Securing a Production Environment

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Determining Your Security Needs

Before you deploy WebLogic Operations Control (WLOC) into a production environment, determine your security needs and make sure that you take the appropriate security measures, as described in the following sections:


Understand Your Environment

To better understand your security needs, ask yourself the following questions:


Hire Security Consultants or Use Diagnostic Software

However you deploy WLOC it is a good idea to hire an independent security expert to go over your security plan and procedures, audit your installed systems, and recommend improvements. Oracle On Demand offers services and products that can help you to secure a WebLogic Server production environment. See the Oracle On Demand page at


Read Security Publications

Read about security issues:


Install WLOC in a Secure Manner

Currently, the WLOC installation includes the entire JDK and some additional WLOC utilities (for example, beasvc). These programs could be a security vulnerability. The following are recommendations for making a WLOC installation more secure:

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