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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction for Microsoft Windows
10g Release 3 (

Part Number E14551-03
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Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Upgrade Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction for Microsoft Windows

10g Release 3 (


March 2010

This book describes how to upgrade to Oracle WebCenter Interaction for Windows 10g Release 3 ( from previous versions. It is designed to be a quick reference for users with installation or upgrade experience, while also providing detailed instructions for users upgrading for the first time.


This documentation is written for the user responsible for upgrading this product. This user must have strong knowledge of the platform operating system, database, web and application servers, and any other third-party software required for upgrade.

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Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration 10g Release 3 ( documentation set:


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This chapter describes the prerequisites that must be met before you upgrade Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

Software Requirements

The following sections list the software requirements for Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

For the most current platform support information, see the BEA AquaLogic User Interaction spreadsheet on the Oracle Product Supported Configurations page at

For more information on recommended configurations based on the size of your implementation, see the section about provisioning computers in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Deployment Planning Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

For client requirements for using Oracle WebCenter Collaboration's Bulk Upload feature, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.


IPv6 is not supported. You should verify that IPv6 is not enabled before upgrading this product.

Requirements for Microsoft Windows Environments

This section lists the requirements for Microsoft Windows environments.

  • Operating System:

    • Microsoft Windows 2003 SP2 on x86

  • Application Servers:

    • Apache Tomcat 6.0.14 with Sun JDK or BEA jRockit

    • Microsoft IIS 6.0 with .NET Framework 2.0, 32-bit

    • Oracle-BEA WebLogic Server 9.2 MP1 with Sun JRE or BEA jRockit

    • Oracle-BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 MP1, MP2, or MP3 with Sun JRE or BEA jRockit

    • Oracle WebLogic Server 10gR3 (10.3.0) with Oracle JRockit

  • Databases:

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or 2005 SP2 with SQL Server 2000 Compatibility Level (32- and 64-bit in default or failover cluster configuration)

    • Oracle 9i Database ( in default or Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) configuration

    • Oracle Database 10g ( or Oracle Database 10gR2 (10.2.0.x and above) in default or Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) configuration

    • Oracle 11g ( and above) in default or Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) configuration

      When running Oracle WebCenter Interaction with Oracle 11g with the provided initPLUM10.ora file, make the following modification: change compatible = to compatible = 11.0.0. Also, to prevent problems with “group by” optimizations when using Oracle WebCenter Interaction with Oracle Database 11g, you must add the following parameter to the bottom of the init$ORACLE_SID.ora file: _optimizer_group_by_placement=false


      If you are upgrading Oracle Database from 10.1.x to 10.2.x or Microsoft SQL Server from 2000 to 2005, you should perform this upgrade before upgrading Oracle WebCenter Interaction.
  • Virtualization Systems:

    • Microsoft Virtual Server 2005

    • VMWare ESX 3 and above

Supported Web Browsers

This section lists web browser support.

  • Mozilla Firefox 2.0 and 3.0

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or 7.0

  • Apple Safari 2.0 or 3.0 (Mac and Windows)

Oracle Environment Variables

This table describes the Oracle Environment variables that must be set when installing Oracle WebCenter products to UNIX or Windows instances of Oracle9i or 10g.

Environment Variable Description Example Values
ORACLE_BASE Must be set to the root directory of your Oracle installation.
  • (UNIX) /opt/oracle
  • (Windows) C:\oracle

ORACLE_HOME Must be set to the home directory of your Oracle installation.
  • (UNIX) /opt/oracle/ora92
  • (Windows) C:\oracle\ora92

ORACLE_SID Must be set to the system ID (SID) of the portal database instance.
  • (Oracle9i) PLUM
  • (Oracle Database 10g) PLUM10

Note: PLUM or PLUM10 are expected by the SQL scripts. If you set your SID to a value other than these example values, you must edit the SQL scripts to reflect this change.

Upgrading from Oracle WebCenter Interaction 10.3 to Oracle WebCenter Interaction

This section provides an outline of the tasks required to upgrade Oracle WebCenter Interaction 10.3 to Oracle WebCenter Interaction on Windows platforms.

  1. If you have multiple search nodes in a search cluster, purge the contents of your search cluster.

    For details, see Purging the Search Cluster.

  2. Shut down your search node(s).

    From the Services control panel, stop the BEA ALI Search host_name service.


    This must be done on each computer that hosts a search node.
  3. Shut down your application server.

  4. Upgrade your portal servers, automation servers, document repository, and search server components using the Oracle WebCenter Interaction installer (WebCenterInteraction_Patch_10.

    For details, see Oracle WebCenter Interaction Installer Wizard Pages on Windows.

  5. Restart portal and start your search node(s).

    Do not start the automation servers.

  6. Rebuild your portal search index.

    For details, see Rebuilding the Search Index.

  7. Upgrade any other Oracle WebCenter products you have installed using the associated installers.

    For example, if you use identity services, content services, Oracle WebCenter Collaboration, Oracle WebCenter Analytics, or any other Oracle WebCenter products, you must also upgrade those products. For details, see the upgrade guides for the associated products.

  8. If you are using Oracle WebCenter Collaboration, rebuild the associated index.

    To rebuild the index, access the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration administration utility through your portal. For details, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.

  9. If you are using Oracle-BEA AquaLogic Interaction Publisher, rebuild the associated index.

    To rebuild the index, republish all Oracle-BEA AquaLogic Interaction Publisher content using the Publisher Explorer portlet . For details, see the Administrator Guide for AquaLogic Interaction Publisher.

  10. Start your automation servers.

Purging the Search Cluster

This section describes how to use the cadmin tool to purge the search cluster contents.

All nodes in the cluster must be running to purge cluster contents.

  1. Log in to any of the computers hosting a cluster node.

  2. Change to the directory containing the cluster administration utility.

  3. The directory is install_dir\ptsearchserver\10.3.0\bin\native

  4. Execute cadmin purge --remove

Oracle WebCenter Interaction Installer Wizard Pages on Windows

This table describes the Oracle WebCenter Interaction Windows installer wizard pages.

Wizard Page Description
Introduction This installer wizard page provides a brief description of the installer and describes how to run the installer in silent mode.
Installation Folder Accept the default installation folder or select a different folder in which to install Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

Default: C:\bea\alui

Choose Install Set Select either Complete or Custom. If you select Complete, a full set of Oracle WebCenter Interaction components is installed. If you select Custom, you can select individual portal components to install according to your deployment plan.
Configuration Manager - Update This page is displayed if an existing installation of Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager 2.0 is detected. Select if you want to update the password or port information for Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager or use the existing settings.
Configuration Manager - Port and Password Enter the port and password for the Configuration Manager web tool. The Configuration Manager is used to complete the installation of Oracle WebCenter Interaction.
Web Application Environment: .NET or Java Select .NET (IIS) or Java.
Select IIS Web Site Select Use Default Web Site if you want the component or components being installed deployed to port 80, the default HTTP port.

Select Use another Web site if other applications are using port 80 and you do not want to share the port.

Specify IIS Web Site Information If you choose to deploy the portal to a Web site other than the default Web site, enter the IIS Web site name and HTTP and HTTPS ports you want to use for accessing the portal.

Example Web site name: WCI

Example HTTP port: 8082

Example HTTPS port: 9092

Note: If the name you enter is not the name of an existing IIS Web site, a new Web site is created. If the Web site exists, the secure and non-secure ports are changed to the entries made in the installer.

Image Service Compression on IIS The Enable Image Service HTTP Compression check box is selected by default. Clear the check box if you do not want to use HTTP compression.
Auto-Deployment to a Java Web Application Server Select a web application server to which you want to auto-deploy the Portal.

Select Manual to manually deploy the portal to a web application server.

Tomcat Deployment Information Enter the directory where the web application configuration files for the Tomcat web application server reside.

Example: C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28\conf\Catalina\localhost

Specify WebLogic Deployment Information Enter the WebLogic home directory, domain home, host name, port, domain, server, administrator user and administrator user password.

Note: WebLogic domain and server names are case-sensitive. If the letter casing you enter does not match the running WebLogic domain and server, auto-deployment fails.

Click Help for further details on this installer wizard page.

Image Service: Auto-Deployment to Apache Select Apache to have the Image Service automatically deployed to Apache.

Select Manual if you prefer to use a Web server other than Apache.

Apache Deployment Information Enter the Apache configuration directory.

Example directory: C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\

Enter the Apache Windows service name.

Example name: Apache2

Stand-alone or Cluster Select whether you would like to install a Single Stand-alone Search Node or add or replace a Search Cluster Node. Selecting to install the stand-alone search node installs a single node on the local computer. If you want to support failover, add or replace search cluster nodes.
Search Cluster Files Select the location of the Search Cluster files. You must have permission to access and write to the location where you want to install these files.

Note: Search Cluster files are installed only if they do not exist in the directory you select.

Example: C:\bea\alui\ptsearchserver\10.3.0\cluster

Search node user name and password Enter the user name and password for the Microsoft Windows user that will run the search node. This user must be in domain\user format and must have write access to the search cluster directory specified on the previous page. If you are using a local user, enter the computer name as the domain.
Overwrite Search node If an existing search node is detected, you can select whether you want to overwrite it. If you want to overwrite the existing search node, select Overwrite Search Node.
Pre-Installation Summary Review the list of components to be installed.

Click Install.

Launch Configuration Manager Launch the Configuration Manager.

The Configuration Manager is located at:


Where host is the host you are installing on and port is the port you specified.

Log in to the Configuration Manager using the user name administrator and the password you specified on the Configuration Manager – Port and Password page.

The Configuration Manager displays a list of all recently installed components. Clicking the link next to each component leads you through the settings you must configure to complete the installation. For information on the settings in the Configuration Manager, refer to the Configuration Manager online help or to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

When you have completed all Configuration Manager tasks, return to the installer and click Done.

Rebuilding the Search Index

This section describes the proper procedure for rebuilding your Search index.


We do not recommend clicking Run Once from the administrative folder or selecting Run Once from the Job Editor. If you click Run Once from the administrative folder, the job log is not available in the Job Editor, which may inhibit troubleshooting if the rebuild fails. If you select Run Once from within the Job Editor, the Search Update Agent will not be scheduled to run again in the future.
  1. Log in to the portal as the administrator.

  2. Click Administration.

  3. From the Select Utility drop-down menu, select Search Service Manager.

  4. Schedule the next search repair to occur either in the past or in the very near future.

  5. Click Finish.

  6. Navigate to the administrative folder that contains the search update agents that are registered with the Automation Service.

  7. Schedule a search update agent to run in the past or in the very near future.

  8. Click Finish.

The next search update agent that runs rebuilds the search index.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction for Windows, 10g Release 3 (


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