insert the software DVD into the DVD drive, and go to the DVD directory.
    2. Navigate to the directory that contains the installation program for your platform.

  4. Launch the installation by entering one of the following commands:
  5. chmod a+x <filename.bin>

    In these commands, filename.bin is the name of your installation program.

    Note: You can also include options in the command line to create a verbose installation log and/or to specify an alternate temporary installation storage directory. For more information, see Specifying Optional Startup Settings.

    The installation program begins to install the software.

  6. Specify directory locations for the software, as explained in Specifying Directory Locations.
  7. On the Choose Install Type window, select one of the following options, and then click Next.
  8. Option
    Installs all components: WLOC Controller and WLOC Agent.
    When selected, a window allows you to specify which components to install.

  9. Click Done to exit the installation program.
  10. Perform post-installation steps, such as verifying the WLOC product directory, as described in Post-Installation Information .

Installing in Console Mode

Console-mode installation is an interactive, text-based method for installing your software from the command line. To start the console-mode installation process, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target UNIX system.
  2. Complete the following steps as necessary.
  3. If you are installing from . . .
    Perform the following action . . .
    Web download
    Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.
    1. Insert the software DVD into the DVD drive and go to the DVD directory.
    2. Navigate to the directory that contains the installation program for your platform.

  4. Launch the installation by entering one of the following commands:
  5. chmod a+x <filename.bin>
    ./filename.bin -mode=console

    Here, filename.bin is the name of your installation program.

    Note: You can also include options in the command line to create a verbose installation log and/or to specify an alternate temporary installation storage directory. For more information, see Specifying Optional Startup Settings.

    It is normal for the installation program to pause for a fairly long time, especially toward the end. The installation program is still working when this occurs.

  6. When the Welcome message appears, press Enter.
  7. When prompted for the BEA Home directory, type “1” to create a new home directory or “2” to use the existing BEA Home. Then press Enter.
  8. If you enter “1”, a message prompts for the path and directory name. If necessary, the installer will create new directories. For more information, see Specifying Directory Locations.

  9. When prompted for the install type, type “1” to install all components or “2” to choose which components to install and press Enter.
  10. If you enter “2”, the available components are displayed as follows:

    Choose Components to install.

    +----WebLogic Operations Control [1] v
    | +----wloc-controller [1.1] v
    | +----wloc-agent [1.2] v

    Enter number exactly as it appears in brackets to toggle selection OR

    Select the WLOC component numbers as directed, and then press Enter.

  11. When prompted for the product home directory, press Enter to accept the default or type a different directory name before pressing Enter.
  12. After performing these steps, messages display installation progress and then indicate whether installation was successful.

  13. Perform post-installation steps, such as verifying the WLOC product directory, as described in Post-Installation Information.


Installing WLOC in Silent Mode

Silent-mode installations are intended primarily for administrators who are performing installations on multiple machines. They install WLOC components using settings specified in a XML file rather than require the installing user to enter these values in GUI or Console mode.

For instructions on setting up the XML file, see Create an XML File for Silent-Mode Installation.

Note the following information about silent-mode installations:

Create an XML File for Silent-Mode Installation

When you install your Oracle software in silent mode, the installation program uses an XML file (typically named silent.xml) to determine which installation options should be implemented. You can name the XML file however you wish, as long as it is correctly referenced in the silent-mode start command, as shown in Sample XML File for Silent-Mode Installation.

Therefore, before you can run the installation program in silent mode, you must first create an XML file in which you specify the installation options that you want to have invoked. The required configuration settings are specified using name/value pairs, for example:

<data-value name="BEAHOME" value="/bea/foo"/>

Table 3-2 describes valid entries in silent.xml.

Table 3-2 WLOC Parameters in Silent.xml
Description and Use
The full path for the BEA Home directory:
<data-value name="BEAHOME" value="c:/bea" />
The full path for the WLOC Home directory. If not specified, this defaults to wloc_10.3 under BEA Home.
<data-value name="WLOCHOME" value="c:/wloc_10.3" />
(Windows only)
Use true or false (or yes and no) to specify the accessibility of WLOC shortcuts in the Windows Start Menu. If not specified, the default value is true.
true — all users have access to the shortcuts on the Start Menu.
false — only your account will have access to these shortcuts.
You must have administrative access to specify true.
<data-value name="INSTALL_SHORTCUT_IN_ALL_USERS_FOLDER" value="true" />
Specifies the WLOC components to install. If not specified, all components are installed. If specified, only the specified components are installed. Possible values:
WebLogic Operations Control
WebLogic Operations Control/wloc-controller
WebLogic Operations Control/wloc-agent
Example with all components:
<data-value name="COMPONENT_PATHS" value="WebLogic Operations Control"/>
Example with only Controller or Agent components:
<data-value name="COMPONENT_PATHS" value="WebLogic Operations Control/wloc-controller"/>
<data-value name="COMPONENT_PATHS" value="WebLogic Operations Control/wloc-agent"/>

Sample XML File for Silent-Mode Installation

Figure 3-1 shows an example silent-mode XML file named silent.xml, but you can name the file however you wish.

Figure 3-1 Sample XML File for Silent-Mode Installation
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Silent installer option: -mode=silent -silent_xml=/home/me/silent.xml -->
<data-value name="BEAHOME" value="c:\bea" />
<data-value name="WLOCHOME" value="c:\wloc_10.3" />
<data-value name="INSTALL_SHORTCUT_IN_ALL_USERS_FOLDER" value="true" />
<data-value name="COMPONENT_PATHS" value="WebLogic Operations Control" />

Create an XML File for Silent Mode Installation

To create a silent-mode XML file, follow these steps:

  1. Open a text editor and copy the text in Figure 3-1 into a new file.
  2. Modify the file as needed. For example, if you want to install into the BEA Home directory e:\beahome, change the BEAHOME value as follows:
  3. <data-value name="BEAHOME" value="e:\beahome" />
  4. Save the file.

Installing WLOC in Silent Mode

To run the installation program in silent mode:

  1. Open a command-prompt window.
  2. Complete the following steps as necessary.
  3. If you are installing from . . .
    Perform the following action . . .
    Web download
    1. Open a command prompt window.
    2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.
    1. Insert the software DVD into the DVD drive.
    2. Open a command prompt window.
    3. Go to the DVD directory and navigate to the folder for the Windows installation program.

  4. Launch the installation by entering the following command:
  5. chmod a+x <filename.bin>
    ./<filename.bin> -mode=silent -silent_xml=/<path_to_silent.xml>

    Here, filename.bin is the name of the installation file and path_to_silent.xml is the full pathname of the silent.xml template file. For example:

    wloc103_platform -mode=silent -silent_xml=c:/bea/silent.xml


What’s Next

After installation, you may proceed with configuring and running WLOC Controller and Agents, as described in the Configuration Guide.

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