Securing a Production Environment

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Ensuring the Security of Your Production Environment

Oracle recommends that you implement the following actions to ensure the security of your production environment:


Securing the WLOC Host

A WLOC production environment is only as secure as the security of the machine on which it is running. It is important that you secure the physical machine, the operating system, and all other software that is installed on the host machine. The following are suggestions for securing a WLOC host in a production environment. Also check with the manufacturer of the machine and operating system for recommended security measures.

Table 2-1 Securing the WLOC Host
Security Action
Physically secure the hardware.
Keep your hardware in a secured area to prevent unauthorized operating system users from tampering with the deployment machine or its network connections.
Secure networking services that the operating system provides.
Have an expert review network services such as e-mail programs or directory services to ensure that a malicious attacker cannot access the operating system or system-level commands. The way you do this depends on the operating system you use.
Sharing a file system with other machines in the enterprise network imposes risks of a remote attack on the file system. Be certain that the remote machines and the network are secure before sharing the file systems from the machine that hosts WLOC.
Use a file system that can prevent unauthorized access.
Make sure that the file system on each WLOC host can prevent unauthorized access to protected resources. For example, on a Windows computer, use only NTFS.
Set file access permissions for data stored on disk.
Set operating system file access permissions to restrict access to data stored on disk.
For example, operating systems such as Unix and Linux provide utilities such as umask and chmod to set the file access permissions. At a minimum, consider using “umask 066”, which denies read and write permission to Group and Others.
Limit the number of user accounts on the host machine.
Avoid creating more user accounts than you need on WLOC hosts, and limit the file access privileges granted to each account. Ideally, the host machine would have two user accounts with system administrator privileges on operating systems that allow more than one system administrator user and another user with sufficient privileges to run WLOC. Having two system administrator users provides a backup at all times. The WLOC user should be a restricted user, not a system administrator user. One of the system administrator users can always create a new WLOC user if needed.
Review active user accounts regularly and when personnel leave.
Background Information:
Some WLOC configuration data and some URL (Web) resources, including Java Server Pages (JSPs) and HTML pages, are stored in clear text on the file system. A sophisticated user or intruder with read access to files and directories might be able to defeat any security mechanisms you establish with WLOC authentication and authorization schemes.
For your system administrator user accounts, choose names that are not obvious.
For additional security, avoid choosing an obvious name such as “system”, “admin”, or “administrator” for your system administrator user accounts.
Safeguard passwords.
The passwords for user accounts on production machines should be difficult to guess and should be guarded carefully.
Change passwords periodically.
On each host computer, give only one user account access to resources in addition to the two system administrator users who also have access privileges.
On each WLOC host computer, use the operating system to establish a special user account (for example, wloc_owner) specifically to run WLOC.
Grant to this operating-system (OS) user account the following privileges:
  • Access privileges only to the Home directory, the WLOC product directory tree, and your user projects directories.
  • The Home directory is a repository for common files that are used by multiple Oracle products installed on the same machine. The WLOC product installation directory contains all the WLOC software components that you choose to install on your system, including program files. A user projects directory contains the configuration files, security files, log files, and other resources for a single WLOC Controller and Agent. If you install multiple users projects on a WLOC host computer, each directory must be protected.

    By default, the installation program places all files and your user projects directories in a single directory tree, whose top directory is named bea. All WLOC files are a subdirectory of this directory tree (bea\wloc_10.3), and your user projects files are in other subdirectories, such as bea\user_projects\controller or

    You can, however, locate the WLOC product installation directory and your user projects directories outside the Home directory. For more information, refer to Selecting Directories for Your Installation in the Installation Guide.

  • No other OS user should have read, write, or execute access to files and your user projects files. (The system administrator users have access privileges by default.)
  • This protection limits the ability of other applications executing on the same machine as WLOC to access files and your user projects files. Without this protection, some other application could gain write access and insert malicious, executable code in JSPs and other files that provide dynamic content. The code would be executed the next time the file was served to a client.

On each host computer, give only one user account access to WLOC resources.
Knowledgeable operating system users may be able to bypass WLOC security if they are given write access, and in some cases read access, to the following files:
  • WLOC Installation
  • JDK files (typically in the WLOC installation, but can be configured to be separate)
  • User projects directory
Do not develop on a production machine.
Develop first on a development machine and then move code to the production machine when it is completed and tested. This process prevents bugs in the development environment from affecting the security of the production environment.
Do not install development and sample software on a production machine.
Do not install development tools on production machines. Keeping development tools off the production machine reduces the leverage intruders have should they get partial access to a WLOC production machine.
Enable security auditing.
If the operating system on which WLOC runs supports security auditing of file and directory access, Oracle recommends using audit logging to track any denied directory or file access violations. Administrators should ensure that sufficient disk space is available for the audit log.
Consider using additional software to secure your operating system.
Most operating systems can run additional software to secure a production environment. For example, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) can detect attempts to modify the production environment.
Refer to the vendor of your operating system for information about available software.
Apply operation-system service packs and security patches.
Refer to the vendor of your operating system for a list of recommended service packs and security-related patches.
Apply the latest service packs and implement the latest security advisories.
If you are responsible for security related issues at your site, register on the Oracle WebLogic Advisories and Notifications page at to receive notifications of newly available security advisories.
Remedies recommended in the security advisories are posted on the Advisories & Notifications page.
In addition, you are advised to apply each service pack as it is released. Service packs include a roll-up of all bug fixes for each version of the product, as well as each of the previously released service packs.
Report possible security issues in products to
Do not run WebLogic Server in Development mode in a production environment.
Production mode sets the server to run with settings that are more secure and appropriate for a production environment.


Securing Network Connections

When designing network connections, you balance the need for a security solution that is easy to manage with the need to protect strategic WLOC resources. The following table describes options for securing your network connections.

Table 2-2 Securing Network Connections
Security Action
Use hardware and software to create firewalls.
A firewall limits traffic between two networks. Firewalls can be a combination of software and hardware, including routers and dedicated gateway machines. They employ filters that allow or disallow traffic to pass based on the protocol, the service requested, routing information, packet content, and the origin and destination hosts or networks. They can also limit access to authenticated users only.
Only allow https access to the console if in an untrusted network environment.
See Configuring Security in the WLOC Configuration Guide on restricting access to the console to https (SECURE mode). If the console is run in either UNSECURE mode or BOTH mode, an attacker with access to the network could sniff credentials off the wire.
Ensure that the controller and agents communicate using SSL if in an untrusted network environment.
See Configuring Security in the WLOC Configuration Guide for more information on setting communications between the controller and agents to only use SSL. The agent’s operations are protected using SSL. If communication between the controller and agent is not SSL, an attacker with network access to the agent could attack it.
Practice safe surfing when logged into the WLOC console.
A number of Cross Site Scripting attacks (XSS) and Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks rely on an authenticated user surfing to another site and unknowingly clicking a link, which can lead to malicious code being executed. If a user is logged into the WLOC console they should not surf to non-WLOC sites to reduce the chances of such an attack against WLOC.


Securing the WLOC Security Service

The WLOC Security Service provides a powerful and flexible set of software tools for securing the subsystems and applications that run on a server instance. The following table provides a checklist of essential features that Oracle recommends you use to secure your production environment.

Table 2-3 Securing the WebLogic Security Service
Security Action
Use SSL, but do not use the demonstration digital certificates in a production environment.
To prevent sensitive data from being compromised, secure data transfers by using HTTPS.
WLOC generates self-signed SSL certificates when the Configuration Wizard is run for Controller or Agent. You may want to replace these self-signed certificates with certificates signed by a certificate authority.
Refer to Configuring Security in the WLOC Configuration Guide.
Periodically review security auditing.
Auditing is the process of recording key security events in your WLOC environment. When the Auditing provider that the Security Service provides is enabled, it logs events in user_projects\controller\legacy-rootdir\servers\legacy-server-name\logs\DefaultAuditRecorder.log
Review the auditing records periodically to detect security breaches and attempted breaches. Noting repeated failed logon attempts or a surprising pattern of security events can prevent serious problems.
Ensure that you have correctly assigned users and groups to the default WLOC security roles.
By default, all WLOC resources are protected by security policies that are based on a default set of security roles. Make sure you have assigned the desired set of users and groups to these default security roles.
Refer to Configuring Security in the WLOC Configuration Guide.
Create no fewer than two user accounts with system administrator privileges.
One of the system administrator users should be created when the domain is created. Create other user(s) and assign them the Admin security role. When creating system administrator users give them unique names that cannot be easily guessed.
Having at least two system administrator user accounts helps to ensure that one user maintains account access in case another user becomes locked out by a dictionary/brute force attack.

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