Oracle WebCenter Interaction Web Service Development Guide

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Creating Oracle WebCenter Collaboration Tasks and Task Lists Using Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) Remote APIs

To create new Oracle WebCenter Collaboration task lists, tasks and subtasks from a remote application, use the ITask* interfaces in the Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK).

The ITaskListManager.createTaskList method takes in a project ID, name and description, and returns an ITaskList object with a corresponding object ID and associated properties. In some cases, an existing task list can be used as a template. The ITaskListManager.copyTaskLists method allows you to copy existing task lists from one project to another.

Once a task list is created, you can create tasks and subtasks. The ITaskList.createTask method takes in a name, description, start date and end date, and returns an ITask object with a corresponding object ID and associated properties. The ITask.createSubTask method allows you to create subtasks using the same parameters. Subtasks are represented by an instance of ITask. For more information on subtasks, see Managing Oracle WebCenter Collaboration Task Workflow Using Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) Remote APIs.

To create a new task list, follow the steps below.
  1. Create a session. For details, see Initiating a PRC Session to Use Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) Remote APIs.
  2. Retrieve the project ID (a source project must exist before you can create any Collaboration component objects). For details, see Querying Existing Oracle WebCenter Collaboration Projects Using Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) Remote APIs.
  3. Create a new task list as shown in the code samples below.
  4. Use the new task list to add tasks and subtasks as shown in the code samples below.



ICollaborationFactory collabFactory = portalSession.getCollaborationFactory();
ITaskListManager tasklistManager = collabFactory.getTaskListManager();

//create the task list
ITaskList tasklist = tasklistManager.createTaskList(project, name, description);

//call store() to persist the task list;

//get the details URL and ID for the new task list
string url = tasklist.getDetailsURL();
int id = tasklist.getID();

//create the task
ITask task = tasklist.createTask(taskname, taskdescription, startTime, endTime);

//call store to persist the task;


.NET (C#)


//get the project ID out of session- this should never be null as it is added in the page load event
Plumtree.Remote.PRC.Collaboration.Project.IProject project = (Plumtree.Remote.PRC.Collaboration.Project.IProject)

//create the task list
ITaskList tasklist = tasklistManager.CreateTaskList(project, name, description);

//call Store() to persist the task list

//create the task
ITask task = tasklist.CreateTask(taskname, taskdescription, startTime, endTime);

//call Store() to persist the task



name = "ExampleTaskList"
description = "ExampleTaskListDescription"

'get the project ID out of session- this should never be Nothing as it is added in the page load event
dim project as Plumtree.Remote.PRC.Collaboration.Project.IProject = CType(Session.Item(SESSION_PROJECT_KEY),Plumtree.Remote.PRC.Collaboration.Project.IProject)

'create the task list
Dim tasklist As ITaskList = tasklistManager.CreateTaskList(project, name, description)

'call Store() to persist the task list

'create the task
Dim tasklist As ITaskList = tasklistManager.CreateTaskList(project, name, description)

'call Store() to persist the task


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