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Installing Oracle Complex Event Processing

This section contains information on the following subjects:


Before You Begin

Before you install Oracle Complex Event Processing 10.3 (or Oracle CEP for short):


Installation Overview

You install Oracle CEP using a standard Oracle installation program. The program can be used in the following modes:


Installing Oracle CEP in Graphical Mode: Main Steps

The Oracle CEP graphical installation program is self-explanatory, however, you can follow these steps for more information.

  1. Log in to the Windows or UNIX computer on which you want to install Oracle CEP.
  2. Be sure you log in to the computer as the user that will be the main administrator of the Oracle CEP installation.

  3. Download the product distribution file for the platform on which you want to install Oracle CEP.
  4. Launch the installation program in graphical mode using the commands listed in the following table appropriate for your platform.
  5. Platform
    Using Windows Explorer, double-click the ocep30_win32.exe file from its download directory.
    Open a command window, change to the download directory, and enter these commands:

    prompt> chmod a+x filename.bin

    prompt> ./filename.bin

    In these commands, filename.bin is the name of the installation program specific to your platform, for example, ocep30_linux32.bin and ocep30_solaris64.bin.
    If you want to create an installation log, use the -log=full_path_to_log_file option; for example:

    prompt> ./filename.bin -log=C:\logs\server_install.log

  6. After the installation program has finished loading, you will see the standard Welcome window.
  7. Click Next.

  8. In the Choose Home Directory window, you can specify either an existing ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory or create a new one.
  9. The ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory is the main installation directory for Oracle CEP, such as c:\oracle_cep. You can have one or many ORACLE_CEP_HOME directories on your computer, whichever suits your development and production environments best.

    If you decide to install into an existing ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory, the installer program checks if the directory includes the version of JRockit required by this release of Oracle CEP. If it finds the required JRockit installation, it does not install a new one. If, however, the installer program does not find an appropriate JRockit installation, then the program installs its own version in the ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory.

    Use the Browse button to browse your computer for an existing or new ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory.

    Click Next.

  10. In the Choose Install Type window, you can choose whether to install the complete version of Oracle CEP or whether you want to pick the individual components of the product that you want to install.
  11. Caution: By default, the complete installation does not include the product samples. If you want to install the samples (recommended), chose the Custom option.

    Click Next.

  12. If you chose Custom in the preceding step:
    1. You will see the Choose Products and Components window. Check the components you want to install, such as the product samples.
    2. Click Next.

    3. In the JDK Selection window, select the JDKs you want to install for use with Oracle CEP. Use the Browse button to find other JDKs installed in different directories.
    4. Click Next.

  13. In the Choose Product Installation Directories, you can change the default name of the home directory of Oracle CEP, ocep_10.3.
  14. Although you can name this directory anything you want, Oracle recommends that you use the default name for clarity and standardization. For example, the documentation assumes that you install into the ocep_10.3 directory.

    Click Next.

  15. If you are installing on Windows, and you logged in as a user with Administrator privileges, then you will see the Choose Shortcut Location window where you can choose where you want the Start Menu folder to appear. The following table describes the options available:
  16. If you select . . .
    The following occurs . . .
    All Users
    Recommended. All users registered on the machine are provided with access to the installed software. Subsequently, if users without Administrator privileges use the Configuration Wizard from this installation to create domains, Start menu shortcuts to the domains are not created. In this case, users can manually create shortcuts in their local Start menu folders, if desired.
    Local user
    Other users registered on this machine will not have access to the Start menu entries for this installation.

    If you logged in as a user without Administrator privileges, the Start menu entries are created in your user's local Start menu folder.

    Click Next.

  17. The Installation Summary window shows the products and components you are about to install, along with the approximate size in MB. This window is for your information only; to change the components to be installed, use the Previous button to return to the appropriate window.
  18. Click Next.

    The installer program installs Oracle CEP. The Installation Complete window indicates that the product was installed successfully.

  19. Click Done to exit the program.


Installing Oracle CEP in Console Mode: Main Steps

Console-mode installation is an interactive, text-based method for installing your software from the command line, on either a UNIX or Windows system.

When installing in console-mode, respond to the prompts in each section by entering the number associated with your choice or by pressing Enter to accept the default. To exit the installation process, enter exit (or x, for short) in response to any prompt. To review or change your selection, enter previous (or p, for short) at the prompt. To proceed to the following window, enter next (or n, for short).

Note: In the following procedure, Windows conventions (such as back-slashes in pathnames) are used, for example, C:\oracle_cep\ocep_10.3. When entering pathnames on a UNIX system, be sure to use UNIX conventions, instead. For example, use forward slashes in pathnames, such as /oracle_cep/ocep_10.3.

The following procedure steps you through the installation program.

  1. Log in to the Windows or UNIX computer on which you want to install Oracle CEP.
  2. Be sure you log in to the computer as the user that will be the main administrator of the Oracle CEP installation.

  3. Download the product distribution file for the platform on which you want to install Oracle CEP.
  4. Launch the installation program in console mode using the commands listed in the following table appropriate for your platform.
  5. Platform
    Open a command window, change to the download directory, and enter the following command:

    prompt> ocep30_win32.exe -mode=console

    If you want to create an installation log, use the -log=full_path_to_log_file option; for example:

    prompt> ocep30_win32.exe -mode=console -log=C:\logs\server_install.log

    Open a command window, change to the download directory, and enter these commands:

    prompt> chmod a+x filename.bin

    prompt> ./filename.bin -mode=console

    In these commands, filename.bin is the name of the installation program specific to your platform, for example, ocep30_linux32.bin and ocep30_solaris64.bin.
    If you want to create an installation log, use the -log=full_path_to_log_file option; for example:

    prompt> ./filename.bin -mode=console -log=C:\logs\server_install.log

  6. At the Welcome prompt, type next (or n for short) or press Enter to continue with the installation process.
  7. In the Choose Home Directory window, the list of known home directories (if any) appear, as well as an option to create a new one.
  8. The ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory is the main Oracle CEP installation directory, such as c:\oracle_cep. You can have one or many ORACLE_CEP_HOME directories on your computer, whichever suits your development and production environments best.

    If you decide to install into an existing ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory, the installer program checks if the directory includes the version of JRockit required by this release of Oracle CEP. If it finds the required JRockit installation, it does not install a new one. If, however, the installer program does not find an appropriate JRockit installation, then the program installs its own version in the ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory.

    Type 1 to create a new ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory, or type the number of the existing ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory.

  9. If you chose 1 to create a new ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory, the installation program guides you through the required steps to create the new ORACLE_CEP_HOME. Be sure to enter the full path of the ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory, for example C:\oracle_cep2. If you specify a directory that does not exist, the installation program creates it for you.
  10. In the Choose Install Type window, you can choose whether to install the complete version of Oracle CEP or whether you want to pick the individual components of the product that you want to install.
  11. Enter 1 for a complete install or 2 for a custom install.

    Caution: By default, the complete installation does not include the product samples. If you want to install the samples (recommended), chose the Custom option.
  12. If you chose Custom in the preceding step, you will see the Choose Components to Install window. Enter the numbers in brackets to toggle the components you want to install, such as the samples.
  13. Enter next (or n) when you have chosen the components.

  14. In the Choose Product Installation Directories, you can change the default name of the home directory of Oracle CEP, ocep_10.3, by entering a new value.
  15. Although you can name this directory anything you want, Oracle recommends that you use the default name for clarity and standardization. For example, the documentation assumes that you install into the ocep_10.3 directory.

    Enter next (or n) when you are done.

  16. If you are installing on Windows, and you logged in as a user with Administrator privileges, then you will see the Choose Shortcut Location window where you can choose where you want the Start Menu folder to appear. The following table describes the options available:
  17. If you select . . .
    The following occurs . . .
    1 "All Users"
    Recommended. All users registered on the machine are provided with access to the installed software. Subsequently, if users without Administrator privileges use the Configuration Wizard from this installation to create domains, Start menu shortcuts to the domains are not created. In this case, users can manually create shortcuts in their local Start menu folders, if desired.
    2 "Local user"
    Other users registered on this machine will not have access to the Start menu entries for this installation.

    If you logged in as a user without Administrator privileges, the Start menu entries are created in your user's local Start menu folder.

    Enter the appropriate number.

    The installer program installs Oracle CEP. The Installation Complete window indicates that the product was installed successfully.

  18. Type exit to exit the program.


Installing Oracle CEP in Silent Mode: Main Steps

Silent-mode installation is a non-interactive method of installing your software that requires the use of an XML properties file for selecting installation options. To install using silent mode:

  1. Log in to the Windows or UNIX computer on which you want to install Oracle CEP.
  2. Be sure you log in to the computer as the user that will be the main administrator of the Oracle CEP installation.

  3. Download the product distribution file for the platform on which you want to install Oracle CEP.
  4. Create a silent.xml file that defines the configuration settings normally entered by a user during an interactive installation process. See Creating a silent.xml File for Silent-Mode Installation.
  5. Note: Incorrect entries in the silent.xml file can cause installation failures. To help you determine the cause of a failure, we recommend that you create a log file when you launch the installation program.
  6. Launch the installation program in silent mode using the commands in the following table appropriate for your platform.
  7. Platform
    Open a command window, change to the download directory, and enter the following command:

    prompt> ocep30_win32.exe -mode=silent -silent_xml=path_to_xml_file

    In the preceding command, path_to_xml_file is the full pathname of the silent.xml template file you created in the preceding step.
    If you want to create an installation log, use the -log=full_path_to_log_file option; for example:

    prompt> ocep30_win32.exe -mode=silent -silent_xml=path_to_xml_file -log=C:\logs\server_install.log

    Open a command window, change to the download directory, and enter these commands:

    prompt> chmod a+x filename.bin

    prompt> ./filename.bin -mode=silent -silent_xml=path_to_xml_file

    In these commands, filename.bin is the name of the installation program specific to your platform, for example, ocep30_linux32.bin and ocep30_solaris64.bin, and path_to_xml_file is the full pathname of the silent.xml template file you created in the preceding step.
    If you want to create an installation log, use the -log=full_path_to_log_file option; for example:

    prompt> ./filename.bin -mode=silent -silent_xml=path_to_xml_file -log=C:\logs\server_install.log

    An Oracle Installer window is displayed, indicating that the files are being extracted. No other prompt or text is displayed.

    The installation is complete when the Oracle Installer window disappears.

    See Returning Exit Codes to the Command Window for getting information about the success or failure of the silent installation.

Creating a silent.xml File for Silent-Mode Installation

When you install Oracle CEP in silent mode, the installation program uses an XML file (silent.xml) to determine which installation options should be implemented.

To create a silent.xml file, follow these steps:

  1. Using your favorite text edit, create an empty file called silent.xml on the computer on which you want to install Oracle CEP in silent mode.
  2. Copy the contents of the sample XML file, shown in Sample silent.xml File for Silent-Mode Installation, into your own silent.xml file.
  3. In the silent.xml file you just created, edit the values for the keywords shown in Table 4-1 to reflect your configuration.
  4. For example, if you want to install into the ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory e:\oracle_cep, update the corresponding <data-value> element as follows

    <data-value name="BEAHOME" value="e:\oracle_cep" />
  5. Save the file in the directory of your choice.
  6. Table 4-1 Values for the silent.xml File
    For this data-value name...
    Enter the following value...
    The full pathname for the ORACLE_CEP_HOME directory of your choice.
    The full pathname for the directory where you want to install your Oracle CEP software.
    Windows only. Specify:
    • true, or yes, to create the shortcuts in the All Users folder.
    • false, or no, to create the shortcuts in the local users folder.
    The user performing the installation must have Administrator privileges to install the Start menu shortcuts in the All Users folder.
    The default value for this parameter, if you do not specify it, is true.
    Specify the components and subcomponents of Oracle CEP you want to install on your system. Use the following values:

    WebLogic Event Server

    WebLogic Event Server/Event Server

    WebLogic Event Server/Event Server Samples

    For additional information about entering these values, see Guidelines for Component Selection.
    If you do not include the COMPONENT_PATHS data-value name in the silent.xml file, the complete Oracle CEP product is installed.

Guidelines for Component Selection

Use the following guidelines when you specify values for the COMPONENT_PATHS data-value name:

Sample silent.xml File for Silent-Mode Installation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Silent installer option: -mode=silent -silent_xml=C:\oracle\silent.xml -->
<data-value name="BEAHOME" value="C:\oracle_cep" />
<data-value name="USER_INSTALL_DIR" value="C:\oracle_cep\ocep_10.3" />
<data-value name="INSTALL_SHORTCUT_IN_ALL_USERS_FOLDER" value="yes"/>
<data-value name="COMPONENT_PATHS" value="WebLogic Event Server" />

Returning Exit Codes to the Command Window

When run in silent mode, the installation program generates exit codes that indicate the success or failure of the installation. These exit codes are shown in the following table.

Table 4-2 Exit Codes
Installation completed successfully
Installation failed due to a fatal error
Installation failed due to an internal XML parsing error

Listing 4-1 provides a sample Windows command file that invokes the installation program in silent mode and echoes the exit codes to the command window from which the script is executed.

Listing 4-1 Sample Windows Command File Displaying Silent-Mode Exit Codes
rem Execute the installer in silent mode
@echo off
ocep30_win32.exe -mode=silent -silent_xml=C:\downloads\silent.xml -log=C:\logs\products_silent.log

@rem Return an exit code to indicate success or failure of installation
set exit_code=%ERRORLEVEL%

@echo Exitcode=%exit_code%
@echo Exit Code Key
@echo ---------------
@echo 0=Installation completed successfully
@echo -1=Installation failed due to a fatal error
@echo -2=Installation failed due to an internal XML parsing error


Post-Installation Steps

After installing Oracle CEP:

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